H316 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 21, 2010 and concern for them and their fami- and apparently a good number of the gram so that when this rather large re- lies. American people’s opinion—what’s the structuring of one-sixth of the Nation’s As for those of us in Congress, we are matter with this discussion. economy is passed that we’re going to committed to doing everything in our b 1530 have our best talent on the ground, power to ensure a swift and safe con- whether you agree with it or not. We clusion to this crisis. The people of I want to start with the head up are now 1 year and 1 day into the Haiti and those affected by this trag- there in the Operation game. It’s called Obama administration, and we have edy are in my thoughts and our fam- a ‘‘brain freeze.’’ I’ve politely taken yet to have a nominee put forward for ily’s prayers. out ‘‘brain freeze.’’ Instead, we’ve put that position. Certainly, we have not in ‘‘CMS administrator.’’ CMS is basi- f had anyone confirmed for that posi- cally the organization that runs the tion. HEALTH CARE Medicare program in the United States Mr. MCCOTTER. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under of America. It has a budget of about Mr. MCCOTTER. Would the gen- the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- $700 billion a year. It’s bigger than the tleman yield for a question? uary 6, 2009, the gentleman from Ohio Pentagon, and it will be tasked over Mr. LATOURETTE. I’d be happy to. (Mr. LATOURETTE) is recognized for 60 the next little bit with implementing Mr. MCCOTTER. Obviously, the minutes. the rules and procedures of this health President has had a very eventful first Mr. LATOURETTE. Mr. Speaker, I care legislation, either bill or some year since his inauguration. am going to be joined during the course modification of the bill, and putting Would it not be fair to say that the of this hour by Representative THAD this thing into place. rush of events and the focus on getting MCCOTTER of Michigan and perhaps So you would think, if you’re a sup- things done has precluded this position others who may chime in during the porter of this health care reform that from being filled? course of the hour. is barreling through the Congress, well, Mr. LATOURETTE. Well, I think Mr. Speaker, the big news on Capitol I hope we’ve got a topnotch guy or gal there is some of that, but it’s inter- Hill this week and the big news around in charge at CMS. esting that you should bring that up. the country was the Senate race in Sadly, the reason that there is a Just yesterday—and this isn’t unique Massachusetts where, for the first time question mark up there is that there is to the Obama administration. Every since the 1970s, a Republican, Senator- no administrator at CMS. As a matter administration has a lot of jobs to fill. elect BROWN, has been elected in the of fact, the last time there was a con- Just yesterday, the President of the State of Massachusetts. You know, firmed administrator at the Medicare United States sent up 40 nominations there are a lot of maps around this oversight administration was in 2006, to the Senate to consider for confirma- place, blue States, red States, and Mas- October 2006. Of course, people who tion under the Constitution so that sachusetts is one of those States that watch the calendar know that that they could begin to serve. There were they really should come up with their wasn’t all on President Obama’s watch. some judges; there were some U.S. at- own color of blue. I mean, it is the It was in the last couple of years of torneys; there were some United States deepest of blue States. President George W. Bush’s adminis- marshals. Interestingly enough, I found And so it was certainly a surprising tration. He nominated a fellow by the that he even had time to name two event, and a lot of pundits and a lot of name of Kerry Weems, who was acting people to fill vacancies on the Marine people are scratching their head and administrator, but the Democrat-con- Mammal Commission, but not one of saying, Well, what caused this? Is it trolled Senate refused to confirm Mr. those 40 is the new director of CMS. voter anger? Are they mad at Repub- Weems. Quite frankly—and we’re not going licans? Are they mad at Democrats? The interesting thing about it as you to talk about national security today— Are they mad at everybody? Or how know—because people get accused of you know, his nominee for the TSA, about this health care discussion? And playing politics all the time. So you who are the folks who frisk you at the some of the exit polling that went on say, What was Mr. Weems? Was Mr. airport, just withdrew. We don’t have up in Massachusetts indicated that, Weems like Rush Limbaugh? Was he any nominee in the pipeline for that ei- yeah, people were concerned. People like Glenn Beck? Was he some dyed-in- ther. were concerned about the way that the-wool partisan? Actually, Mr. Mr. MCCOTTER. Will the gentleman both the House and the Senate health Weems—and this was written about yield again? care bill were being fashioned, the him by one of the analysts: The nomi- Mr. LATOURETTE. I’d be happy to. process that was being used, and then nation of Mr. Weems will be a depar- Mr. MCCOTTER. I just want to be some of the provisions that were in it ture from tradition. Historically, CMS clear that, despite the fact that there as well. administrators have either been aca- has been no name forwarded—let alone And so I thought during the course of demics or lobbyists. The academics confirmed—for the position at CMS, we this hour we would spend some time often lack leadership and executive do have two appointees of the Marine talking about at least what in my opin- skills. The lobbyists often come across Mammal Commission. ion are some of the difficulties with the as too Machiavellian. Mr. LATOURETTE. We do. way things are going with the health Since CMS was formed in 1978—it Mr. MCCOTTER. In fairness, as a De- care discussion, and as well as Mr. used to be called HCFA—there have troiter, it sounds like a Matt Millen MCCOTTER’s observations as well. been 30 administrators. Mr. Weems draft. Before coming to the Congress, I was would have been the first adminis- I yield back. a prosecuting attorney and I tried trator, if the Senate had chosen to con- Mr. LATOURETTE. I thank the gen- cases in front of juries, and I always firm him in 2006, who actually was a tleman very much. learned that people pay attention a lit- career person who had worked his way So, if you begin at the head, clearly tle bit more and they learn a little bit up within the CMS structure. He was we have a problem in that we don’t better, Mr. Speaker, with their eyes not a political hack; he wasn’t a polit- have anybody in charge should this than they do with their ears. So I ical appointee, but for reasons known health care legislation pass and be- brought with me a visual aid to help us only to them, the Democratic majority come law. during the course of this discussion. in the Senate didn’t want to confirm We next go down to the Adam’s With apologies to Hasbro, when I was him. Apple. I left the Adam’s apple on the a young person growing up, one of our Now fast-forward to a year ago al- chart because the way this thing has favorite things to do, if the size D bat- most exactly, and President Obama is gone—and it really epitomizes the en- tery was working, was to play the inaugurated. You would think that, if tire last year. We were told we had to game of Operation. We have modified one of the big national priorities that have an $800 billion stimulus bill by the Hasbro game a little bit so we can we’re going to talk about is health President’s Day. Nobody knows why. talk about, from head to toe, some of care, one of the first nominations or It’s not because we’re going to spend it the difficulties with—again, in my maybe the second nomination would be on Presidential stuff, but we needed to opinion and Mr. MCCOTTER’s opinion to get somebody in charge of this pro- have the stimulus bill, so we got it

VerDate Nov 24 2008 01:20 Jan 22, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00048 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K21JA7.066 H21JAPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with HOUSE January 21, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H317 done. Now, people were embarrassed. It as we all know, did, in fact, protect in the gentleman’s district are on was 1,200-pages long. It was finally AIG bonuses, and was signed into law. Medicare Advantage. I have about written in its final form at midnight on What is also in the stimulus bill is a 14,000 people. The satisfaction rating is Thursday, and then we voted on it on provision to set up the comparative ef- high, but there will be no more Medi- Friday. I didn’t read the 1,200 pages be- fectiveness research advisory board— care Advantage. So, you know, it’s tween midnight and about 11 o’clock in the positions of which have been filled, hard to figure out how that statement the morning when we voted on it, and by the way. ‘‘if you like it, you get to keep it’’ fits I don’t think a lot of people did. But Now, the point of the comparative ef- with the fact that, well, you get to when you legislate like that—people fectiveness ideology is to have govern- keep it, but there isn’t going to be any woke up, and they found out that that ment determine through this board more of it. legislation specifically authorized Wall what is most cost-effective in terms of On top of that, health savings ac- Street bonuses to a company called your health care treatment by a con- counts will also be eliminated. We’ve AIG that the President is now com- cept known as ‘‘life years.’’ Is the cost got a lot of people in this country who, plaining about. He says this executive worth it to add X number of years to in order to sort of take care of their compensation has to stop. your life or to improve the quality? own and to be good consumers of Well, because we had to get the stim- Many of us consider that inherently in- health care, set up health savings ac- ulus bill done by President’s Day, no- humane and not the proper function of counts as a result of legislation we body really read that, and as a result, a limited government. Yet that was ap- passed here in 2005, Medicare part D. anybody who voted for that—and the proved in the stimulus bill. No more health savings accounts. No President signed it—authorized these So, like the health care bill which more flexible spending accounts. tremendously large bonuses that has followed it and that the public is So the rhetoric—I mean, I think, as a they’re now complaining about. having, as you say, shoved down its principle, if you like what you’ve got, You then fast-forward, and we were throat, I think that, as America con- you should be able to keep it. Don’t told that we needed to have cap-and- tinues to find out about the compara- mess with me. Let’s fix what needs to trade legislation, the national carbon tive effectiveness research council, be fixed, but that’s not true, sadly, and tax, in place by the Fourth of July they are going to find that equally that’s where the wishbone comes in. weekend. Again, I don’t know why. The hard to swallow. I next want to get to the funny bone Senate has still not acted on that legis- I yield back. because this is one of my favorites. lation, and that legislation wasn’t Mr. LATOURETTE. I thank the gen- Again, during that speech and during completed by midnight. Again, we tleman for his throaty humor. other presentations that the President voted on it on a Friday. The last 300 I would just say, you know, the set- has made during the course of this dis- pages of that were not submitted to the ting up of that panel led to some of cussion, he has—and I think cor- Rules Committee, which meets up- this discussion. People are talking rectly—indicated that the drafting of stairs in this building, until 3 o’clock about death panels and so forth and so this legislation should not be done be- in the morning on Friday, and we still on. I was never a big subscriber to that hind closed doors. It should not be done then voted on it later in the day on rhetoric, but it was strange that, short- in private. It should not be done by a Friday. ly after that, the Department of Health small group of people. It should be Just like the AIG bonuses, the Wall and Human Services appointed a blue done, you know, certainly with the Street bonuses that the majority party ribbon panel, which is what we do participation of the 435 Members of sanctioned and voted for in those 300 around here when we can’t figure out Congress and with the 100 Senators and pages, when you legislate like that, what to do, and they came out with a others. I think he even suggested and funny things happen. In that particular recommendation that women under 45 others suggested that it should be on bill, people found out that things were didn’t need to have mammograms as C–SPAN. So this is funny: It’s not on C–SPAN. Funny. Not only regulated that they didn’t know. If you often as had been recommended in the isn’t it on C–SPAN, until this thing got have a water cooler in your home or in past. Now, some would argue that one derailed by the Massachusetts Senate your office, it’s regulated in these 300 way that you could control health care election, this set of decisions was being pages. If you have a hot tub or a spa, costs is by rationing care or by not made by—I know that our team here in it’s regulated in this cap-and-trade leg- providing mammograms, for instance, islation. Probably the most shocking the House was five people. Most of even though mammograms have proven to my constituents was the Christmas them were from California, strangely to really enhance the early detection of lights. If you have Christmas lights, enough, and there wasn’t a Republican cancer and save lives in this country. in the bunch. I don’t know who the they are regulated under this cap-and- So it’s that kind of stuff that gives Senate team was, but they met in pri- trade legislation, which, thankfully, fuel to these theories that there are vate, behind closed doors. There were isn’t going anywhere. death panels and all this other busi- You know, I always tell my folks in no C–SPAN cameras, and there was ness; but if they wouldn’t do this stuff, Ohio not to worry. Christmas lights are certainly no public knowledge of what you wouldn’t have some of these theo- only regulated if your display is 48 was going on in those negotiations. So inches or above. So, if you are a fan of ries getting legs, if you will. the funny bone is funny. It’s not on C– We went down to the wishbone be- a short Christmas tree, you’re okay. SPAN. cause, you know, the President is going The government is not going to regu- I yield to the gentleman. to come to this Chamber next week and late your Christmas lights. If you get Mr. MCCOTTER. I thank the gen- that wreath for the door, make sure give his first State of the Union Ad- tleman for yielding. you get the small one. Don’t get the dress, but it actually will be his third It’s certainly not funny, humorous, big one. speech to a joint session of Congress. when we understand that, recently, Well, again, there are people in this The last one was on the matter of we’ve just heard that the election of Chamber who think we should regulate health care. I remember that I actually Senator BROWN from Massachusetts hot tubs, spas, water coolers, and applauded the President because he in- was due to, in many ways, according to Christmas lights—I don’t happen to be dicated that—and you know, again, the administration, the public’s lack of one of them—but again, the American there’s a lot of misinformation out having adequate information about public certainly and at least their rep- there about this health care proposal— what was in the bill. resentatives here in the Congress if you have health care and if you like We have heard that this administra- should have a chance to read what it is your health care, you get to keep it. tion and this Congress have been too we’re passing. Well, the wishbone is we have about busy acting to do enough talking so That then brings us to this health 8 million people in this country who that we can do enough understanding care legislation. wish they could keep their health care as the American people. It would seem I yield to the gentleman. under either the House or the Senate to me that, if one wants to make the Mr. MCCOTTER. Yes. proposal. Sadly, one group that cannot argument that the American people To the Chair, the gentleman from is the group of people on Medicare Ad- haven’t had sufficient information re- Ohio referenced a stimulus bill, which, vantage. I don’t know how many folks garding what’s in the bill and why it’s

VerDate Nov 24 2008 01:20 Jan 22, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00049 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K21JA7.067 H21JAPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with HOUSE H318 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 21, 2010 in their best interest, the last place boomers hit at 3 million to 3.5 million cover another 10 million to 12 million you would wish to hold your meetings people per year. Which means in the people. regarding that bill would be behind next 10 years when you take half a tril- You get to almost two-thirds of what closed doors, out of public sight. lion dollars out, you are going to add 30 the Senate bill wants to do in one page, It strikes me that—to use a medical million to 35 million people. Three not 2,500 pages of incomprehensible gib- term, actually, a criminal term—do things happen when that occurs. berish. So I would suggest that we do not blame the victim. Do not claim the Number one, you decrease access. that now. American people do not understand Seniors get it. Number two, if you We have a great opportunity to get what’s in this bill or that they have can’t get in to see your doctor, the this right. As I have said as a physician not had adequate information when it quality of your care goes down. And, for years, first of all, patients and their is you who are, in fact, keeping that in- number three, to get the care you need, families and their doctors ought to be formation from them, especially be- you are going to have to pay more making the health care decisions, not cause you realize that, when the Amer- money. You are going to have to pay a insurance companies, not the govern- ican people have seen what’s in this higher supplemental to get in. ment. And after looking at this bill— bill and what you intend to do to have So those three things are absolutely and I have read, as probably you have, government run their health care and guaranteed. Our seniors understand it this entire 2,032-page bill. And some of to make some of their most intimate very well. it is almost incomprehensible. It takes life decisions for them, they’ve rejected Back to the point that you were two or three other manuals, the HHS it. making a moment ago and I think is manual and the IRS manual and so on, I yield back to the gentleman. very important for comparative effec- to even read it to fully understand Mr. LATOURETTE. I thank the gen- tiveness research: I practiced medicine what you are getting. tleman. for over 30 years, and there is nothing So we need to go back and do some- The gentleman may remember—and I wrong with finding out what the best thing that is simple and fixable so that didn’t have this experience—that, dur- treatment for something is. We do that the American people can understand ing the month of August, there were a and we do research on that. and a doctor can understand. My physi- lot of town hall meetings on YouTube The problem comes when you make cian friends are asking me, Phil, what where people were standing up. Basi- the next move and say: okay, this per- does all this stuff mean? That is basi- cally, they had done some research on- son is 80 years old. Their life expect- cally what we are dealing with. If the line, and they had looked at—I think ancy is three, four years. Am I going to doctors don’t understand it, I doubt if the bill was called H.R. 3200 at that do an expensive knee replacement? the general public does. time, or maybe it was 3400. They’d ac- People will say that won’t happen. It is Mr. LATOURETTE. I thank the gen- tually read it. I did 18 town hall meet- already happening. tleman for his observations and hope ings during that time, and I didn’t have In England right now, they have an he can stay with us for the rest of the any angry mobs or anything like that. acronym called NICE, which is really hour. What I did have, on more than one oc- an ugly word for that. I have a good I was just reminded, Mr. MCCOTTER casion, are some senior citizens in the friend, a physician in my hometown, and I are both lawyers; the gentleman front row with a computer printout. whose sister-in-law is English. She was is a doctor. Back home, when people They asked, Well, why is this provision recently treated for chronic say, I practiced law for 30 years, they on page 196 in the bill? Why are you lymphocytic anemia and her treatment say, When are you going to stop prac- doing this? in England was a blood transfusion. ticing and really do it? But it is an- People in this country don’t die of that other subject. b 1545 disease. Whatever your age is, you are All right. I want to move down a lit- The greatest concern and what peo- offered treatment and you are treated. tle lower on our buddy here, and we ple get, and it is both the House and So this is being used already around have pork ribs. In the original game, it the Senate bill: when the President was in England. Many medications are not is just ribs. I call them pork ribs be- here he said, We agree on 80 percent of allowed because it ‘‘costs too much.’’ cause, interestingly enough, in the this stuff. We do. In America, if you You will get to take the red pill or the Senate bill—I am going to talk about have a preexisting condition, you blue pill, and it may not be the best the Senate bill for a minute—they have should have insurance, and you should pill. trouble. Go figure, they have trouble have the opportunity to be insured. I So what you said is absolutely true. even though they had 60 Members, now think if you can’t get insurance, we If people don’t think it will happen in soon only 59. But 60 Members who were need to find a way to get you covered. this country, it will. And I could not members of the Democratic Party, I think that you shouldn’t have to stay agree more. I agree with the President. which is filibuster-proof and every- in a bad job just because you are afraid I think the President would have thing else, but they were having trou- of losing your health care. So the served himself and the country well to ble getting it across the finish line. So President was right, 80 percent of that. sit down with both sides and find the there were some pretty highly pub- But if that is the case, why then, to common denominator on the 80 percent licized slabs of pork that were and are take care of these identifiable prob- of the things that we agree on and then in the Senate bill. lems that people say, yeah, that is not fix them. It is not that hard to do. The reason it is relevant is that after fair, we should fix that—why then do An example I will give you: the Sen- the Massachusetts Senate race, there you have to do the other monkeying ate bill is going to cover 30 million peo- was some discussion—and I see today around? And the other monkeying ple, I think, at a cost of $1 trillion. You that the Speaker has rejected it—but around truly, as far as the seniors are can do two things, one of which is in there was some discussion that, be- concerned, both bills take about $500 this bill which I like. Two things: cause they have lost their super- billion out of Medicare. Now, why do One is if your adult-age children majority in the United States Senate, you have to short the people that are graduate from high school or college that they just bring the Senate bill receiving Medicare by $500 billion to and don’t have insurance, which three over here for an up-or-down vote in the take care of these other problems? And of mine didn’t when they got their first House of Representatives. So it be- people understand that, and that came job, you simply allow them to stay on comes relevant what is in the Senate through loud and clear during the their parents’ health care plan. You bill, as well as what is in the House month of August. can cover 7 million young people by bill. I yield to the gentleman. doing that. There was a column in the Wash- Mr. ROE of Tennessee. I thank the Number two, we already have a State ington Post. Now, I have been here for gentleman for yielding. Children’s Health Insurance Plan and 15 years. is not a I will point out also, just to continue Medicaid. It is already out there, and real right-wing, right-leaning news- your point, when you take this $500 bil- so that doesn’t require another bu- paper. And it was a column written by lion out, what is going to happen in reaucracy. If you sign the people up a guy named Dana Milbank. Aside from 2011 is the first wave of our baby who currently are eligible, you will reading his column every once in a

VerDate Nov 24 2008 01:20 Jan 22, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00050 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K21JA7.068 H21JAPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with HOUSE January 21, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H319 while, I see him on that show with The gentleman has talked about the back of the eye degenerates and even- Keith Olbermann, ‘‘The Countdown.’’ disparate treatment amongst the tually can lead to blindness. It is tied He doesn’t strike me as a Rush States, which helps to explain why the in many cases to people who are dia- Limbaugh, Glenn Beck type, either. bill is being handled behind closed betic. There are a number of drugs that But he was apparently moved to put doors so the public cannot see what Mr. can help slow or even move towards a pen to paper, and he talked about the Milbank, thankfully, is able to write cure for macular degeneration. slabs of pork in the bill. under the Constitution. The NICE program, the NICE board And you can begin with the Lou- One of the two heartless deals is the which we are now modeling this board isiana Purchase. Apparently, in order taxpayer funding of abortion which is that Mr. MCCOTTER talked about in the to get the Senator from Louisiana, in the Senate bill. And at this point, I United States, apparently will not ap- Senator LANDRIEU, on board, she re- would like to thank our Democratic prove the best drug, the drug that has ceived $100 million in 2011 in extra Med- colleague BART STUPAK for his efforts the greatest results. And I get that. I icaid money for Louisiana. here to ensure that the House bill car- mean, there is a big fight between the Now, why is that important? Be- ried his provision to prevent the tax- boutique drugs and generic. But they cause, as both gentlemen have cor- payer funding of abortion. It was a rare will only cover one eye. They won’t rectly pointed out, the centerpiece of moment of bipartisanship and a very this bill—how do you take, whatever cover both eyes. So it sets up sort of difficult issue. He has been a man of this strange situation. the number is. Some people say it is $47 strong courage and conviction and held I haven’t been to England lately; but million, some say it is $30 million, his ground, and hopefully we could still if you go, it is sort of everybody is some people say it is $15 million. How see that provision remain if something going to have an eye patch. It is going do you cover more people without it is passed. costing money? Everybody gets that. We have also seen the heartless deal to be okay on International Pirate And so clearly, when you say that some of, as has been mentioned, cutting a Day, but it is probably not going to of that is going to be taken up by the half trillion dollars from Medicare. work out the rest of the year. But Medicaid systems within the States, it That doesn’t sound like a very good those are the choices that you wind up is going to cost those Medicaid systems deal for the senior citizens. getting in. more money. And in the end, there is also a hidden Mr. ROE of Tennessee. I will just So Senator LANDRIEU said, Well, in deal that the American people don’t, I continue with that thought for a mo- order to get my vote, okay, it can cost think, quite realize the extent to which ment. When I began my practice—and, more money in Tennessee or Michigan it is going to hurt them. The deal is yes, we practiced like it takes us a or Ohio in Medicare expenses, and you this: within these bills is the concept, while to get it all right, and I am still all can pay more taxes, but not the the quality and continuation of your working on it after 30 years trying to folks down at the Mardi Gras. We are life and the health care you require to get it right—but when I began my prac- not going to pay that. perpetuate it and improve it is tied to tice in medicine, the survival rate of Probably the most famous one, Mr. the cost to the government. breast cancer in this Nation was about Milbank wrote about it; I call it the I want to be clear on this. We discuss 50 percent for 5 years. If a patient came Corn Husker Kickback. Senator BEN this in our Republican House policy to me and said, Dr. ROE, I have breast NELSON was much publicized, and Sen- pamphlet, ‘‘We, the People,’’ which you cancer. What are my chances of living? ator NELSON got an additional $100 mil- can see on line at About 50 percent had 5 years. lion in Medicaid money, and he then RepublicanHouse.com. became the 60th vote that was nec- Fast forward to now. We get a stage The fundamental tenets of the health essary to clear the Senate. I breast cancer now, which we are find- You have got Gatorade. There is an- care bill before us set forward a heart- ing almost all of them at early detec- other Senator down in , and he less deal whereby your life and health tion because of early mammograms; it got an exemption. I talked before care will be determinate upon its cost is over 95 percent. It is one of the great about, I wish I could keep my health to the government. And that is because stories. You can tell a patient, no mat- care. Well, there are a lot of seniors in the underlying theory is that govern- ter how ill you get, no matter how sick Florida, and about 800,000 of them are ment can control health care costs by you are, you are going to make it. You in Medicare Advantage, which is elimi- controlling the supply of health care are going to be fine. nated under both bills. In order to get and your decisions. It is absolutely In England what they did was they Senator BILL NELSON’s vote down in backwards. were doing mammograms, and they Florida, he got to keep all of his Medi- A better deal for the American people discovered and there will be a false care Advantage people in Medicare Ad- would be to realize you have an inher- positive where the test says you have vantage. But in our States, if this were ent sanctity and dignity and liberty something and you don’t. Well, let me to become law, they are out. that allows you to pursue your health tell you, one of the best days you will I want to go to Montana. The head of and wellness and happiness, absent its ever have is calling a patient up and the Finance Committee over in the cost to the government, as long as you tell them, You don’t have cancer. I Senate, Senator MAX BAUCUS, of course don’t hurt other people; and to make have never had a problem with that. is from Montana. He secured Medicare sure that we go towards a patient-cen- But what they found out was that the coverage for anybody that has been ex- tered wellness that empowers individ- biopsies, it is a fairly sophisticated bi- posed to asbestos. Now, I think that is uals as consumers of health care to be opsy. It requires a radiologist and an okay with me; but you have got to read able to make their own decisions, and X-ray and so forth. That was costing the fine print in all of this business. allow the free market that is born of more than providing the mammo- And it only applies to people who were that to increase the supply of health grams. So what they have done is now exposed to asbestos who worked in a care to reduce costs. A far better deal they don’t do routine screening mam- mine in Libby, Montana. So again, for the American people from their mograms. They just wait until you get Ohio, Tennessee, all the other 49 servant government. a cancer, until you can feel a lump, and I yield back. States, if you were exposed to asbestos, then biopsy it. you are not covered; but if you are Mr. LATOURETTE. I thank the gen- from Montana, you are. tleman for that observation. And just The highest survival rate I have been I yield to Mr. MCCOTTER. cueing up on the doctor’s comment ear- able to find in English literature is 78 Mr. MCCOTTER. I thank the gen- lier about NICE and Great Britain, percent. I can promise you, if you fol- tleman. This segues into another point there are a lot of stories. You hear sto- low that pathway, it is going to go on the chart, the sweetheart deals that ries of people in Great Britain love right back down to 50 because you will were made with big pharmaceutical in- their coverage, some people hate their find them too late after the disease has dustries and others to try to get this coverage. already spread. bill passed. But the converse is the One of the stories that I have seen is So this stuff is occurring. This is not heartless deals that were also made to there is a condition that you probably fairytale stuff. It is occurring right get this bill passed. know, macular degeneration, where the now.

VerDate Nov 24 2008 02:59 Jan 22, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00051 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K21JA7.069 H21JAPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with HOUSE H320 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 21, 2010 b 1600 applies equally to all individuals. As a that either. They’re fair people. I want I will give—and back to your first free Republic composed of 50 sovereign to point that out. It’s not the people of point a moment ago, I will give Sen- States, it is critical that all States be those States. They’re very fair people. ator NELSON from Nebraska kudos. I treated equally under the law, under I yield back. have to say, because in our State, in the Constitution. In their haste to pass Mr. LATOURETTE. Well, thank you. Tennessee, we have a budget shortfall. this bill, they are endangering one of The gentleman makes a great point, As a matter of fact, we can’t even the fundamental foundations of a con- because you would think that the Gov- fund—we have no capital projects at stitutionally based free Republic. That ernor of Nebraska, who doesn’t have to the university this year. We’re not is a very grave mistake to make, no go find $100 million to put into the building a library, a dormitory, noth- matter how much you attempt to re- Medicaid program and a budget that’s ing. We have 50 less highway patrolmen form anything, especially when dealing strapped, would be doing cartwheels than we had 30 years ago and we’ve got with the body politic. over this deal. He was quoted just like 2 million more people. That’s how dire I yield back. Senator REID was, and he said, Nebras- our budget is. Mr. LATOURETTE. It’s interesting kans did not ask for a special deal, So what happens with this new bill the gentleman should make that point. only a fair deal. Under no cir- we’re talking about, adding Medicaid, Senator REID of Nevada, of course, is cumstances did I have anything to do is that you’re going to add almost a the majority leader on the other side of with the compromise. I, along with billion dollars to Tennessee’s budget the Capitol in the Senate, and he was Governors all across America, have ex- that we don’t have, and it’s a tax on asked about these special deals. The pressed concern about the unfunded States. In other words, what you’re gentleman’s correct; it takes a bill Medicaid mandate. I have said all doing when you add all these people, as that I think is flawed and now makes it along that this bill is bad news for Ne- you pointed out, is somebody’s got to not fair. It’s not fair to Ohio, Ten- braska and bad news for America. Ad- pay for it. And there’s a State match. nessee, Michigan, and other States ditionally, I’ve criticized Senator REID Senator NELSON understood that and that we’re going to pay higher taxes to when he got a special deal for Nevada he just exempted his State from that take in the people that can’t get insur- that didn’t apply uniformly to all match. ance into our Medicaid program, and States. Our Senator negotiated this So that’s why it’s important for the the people in Louisiana and Nebraska deal rather than a fair deal for both viewers to understand that you at and Florida aren’t going to have to do Nebraska and America. home will get not only a tax, an indi- that. But Senator REID was asked Again, if you’re the chief executive of vidual mandate tax, you’re also going about that and his quote was: There Nebraska, you think you’d be happy to get a tax. And what the government are 100 Senators here, and I don’t know about this because part of your budget has done is an unfunded mandate. We that there’s a Senator that doesn’t problems have just gone away as a re- see that all the time around here, have something in this bill that isn’t sult of this deal. But they recognize where bills are passed and local mu- important to them. the gentleman’s point exactly. As nicipalities or States are left to pay I think I agree with that. If they Americans, they want everybody to be the bills. So I think it’s important that don’t have, then it doesn’t speak well treated fairly, even if it’s at the cost of the folks understand that. of them. they could have gotten something I yield back. Now, I’ve got to tell you, our Sen- extra. Mr. LATOURETTE. Before yielding ators back in Ohio, nobody likes this Mr. ROE of Tennessee. Will the gen- to the gentleman from Michigan, I just stuff. But I’ve been in places where tleman yield? want to finish the pork rib so we can they asked, How come you didn’t get? Mr. LATOURETTE. Sure. Happy to. move on to sweetheart deals and the BEN NELSON got. This guy got. Why Mr. ROE of Tennessee. We have a rest of our patient here. We may have didn’t you get anything? So the gen- Democratic Governor in the State of to come back and do this again to get tleman is absolutely right. It’s a flawed Tennessee, and he and the legislature through all of the time. bill, but now in the Senate it’s been are right now in session beginning on But the last pork rib I want to talk made worse because now it’s not fair this very difficult process of balancing about is two Democratic Senators from because people in Nebraska and Iowa the budget. Our Governor in the State the State of North Dakota, Senators and North Dakota and Florida and of Tennessee said this was the mother DORGAN and CONRAD. They, through Louisiana are going to be treated bet- of all unfunded mandates. He wants no their skill, were able to get a provision ter than the constituents in our State. part of it. He feels like it’s bad, just as bringing higher Medicare patients to That’s not fair. That’s not fair. the Governor of Nebraska and other hospitals and doctors in frontier coun- Mr. ROE of Tennessee. I thank the Governors are realizing; that it’s just ties. Now, they weren’t as blatant as gentleman for yielding. another huge government entitlement some of the other ones that say it’s The point was made twice that the that’s going to cost the States and coming to Florida, it’s coming to Ne- American people are the fairest people local taxpayers. braska, but frontier counties. on this Earth, and we live in a place Like I said a minute ago, what are we I guess I’d yield to the gentleman where we have fought a Revolutionary supposed to do? Do away with our high- from Michigan for his thoughts. First, War, established a Constitution that way patrol if the Federal Government I want to just ask him to answer, Do stated that everyone had that right— passes this? Are we supposed to not do you have any frontier counties in has a right to be treated equally and anything for education in the State of Michigan, because we don’t in Ohio. under the U.S. Constitution. This does Tennessee? I don’t know what the Fed- Mr. MCCOTTER. If we did, they’re not do that. It absolutely voids those eral Government expects us to do, but not in my district. rights for people in certain States and I guess they expect us not to build col- Mr. LATOURETTE. Does the gen- gives more rights to people in other leges, not to add to our schools. I don’t tleman have an observation he’d like States. know. Right now, the legislature is to make? I can tell you, the American people working very hard not to cut money I’d yield to him. will do a lot of hard things if you’re from education. Mr. MCCOTTER. I thank the gen- honest with them and you’re fair and We hear and I’ve heard all the time tleman for yielding. they feel like the people in California about how our side, the Republican On the point about the sweetheart and the people in Ohio and Tennessee side, doesn’t have any ideas about deals and the disparate treatment and Michigan and Nebraska are all health care. Well, it would have been amongst the States, we have to remem- being treated the same. I might add nice to share that with somebody. We ber that in the haste to pass this bill that the people in Nebraska feel the have 10 physicians in our caucus on the and in the haste of the backroom deal- same way. I have seen them and I’ve Republican side. Not one of us was ing and the haste of trying to seen the people in Florida speak and asked about this 2,000-page health care ‘‘incentivize’’ their own Democratic I’ve seen the people in other States bill. I found that astonishing when I’ve colleagues’ votes in the Senate, you who got these sweetheart deals. And spent my career in health care and not have to remember that the rule of law Louisiana, they’re not happy about one person asked my opinion about

VerDate Nov 24 2008 01:20 Jan 22, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00052 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K21JA7.071 H21JAPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with HOUSE January 21, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H321 what I thought of this bill. I found that But the amazing thing to me is that b 1615 amazing to me. And so when I go home people around here were bragging that My second statement, before I yield and tell people in Tennessee—as a mat- it only costs a trillion dollars, but the to the gentleman, is that there is a ter of fact, all over the State of Ten- taxes—the taxes and the fees would provision in the bill that somehow—I nessee—when I go, they can’t believe start now. If this bill had been passed think some of the drafters of this legis- it. It is sort of hard to believe. and signed into law by the President, lation think the people who we rep- I yield back. they would begin taxing all the things resent are stupid. So it’s their proposal Mr. LATOURETTE. I thank the gen- we’ll talk about another day today, but tleman. that they are going to require—and I’m the benefits that they are proposing to sure it’s not going to be at no cost— Perhaps it’s still because you’re still give to people don’t come in until 2013. practicing after 30 years they didn’t every vending machine in America to Now, the three of us I don’t think have a label that tells you whether or feel that they wanted to solicit your would be in the Congress if we had in- opinion. I would say that I actually in- not what you’re about to buy is good vented a business that we could come for you and what’s in it, what’s not in troduced a bill, and it wasn’t 2,500 to people and say, You know what? I pages long. It was 85 pages long. It was it, and so on and so forth. would like you to pay me a hundred written by the American Academy of Now, I have got to tell you, if you thousand today and for the next 4 Physicians. I didn’t write it because look at me, I’m not such a healthy years, and in 2013 I’ll get around to I’m not smart enough to figure that eater. But I will tell you that I know building you a house or getting you a out. They wrote it. It didn’t cost what when I put 80 cents in the vending ma- car, whatever the case may be. this cost. It covered everybody, took chine in the Rayburn House Office So it’s not just a trillion dollars. It’s care of preexisting conditions. Around Building, and I’m going to get one of not just a trillion-and-a-half dollars or here, when you want an amendment to those Hostess Cupcakes with the deli- whatever the figure is. It is a trillion a bill, you’ve got to take 50 copies up cious cream filling, it’s not good for dollars once you start the benefits to the Rules Committee, and so I got a me. I know that. We don’t need to after you’ve been collecting taxes for 4 mule and took 50 copies of this 85-page make that Ho Ho $1.50 because the years. bill up to the Rules Committee. They Hostess people have to put a label on The gentleman from Michigan. didn’t even think about it. there telling me, you know, that if you Mr. MCCOTTER. I appreciate that Now, what’s the danger? Here, back eat this, you’re probably going to gain from the gentleman. to process, you talk about process and weight. I just want to be clear on this. As we people’s eyes sort of glaze over. But the Mr. McCOTTER. Will the gentleman put forward in the Republican House stark reality is on this side of the aisle yield for a point of order? Policy pamphlet, We the People, which there are only 178 Republicans. Over Mr. LATOURETTE. I would be happy you can view at here there are 257 Democrats, and the to. Republicanhousepolicy.com, the gov- magic number here is 218. You get the Mr. McCOTTER. I will ask the Chair, ernment doesn’t spend what it makes. simple majority, you’re able to pass is there a House rule against product It spends what it takes. When the gen- legislation, unlike in the Senate. So endorsement or placement in speeches what are they afraid of? If they had tleman talked about how, if you start- that are delivered here in the Cham- made in order for 5 minutes the oppor- ed a business, you would have startup ber? tunity for me or you, as a physician, or costs. You would not be able to go out Mr. LATOURETTE. The gentleman is to people and simply take their money Representative MCCOTTER, as a rep- being facetious. resentative of about 700,000 people in and promise them a product later and Mr. McCOTTER. I withdraw the re- Michigan, say, ‘‘You know what? We talk about what a wonderful profit quest. don’t like your thing but we have an that you have. What we’re seeing here Mr. LATOURETTE. So those are two idea to improve it, maybe make it a is some of the worst of government ac- things that jumped out at me. I don’t little bit more bipartisan,’’ what is the counting, where the government goes know if either gentleman would like to danger in letting us talk for 5 or 10 out and takes your money on the add to that before we move on. minutes, vote on it, and then move on? promise of something later and then it Mr. ROE of Tennessee. I would like They can squish you like a bug. I’ve tells you that it isn’t as expensive as to add to that. I agree with you 100 per- said back home, at 178–257, we can’t it’s going to be. cent. If you haven’t figured out that stop a one-car parade. And so this talk I yield back. eating out of a vending machine is not out there that somehow Republicans Mr. LATOURETTE. I thank you. healthy for you, you are not smart are stymieing this effort—we can’t. We I want to get to my favorite one. enough to be here in the U.S. Congress. just don’t have the ability based upon This is ‘‘you’ve got to be kidney.’’ We Mr. LATOURETTE. I do take um- the makeup of this Chamber. talked at the top of the hour about brage with that, Doctor. Their problem has been that some some of the things that were in the Mr. ROE of Tennessee. The other lit- Democrats are fighting with other stimulus bill, some of the things that tle thing that I thought was fas- Democrats. And if you look at how this were in the cap-and-trade legislation, cinating about this health care bill was thing is falling apart, some people but when you rush through a 2,000-page a mention for carbon credits for black think it’s gone too far. Some people bill, it’s got a lot of stuff in it. And I liquor. And most people don’t know think it’s gone not far enough. Not have ‘‘you got to be kidney,’’ and what black liquor is, but I happen to many people think it’s just right or maybe the two gentlemen have an ob- have a paper factory in my district. It’s else we’d have the legislation on the servation about it. I thought a couple a paper byproduct. Why in the world floor. of things came to my mind about was that in there? Why was a sewer I want to just skip past the next two, ‘‘you’ve got to be kidney.’’ system on Indian reservations? Why and I would invite the gentlemen to This is a bill about health care, about was the calorie content of a dough- come back and maybe we’ll spend a taking care of people who are sick, nut—I don’t even eat doughnuts. I whole hour on the next two, but one is making sure that people get health started eating a dozen of them because an arm and a leg. We could talk all day coverage. There is a provision in the it’s not government’s business to be about what it costs. The one thing I do bill that gives veterinary students— telling you that. I want to mention want to mention about the cost is, you people training to be doctors to take something about—you talked about look at CBO. CBO scored the first bill, care of horses, dogs, and cats—they’re how they took the money and then pro- I think it was $1.6 trillion over the life able to tap into a $350 million fund to vided the service 3 years later. Well, of the bill. It was going to be an addi- pay off their student loans. Now, I like typically you see those furniture store tional cost. The Senate bill is about a veterinarians. I don’t want to get in ads on Saturday morning, what they trillion, and they pay for it. And that’s trouble with veterinarians. I think typically give you is zero interest; you where the ‘‘hard to stomach’’ comes they do a great job. But what in the don’t pay anything, and you get the from, the new taxes and fees that are devil does a veterinarian have to do product. This is just the opposite. I going to be hard to stomach to pay for with a health care bill to provide bet- find it fascinating. Let someone try to this thing. ter health care for people in America? sell you a couch doing that.

VerDate Nov 24 2008 01:20 Jan 22, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00053 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K21JA7.072 H21JAPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with HOUSE H322 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 21, 2010 The cost is another thing I wanted to And if I may very quickly in one mo- kets, if I’m going out to try to buy it, bring up, the government estimates of ment, I wish to answer your question or small businesses, like I ran. But if cost—I think this, to me, was the most about vending machines. It goes back you are spreading those risks among amazing thing in the world. Medicare to our earlier point. The government is hundreds of thousands or millions of came online in 1965. It was a $3 billion tying your health to the cost to the people, it’s not a problem. Number program. The estimate from the gov- government. They want to control three is tort reform. We haven’t ernment was that 25 years later, that what you eat because if you eat im- touched on that. Certainly malpractice program would be a $15 billion pro- properly, it costs them ‘‘money.’’ Now reform is a major cost bender in this. gram. In 1990, 25 years later, it was a I will just remind people, if you don’t Mr. LATOURETTE. Well, just taking $90 billion program. Today it’s over want the government in your bedroom, back my time for a minute. They say $400 billion. In Tennessee, we started in you sure don’t want them in your we have 5 minutes left. So we are going 1993 a program called TennCare to save kitchen either. to be okay, and we’ll get to Mr. money, to manage care and save Mr. LATOURETTE. I thank the gen- MCCOTTER for a closing thought. money. It was a $2.6 billion program. tleman. Just to get to the last two, and But there was a focus group in Mas- Ten budget years later, it had tripled then we will come back for another sachusetts the night of the election, to an $8 billion program. It took up hour another day. This painful business run by a pollster named Frank Luntz, every new—almost every new dollar down here on the foot, that’s called a and there was a physician in the focus the State took in. So when you see corn. And of course during the last group. He mentioned that exact point. these cost estimates of $1 trillion or election, a lot of people became famil- He said, Why don’t you have mal- $1.2 trillion, it’s a fairy tale. I mean, iar with an organization by the name practice reform? Why don’t you stop every single government program that of ACORN. Again, when you talk about this needless double testing to make I have ever heard of, with the exception what was handed out in the Senate, the sure that you don’t get sued? Actually, of Medicare Part D, went over budget. Senator from Illinois who was the re- when our proposal was put forward, the Mr. LATOURETTE. We have about 10 placement for Senator Obama when he bean counters indicated that that minutes left, and I know the gentleman came President Obama, Senator would save to the system $56 billion a from Michigan is sort of an expert on BURRIS, is claiming a provision in Sen- year. this. This goes, again—if you like your Now to the gentleman’s point about ator REID’s manager’s amendment that plan, you can keep it. We have called it the high-quality plans: Why wouldn’t could funnel money to ACORN through thigh-quality plans, which of course is you take that $56 billion a year out of the health care bill. Specifically, for high-quality plans. And in the Senate frivolous lawsuits so that these folks those that care, it’s on page 150, and it bill, in order to pay for some of this that have negotiated for good-quality says that ‘‘community and consumer- business, the gentleman maybe could health care for their families don’t focused nonprofit groups’’ may receive enlighten us on what it is they do to have to pay a 40 percent income sur- grants to ‘‘conduct public education people that have—either provided by charge on income that they’re not re- activities.’’ So we have ACORN. And their employer, their labor union or by ceiving? whatever—a plan that really takes care again, I’m not going to talk about all Mr. ROE of Tennessee. I could not of them and their family, a little the other ACORN stuff. But what does agree more. And I certainly agree with pricey, but it takes care of them. I ACORN have to do with lowering the my colleague from Michigan, Congress- would like the gentleman to share his cost of health care and making sure man MCCOTTER, about the high plans, thoughts. that people are provided? the so-called wealthy plans. We don’t Mr. MCCOTTER. I thank the gen- To wrap up, the last one that we have need to be increasing taxes on—Ameri- tleman for yielding. The sky-thigh, 40 is a kind of tricky medical, the Achil- cans can’t stand another tax right now. percent surcharge on health plans, in les’ heel. And I put the Achilles’ heel The other thing you can do in the an attempt to capture, ‘‘Cadillac’’ on this chart because the Achilles’ heel State is subsidize at a nominal amount plans, which we from Detroit prefer to of this entire plan, in my opinion, is of money high-risk pools so that people call Lexus plans. The government in the will of the American people. The who do have preexisting conditions— the Senate passed a bill that would tax American people have spoken up. They that’s another way you can deal with these plans. What they did was, they have spoken up in and New that very simply. And those four or caught up a whole lot of working peo- Jersey and Massachusetts. They’re five things we talked about we could ple who have collective bargaining speaking up on the streets. They spoke all agree on. We could get this done agreements from employer-provided up in August at town hall meetings, this 90 days or less, right here in the benefits. You can imagine that coming and it’s a strange thing. I have seen a House in a bipartisan fashion. If the from a district like mine, an auto- couple of articles that say that the President is ready to work with us, I based district of people who still make Senate has a really tough job after know our side is. I am. I yield back. things for a living such as cars, this they passed their bill around Christmas Mr. LATOURETTE. Thank you. And I was a very unfair tax to them. It went because they have to go home and try yield to the gentleman from Michigan against the express position of many to convince people that a bill they for his closing thoughts. people in the Democratic Party who, don’t want is good for them. I have Mr. MCCOTTER. I thank the gen- like myself—and I believe the gen- been in public life for about 20 years. tleman. One of the fundamental con- tleman from Ohio—oppose putting a That’s a strange paradigm. cepts behind this great Nation is that tax on employer-provided health care So closing thoughts from the gen- all power is vested in the sovereign benefits. tleman from Tennessee. people. It is simply delegated to us, as We’ve recently seen where the unions Mr. ROE of Tennessee. Well, I think their servants, to do the work of gov- had to go to the White House to try to it brings the point. It is getting harder ernance on their behalf. You cannot stop this unfair tax from affecting peo- and harder to pass legislation that peo- defy the people who sent you here. You ple that they represent. I, for one Re- ple don’t want, for sure. And I think, cannot tell your employer who is giv- publican, am glad that the administra- just very quickly, to let people know of ing a 2-year, 6-year or a 4-year contract tion has shown a willingness to back a few basic ideas that we have that will that they don’t know what they are off this tax because I wish everybody help solve this problem. I mentioned to talking about, that you know better would not have to pay this tax. I wish you a moment ago cost and afford- than they do, and you will take their they would go back to the drawing ability are what people worry about, money to convince them of it over a board and get it right. But it goes back and preexisting conditions. How do you period in time. to the fact that in the rush to pass deal with those things? I think that what we have to remem- this, in a haste behind closed doors to One of the things you can do is allow ber here, the true Achilles’ heel is not do this, they actually hurt the very health insurance companies to go the American public’s lack of under- working people that so many of us on across State lines like any other insur- standing about this. It is the Congress’ both sides of the aisle have promised ance companies. Form association arrogant defiance of the wishes of the should never have their employer-pro- health plans. Preexisting conditions American people that have common- vided health care benefits taxed. are only a problem for individual mar- sense solutions to problems that affect

VerDate Nov 24 2008 02:59 Jan 22, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00054 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K21JA7.073 H21JAPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with HOUSE January 21, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H323 their daily lives, especially in a very credit is a serious issue facing most ADJOURNMENT difficult time of economic recession, small businesses in this country. The Ms. MARKEY of . Mr. with high unemployment, such as in lack of credit has caused a cash-flow Speaker, I move that the House do now States like mine, Michigan. crunch on many businesses, impacting adjourn. When we think about this, it is a their ability to grow, purchase new The motion was agreed to; accord- very fundamental proposition. Lincoln equipment or hire a worker. Approxi- ingly (at 4 o’clock and 29 minutes laid it out a long time ago. Whatever mately $2.5 billion in commercial loans p.m.), under its previous order, the happened in Massachusetts and will come due in the next year, and House adjourned until tomorrow, Fri- throughout this country, it’s not many banks will not be willing or able day, January 22, 2010, at 10 a.m. anger. It’s not just frustration. It’s not to renew them. . vexation. It’s the fact that the Amer- On May 20, 2009, I introduced the f ican people understand what’s hap- Small Business AID Act, H.R. 2527. The pening. They have the information, and Small Business AID Act will allow OATH FOR ACCESS TO CLASSIFIED they do not give their consent to this small businesses to utilize the SBA’s INFORMATION radical government-run health care 504 loan program to refinance existing Under clause 13 of rule XXIII, the fol- bill that was passed by this House or by debt. Low interest rates in conjunction lowing Members executed the oath for the Senate or is threatened to be with this bill allow small businesses to access to classified information: passed again, because Lincoln was reduce their debt while raising their Neil Abercrombie, Gary L. Ackerman, Rob- right: Why should there not be patient cash flow. This bill is temporary in na- ert B. Aderholt, John H. Adler, W. Todd confidence in the ultimate justice of ture, limiting debt restructuring for 2 Akin, Rodney Alexander, Jason Altmire, the people? Is there any better or equal years. The bill is also deficit-neutral. Robert E. Andrews, Michael A. Arcuri, Steve hope in this world? The answer remains Over 94 percent of my colleagues have Austria, Joe Baca, Michele Bachmann, Spen- no, and I would encourage my Demo- cer Bachus, Brian Baird, Tammy Baldwin, J. certified development companies in Gresham Barrett, John Barrow, Roscoe G. cratic colleagues to heed their wisdom. their districts which provide loans to I yield back. Bartlett, Joe Barton, Melissa L. Bean, Xa- small businesses. These loans amount vier Becerra, Shelley Berkley, Howard L. Mr. LATOURETTE. I thank both the to an average of $1.6 million invest- Berman, Marion Berry, Judy Biggert, Brian gentlemen for participating. I will just ment in small businesses in each of our P. Bilbray, Gus M. Bilirakis, Rob Bishop, say that in light of this election in districts, and the average number of Sanford D. Bishop Jr., Timothy H. Bishop, Massachusetts, I have hoped that the Marsha Blackburn, Earl Blumenauer, Roy administration will push the reset but- loans per year per district is three. That means almost $5 million invested Blunt, John A. Boccieri, John A. Boehner, Jo ton, and we would take the President Bonner, Mary Bono Mack, John Boozman, at his word when he came here to this in businesses, purchases, employees. Madeleine Z. Bordallo, Dan Boren, Leonard House. Let’s get a bill. Let’s get some- Senator LANDRIEU introduced S. 2869 on L. Boswell, Rick Boucher, Charles W. thing done on the 80 percent that we December 10th, which includes provisions Boustany Jr., Allen Boyd, Bruce L. Braley, can agree about. We can fight for the which are similar to The Small Business AID Kevin Brady, Robert A. Brady, , Act. The Senate Committee on Small Busi- Paul C. Broun, Corrine Brown, Ginny Brown- rest of the couple years on the 20 per- Waite, Henry E. Brown Jr., Vern Buchanan, cent we don’t. But let’s get something ness and Entrepreneurship conducted hear- ings and has reported the bill favorably. Michael C. Burgess, Dan Burton, G. K. done for the American people. Butterfield, Steve Buyer, Ken Calvert, Dave And not to use percentages, but as Our economy needs a shot in the arm. The Camp, John Campbell, Eric Cantor, Anh ‘‘Jo- our friend here in the Operation game, Small Business AID Act is a simple cost-free seph’’ Cao, Shelley Moore Capito, Lois my folks back home are saying, We fix to infuse more cash into our economy. I Capps, Michael E. Capuano, Dennis A. need to take care of the things that, urge all members to support H.R. 2527. Cardoza, Russ Carnahan, Christopher P. Car- ney, Andre´ Carson, John R. Carter, Bill Doc, you’ve talked about. Why though, f in order to take care of the 15 percent Cassidy, Michael N. Castle, Kathy Castor, Jason Chaffetz, Ben Chandler, Travis W. of the people we have to deal with— SPECIAL ORDERS GRANTED Childers, Judy Chu, Donna M. Christensen, that’s the estimate—do we have to By unanimous consent, permission to Yvette D. Clarke, Wm. Lacy Clay, Emanuel mess with the other 85 percent? We Cleaver, James E. Clyburn, Howard Coble, have to mess with the people who have address the House, following the legis- Mike Coffman, Steve Cohen, Tom Cole, K. good quality health care? We have to lative program and any special orders Michael Conaway, Gerald E. Connolly, John take $500 billion out of Medicare? Peo- heretofore entered, was granted to: Conyers Jr., Jim Cooper, Jim Costa, Jerry F. ple don’t understand it. And I don’t (The following Members (at the re- Costello, Joe Courtney, Ander Crenshaw, Jo- blame them for not understanding be- quest of Mr. BRIGHT) to revise and ex- seph Crowley, Henry Cuellar, John Abney Culberson, Elijah E. Cummings, Kathleen A. cause I don’t understand it either. And tend their remarks and include extra- neous material:) Dahlkemper, Artur Davis, Danny K. Davis, I just have to say again, you’ve got to Geoff Davis, Lincoln Davis, Susan A. Davis, Ms. WOOLSEY, for 5 minutes, today. be kidding. Nathan Deal, Peter A. DeFazio, Diana I thank you both for participating, Mr. DEFAZIO, for 5 minutes, today. DeGette, William D. Delahunt, Rosa L. Mr. Speaker. I thank you and yield Mr. BRIGHT, for 5 minutes, today. DeLauro, Charles W. Dent, Lincoln Diaz- back. Ms. KAPTUR, for 5 minutes, today. Balart, Mario Diaz-Balart, Norman D. Dicks, Mr. FALEOMAVAEGA, for 5 minutes, John D. Dingell, Lloyd Doggett, Joe Don- f today. nelly, Michael F. Doyle, David Dreier, Steve REMOVAL OF NAME OF MEMBER (The following Members (at the re- Driehaus, John J. Duncan Jr. Chet Edwards, AS COSPONSOR OF H.R. 874 quest of Mr. POE of Texas) to revise and Donna F. Edwards, Vernon J. Ehlers, Keith extend their remarks and include ex- Ellison, Brad Ellsworth, Jo Ann Emerson, Ms. MARKEY of Colorado. Mr. Eliot L. Engel, Anna G. Eshoo, Bob Speaker, I ask for unanimous consent traneous material:) Etheridge, Eni F. H. Faleomavaega, Mary to be removed as a cosponsor from H.R. Mrs. MILLER of Michigan, for 5 min- Fallin, Sam Farr, , Bob Filner, 874. utes, today. Jeff Flake, John Fleming, J. Randy Forbes, The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Mr. REICHERT, for 5 minutes, today. Jeff Fortenberry, Bill Foster, Virginia Foxx, TEAGUE). Is there objection to the re- Barney Frank, Trent Franks, Rodney P. quest of the gentlewoman from Colo- f Frelinghuysen, Marcia L. Fudge, Elton rado? Gallegly, John Garamendi, Scott Garrett, There was no objection. SENATE ENROLLED BILL SIGNED , Gabrielle Giffords, Kirsten E. The Speaker announced her signa- Gillibrand*, Phil Gingrey, Louie Gohmert, f Bob Goodlatte, Charles A. Gonzalez, Bart ture to an enrolled bill of the Senate of THE SMALL BUSINESS AID ACT Gordon, Kay Granger, Sam Graves, Alan the following title: Grayson, Al Green, Gene Green, Parker Grif- (Ms. MARKEY of Colorado asked and S. 692. An act to provide that claims of the fith, Rau´ l M. Grijalva, Brett Guthrie, Luis V. was given permission to address the United States to certain documents relating Gutierrez, John J. Hall, Ralph M. Hall, Debo- House for 1 minute.) to Franklin Delano Roosevelt shall be treat- rah L. Halvorson, Phil Hare, Jane Harman, Ms. MARKEY of Colorado. Mr. ed as waived and relinquished in certain cir- Gregg Harper, Alcee L. Hastings, Doc Speaker, obtaining and maintaining cumstances. Hastings, Martin Heinrich, Dean Heller, Jeb

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