Phoney Bomb Threat Clears Court Room
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-" : . ~ ... lAC COMPACT . ;' ,rrHE ACADIA~" , ~ . 1963 MODELS ' .. ,.'; CONTACT Water·St. ST •. JOHN'S NEWFOUNDLAND SATURDAY, MARCH 2, 1963 .1 , ElJJabelh Ave, Nova Motors l tdl SEVEN CENTS , VOL. 70. NO. S2 16 PAGES 'jl \ lb. Tins :i 'Ii! i Ii Ib, Tins. f'. Ii I " !j Ib, Tins ,I . II s . i i i I i ", ! . S., Russian Phoney Bomb Threat il " tiators \i. , ., I· Clears Court Room I, i !. PARIS !Reuters) - Security against the remnants of the llut· ! EVACUATE COURT Geneva lawed right·wing "national res· \. Friday afte~noon the 'Vin" men stepped up their campaign against right • wing terrorism istance council." headed by ex· cennes court was evacuated ~NWA (AP).-Negotiations to ban nu· Friday and a false bomb threat premier George Bidault. a de hurriedly after an anonymllus ~ ! L~Anl]\I". tests seemed headed toward col· emptied the military courtroom Gaulle foe. telephone caller said a bomb , , where nine persons are nearing Security precautions w ere would go off there in 15 min· nisht despite recent hopes that the the end of their trial for the at· tight around the military. court ute s. Searching gendarmes tempted assassination of Presi· in suburban Vincennes-where found .nothing in the court room. , could point the way to a the verdicts were expected this Nine· persons arrested' Te· dent de Gaulle. All sides talked of failure after Paris rocked with reports of weekend _ and guards wcrl! ccnlly arc allcged 10 llal'e plol· assa'ssination plots and a plan strengthened at key spols else· led the rescue of Ihe nine de· fruitless debate. for the escape of the trial's de· where after disclosure of an aI, fcnci:lI1ts now on Irial a5 well than three weeks after the new rounds leged plot to kill I'rcmi~r I a~ the murdel' of Pomoidou and fendants. Georges and Interiur; Frey. In addition to' the nine The de Gaul1e government pompid~u , opened Feb. 12, the Soviet Union refus Minister Roger Frey. in court hm·c. six are bein.: I. wa; pushing an all·out offensive tried in . ahscntia [or t\le ma·· ( detailed negotia·tions for a treaty as . I , 1. chinc')!lm attack un de Gaulle's i Ihe West rejects the Soviet offer of two car here last August. annual on-site inspections. Nuclear Issue \:1\ba;,a{\OI' Scmy.)R noise over the veto whenever Security was extra·tight as de .. st~tclnrll\ and they want to disrupt agreement .... Gaulle !lew by helicopter to his of Ihe \(lp.ranking and hal'e no other argument." St I F country home east of Paris, <3:£1 ,nd Ru"ian nc. \ 'fs<lrapkin also rejected a Meanwhile. two right '. wing ','peared 10 hrin~ Ihe proposal by the Canadian dele. "ays"'" . n ore newspapers reoorted Bldault .. t \Cl~r pf ('ollapsc. gate. Lt .. Gen. E. L.. M. Burns. )'" 'TIlE CANADIAN PRESS \ ics I'n a tOllr of the Maritimes. 63; is living .undercovel· with his Il~S'/t;c:alc "_IC lold ~I report'jlcro Inlor drawfurther up negotiations.a detallcd agenda "fNucl~r warhcads and stable Sounding a call for a stahle. WI e. Suzy, I 11 a Lond 0 n su bur h 1 ""his is merely a manoeuvre gO'lernrpcnt were the major majority government. Mr. Pear· and that he had narrowly es· • I I . I I' . themes from tllc poll'tical sta"e son· s~, ieI it is becomin" morc capcd being kidnapped there. •. k d h . this week as' campaianing for and more apparent thai only as mon lY' renc secrc. nr:IJli'll"r \\"illi.1:l1 10 dI'llg 10 cc mIen (ISCUSSlOns "" "t I th I F h t ,llho.'~h I('al'in~. I1)' tIeI uDC onr." I e Sol'let u a"ents I'ntenl on SPI'l'l'tl'n" 111'm 10 wanl In drlcgale dcclar'ed. ·the April 8 federal elcction grad· the Liberal party has a chance F"rance: b' 1\('~llliatl'. g Howevcr. Bl'itish officials in II~ halt' [ound BlII'ns expressed Ihe PARIS, FRANCE: French President Charles de Gaulle (right) holds a ua.~IIYthgolrleg\hV Ilneaidnetl~snsiotlY' Ihe 11\'0 °ll·fon[.ormin such an administra· London denied any knowledge of Bidault·s wherenbouts. Ih~ ~ndcl l"nion ol'crrlrm' thenations' threatening .riisillllsionmenl failure 01 glass of champagne as he chats with the members of the In~ernational major' parties tended to shunt Social Credit Leadel' nobert , . the tnlks. Ch m·be f C mmer dur,'ng a recept',on for the latter at the Elysee aside Ihe nuclear issue during 'fhompson. speaking in his home r.r<lbrr. Urili,h lIIil1i~· "Wc e~nnot helieve that thr. a roo . ce . the week. it was the overwhelm· town of Red Deer. AIle,. added ~I:I !ait!: "We nlll~t greal nuclear powers are more Palace.-(UPI Photo). ing favorite of the Icsscr politi· a qualification to Ihe anti·nu· ~rraid o[ coming to agreement cal lights. some of whom split clear policy statements he made Perpetual . 11;1 Ihal thr Sodet , . i !etkin~ In \'rIll any than they arc of the prospects 0 t S At' - with their own party leaders on in Montreal last weekend. He on an), mallrr except of nuclear war." Burns said. the subject. said acceptance of defensive Fostcr returns to Washington U er pace om! Ie Prime Minister ,TallO Dielen· nuclear weapons would not put Motion ~~u~~:· RErl.IES today. His Soviet counterpart. .' baker. heading into westcrn Canada in the world's "nuclear By snapp~d "~ck: First Deputy MinIster Vasslly Canada for his opening cam· club." FRANCOISE COTE characterislic tend· MoscowV. Kuznetsov, last Saturday, [Jew. back to Nucleus HI-ts Ea' rth nomicpaign trip:and polsaid ithe i c feelsa I issuesceo· NewT. C,Democratic Douglas. Party.Icader ofeontin· the Caouette.MONTREAL voluble (CP)deputy - leaderReal . out a~ain the I)ld should overshadow Ihe nuclear ued. to lay. do\~n a strong of the Social Credit party. has of Ihe Silviet Union controversy. He served notice anh·nuclear Ime tn everyone introduced his own brand 'of I WtD righl ... The that he intends to make only of his speeches and press con· pefPCtual motion into the cam· make a tel'fible round GU"llty r .WASHINGTON (CP)-A liny. cleus of an atom. bllt physicists 1 nucleus of an atom of the air- 0,1e speech or statement on nu· ferences. \ paign for the April 8 federal ..... ,. .....~.,'".> ._~.i.. ' ..... ,'".,. did f'\ t It d th tltittg atomic debris clear weapons. then drop the 'fop·rankIng spokcsmen for election -MoNTREAL (CPI _ Georges • powere . nva er rom say I s energy was. so grea 010·· crest,. the four parties kelll hammer· . sup~r ' must' havc c' ome from 'some dis· grew. by a sort of .chain reaction s~hject.' Marcotte was found guilty by a distant space penetrated our . h d Liberal Leader. Lester Pear· ing away at the pros and cons I His speaking cngagements 12.mail jury Friday night of the system last month and .crashed tant galaxy outside our own into a shower of hlg :spee son •. who last Saturday in Mont· of obtaining' warheads for the I have been so arranged. he says. capital. murder of one of two Into the earth's atmosphere. sct· Milky Way: atomic particlcs, real laid down his arguments nuclear missilcs. planes and I that, thcy gil'e the impression policemen slain In a bank hold. ting off a cosmic ray shower The event is reported in the The cosmic ray shower cov- in favor of Iluclear defensh'e Iartillery rockets which Canaua I~!r, Caouette is "in all places up in suburban St. Laurent Dec. over New -Mexico. c~lrrent issue of Physi~a\ Re· er.eld anTharcba Of scdveral SlqaUsaterde weapons went on to olher top· has bought in recent years. at the same time," Th Invader view Letters by John Linsley of ml es. e am bar men t ,. ------'-.-.------- 14. e was R mere 1111· the laboratory fOl' nuclear sci· only an instant - but long 'H d F Sh d ence. Massachusetts Institute of enough to be recorded. \ 0 'ell 0 p. 'en Technology. Linsley detected the Eal·th. scientists acceler~te e a so'r W ·own shower at the Volcano Ranch prolons m huge atom smashmg , PM W1 recording station nea"· Albu· devices. The new Brookhav~n; 4th querque. N.1I1. national laboratory synchotron i eo' n .. Physicists reason that Ihe can accclerate prolons to 30.. WI- th elMoa Iners· C atomic nuclells that inl'adcd 000.000.000 electron volts over .' . ampalgn the earth's atmosphere must its half·milc track. WINNIPEG (CPI _ Prime will not be dealt with again .. , . have come from a much more . But the atomic nucleus from ------------- PARIS (Rculcl'SI - stronl: po· I ~lorc than 1.500 cmployees of Minister Dlefenbaker F l' I day The issues' are economics and active galaxy thall our own oulet' space-prohably the nu· THE COUNTRY' PARSON Ilice rcinforcements moved mto i the government·run rauio and sharpened his April 8 federal politics. these arc maior issues I because of its enormolls power: clcus 01 hydrogen alom-had \ the coal fields of northeastel'n i Iclcl'isiol1 sen'ice 'werc called election campaign approach to and not one that has bolled up When it crashed into the tim e 5 as much Francc Friday as the llovern· oul on a 21·hour strike. two key questions. his health as an .emotional question." earth's air.