Sri. Suresh, S/O. Somappa Devalapur, Age: 32 Years, Occ: Agriculture, R/O
1 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KARNATAKA, CIRCUIT BENCH AT DHARWAD DATED THIS THE 7th DAY OF JUNE, 2013 :BEFORE : THE HON’BLE MR. JUSTICE N.K. PATIL M.F.A.No. 24277 of 2011 (MV) Between: Sri. Suresh, S/o. Somappa Devalapur, Age: 32 years, Occ: Agriculture, R/o. Asundi, Tq: Saundatti, Now at Bailhongal-591 102, Dist. Belgaum. ... Appellant (By Sri. Madanmohan M. Khannur, Advocate) And: 1. Smt. Shakuntala, S/o. Basavaraj Babji, Age: Major (Correct age not known) R/o. Dhumwad, Tq: Kalghatagi, Dist. Dharwad-580 001. 2. The Manager, The United India Insurance Company Limited, Srinivas Talkies Complex, 1st Floor, Market, P.B.No.54, Dharwad, Through its Belgaum Divisional Office, 2 Maruti Galli, Belgaum-590 016. Respondents (By Sri. S.S.Koliwad, for Sri.B.C. Seetharam Rao Associates, for R2, Notice to R1 is dispensed with v/o dated 7.6.2013) This M.F.A. is filed U/S. 173(1) of MV Act, against the judgment and award dated 1.3.2011 passed in MVC No.2632/2009 by the Senior Civil Judge, Assistant Sessions Judge & Addl. MACT, Bailhongal, partly allowing the claim petition for compensation and seeking enhancement of compensation. This MFA. coming on for orders this day, the Court delivered the following: : J U D G M E N T : Though this matter is posted today for orders, with the consent of learned counsel for both the parties, the same is taken up for final disposal. 2. This appeal by the appellant-claimant is arising out of the impugned judgment and award dated 1.3.2011 passed in MVC No.2632/2009 by the Senior Civil Judge, Assistant Sessions Judge & Addl.
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