RADICALS enjoying their betting prrifits after the late Election.


TORONTO. .... _$ -\E) -iii····, a:r···-iE "~ffiX3l>"ffi"""9:r:: in the Morning. invisible. X ~ II. There will he an Eclipse of the Moon on the 20th of April, at 31J. 42m.1i!j ~ in the Afternoon. invisible. ~ X III. There will be an eclipse O'f the Sun on the 4th of May. at 2h. 5m. :./ \Ii in the Afternoon. Visible only in remote northern regions. , fu IV. There will be an eclipse of the Moon on thll 13th of October. in the X total and chiefly visible. , ~ & a ~ X Moon rises. 8 1.3 d;giLs eclip~ed at...... 5 18 X ~ Begin~ing of tot~l darltness,...... 5 37 '- lE Echptlcal opposillon...... 6 20 ill X Middle, ...... 6 33l \E End of total darkness,...... 7 7" ffi ~ End o.r the Eclipse...... 8 7' , X Durahon of ' total darkness,...... 1 30 '( ~ Duration of visibility,...... 2 49 i.E !il Depth of immersion in the earth's Shadow, 18 digits from the southern side. X­ X V, There will be an Eclipse of the Sun on the 29lh of October, at 6h. ~ lil30m. in the morning, consequently invisible. @

~X CO:\":rUNCTIONS OF--- MAltS AND JUPITER. I' ~ TheBe -two Plan~ts will come to a conjunction in longitude on the 25th of '. as Fobruary, and agam on the 2~th of Match. Mars will be north of Jupiter I'll ~ on the former occasion 3° 18', and 20 11' on the latter. From the 23d of X X February to .the 3d of April their longitudes will differ but little, and there- 111 l!l fore they Will south every evening within a few minutes of the same time X X with each other. ~ r.t>,:tll'X.!I!"-(iJ3}<.-a:/'X.~)o(.!Il">QJlxBil$"'.->dl><3l>(B!><:$XlE,.'><..i1iXSl:~~ 2 JANUARY.

~-\'XUARY. Begins on Sunday, 31 Days. 1837. N,ew ~Ioon, • , . 6d 6h 52m E 1F~ilMoon, .• -.21d 2h 49m E First Quarter,. 13d Oh 16m E I Third Quarter, 2!Jd Ih 34m E n D l1I ~ ©-e M W v ARIOUS PHENOMENA. rises sets. rises. south l' A First ~unday atter Christmas.' 7 26 4 34 -C19 6 58 2 2 Second day ofihe Year. 7 254 351 2 29 746 3 3 7 25 4 35\ 3 43 8 39 4 4 Some Steam.Boat$ laid up. 7 24 4 SG 5 1 9 38 5 5 7 24 4 36 6 18 10 43 6 6lEPiPhany, old Christmas or 12th day 7 234 37 sets 11 50 7 7 7 23 4 37 5 32 ev 57 I 8 A First Sunday after Epiphany. 7 224 38 6 54 2 0 9 2 7 ~2 4 38 8 14 2 57 110 3 7 21 4 39 {) 29 3 49 i 11 4 G70lJes and Cloaks much used. 7 20 4 40 10 40 4 37 i 12 !) 7 204 40 11 49 5 22 113 6 Good ,Sleighing. 7 194 41 morn. 6 7 14 7 7 184 42 0 56 6!H 15 A 2nd Sunday after Epiphany. 7 17 4 43 2 1 737 1I 16 2 Battle of Corunna, 1809. 7 174 43 3 7 8 25 17 3 Dr. Franklin born, 1706. 7 lG 4 44 4 11 9 14 18 4 Fine Weather for the Whales. 7 154 45 5 11 10 5 19 5. 7 144 46 6 710 57 20 6 Howara~the Philanthropist died 179017 134 47 6 56 11 47 121 7 Louis XVI, beheaded, 1793. . 17 124 48 rises morn. 22 A Septuligesima Sunday. Lord Baconl7 11 4 49 5 5:~ 0 36 23 2!Wm. Pitt died, 1806. [born, 1561. 7 104 50 6 56 1221 24 3 7 9 4 51 7 58 2 6 25 41 Percussion 4" Fur Caps in request. 7 8 4 52 9 1 2 48 26 5 7 7 4 53 10 3 3 30 27 6 Duke of Sussex born, 1773. 7 64 54\117 4 11 28 7 7 54 56 morn. 4 54 29 A Sexagesima Sund. Geo. III. d. 18207 44 55 0 14 5 39 30j2!King Cha1"les I. beheaded, 1649. \7 314 57 1 2416 28 ,31 S George IV. proclaimed, 1820. 7 214 58 2 38 722 ill :3 A SQUALL IN THE HONEY. MOON. Bad Memory. A village peda. gogue in despair witb a stupid boy, pointed at the let­ ter A, and asked him if he knew it. 'Yes,sir.' 'Well, what is it 7' , I knows him very well by sigh't, b~t rot me if I can call his name.'

Jlfarch of Education. In the learned flitv of , the othe"r week, a lady was re­ buking her servant for some fault or ne_ glect of oUly. All al once the lecture "'as interrupted hy the pert damsel exclaim jng. ,. stop, lIlr. -_ thul is shocking tu educated ears. It you I It's too bad, we have only been married two are to scold me at all, weeks, and-she's got my breeches on. I beg you will do it gramml1tically."

On an Ugly Man. With such a nose and face YOll dare not look In the still lake or in the tranquil brook; Or else you're sure to meet Narcissus' fate,­ He died from love of- self. you'll die from hate. To be let, or to be sold, for lhe term of ber life, Elizabeth Hall--by the way of a wife; She's old and she's ugly, ill'natured and tbiD : For further particulars enquire withlD.

The Yal'lkee Beauty, that was 80 ugly he was afraid 10 Bleep a107ll'_


II. FEBRUARY. Begins on Wednesday, 28 Days. 1837. MOON'S PHASES. New Moon, ... 5d 5h 15m M I Full Moon, .•• 20d 9h 26m M First Quarter, .12d 4h 44m M I Last Quarter, • 28d Oh 36m M

D D VARIOUS PHENOMENA. ~ I ~ I (:;;) M W rises sets. rises. Isouth e- 1 4 7 1 4 59 3 53 8 22 2 5lPucificati.on of the Virgin Mary. 7 05' 0 5 51926 3 6 3 III perigee. 6 59 5 1 6 8!0 33 4 7 What a storm! 6 58 5 2 7 1 11 38 5 A 1Q~inquagesima Sund~z: 6 56 5 4 sets ,ev 38 6 211HIIary term commences. 6 55,51 5 7 2 1 34 7 3 Shrove Tuesday. Pancake thaw. 6 545 6 8 18 225 8 4 Ash Wednesday. 6 535 7 9 31 314 91 5 Canada conceded.. Soft calm. 6 525 810 41 4 0 1016 Shocking cold. 6 50 5 Hi 11 49 4 46 11 7 6 495 11 morn 5 32 12 A 1st Sunday in Lent. 6 485 12 0 56 6 20 13 2 • Boys and girls busy, 6 475 13 2 1 1 7 9 14 3 Valentine's day. and now anxious. 6 4615 141 3 41 8 0 15 4 e runs high. 6 445 16 4 2 851 16 51 Soft breezes'16 435 17 1 4 53 9 42 17 6 © in apogee. 6 4215 18 5 371032 18 710 enters 1-E. 6 4015 20 6 13] 1 19 19 A 2nd Sunday in Lent. 'Go to Church. 6 395 21 6 44 morn. 20 2 6 38 5 22 rises 0 4 21 3 Strange weathe1·. 6 36\5 24 6 53 047 22 4 Washino'lon born, 1732. 6 355 25 7 56 1 29 231 51 '" Snow shoes in repute. 6 34,5 26 9 0 2 11 24 6 Queen's kept. 6 335 27 10 5 253 1 251 7 6 315 2911 }41 3 37 261 A Third Sunday in Lent. 6 305 30 morn 4 24 '.27 2 .. Look at the Thermomeler'i6 29 5 311 0 25 5 15 281 3 and lceep your feet dry. 6 275.1 331 1 38 6 11 .-- 5 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, •{> A ROSE BETWEEN TWO TLES. •<.; • • •{> •<.; t "c ~ V ~ .}

{> 0. ~ :>,.~ 0 • •V ~orn~ "~o=rii.• {> _...... '" Q) '" Q) • {> o~~ c:iSffi • - 0 to"' c:a {> 0","Q)0 ",0- 4- {> "ll ~ :::: ~ ~~ ~ ,} .(> ~~-5~.o CJ...,~'- 1- ~ ~"~Q ~~~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ 8 .E:S-5 2 1- ~ ~~s~ ~~~~ ~ V -5 e:: t: ~ ..2 ~ '~ <)- {'- ~ 2 ~ ~ g ~-;=D ~ o~~'" ~ • A ~ Q) rn~'i~ V bn ~ :: ~ .(1.) Q) -' <)- {> CQ)rnQ) ~C",c: • {> ~~~~ ~-~~ • {>~8 ~s: {> • {> • {> • . .~ ·t ~:o('.;:..:x)<>:::X)<>;;:~:<><>C:<><:;:<:::<><>:·->:::::::<~"=<><>(>::;::<': <>:::><><><><~,~ • SONG OF THE HEN.PECKED HUSBAND. ~• •{> •4- • • •t • • • •{> t• {> • •{> • •t • • ' • ,> t 0 her hair is dark as the midlliqilt wave, She Illay shake her knuelce, t v And her eye is like kil,tllill~ fire, ,-\nd pHt the lamp to Illy br>anl, (r ~ And her voice is sweet as tlil'- spirit's is Alit! holt! the bronJUstil:k oyer my heaLl- ? {> That chords with the seraph's lyre. Ilut I'm 110t a bit afraid: • t But her nails are as ,harp as a ttlasting fork, ['ve hound her over to keep the peace, t ,J-. And her arm is as stmn!;! as a bcar':s; And I'\'e bought me a crahtree cane- t)- ~ She pulled my hair, and she gou~l!d Illy eye, The juslicil will COIlH:', and the constable '00. <)- V And sbe kicked me down the ,tail's. If she meddles with me a~ain. -t

~ I've got me an eye tlmt's made of glass, My hent! was a week in the linen t:'l.Pt <~ ~ And I've got me a wig that's new- And my t'ye a mouth in the pateh; <)- -t The wig is frizzled III corkscrew curls, I never thought the torch of lovc, <)- {> And the eye is a clouded ~Iue. Woultllight such a ~1 illl,tone match! ~ ~~~~~~~v~~~~~~~~v.v~~~v~vv~.~~~~~~~v~~ 6 ~----- . (

MARCH. III. ilL\RCH. Begins on Wednesday, 31 days. 1837. I MOON'S PHASES. : New Moon, ... 6d 3h 36m E I Full 1\1oon, .. 22d Ih 54m M First Quarter, .13d 11h ] 2m E I Last Quarter 29d 8h 24m 1\1

Dillr D,v VARIOUS PHENOMENA. I'~rises Isets i'j) rises.',Q sout0 h '114 St. David's. J. Wesley died, 1791. 6 26i534 2 49 -712 I 2 51 [e runs low. 6 255 351 3 54 8 15 :3 6 Buonaparte escaped from Elba, '15. G 2:3 5 37 4 49 9 19 4 7 Wondrous .fi1le. 6 2,25 381 5 34 10 20 5 AI.\lid.Lent Sunday..' 6 215 39 6 Hill 17 61 21 6 195 411 sets ev 10 71 3 Rain or Snolc, 6 185 4217 6 1 0 8 41Regulus sou, 1053. 6 165 44 8 18 148 9 5 or something else.\6 1515 4,5\9 29. \ 235 10 6 6 145 46 10 313 323 IIII 7 ]loney and good weather scarce. 6 12\5 4811 47\ 411 i 12 A 5th Sunday in Lent. St. Gregory. 6 11 fJ 49 mero 5 1 /13 I 2 6 105 50\ 0 52 5 53 I 14 3 Beware the Ides of lIIarch. 6 8 5 52 1 5:3 6 45 15 t ffi ~ ~ ffi ~ ffi +ffi ~ ~ ffi ffi ~ ffi +ffi ~ ~ ffi ffi t , ffi+ ffi ~ t ffi ffi ~ + ~ ffi ffi t "Sure such a pair was never ,seen, <~) ~ By nature formed tu come together," ffi i ~ ~ NATIVES OF THE SILL Y ISLES, "What are you4) ffi Or, Marks of Intelligence. j!llnping after there ?" d:, , ~ said a s~hoolmasler to1' ffi an urchlll who Sloodffi' ,+; up to his eyes lfi shirtt ffi collar. ffi . "I wanted to spit, ~ sir," was the reply,ffi "and I was j~mpingt up to try to Spit overffi . dickey." <, tE' Praise without profit,+ puts little in the pocket.ffi ' ,~ Seek till, you find,ffi' and you will, not lose '.' your labour. ffi' ~-ffi~ffio~offi~ffi+ffi~ffi~ffi~ffi~ (Q 8 ' lil:------!II I I


1 APRIL. I IV. APRIL. Begins on Saturday, 30 days. 1837. MOON'S PHASES. New Moon, ..• 5d 211 28m M I Full Moon, . 20d 3h 44m E FirstQuarter,.12d 6h15mEILastQuarter27d 2h 1mE 0 IDDM w VARIOUS pnENo~IENA.'t~10 r i;~~ ~p"ts ris'es.0-1 so~th 1 7 All Fools' day. Fools sCllrc-;' 5 446 16 -4-896 2 A Low Sunday, first after Easter. 15 4:36 171 4 4°19 59 i3 2 Cold and unpleasant 5 4116 19 5 61049 4 a St. AtlJbrose. weather. 5 406 201 i) 31 11 37 i 5 4 i5 3916 21 sets lev 24 6151iOld L:\dy Day. .., 15 3716 23 8 17 1 12 g g 'I' 7 6 Chan in ·15 366 24 9 28 2 0 81 7, ,5 3516 2510 36 2 51 9 ,\ 12nd Sunday after Easter. ;) 3316 27 11 40 3 42 , 110 2 Cloaks and Coats tliroll'n 'Iff, 5 32 6 28 morn 4 35 11 3 George Canning born, 1770. .5 31 6 29 0 38 fi 27 12 41 and some colds caught. 5 296 31 1 28 6 18 13 fi 0 in ap. Catholic Emancipat. '2~, 5 28\6 321 2 10 7 7 14 6 Regulus sou. 8 28. 5 27 6 33\ 2 4;') 7 54 15 7 Somefine days about now, 5 2(;16 :H a 14 8 3s1 16 AI 3rd Sunday after Ellster. '15 2416 3(;13 391 9 21 ,17 2 Easter Te~m co~mences. Fr~nk. 5 236 37 4 l!O 3 ! 18 3 .. [lin died~ 1790,5 22 6 3~ 4 2~IIO 45 19 41 if 1t don't ram. 5 206 40 4 4311 29 201 51 Lord Byron died, 1824. 5 J 916 411 flses morn 21 6 5 186 42 8 3 0 15 22,7 Moderating. 517643 917 1 51 23 AI4th Sund. after Easter. St. Geor~e. i5 16\6 44 10 31 2 0 24 21 ' 15 146 4~ 11 40 2 59 25 3 St. Mark Evang. Q runs low. 15 1316 41 morn 4 1 26 4. " Some April showers 5 12'~ 48 0 ~1 5 3 l 27 5 (;} In perigee. 5 11 i) 49 1 1 ;30 6 4'

28 6 • during this month. 5 10 6 5°12 10 7 1 Ii 29 7 5 86 52 2 42 7 54 SO: A:Rogalion Sunday, or 5th nft. Easter. 5 716 5:11 3 ,Ill 8 43: E $ "' -, YANKEE AMALGAMATION.

Liberty on both sides.-[Scene, a rorter house. ]-" Cuff, you're a good hOl,est fellow, and I like to compliment a man wat's lived an hon­ est life, if he is black! you shall take a glass of something to dnok with me, Cuff'!"--" \Vell, Capt.'n, I's berry dry, EO I woo't b~ ugly 'bout it­ some niggers is too proud to drink wid a militia ossifer. but I tink 11 n.ilitia ossifer, when he's sober, is jis ItS good as a nigger-'specially Iif nigger's dry !-yockee! yockee! yockee!" §§§§§§§§§§§§§§§g§§§§§§g§§§ A Loafer's Soliloquy.­ " All my friends have drop' ped fItf! I never thougilt any of them would be ~o elevated. Well,' luck's all ;' wisely and truly hath tile poet said, 'hanging is no' thing, it's what gues befom, that's the devil.'- I sha It reo main in s1/'~Jlert8e until I am suspended; but no more on that line, dying is too so. lemn a thing for me to malle my exit grinning through a hempen crawl, though for mutler of filct it will be no tr~ing but giving the devi Ills due."

Whut is the difference be tween a living stu"" & Ii de' o friend ?-'rhe 00; is " alive," and the other I"Dear deceased." 10 it. MI~------r I I I

MAY. V. MAY. Begins on Monday, 31 days. 18~;.1 ------=------MOON'S PHASES. New Moon, .• 4d 2h 7m E IFull :'.loon, •... 20d 2h 31m AI First Quarter, 12d Oh 43m E , Last Quartel', ... 26d 7h 7m E

V,tRIOUS PHENO)lEN.\. I'{; Dl~1_~ ?"I '"' . I'Isesl~.~ -I-1''3 ~ ISOU!l. ~I 1 2 :::its. Philip '-lnd James. Union of 5 66 5'1 3 33 9 :301 1 2 31 [England aGd 8cotland, 1707. 5 51 6 6;) 3 56110 171 134 RathercoZd. 5 4556141911 3 4 5 Ascension da\', or Holy Thursday ..j :J G 571 sets 11 51 5 61 Bu onaparte died, 1821. .j 216 58. 8 19 ev. 40 I 5 71St. John Evangelist. 5 07 °19 26 1 32 7 A 8abbath ~fter Ascension. 4 597 1 10 27 2 24 8 20 runs high. Now warm. 4 5817 2 11 21 3 18 9 3 -1 57 7 3 morn 4 10 10 4 jJ[uch threatening for a little rain -1 567 4 0 6 5 0 11 5 ·1 557 5 0 44 5 4. 12 6:j in apogee. 4 547 6 1 1:5 6 32 13 7 Clear and muddy, 4 537 7 1 41 7 15 14 A Whit Sund"y. 4 527 8 2 4 7 57 15 2 Wbit ~ronday. A w/titloo wal'm.4 iil17 9225 838 I 16 3 1Whit Tuesdav. 14 :)07 10 2 45 9 21 17 41 Fasllions and Weather ·1 4917 11 3 7 10 G 18 5 now changing. 14 497 11 3 3010 55 19 61St. Duncan. 4 4817 U !l 5811 48 2() 7 ~o,lu,mbu3 died, 150G. ,Lafayette -1 4~ 7 lal ri.,es Imorn 21 A I rlOI:y Sunday. [died, 1834.4 46,7 1<1 9 2El () 47 '12".2 'N» runs low. 4 4fil7 15,1U 3:) 1 iiO I '1123 a 4 447 16 11 28 2 541 2,1 4 Princess Victoria born, 1819. 4 447 16 morn 3 57 1 125 5 Linn~us born, 1707. Birds 4" bOYS 4 437 17 0 11 4 56 i 26 6 Calvin died, 1534. bus,l.f nesting. 1 427 18 0 46 5 51 I, '27 7 PI'. Geo. of Cumberland bn. 1819.

. 311 4 except with confectioners. 4 3917 21 2 47 9 45 III 1 ." .. _-_ ... ", AMALGAMATION-Continued •. Whaw Chaw! go way, Misser Lilywhite; you tink, kase I young ling, you make me believe brackwhite. You'd better luff me be. I no fancy you j I want a gemman what's got some colour. You 01 pale face, you tinlt 1 disgrace my connex. ions by habbing a white man! No, no! I no low as dat I

Sambo and the Planter.-" Sambo," said a dying planter to his Rlave, .. for your faithful services, I mean now to do you an honor, and I na.e it in my will that you shall be buried in our family ground." " Ah, maSRa," replied Sambo, "Sambo no good to be buried: Sambo dark rader have de money or de freedom; besides if de debil come in de to look for masea, he mistake, and take de poor negro man."

YANKEE LIBERTY. The following advertisement is taken from the Delaware Gazette: Foa SALE-A Negro man, aged about 24 years, he is stout and healthy, accustomed to hard work. Enquire of G. HOUSTON. I JUNE1 ~~=~~~~~=~~======~======~-~=====---====---~~ Y. JUNE. Begins on Thursday, 30 days. ------18:37. MOO:\,';3 PH.\:-iES. I Xew 1IIoon,.. 3d:2h -±7m :\1 \ Full Moon, .. 18d 10h 55m 1\1 First Quarter lId 5h 34m III \ Last Quarter, 25d Ih 2m M

V V YARIOUS G i\l W PilB~O~U,;NA. rises'~'Il$ set s rtses. south.~ 15 Weather begins sellsibly t~ affect ·1 307 2:! 3"l4 10 33 2 61 the thermometer. 4 3817 2:3 3 45 11 24 3 7,LeoPold, King of Belg-lIlm, 1831. 4 377 23 tiets ev 16 4 A Second Sunday after TrinHY. -1 37 7 2:~ 9 1:1 1 9 5 2 Duke of Cumberland bam, 1771. 4 3017 2·110 2 '2 2 6 31Battle ofBlJrlington H<:ights, 1818'14 3617 2410 42 2 53 7 4 Irish Rebelhon, r;G,~, lVeeds now 4 357 2;") 11 15 3 ·il 8 !j 1 grow with lillIe watering.,4 357 2;' 11 43 4 :!7 I 9 61 4' 34 7 261n1orn,,\ 5 10 110 71SIave trade abolished, 1806. 4 347 26 0 7 5 52 11 A[Third Sunday after Trinity. '1 347 26 0 28 6 321 12 21 Usual kind ofu·ealher. 4 337 271 0 4'" 7 1::1 13 31 14 3317 27 1 ~I 7 56, 14 4 Some appearance of rain ~f sky 14 3:37 27 1 :3U 8 42

15 5,Magna Charta, 1215. cloudy. 4 33 17 27 1 ''):)i 9 3:3 16 6 ' 14 3:37 27[ 2 21jll0 29 17 7 'Weather so so. 4 33 7 271 3 -1111 in: 18 A 4th !5un. aft. Trinity. Bat. of wa· 4 327 2:3 rises morn I 19 2 Trin. Term begins. [Ierloa, 1815. -1 32 7 28 !) 18 0 87 20 3 4 327 2S 1 10 7 1 43 21 4 Better have an umbrella-rain 14 327 28110 46 2 46 22' 5 no! impossible. <1 3271 2811 17 3 44 23 6 4 3217 28 11 43 4 3S 24 7 St. John Baptist. Sunslline at least 4 3217 28 morn f) 27 i 25 A 5th Sun. after Trin. pari of day. <1 3:3 7 27 0 6 6 13 i . 26 2 K. William IV. Accession, 1830. 4 337 27 0 29 6 58: 27 3 Vegetation advancing. 4 3:37 27 0 52 744

I 28 4 • 4 33 7 27 1 17 8 31 29 5 St. Peter. Warm. 14 337 27 1 46 9 19 301 61 Perhaps a hail sllower. 4 3317 271 2 21\10 10 ,I --Ii 13 CIVIL LIST OF . LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR-His Excellency Sir Francis Bond Head, Knight, Commander of the Royal Hanov.erian Guelphic Order, and of the Prussian Military Order of MerIt, &c. &c. &c. PRIVATE SECRETARy-John Joseph, Esq. AIDE.DlJ.CAMP-Lieutenant F. Halket. Government Office.-CHIEI! CLERK, Edward McMahon, Esq. ; CLERKS, Arthur Gifford, James McDonnell, Walter Maclienzi.e.

MEMBERS OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL.~The Hort. Sullivan, Presiding Councillor; the Hon. Wm. Allan, the Hon. Augustus Baldwin, and the Hon. John Elmsley. Clerk of the Council, John Beikie. Confidential Clerk, Wm. Henry Lee. Clerk, James Stanton. Door.keeper and Messen. ger, Hugh Carfrae. Regular Council Day-Thursday, in every week.

MEMBERS OF THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. Speaker-The Hon. John B. Robinson. The Hon'bles William Dickson, George Crookshanlt, Hon. and Yen. John Strachan, D. D. Archdeacon of York, Hon'bles Joseph Wells, Duncan Cameron, George H. Markland, John Henry Dunn, \Villiam Allan, Peter Robinson, Charles Jones, James Gordon, Alexander McDonell, Zaccpeus Burnham, John Elmsley, Augustus Baldwin, John Hamilton, Walter Boswell, Pete~ Adamson, James Kirby, .Tohn Kiruy, James Crooks, The Hon. and Right Rev. A. McDonell, Bishop of Regiopolis, Hon'bles Alexander Grant, Arthur Lloyd, Abraham Nelles.· Thomas Alexander Stewart, William Morris, John Macauley, Peter Vank.oughnett.' Grant Powell, Clerk. Rev. Thomas Phillips, D. D. Chaplain. D'Arcy Boulton, Master in Chancery. Stephen Jarvis, Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod. John F. Taylor, Clerk. Hugh Carfrae, Door.Keeper. Lewis Bright, Messenger. jAMeu-Tbe Honorable &be Legislative Council in Provincial Parli&1'IHI1rt Assembled. 14 "IEMBERS OF THE HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY.

TOWNs. CitfJ of Toronto-W. H. D ra pe r . Brockville-H. Sherwood. Kingston-C. A. Hagerman. London-M. Burwell. Niagara-C. Richardson. Cornwall-G. S. Jarvis. IiamUtQn-Colin C. Ferrie.

COL'I'iTIES. Lanark-M. Cameron and J. A'j York-3rd Riding-DI" Morri. H. Powell. son. Carleton-J. n. Lewis and E. do. 4th Riding-John Mac. Malloch. Intosh. Russell-T. McKay. Simcoe-W. B. Robinson and Prescolt-R. P. Hotham and J. W. Wickens. Kearnes. . Halton-W. Chisholm and A. Glengarry-D. McDonell and Shade. A. Chisholm. Wentworth-A. N. McNab an:d Stormont-A. McLean and D. M. Aikman . .£. McDonell. Lincoln, 1st Riding-R. W 000. Dundas-J. Cook & P. Shaver. ruff. Grenville-H. Norton and W. do. 2nd Riding-G. RykerL. B. Wells. do. 31'd Riding-D. ThoI'. Leeds- and O. R. burn. Gowan. do. 4th Riding-G. Mo- Frontenac-J. Mathewson and Micking. J. B. Marks. Haldimand-W. H. Merritt. Lennox q' Addington-J. S. Norfollc-J. Rolph and D. Dun· Cartwright and G. H. Detlor. I combe. Prince Edward-J. R. Arm. Oxford-C. Duncombe and R. strong and C. Bockus. Alway. Hastings-A. Manahan and E. Middlesex-T. Parke and Eli.aa I Murney. Moore. Northumberland-A. McDonell I-luron-R. G. Dunlop. and H. Ruttan. Kent-W. McCrae & N. Corn. Durham-G. S. Boulton and G. wall. Elliott. Essex-J. Prince and F. Cald. York, 1st Riding-D. Gibson. well. do. 2d do.-E. W. Thompson AddTl8l-The Honorable the Commons' House of Assembly in Provincial Parliament Assombled.

PUBLIC OFFICES. RBcRrvER.GENERAL-Thc Hon. John Henry Dunn. ClerlrJiJ­ Bernard Turquand, Walter Rose, W. Sergeant.--Office, Public Buildings, Front Street. All Patent Fees payable at this Office. 15 INSPECTOR.GENElIAL-The Hon. Geo. H. MparkJI~ndB' 'ICd!erkr --James Nation, Raymond Baby.--Office, ub IC UI mgs, Front Street. PROVINCIAL SECRETARY AND REGISTlIAR-Duncan. Came,ron. D t Secretary and Reuistrar-Samuel Peters JarvIs. Clerk f'pU Y b bl' B 'Id' F -Thomas D. Harrington. --Office, Pu IC UI lOgs, ront Street. Na(e,-AII puhlic documents and instruments that pass tlle Grea,t Selll are regislered at this Office, all of ~hicl.l can be ~een by the public at a char"e of Is, 3d. each. Copies can hkewlse be obtamed by paying Is. per folio"ofo"",, hundred words; and, if a certificate is wanted of the same, the charge is 5s. CO~DlISSIO:;EU OF CROWN LAl\'DS AND AGENT FOR THE SALE 01' CLElIGY RESERvEs-Hon. Robert Baldwir Sullivan. Clerks­ Richard H. Thornhill, Andrew Tod, S'ohn Dean, Lewis W. Heath.--Office, Public Buildings, Front Street. EmGRA::"IT OFFIcE.-Anthony B. Hawke, Superintendent. Robert Beekman, Clerk.--Office, Public Buildings, Front St.. hOL~N DEI'.\R'I'.\'E:XT-Chief Superintendent, Colonel James Givins. Trustees-Hon. John H. Dunn, Hon. Geo. H. Marh. land, 'Villiam Hepburn. Accountant-Bernard Turquand.-­ Office, Public Buildillgs, Front Street. Cnow:"l OFFIVE.--Cler7c of the Crown and Pleas, Charles C. Small. DEPuTH:s :-lVestem District, John L. WilliallJs. Lon. don do., John Harris. Gore do., David McNab. Niagara do., William D. Miller. Newcastle do., Henry W. Jones. P. Ed. wflrd do" John McCraig. 11Iidland do., William B. Smyth. BflthuTst do., John !,lcKay. Johnstown do., Thomas D. Camp. bell. Bas/em do., Gt>orge Anderson. REGbTl\y-OFFICE, 18, Newgate Street-Samuel Ridout, Re. ' gistrar for the County of York. An office for registering deeds, conveyances, wills, &c. Office hours 9 to 2. Fees-for entry of every Memorial of 100 words, 2s. 6t1.; every additional 100, Is. Like fees to Rpgistrar for every certificate of such Memorial under his own hand. For every search, a fee of Is. 6d. SCltVEYOR-GEXEIlAL'S OFFICE-I-ublic Buildings, Front Street. --FEEs.-Reports on ApplicatIons to Purchase Crown Land. 2-:. Gd. Report.s on PetitIOns, ~" Gd. Certiticate from Surveyor·General, 28.6d. Fdln!! CertIficates of Settll'ment Duty on Grants to Individuals not pri. vil':g-f'd: ,'20. Gd. Localion Ticket on Grants not privileged, 3s. 9d. Lo. calion llcket on Prlvlieged Persons after FIrst Location, 38. 9d. For SearchIng Plan or Record, Is. 3d. Copy of Township Plan, 12s. 6t1. CLEHK OF TllB Pl;AVE, Simeon Washburn.--Office in the Cnurt House. , TRI:,\SURER OF TIlE HO)IE DISTRICT, T. F. Billings.--Office III the Court House.

COROXERS OF THE HOME DISTRICT residinrr I'n 'f t G D y, '... oron 0, corge uggan, 61 h,llJg Street; W. Cooper, Palace Street. ' 16 CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF TORONTO.


ST. DAVID'S WARD. A.ldermen-Jumes E. Small and James King. Cauncilmen-J. H. Price and E. McElderl'Y. ST. ANDREW'S WARD. Aldermen-T. D. Morrison and John Harper. Councilmen-Wm. Ketchum and John Doel. ST. LAWRENCE'S WARD. Aldermen-John Eastwood and \\'m. Cawthra. Councilmen-James Beatty and Wm. Arthurs. ST. PATRICK'S WARD. Aldermen-Geo. T. Dennison and R. H. Thornhill. Coullcilmen-James Trotter and Thomas Cooper. ST. GEORGE'S WARD. A.ldermen- and John King. Councilmen-John Craig and Geo. Walton. Chamberlain, ••••••• • A. T. McCord. Clerk of the Council, • • Charles Daly. Assistant Clerk, ., •••• John Elliott. High Bailiff, • ••.•••. James Stitt. City Inl>pector, • •••••• Matthew Hayes. Clerk of the ]Jlarket, • • William Phair. lVeighmaster, ...... • John Dempsey. "I Fire Inspector, ...... John Webb.

The ~hyor's Court is held at the Court. house four times in each year, viz. :-the first Monday in March, June, September, and December; the jurisdiction of which extends over the city and liberties, when the Ylayor for the time being presidp.s, as· !listed by one or more of the Aldermen.

Courts of Justice. Court of King's Bench.-Chief Justice, Hon. John B. Robin. ~on. Puisne Judges: Hon. Levius P. Sherwood; Hon. James B. Macaulay. Attorney.General, Robelt Sympson Jameson. S()licitor~General, Christopher A. Hagerman. Reporter, Wm. ·H. Draper. The Court of .oyer and Terminer, General Gaol Delivery, and Nisi Prius, for the 'Home District, is beld twice in lIallb year, at Toronto, in April and October. 17 Quarter.Sessions of the Peace and the District Court for the Home District held at the, Toronto, on fir~t Tuesday after each Term of the Court of King's Honch, '~hlch Terms are as follow :-Hilary Term begins 1st Mon~ay In February and ends Saturday eusuing week. Easter begl?s Monday ne~t after the 16th of April, and ends Saturday ensuing week. Tn. nity begins :lrd Monda~ in June, and ,ends Saturday ensuing week. Michaelmas beginS 1st Monday In November, and ends Saturday ensuing week. Court of Requests, No.3 Division, comprising the City of Toronto and the Townships of York and Scarborough.-Com. missioners: John Ewart, George Gurnett, Peter Paterson, William Stennett, Alexander Burnside, George Duggan, junr. George Walton, Clerk. Wm. Higgins and Thomas Metcalf, Bailiffs. Court sits 1st and 3rd Saturdays of month. The Office open every day from 10 to 3 o'clock. Custom.House--Front Street. Thos. Carfrae, Collector of Customs. William Steward, Deputy.Coliector.

Banks. -Corner of Geo. and Duchess Streets, Toronto. William Proudfoot, President. Thomas G. Ridout, Cashier. Hon. J. H. Dunn, Han. Capt. Baldwin, Hon. Colonel Wells, Hon. Robert B. Sullivan, Willil1m Gamble, Samuel P. Jarvis, Alex. Wood, Captain J. S. Macaulay, Colonel O'Hara, Joseph Cawthra, Dr. Widmer, Dr. Gwynne, Alexander ~urray, Benjamin Thorne-Directors. Branch Offices at Kinrrston, Brockvilie, Niagara, Cobourg, and London. Chartered B~nk. Commercial Bank, Midland District-Kingston. John S. Cartwright, M. P. P., President. John Strange, Vice.President. F. A. Harper, Cashier. John Watkins, John Mowat, John B. Marks, WITI. Logie, George W. Yarker, Joseph Bruce, Thoma .. l\facnider, Douglass Prentiss-Directors. Office in Toronto, 206, King Street. John Ross, Cashier. George Munro, Jas. F. Smith, Silas Burnham, James R. Armstrong, Francis M. Cayley, Wm. H. Draper-Directors. Chartered Bank. Farmer's Joint Stock Banking Co.-King Street, Toronto. Hon. J. Elmsley, President. Hilary Dupuy, Manager. 'rhos. Hector; Wm. Ketchum, Thos. Kinnear, Joseph Bloor, William Musson, Andrew McGlashan, James Saxon, Israel Ransom, Edward W. Thompson, John Eastwood-Di: re,clors. Agencies at Port Hope, St. Calherines, St. Thomas, KlIIgston, New.York, Montreal. 16 T~!e People's Bank-~ew Street, Toronto. Dr. , l'resldent. James Lesslte, Cashier. M. S. Bidwell, Thos. D. Morrison, .'-ohn Harper, James Heaty, John Doel, John Mont. gomery, George Barclay, James H. Price, David Gibson T. Elliott-Directors. '

Agricultural Bank-Front Street, Toronto. Truscott, Green, & Co. H. J. Hensleigh, Cashier. Home District Savings, King Street. A. \\7 ood, Treasurer. Open on Saturdays from 11 to 1 o'clocl;.

Civil and Religious Institutions. ]lechanics' Institute-Rooms in the Market Buildings. W. W. Baldwin, Esquire, President. Dr. Rolph, William B. Jarvis, John Ewart, and Han. R. B. Sullivan, Vice.Presidents. , Treasurer. T. Parson and .T: F. Westland, Secretaries. Subscription 5s. per annum. In 1835 £200 was granted by the Legislature in aid of Scientific Apparatus for this Illstitution.

11lechanics' Association-formed 6th Scpo 1836. J. Eastwood, Esq., President. John Craig, Wm. Dutcher, Vice.President.s. C. Sewell, Recording Sec. Samuel Shaw, Corresponding do. Geo. Bilton, Treasurer. Richard French, John Willson, John Mills, Joseph \Villson, George Nichol, Ira Smith, John Es. monde, Thomas Glasco, junr., James Armstrong, James Foster, Charles Raker, Richard Owen. Thomas H. Edmonde, Francis Hillock, John Nelson, John Swain-Committee. Object of this Association, the lawful and judicious protection of Mechanical Labour. ' Commercial News Raom-North.east Corner of the Market Square. T. W. Birchall, President. J. W. Drent, Secretary. David McMaster, Room.Keeper. Subscription for 12 months, 30s.; 9 GO. 24s.; 6 do. 17s. 6d.; 3 do. lOs.; 1 do. 5s. Mer. chants' Clerks for 12 months, 1 !'is. per annum. Country memo bers not residinl1 within 10 miles of Toronto, 20s. per annum. The Members ar7d Officers of the Legislature not residing within 10 miles.of Toronto, during the session are admitted to the News Room on entering their names in the Intl' All Captains and Pursers of allowed free aocess to the Rooms. All strangers are perrnitted to frequent the .Rooms for one week, upen either a personal or written introductIOn by any Subscriber. The Room is open every day, except S~ndays, from 6 in the morning to 8 in the evening; !rom lst A~f11 to 1st October; and from 8, in the moming to 10 III the evemng, from lst October to 1st April. 19 -- llfedical Board of Upper Canada.-Christopher Widmer, Wm. W. Baldwin, M. D., Grant Powell, Robert C. Horne,~ames Sampson, Peter Dield, John King, M: D., John Rolph, George Neville Ridley, Samuel John Stradford, Charles Duncom?e, Robert Hornby, M. D., George Augustus I,atham .. M.J?, ~UCIUS O'Brien, M. D., Thomas D. Mornson.-Fredeflck Sf. George Wilkinson, Secretary. The Board meets at Toronto on the first Monday in January, April, July, and October.

Board of Education, Home District, for Com,,!oll Schools.­ Board: The Hon. and Ven. the Archdeacon oflork, Hon. W. Allan, Grant Powell. F. T. Bdlillgil, Treasurer. Geo. Walton, Clerk. Board meets at the last Mondays of June unci December. British America Fire

U. C. Religious Tract and Book Society.--Rev. Dr. Harris, President; James Hamilton, Treasurer; William Hepburn and Rev. !? .Maxwell, Secr~taries; Robert Cathcart, Depositary. SubSCriptIOns of five shillings annually constitutes a member, and every member entitled to have Tracts to the value of half his subscription. Anniversary meeting, second week in Feb. ruary.

Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge-General Deposit. ory at,the Gazette Office, 164, King Street. His Excellency Sir FrancIs Bond Head, Patron. The Hon. and Right Rev. th~ Lord Bishop of Quebec, President. Rev. Mr. Gnf3ett, S!'cretary. Robert Stailto~, Treasurer and Librarian. Subscription of 10~. annually constitutes 8 member. Annual Meetmg, Easler ~Ion. day, in St. James's Church, Toronto.

Orphans and Widows' Institution-A. Wood, Treasurer.' The Hon. and Ven. Archc1eacon of York, SecretarY'_ 20 '---~'------~M

JULY. VI. JULY.' Begins on Saturday, 31 Days. 1837.

N.~w Moon, ... 2d 41t 33m E 1 Full Moon, .•• 17d nh 5101 E First Quarter, .10d 811 13m. E I Third Quarter, 24d 9h 12m, M

."~l'lID\'T , _ V A.RIOUS PHENOMENA. 'rises1 ~ setsl;Ii rises.G south 0 1 7 ------,--- 4 26 -1 3332 i13 A Sixth SUliday after Trinity. 4 267 33 sets 11 56 3 2 Quebec founded, 1608. 4 267 33 8 41 ev 47 ~ American Independence, 1776. 4 267 33 9 17 1 37 ~5 4 4 277 33 9 46 2 24 6 518unrises in tlte East and sets in the 4 ~7 7 3210 11 3 7 7 6 West. ' 4 277 3210 32 3 49 8 7 1 14 287 32 10 52 4 29 9 A. Seventh Sunday after Trinity. 14287 32111 1215 9 .10 2 Columbus born, 1447. 4 287 3211 32 550 ,n 3 4 287 3211 551 6 34 12 4 Erasmus died, 153.6. ' 4 297 32 morn. 721 'i3 fi' " 4 2917 31 0 22 8 13 ~4 6,Frenchr Revolut: c'ommenced, 1789 4 297 31 0 55 9 11 ~5 7:81. Swithin. 4 307 31 1 3810 14 l16 Al Eighth Sunday after Trinity. 4 307 311 2 3411 21 17 2.irsaac Watts born, 1674. - 4 307.311 rises morn. 18 3tBattie of Lundy's Lane, 1813. 4 307 30 8 40 0 27 '19 4 4 317 30 9 16 1 29 201518t. Margaret. 4 31 7 30 9 45 2 27 21 6 . 4 3'27 3010 10 3 19 22, 7'St. Magdalen. , 4 327 2910 33 4 8 '23 AINinth Sunday after Trinity. 4 337 2910 50 455 ,24 2 ' 4 M 7 28 11 21 5 52 ~~5 3, 11 Variety of Birds on the Wing. 4 34 7 27 11 49 6 28 7 ~6141' -- ,4 357 271morn'1 17 27 .5 Some. pea, pIe nJw Bathe. ' 4 357 26 0 '22" 8 7 28 6 ,.:. 4 36 7 26 1 1 ] 8 59 "~91' 7.Fl'enchRebellion, 1830. 4 3t717 25 1 47 952 301 AliTenth SundllY aft,er Trinity. Wm., 438725 _2 41 1.043 31\ 2 [Pmri?ied, 1718: 4 '39,7 25 3 40,11 34!Ii ~l - ~ ,~ ffi ffi ~ ~ ; ~ ffi ~ t Auctioneer.-Gentlemen, step this way-I'll show you a £ ffi sight. Here's a beauty for you! Who'll give a start for this + ~ blooded creature 1 Six years old next fall-won the handy.cup ffi .. purse at Tree Hill races, &c. &c. Now, gentlemen, [havn't , t no objection to instruct you concerning that there noble ani. <., ~ mal's history 1-[Here Tattersall run on with a lingo about the ~ ~ta+a39-fB+ffi~ffi+ffi~tao ~_~§3~ffi~ffi~83~ ffi~ffi-+ Q $------r

j ! },

AUGUST VIII. AUGUST. Begins on Tuesday, :31 days. 1837 New Moon, .•. Id 7h 19m M I Full Moon, .. 16d Oh 41m M First Quarter,. 9d 8h 25m M I Last Quarter 22d 8h 20m E New Moon, 30 lIh 5m E

~ ~ VARIOUS PHENOUENA. Iri:!S Is~s I s:?s. so~th I 3 Lammas Day. 4 40i723 sets eV21 I 2 4 4 41 7 221 8 15 1 6 3 5 Columbus sailed for America, 14924 427 21 8 37 I 48 4 6 Hotter about . 4 437 18] 8 58 2 29 5 7 4 447 17 9 17 3 8 6 A 11 th Sunday after Trinity.-Trans. 4 457 16/ 9 37 348 7 2. [figuration. 4 467 1519 58 4 30 8 3 People engaged Fishing. 4 487 14 10 51 5 14 9 4 J4 49j7 1310 221 6 3 10 5 St. Lawrence. .. 14 507 12 11 29 6 56 11 6 . 4 51 7 10 morn 17 !'i5 12 7 George IV. born, 1762. 4 527 9 0 17 8 59 13 A 12th Sunday after TrinitY.-QueenI4 53 7 8 1 19 10 4 14 2 [Adelaide born, 1792. 4 54 7 7 2 32 11 8 15 3 Assumption B. V. Mary. . 4 557 6 rISes morn 16 4: 4 56 7 5 7 42 0 9 17 51 Anniversary oj a bery Wet Day. 4 57 7 4 8 9 1 5 18 61 4 587 3 8 34 1 57 19 7 4 597 2 8 58 246 20 A l3th SlIllday after Trinity. 5 07 11 9 231335 21 2 King William IV. born 171S5. 5 17 01 9 50 4 23 22 3 5 26 59110 221 512 23 4 Warm. 5 3658105916 3 24 5 St. "Bartholomew. 5 46 56 11 44, 6 55 25 6 5 5 6 55 morn 7 47 26 7 Seasonable Weather. 5 616 54 e 35 8 40 27 A 14th Sunday after Trinity. 5 76 531 1 33 9 30 28 2 .. 5 86 52 1 2 3410 19 29 3 St. John Baptist beheaded. 5 916 51 3 37 11 4 30141 15 1016 50 sets 11 47 31 5 Squirrels !lOW go a.head. 5 11.6 49 7 4 ev 28 ==.~

Strike a wom~n, will you! eh ? you call yourself a man, d~~~_ :::::-:-:-=~---- noble animal.] Do see that there animal! Please examine her, :\-lr. Botts; isn't she a Venus di Medicis? Mr. Botts.-Yaw, I dlnks she's a.rorer. Auctioneer.--Ha! ha! very good; thank you, Mr. Botls­ $50--only 50-0h! gentlemen, she's warth that to work one mud machine. Perfectly sound in wind /tnd limb, and only $50. Countryman.-Will she go well Huder the saddle? Auc.-O yes; it would be a mOllstrous sad-ill if she did'nt. I'll put $10 or. for you, sir. $60 for this beautiful blooded mare; stir her up, Joe, and let the gentlemen see her graceful movements. Thank you, sir; you're a man of taste-$65 for the beautiful Aurora. I say, Mr. Snooks, you needn't be pull. ing at her mouth; she~8 like most discreet ladies, she wont; lell her age. $70 for you, Mr. Snooks? No! Well, $65 to Mr. SniveI1-0\1ce-twice--three__ Snivel-No such thing. Auc.-Well, no mattel'-$60 to Mr. --- the countryman. -Stop, sir_;. l'Ube switched if! bid any thing._Zounds, gen. tlemen, somebody must have her. Going to Mr. Botts for $50. -;.,ponder and Blitzum! I'll givevive tollars.-Thank you, sir; $5--once! twice! ~hree times! She's worth half the money! 24 SEPTEMBER. IX. SEPTEMBER. Begins on Friday, 30 days, 1837. MOON'S PHASES. First Quarter,. 7d 6h 16m E I Last Quarter 21d lOh 56m M Full Moon, •. 14d 8h 33m M I New Moon, . 29d 3h 7m E, 1

DM '~I ,VARIOUS PHENOMENA. I ,~ {ii; 0 \ G h 'I 1 II IriS es sets sets. sout 161St. GIles. D/1st~ in some 5 126 48 7 23118 i 2 7 London burnt, ~66. ,quarters'15 1416 4G 7, 4~ll 48 3 A 15th Sunday ~te~Tfinity. 5 156 4;) 8 :-l 2 29 4 2 5 16'6 43 8 25 :3 I::: 5 it Showery 'herwise. 15 IS/6 42 8 rd 3 58 6'1 ,11' 5 If) 6 41 9 20\ 4 4f) 7 51 5 206 40 10 915 54 8 6iCol'onation William & Adelaide 5 216 3911 3 6 115 1 1 ~ll ,I 15 ,2:3 6 ;)8' morn 7 47 ll\\ J,!lSth Sunday after Trinity. ,5 24 1 6 361 ° 9 8 50 {11 21 5 2616 :34 1 2ij f) 50 ,12 3' Apples Falling and Trees Felling!)5 27 6 a:3 '2 4710 48 1 \31 4!Battle of Que be c.-Wolfe & Mont.;; 28,6 32 1 4 811 41 H,~\ [calm killed, 175f)./5 2916 311 fI"'S morn 15; 6i 5 306 301 6 [,7 0 32 28 7 16: 71 1'5 31'6 1 2211 22 17\ ~\ 17th Sunday after Trinity. 5 :326 27 -; 49 2 12 182, 534626 61f):3 2 19 :3'Capitulation of Quebec, 1759·5 35,6 24 8 55! 3 54 N 2°1 41 #' 5 366 2':2 !) :1 I 4 46 2 L 5 Some Sigl'ls of Harvest 'Weather. 5 3S 6 20 10 23, 5 40 22, 6! 5 406 1811 25i 6 34 23 71 5 42/6 16 morn 7 2fi 24 A 18th"SunoflY after Trinity. 5 446 14 0 2:) 8 15 25 21· ,Egg~ should be seen to. 5 456 ]3 1 2'3 9 1 26 3 \ ' 15 47,6 1~12 31[ 9 4!'J 27 4 A Ra1lical 'clwngeamong many 5 4916 lUg 3 a:3 10 2, 28 5 l1'ees--~~d no mistake. 15 51 6 4 34 11 7 1 '29 6 St. Mich'lel. \ Dry and cool.15 536 71 sets 1J 1 47: 301 71 Whitfield died, 1770. 15 55 S 51 6 8.e O' :;S! iliI \ ';" 25 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, ~ JOHN BULL. A wag of a fellow, by some ~ ~ unlucky accident, made a sman <). t• rent in his pant~loon~.t . H'IS <).'}~ + landlady discovenng his hnen ~ ~ opon the chair under him, and : i> thinking it a napkin, endeavored <). t to pull it away undiscovered. <). l The fellow feeling what was : 0(> going on, sp.ized the collar of <). t his shirt with both hands, ex· ~ ~ claiming, • By jolly, you must <). : tear the coUar off before you <). ~ get it.' ~ 0(> ~ i> <). i> Sir Walter Scott had a pet <). ~ servant whom he had indnlged <). t until he was positively beyond : i> all endurance. 'This won't do,' <). t cried Sir Walter, in a passron. : ~ 'We eanl live together any ~ t longer-~. mllst part.' 'An': i> where t1t devil does your honor ~ i> mean to gel?' asked the servant. ~ (> I ~ ~ ~ t How to raise the Rent. .~ ~ ~ ~ A mechanic in this city was ~ 9 thus accosted by his landlord; ~ : 'John, I am going to raise your ,~ t . .rent.' John replied, 'Sir, I am ~ .(> Just come over to dance us a very much obliged to you, for <). 0(> Ilornpipe, with his breeches on. I cannot raise it myself.'" <). (> ~ ~ As James was one day in deep chat with his frierld, l (> He gravely advised him his manners :0 mend, + (> That his morals were bad he had heard it from many: + t They lie, replied James, for 1 never had any. t t A Countryman being nettled at a severe joke, t·:rneiround t «, to the Vlit and observed, "that every man had h\s gift; yours ~ ~ is to crack jests, mine to break heads," which he accordingly t (.> executed with a severe blow. + t Borrowing a" Why, you'd better knock the door ~ v down-what do you want 1" "Och, my darhJlg! don't let me .. t wake any of your family; I'm jist using your knocker to wake ~ ..' the paple next dOGr: I'm locked Gut, d'ye see, and they've i t Olver a knocker at all." [Rap, rap, rap.] ~ . I ~.~~y+~v~v~~~+~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. 26 Mi~·------______~ __ --4111



X. OCTOBER. Begins 0[1 Sunday, 31 days. 1837. MOO;'ll'g PHASES. First Quarter, 7d 2h 16m M ! Last Quarter, ... 21d 4h 57m M Full Moon, • l3d 6h 20m E ! New Moon, .... 29d 6h 39m M

'-ARIOUS G Q ~l ~I PHENO~IENA. I'~rises sets.~ Isets. south. 1 A 19~h Sunday after Trinity. Fir'>t l;) 56 6 3 6 30 llll 2 2\ {Steamb. on the Hudson, 1~07'15 5816 116 56 1 561 3 3 5 5915 59 7 28 2 46 4 4 Fix Slave.Pipes, 6 05 58 8 711 3 40 5 51BTainerd died, 1747. 6 15 56 8 57 4 38 6 6\ Squalling Children and Squally 6 25 5419 5AI5 38 7 7 Weather. 6 4 5 53 11 9 6 39 8 A 20th Sunday after Trinity. 6 °15 521 morn 7 38 9 2 St. Denys. 6 75 511 0 2518 35 10 3 6 9'15 49 I 44 9 28 11 4 Arr:erica discovered, 1492. 6 1015 47 3 210 19 12 5I'BattleofQ.ueenston, 1812. 161:2546 41911 8, " 13 6 6 13 5 44 rises 11 58 14 7 William Penn born, 1641. 16 155 42,15 46 morn. 15 A 21st Sunday after Trinity. 6 ]515 40 {) 15 0 8,:,\ 116i 2(Qneen of France beheaded, 1793. 6 1815 39 6 49-11 40 117 3' 6 20;5 :J7 7 )l0 2 34 18 41St. Luke. Skyey Injlue1wes. ,6 225 36 .-'l 18 3 29 IJ 5 C,,-pt. Russ arrived in London, 183310 2.1[5 :H 9 1:3 4 24 20 6 6 2:),;) 3:310 14 5 17 21 7 16 21;15 31 11 16 6 8 1 22 AI22d Sunday after Trinity. 6 2815 ::lOr morn,1 6 56 23 2 6 305 291 0 ) 917 41 24 a 6 31,5 27 ] 22 8 23 1 ~5 41st. Crispin. On 25tll October 6 3215 2fj 2 2:3 9l fl6 5 Scarce a Sortter sober. 6 a45 2.1 3 25 .9 4"1 27 6 6 35,5. 2:3 ~ 27 iO 24 28 7 ~ 6 37 5 21· 5. 3.1 11 7 f 29 A 23d Sunday after Trinity. 6 3!} 5, 19, sets 11 52 301 21 Rain 01' Sunshine may be again 6 40 ~ 18.\5 2,i\ey. 411 . 311 3 looked for. 6 415 17.6, 5 1 34:. i ' -


NOVEMBER. XI. NOVEMBER. Begins on Wednesday, 30da-;:==-1s37: MOON'S PHASES. First Quarter 5d 9h 25m 1\1 1 Laot QUarler, 20d Ih 39m M Full Moon, .• I2d Gh 36m L\I 1 New Moon, . 27d '8h 55m E

.'~111J\\'1 VARIOUS PHEl\O~IE~_A._ ___ setse rises_e _0sets.__ south. 0 11 4 All Saints. 6 425 16 6 52 2 32 2151AII Souls. ,6 441 5 14' 7 50 3 33 3 61' ' 16 40 5 Ull8 59 4 34 4 711King William III. landed, 1688. G 475 11 10 14 5 3~ 51 A 24th Sunday after Trinity. 6 485 1011 30 6 29 1 6 21Michaelmas Term commences. 16 49 5 8 morn'17 :22 73 65156046812 1 8 4 Princess Augusta Sophia born 176316 5315 5 2 11 9 0 I 9 lj 65454314947 \ 10 6lBonapar~e made First Consul, 1799 G 565 2 4 2710 36 11 7ISt .. IIIartlll. Co7d, clear, orfrosty. 6 585 0 5 4111 27 12-A125th Sunday after Trinity. 17 0\4 58, rises morn 13 21 7 14 56\ 5 211 0 20 14 31 Cool towards Evening. 7 24 55 6 6 1 15 \ 15 4 7 4,4 5~ 7 0 2 11 16 5iFerguson died, 1776. 7 54 5217 59 3 6 17 61' 7 64 51 9 2 3 59\ 18 7 St Luke EvangelIst 7 84 50,10 5 4 48 19 A 26th Sunday after Trinity. \7 9 4 49! 11 8 5 35 20 2 7 10 -1 48 morn 6 18 21 31 Frosty Mornings. 7 11141 47 0 10 6 59 22 4 . ,7 124 46 1 11 7 39 23151SI. Clement. 714ft ,14/ 2 12 8 19 24 6 Peace with United Slates, 1814. 7 15 ~ 43 3 ]5 9 0 25 7 St. Catharine. 7 16 4 42 4 20 9 4,4 261 A 27th Sunday after Trinity. 17 17;4 4111 5 29,!0 31 27 2 7 18,4 40 sets 11 24 , 28 ' 3 pumpk, ins 47 2 25 II 29 Friendship, :*'~~~=:tThere are people whose very like the WeI­ land Canal; that is to say, its repairs cost more than the fee sim pIe is wort h_

Mr. H. was re- I turned out I' of office lly his po­ litical opponents; the next vear, hav­ ing turned his coat, he was reinstated. So IDe one express­ ing su·rprise at 1V[r. H.'s sudden relll­ statement, "Oh, said a wag, "he was only turned out • during'good behll' vi our/ ".

A hungry fellow took IIp a raw ellg, cracked the shell, and was raising it wretch that would a tyrunt own, The to his m(;lUth, when And the wretch, his true born brother, his ear was saluted would set the mob above the Throl1.l!. Wllo by the shrill pipe May they be hang'd together! of an unborn chick­ Who will not sing" God save the King," en. "You spoke S!}all hanO' as lilITh's the steeple; too late," said he, But while w"e sing 0 .. God save the King," 3ntl down went pul. We 'Il ne'er forget the People. BURNS. let ,feathers and all. \

1'lie Hatter and the Rustic.-" There are tricks in all trades but ours," as the lawyer said to his client. An honest rustic went into the shop of a quaker to bll'y a hat, I for which twenty.fil·e shillings was demanded. He oifered' twenty shillings. " As I live," said the quaker, I cannot afford it thee at that " price." , .. As I live," exclaimed the countryman, "tllen Z,ive more mo. derately, and be hanged to you." , " Friend," said the Quaker, " thou shalt have the hat for no. thing. I have sold hats for twenty years, and my trick has ne. ver been found out till now."

30 DECEMBER. XII. DECE;\lBER:-B~gi~;-~~iday,-3i.~D;;;:==~ MOON'S PHASES. First Quarter,. 5d 4h 58m E I Last Quarter, . 19d lIh 1m E Full Moon, ... lId 9h 21m E I New Moon, ... 27d 9h 37m M 1J1:)-- . - ;Ii'i >'Ii I @ e M W V.~RlOUS PHENOMENA. rises sets sets. so~th. '1 6 Emperor Ahixaoder died, 1825. - 7 224 35 82 327 2 7 Indications of Winter. 7 2414 34 9 20 4 25 3 A Advent Sl:nday. Bonaparte erea· 7 254 3310 36 5 19 4 2 [ted Emperor, 1804.7 2614 32 11 51 6 '9 5 3 7 27 4 31 morn 6 57 6 41St. Nicholas. 17 284 31 1 3 7 43 7 5 Milton born, 1608. 7 2R 4 30 2 15 8 30 8 6/Conception B. V. Mary. 7 294 30 3 25 9 19 91 71 7 294 30 4 38 10 10 101 A 2nd Sunday in Advent. 7 30 4 29 5 50 11 3 11 2 17 30 4 29 rises 11 59 , 12 3 Cold increases. 7 304 28 4 48 morn 13 4 7 31 4 28 5 45 0 54 14 5 Washington died, '99. Sam John.,7 314 27 6 47 1 48 15 6 [son died, 1807.~ 314 27 7 51 2 40 I 16 7 7 32 4 26 8 55 3 281 17 A 3rd Sunday in Advent. 7 324 26j 9 57 4 12 18 2 - 7 33 4 26 10 58 4 54 19 3 ~ in apogee. 7 334 2511 58 5 34 20 4 7 334 25 morn 6 13 21 5 St. Thomas. Fine Marketing. 7 34 4 25 0 59 6 53 22 6 Winter commences. 7 34 4 24 2 2 7 35 231 7 Newton born, 1642. 7 354 24 3 8 8 20 24 A 4th Sunday in Advent. 7 354 24 4 18 9 10 251 2 Christmas Day. 7 364 23 5 31 10 5 261318to Stephen. 7 36 4 23 6 44 11 5 27 4 St. John Evangelist. 7 354 24 sets lev. 9 28 5 Innocents' Day... 7 354 24 5 43 1 13 29 6 • 7 344 25 7 2 2 15 30 7 First rate Sleigl,ing. 7 34[4 ~518 22 3 12 31 A Going at 12. Gone! 7 33 -1 26 9 39 4 5 ~ 31 ~§§§§§§g§§gg§g§§§§§§§§§§§§§~ ~ A R~\DICAL GRIND. STONE, 00 ~ 00 ~ @ ~ @ ~ @ ~ @ ~ @ ~ ~ ~ @ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Taking nj/ the p7'ominent points of Toryis"!'. @ F @ m ~ I ~ @ @ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ SCI-IOOL BOOK,S @~ @ FOR SALE WHOLESALE AND RET AIL. ~ ~ J !fi1 lTIlTESTAlHENTS, ENGLISH READERS, MAVOR'S AND ~ ~ WEBSTER'S SPELLING BOOKS, ARJTHMETICS, lIil t!i1 PRIMERS .. AND BLANK nOOKS, l!] ~ ~ ~ JJlanufactured from Upper Canada Rags, by ~ ~ EASTWOOD & SKINNER, ~ I!il PAPER MAKERS. ill! ~ ALSO, ~ ~ A General Assortment of PAPER HANGINGS, of the 00 @ Newest Patterns, cheap. ~ ~UPPER CANADA ALMANACKS FOR 1837.lTIl lTIl lTIl lTIl MARKET SQUARE, TORONTO, . till I!il October lSth, 1836. [ill lIT! ... [!jJ @§§§§§§~gg§§§§§§g§§§§g§§§§§~ . ~2

J". =--::y,

·"~~~~~~;;~~~~~~F~rie~n~dS;h~~.:J1There are people whose very like the WeI· land Canal; that is to say, its repairs cost more than the feesimpleis worth.

Mr. H. was reo turned out II' of office lly h is po. litical opponents: the next vear, hav. ing turned his coat, he was reinstated. So IDe one express· ing su·rprise at 1V[r. Ho's sudden relll­ statement, "Oh, said a wag, "he was only turned out • during'good behll' viour~t ".

A hungry fellow took IIp a raw egg, cracked the shell, and was raising it wretch that would a tyrant own, The to his m(;lUth, when And the wre:ch, his true born brother, his ear was saluted would set the mob above the Throl1.l!, Who by the shrill pipe May they be hang'd together! of an unborn chick­ Who will not sing" God save the King," en. "You spoke S!}all hanO' as hl"h'8 the steeple; too late," said he, But while w"e sing 0 .. God save the King," and down went pul. We 'Il ne'er forget the People. BURNS. let ,feathers and all. \

1'lie Hatter and the Rustic.-" There are tricks in all trades but ours," as the lawyer said to his client. An honest rustic went into the shop of a quaker to buy a hat, I for which twenty.fil'e shillings was demanded. He oifered' twenty shillings. "As I live," said the quaker, I cannot afford it thee at that " price." "tllen tive more mo. 1 " As I live," exclaimed the countryman, derately, and be hanged to you." , "Friend," said the Quaker, " thou shalt have the hat for no. thing. I have sold hats for twenty years, and my trick has ne. ver been found out till now."


,--_ .. lIS re.' !d OUI \lspo.1 DECEMBER. Denis;' r,bJr XII. DECE;\lBER:-B~gi~;-~~iday,-3i.~D;;;:==~ ICDII,I Ilaled,1 MOON'S PHASES. press.: First Quarter,. 5d 4h 58m E I Last Quarter, . 19d lIh 1m E ,11Ir,: Full ~~, ... lId 9h 21m E I New Moon, ... 27d 9h 37m M rein. II U 1) , - ;Ii'i >'Ii @ ' 0\, '" V.~RIOUS PHENOMENA. .' I e• h M .. rises sets sets. sout . IIhei dnul' "'1 6 Emperor Ahixaoder died, 1825. 7 224 35 82 327 leba· 2 7 Indications of Winter. 7 2414 34 9 20 4 25 3 A Advent Sl:nday. Bonaparte erea· 7 254 3310 36 5 19 4 2 [ted Emperor, 1804.7 2614 32 11 51 6 '9 ,Jlow' 5 3 7 27 4 31 morn 6 57 e~g!;' lell,! 6 41St. Nicholas. 17 284 31 1 3 7 43 7 5 Milton born, 1608. 7 2R 4 30 2 15 8 30 " II hell 8 6/Conception B. V. Mary. 7 294 30 3 25 9 19 nedl 91 71 7 294 30 4 38 10 10 plPel 101 A 2nd Sunday in Advent. 7 30 4 29 5 50 II 3 lick, 11 2 17 30 4 29 rises 11 59 Joke, 12 3 Cold increases. 7 304 28 4 48 morn he'i ( 13 4 7 31 4 28 5 45 0 54 pul'l Jail. , 14 5 Washington died, '99. Sam JOhn'~'7 314 27 6 47 1 48 15 6 [son died, 1807. 314 27 7 51 2 40 I ! 16 7 7 32 4 26' 8 55 3 281 17 A 3rd Sunday in Advent. 7 324 26 9 57 4 12 Ide!~ 18 2 - 7 33 4 26 j10 58 4 54 19 3 ~ in apogee. 7 334 2511 58 5 34 'at, 20 4 7 334 25 morn 6 13 'ed 21 5 St. Thomas. Fine Marketing. 7 34 4 25 0 59 6 53 22 6 Winter commences. 7 34 4 24 2 2 7 35 bal 231 7 Newton born, 1642. 7 354 24 3 8 8 20 24 A 4th Sunday in Advent. 7 354 24 4 18 9 10 mo· " 251 2 Christmas Day. 7 364 23 5 31 10 5 i, 261318to Stephen. 7 36 4 23 6 44 11 5 00· 27 4 St. John Evangelist. 7 354 24 sets lev. 9 De, 28 5 Innocents' Day... 7 354 24 5 43 1 13 29 6 • 7 344 25 7 2 2 15 : 30 7 First rate Sleigl,ing. 7 34[4 ~518 22 3 12 ii' 31 A Going at 12. Gone! 7 33 -1 26 9 39 4 5 ~ 31 / .. { ~ .. ! rrJ;~~E§§;~§'=iEj§Ej§§§§§§§§l§ej§§§Pr1 ff It=,=-,--:,=-,=-, I!II :, - l!iI " A RADICAL GRIND. STONE, 1m - 00· ~ l!iI 00 l!iI l!iI l!iI l!iI l!iI ~ f ~ l!iI ~! l!iI l!iI Ifil Ifil l!iI l!iI \ l!iI ~ 'j Ifil l!iI 1 Ifil l!iI Ifil Taking nil the p7'ominent points of Toryis"!'. l!iI r' F l!iI '. ! m l!] I lITJ l!iI l!iI l!iI ~ Ifil l!iI S C I-I 0 0 LBO 0 K S, till Ifil~ l!iI l!iI FOR SALE WHOLESALE AND RET AIL. l!iI, Ifil J !fi1 -J lTIlTESTAlHENTS, ENGLISH READERS, MAVOR'S AND ~ .'l11 ~ WEBSTER'S SPELLING BOOKS, ARJTHMETICS, lIil ' q t!i1 PRIMERS, AND BLANK nOOKS, till 1,:1 Ifil till .1 Ifil JJlanufactured from Upper Canada Rags, by till ~ EASTWOOD & SKINNER, ~ I!il PAPER MAKERS. ill! ~ ALSO, ~ ~ A General Assortment of PAPER HANGINGS, of the ~ l!iI Newest Patterns, cheap. till IfilUPPER CANADA ALMANACKS FOR 1837.lTIl l!iI lTIl lTIl MARKET SQUARE, TORONTO, . till I!il October l-Sth, 1836. [ill I!il i l!iI .. @§§8§8§~gg§1§1§§§§§§§§§§1§§§§§~ ~ - ~2 , /~!!11 \~- .~.

" ~.l