
S2688 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 15, 2002 Whereas is one of the petuated by the development of the Lionel ignees; further, that the Senate recess most recorded artists in the history of ; Hampton Center at the University of Idaho, from 12:30 to 2:15 p.m. for their weekly Whereas Lionel Hampton has opened doors a facility that combines the finest in per- party conferences, and at 2:15 p.m. the for aspiring musicians throughout the world, formance, scholarship, and research; Senate resume consideration of S. 517, many of whom have established themselves Whereas Lionel Hampton has made a dif- as giants in the world of jazz, including Cat ference in many lives by inspiring so many the energy reform bill. Anderson, Terrance Blanchard, Clifford who have now become jazz greats, by rein- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Brown, , , Betty forcing the importance of education at all objection, it is so ordered. Carter, , Nat ‘‘King’’ Cole, Bing levels, and by showing the world a way of life f Crosby, , , Aretha where love and talent are shared without Franklin, , , Slide reservation: Now, therefore, be it ADJOURNMENT UNTIL TUESDAY, Hampton, Joe Henderson, , Resolved by the Senate (the House of Rep- APRIL 16, 2002, AT 11 A.M. Bradford Marsalis, West Montgomery, James resentatives concurring), That the Congress, Moody, , , Nicholas on behalf of the American people, extends its Mr. REID. Madam President, if there Payton, , Buddy Tat, Clark birthday greetings and best wishes to Lionel is no further business to come before Terry, Stanley Turrentine, Dinah Wash- Hampton on the occasion of his 94th birth- the Senate, I ask unanimous consent ington, and Joe Williams, among others; day. that the Senate stand in adjournment Whereas Lionel Hampton has worked to perpetuate the art form of jazz by offering f under the previous order. There being no objection, the Senate, his talent, inspiration, and production acu- ORDERS FOR TUESDAY, APRIL 16, at 7:30 p.m., adjourned until Tuesday, men to the University of Idaho since 1983, 2002 and 1985, when the University of Idaho April 16, 2002, at 11 a.m. named its school of music after him, Lionel Mr. REID. Madam President, I ask f Hampton became first jazz musician to have unanimous consent that when the Sen- both a music school and a jazz festival ate completes its business today, it ad- NOMINATIONS named in his honor; journ until the hour of 11 a.m., Tues- Whereas Lionel Hampton has received Executive nomination received by many national accolades, awards, and com- day, April 16; that following the prayer the Senate April 15, 2002: memorations, including an American Jazz and the pledge, the Journal of pro- MARCOS D. JIMENEZ, OF FLORIDA, TO BE UNITED Masters Fellowship from the National En- ceedings be approved to date, the STATES ATTORNEY FOR THE SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA FOR THE TERM OF FOUR YEARS, VICE THOMAS dowment for the Arts, Kennedy Center Hon- morning hour be deemed expired, the E. SCOTT, RESIGNED. ors, and a ; time for the two leaders be reserved for Whereas Lionel Hampton has received nu- their use later in the day, and the Sen- f merous awards and commendations by local ate be in a period of morning business CONFIRMATION and State governments and has received ac- until 12:30 p.m., with Senators per- knowledgment from hundreds of civic and Executive nomination confirmed by mitted to speak for up to 10 minutes performance groups; the Senate April 15, 2002: each, with the time equally divided be- Whereas Lionel Hampton’s legacy of inspi- TERRENCE L. O’BRIEN, OF WYOMING, TO BE UNITED ration, education, and excellence will be per- tween the two leaders or their des- STATES CIRCUIT JUDGE FOR THE TENTH CIRCUIT.