

Unified Theory of Electroweak, Strong, and Gravitational Interactions*

Angela N. Mayorova 1 [0000-0001-8395-3146], Yuri D. Mendygulov 1 [0000-0003-3490-9143], Yuri N. Mitsay 1 [0000-0001-9626-7532], Nikolay N. Oleinikov 1 [0000-0002-9348-9153]

1 V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, Russia

[email protected]

Abstract. In this paper, we are given a new interpretation of a simple and gauge fields as the connections to the fiber bundle, a given change in the basis vectors, and the base layer with an infinitely small displacement in the database. Introduction of the interaction of gauge fields and the and leptons based on the interpretation of leptons and quarks as vectors and tensors in the space layer. The dynamics of gauge fields and gravity introduced based on the equa- tions of mechanics Cartan using a symplectic metric that unites gravity and gauge fields together.

Keywords: , Electroweak Interactions, Metric, Gravitation, con- nectivity.

1 Introduction

Attempts to build a unified theory of all interactions, a unified field theory, began before Einstein created the General theory of relativity. The first of the interaction theories was the theory of , created by Maxwell in 1863. In 1915, Einstein formulated the General theory of relativity describing the gravitational field. Just as Maxwell was able to create a General description of electrical and magnetic phenom- ena, the idea of building a unified theory of fundamental interactions arose. This prob- lem was posed by D. Gilbert. Einstein proposed a large number of options for unifica- tion gravity and the electromagnetic field [1-7]. In the first half of the twentieth century, numerous attempts were made to create such a theory. However, no satisfactory models were put forward. This is because in , gravity is a curvature of space- time, and electromagnetism has all the attributes of matter. However, in our opinion, this unification was most successfully achieved in [8], [9-11], where gravity and elec- tromagnetism were combined in a pseudo-Riemannian metric of a 5-dimensional dif- ferentiable manifold, and in a more modern version of the union in [12], where gravity

* Copyright 2021 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). 301 and electromagnetism were combined into a single electro-gravitational connection also in the space of 5-dimensions. In the second half of the XX century, due to the discovery of weak and strong inter- actions, the task of building a unified theory became more complicated. In 1967, Salam and Weinberg created the theory of , combining electromag- netism and weak interactions. In 1973, a theory of strong interactions (quantum chro- modynamics) was proposed. On their basis, a of elementary particles was built, describing the electromagnetic, weak, and strong interactions. After Weinberg, Salam, and Glashow created the theory of electro-weak interac- tions, as well as quantum chromodynamics, the need for a new approach to a unified field theory became clear, consisting of combining electro- with quan- tum chromodynamics and the theory of gravity [13-16]. The possibility of such unifi- cation lies in the analogy that exists between the Yang-Mills theory and the relativity theory, and the fact that both the theory of electro-weak interaction and quantum chro- modynamics contain the Yang-Mills theory [17-20]. It is not possible to generalize the works [8] and [12] to electroweak interaction and chromodynamics.

2 Field Theory of Electroweak, Strong, and Gravitational Interactions

However, in 5-dimensional space, you can easily introduce electro-gravitational con- nectivity, namely, by requiring:

   d      dx   , (1) where   0,3;   0,3,   0,3 [18-20],   de4  Ae4 , (2)

  , A thus, we set the electro-gravitational connectivity in 5-dimensional space (  ),      F dx – describes infinitesimal changes in the reference vectors of space-time, that is, gravity, when moving from one point of space-time to another infinitely close point. It is assumed that a four-dimensional space-time is embedded in a 5-dimensional manifold. At each point of this manifold, a linearly independent with  ,   0,3,  a the vector e4 is chosen, whose changes during the transition from one point of space- time to another infinitely close point are described by the 1 - form of electromagnetic field A, d – external differential [20]. Externally differentiating the equalities (1) and (2), we get an expression for the curvature of space-time, that is, gravity and the 2-form of the electromagnetic field:

2       d   R    d     d   d     , (3) 302

2     d e4  dAe4  A  Ae4  Fe4 , (4) in this way

    R  d     , (5)

F  dA [20] (6)

Thus, in space-time embedded in a 5-dimensional manifold, connectivity is introduced that describes both gravity and the electromagnetic field. The Hilbert-Einstein equation in GRT, as well as the Maxwell equations, are reduced to a single system of Cartan equations for the symplectic metric [21-23]:

  1      gdx dg    d   R  g  R  T  dx 4         1      2    d       R   x d   d x      1  (7)

    4   4   d 2   F,  J dx     c  

 1  1      d  x d 2  d   dA  Fdx  dx  x.  2  

Here: ,,  0,3 ; dx4 – volume differential in our 5-dimensional space; 4 4  0 1 2 3 dx    0,   0,3 ; dx e4  1; dx  dx  dx  dx  dx ,  – E. Cartan's ex-  ternal multiplication sign; g  Det g , T – and dark energy energy-    1  momentum tensor; 1 ,2 ,  ,  , ,  – auxiliary tensor fields; F, – the covar- iant divergence of a tensor F ; J  – 4-vector of . Cartan's equations for this symplectic metric have the form [19]:        0      1      dg d1 d  d  d   

   1    4  d1   R  g R  T dx   2       (8)  dg      d       R  d1 

   4   4   d 2   F,  J dx  d 2   c  1  dA  F dx   dx . 2  303

From Cartan's system of equations (8), a system of equations describing both gravity and electromagnetism is obtained. Hilbert-Einstein equation for the gravitational field: 1 R  g  R  T  ; (9) 2

 a condition that the connectivity  is metric:

dg   ; (10)

  connection of connectivity  with the curvature of space-time R :

    R  d    ; (11)

Maxwell equation: 1 dA  F dx   dx , (12) 2  4 F    J  . (13) , c In contrast to [2], this version of the theory of electro-gravitational connectivity can be generalized to a Unified Field Theory, which includes, in addition to the theory of grav- ity, the theory of electro-weak interactions and quantum chromodynamics. To prove this, consider combining the theory of gravity with two gauge fields into a unified gravitational-gauge connection. To do this, put a 4-dimensional GRT space- time in the space of 4+2n dimensions. On the four space-time reference points, we set the connectivity (1), and on the 2n vectors that come out of space-time, we set the con- nectivity:

 ~m  des  1 sem , (14)

~ m ~ a 1 s 1 s  igˆ1 A M a m , (15)

~a 1 where m,s 1,n, a 1, , gˆ1 – calibration field charge operator A M a , 1m M as   square matrices nn .

 ~b 2nm  dens  igˆ2B M b ns enm , (16) here 304

~nm ~b 2nm 2 ns  igˆ2B M b ns , (17)

~b 2 where gˆ 2 – calibration field charge operator B M b , 2nm M b ns   square matrices nn , b 1, . Thus, calibration fields, with accuracy to a constant, are a connectedness that de-  scribes the change of reference vectors es , s 1,2n when moving from one point in space-time to another infinitely close point. The curvature of connectivity (15) and (17) is calculated in the same way as connec- tivity (1) using the formula (5):

m ~ m ~ n ~ s ~a 1m 2 ~a ~b 1m 1s R1 n  d1n  1s  1n  igˆ1dA M an  gˆ1 A  A M as M bn 

~  ~d 1 1d ~a ~b  1  ig1dA  igˆ1 iC abA  A M d   2  (18)

1 d d 1d a b   1 m  igˆ1  A   A  gˆ1Ca A A dx  dx M d  2 b n igˆ m m   1 Gd dx  dx M 1  ig~ Gd M 1 . 2  d n 1 d n

d 1 d   Here G  G  dx  dx are 2-form of the calibration field, we have taken into ac- 2 1 count the relations between operators of the Lie group M a [24 ], whose representation  operates in a space stretched based on e m , m 1,n :

1 1 1d 1 Ma ,Mb  iC abMd . (19)

Similarly, you can calculate the curvature of the connection (17):

m 1 d d ~ 2 d a b   2m R2 s  igˆ2  B   B  g2Cab B B dx  dx M d s  2 (20) igˆ m m   2 F d dx  dx M 2  igˆ F d M 2 . 2  d s 2 d s 1 Here F d  F d dx  dx – 2-form of the calibration field, we have taken into account 2  2 the relations between generators of the Lie group Ma , the representation of which op-  erates in a space stretched based on enт , m 1,n :

2 2 2d 2 Ma ,Mb  iC abMd . (21)

A mathematical model of the interaction of these gauge fields with leptons and quarks can be constructed if we consider vector fields in a space stretched on a basis em: 305

 m     em as a mathematical model of leptons. Here these components of the vectors m are bispinors. In this case  m  m  m ~ m s  d  d em   dem  d 1 s em.

Consider the values of the components of this vector, which are 1-forms, on the vector  i  :

m ~ m s   m a 1m s m (22) dg 1 sg i   i  g  ig1A Mas g  mg  0. 1 1 1 1 1

m g  g gˆ Here 1 and 1 are eigenvectors and operator values 1 . Equation (22) describes a fermion interacting with only one calibration field. Therefore, this is a mathematical model of a lepton interacting only with an electroweak gauge field. As a mathematical model of quarks, consider the tensor field:     ms e  e  ms e  e. g1g 2 m ns g1g 2 m s

The external differential of this field has the form:

ms   ms   ms   dg g em  es  g g dem  es  g g em  des  1 2 1 2 1 2 (23) ms ~ m ps ~ s mp    dg g  1 pg g  2 pg g em  es. 1 2 1 2 1 2

Consider the values of the components of this tensor, which are 1-forms, on the vector  i  :

 ms a 1m ps b 2nm sp ms i  g g  ig1A M a p g g  ig2B M b n pg g  mg g  0, (24) 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2

Where ms and g , g are eigenvectors and values of the operators gˆ and gˆ : g1g 2 1 2 1 2   g1, g 2  0

Equation (24) describes the interaction of a fermion with two calibration fields. This fermion can serve as a mathematical model of a interacting with two gauge fields: electroweak and . We set the change in the connectivity of (1) the gravitational field and the connec- tivity of (15) and (17) gauge fields when moving from one point in space-time to an- other using Cartan equations for the symplectic metric 1 : 306

 1         4 1    gdx dg     d1   R g R  T dx     2          d  d      R   x d1  d x  d d d 1 d a b 4 d x G   A   A  gˆ C ab A  A  dx  1d      1 (25)  d d d 2 d a b 4  d 2 d x F    B   B  gˆ 2C ab B  B  dx  a  a b c 1a  1a 4  d1  x  G  igˆ1 A G  Cbc  1gˆ11  M 1 dx 

2   b c 2   2 4  d a x  Fa  igˆ 2 B  F Cabc  2 gˆ 22  M a 2 dx 

a 1 2 2a  d1  x da x d a x d  

 Here: 1 1 – density operator for the number of particles generating the calibration a  field G , 2 2 – density operator for the number of particles generating the calibra-

a  tion field F ,  – standard  –matrices included in the Dirac equation,   a 2 1 2a – auxiliary function, and are coefficients that 1d , 2 d ,1  , a , a ,  1  2 link currents and the calibration fields they generate, x4 – auxiliary parameter. Cartan's equations for the symplectic metric (25) have the form:

1 1 1 1 0        dg x d1 x d  x  x

1 1 1 1      a  2  d1d x d 2d x d1  x da x

    1   1  1  d  R  g  R  T  dx 4  1 2a 1   (26) da x d x  2        dg      d1  d         R   d d d 1 d a b 4  G    A   A  gˆ1C ab A A dx  d d d 2 d a b 4  F    B   B  gˆ 2C ab B B dx 

2   b c 2   2 4  da   Fa  igˆ 2 B F Cabc   2 gˆ 22  M a 2 dx 

a  a b c a  1a 4 a 2  d1    G  igˆ1 AG  C1 bc  1gˆ11  M 1 dx  d1   da .

This system of Cartan equations is equivalent to the system of gravitational field equa- tions: 307

1  R  g R  T  2       (27) d       R   dg          and a system of equations for two calibration fields [25-31]

d d d 1 d a b G    A   A  gˆ C ab A A      1     a b c a  1a  G  igˆ A G  C   gˆ   M    1  1 bc 1 1 1  1  (28) d d d 2 d a b  F   B   B  gˆ2C ab B B     ˆ b c 2 ˆ   2  Fa  ig2B  F Cabc  2 g22  M a 2 

d d Two gauge fields G and F are taken in the most General form with arbitrary struc- tural constants 1 and 2 since if in our local Universe they have certain values Cabd Cabd and describe electro-weak and gluon gauge fields, then in other local Universes they can have other and arbitrary values. Quarks and leptons can also be reduced to the gauge fields by the transformation of .

3 Conclusion

Thus, the results obtained in this paper are similar to those obtained in [32]. That is, all the interactions included in the Standard model of (elec- troweak and strong interactions) and gravity are combined into a single bond in the stratified space, and it is indicated how fermions can be included in the theory. But, unlike the work [32], it is made much easier, since it is based on the famous works of E. Cartan [21,23]. While Lisi used complex manipulations with connections arising within the E8 Lie group (although such connections also go back to the works of E. Cartan).



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