Community Voice - November 26, 2020 1 City Hall Ward Offi ce ELI EL-CHANTIRY 110 Laurier Ave. W. 5670 Carp Rd. Ottawa, ON K1P 1J1 Kinburn, ON K0A 2H0 Councillor, West Carleton - March Ward 5 T: 613-580-2475 T: 613-580-2424 ext. 32246
[email protected] @Eli_Elchantiry @Ward5Ottawa Your WEST CommunityVoice CARLETON November 26, 2020
[email protected] 613-45-VOICE
[email protected] Vol. 2 No. 23 More women joining West Carleton’s firefighting ranks BY ERIN McCRACKEN Two decades after becom- ing one of very few female firefighters in West Carleton at that time, Ellie Holmes is now watching the ranks fill with more women than ever before. The Vydon Acres resident had been hesitant to join in 2000, despite encourage- ment from friends, because she didn’t think she was a good fit at just 100 pounds, five-foot-two, in her mid- 40s, out of shape and female. That is, until her neighbour, Nick Benedict, told her Fitzroy Harbour’s station was recruiting and insisted she join. Holmes graduated from Erin McCracken photo training in early 2001 and Bookworms today is West Carleton’s longest-serving female Corkery resident Katie Hogan reads pages from the book ‘Ada Twist, Scientist’ to her sons, Sam, 4, left, and Jack, 6. The EarlyON Child and Family Centre, firefighter. through the Western Ottawa Community Resource Centre, hosted Corkery’s first public Story Book Walk on Nov. 19. Families had the opportunity to walk the grounds of the Corkery Community Centre and stop along the way to read pages from the popular children’s book.