Sunset Gower Studios Enhancement Plan
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Sunset Gower Studios Enhancement Plan Case Number: ENV-2017-5091-EIR Project Addresses: 6010, 6050 and 6060 Sunset Boulevard, 1455 North Beachwood Drive, 1455 Gordon Street, and 1438 and 1440 North Gower Street, Los Angeles, CA 90028 Community Plan Area: Hollywood Council District: 13—Mitch O’Farrell Project Description: The Project would demolish approximately 160,500 square feet of existing floor area and preserve and enhance portions of the existing Sunset Gower Studios. Specifically, the Project would develop new studio-related creative office, production office/production support and storage uses within three new buildings. The proposed buildings would total approximately 628,000 square feet of floor area and would range from five to 18 stories, up to 300 feet in height. Overall, the Project would result in a net increase of approximately 467,500 square feet of floor area. The Project would provide parking, as required by the Los Angeles Municipal Code, and provide up to 1,335 new parking spaces, including 525 spaces within a new parking structure with six above-grade levels and three subterranean levels, 531 spaces within three subterranean parking levels below the existing basecamp and below a proposed 1,450-square-foot bicycle parking facility, and 279 spaces within three subterranean levels below one of the new buildings. PREPARED FOR: City of Los Angeles Department of City Planning PREPARED BY: Eyestone Environmental APPLICANT: Hudson Pacific Properties, Inc. February 2018 Table of Contents Page EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................... ES-1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION .................................................................................................. A-1 A. Project Summary .................................................................................................... A-1 B. Environmental Setting ............................................................................................ A-2 C. Description of the Project ....................................................................................... A-9 D. Requested Permits and Approvals ....................................................................... A-14 ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST ........................................................................................ B-1 I. Aesthetics ......................................................................................................... B-1 II. Agriculture and Forestry Resources ................................................................. B-4 III. Air Quality ......................................................................................................... B-7 IV. Biological Resources ........................................................................................ B-9 V. Cultural Resources ......................................................................................... B-13 VI. Geology and Soils ........................................................................................... B-15 VII. Greenhouse Gas Emissions ........................................................................... B-21 VIII. Hazards and Hazardous Materials .................................................................. B-22 IX. Hydrology and Water Quality .......................................................................... B-30 X. Land Use and Planning .................................................................................. B-36 XI. Mineral Resources .......................................................................................... B-37 XII. Noise .............................................................................................................. B-38 XIII. Population and Housing .................................................................................. B-40 XIV. Public Services ............................................................................................... B-42 XV. Recreation ...................................................................................................... B-44 XVI. Transportation/Traffic ...................................................................................... B-46 XVII. Tribal Cultural Resources ............................................................................... B-48 XVIII. Utilities and Service Systems .......................................................................... B-49 XIX. Mandatory Findings of Significance ................................................................ B-57 Sunset Gower Studios Enhancement Plan i City of Los Angeles Initial Study—Executive Summary February 2018 List of Appendices Appendix IS-1 Tree Report IS-2 Soils and Geology Report IS-3 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment IS-4 Water Resources Technical Report Sunset Gower Studios Enhancement Plan ii City of Los Angeles Initial Study—Executive Summary February 2018 List of Figures Figure Page A-1 Project Location Map ........................................................................................... A-3 A-2 Aerial Photograph of the Project Vicinity ............................................................. A-4 A-3 Existing Site and Proposed Demolition Plan ....................................................... A-6 A-4 Location of Project Site within a Transit Priority Area .......................................... A-8 A-5 Conceptual Site Plan ......................................................................................... A-11 A-6 Conceptual Landscape Plan .............................................................................. A-12 Sunset Gower Studios Enhancement Plan iii City of Los Angeles Initial Study—Executive Summary February 2018 List of Tables Table Page A-1 Existing Uses on the Project Site A-5 A-2 Summary of Proposed Floor Area A-10 B-1 Project Demolition and Construction Waste Generation B-55 B-2 Estimated Project Solid Waste Generation B-56 Sunset Gower Studios Enhancement Plan iv City of Los Angeles Initial Study—Executive Summary February 2018 INITIAL STUDY Executive Summary Project Title: Sunset Gower Studios Enhancement Plan Environmental Case Number: ENV-2017-5091-EIR Related Cases: ZA-2017-5090-VCU-CU-SPR, VTT-80310 Project Location: 6010, 6050 and 6060 Sunset Boulevard, 1455 North Beachwood Drive, 1455 Gordon Street, and 1438 and 1440 North Gower Street, Los Angeles, CA 90028 Lead City Agency: City of Los Angeles Department of City Planning Staff Contact Name and Address: Alejandro Huerta, 200 North Spring Street, Room 750, Los Angeles, CA 90012 Email: [email protected] Phone Number: (213) 978-1454 Applicant Name and Address: Hudson Pacific Properties, Inc., 11601 Wilshire Boulevard, 9th Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90025 Phone Number: (323) 468-3258 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The Project proposes to preserve and enhance portions of the existing Sunset Gower Studios and develop new studio-related creative office, production office/production support and storage uses within three new buildings that would comprise approximately 628,000 square feet of floor area. The proposed buildings would range from five to 18 stories up, to 300 feet in height. The Project would provide up to 1,335 new parking spaces, including up to 525 spaces within a new parking structure with six above-grade levels and three subterranean levels, up to 531 spaces within three subterranean parking levels below the existing basecamp and below a proposed 1,450-square-foot bicycle parking facility, and up to 279 spaces within three subterranean levels below one of the new buildings. Overall, the Project would result in a net increase of approximately 467,500 square feet of floor area upon buildout of the Project and an associated floor area ratio of 1.47:1. For a detailed description of the Project, refer to the attached Project Description. ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING: The Project Site is the 16.5-acre Sunset Gower Studios at 1438 North Gower Street, bounded by Sunset Boulevard to the north, Gordon Street to the east, Fountain Avenue to the south, and Gower Street to the west. The immediate vicinity includes historic and modern low- to high-rise buildings occupied by commercial/retail uses, tourist and entertainment-related commercial/retail uses, offices, hotels, educational institutions, and single-family and multi-family residences such as the Sunset Gower Plaza, Siren Studios, the EastWest Studios, Emerson College, and the Columbia Square Complex. For additional detail, refer to the attached Project Description. Sunset Gower Studios Enhancement Plan ES-1 City of Los Angeles Initial Study—Executive Summary February 2018 Have California Native American tribes traditionally and culturally affiliated with the project area requested consultation pursuant to Public Resources Code section 21080.3.1? If so, has consultation begun? No. Other public agencies whose approval is required (e.g. permits, financing approval, or participation agreement.): Potentially including, but not limited to, the Regional Water Quality Control Board, South Coast Air Quality Management District. Sunset Gower Studios Enhancement Plan ES-2 City of Los Angeles Initial Study—Executive Summary February 2018 ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS POTENTIALLY AFFECTED: The environmental factors checked below would be potentially affected by this project, involving at least one impact that is a “Potentially Significant Impact” as indicated by the checklist on the following pages. Aesthetics Hazards & Hazardous Materials Recreation Agriculture and