Boxwood and Ivory
* i , ' Ia' ' i I... V-r Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 BOXWOOD 6 IVORY Stanley Traditional Rules, 1855-1975 Philip E. Stanley Photographs by the Author The Stanley Publishing Co./Westborough Published by The Stanley Publishing Company P.O. Box 689 Westborough, Mass. 01581 Copyright © 1984 by Philip E. Stanley All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electrical or mechanical, in- cluding photocopying, recording, or by any information or retrieval system, without the written permission of Publisher, except where permitted by law. Manufactured in the United States of America Library of Congress Catalogue Card Number 84-050516 ISBN 0-9613291-0-6 First printing Designed by Tomasino Capolongo Dedicated To CATHY, BARBARA, and GREG, . Who 've had to put up with a lot while this was being written Acknowledgements Another author/collector once told me, "What you're writing is the book you wish someone else had written before you started collecting Stanley rules". There's more than a little truth in that. It started as a list. As I became interest- ed in Stanley rules, I decided that I'd need a list to check them off as I acquired them. Gradually that list grew and evolved, first one line per rule, and then several, with the information becoming continuously more detailed. Eventually, about four years ago, it became an end in itself, and I decided to turn it into a book. It would not be possible to have written this book without the aid and support of a great many people: tool collectors, librarians, historians, and other authors in the same or allied fields.
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