Stossel Ponders Voting Options Ahead of Libertarian Debate
Libertarian National Committee, Inc. • 1444 Duke St. • Alexandria, VA 22314 • Phone: (202) 333-0008 • Fax: (202) 333-0072 March 2016 Stossel ponders voting options ahead of Libertarian debate by John Stossel be we should soften our approach. voted against the Civil Rights Act. Excerpted from Fox News Opinion “Libertarians need to be more realis- Actually, Rand didn’t say that. He Published on March 9, 2016 tic,” Taylor told 500 young people at a supported the act’s ban on government taping of my TV show at [the] Interna- racism, like Jim Crow laws. He object- In this year’s Republican presiden- tional Students for Liberty conference. ed only to the act’s ban on private dis- tial primaries, Sen. Rand Paul got little In electoral politics, he said, finding lib- crimination. Rand was right to object. traction. In 2012, his father failed. That ertarians is “like trying to find a daisy If owners of a private business want to year, the Libertarian Party candidate, in Hiroshima” after the nuclear blast. serve only gays, basketball players, or former New Mexico Gov. Gary John- Taylor, a smart libertarian who runs bald men, that should be their right. son, got just 1 percent of the vote. We the Niskanen Center, says to become Market competition will punish big- libertarians must be doing something more popular, we libertarians ought to ots for their narrow-mindedness, be- wrong. Maybe our anti-government change our views. He criticized Rand cause some people will avoid that store. message is too radical, says Jerry Tay- Paul for saying that in 1964 he would’ve lor [formerly a director at Cato].
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