January 5, 2011

The Honorable Julius Genachowski Chainnan Federal Communications Commission 445 12th Street, SW Washington, DC 20554

Re: MB Docket No, 10-56

Dear Mr. Chairman:

We are pleased to note that you have circulated to your colleagues an order on the Comcast-NBC Universal transaction. More than a year after Corneast and General Electric announced their intentions, and after nearly 11 months ofdetailed review, we understand that the draft order concludes that, based on all the filings, the joint venture will promote competition, investment, localism, diversity and innovation, and is in the public interest. Accordingly, we encourage you and your fellow Commissioners to complete your agency's review without further delay, and we hope this review would result in a bipartisan outcomc.

No onc can question the extensive and comprehensive examination this transaction has received. In addition to six Congressional hearings, the FCC's rcgulatory process has provided unprccedented opportunities for public participation. As the Commission itself has noted. the Comcast· BCU transaction had the lengthiest formal pleading cycle that it has ever set for any similar transaction. Every stakeholder has had every opportunity to be heard.

Any further delay in your agency's review process, and any further efforts to laden the transaction with formal regulatory requirements, could undermine much needed jobs and investment.

We appreciate your prompt action to complete your geney's review

Sincerely, ({)Ql-fki Charles W. Dent c Member ofCongress ongr. 5S

cc: Commissioner Michael J. Copps Commissioner Robert M. McDowell Commissioner Mignon Clyburn Commissioner Meredith Attwell Baker

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• The Ilonorable Julius Genachowski Chairman Federal Communications Commission January 6, 2011

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Member ofCongress Member ofCongress

of Congress

Mem ber of Congress

Member ofCongress

cc: Commissioner Michael J. Copps Commissioner Robert M. McDowell Commissioner McrcdiLh ALtwel1 Baker

Signed (97): Charles Bass Charles W. Dent Lee Terry Michael Doyle CliffSteams Joe Barton Brian P. Bilbray Fred Upton Brett Guthrie Gerald E. Connolly Mike Pompeo Jim Himes Adam Kinzingcr Steve Cohen Cory Gardner Pedro R. Pierluisi Mary Bono Mack Larry Kissell Morgan Griffith Chris Murphy Robert E. Latta Ed Perlmutter John Sullivan Robert E. Andrews Michael G. Fitzpatrick John Barrow Adam Smith G. K. Butterfield Eddie Bernice Johnson Chris Smith Corrine Brown Alcee L. Hastings Albio Sires Adam Schiff Bill Cassidy Sanford D. Bishop, Jr. Donna M. Christian-Christensen Josc.Ph Crowley Laura Richardson Edolphus Towns Tim Murphy John Lewis Joe Baca Dennis A. Cardoza Rodney Frelinghuysen Jim Costa Joseph R. Pius Luis V. Gutierrez Silvestre Reyes Ileana Ros-Lehtinen Michael E. Capuano Patrick Meehan John B. Larson Robert Brady Mario Frank A. LoBiondo Henry Cuellar Allyson Y. Schwartz David Rivera Steve Rothman Grcgorio Kilili Camacho Sablan Leonard Lance Heath Shuler Mark S. Critz Richard E. Neal Glenn Thompson Joe Courtney Michael Burgess Mike Ross Phil Gingrey Rosa L. Delaura Steve Scalise Ted Deutch Sue Myrick Loretta Sanchez Gregg Harper Sam Graves Gregory W. Meeks Mike Rogers (MI) Howard L. Berman John Shimkus Ken Calvert Cathy McMorris Rodgers Jason ChatTetz Ralph M. Hall Sam Johnson Petc Olson Ed Whitfield Greg Walden