Annual Ball of Public Matters American Legion J in Middletown A
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Moiunouth County's tireat Market XMace All Uio NCH» of Tliu Itigibter's Classlllcd RED BANK Departments and Surroundinsr Towns Where the Seller Finds Tpld Foarlcbsly und Without Bias. RED BANK (ho Buyer. Jtnued Weekly, L'ntcrcd as Eeconcl-^'/aBH Matter ; £ ttie Pout* One Vcar 11.60 VOLUME LV, NO. 38. office at Kcd Dank, N. J., under tha Ac', of Mn li '6, IHI'J. RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15, 1933. Single Copy <c. PAGES 1 TO 8. librarian, made a detailed report of rLOon snow AND DAM E. Annual Ball of Public Matters the activities of the township li- A Petition For Rumson Plumbers brary and it was accepted. It shows Planning Slate 'Legion Against a large increase in library service. Ladv Klks B lin American Legion j in Middletown A letter was received from Mrs, Less School Tax Want Code There \ March 17t' ""h at< Kilts' Home of Candidates the Economy Bill Jlobert Ilartshoine relative to an The Lady Klks' howling Huh nt n Everything in Readiness for St. Action Deferred Until March 23d ordinance which it is proposed to Holmdel Folks Ask That Budget Petition Received by Council meeting Monday ni^ht r'jmpU-t.tul Democrats in Mi'ddletown Town- Telegrams Sent to Senator Keanj : ( Patrick's Festivities at the on Ordinance to Vacate Street j adopt to regulate the building of be Reopened and Revised on Asking for Regulations to Pro- plans for a d;incr in b<- h<-M i-'nd.iy ship Indorse Arthur Pryor of and senator Barbour by Com- night of this week al th*' I^lfc:;' home Molly Pitcher Hotel Friday Bordering Edgebrook Park on J^^t* Z^Z m^. Basis of Fiscal Year Ending tect Local Labor—Gas Com- on Broad street. The sale of tii:k*'t.i Asbury Park for Freeholder mander of Red Bank Post Night. the Leonardvillc Road. nance is to beautify the road and in December 31st. ; pany Head Explains Charge. has been very Kood and a hrK<- at- and Discuss Local Ticket. Urging Vote Against Measure. order for this to be done it will be. tendance is expected. In conjunct ion Preparation:; are being completed Most of the time at. the meeting of Last week the legislature of New I A petition for a sanitary plumbing Al a laijtly attended meeting oil At the 1 necessary for 'jonerrted action by all' v.Mth tho dance there wil! bo a (lour of Shrewsbury posf; lor the seventh annual Ht. ralrick ; thc township committee of Middle- Jersey passed a- bill whereby school ' coil P.umson to protect local In: Middlctown township Democratic | American " j of rmmk-ijiTilii ir*s show, which is be-inj.; arranged by o f the lcgion ot Rctl iank: ball to be held by .Shrewsburyy punt jj town township last Thrusday aftqr- budgets can be re opened and regu- plumber,; from out-of-tnwn competi- ignnization la.:1, week at the Nave- Monday nifiht Otmar Phillips ion of lied liank • noon was devoted tu consideration Hie boulevard prices. Harts- lated on the basis of the school fiscal 'J'ony Hunting. Ak-nibcr:; of iJj>:e)ub fiichou.-j'-.', it wao unanimously of the American j h,orne':orne:; letteleuer wwa-a ; men. <' .. ,, tion •v.-a.-i prn;si.'ntf:d to the mayor and commander, reported that IIQ cher \ council of .that municipality at a will take part and the re will also be voted lo i'ndoi.^e Arthur Pryur of As- Friday nitfht at the Molly Pitcher \ an ordinance to vacate a:> public Krnil HonncbcrK stated that. ,jart ; Vear ending on.Dccemberdlst to cor hnd snnt tclegramg to Sonator Ham- hotel. Tho decorations have been property the former tiolley right of h ' lespond with the municipal fiscal meeting Thuif-day night. The peti- bury Park for the Demucratic nom- of the bulkheading at- East KCAK- I Thc club will hold an elect ion of F. Kean nnd Sonntor W, War-. arranged and other puliininai ic- i way in front of LMtfi'brouk Park on year, instead of ending on June 30th, tion Mated that thc code would hen- ination for fiTchohier. IL is expected, rcn Bnrbour ur-inR thom to votn burg" had collapsed during a recent and would relieve j dicers Monday night, April 10th rh'j' I)K; ;i.'.:uci'ili('Ji, at i!:] nfvf nr1*'',- have been attended lo. Tim advance the Leonard viily load, near Leunui :;torm ami thai, other adjoining bulk- a;i in the pa&t. School budgets would jefk toml labor n;:nin.'' W;j.';bt ion tJcriqnrd (o givo sale of ticket* indicate:- a laige at-( do. The ordinance had pasted' it:. heading would H'IVG way unless be reduced about one-half by such j unernpioymen'. Those who signed will Ko on iccuitl a.s favoring rlict.Ttrj rid I powers to Prpsidentt Hurry rlicrt of 1\'AVA tendance I ih'bt reading and it received a hear- , the part destroyed was replaced. Mr. action*" ' ,' and ilt would be "necessaraw "'yy LtUo the petition were Tieorge A. Mcllish, rv in Franklin D, Roo-nvnlt to deal with, Felix Knntanuclo is chairman of • ins last Thuisday. < , ^ui.( Axel Hillsirom, Clarence Layton, Mr. P :'6 .running n on tho compensation for veterans. Mi", !.Sonncb was in doubt a, ft, whe- n^*™"™0?™I™? "f*. ^C?J Get Credits For ihe bull cornmiuri: and he will be a.s- j James H. Lockwood of Lvomudo \ "hc|. (]]c wbuIknna(Jin • which had col-her iDstcad of the customary time in ricginald Laylon and George A. Har- (irkci. Phillips Pt;iJpd thnt in doins this ho listed by Otmar Phillip::, commander ; addressed the committee for uljout, j lajjscd \vo:i on public, or private Kchruary. Thc vote of three-fouitht vey. 1 he. petition was referred to Morris Ju;c|»h i.f complied with an order sent by LouiJt of the past. Kefie.dinienU will bo an hour and a half in opposition to propeily. Thc matter wa:; lefcrrcdj of the school board member:: \^ re-the health anil sanitation committee. Religious Study rrl fur tin; wulfnru i that A. Johnson, nation;)! commander of? dispensed by John Phiffcnbcr^ei ami j vacating the land. He claimed thnt. to Mr. Gross in^nr. tiuiied to make the change. The new Thc creation of a new election dis- ,:iiu-f! thr la.n mc(;t nf th a.-;.so- thr Amrnivin lotion. He said tha ft law requires that in order for thc trict \vn?: advocated by Councilman ffi'ii l njii 28 h;iir.-> of Cecil MacCloud. David Poson '"'A\-i the township shouM retain the prop- To Mr. Gro.vsjn^r-f ah-o war; re- Forty-Six Students Honored at : hoi's hail been 10.J>GO such tnlp^r.'ims had been sent; act as cabhier. Thc lloor committee \ crly in order to provide space for buugets to be reopened and new ap George It. Kuhn, who declared that i'cn t'j fhildrrn who ate tn untui- to senators by the commanders of* ferred thc matter, of having flasher propriation.T fixed action must be tak-Rmn:iuii was entitled to a third dis- Union Services Sunday at ^ comprises Alexander Hunter, Wil- I sidewalks and in order t<> widen the light:-; put up nt four places where inic eircuni^tiincc.-:. vn rioiKs po-t^ and thnt many tele-* ham Thorpe and William Webb and , road if this should become desirable en on or before Monday, March 20th. trict. He said approximately 1,700 Presbyterian Church—Seven-! 1'hn noniin;i( in^ conimittct: rrporL- prams had bnen sent by Worn- ; thc Shore boulevard intersects with votes ^'crc enst at. thc Inst election cl they will be a:Hi:-te<I by a coinnnUec , in the future. He claimed that traf- I own ah in road:-. Many accidents In Holmdel township a petition is ty-Five Enrolled. i hai it. would MJOII niakt: rcconi- en's auxiliaries of the legion. Ho consi; tni£ ot John McKlvi.'nlClvi.-ny; ami lit; would increase nnd thai. ;i -wider foein^ circulated, asking- the township and flic work of counting these i:iw 1;slions for town'Miiji c;miiidai thci-c oi ^;ihiz;ition« rcprcacntcct have the:;c intersections. votes, was too much for' tlie two elec- Carl Ilicnif r. Th l;rockhur;-;t | road would thru be advanta^r-miK. The Htatr> highway com mission 'him board of education to reduce the bud- Forty-six yonnK mm nmi women * ;i! prin^' prinuiry It 11.500.(100 men and 500,000 women. and Archibald MacKc-Unr will ic-i | *' Mr Mr.. Lockwood claimed that : get, in accordance with thc new lawtion boards. Upon thc suggestion of j who have taken courses in thc lead- w,is leconimenrtcil a committee j Permission has been granted by tho [ con:- i:nted to having thc new lights ccivc tiuket.'i at the dour. The admis- thc. ordinance was not properly word. :-et up. It. h. estimated that they and to otherwise reduce expenses. Councilman James-C. Auchincloss a j or: hip training srhonl condurtpd by he appointed to draft a platfnrm furjmayor and council of Red Bank foi' sion U'c, haw been reduced ryJ..arKJ if Acnicti in the courts would will copt S17!5-eaeh; - -The petition is worded as follows: conferenrp oa ihc matter will be | the Rod Bank council of 'coming election. The. choice ut day the u.'iiial price.