Proposed Canterbury Land and Water Regional Plan
Proposed Canterbury Land & Water Regional Plan Volume 1 Prepared under the Resource Management Act 1991 August 2012 Everything is connected 2541 Land and Water Regional Plan Vol 1.indd 1 12/07/12 1:23 PM Cover photo The Rakaia River, one of the region’s braided rivers Credit: Nelson Boustead NIWA 2541 Land and Water Regional Plan Vol 1.indd 2 12/07/12 1:23 PM (this page is intentionally blank) Proposed Canterbury Land and Water Regional Plan Errata The following minor errors were identified at a stage where they were unable to be included in the final printed version of the Proposed Canterbury Land and Water Regional Plan. To ensure that content of the Proposed Canterbury Land and Water Regional Plan is consistent with the Canterbury Regional Council’s intent, this notice should be read in conjunction with the Plan. The following corrections to the Proposed Canterbury Land and Water Regional Plan have been identified: 1. Section 1.2.1, Page 1-3, second paragraph, second line – delete “as” and replace with “if”. 2. Rule 5.46, Page 5-13, Condition 3, line 1 – insert “and” after “hectare”. 3. Rule 5.96, Page 5-23, Condition 1, line 1 – delete “or diversion”; insert “activity” after “established” (this page is intentionally blank) Proposed Canterbury Land & Water Regional Plan - Volume 1 KARANGA Haere mai rā Ngā maunga, ngā awa, ngā waka ki runga i te kaupapa whakahirahira nei Te tiakitanga o te whenua, o te wai ki uta ki tai Tuia te pakiaka o te rangi ki te whenua Tuia ngā aho te Tiriti Tuia i runga, Tuia i raro Tuia ngā herenga tangata Ka rongo te po, ka rongo te ao Tēnei mātou ngā Poupou o Rokohouia, ngā Hua o tōna whata-kai E mihi maioha atu nei ki a koutou o te rohe nei e Nau mai, haere mai, tauti mai ra e.
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