OFFICE OF THE GENERAL MANAGER, BSNL, KOZHIKODE TENDER DOCUMENT E-Tender for Mobile Access Equipment Maintenance (NBSNL, BSNL and IP sites), Mobile Infrastructure Maintenance Full and Partial (NBSNL sites), Diesel Filling and Rigger activities at BTS sites of Kozhikode Telecom District Sl.No . Subject Details MP/CLT/e-Tender/BTS Outsourcing/2020-21/1 1 Tender No dated 16/06/2020 2 Cost of tender document Rs. 2360/- (Rs 2000+ 18% GST) 3 EMD Rs. 290000/- From 10:00 Hrs of 22/06/2020 Availability of tender document for 4 onwards up to 11:00 Hrs of downloading 22/07/2020 Last date and time for online submission 5 13:00 hrs of 22/07/2020 of tender Last date and time for offline submission 6 of tender document, EMD, Cost of 13:00 hrs of 22/07/2020 tender document in original Date and time of opening sealed 7 envelope containing tender document, 14:30 hrs of 22/07/2020 EMD, Cost of tender document 8 Date and time of online bid opening 15:00 hrs of 22/07/2020 The tender will remain open for 9 Period of bid validity acceptance up to 180 days of opening of the tender Email:
[email protected] 10 Tender help desk
[email protected] Kindly see all clarifications /corrigendum on website and read bid document carefully before submission and ensure that all documents are fully authenticated by authorised signatory kindly submit your offers by means of online bids only for Electronic Tendering at the portal detailed in Section-4 Part C “E-tendering Instructions to Bidders ” The bidders in the category of Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) who are registered with MSME bodies like National Small Scale Industries Corporation, District / State Industries Centre, Khadi & Village Industries Commission/Board, Coir Board, and Directorate of Handicrafts & Handloom are exempted from the payment of tender document cost & EMD.