••.'•"V D-4 Cranford Chronicle February 19,2004 '•'•!(• SALERNO DUANE RYS Jeep PONTIAC GMC Serving Cranford, Garwood and Kenilworth ffll VoL 116, No. 9 Thursday, February 26, 2004 50 cents /o APR FINANCING WE'LL BEAT EVERYBODY'S PRICE f LOW PRICE I nn 72 MONTHS GUARANTEE • new NEW 2004 CRVSLER By LAUREN THAI NOR because there is no student parking at the said, is that the residents of Berkeley cuss possible solutions. : '. NEW 2004 JEEP NEW 2004 PflNTIAC HEW 2004 SMC TIIKCMHONICLK . .-•-.... •.;-...• -. school and the-street is one of the few in ' Place arc the last group of residents in the At that ineeting, Jbrn said, he present- the neighborhood without parking restric- area immediately surrounding the school ed an "alternate side of the street" propos- LIBERTY GRAND CRANFORD — Berkeley' Place resi- tipns. ' ' V '."'".- •'; '.- • . ' •-, • •••• to lobby the Township Committee for such al that was basically rejected by the resi- n dents will have to wait for parking restric- 'dehts'., .'" •".: ; .•••". .. ';..; ,'.'•.• " •"••• ' '-".'.: However, the commissioners voted to tight, restrictions during; the school day, tions to reach their street, nt least until table an ordinance on tjie agenda that had While'many of the commissioners sympa- -.- Following, that, the plan to restrict CRUISER SPORT 4X4 AMSI the Township Committee has looked over been proposed to allow Berkeley Place res- thize with the residents, they say ..that a parking on Berkeley Place to two hours . 4 dr, 4. cyl, alitd, p/s/b, a/c; gyY FOR a more complete solution to parking ..4 dn 6 cyl, auto, p/s/b,.a'c, cfi- • ,LEASE'PEBMO'24MOS Dark.Taupe,.4 dr, 4 cyl, .
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