©Zoologische Staatssammlung München/Verlag Friedrich Pfeil; download www.pfeil-verlag.de SPIXIANA 30 2 187–199 München, 1. November 2007 ISSN 0341–8391 The presumed shelled juvenile of the parasitic gastropod Entocolax schiemenzii Voigt, 1901 and its holothurian host Chiridota pisanii Ludwig, 1886* (Gastropoda, Entoconchidae – Holothuroidea, Chiridotidae) Andreas Altnöder, Jens Michael Bohn, Ina-Maria Rückert & Enrico Schwabe Altnöder, A., J. M. Bohn, I.-M. Rückert & E. Schwabe (2007): The presumed shelled juvenile of the parasitic gastropod Entocolax schiemenzii Voigt, 1901 (Gas- tropoda, Entoconchidae) and its holothurian host Chiridota pisanii Ludwig, 1886 (Holothuroidea, Chiridotidae). – Spixiana 30/2: 187-199 Four small shelled gastropods were found externally on the body wall of an apodid holothurian (Chiridota pisanii Ludwig, 1886), which was collected in the southern Chilean fjord region. Based on shell morphology and the host species we address these gastropods as the shelled juveniles of Entocolax schiemenzii Voigt, 1901, which as adult is a highly modifi ed endoparasite in Chiridota pisanii. The holothurian host, as well as the juvenile parasites are thoroughly described, includ- ing a SEM study of the holothurian calcareous ring, the calcareous deposits and the juvenile gastropod shell. Furthermore, a detailed 3-D reconstruction of the juvenile for the fi rst time allows a better understanding of its internal organisation. Andreas Altnöder, Ina-Maria Rückert, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Depart- ment Biologie I, Großhaderner Straße 2, D-82152 Planegg-Martinsried, Germany Jens Michael Bohn, Enrico Schwabe, Zoologische Staatssammlung München, Münchhausenstraße 21, D-81247 München, Germany; e-mail:
[email protected],
[email protected] Introduction Jangoux 1987: 220-222).