Thursday, July 18, 2019 Since Sept 27, 1879 Retail $2 Home delivered from $1.25 THE INDEPENDENT VOICE OF MID CANTERBURY HAKUNA M ATATA FULL STORY P2 Is this your photo? P3 PHOTO JAIME PITT-MACKAY 170719-JPM-0009 Road toll plan falls short – MP BY JAIME PITT-MACKAY ducing the road toll, but that simply re- welcomed the new strategy as Fire and
[email protected] ducing speed limits will not be the right Emergency New Zealand itself looks to A new strategy has been proposed by way to get there. become more proactive in reducing the the Government to reduce the nation’s “International evidence and the new road toll. road toll by 40 per cent within the next roads that have been built in New Zea- “The end result is that us and the (St decade and local reaction to it has been land in the last decade show that the John) ambos tend to be bottom of the mixed. quality of roads has a huge bearing on cliff stuff tidying up the aftermath, but The strategy, named Road to Zero, their safety,” he said. if we can minimise it before it happens was released for consultation to the “The four-lane Waikato Expressway that is a good thing,” Ashburton Vol- public on Wednesday, and while some and Tauranga Eastern Link roads are unteer Fire Brigade chief Alan Burgess local emergency services are welcoming now two of the safest in the country. said. Tourney a more preventative approach to road “Ashburton to Christchurch is the sec- Vehicle safety standards are another safety, a local MP believes not enough is ond most dangerous stretch of highway thing that are set to be assessed under being done.