A Brief History of the North West Bar Association
THE BAR IN SA was a circuit court. This led to an arrangement being made between the A brief history of the North West Bar and advocates who were employed Bar Association as lecturers at the Law Faculty of the newly established University of LCJ Maree SC, Mafikeng Transkei in terms of which lecturers were allowed to practise on a part-time basis. Thus in 1978, Don Thompson, Birth and name (Judge-President of the High Court of Bophuthatswana), F Kgomo (Judge Brian Leslie, Joe Renene and Selwyn In an old dilapidated minute book, the President of Northern Cape High Court) Miller (presently the Acting Judge following is to be found on the first and Nkabinde, Leeuw and Chulu President of the Transkei Division) all page: 'Ons, die ondergetekendes, stig (deceased) Uudges of the High Court of became members of the Society. hiermee 'n organisasie wat bekend sal Bophuthatswana). A number of our staan as die Balie van Advokate van The membership of the Society grew members have acted as judges in various Bophuthatswana, ook bekend as die steadily during the 1980s. New members divisions and Lever SC has also acted in Balie van Bophuthatswana. Die grond included Tholie Madala (a justice of the the High Court of Botswana. Our mem wet van die Vereniging is hierby aange Constitutional Court from its inception), bers have chaired various commissions heg as Bylae A.' The 'stigtingsakte' as Peter Rowan, Peter Barratt, Joe Miso, during the period when commissions of they called it, was signed by Advocates enquiries were fashionable. Vic Vakalisa (upon his return), Digby JJ Rossouw, TBR Kgalegi and LAYJ Koyana, Nona Goso, Sindi Majokweni, Thomas on 17 March 1981 at Mafikeng.
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