Reactive Probabilistic Programming Pedro Zuidberg Dos Martires Sebastijan Dumančić KU Leuven KU Leuven
[email protected] [email protected] Abstract event might be the delay, and the actor has to reason about Reactive programming allows a user to model the flow of a the possibility of conflicting train routes. program for event-driven streams of data without explicitly stating its control flow. However, many domains are inher- 2 Reactive Probabilistic Programming ently uncertain and observations (the data) might ooze with Reactive programming [1], which falls itself under the declar- noise. Probabilistic programming has emerged as the go-to ative programming paradigm, has recently gained traction as technique to handle such uncertain domains. Therefore, we a paradigm for event-driven applications. A common trait of introduce the concept of reactive probabilistic programming, event driven-applications is that external events at discrete which allows to unify the methods of reactive programming points in time, such as a mouse click from a user on a web and probabilistic programming. Herewith, we broaden the page, drive the execution of a program. The increased inter- scope of probabilistic programming to event-driven data. est has resulted in various implementations, for instance, in Haskell [3] and Scala [5]. Recently also the ReactiveX 2 library Keywords probabilistic programming, reactive program- emerged, with bindings to various different languages. The ming, declarative programming, event-driven data two distinguishing features of reactive programming are: 1 Introduction & Motivation • Behaviors change continuously over time and are com- posable first-class citizens in the reactive programming The declarative programming paradigm allows the user to paradigm.