Thettherapisterrappist Or Esesthetician.Sththetiiiccianann
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Spa Direct 202.944.2022 Treatments and pricing are eective as of February 2013. February of as eective are pricing and Treatments Spa Direct 202.944.2022 Direct Spa Hotel 202.342.0444 Hotel ashington, DC 20007 DC ashington, W venue NW venue A Pennsylvania 2800 T S F S H W , DC EtiquetteEtiquette TTrreatmenteae tmeent ReservationsRReseerrvvationsns HealthHealth ConsiderationsConsiderations AppointmentsAApppoino tmenttst ararere availableavavaivaia labable dailydaily fromfrom 9 to 8 pp.m..m. BoBookok in advanceadvance to receive PleasePlease informinform us ofof any specialspecial needs,needs, allergiesallergies or medicalm conditions. youyyourur ppreferredrefre errer edd timtime.mee.. PPlPleasellease spspecifyecify youyourr ppreferencerefereencen fforor a mamalele or ffemaleemale massage thettherapisterrappist or esesthetician.sththetiiiccianann. QuietQuiet AtmosphereAtmosphere To ensure a quiet and relaxing environment at The Spa, please turn off all cellular ArrivaArA ririvav l phonesphones andand electronicelectronic devices.devices. PlanPlaan toto arrivearrive ata leastleaastt 2020 minutesminutes priorprior toto youryour appointmentappointment’s start to completecomplete a shshoshortrt medmedicaledical qquestionnaireueuesttioioonnnnaire anandd to spenspendd some time rerelaxinglaxing in tthehe steam room anandd CancellationCancellation PolicyPolicy sauna.sauuna.a. PleasePlease understandundeerrstrsstananndd thatthat should yoyouu arrive later thanthan youryour scheduled Treatment times are reserved especially for you. WeW kindly request that any appointment,appppoino tment, itt willwiw lll beb necessarynececessarya to shortenshortrten youryour servserviceice at no reduction in rate.rate. cancellationscancellations or changes to your treatment time be made at least four hours in advanceadvance for single appointments and 72 hours in advancead for three or more AgeAge RequirementRequuirremennt appointments.appointments. A credit card is required to hold youryou reservation. If you do not MassagesMassages andand bodybobodyy treatmentstreeatma menente s arearee appropriateappropr riatet for guestsguests 1188 yyearsears of aagege and cancelcancel byby the required time or miss youryour appointment,appointme your credit card will be olderolder. TheThhe minimumminininimmumumm ageagge rrequiredeque ireired forfor facfafacialsacials andand accessaccess to lockerlocker room facilities chargedcharged in full. is 1616 GratuitiesGratuities SpaSpa AttireAtA tit re Though not included in the price of treatments, gratuitiesgra are appreciated for AAl luxuriousluxurioriousus robe,robroobe,e slippersslipppperrs andd a lockerllocockeker foforr youryour peppersonalrsonal belongingsbelongings are provided outstandingoutstanding service. A typicaltypical gratuitygratuity is 15 to 20 percentp of the treatment price. uponupupon arrival.arrirrr val. PleasePleleaeaasese ddidisdisrobei rorobbe ttoo yyourourur levellel velvev off comfort.comffoort. UndergarmentsUndergarments are not necessarynecesses ary butbut maymaayy bebe wornworrnnd dduringuriuru ngg the trtreatmentreaeatmennt iiff yyouou preferprefer.. All staffstaff are professionallyproofessionally trainedtraaineneed andandnd licensedlicensnsed to ensureennssuurure thethe highesthighig est quality of service andand integrityintntteegrrityy. ProperProperr draddrdrapingpini g techniquestechhniquesu araree usedusedseed forfor youryour privacyprivacy and comfort at alll times.tiimmes. MaMMassagessage friday-sunday monday-thursday FacialFacial friday-sunday monday-thursday TRADITIONALTRADITIONALL BODYWORKBODBO YWOWOWORKR AMALAAMALA FiftyFifty minutesminutes $170$170 $155$155 CustomCustom Facial fiftyfifty or eightyeighty minutes $170/$215 $155/$200 Eighty minutesminnutteses $215$215 $200$200 RejuvenationRejuvenation Mini Facial twentytwenty minutesminutes $110 $ 100 OneOnne hundredhundrred minutesmmiinunutes $290$290 $$290290 PROTECTPROTECT,, HYDRATE, FEED, STIMULATE & DETOX by KATE SUMMERVILLE EXECUTIVEEXEE CUTIVVE TREATTRREAEAATTMENTSMENTS BasicBasic KateKate FacialFacial fiftyfifty minutes $170 $155 TwentyTwT ene ty minutesminutes $110$110 $100$100 DermalDermal QuenchQuench Facial fiftyfifty or eightyeighty minutes $235/$300 $230/$300 SPECIALSPESPSP CIALTTYY BODYWORKBOODYDYWY ORKOR DermaLucentDermaLucent Phototherapy Facial fiftyfifty or eightyeigh minutes $235/$300 $230/$300 KateKate Signature Facial eighty minutes $370 $360 PennsylvaniaPennn sylvaniaa AvenueAvvennue Retreat eighty minutesminutes $225 $215 PrenatalPrP enatal fiftyfiftyy or eightyeigghghth y minutesminutes $170/$215 $$155/$200155/$200 CARITCARITA HAUTEHAUTE BEAUTÉBEAUTÉ FACEACE CARESCARES HealingHHeala ing StoneStone MassageMMassssage (hot or cold)cold) eighty minutesminutes $265 $245 IdéalIdéal PRO-LIFTPRO-LIFT FacialFacial eightyeighty minutes $370 $360 eightyeighty minutes $285 $265 fifty minutes $225 $210 ThaiThT ai FitnessFitness MassageMaasssaagge CaritaC arita CustomCustom FacialFacial TheThe SoleSole RejuvenationRejuvvenation fiftyfifty minutes $165 $155 THETHE ULTIMATE IN ANTI-AGING BodyBody Treatmentsreeatmeents FourFour Seasons GoldGold andand DiamondDiamond FacialFacial ninetyninety minutesm $465 $460 Anti-GravityAnti-Gravity Facelift fiftyfifty minutes $245 $240 CapitolCapitol HillHilll ScrubScrc ub fiftyfiffiftty minutesminutes $185$185 $175$175 SeriesSeries ofof 3 Anti-GravityAnti-Gravity Face LiftLift TreatmentsTreatment $545 $545 AromatherapyAromatherapy SaltSalalt ScrubSScrub fiftyfifftty minutesminnuteu s $185$185 $175$175 SeriesSeries of 6 Anti-GravityAnti-Gravity Face Lift TreatmentsTreatment $1045 $1045 DateDaDatet toto RememberReemem mbmberer eightyeieighty minutesminunutes (individual/couple)(indivd idual/couple) $230/$460$230/$460 $230/$460$230/$460 FourFouru SeasonsSeae ssonss inin OneOOne SignatureSiignnature TrTTreatmenteaatmt ent eightyeighty minutes $285$285 $265$265 CustomCustom EnEnhancementshancements CherryChC ere ryy BlossomBlosssomom ChampagneChahamppaga nne TreatmentTrer attmeent eightyeighty minutes $285$285 $265$265 UltrasoundUltrasound MicroMicro ExfoliationExfoliation $ 80 $ 80 CARITCARARITTAA HAUTEHAHAUTUTEUTE BEAUTÉBEBEAUTÉÉB BODYBODYODO Y CACCARESRES UltrasoundUltrasound ProductProduct InfusionInfusion $ 80 $ 80 Eye Lift $ 80 $ 80 PerfectPerfect BodyBodyy eightyeigigightyhhttyty minutesminutes $400$400 $400$400 QuenchQuench $100 $100 SoftSoft Satin SkinSkiin eightyeiigghty minutesminutes $$250250 $$240240 TargetedTargeted LED Light Therapy $ 50 $ 50 Intense RefiningRefiniingg ContourCono tot ur fifty/eightyfifty/eighty minutesminutes $215/$350$215/$350 $215/$350$215/$350 $100 $100 RecRecommendedommended inn a sserieseririieses of 6; ffirstirst tretreatmentatment 80 mimmins,ns, rereturnturn vvisitsisits 50 mins.mins. Full LED Light TherapyTherapy Enzyme Peel $ 50 $ 50 SeriesSeriies of 6 IntenseInntense RefiningReefif ningg ContourCono tour TreatmentsTrreeatments $1135$1135 $1135$1135 Glycolic Peel $ 50 $ 50 CollagenCollagen Eye Treatment $ 50 $ 50 *Prices*Pr**PPriceicees asas ofof FebruaryFebruary 20142010144 CollagenCollagen Hydrating Mask $ 50 $ 50 RecipeRecipe for Relaxation: The MassageMassage of youyourr ChoiceChoice TRADITIONALTRADITIONAL EXECUTIVEEXECUTU IVVE TREATRREAE TMENTSTMTMENE TS SwedishSwedish (50,(50, 80 or 100 minutes)minutes) HeadHHeaad andandnd NeckNeck (20(2( 0 mimminutesinnuutetes)s) Long, kneadingkneading strokesstrokes soothesoothe thethe musclesmuuscclees andannd reducereedud ce tension,tensionn, A targetedtatargr etteded mmassageasassasageg wwithith eseessentialsentiaal oiooilsillss ffororor tthehhe neneckck anandd ffaceace aandndd ppromotingromoting a rerelaxinglaxing sense ooff totatotall wewell-being.ellll-bbeie ngn . coconditionerondn ittioioneer fofforr ththee hahhairaiir aandndd scscalpalp ccreatesreeata es an invigorating aandndd nonourishingouru isishihingg bbreak.reakk. DeepDeep Tissue (50,(50, 80 or 100 minutes)minutes) DeepDeep andand concentratedconcentraated strokessts rokes increaseincreasee circulationciri cuullatiioonn andandn flexibilityflexix bibililityy, HandsHaandnds andand ArmsArA mss (20(220 minutesmminuutes) easingeasing musclemuscle tension.tension.n PamperPaPampper youryouur handshah nds andand armsara mms withwitth a revitalizingrevvitalizing massage.masssaagge. SportsSports MassageMassas gee (50,(550, 8080 oror 1001100 minutes)minutees)s) FeetFeF etet RelaxRellaxx (20(220 minutes) ThroughThroougu h cross-fiberccroso s-fibeb r frictionfrfricction andand musclemusu clc e compression,ccomppreression, experienceexppereriei nnce PutPut youryoy uurr feetfeet upu for a massage with peppermint-infusedpepppeermint-infused lotion ann increaseincncrreasse in circulationciirculationn andand rangeranngeg ofof motion,motiiono , relievingrreelil evvinng sorenesssoorereneness too refreshrefrer sh andand re-energize sore, tired soles.soles. ini areasareeaas stressedstrt essed byb injuryinjurry orr overoveerr--use.use. AromatherapArommattherarapyy (50,(5050, 8080 oror 10011000 minutes)mim nunutet s)) WWiithth essentialessentiall oilsoils fromffromm plantplal ntt extracts,extraactc s, botanicalsboto anicals and flowers that workworrk toto soothesooottheh andandd relaxrelaxx oror energizeeennergig zee andand stimulatestit mulate your nervousnervous systemsys sstemm andandd embraceembbraracec completecomo plp eette well-being.wwellll-b-beeingg. RecipeRecipe for Relaxation: The MassageMassage of youyourr ChoiceChoice SPECIALSPECIALTY BODYWORKBODYWORK