Halliday Review – Autumn 1997
:THtrHALLNDAY REVNEW HIERARCHYOARTO RELIGIONO PHILOSOPHYO SCIENCE VolumeI NumberI Autumn1997 The Coraducrtor The Hallidav Review Autumn 1997 list is not definitive!Indeed, nothing about iN:fFiE EtrGNNNING EugeneHalliday could be defined with certainty,for his talents seemedto denythe limitation which definition implies.He lhe L\as the word. and Tn begrnnrng transcendedall ourdefinitions. Ithe wordwrs with Godand the word wasCod. That is asapl a slan for an)thing Those of you who knew Eugene to do with Eugene Halliday as can be Hallidayneed no persuadingofhis genius. imagined. The word in all its forms, the Thoseofour rcaderswho cometo him only Logos which is the manifestationof the via thispublication will, I am sure,frnd the Creator God, this was the conceptwhich manin his words. ruled his li{b. Exceptthat it was morethan a In theReview we will publishHalliday concept,forhe hadembodied it into his very writingswhich do notfit easilyor obviously and was a living exampleof substance, he into his Collectedworks. we will print its working. All his life he wrote, spoke, Hallidaypoems and pictures and we will be listenedto, the Word in all its myriad forms. happy to consider contributionsfrom This Review is readersstrictly on the intendedto reflect and ln thisissue themeof thisReview. comment upon the ]lfe I (A maximumof 1500 work of Eugene TheSoul by ELrgeneHalliday 7 tttords at the mohenl, 5 Halliday,and to discuss please, ancl far lote, "Not Two Mantrasby DonaldS. Lord 6 his ideas. rry SoEasy by MonicahDowney 7 not monel!) We wtll ideas, but l,4e ideas," 7 includeyoui views and would be his reply to Successby EugeneHalliday 8 questions in a letter this.
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