
This term our RE focus is on How and why do people pray? Year 3 will understand what prayer is. Children will uncover why some people pray and understand ways in which prayer can comfort and challenge believers. Year 3 will know what some say and do when they pray. The children will understand that Hindus use artefacts during , and that they have meaning. Year 3 will know what some say and do when they pray and different ways that they pray and worship.

Key facts Key Vocabulary Jewish place of worship. Prayer • People talk to God for the same reasons that we turn to others for Mandir Hindu place of worship. help. This is called praying. • People who have a faith believe that praying is like having a conversation or relationship with God. The most ancient sacred texts of the Hindu • For religious people, it is about friendship, love and support. religion are written in . How do Hindus pray? Jewish holy book, written in Hebrew. • Hindus pray to their gods in a worship called . • It takes place around the shrine at home or at the mandir. • During Puja, Hindus chant , which are verses and prayers from Jewish people attend services at the synagogue their holy book. on Saturdays during Shabbat. How do Jewish people pray? Commandments A rule that must be obeyed, especially one • Men and women sit in separate parts of the synagogue when they handed down by God. pray. • They face east when they pray so that they are facing . Reincarnation The rebirth of a soul in another body. Atman The eternal spirit. Holiness Showing dedication to God.

Judaism and Hinduism Prior Learning: Following on: Year 1: Year 4: Islam: What makes some places sacred? Judaism and Hinduism: Year 2: Islam: What do different people believe about God?

What can we learn from sacred books?

Year 5: :

If God is everywhere, why go to a place of worship?

Year 6:

Judaism and Hinduism:

Why do some people believe God exists?

Judaism Hinduism Jews, like other people of faith, pray in many ways. Hindu worship, or puja, involves images (), prayers (mantras) and diagrams • They pray so that their hearts can reach out to God of the universe (). • They pray to express and exercise their beliefs Central to Hindu worship is the image, or icon, which can be worshipped either • They pray to share in the life of a worshipping community at home or in the temple. • They pray to obey God's commandments Individual rather than communal: The important things about prayer are: Hindu worship is primarily an individual act rather than a communal one, as it • You should do it with total concentration on God-there should be involves making personal offerings to the deity. nothing else in your mind Worshippers repeat the names of their favourite gods and goddesses, and • The prayer should be completely from the heart repeat mantras. Water, fruit, flowers and are offered to god. Three Times a Day: Worship at home: Jews are supposed to pray three times a day; morning, afternoon, and The majority of Hindu homes have a shrine where offerings are made and evening. prayers are said. The book (it's called a siddur) has special services set down A shrine can be anything: a room, a small or simply pictures or statues of the for this. deity.

Judaism and Hinduism