Higher-Order Syzygies for the Bracket Algebra and for the Ring Of
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA Vol. 88, pp. 8087-8090, September 1991 Mathematics Higher-order syzygies for the bracket algebra and for the ring of coordinates of the Grassmanian DAVID ANICK AND GIAN-CARLO ROTA Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 Contributed by Gian-Carlo Rota, May 8, 1991 ABSTRACT A Poincar6 resolution is given for the super- lexicographic order on words. If w = aja2, . aj, where al, symmetric ring of brackets over a signed alphabet. As a a2, . ., aj are letters, we set length(w) =j. The multiplicative consequence, a resolution is found for the ring of coordinates identity element of Mon(L) will be said to be a word oflength ofthe Grassmanian variety in projective space over any infinite 0. A word w = aja2 .. aj is said to be standard if the Young field. diagram (w) is standard, in the sense of ref. 6 or ref. 7. A Young diagram ofgrade k, denoted by (w1, w2, . .., WJ, is an ordered sequence of standard words wi. We shall assume Section 1. Introduction throughout that in every Young diagram (wl, w2, Wk) we have length(w,) = n for 1 < i s k. The problem of computing the higher-order syzygies for the A 'Young diagram (wl, w2, . ., Wk) will be said to be algebra ofbrackets, or, what is equivalent, for the coordinate antistandard when none of the diagrams (wi, wi+1) are stan- ring of the Grassmanian variety in projective space, was first dard for 1 < i < k - 1. stated by Study (ref. 1, p. 82), in the following words: "Es Young diagrams of the same grade are linearly ordered ware von Interesse, in einigen Beispielen die Natur der lexicographically.
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