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[email protected] 0115 948 4533 WilfordMatters with Andrew Rule - your Conservative Councillor for Wilford TAKING ACTION TO RESOLVE YOUR TRAM CONCERNS After significant delays, residents were finally able to board trams in the Ward and travel between Clifton South and Phoenix Park on Line II of Nottingham’s Tram Network. Cllr Andrew Rule said: “For those residents whose properties are situated close to a tram stop the tram will provide them with an alternative link to the City Centre. It is however important that local bus services continue for those residents, the elderly in particular, who do have immediate access to a tram stop.” Despite the tram becoming operational there remain a number of snagging works to be completed by the contractors. A list of snagging works is currently being produced by NET and its progress will be Councillor Andrew Rule and the monitored by Andrew. Nottingham Conservatives Campaign Whilst it is a largely positive development for the Ward that the tram is Team in Wilford to collect residents’ views and concerns on the tram now operational, it is important that consideration is given to those residents whose properties are situated close to the tram line. Councillor Rule said: “My Get in touch campaign team and I have spoken with residents who live close to the tram lines and have raised numerous concerns in respect of the noise and vibration now being experienced. “I have written to NET with your concerns and will be Cllr. Andrew Rule pushing them for an Andrew with the Lord Mayor at the answer so that I can let Telephone 0772 521 4288 opening of Line II of the tram you know the outcome."
[email protected] Andrew puts pressure on Council to repair roads Whilst the disruption experienced by residents during the tram construction is now largely at an end, it is clear that the volume and weight of the construction traffic has resulted in significant deterioration to Main Road and in particular Coronation Avenue.