A Selected List of Educational Material Available from Commerce and Industry
L DOCUMENT RESUME ED 076 826 VT 020 208 AUTHOR Deasy, John TITLE A Selected List of Educational Material Available from Commerce and Industry. INSTITUTION New York State Education Dept., Albany. Office of Occupational Education.; State Univ. of New York, Ithaca. Cornell Inst. for Research and Development in -Occupational Education. PUB DATE [72] NOTE 99p. AVAILABLE FROM Instructional Materials Service, Stone Hall, cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y..:14850 ($2.00) EDRS PRICE MF -$0.65 HC-$3.29 DESCRIPTORS Agricultural Education; Audiovisual Aids; Autoinstructional Aids; *Data Sheets; *Instructional Aids; *Instructional Materials; Manqals; Pualications. *Resource Guides; *Resource Materials; Technical Education ABSTRACT This publication is designed to assist teachers of agricultural and technical education in identifying and locating some of thi instructional aids available from commerce and industry. Although most of the items listed are intended to support and add variety to the customary teaching resources, some could serve as major student refetences..The publication-contains descriptive listings of product* available from approximately 70 organizations responding to a request for educational materials information. The materials include books, kits, manualsself-study courses, specification sheets, technical bulletins, charts, films, cassettes, transparencies, enginesettools,:and various specialty items. The contents are indexed by-:company name and by subject area..lhe publication includes information for obtaining the materials listed and for finding out more about educational materials available from commercial companies.,(MF) St 1 I' OP a ; zi ` Am-00+.0 aec" 4.2 222 2/ ; e frzz.; ,:f450pr,7 e Or- 4 1 1 O zte.-.4,,,,;,4 .- z 4. e.'", / , e 4154.ere;,...3" /,,,k**1/4,....",e.;.
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