Tactility Linked to Identity Configurations in Video Games
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Universidad de Antioquia UNA PERSPECTIVA RELACIONAL SOBRE LA CULTURA Y LA SOCIEDAD https://digithum.uoc.edu Special Section: “Senses, emotions and artefacts: relational approaches” Push, Press, Become: Tactility Linked to Identity Configurations in Video Games Juan F. Belmonte Avila Complutense University of Madrid Date of submission: November 2018 Accepted in: September 2019 Published in: January 2020 Recommended citation: BELMONTE AVILA, Juan F. (2020). “Push, Press, Become: Tactility Linked to Identity Configurations in Video Games”. In: SABIDO, Olga. “Senses, emotions and artifacts: relational approaches”. [online article]. Digithum, no. 25, pp. 1-10. Universitat Oberta de Catalunya and Universidad de Antioquia. [Accessed: dd/mm/yy]. http://doi.org/10.7238/d.v0i25.3163 The texts published in this journal are –unless otherwise indicated– covered by the Creative Commons Atribution 4.0 International licence. The full text of the licence can be consulted here: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/ by/4.0 Abstract Cultural Studies and Game Studies analyses of video games often pay attention to the rules that articulate these media texts, the computer code used to write these games, and the visual and aural components utilised to represent game worlds and, sometimes, tell stories. All of these elements have a definite impact on the ways ideology is produced and reproduced by video games and, yet, the tactile interactions required to play games are often forgotten. This article highlights the importance of
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