CURRICULUM VITAE David R. Morgan Department of Biology, University of West Georgia, Carrollton, GA 30118 (678) 839-4044;
[email protected] EDUCATION: Ph.D. Botany, University of Texas at Austin, August 1990 Dissertation title: A systematic study of Machaeranthera (Asteraceae) and related groups using restriction site analysis of chloroplast DNA and a taxonomic revision of Machaeranthera section Psilactis. M.S. Biological Sciences, Mississippi State University, August 1979 Thesis title: A floristic survey of northeastern Jones County, Mississippi. B.S. Mississippi State University, 1976 (Summa cum laude) Major: Entomology ACADEMIC POSITIONS HELD: UNIVERSITY OF WEST GEORGIA Professor of Biology August 2010 to date UNIVERSITY OF WEST GEORGIA Associate Professor of Biology August 2005-May 2010 WESTERN WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY Associate Professor of Biology September 1997-June 2005 WESTERN WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY Assistant Professor of Biology September 1993-June 1997 WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY, PULLMAN Postdoctoral Research Associate January 1991-July 1993. THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS, AUSTIN Biology Instructor August-December 1990 THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS, AUSTIN Teaching Assistant 1986-1987 and 1989-1990 1 PEER-REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS: Morgan, D. R., L. Krstec, and R. Korn. 2016. Variation in moss floras of granite outcrops in the southern Piedmont, eastern U.S.A. The Bryologist 116: 16-28. Morgan, D. R. and B. Holland. 2012. Systematics of Symphyotrichinae: Disagreements between two nuclear regions suggest a complex evolutionary history. Systematic Botany 37: 818-832. Morgan, D. R. 2012. Arida, Dieteria, Machaeranthera, and Xanthisma. Pp 246, 300-302, 378, and 442-443 in The Jepson Manual: Vascular Plants of California, second edition. Eds. B. G. Baldwin, D. H.