THE E UROP E AN A NGLICAN C ANT E RBURY C ONS E CRATION A PPLAUS E F OR O UR N E W B ISHOP M OR E T HAN A S INGL E T OPIC G E N E RAL S YNOD R E PORT P RI E STLY T RIO O RDINATIONS I N C OLOGN E A G RI M M em ORIAL A UTU M N 1 9 1 4 R emem B E R E D S WISS S KI S E RVIC E 1 5 0 Y E ARS W ITN E SS No.63 AUTUMN 2014 2 CONSECRATION IN CANTERBURY THE E UROP E AN E UROP E AN , E CU me NICAL AND E NCOURAGING A NGLICA N B ISHOP R OB E RT ’S The Bishop of Gibraltar in Europe The Rt Rev Robert Innes F IRST ST E PS The Suffragan Bishop in Europe The Rt Rev David Hamid Postal address: Diocesan Office Tel: +44 (0) 207 898 1160 Email:
[email protected] The Diocesan Office 14 Tufton Street, London, SW1P 3QZ Tel: +44 (0) 207 898 1155 Fax: +44 (0) 207 898 1166 Email:
[email protected] Diocesan Secretary Mr Adrian Mumford Appointments Secretary Miss Catherine Jackson Finance Secretary Mr Nick Wraight Diocesan Website Editor and Diocesan Communications Officer The Rev Paul Needle and boys voices together, and with the Postal address: Diocesan Office backing of trumpeters they did justice to Email: the old German hymn Praise to the Lord,
[email protected] the Almighty, the King of creation.