Roxann B Borisch From: Ron & Kristy Martin <
[email protected]> Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2015 8:29 PM To:
[email protected] Subject: Support of Wolf Delisting Greetings; I am a longtime member of OHA, a hunter and supporter of ODFW. However would like a brief moment of your time to support the delisting of wolves in Eastern Oregon. Their range is naturally extending do in part to the number of breeding pairs. There has been an increase of livestock kills and there are no natural predators to help keep the overall numbers from increasing and causing substantial loss to our deer and elk herds along with the growing number of moose that have been established here. I believe the delisting of wolves would be a substantial step in the right direction to allow better management of them while still offering them protection as well. They should not be eliminated at all, but do need to be controlled. Thank You Ron Martin 1 Roxann B Borisch From: kayenta <
[email protected] > Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2015 9:12 PM To:
[email protected] Subject: more info on wolf de listing 29 October 2015 To the Commission: After I submitted my testimony for the Nov. 9th hearing, I got this news. (cut and pasted below for your convenience). You may or may not have heard this news already. So as we speak, the wolf population is getting smaller, with three wolves killed in the past three months.