It was a full room: It was an appreciative room!

Asper MBA hosts ‘Schindler’s’ List survivor Leon Leyson

By: Steve James 4/03/2010 8:42 AM

On February 27th, 2010, Dr. Reg Litz led Asper MBA students, and visiting Associates and Young Associates, in contemplating the outer limits of executive responsibility. In short: when — and at what personal risk — should, or must, executives intervene to address a profound wrong? Said even more extremely – when should, or must, managers intervene in the face of injustice? The class was the fourth and final session of the Asper MBA core module in “Executive Responsibility.” During the session attendees Mr. Leyson speaks to a silent and appreciative Asper MBA had the opportunity to explore these and other class related questions through hearing and discussing the story of ; a story that was brought home by the session’s special guest speaker, Mr. Leon Leyson, who was one of the people saved by the now famous ‘Schindler’s List’.

Oskar Schindler (28 April 1908 – 9 October 1974) was an ethnic German industrialist. A defining moment in Schindler’s life happened in 1943 when he witnessed a raid on the Krakow Ghetto as soldiers rounded up the inhabitants for shipment to the concentration camps. Schindler was appalled as he witnessed the murder of many of the who had been working for him. Schindler was also a very persuasive individual, and after the raid, increasingly used all of his skills to protect his Schindlerjuden ("Schindler's Jews"), as they came to be called. Schindler went out of his way to take care of the Jews who worked in his factories, often leveraging his legendary charm and ingratiating manner to help his workers get out of difficult situations. He is credited with saving almost 1,200 Jews during . He is the subject of the film based on it, Schindler’s List. Adapted from: Wikipedia
