The Twelfth Elf

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Track listing for The Twelfth Elf

1. Big Boy Five 2. Laura's Lullaby 3. The Twelfth Elf 4. The Tooth Fairy Two-Step (Dental Savings & Loan) 5. Jordan's Lullaby 6. Radical Kids' Song 7. Eliot's Three 8. Come out and Play 9. Eliot's Lullaby 10. Fathers and Children 11. Gone One Day

This is James Kahn's children’s CD. The Twelfth Elf , Subtitled Lullabys and Wakeup Calls . About half of these are songs he wrote for his kids over the years, some sweet lullabys, some more upbeat, written for their birthdays. The rest are songs he has written more recently, more retrospectively. It’s an album he has always wanted to put together – something for kids, that kids would enjoy, but that their parents would also like. These songs aren’t written down to a childish level; they all have something to say to people of all ages, both musically and lyrically. The same stupendous personnel play on this album as on his others (which can be found at That James Kahn , also on Radio Submit. The cover art on The Twelfth Elf was created by James Kahn too, and comes from a children’s book that will eventually come out, titled, incredibly… The 12th Elf .

James Kahn has been writing and producing his Americana CDs since 2011, with occasional performances in Santa Barbara as his busy film and television work permits. Originally a doctor, he began his career as a novelist with the sci-fi trilogy World Enough and Time. He was an advisor on ’s ET: The Extraterrestrial , at which time Spielberg asked him to novelize the movie Poltergeist. Kahn went on to pen the novelizations of and the Temple of Doom , , and .

From there he segued into a long career in television, writing-producing numerous series, as diverse as Melrose Place and : Voyager . He was nominated for a writing Emmy for work on All My Children . In 2011 he wrote, produced and directed an award winning music video ( Dolores Quits Dancing) taken from his CD, Man Walks Into A Bar . Most recently he produced the award winning indie feature The Bet.

His full bio can be found on his website,

His award winning music video can be seen at

You may also want to check out James Kahn's Folk / Americana CDs, available for radio download here:

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