Security Analysis of PRINCE J´er´emy Jean1?, Ivica Nikoli´c2, Thomas Peyrin2, Lei Wang2 and Shuang Wu2 1 Ecole´ Normale Sup´erieure,France 2 Division of Mathematical Sciences, School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
[email protected] finikolic,thomas.peyrin,wang.lei,
[email protected] Abstract. In this article, we provide the first third-party security analysis of the PRINCE lightweight block cipher, and the underlying PRINCEcore. First, while no claim was made by the authors regarding related-key attacks, we show that one can attack the full cipher with only a single pair of related keys, and then reuse the same idea to derive an attack in the single-key model for the full PRINCEcore for several instances of the α parameter (yet not the one randomly chosen by the designers). We also show how to exploit the structural linear relations that exist for PRINCE in order to obtain a key recovery attack that slightly breaks the security claims for the full cipher. We analyze the application of integral attacks to get the best known key-recovery attack on a reduced version of the PRINCE cipher. Finally, we provide time-memory-data tradeoffs, that require only known plaintext-ciphertext data, and that can be applied to full PRINCE. Key words: PRINCE, block cipher, cryptanalysis, related-key boomerang, time-memory-data tradeoff. 1 Introduction Lightweight cryptography is a new, rapidly developing area of symmetric cryptography that has emerged from the needs of constrained devices. The increasing deployment of such devices in the everyday life has captured the attention of the cryptographic community.