Department of Health and Community Services Ambulance Listing

There are three categories of ambulance services in the province:  Hospital Based Ambulance Services - 12 Public Utilities Board Licenses  Private Ambulance Services – 27 Public Utilities Board Licenses  Community Ambulance Services – 22 Public Utilities Board Licenses

Hospital Bases Ambulance Services  Funded through the RHAs budgets  Paramedics are RHA staff

The RHA ambulances services are positioned as follows:  St. John’s Metro – Minimum of 5 ambulances staffed to a maximum of 10 ambulances staffed during peak periods.  – One ambulance  Gander – Two ambulances – One 24/7 and one call in  – One ambulance  Grand Falls –Winsor - Two ambulances - One 24/7 and one call in  Buchans – One ambulance  Springdale – One ambulance  Baie Verte – One ambulance  – One ambulance (Note – Shared Emergency response with a private operator)  Port Saunders – Two ambulances  Flower’s Cove – One ambulance  Roddickton – One ambulance  St. Anthony – Two ambulances  North West River – One ambulance  City – One ambulance

Private Ambulance Services  Funded through Service Agreements signed with HCS and the appropriate RHA (tri- partite)  For profit service delivery  Two associations and four independent operators: o NL Association of Ambulance Services o NL Ambulance Operator Association o Moore’s, Delaney, MacKenzie and Tryco Ambulance Services  Refer to the attached tables for position

Community Ambulance Services  Funded through Service Agreements signed with HCS and the appropriate RHA (tri- partite)  For not for profit service delivery

Types of Funded Ambulances (Refer to the tables starting on the next page)  Primary ambulances (P1 and P2) – 24/7 emergency response. 4.5 FTEs per ambulances.  Secondary ambulances (S1 to S6) – 12 hour staffing on week days (Routine transfers) – 2.5 FTEs for S1 and 2.0 FTEs for additional Secondary ambulances (S2 to S6).  Isolated ambulances (I1) –Same as Secondary ambulances but provided additional funding due to their isolated location.  Available ambulances (A1) – Minimal funding, no FTEs associated with the ambulances, used at the operators discretion.

Human Resource Profile  790 registered paramedics (approximate) in 3 categories: o 265 Emergency Medical Responders (2 weeks training) o 485 Primary Care Paramedics (12 to 18 months training) o 40 Advance Care Paramedics (36 to 48 months training)

NL Association of Ambulance Services

Private Primary Primary Secondary Secondary Secondary Secondary Secondary Secondary Isolated Ambulance Operator #1 #2 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 Isolated Available Fewer’s - Burin P1 S1 S2 Fewer’s - St. Lawrence P1 Emergency Services P1 S1 Fewer’s - Gambo P1 Fewer’s - P1 P2 S1 S2 S3 S4 Fewer’s - Bonavista/Catalina P1 P2 Fewer’s - Port Rexton P1 Fewer’s - P1 Fewer’s - Lethbridge P1 Fewer’s - Arnolds Cove P1 Fewer’s - Bell Island P1 I1 Fewer’s - Holyrood P1 S1 Fewer’s - Kelligrews P1 P2 S1 Freake's - P1 P2 S1 S2 S3 S4 Freake's P1 P2 Hoyle’s - Newtown/Brookfield P1 P2 Labrador Amb - Happy Valley P1 P2 Mercer's - Boyd's Cove P1 P2 S1 Mercer's - P1 Mercer's - Fogo P1 I1 Reliable - Corner Brook P1 P2 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 Reliable - P1 I1 Ryan's - P1 P2 Young's - P1 S1 A1

NL Private Ambulance Operator Association

Private Primary Primary Secondary Isolated Ambulance Operator #1 #2 #1 Ambulance Available Broughton - P1 S1 Cape Shore - St. Brides P1 A1 Deer Lake - Deer Lake P1 S1 Gibbon's - St. Mary's P1 P2 A1 Gibbon's - Mount Carmel P1 Labrador South - Cartwright P1 I1 Lab South - Forteau P1 I1 Lab South - Port Hope Simpson P1 Fiander - P1 P2 S1 A1 Powers - Placentia P1 P2 S1 Random Island - Random Island P1 A1 Russell’s - Stephenville P1 P2 S1 Smith - Whitbourne P1 P2 S1 A1

Independent Private Ambulance Operators

Primary Primary Secondary Secondary Secondary Available Operator #1 #2 #1 #2 #3 Ambulance Delaney's - Glovertown P1 P2 A1 Moore's - Clarke's Beach P1 P2 S1 S2 Moore's - P1 S1 S2 S3 MacKenzie PAB P1 P2 S1 S2 MacKenzie - Codroy P1 Trico P1 A1 Trico - Woody Point P1

NL Community Ambulance Operator Association

Community Operator First Primary Second Primary Bay D' Espoir P1 P2 Bay L' Argent P1 Cape St. George P1 P1 Daniel’s Harbour P1 P1 P2 Hampden P1 P1 Hearts Delight P1 P2 Hermitage P1 Jackson's Arm P1 Jefferies P1 P1 Lourdes K of C P1 Mose Ambrose P1 North Shore P1 P1 P2 P1 Roberts Arm P1 St. Lunaire-Griquet P1 Triton P1 Winterton P1