numb, 38330 3647

The London Gazette by Registered as a newspaper V For Table of Contents see last page TUESDAY, 22 JUNE, 1948 BY THE KING Whitehall, June 19, 1948. . The KING has been pleased, by Warrant under A PROCLAMATION His Majesty's Royal Sign Manual, bearing date the Whereas at the time of the coming into force of I5th instant, to appoint the Reverend John William the Indian Independence Act, 1947, Our Style and Towell, B.A., to the Vicarage of the Venerable Titles were, in the Latin tongue, " Georgius VI Bede, Gateshead, vacant by the cession of the Dei Gratia Magnae Britanniae, Hiberniae et Reverend Walter Greenwood, M.A., B.D. terrarum transmarinarum quae in ditione sunt Britannica Rex, Fidei Defensor, Indiae Imperator", and1 in the English tongue, " George VI by the. Whitehall, June 19, 1948. Grace of' God of Great Britain, Ireland and the The KING has been pleased, to give and grant British Dominions• beyond the Seas King,'Defender unto Cecil Albert.Good, Esq., His Majesty's Royal of the Faith, Emperor of • India" : licence and authority to wear the Insignia of the" We have thought fit, and do hereby appoint and Fourth Class (Civil Division) of the Order of Al declare, that, so far as conveniently may be, on 'Rafidain, which -Decoration has been conferred upon all occasions and in all instruments wherein Our him by His Majesty the King of Iraq, in recognition Style and Titles are used, in the Latin tongue, the of valuable services rendered by him in the capacity words ""Indiae Imperator", and, in.the English of President of the Court of Appeal and Director tongue, the words " Emperor of India " shall be of Land Settlement at Basra. omitted. Given at Our Court at Buckingham Palace, this Whitehall, June 19, 1948. Twenty-second day of June, in the year of our The KING has been pleased to give and grant Lord One thousand nine hundred and forty-eight, unto Ronald Wilson Broatch, Esq., His Majesty's and in the Twelfth year of Our Reign. • Royal licence and authority to wear the Insignia of Chevalier of the Order of the Dannebrog, which GOD SAVE THE KING. Decoration has been conferred upon him by His Majesty the King of Denmark, in recognition of valuable services rendered by 'him in the capacity of honorary Vice-Consul of Denmark at Port Said. Foreign Office, i^th June, 1948. The KING has ibeen pleased "to grant unrestricted permission for the wearing by the undermentioned Whitehall, June 19, 1948. persons of the decorations respectively indicated, The-KING, has been pleased to give and grant conferred upon them by (His Majesty the King of unto Lieutenant-Colonel Joseph Caplan, M.B., Norway in recognition of. services rendered during R.A.M.C., His Majesty's Royal licence and authority to wear the Insignia of the Order of El Maaref the war:— 1 Order of St. Olav< (Third Grade), which Decoration has been " coiy- ferred upon him by His Majesty the King of Egypt, Knight Grand Cross. in recognition of valuable services rendered by him Sir Cyril Hurcomb, G.C.B., K.B.E. in connection with the suppression of malaria. Commander with Star. Sir Thomas Gilmour Jenkins, K.B.E., C.B. CHILDREN AND-YOUNG PERSONS ACT, "1933. Commander.. Longhirst Hall, Morpeth, Northumberland.' Sir Ralph Ismay Metcalfe. • The Secretary of State for the Home Department Sir Walter Ernest 'Hargreaves, K.B.GE. hereby gives notice that he has approved Longhirst William Guy Weston, (Esquire. C.M.G. Hall, Morpeth, Northumberland, for the education Chevalier (First Class). and training of boys sent there in pursuance of the Sir Philip D'Ambrumenil. Children and Young Persons Act, 1933, or "otherwise. (Francis Carol Hampden, Esquire. The Certificate of Approval bears the date the i4th Thomas (Henry Humphreys, Esquire. June, 1948. [Francis Hugh Keenlyside, Esquire. Home Office, Percy iF. -Rogers, Esquire, C.B.E. Whitehall. - x i8th June, 1948.

Ministry of Labour and National Service. Whitehall, June 19, 1948. Factory Department, The KING has been pleased, by Warrants under St. James's Square, London, S.W.i. His Majesty's Royal Sign Manual, bearing 'date the i$th June, 1948. 18th instant, to appoint Percy Pickersgill Booth, • The Chief Inspector of Factories has appointed Esq., O.B.E., Sidney Henry Charters, Esq., O.B.E., Dr. J. A. Jones to be Examining Surgeon under the Frank Bitten, Esq., M.B.E., and Henry Ernest Factories Act, .1937, for the Morriston District of Skillern, Esq., to be Inspectors of Fire Services. the county of Glamorgan. 3648 THE LONDON GAZETTE', 22 JUNE, 1948

Ministry of Labour and National Service. from ' H-.M.1 Stationery Offices at the following Factory Department, addresses:-HYork House, Kingsway, (London, W.C.2;- 8, St. James's Square, London, S.W.I.',. •133,, Castle Street, Edinburgh 2; 39-41, King Street, jth Jatne, 1948.' Manchester 2; i, St. Andrews Crescent, Cardiff; The Chief Inspector of Factories has made the Tower Lane, Bristol-1; 80, Chichester Street, Belfast; following appointments under the 'Factories Act', ,or through'any bookseller. 1937:— . • ..... Dr. G. P. Driver to. 'be Examining Surgeon for •the Mod-bury District of the County of Devon. ' ; . MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT. Dr. T. Moss to be Examining Surgeon -for the Cardigan District of the County of Cardigan! TRANSPORT .ACT, ,1947. 1 . The Minister of Transport on the I5th June, 1948, made The Goods Vehicles (Operating Centre) Regula- Ministry of Labour and National Service, .tions, 1948 (S.I. 1948 No. 1284), under Sections 61 Factory Department, and 119 of the Transport Act, .1947. 8, St. James's Square, London,, S.W.i. 1 The Regulations come into force on ist July, •gth June, 1948: 1948, and copies, _ priced 2d. each are obtainable The Chief Inspector of Factories has appointed from H.M. Stationery Offices' at the .following Dr. C. F. R. Briggs to ibe Examining Surgeon under addresses:.—York House,.Kingsway, (London, W.C.2; the Factories Act, 1937, for the Torrington District i3a, Castle Street, Edinburgh 2; 39-41, King Street. of- the County of Devon. Manchester 2; i, St. Andrews Crescent, Cardiff; Tower Lane, Bristol i; 80, Chichester Street, Belfast; or through any bookseller. Ministry, 'of Labour and National Service, • Factory Department, 8, St. James's Square, London, S.W.i. June', 1948. Civil Service Commission. •i6th June, 1948. The Chief Inspector of Factories gives notice that in consequence of the resignation pf Dr. J. G. Smith The Civil Service Commissioners hereby announce an. appointment' as Examining Suirgeon under the the undermentioned appointments in the month of Factories Act, 1937, for the District of ' Buckie May, 1948, 'under the provisions of .the General. Regu- in the County of Banff 'is vacant. . lations ^rnade under the Order in Council of the Latest date for receipt of applications: 17th. July, 22nd July, -1926.: — 1948. . . •.'..-• CERTIFICATES ISSUED AFTER.OPEN.COMPETITION UNDER • THE RECONSTRUCTION SCHEME AND'UNDER CLAUSE ' 10 (D) OF THE GENERAL REGULATIONS. ROAD HAULAGE WAGES ACT, 1938, HOLIDAYS • ' . WITH PAY ACT, 1938, AND TRADE BOARDS 'Foreign- Office: Senior tBranch of the Foreign AND ROAD HAULAGE WAGES (EMERGENCY • Service- (Salary Scale of-Class), William Bernard PROVISIONS) ACT, 1940. John Ledwidge (age '32),' 7th. Recommended by Selection Board; transferred ROAD HAULAGE CENTRAL WAGES BOARD. from the Administrative Class of the Home Civil The Road-Haulage Central" Wages Board -hereby Service. ' • - ' gives notice of its intention to submit to the'Minis- ter of Labour . and National • Service . proposals for Robert Swinney Swami (age 32), 27th. Edward the amendment of the Road Haulage Wages Order, Gervase Willan (age, 31), i8th. 1948, (S.I. 1948, No. n) (Order R.H. (24)). • Recommended by Selection Board; transferred Particulars of the proposals may be obtained on • from the Indian Civil Service. application to the Secretary 'of the Board at the address given below. ' • CERTIFICATES ISSUED UNDER CLAUSE 10 (D) OF THE The Board will consider any written representations GENERAL REGULATIONS. 1 with respect to the above-mentioned-'proposals which Ministry of Agriculture -and Fisheries: National may be sent to it within twenty-one days from 22nd . Agricultural Advisory Service, Staff Officer (Salary June, 1948. Any such representation should be Scale of Class), Robert Christian Parsons (age 54),. signed" by the person making -the same (adding'his 3rd. or her address) and sent to 'the Secretary,. the Road Haulage Central'Wages Board, Queen Anne's Cham- Higher Clerical Officer (Salary Scale of Class)1* bers, 28, Broadway, London, S.W.i. 'It is desirable William- Humphrey Childs (age 54), nth. Leslie that persons making 'obfectipns should state, the Arthur. Lancashire (age 41), 26th. precise grounds of their objections. Clerical Officer (Salary - Scale of Class), Bessie Edith Z.. T. Claro, Secretary. Hurley (age 29), 7th. William Herbert Kotch 2ist June, 1948. -.'.'•• (age 44), 24th. Stanley Frank Sharpus Mearing (age 35), i8th. 1 Recommended by Selection Board; transferred MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT. from Local Authority Service., TRANSPORT ACT, 1947. Morris Glyn Thomas (age 31), 2,oth. . The Minister of Transport on the isth June, 1948, Recommended • by Selection Board; transferred made.'The Road Haulage Undertakings (Payment of from employment under the University College: Compensation) Regulations, 1948 (S.I. i948"No. 1286), of N. Wales. under Sections 61 and 119 of the Transport Act, Margaret Elsie Webber (age 43), 2ist. 1947. - ' Recommended by Selection Board;- transferred! The Regulations come into force on ist July, from • employment under the University College- 1948, ' and copies, priced id. each are obtainable .of S. Wales. from H.M. Stationery Offices at the following addresses:—York House, Kingsway, London, W.C.2; Ministry of Supply: Principal Scientific Officer I3a, Castle Street, Edinburgh 2;-39-41, King Street, . (Salary Scale of Class), William Douglas Allen, Manchester 2; i, St. Andrews Crescent, Cardiff; (age 33), 3rd. Tower Lane, Bristol i; 80, Chichester Street, Belfast; B.Sc. ist Class Honours (Physics), Adelaide or through any bookseller. •University; D. Phil (Oxford), extensive research, experience. • Jack Howlett (age 35)', loth. MINISTRY OF. TRANSPORT: B.Sc. ist Class Honours (Mathematics), Man- chester University; Ph.D.; extensive research • TRANSPORT ACT, 1947. • experience. , . The Minister of Transport on the I5th June, 1948, made. The Road Haulage Undertakings, (Notices of Post Office: Postman in London (Salary Scale of Acquisition, etc!) Regulations, 1948 (S.I. 1948 No. Class), William Henry Blackaller (age 56), 27th.. 1285), under.-Sections 61 and 119. of the. Transport Postman; Barnet, Herts. (Salary Scale of Class),. Act,, 1947- ' . ; , . - Harold.'Ernest Haskell (age 55), -27-th. The Regulations come into force on. ist July, • Promoted .from the unestablished class, having, 1948, and copies, priced -4d. each -are obtainable attained the' age of • 55. • . ' " THE LONDON GAZETTE, 22.JUNE, 1948 3649 H.M. LAND REGISTRY. COUNTY OF THE WEST RIDING OF The following land is about to be registered. Any YORKSHIRE. objections should be addressed to " H.M. Land ROAD TRAFFIC ACT, 1930, SECTION 46. Registry, Lincoln's Inn 'Fields, .London, W.C.2," before the 6th. day of July, 1948.. • _• • ROAD AND RAIL TRAFFIC ACT, 1933, SECTION 29. FREEHOLD. NOTICE is hereby given that on the day of June 1948 the Minister of Transport confirmed the (1) 107,' West Road, Westcliff-on-Sea, Essex, by County of the West Riding of Yorkshire Roads R. G. Wright, 51, Ridgeway, Westcliff-on-Sea, (Restriction) (No. 7) Order," 1947, made under the Essex. above mentioned enactments. (2) 331-62 '(inc.), Belgravia Street, 1-80 (inc.), 82, The effect of -the Order, which will come into 83, St. James Street, Penzance, Cornwall, by operation on 28th June, will be to prohibit the J. H. Worlledge, Little Croft, Mizen Way, driving on the road carried by Ilkley; Old Bridge'in Cobham, Surrey. the Urban District of'Ilkley of any locomotive, • motor (3) Land .and premises in Upper Trinity Street, tractor, heavy motor car or motor car. Birmingham, by W. H. -Moore & Sons Ltd. Exception is provided in "the Order for any vehicle (4) 41, Fulbourne Street, E.I, by H. S. Stevens, which is being used in connection with the main- 51, Caen wood Road, Ashstead, Surrey, and tenance of the road or the services therein or in E. E. Langford, 750^ High Road, Tottenham, the course of military training operations.. N.iy. Tn The Order 'is available for inspection at the County (5) I3'4. e Broadway, Wimbledon, S.W.ig, by Hall, Wakefield. Wimbledon Broadway Properties Ltd. (6) i46-i'5OA, Golders Green Road, N.Wi-ii; by (053) . , Frawell Corporation Ltd. ' "'' " ' (7) 68, Mount Pleasant, Alperton, Middlesex, by D. H.'Edgley of that address'. (8) 521,- Shirley Road, Woodside, Croydon, Surrey, COUNTY BOROUGH OF GRIMSBY. by J. M. Heathcote, Primrose Gardens, Belsize TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT, 1944. Park, N.W.3. (9) Box Cottage, Bucklebury Common, Berks, by NOTICE is hereby given that the Minister of J. L. & D. Baynes both of that address. Town. and . Country. Planning proposes, in - pur- suance .of the. powers vested in him by Section i (10) 55, Burder Road, Islington, N.I, by L. M. V. to Carey, Dursleigh, >Manorcrofts Road, Egham, of the Town and Country Planning Act, I944- Surrey, make an Order declaring certain land in the County (n) 33, St. Dunstans Road, South Norwood, Surrey, Borough of Grimsby to be subject to compulsory- by A. E. Steel of that address. purchase for. the. purpose of, dealing with war (12) 886-892, 8g6-902A (even)1, High Road, North damage, in accordance with an application made to Finchley, Middlesex, by Fulwood House Ltd. him on the. 8th day of. November, 1947, by the (131) 2, Church Road, Richmond, Surrey, by R. M. Council of the County Borough of Grimsby, but Hastings of that address. .with modifications excluding .therefrom part of the (14) 18, Market Place, Kingston-upon-Thames, land in respect of which the application was made. Surrey, by the Salvation Army Trustee The land included .in the application and the Company. land which the Minister proposes to exclude from (15) 22-32 (even), Vincent Road, Kingston-on- the Order .are shown on a map deposited at the Thames, Surrey, by M. Gilbey, 134, Kenley . Town.' Clerk's. Office, Municipal Offices, Town Hall Road, , Surrey. Square, Grimsby, which will be open for < inspection (16) 84, Douglas Way, S.E.8, by C. W. Wood, 78, .by all .persons interested, .without payment of, fee, Harland Avenue, Sidcup, Kent. between the hours of 9 a.m.. and 5 p.m. (Saturday (17) Waldrons Mews and Octagon Lodge, Duppas 12 noon). Hill, Croydon, Surrey, by A. Holloway, 91, The Dated the 22nd day of June, 1948. Ridgeway, Waddon, Surrey, and S. • -A. L. W.-HEELER, Town Clerk. Holloway, 83, Stafford Road, Waddon, Surrey. Municipal Offices, (18). 53', 54, Nelson Street, Buckingham, by A. W. Town Hall Square, Grimsby. Cox, Brooklyn Cottage, Hunter Street, (249) Buckingham. (19) Land fronting Riverview Road, Ewell, Surrey, by S. W. Williams, " The Meadows," Newdi- • gate, Surrey, and W. R. Williams, " The Gables," Newdigate, Surrey. STATEMENT showing the QUANTITIES SOLD and (20)1 80, Great South West Road, Hounslow, AVERAGE PRICES OF BRITISH CORN, per cwt. of Middlesex, by E. H. Cooper of that address. 112 Imperial lb.* computed from returns received (21) 252, Carlton Road, Gidea Park, Essex, by V. W. ^ by the MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND FISHERIES Cusdin- of that address. in. the week ended igth June, 1948, pursuant (22) 24, Radlix Road,, by R. E. Neal of that to the Corn Returns Act, 1882, the Corn Sales - address. Act, 1921, and the Agriculture (Miscellaneous Pro- (23) 14-36 (even), 37, 39, 41, 43, Penton Avenue, visions) Act, 1943. . Staines, Middlesex, by E. M- 'Figg, 38, Chal- font Way, Baling, W-5- Average Price (24) Knaves Acre, West Hoathly, Sussex, by A. & British Corn. Quantities sold. per cwt. G. J. Newnham, both of Woodside, West Hoathly, Sussex. cwt. s. d. (25) 49, High Road, Southtown, Great Yarmouth, WHEAT 28,633 20 4 •by W. J. & H. Port, '25, Hunters Road, Hook, BARLEY 9,786 26 o • Surbiton, Surrey. OATS 4,009 19 II (26) 8, Holyrood Street, S.E.i, by Ash & Co., Ltd. (27) 19, Chartham Road, South Norwood, Surrey, * Section 8 of the Corn Returns Act, 1882, as by-F. C. Hellaby of that address. amended by Section 2 of the Corn Sales Act, 1921, provides that,' in the weekly summary of quantities LEASEHOLD. and -prices each sort of British Corn shall be com- (1) 64 & 66, -Mayo Road, Willesden, Middlesex, by puted with reference to the cwt. of 112 Imperial Ai Lawrence, 64, Mayo Road aforesaid.. Standard Ib. (2) 90, 9OA, Golders Green Road, N.W.u, by Frawell Corporation Ltd. NOTE: The above statement is based on re- turns received .from 108 prescribed towns in England (3-) 56, Gabriel Street, Forest Hill, S.E.23, by D. L. and Wales in the week Bended igth June, 1948. & R. M. Mann' both of that address. The prices represent the average for all sales at these' (4) 49, Highwood Avenue, Olton Solihull, Warwick, towns, which include transactions between growers by G. C. Mann, 18, Cropthorne Road, Shirley, and merchants, and some transactions between mer- Warwick. chants, during the week ended i2th June, 1948. (5) 23, Windsor Road, Wanstead, Essex, by A. H. Kenney of that address. * ••• E. A. G. SHRIMPTON. ' (6) 18, Glenwood Avenue, Rainham, Essex, by L. R. Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Potter of that address. Princeton House, G. H: Curtis, Chief Land Registrar. 271, High , London, W.C.i. - A 2 3650 THE LONDON GAZETTE, 22 JUNE, 1948 ...... , RECEIPTS into and ISSUES out of the EXCHEQUER . Total Receipts into the • Exchequer from .' REVENUE . .Estimate for , ' • " * AND OTHER RECEIPTS ' year 1948-49. • ist April, 1948 ist "April, 1947 ••to to 1 9th June, 19482ist June, 1947

' £ . • £ ORDINARY REVENUE . • £.. Inland Revenue — • • Income Tax ...... "... 1,309.150,000 187,795,000 172,647,000 90,000,000 .17,306,000 11,780,000 • Death Duties ...... ' ...... •...... 160,000,000 . 42, 25*0,000 36,883,000 55,000,000 13,635,000 9,770,00.0 Profits Tax ... ' ;..' 18,110,000 4,896,000 Excess Profits Tax ...... • > 250,000,000 36.350,006 39,925,000 1,000,000 •70,000 85,000 Special Contribution ...... • . ..' ...... 50,000,000 1.915,150,000 315,510,000 275,980,000 Customs and Excise — Customs ...... 820,600,000 - 188,158,000 180,612,009 Excise ...... • ... • ... ' 726,550,000 154,600,000 110,506,006 Total Customs and Excise ...... 1.547,150,000 342,758,009 291,112,000 Motor Vehicle Duties ...... 56,000,000 5,403,000 5.755.000 Sale of Surplus War Stores ...... 102,060,000 . 18,708,646 29,316,581 Surplus Receipts from certain Trading Services 57,006,000 825,807 Post 'Office (Net Receipt) ...... '.' Broadcast Receiving Licences ..: ' ... .'.. .".. ... 11,000,000 i;68o,ooo 1,670,000 1,000,000 170,000 180,000 Receipts from Sundry Loans ...... • 14,000,000 2,012,231 3,806,276 Miscellaneous Receipts ... .'.. ... "... r. . 68,000,000 i3'.770,763 143,485,871 TOTAL, ORDINARY REVENUE ... 3,765,300,000 700,838,447 751,305,728

SELF-BALANCING REVENUE. ' 150,200,000 33 , 760,000 31,550,000 Income Tax deducted from Excess Profits Tax, Post-war refunds ...... '...... \ .-.. . i6;ooo,ooo 1,940,000. 5,328,000 TOTAL, SELF-BALANCING REVENUE ... .-.-. ... 166,200,000 35,760,000 ,36,878,000 TOTAL ...... '.... 736,538,447 788,183,728 RECEIPTS APPLICABLE. UNDER VARIOUS ACTS TO INTEREST ON THE NATIONAL 5,049,860 1,418,168 OTHER 'RECEIPTS. , ; . MONEY RAISED BY CREATION OF DEBT — ' , • (a) For Capital Expenditure Issues : Under the Post Office and Telegraph (Money) Acts, 1946 and 1948 ... (6) For other Issues : ' •• . • •By Treasury Bills ...... ' ... "...... • ... 5, 091, 140)000 5,015,931,000 By National Savings Certificates ...... "... 27,600,000 74,600,000 By 2-J- per- cent. Defence Bonds ...... ' ... 9,690,000 22,390,000 By z\ per cent. Treasury Stock'... 8,591 ' 53,900,000 47,300,000 By Other Debt, &c. — 302,951 17.590,875 External ...... ' ^736,973 •«48,i38,958 f 1,306,720,000. 1,262,705,000 730,000,000 " 497,000,000 RECEIPTS UNDER SECTION i'6 (3) OF THE WAR RISKS -INSURANCE ACT, 1939 ... 4,500,000 REPAYMENTS, &c. — , -, •' In respect of issues under the following Acts— Land Settlement (Facilities) 'Acts, 191,9 and 1921 47.300 '39,748 Tithe Act 1936 Section 26 ...... '...... ' ..." • 730-, ooo 735,000 Housing (Scotland) Act, 1944, Section 4 (5) and Housing (Financial Provisions) (Scotland) Act, 1946, Section 13 (2) .... 15,547 Local Authorities Loans Act, 1945, Section 3' (4) 1,167,101 . 436,387 . Cotton (Centralised Buying) Act, 1947, Section 21 (3) ' '.-...' " . 9,00,0,000

BALANCES IN EXCHEQUER ON IST APRIL :— - ' ' • • 7.973,638,179 7.980,977.455 1948 ' *947, - . . : •£ ' '2,024,301 . 33?; 161 2;829,743 ,2,356,462 TOTAL £ 7,976,467,922 7.983,333,917 2iST JUNE, 1948. THE LONDON GAZETTE, 22 JUNE, 1948 3651 between the ist April, 1948, and the igth June, 1948. Total Issues out of the Exchequer to meet payments from EXPENDITURE Estimate for AND OTHER ISSUES. year '1948-49. ist April, 1948 ist April, 1947. to to igth June, 1948 2ist June, 1947 £ £ i ORDINARY EXPENDITURE. ' Interest and Management of National Debt /. 500,000,000 107.358,610 111,505,043. .'Payments to Northern Ireland Exchequer 26,000,000 3,357.777 4,185,533. 8,000,000 315.826 319,095. TOTAL 534,000,000 111,032,213 116,009,671 TOTAL SUPPLY SERVICES (EXCLUDING SELF-BALANCING) 2,441,679,000 436.599,210 450,410,500 TOTAL; ORDINARY EXPENDITURE ... '... 2,975,679,000 547,631,423 566,420,171 Sinking Funds 2,264)458 TOTAL (EXCLUDING SELF-BALANCING EXPENDITURE) ... 2,975,679,000 549.895,881 566,420,171 SELF-BALANCING EXPENDITURE. Post Office Expenditure corresponding to Revenue 150,200,000 33,760,000 31,550,000 Excess Profits Tax-, Post-war refunds (part deducted for tax) ... 16,000,000 1,940,000 5,328,000 TOTAL, SELF-BALANCING EXPENDITURE ... • 166,200.000 35,700,000 36,878,000 TOTAL ... •585,595,881 603,298,171 INTEREST OUTSIDE THE PERMANENT DEBT CHARGE-M- 5,049,860 1,418,168 OTHER ISSUES. ISSUES TO MEET CAPITAL EXPENDITURE — Under the Post Office and Telegraph (Money) Acts, 1946 and 1948 4,820,000 3,500,000 • REDEMPTION OF DEBT — Treasury Bills paid off 5,156,060,000 5,106,110,000 29,650,000 . 33,400,000 3,354,000 847,000 Principal of 3 per cent. Defence Bonds' paid off 35,388.659* 24,435,805 3 -per cent. Conversion Loan, 1948—53, paid off 1,050,000 2$ per cent. National War -Bonds, 1945-47 paid off ... • 50,000 2$ per cent. National War Bonds, 1946-48, paid off 50,000 2^ per cent. Terminable Annuities, paid off ... 1,463,688 1,427,770 3 per cent. Terminable Annuities paid off ...... • ... 6,951,617 6,747,669 . • Tax .Reserve Certificates paid off ...... :. 54,288,597 57,699,694 Other Debt, &c.— Internal ...... ' ... •...... •... "... 1,426,615 . 6,450,963 External ...... - ' ... 1:508,145- 9,824,776 Ways and Means Advances Repaid ...... 1,362,305,000 1,524,305,000 Treasury Deposits by Banks Repaid ...... 577,500,000 510,000,000 Sinking Funds... 2,339,015 •EXCESS PROFITS TAX POST-WAR REFUNDS (BALANCE -AFTER DEDUCTION OF TAX) ... .'.. ... 2,371.376 6,510,549 ISSUES UNDER THE FOLLOWING ACTS — • Tithe Act, 1936, Section 26- (i) ...... /. ' ...' ' 1,250,000 1,170,000 Overseas Trade Guarantees Act, 1939, Section 4 (i) 313,000 246,000 Housing (Temporary Accommodation) Act, 1944, Section 8'(i) ••• . 2,000,000 Housing- (Scotland) Act, 1944, Section 4 (2) and Housing (Financial Provisions) (Scotland) Act, 1946, Section 13 (2) ... 1,620,000 721,500 Local Authorities Loans Act, 1945, Section 3 (i) 67,250,000 35,400,000 Coal Industry Nationalisation Act, 1946, Section 34 (i) ... - ...... 18,000)000 100,000 75,opo Cotton (Centralised Buying) Act, 1947, Section 21 (i) 17,000,000 Overseas Resources Development Act, 1948, Section 17 (i) — • Colonial Development' • ...... -. • 50,000 Overseas Food ...... , 4,500,000 Bretton Woods Agreements Act, 1945, Section 2 (i) 16,129,032 Miscellaneous Financial Provisions Act, 1946 — 2,500,000 1,250,000 War Damage : War Damage Commission 25,000,000 18,500,000 Section 3 (i) Civil Contingencies Fund ...... • 5,000,000 Finance Acts, 1946 and 1947, Post-war credits ...... 4,912,552 2,221,442 Finance Act, 1935, Section 30 (i) : 3 per cent. Local Loans Stock, paid off 50,000 1,200,000 igth June, 1948 2 1 st June, 1 947 7.973,328,990 7,980,327,554 •BALANCES IN .EXCHEQUER :— £ Bank of England ...... ' ... 2,042,344 2,134,721 Bank of Ireland ...... 1,096,588 ' 871,642 3,138,932 3,006,363 TOTAL , ^ 7,976,467,922 7,983,333,917 * Including £28,947,659 paid off on maturity. • i Memo.—Floatin g Debt Outstanding sist March, 1948 ...... 6,541,980,000 igth June, 1948 2 ist June, 1947 Ways and Means Advances Outstanding : — Advances by Bank of England ...... 11,250,000 10,000,000 Advances by Public Departments ... ..; ... ' ... 273,975,000 341,855,000 Treasury Deposits by Banks *,443i5°o,ooo . Treasury Bills Outstanding • ' ' ...... 4,845. 095 ,ooot 4,794 ,440,000 Total Floating Debt Outstanding ...... Net Increase 31.840,000 •? Includes £116,000 the proceeds of which were not carried to the Exchequer within the period of the Account.- 3652 THE LONDON GAZETTE, 22 JUNE, 1948 'In the Court,of the',Transport Tribunal. ' "' ..John Saw'tell & Co. Ltd., Holt; Schofield Brothers (Wine Merchants) Ltd., Manchester; Arthur Shaw & ROAD AND RAIL TRAFFIC ACT, 1933. Co. Ltd., Willenhall; J. E. Shay Ltd., Station . ' ' .AGREED'CHARGES. .. ,. Approach, Mortiake, London; Sheet Iron Workers i Ltd., Cradley; Spensers (London) Ltd., 6, London NOTICE is hereby given that ..Applications for Street, London; Stanford (Chestnut Fencing) Manu- the approval of Agreed Charges under the provisions facturing Co. ' Ltd., Southend-on-Sea; Stead & of Section 37 of the Road and Rail Traffic Act, 1933, Simpson Ltd., Leicester; Stirk Bros. Ltd., Hull;. entered into with the Traders set out in the Schedule H. Stodart &,Co. vLtd.,..2Q and ..21,, Suffolk Street, hereto,, have been "lodged .with "the Transport'' Pall Mall, .London;. .'. . Tribunal. ' . .Vine, Products. Ltd.,- Kingston-on-Thames; ..The procedure to be followed in regard to the .. John. Walker & Sons Ltd., Kilmarnock; -Warren inspection of the said Applications and the filing & Reynolds, Ltd.; 115-121-, Tooley Street, London; of Notices of Objections is that published in" the .W.B.C. (Packings) Ltd., 195, Hammersmith Road, " London Gazette '/ and the " Edinburgh-Gazette " • London; A. E. Westwood, Hall Green; F. G. Wigley of the 23rd January,- 1948. • • & Co. Ltd., '296, 'Regent Street, London; Woolley, Printed' copies of the Procedure can be obtained . Sanders & Co. Ltd.; 55-57, Great Marlborough Street, from the Transport Tribunal, Wellington - House, ' .London; • • . • ' 125-130, Strand, London, W.C.2. .. Yardley &. Co. (Stourbridge). Ltd.-, Stourbridge; 'Notice of Objection any of the said Applica- Edward Young & Co. Ltd., 8, Lloyds Avenue, tions must be filed on or before i-sth.July, 1948... ' ; A copy of the Agreement referred • to in any London. ' ' Application can be obtained from the Secretary,- (056) • ..-;.. Railway Clearing House, _ 203','' Eversholt Street, N.W.i,-price is. od. post-free. !' A Separate Building, duly certified for religious E. F. M. MAXWELL, Registrar. worship; named EMMANUEL TABERNACLE Transport Tribunal, situated at Fen'ton Avenue, Hazel Grove in -North Wellington House, East Cheshire registration1 district in the county of 125-130, Strand, London, W.C.2. Chester was on the i6th June, 1948, registered for i6th June, 1948. solemnizing marriages therein, • pursuant' to 6 & 7 Will. IV., c. 85.—Dated the i8th June, 1948., ,< SCHEDULE. .(048) ERIC THORMLEY, Superintendent Registrar. Airwbrk General Trading Co! Ltd.fXangley; Atkins Brothers (Hinckley) Ltd., -Hinckley; Attwa'ter & A Separate Building, duly certified for religious Sons Ltd.', Preston; , ... worship, named PECULIAR PEOPLE'S CHAPEL V. Benoist Ltd., 17, Ramillies Place, Great' situated at Richmond Road Romford in Romford Marlborough Street, London; Bilsland Brothers-Ltd., registration district in the county of Essex was on Glasgow; Henry Bisseker Ltd.', Birmingham; Bitulac the 8th June, 1948, registered for solemnizing Ltd., Newcastle-on-Tyne;' T. Bond Worth &' Sons ma'rriages (therein, .pursuant to 6 &, 7 Will. IV., Ltd., ' Stourport-on-Severn;. The Briton Brush Co. 'c. •85.—Dated -the i7th June, 1948.' Ltd., ' Wy'mondham; '• B.S.A. Cycles Ltd., Small DORIS M. ROBINSON, Superintendent Registrar. Heath; Buckridge & Gardner Ltd.-, Manchester; (032) . ..'.'/ A. W. Bull, Edenbridge; W. J. Bush & Co. Ltd., Ashgrpve, Hackney, London; . A Separate Building, 'duly certified for religious worship, named VICTORIA PARK BAPTIST "Carr',s Flour Mills Ltd.i Carlisle; C. W. Cheney & CHURCH situated at'Victoria Park Road, Winton Son Ltd., Birmingham; A. Wilme Collier Ltd., 8th in Bournemouth registration' -district in' the county Avenue Works, Manor Park, London; Crane Ltd., borough of Bournemouth was on the.i5th June, 1948, 45, Leman -Street, London; . . registered for solemnizing marriages therein, .pursuant George Elliott & Co. Ltd., Cardiff; . . • to 6 & 7 Will. IV., c. 85. sec. 19, being substituted • Frigidfruits Ltd., Cleethbrpes; for the Building • named People's Baptist Church Cartons Ltd., Warrington; Gilmour Thomson & situated, at Nursery Road-, Moordown, now disused. Co. Ltd.. Glasgow;-Greengate & Irwell Rubber Co.' —Dated the i?th June, 1948. • Ltd., Salford; Walter Gregory & Co. Ltd.,' (033) W. JACK FIELD, Superintendent Registrar. Wellington; Hale's Home'Bakery (Clevedon) Ltd., Clevedon;.. A' Separate • Building, duly certified for religious E. B. Hamel & Son Ltd., ; igA, Coleman Street, worship, named MANCHESTER STREET METHO- London; Harden Bros.. & Lindsay Ltd., 20,- DIST SCHOOL CHAPEL situated at Manchester Eastcheap, London; Wm. Harland' & Son- Ltd., ' Street, in Oldham'registration district in the county Merton, London; Philip Harris Ltd.,' Birmingham; Borough of .Oldliam was on the ' June, 1948, Wm. P. Hartley Ltd., Greenwalk, Tower Bridge > registered for solemnizing ' marriages therein/ pur- Road, London; Heatons (Leeds) Ltd., Leeds; Thomas • suant to 6 and 7 Will. IV., c. 85. sec. 19. being Hedley & Co. Ltd., Newcastle-on-Tyne; R. • & J. substituted for the Building' named Methodist Chapel Hill Ltd., 66, Great Eastern Street, London; Hood's situated at Manchester 'Street, now disused.—Dated Dairy Products Ltd., Glasgow; the i6th.June, 1948. ' I.C.I. Limited (Alkali Division), Northwich; The ' (015) L. W. DYSON, Superintendent Registrar. Ironsides Lubricants Ltd., Liverpool; Ironstone Con- crete Co. Ltd., Hinckley; • • T. Melbourne Jpnes, Clynderwen; Olivier' Kerbiribu (London) Ltd., Metropolitan ' .NOTICE is hereby given that -'the Building for- House, SOA, Coleman Street, London; C. Kunzle merly known as TABERNACLE FREE CHURCH situated at Victoria Park Road,' Winton in the Ltd., Birmingham; . registration district, of Bournemouth' in the "county Lakes O' London Ltd., Northburgh ' Street," borough of Bournemouth which was duly -registered . , London; Lea. Valley Growers Transport for .marriages pursuant to the Act 6 & 7 Will. TV., Ltd., Waltham Cross; The Liquid Glass Co. Ltd., "cap. '85 is now no longer used as a . Place ^ of Glasgow; London Oil Corporation Ltd., Birmingham; Meeting for religious worship' by the congregation London Packing Co., 6, Broad Street Place, London; on whose behalf it was so registered; and that the J. Lyons & Co. Ltd., Cadby Hall; Kensington, Registry thereof was -therefore on the isth day of London; June, 1948, formally cancelled -by the Registrar- Mac Fisheries (Wholesale'.<&» Retail) Ltd., 27, . General of Births, Deaths and -Marriages for England Pudding Lane, London; Henry Matthews & Co. Ltd., and Wales .-^-Witness -my hand this 1.7th day of'June, Bristol; William McGeoch & Co. Ltd., Birmingham; 1948. • • ' • ' ' Metropolitan ' Wine &. Spirit :Co. Ltd., Metropolitan W. JACK FIELD, .Superintendent Registrar. House, SOA, Coleman 'Street, London C. & E. Morton Ltd., West Ferry Road, Millwall, London; NOTICE is hereby given that the. Place of Meeting National Coal Board ,(Powell Duffryn Unit), for religious worship described as DR. CRABBE Cardiff; Nettelfield Ltd., Brunswick Place, City MEMORIAL' MISSION situated at- Sandy Lane Road; London; Nicholte & Clarke Ltd., Niclar House, •Entrance, Camp Hill in the registration district of 3-8, High Street, Shoreditch, London; Birmingham in the county borough of Birmingham Orme, Evans & Co. Ltd., Wolverhampton;. which was duly certified for worship on (the i6th Price's (Bromboroiigh) Ltd., Bromborbugh Pool; day of February, 1947 has wholly ceased to, be used . Ramsey, Braddon & Co. ..Ltd., .Glasgow; Revo as a Place of Meeting for religious worship by the Electric Co. Ltd., Tiptbri; . ' '' ' • . congregation on whose behalf it was so certified. THE LONDON GAZETTE, 22 JUNE, 1948 3653 ,and that the Registrar-General" has caused the record Friendly Societies Act, 1896. of the certification thereof to be cancelled pursuant Advertisement of Dissolution by Instrument. to the Act 18 & 19 Viet., cap. 81, from the i?th day NOTICE is hereby given that the BRAYBROOKE of June, 1948.—Witness .my hand this i?th day FRIENDLY SOCIETY Register No. 632 Northants. of June, 1948. ' . held at society's Club Room; Braybrooke, Market J. MOODY, for. the Registrar-General of Births, Harborough, in the county of Northampton is" dis- Deaths and Marriages in England and Wales. solved by Instrument, registered at this office the i7th day of June, '1948, unless within three months 1 NOTICE is hereby given that the Place of Meeting from the date of the Gazette in which this adver- for religious worship described as SERBIAN tisement appears proceedings be commenced by 'a ORTHODOX CHURCH OF ST. SAVA situated'at member or other person interested in or having any 12 Lennox Gardens in the registration district claim on the funds of the society to set aside such of Chelsea in the county of London which was duly dissolution, and the same be set aside accordingly.— certified for worship on (the i4th day of May, 1943. Dated the i7th day of June, 1948. has wholly ceased to be used as a Place of Meeting B. K. WHITE, Chief Registrar. for religious worship by the congregation on whose 17, North Audley Street, London, W.i. behalf it was so certified, and that the Registrar- (125) General has caused the record of the certification thereof to be cancelled pursuant (to the Act 18 &' 19 Friendly Societies Act,. 1896. Viet., cap. 81 from the xyth day of June, 1948.— Advertisement' of Dissolution by Instrument. Witness my hand this I7th day of June, 1948. NOTICE is -hereby given that the HALTON J. MOODY, for the Registrar-General of Births, FEMALE FRIENDLY SOCIETY Register No. 1215 Deaths and Marriages in England and Wales. Ches. held at The. Library, Halton, Runcorn in the county of Chester is dissolved by Instrument, regis- NOTICE is hereby given that the Place of Meeting tered at this office the i?th day of June, 1948, for religious worship described • as UNITED unless within three months from the date of the APOSTOLIC FAITH CHURCH situated at 38, Gazette in which this advertisement appears pro- Calvin Road, Winton in the registration district of ceedings be commenced by a member or other Bournemouth in the county borough of Bournemouth person interested in or having any claim on the which was duly certified for worship on the 28th funds of the society to set aside such dissolution, day of November, 1944 ^as wholly ceased to be- used and the same be set aside accordingly.—Dated the as a Place of Meeting for -religious worship by the i7th day of June, 1948. ' ' congregation on whose behalf it was so certified, B.. K.-'WHITE, Chief Registrar. and that the Registrar-General' has caused the record 17, North Audley Street, London, W.i. 'of the certification thereof to be cancelled pursuant (126) to the Act 18 & 19 Viet., cap. 81 from the i6th day of June, 1948.—Witness my hand this i6th day'of Friendly Societies Act, 1896. June, 1948. Advertisement of Dissolution by Instrument. J. MOODY, for the Registrar-General of Births, NOTICE is hereby given that the STAPLEFIELD Deaths and Marriages in England and Wales. ECONOMICAL FRIENDLY SOCIETY Register No. 375 Sussex held at The Jolly Tanners' Inn', NOTICE is hereby given that the Place of Staplefield in the county of Sussex is dissolved' by Meeting for religious worship described as FRIENDS Instrument, registered at this office the i6th day -MEETING -HOUSE situated at Northend, Coal- of June, 1948, unless within three months from the brook-dale, Madeley in the registration district of date "of the Gazette in ' which this' advertisement Wenlock in the county of Salop which was duly appears proceedings be commenced by' a member certified'* for worship on the 4th day of May 1854 or other person interested in1 'or having any claim has wholly ceased to be used as a Place of Meeting on the funds of the society to set aside such disso'lu- •for religious worship by the congregation on whose tion, and the same be set aside accordingly .—Dated •behalf it was so certified, and that the Registrar the i6th day of June, 1948. General has caused the record "of the certification . B. K. WHITE, .Chief Registrar. thereof to be cancelled pursuant to the Act 18 & 19 17, North Audley Street, London, W.i: Viet:, cap. 81 from the i8th day of June 1948.— (121) Witness 'my hand this i8th day of June 1948. J. MOODY, for the Registrar-General of Births, Advertisement of Cancelling. Deaths and Marriages in Englatfd and Wales. NOTICE is hereby given that the Chief Registrar of Friendly Societies has, pursuant to s. 77 of the Friendly Societies Act, 1896, by writing under his hand, dated the i6th day of June, 1948, cancelled Friendly Societies Act, 18196. the 'Registry of the PALMERSTON SICK BENEFIT Advertisement of Dissolution by Instrument. SOCIETY (Register No. 1394 London), held at The . NOTICE is hereby given that the KENTISBEARE Lord Palmerston, Anneth Road, Holloway, N-7, in FRIENDLY SOCIETY Register No. 642 Devon, the county of London, at its request. The society held at Wyndham Arms Inn, Kentisbeare, Cullomp- (subject to the right of appeal given by the said ton, in the county of Devon is dissolved by instru- Act) ceases to enjoy the privileges of a registered .ment, registered at this office the zyth day of June, society, but without prejudice to any liability in- 1948, unless 'within three months from the date of curred by the society, which may 'be enforced against the Gazette in which this advertisement appears pro- it as if such cancelling had not taken place. .ceedings be commenced by a member or other person (122) B. K. WHITE, Chief Registrar. interested in or having any claim on the funds of the society to set aside such dissolution, and the .same be set aside accordingly.—Dated the i/th day of June, 1948. B: K. WHITE, Chief Registrar. In the High Court of Justice.—(Chancery Division.) 17, North Audley Street, London, W.i. Companies Court. No. 00409 of 1948. .(124) Mr. Justice Wynn-Parry. In the Matter of HOWICK'S Limited, and in the Advertisement of Cancelling. Matter of the Companies Act, 1929- NOTICE is hereby given that the Chief Registrar NOTICE i^ hereby given that a petition for of Friendly Societies has, s. 77 of the the winding-up of the above named Company by Friendly Societies Act, 1896, by writing under his the High Court of Justice was, on the i6th day hand, • dated • the I7th day of June, 1948, cancelled of June 1948, presented to the said Court by the Registry of the CAPEL MORRIS BRITISH the Commissioners of Customs and Excise of City LEGION ' VILLAGE INSTITUTE (Register No. Gate House, Finsbury Square, London, E.G.2. And 1637 Kent W.), held at Aylesford, Maidstone, in the that the said petition is directed' to be heard before county of Kent, at its request in order that it may the Court; (sitting at the Royal Courts of Jus? be registered under the Industrial and Provident tice, Strand, London, W.C.2, on the 5th day of Societies Act, 1893. The .society (subject to the. July 1948, and any creditor or contributory of right of appeal given by the said Act) ceases to the said Company desirous to support or oppose enjoy the privileges of a registered society, but 'the making of an Order on, -the said petition may without prejudice to any liability incurred by the appear at the time of hearing in person or by his •society, which may be enforced against it as if Counsel for that purpose; and a copy of the petition such cancelling had not taken place. will be ' furnished 'to • any creditor • or contributory (123) • B. K. WHITE,-Chief Registrar. of the said Company requiring .the same by the THE LONDON GAZETTE,-22

undersigned on- payment pf the regulated1 charge ,'In the High Court of Justice (Chancery Division).— for the ,same.—Dated this i6th day of Tune 1948. Companies Court. No. .00410 of 1948. SIR NAZEBY. HARRINGTON, City Gate J " . • Mr. Justice Wynn-Parry. ; • House, Finsbury Square, London, E.G.2, 'In the,'Matter of T. & M. BUILDERS' Limited, and 'Solicitor to the Petitioners. in the Matter of the Companies Act, 1929 J • v . NOTE.—Any person who intends to appear on the .' .'NOTICE', is hereby .given, that''a'Petition for the hearing of the said petition must serve on or send •winding-up - of the above named Company whose .by post to the above named notice in writing of his registered office is situate at 51 'Orchard Avenue, •intention so to do. The notice must state the name •Belvedere, Kent by 'the High Court of Justice was'- ,and address of the person, or, if a firm, xthe name on the i6th day of June, 1948, presented 'to 'the and address of the,firm, and must be' signed- by the '•said'Court-by Alan Pinkham Lashbrook of Brighton person or firm, or his or their Solicitor (if any), and .Lodge, ' 24, Crook. Log, Bexley ' Heath, Kent, a must be served or, if posted,. must be sent by post judgment creditor pf the said Company, and . that in sufficient time to reach the above named not later •the' said Petition is directed to be heard before the than i o'clock in the afternoon of the 3rd day of •Court sitting at the Royal'Courts of Justice, Strand, July 1948. . •''.. •London, on the 5th day of July, 1948, and any . (061) •creditor or'contributory of the said Company desirous to support or oppose the making of an order on the •said Petition •'ma'y appear at the time of j hearing, In the High Court of Justice.—(Chancery Division.) -in person his Counsel, for that purpose, and Companies Court. No.. 00414 of 1948. a copy of. the Petition will be furnished to any . Mr. Justice Wynn-Parry. creditor of contributory.of the said Company requir- In the Matter of MARIA-GUY OF PARIS (LON- ing the same by the. undersigned Savory Pryor & ' DON) Limited, and in the Matter of the Companies Blagden, on payment 'of the regulated charge for Act, 1929. • . •the same. ' • NOTICE is hereby given that a petition for the SAVORY, PRYOR & BLAGDEN; Outer •winding-up of the above named Company by the High Temple, 222, Strand,- W.C.2; Agents for: Court of Justice was, on the i8th day of June 1948, R. L. W. RONS & CO., Bexley Heath, Solicitors presented to the said Court by the Commissioners „ for the Petitioner. of Customs and' Excise of City Gate House, Finsbury NOTE.—Any person who intends to appear on the Square,. London, E.C.2.' And that the said, petition hearing of the said Petition must serve on, or send is directed to be heard before the Court sitting at .by -post to, the above named Savory Pryor .& the Royal Courts of Justice> Strand, London, W.C.2 Blagden, notice, in writing of his intention so to on the 5th day of July 1948, and any creditor or do. The notice must state the name and address contributory of the said Company desirous to sup- of the person, or if a firm the name and address port or oppose the making of an Order on the said of the firm, and must be signed by the .firm or person petition may appear at the time-of-hearing in person or his or their Solicitor (if any), and must be or by his Counsel for that purpose; and a copy of served, or if posted, must be sent by post, in suffi- the petition will be furnished to- any creditor or con- cient time to reach the above named Savory Pryof tributory of the said Company requiring the same by & Blagden not later than i o'clock in the afternoon • the undersigned on payment of the regulated, charge of the 3rd day of July, 1948. , for ,the same.—Dated this i8th day of June. 1948. (203) ... SIR NAZEBY - HARRINGTON, City Gate House, Finsbury Square, London, E.G.2, In the High Court of Justice (Chancery Division).—^ Solicitor to the Petitioners. .' ' • 'Companies Court.. No.'06406 of 1948. ' NOTE.—Any person who intends to appear on the Mr. Justice Wynn-Parry. hearing of the said petition must serve on 'or send In the Matter of- TRAWLEX Limited, and in the by post to the above named notice in writing of Matter of the Companies .Act; 1929. his.intention so to do. The notice must state the NOTICE is hereby given that a Petition for the name and-address of the person, or, if a firm, the , winding-up of the above named Company by the name and address of the firm, and must be sighed High Court of Justice was on the i6th day of June, by the person or firm, or "his or their Solicitor (if 1948, presented to the said Court by Brett White & any), and must be served or, if posted, must-befsent Company Limited whosfe registered office is at 72-73 by post in sufficient time to reach the above named Chalk Farm Road London N.W.i,.Manufacturers, and not later than i o'clock in the afternoon of the 3rd that the said Petition is directed to. be heard -before day of July 1948. the Court sitting at the Royal Courts 'of Justice, . (060) Strand, London, on the 5th day of July, 1948, and any creditor or contributory of the said Company desirous to support or oppose the making of an order on the said Petition may appear at the time Tn the High Court of Justice .--(Chancery Division.) of hearing, in person or by his Counsel, for that Companies Court. • No. 00404 of 1948. .purpose, and a copy of the Petition will be fur- Mr,. Justice Wynn-Parry. nished to any creditor or contributory of the said .In the Matter of W. JLDERTON.& SONS Limited, Company requiring the same by the undersigned, on and in..the Matter of -the Companies Act, 1929. payment of the regulatted charge for the .same. NOTICE is • hereby given that a petition -for the PAISNER & .CO., Solicitors, 4, Gower Street, .winding-up of- the above named Company by the . Bedford Square, London, W.C.i, Solicitors for High Court of Justice was on the i6th of June 1948 the Petitioners.. .presented to the said Court by the Right Honourable ' NOTE.—Any person who intends to appear on Sir- Hartley William Sha'wcross Knight, His Majesty's the hearing of the said Petition must serve on, or Attorney General; and that the said petition is 'send by post to, the above named, notice in writing directed to be heard before the Court sitting at of bis intention so to do. The' notice must state the Royal Courts of Justice, Strand, London, on the name and address of the person, or if a firm the Monday the 5th day of July, 1948, and any creditor name and address of the firm, and must 'be'signed or contributory of the said Company desirous to by the firm or person or his' or. their Solicitor (if support or oppose the- making of an Order on the any), and must be served, or if posted,' must be said petition may appear at the • time of hearing sent by post, in sufficient time to reach, the above in person of by" his Counsel, for that p.urpose, named not later than i o'clock in the afternoon of and a copy of' the petition will be furnished to the 3rd day of July, 1948. any creditor or contributory of the said "Company (202) , requiring the same by the undersigned on pay- ment- of'the regulated charge for the same. * ' ' 'W. B. BLATCH, Somerset House, Strand, •In the High'Court of Justice (Chancery Division).— .. London, W.C.2, Solicitor of .Inland. Revenue. Companies Court. No. 00407 of 1948. • NOTE.—Any person who Intends to. appear on the Mr. Justice Wynn-Parry. . hearing of the said petition must serve on or send In the Matter of GRAHAM STANLEY Limited and by to .the above named notice in writing of . 'in -the Matter of the Companies Act, 1929. his -intention so to -do. ^ The .notice- must state -the NOTICE is hereby given that a Petition for /the name-and address of the person,' or, if a firm, the1 winding-up of the • above named Company by • the name .and address of the firm, and must be signed High Court 'of Justice was on .the i.6th day of by the person, or firm, 'or his or their Solicitor (if June,- 1948, presented to. the said Court by Sterling any), and must be .served' or, if posted, must be Cable Company Limited (in Voluntary. Liquidation) whose registered office is at. Aldermaston. near sent by post in sufficient time to reach the above 1 named not later than "i o'clock'in the afternoon -of Reading Berkshire,' Cable, Manufacturers, arid that the 3rd day.of July., 1948. • •/" • -- the said Petition is'directed to be heard before the ,THE LONDON .GAZETTE, 22 JUNE, 1.948 3655 Court sitting at the Royal Courts of Justice, Strand, CENTRAL DRAPERY BAZAAR (WORKSOP) London, on the 5th day of July, 1948, and any Limited. creditor or contributory of the said Company desirous AT an Extraordinary General Meeting of the above to support or oppose the making of an Order on the named Company, duly convened and held at Town said Petition may appear at the time of hearing, in Hall Chambers, 87. -Fargate, Sheffield on the 2ist person or by his Counsel, for that purpose, and a day of May 1948, the following Resolution was copy of the Petition will be furnished to any creditor passed as a Special Resolution, viz.: — or contributory of the said Company requiring the " That Central Drapery Bazaar (Worksop) Limited same by the undersigned, on payment of the regu- be wound up voluntarily and that Percy Cardwell, lated charge for the same. Esq. of 93 Queen Street, Sheffield, be and is hereby PAISNER & CO., Solicitors, 4, Gower Street, appointed Liquidator to conduct the winding-up." Bedford Square, London, W.C.I, Solicitors for Dated the ijth day of June, 1948. the Petitioners. (016) REBECCA COHEN, Chairman. NOTE.—Any person who intends to appear on the hearing of the said Petition must serve on, or send IRON PAVING Limited. by post to, the above named, notice in writing of Special Resolution (pursuant to the Companies Act, his intention so to do. The notice must state the •1929, ss. .117 (2) and. 225 (i) (b)), passed i6th name and address of the person, or if a firm the name June, 1948. and address of the firm, and must be signed by the AT -an Extraordinary General Meeting of the person or firm or his or their Solicitor (if any), and above named Company, duly convened, and held must be served, or if-posted, must be sent by post, at Balfour House, 119-125 Finsbury Pavement, in sufficient time to reach the above named not later London, E.C.2, on the i6th day of June 1948, the than i o'clock in the afternoon of the 3rd day of subjoined Special Resolution was duly passed, July, 1948. viz,. : — • (201) Resolution. " That the Company be wound up voluntarily, and that Victor Charles Reeve, A.C.A., of Balfour CHAS MODELS Limited. House, H9-J25, Finsbury Pavement, London, E.C.2, The Companies Acts, 1929 and 1947. be and he is ' hereby appointed Liquidator for the Special Resolution passed the i4th day of June, purposes of such winding-up." 1948. (064) R. HULME, Chairman. AT an Extraordinary General Meeting of the •Members of the above Company, duly. convened and held at 34, Clare Road; Halifax, in the county VICTORIA FOOTWEAR MANUFACTURING CO. of York, on the I4th day of June, .1948, the follow- Limited. ing Special Resolution was duly passed: — The Companies Act, 1929. . " That the Company be wound up voluntarily AT an Extraordinary General Meeting of the and that Frank Victor Lambert, of 34, Clare Road, Members of the above named Company, duly con- Halifax, be appointed 'Liquidator for the purposes vened and held at Lloyds Bank Chambers, West of such winding-up." Bromwich in the county of Stafford, on the i8th (018) ' LEONARD STOTT, Chairman. day of June, 1948, the following Special Resolution was duly passed: — D. J. RINGWOOD & COMPANY Limited. " That the Company be wound up voluntarily The Companies Acts, 1929 and 1947. as a Members' voluntary winding-up in pursuance AT an Extraordinary General Meeting of the of sections 230 to 236 of the Companies Act 1929 Members of the above namefd Company duly con- and that Mr. George William Smith of Lloyds Bank vened and held" at 45, Parliament Street, London, Chambers, High Street West Bromwich be and is S.W.i, on Monday, i.4th June, 1948, the following hereby appointed Liquidator for the purpose of Resolutions. were duly passed as Special such winding-up." 'Resolution's: — J. T. GREEN, Chairman. " i. That the Company be wound up voluntarily. ' NOTE.' —Th e above notice is purely formal as all 2. That Mr. R. M. M. McLaren of Bridgeway debts have been, or will be, paid in full. House, Hammersmith Bridge Road, London, W.6, Incorporated Accountant, be and is hereby appointed Liquidator of the Company for the purposes of JOHN PARKINSON (LIVERPOOL)' Limited. • such winding-up." Extraordinary Resolution (pursuant to s.' 117 (i) (602) * D. J. RINGWOOD, Chairman. of the Companies Act, 1929), passed i5th June, ,1948. SCENARIO INSTITUTE Limited. ' AT an Extraordinary General Meeting of the above AT an Extraordinary General Meeting of the above" named Company duly convened and held at the Hall named Company duly convened and held at 38, of the Liverpool Society' of Chartered Accountants, South Street, London, W.i, on the i6th day of No. 5, Fenwick Street, Liverpool 2, on the i5th June, 194*5, the following Resolution was duly passed day of June , 1948, the subjoined Extraordinary as a Special Resolution: — Resolution was duly .passed, viz. : — Resolution. " That it has been proved to the satisfaction of " That Scenario Institute Limited .be wound up this Meeting that the Company cannot, by, reason voluntarily and that Mr. George Frederick Reginald .of its liabilities, continue its business and that it Marshall of 38, South Street, London, W.i, be and is advisable to wind up the same, and accordingly he is hereby appointed Liquidator for the purposes that the Company be wound up voluntarily, and of such winding-up." that Mr. Frank Lloyd Williams, 11-13, Victoria Dated this i6th day of June, 1948. Street, Liverpool, Chartered. Accountant, be (059) J. ARTHUR RANK, Chairman. appointed Liquidator for the purposes of" such .winding-up." EVEN-TEMPERATURES Limited. (038) E. PARKINSON, Director, Chairman. The Companies Act, 1929. AT an Extraordinary General Meeting of the FINER/ PRODUCTION COMPANY LimSted. Members of Even-Temperatures Limited held at 8, Special Resolution (pursuant to s. 117) of the Com- Abbey Mews, Belsize RcJad, N.W.6, on Wednesday, panies Act, 1929, passed the i6th day of June, the i6th day of June 1948 at 12 noon the following 1948. Extraordinary Resolution was duly passed: — AT an Extraordinary General Meeting of the " That it has been proved to the satisfaction of Members of the above named 'Company, duly con- this Meeting that the Company cannot by 'reason of vened and held at Royal London House, 17, Finsbury its liabilities continue its business, and that it is Square, London, E.C.2, on Wednesday, the i6th advisable • to wind up same, and accordingly that day of June, 1948, the following Special Resolution the Company be wound up voluntarily, and that was duly passed: — Miss Miya Simmonds, Chartered Accountant, of Special Resolution'. Messrs. Bell, Barton & Co., 46, Victoria Street, " To dispense with the full time notice as pres- London, S.W.i, be and hereby is appointed cribed by section 117 of the Companies Act, 1929, Liquidator for the purpose of such winding-up." • and that the Company be wound up voluntarily,, At a subsequent Meeting of the creditors of the and -that Mr. John Pollard, Chartered Accountant, above named Company duly convened and held on 'of Royal London. House, 17, Finsbury Square, 'the same day at 8, Abbey Mews, Belsize Road, London, E.C.2, be and is hereby appointed N.W.6, the- appointment of Miss Miya Simmonds Liquidator for the 'purpose of such Members' volun- as Liquidator was confirmed. tary winding-up." . • ' (022) J..W. COPSON-BRIGGS, Chairman. (062) • DAVID FINER, Chairman. •3656, THE LONDON. GAZETTE, 22 JUNE,. 1948 SOUTH WESTERN CINEMAS. Limited: • ' London, on the i5th day of June, 1948, "the following The Companies Act, 1929. 'Extraordinary .Resolution was duly passed: .•Special Resolution passed the i6th day of June, . '•' That 'it has been proved (to the satisfaction of . ',. .'. • .1948. '.:. this Meeting that the Company cannot, by. reason AT an Extraordinary General Meeting of the of .its' liabilities, continue -its business, and it is- Members of the above named Company; held at snort advisable to wind up the same and, accordingly," notice at Russell .Chambers, • Gloucester, on the i6th tha't the Company be wound up voluntarily and tha't 'day of June 1948 -the following Resolution was duly Mr. William' Rbsser-James,' Chartered- Accouritant, of .passed as a Special Resolution : — • . '. • • • 87- Bishopsga'te, London,' E:C.2, be and"he is hereby " That in' view of the .fact • that , the Company appointed Liquidator for- 'the purposes of such; had disposed of its ' main asset, it is desirable and winding-up." • •' " expedient that the Comp'any should be wound-up (093) BERNARD L. CALMUS, Chairman. • voluntarily by 'its Members; and that Mr. William Vernon Eggleton, Chartered Accountant of Russell Chambers, Gloucester, be and is hereby appointed . HENRY PEACE .Limited., Liquidator for the purpose of such winding-up." •'. ' The Companies Acts, 192931^.1947. . (036) W. V, EGGLETON, Liquidator. (Members' Voluntary Winding-up.) AT an Extraordinary General Meeting of the above named Company,' duly convened, and held KINGSTON BOWLING 'CLUB COMPANY Limited. on the i6th day of June, 1948, the following Special • AT an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Kings- Resolution was duly passed: — ton Bowling Club Company Limited duly convened '" That the Company ibe wound up voluntarily and and -held on the nth day of June, 1948, 'the follow- that Mr. J. P. McGill; Chartered Accountant, of 318 ing Special Resolution was deuly passed: — •Tower Building, .Water' Street, Liverpool, be ap- " That the Company be wo'und up voluntarily arid pointed the Liquidator to conduct the winding-up." that Lawrence Fawley Judge, of i, Parliament (107) ' J. S. CROOK, Chairman. Street, Hull, be appointed Liquidator for the purpose of such winding-up." •(204) • CHARLES HALL, Chairman. H. C. GREGORY Ltd. •"'., 'The 'Companies- Act, 1929. AT an Extraordinary General Meeting of .the above ' . H. G. MORGAN & SON Limited.' named Company .duly -convened and held at 303 The Companies Acts, 19,29 and 1947. Brick Lane London E.2 on'.the I5th day of May Special -Resolution, passed 24th May, 1948. 11948 the subjoined Special Resolution was>. duly. • AT an Extraordinary . General . Meeting of H. G. passed viz: . • •. • • . • Morgan & Son Limited, held on the 24th day of • • Resolution. .' • May, 19.48, . at -Cunard House, 88- Leadenhall Street, That the Company go into voluntary liquidation London, E..C.3, the following Special Resolution was and. that Mr. M. Fenton'F.C.A. of 15 Strand London "duly passed: — « • be and he is hereby appointed Liquidator of the Resolution. . '• ' Company. • ' " That the Company be 'wound up voluntarily, Dated this i8th day of June 1948. and that Mr. Kenneth Percy Pool, Chartered (199) - H. COHEN, Chairman'of the Meeting. Accountant, of 88 Leadenhall Street', London; E.C^3, be and he is hereby appointed Liquidator for the purpose of such winding-up." ' , . ,ZWANENBERG Limited. . ' • ' ' •(127) Rl J, WEEKS, Chairman. The Companies Acts, 1929 and 1947. . Special Resolutions passed i7th June, 1948. AT an Extraordinary General Meeting of the above ABERiPORTH DEVELOPMENT COMPANY. •named Company duly convened and held at Bretten- Limited. . • • . ham-House, Lancaster Place, London, W.C.2, on The Companies .Acts,' 19.29 and 1947. Thursday, the i7th June, 1948, the'subjoine d Resolu- (Members' Voluntary Winding-up.). tions-were duly passed as Special. .Resolutions: — . AT an Extraordinary General Meeting of the above , Resolutions. named Company, duly convened, and held on the (r) That it is desirable to.reconstruct the Company i2th day of June, 1948, the following Special Resolu- and 'accordingly .that the Company be wound up tion, was duly passed: — , ... voluntarily and Charles Hackworth of. Brettenham " That Aberporth Development Company Limited House, Lancaster Place, in the cou-rity of'London be be wound up voluntarily, and .that ' Mr. William hereby, appointed Liquidator for the purposes of such David Beynon Hopkins of 138 Broadway .North, winding-up. Walsall,- is hereby appointed Liquidator for the pur- (2) That the- said Liquidator be hereby authorised pose of a Members' Voluntary. Windihg-up." " to consent to the registration of a' new company to (108) W. D..B.. HOPKINS,. Chairman. be named . Zwaneriberg-Organon • Limited with a 'Memorandum and Articles of Association which have • LITORAL TRANSPORT' COMPANY Limited. . already been prepared with the privity, and. approval (Members' '-Voluntary Winding-up.) •of the Directors of this Company. • AT an Extraordinary General Meeting of the above (3) That the -draft Agreement submitted to "this named Company duly convened and held at River Meeting, and expressed' to be made between ,the -Plate House, Finsbury 'Circus, London, E.C.2,' on Company and- the Liquidator of the: one part and the i7th June, 1948, the following Resolutions were Zwanenberg-Organon Limited of the other part be duly passed -as Special 'Resolutions, viz.: — .. hereby approved and the said 'Liquidator be Resolutions. authorised, pursuant to Section 234 of the Companies • (i) That the Company be wound -up' voluntarily Act, 1929, to enter into an Agreement with Zwanen- and that Bernhard Heymann Binder and Harry James befg-Organon -Limited (when incorporated)' in the Binder both of River Plate House 12-13' South Place; terms of the 'said draft and to carry the same • into in the . ,' . Chartered Accountants, be effect with such (if any) • modifications as he shall appointed Liquidators for the purposes of such think expedient. ' • . . • winding-up. • •> • • . . • '. ' .' . T-.. J. SHAW, Secretary. (2) That the. "said Liquidators and .other th'e Br'ettenham,House, -Lancaster Place, London, W.C.2. Liquidator or 'Liquidators for .the time being -of the i-7th June, '1948. ' ' *>":' •' ' ' . Company be and they. are hereby authorised to, exer- (237) • '. ' • •"'• "... .cise all or any of the powers given , by paragraphs (d) (e) -and .(f) of subsection (i) of Section 191 of the : H. GLOVER & SON Limited'. ' • Companies ''Act, 1929, 'to ai Liquidator in a .winding- Special Resolution (pursuant to ss. 117 (2) and up by,, th'e .'Court. • ,' . -, " . - 225-'(i) .(ft), the Companies Act, 192,9). pa'ssed i8th'' (3').'.T'hat all -arid any. of the. powers -given '.by the June, 1948. . • '.'",•, said 'Act' to the Liquidators shall be . exercisable. by . AT an Extraordinary General Meeting of the any one of them. ', - - •• • '.,;•' aboye named Company, duly convened, -and held at . .. • . " ' .B, H. .BINDER, Chairman. ,112-114 Cannon St.- London -E.G.4- on the day of'June, 1948, the subjoined Special .Resolution was' ". •LIFESTREAk-, PUBLICATIONS Ltd. " duly pa'ssed,' viz.:— "•' .Extraordinary Resolution '(pursuant to the r. Com-" • '"-That the Company be wound up voluntarily,' . panies'- Act, 1929; section 118), passed the'.isth and that Roy Suttill, ..Chartered 'Accountant of ' day of. Junev 1948.' ' , >• .' ' ,112-114 Cannon Sjfc.' London E.C-4 be and he is •AT an. Extraordinary. General Meeting of the"- Mem- hereby .'appointed: .Liquidator for the .purposes of bers of the above named . Company, duly convened' such winding-up." .''"••' and held a,t 87 Bishdpsgate, E.C.2, in the county pf (081) - "• . ' . ; F.. E. GLOVER, Chairman. - .THE, LONDON GAZETTE, 22 JUNE, 1948 3657, G..T. C.. (LONDON) Ltd. at Chamber • of Commerce New Street Birmingham The Companies Acts, 1929 and 1947. on Wednesday, the 23rd day of June, 1948, at 12 AT an Extraordinary General Meeting of the o'clock noon, for the purposes mentioned in sections above named Company held 'at 76, New Cavendish 239 and 240 of the said Act.—Dated this i8th day of Street, -London, W.i on Thursday, i7th June, 1948, June, 1948. at ii a.m. fthe following Extraordinary Resolutions • By Order of the Board-. • .•were passed: — (068) E. HARLTNG, Secretary. " That the Company cannot, .by reason of its liabilities, continue -its business and the Members' WOODBURNS FURNISHING .COMPANY Limited. Liquidation shall, therefore, cease forthwith and The Companies Act, 1929. that, the Company be wound up voluntarily in a NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to section 238 creditors' voluntary winding-up." of the Companies Act, 1929, that a Meeting'of the " That Mr. -Percy Phillips F.L.A.A., F.C.I.S., of. creditors of the above named Company will- be held- 76, New Cavendish Street, London, W.i be and is "at the • Chartered "Accountants Hall, 60 Spring .•hereby appointed Liquidator for the purposes of Gardens, Manchester 2, on Thursday the ist day of such voluntary winding-up." July, 1948, at ii o'clock in the forenoon, for the At a Meeting of the creditors held subsequently purposes mentioned in sections 239 and 240 of the •.on' the same day, the creditors' voluntary liquida- said Act. tion of -the Company and the appointment of Mr. Dated this igth day of June, 1948. Percy Phillips as Liquidator were 'duly confirmed. (no) S. BURNS, Director. M. 'SHERIDAN, Chairman of both Meetings. (082) LE-HMANN, LANE & GIBSON (GLASGOW)" ' Limited. In the Matter of IRON PAVING Limited, and in A Meeting of the Shareholders of the above named the Matter of the Companies Act, 1929. Company was held at Hampshire Works, Fairlop, NOTICE is hereby given that the creditors of the Barkingside, Essex, on Wednesday, June i6ih, 1948, above named Company, which is being voluntarily when the following Special Resolution was passed: — wound up, are required, on or before the 3ist day " That the Company be wound -up voluntarily and of July, 1948, to send in their full Christian and •that Mr. Wilfrid Mills of Quality House, Quality surnames, their addresses and descriptions, full par- •Court, , London, W.C.2, Chartered ticulars of- their debts or claims, and the names and Accountant be and is hereby appointed Liquidator addresses of their Solicitors (if any), to the under- for the purposes of such winding-up." signed Victor Charles Reeve, A.C.A., of Callingham (239) S. P. LEHMANN, Chairman. Brown & Company, 119-125, Finsbury Pavement, E.G.2, the Liquidator of the said Company, and, The PRINTING MACHINERY COMPANY Limited. if so required by notice in writing from the said Special Resolution (pursuant to ss. 117 (2) and Liquidator, are/ personally or by their Solicitors, to 225 (i) (b), the Companies Acts, 1929 and 1947), come in and prove their debts or claims at such passed i7th June, 1948. time and place as shall be specified in such notice, AT an Extraordinary General Meeting of the above or in default thereof they will be excluded from named Company, duly convened, and held at the the benefit of any distribution 'made before such Registered Offices, 21'John Street, London, W.C.i on debts are proved!—Dated this i7th day of June 1948. the i7th day of June, 1948, the -subjoined Special V. C. REEVE, Liquidator. Resolution was duly passed, viz.:— a NOTE.—This notice is purely formal. All creditors " That the Company be wound up voluntarily, have been or will be paid in full. •and that Mr. Bernard Biddle, A.C.A. of, 21 John (063! ' Street, London, W.C.i be and he is hereby appointed Liquidator for the purposes of such winding-up." REPPLAY STAGE PRODUCTIONS Ltd. (094) A. E. PAIN, Secretary. The^Companies Act, 1929. (Members' Voluntary •' Winding-up.) CUlMBERLAND (NOTTS) Limited. NOTICE is hereby, given that the creditors of the The Companies Acts, 1929 and 1947. above named Company are required on or before (Members' Volunitary Winding-up.) the i4th July, 1948, to send their names* and AT an Extraordinary General Meeting of the addresses and the particulars of their • debts and above named Company duly, convened and held on claims with the names and addresses of their Solici- the 15th June, 1948, the following Special Resolution tors (if any). to Charles Berisford Sebire, F.C.A., day duly passed: — Chartered Accountant of Adelaide House, King That the Company be wound up voluntarily and 'William Street, London, 'E.C.4, the Liquidator of the that Edgar Spencer of Commercial Union Buildings, . said Company and if so required by. notice in writing Cheapside, Nottingham, Certified Accountant be- from the said Liquidator are by their Solicitors or appointed Liquidator for the purpose of such wind- personally to come in and -prove their said debts ing-up." or claims at such time and place as shall- be speci- .(109) . P. HAMES, Chairman. fied in such notice or in default thereof they will be excluded from the benefit of any distribution made before such debts are proved.—Dated this i6th day of June, 1948. NEWMAN WOLSEY Limited. C. B. SEBIRE, Liquidator. NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to section 238 NOTE.—This notice is purely formal. All creditors of the Companies Act 1939, that a Meeting of the of the Company have been'or will be paid in full creditors of the above named Company will be held (035) at Winchester House Old Broad Street London, E.G.2 on Wednesday 3oth June 1948 at 12 noon, In the Matter of the OXFORD PICTURE PALACE for the purposes provided in sections 239 and 240 , COMPANY Limited. (Members' Voluntary of the said Act.—Dated this i4th day of June 1948. Winding-up.) . By the Order of the Board.-' NOTICE is hereby given that the creditors of (037) w. D:.-.KEENE, Director. the above named Company are required, on or .before the 3nst day of July, 1948, to send their names PLASTEL PRODUCTS Limited. and addresses with particulars of their debts or NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to section 238 claims, ancl the names and addresses of their Soli- of the Companies Act, 1929, that a Meeting of the citors (if any), to the undersigned Joseph Wilfrid Creditors of the above named Company will be held Shepherd, Incorporated Accountant, of 78, King at the offices of Messrs.. Steele & Son, Solicitors, Street in the city of Manchester, Liquidator of the 'Station Chambers, Barnoldswick, in the county of 1 said Company and, if so 'required, by notice in 'York, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon of. Friday the writing by the said Liquidator, are, by their Soli- .25th day of June 1948 for the purposes mentioned citors or personally, to come in and" prove their' in sections 239 and 240 of the said Act.—Dated this said debts or claims at such time and place as shall I7th day of June 1948. be specified in such notice,'or in default thereof they .(050) PHILIP D. MIDGLEY, Secretary. will be excluded from the benefit of any-distribution made before such debts are proved .-r-Dated this E. & T. HARLING Limited. i6th day. of June, 1948. • The Companies Act, 1929. JOSEPH W. SHEPHERD, Liquidator. NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to section 238 !NoTE.—This'notice is formal. . All creditors have of the Companies Act, 1929, that a Meeting of the been or will be paid in full. . creditors of the above named.Company will be held (196) THE,LdNDON .GAZETTE, '2,2,

H. G. MORGAN" & SON Limited. In- the Matter "of the PRINTING-"MACHINERY The Companies Acts,-1929 and. 1947. . ^COMPANY Limited; and in the Matter of .the (Members' Voluntary , Winding-up.); '•" ""Companies Acts, 1929 and 1947. ' « NOTICE is hereby given that the creditors of the • NOTICE" is hereby given' that" the creditors of above named Company are required ,on or before •the above named Company,' which is being 'volun- the loth day, of July, ' 1948; to send their names tarily'wound- up, are' required,' on or before the and addresses arid' particulars of their debts or I7th day of July, 1948, to send in their full claims and the names and addresses of their Solici-r Christian and surnames," 'their addresses and descrip- .tors', 'if any, to thp undersigned, Kenneth • Percy ;tiqns, full particulars of'tHeir debts or claims, and Pool, Chartered Accountant of 88 Leadenhall Street, • 'the-name's and addresses of their -Solicitors (if any), {London, E.C.3, Liquidator of .the 'above Company; to the undersigned Bernard Biddle of 21 John Street, 'and if so. required'by notice in writing .from the ^London, W-.C.i, the -Liquidator. of the said Com- said 'Liquidator,'* are personally or by their Solici- pany,! and, if so'required by notice in writing from .tors, to come in and prove, their said debts or claims ;the said Liquidator, are, personally -or by their .at -such time and place 'as shall be specified in such Solicitors,' to come in and prove their debts or claims •notice and establish any title they may have to at such time'and, place as shall be specified in such '•priority ; under- section 264 "of the Companies Act, 'notice, "or in default thereof they will be excluded 1929, or in default thereof they will be excluded •from the-benefit' of any'distribution made before from the benefit of any. distribution made before •such debts are proved. This n'otice -is purely formal. such. debts t are proved.—Dated this i5th day of All creditors have been 'or will be paid in full.-— June, 1948. 1 Dated this i?th day of June, 1948. K. P. POOL, -Liquidator. (095) B. BIDDLE, Liquidator. N.B.—This notice is formal. All known creditors •have been, • or will be, paid in full. In the High Court of Justice in Northern Ireland. (128) - " , ' (Chancery Division.). t ' . . 1948/2-5. . THOMAS ROBINSON (MANUFACTURING ' . Companies'. Winding-up. , CHEMISTS) Limited* In the Matter of the Companies' Act (Northern (In Voluntary Liquidation.) Ireland) "1932" and in the Matter of SERVICE OF 'The Companies Act,- 1929. SUPPLIES '(ULSTER)' Limited.' r' NOTICE is hereby given that the creditors of- the THE creditors "of the above -named Company are above named Company are required on or before required .on, or before 'the 5th. day of July 1948 to .the 3ist -day of July, 1948, to-send in their names send their names and addresses arid the particulars and .addresses with ' particulars of- their debts or of their.'debts or claims and the names and addresses 'claims to Mr. John Maxwell of i Chancery Place, of their Solicitors, if any. -to Arthur Stanley BoyS -Manchester, or to Mr. Arthur T. Eaves'of 47 Mosley . of 18* .Arthur Street, Belfast, the Official Liquidator Street, • Manchester, Chartered Accountants, the "of the -said Company, and if so required by notice Liquidators of the said Company, and if so required in writing from the said Official Liquidator are by by notice in -writing by the said Liquidators are themselves or their Solicitors to come in and prove personally or by their Solicitors, to come- in and their said, debts or claims - at Chambers, Room' 25 prove their said debts or claims at -such time and Royal Courts of Justice (Ulster) at Belfast at such place, as • shall be' specified in such notice, or' in time as 'shall be, specified 'in such notice, or in defatflt thereof! they will bd excluded1 from the 'default thereof, they will 'be excluded .from the •benefit of any distribution made before • such debts benefit of any distribution made before such debts are proved.—Dated this i8th day of June, 1948. are proved. Monday' the 26th day'of July 1948 J. MAXWELL \ ' .. . at Eleven o'clock in the forenoon,' at the 'said ARTHUR t. EAVES / Liq«ldators- Chambers, is appointed for hearing and adjudicating •upon the debts and claims.—Dated this nth day of June -1948. , • '''„,, TOTEM G. P. Limited. • JAMES • K. DAVIS, Assistant Chief Clerk.., • ' (In Vpluntary Liquidation.) C. & J. BLACK, 13, Donegall Square North, The Companies- Act, 1929.- " Belfast, Solicitors. NOTICE is .hereby .-given, that the creditors of (054) • • the above named- Company are required, on or before -the i4th day pf August, 1948, -to send in their names and' addresses, with particulars of .their debts S. CROUCH & SONS Limited. ;. :: or claims, and the names and .addresses of their The Companies Act, 1929- , ,' Solicitors (if 'any), to the undersigned Archibald (Members'.-Voluntary .Wiriding-up.) Stanley- .Darr of 35, New Broad Street, London,. NOTICE is hereby given in pursuance of section E.G.2, the Liquidator' of the said Company, and, ,236 of the Companies Act, 1929, that a Genera/ if so required by notice in writing by the said -Meeting of the .Members of the above named Com- Liquidator, are, by their -Solicitors or personally, pany • will be held at 7 Norman Way, Southgate, to come in and prove their "said debts or claims at London;-N.I4, on-Wednesday the 28th July 1948 at such time. andi place as shall be specified in such 6 o'clock in the afternoon for the purpose of- having notice, or in default thereof they will be excluded an account laid before, .them showing the manner in from the benefit of any distribution 'made before which, the winding-up of the Company has been such debts are proved.—Dated this i?th day of conducted" and its property disposed of and of •June, 1948. hearing any explanation that may be given by-the (in) ' . A. S. DARR, Liquidator. Liquidator and also to pass an Extraordinary Reso- lution as ,to the disposal of the books, accounts and DAVANS Limited. documents pf the Company.—Dated this i?th day .of June 1948. - .(In. Voluntary Liquidation.) (052) L. J. B. FAIRBURN, Liquidator., NOTICE is hereby given' that the creditors of the above named jCompany are-required on or before the 3rd July' 1948 to send in their names and In the Matter'..tff-T. H. METCALFE (TEXTILES) addresses and particulars of their debts or claims, Limited, and ua'itth'e Matter of the Companies, Act, 1929. ' '•'"((. and the names and addresses of their Solicitors (if NOTICE is hereby given in pursuance of section any) to the undersigned William James Thomas, 236 of the Companies Act, 1929, that a General .Incorporated .Accountant', of 128, Halcot Avenue, Meeting of the Members of the above named Com- Bexleyheath, Kent, Liquidator of the said Company, pany will be held at Park Mill, Britannia, Bac'upi ,and if .so required by notice in writing by the said Lanes, on Thursday the 2gth day of July 1948 at Liquidator are, by their Solicitors or personally, 11.30 o'clock in the forenoon precisely, for -the .to call in and prove- their said 'debts or claims at purpose of having an account laid before them, and .such time and place as shall be specified in such to receive the Liquidator's report showing how the notice, or in default thereof they shall be excluded 'winding-up of ,the Company has been conducted and from the. benefit of any distribution 'made before the property of the Company disposed of, and of such debts are proved.—Dated this I5th day of hearing any. explanation that may be given-by the June 1948. • • Liquidator, and; also of determining by Extra- WILLIAM ]. THOMAS, Liquidator. ordinary Resolution the manner in which the books, NOTE.—The Directors /'have 'filed" a Statutory accounts and. documents of the Company, and of the •declaration that the Company • will discharge its Liquidator thereof, shall be disposed of:—Dated this liabilities in' full. i8th day of June, 1948. • '••. (058) (034)- T. M. ROBSON, Liquidator. THE LONDON £AZETTE, 22" JUNE, i 3659,

In the Matter of WEDGE AND MINSHULL ; ' DELAPRE ESTATES Limited. ' Limited. (In Voluntary Liquidation.) . - .(In Voluntary .Liquidation.) NOTICE is Hereby given in pursuance of section The Companies Act; 1929. 236 of the -Companies Act, 1929, that a General NOTICE is hereby given that a General Meeting of Meeting of the Members of the above named Com- the Members of the above named Company will be pany will be' held at the offices of Milne- Eldridge & held at No. 4 High Street Olney in.the county of Co. Burlington Buildings South Street, Farnham Buckingham on Saturday the 24th day of July, 1948 Surrey on Saturday the .24th day of July 1948, at; 11 o'clock in the forenoon precisely, to.receive, at ii o'clock in the .forenoon precisely, for the the account of the Liquidator showing how the purpose of having an account laid -before them, and •'winding-up .of the Company has. been conducted and to receive the Liquidator's report, showing how the its property disposed of; and. to hear any explana- winding-up of the Company has been conducted and tion that .may be furnished toy the Liquidator.— the property of the Company disposed of, and of Dated this I5th day of June 1948. - • . Hearing any explanation that may be given by the '£241) PHILIP C. GAMBELL, Liquidator. Liquidator; and also of determining . by_ Extra- ordinary Resolution, the- manner in which the books, • DELAPRE ESTATES Limited. accounts, papers, and documents of the Company, (In Voluntary Liquidation.) and of the Liquidator thereof, shall be disposed of. The Companies Act, 1929. —Dated this igth day of June 1948. NOTICE "is .hereby,, given that a. Meeting of .the (049) ' H..W. MILNE, C.A., Liquidator. creditors of the above named Company will be held at No. 4 High Street Olney in the county of Bucking- •The INDUSTRIAL HOUSING ASSOCIATION. ham on Saturday the 24th day of July, 1948 at • ' Limited. (In'Voluntary Liquidation.) ii o'clock in 'the forenoon ^precisely, to receive NOTICE is hereby given in pursuance of section the account of the Liquidator showing how the 236 of the Companies Act, 1929, that a Final wihding-up of the Company has .been conducted and Meeting of the Members of the above named Com- >its. property disposed of; and to hear any explana- pany will 'be held at Royal Victoria Station Hotel, 'tion that may be furnished "by the Liquidator (and Sheffield on Thursday the agth day of July, 1948, to pass a Resolution as to'the disposal of. the books, at 12.30 o'clock in the afternoon precisely for the accounts, and documents of the Company).—Dated purpose of having an account laid before them this i5th day of June 1948.- showing how the winding-up of the Company has •-(i6'i) .PHILIP C. GAMBELL, Liquidator. been conducted, and the property disposed of aijd 1 to hear any explanation that may be given by the HILLTOP (CHESHAM) ESTATES Limited. Liquidator, and also to pass- a Resolution as to the (In Voluntary Liquidation.) . disposal of the books, accounts and documents of . NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to section 244 the Company.—Dated this i8th day of June, 1948. of the Companies Act, 1929, that Meetings of the (021) HAROLD C. HEPWORTH, Liquidator. Members and creditors of the above named Company will be held at the offices of Poppleton & Appleby, 4, Charterhouse Square, London, E.C.i on Thursday In the Matter of E. HAYDEN & SONS Limited. x the ist day of July, 1948, at 2.30 and 3 o'clock in The Companies Act, 1929. : the afternoon respectively, for the purpose of laying NOTICE is hereby given that, pursuant to section before the Meeting an account of the Liquidators' 236 of the Companies Act, 1929, a 'General Meeting acts and dealings and of the conduct of the winding- of the Members of the above named Company will up during the preceding year.- -Dated this i8"th day be held at 23 Bedford Row, London, W.C.i, on of June, 1948. Thursday the 22nd July, 1948, at 3 o'clock in the (083) L. STEWART FINDLAY, F.C.A., Liquidator. "afternoon, for the purpose of having an account laid before them, showing the manner, in which the winding-up has been conducted and the property of M. BARNARD & CO., Ltd. the Company disposed- of, and of hearing any ex- The Companies Act, 1929. planation that may be given by the Liquidator; and (Members' Voluntary Winding-up.) also of determining by Extraordinary Resolution of NOTICE is hereby given" that a General Meeting the Company the manner in which the books, of the Members of the above named Company wiU accounts and documents of the Company, and of be held at .150- North Street, Brighton, on Monday, the Liquidator thereof, shall be disposed of.—Dated 26th. July, 1948, at 12 noon precisely to receive the this 2nd day of June, 1948. account of the Liquidator showing how the winding- (055) RONALD R. PICKERING, Liquidator. up of the Company has been- conducted and its property disposed of; and to hear any explanation that may be. furnished by the Liquidator.—Dated In the Matter of BROADVIEW TENNIS CLUB. this I4th day of June, 1948. Limited. (In Voluntary Liquidation.) (113) I. B. ISAACS, Liquidator. NOTICE is hereby given in pursuance of section 236 of the Companies Act, • 1929, that a Genentf Meeting, of the Members of the above named Com- MILLS PUBLISHING CO. Ltd. pany will be held at 44 Orse'tt Road, Grays, Essex, The Companies Act, 1929. on Wednesday the nth day of August 1948, at (Members' Voluntary Winding-up.) 7 o'clock in the afternoon precisely, for the purpose NOTICE is hereby given that a General Meeting of having- an account laid before them, and to of the Members of the above Company will be held receive the Liquidator's report, showing how the at Quality House, Quality Court, Chancery Lane, winding-up of the Company has been conducted and W.C.2 on Monday the 26th day of July, 1948, at -the' property of the Company disposed of, and of 2 o'clock in the afternoon to receive the account of .hearing" any explanation that may be given by the the Liquidator showing how the winding-up of the Liquidator; and also of determining by Extra- Company has been conducted and its property dis- ordinary Resolution, the manner in which the books, posed of; to hear any explanation that may .be .accounts, papers, and documents of the Company, furnished by- the Liquidator; and to pass an Extra- and 'of the Liquidator thereof, shall be disposed of.— ordinary Resolution as to the disposal of the books Dated this iyth day of June 1948. and documents of the Company.—Dated the i6th (057) • ROWLAND HALL, Liquidator. day of June, 1948. .(238)' -WILFRED MILLS, Liquidator. STRANGES Limited. (In Voluntary Liquidation.) . NOTICE is hereby given (pursuant to sections 236 N'EAR EAST RESOURCES (LONDON) Limited. •and 283 (i) (b) of the Companies Act, 1929) that The Companies Act, 1929. a General Meeting of the Members of the -above (Members' Voluntary Winding-up.) . named Company will be held at n. George Street NOTICE is hereby given that a General Meeting West", Luton, on Monday the 26th day of July, of the Members of the above named Company will .1948, at 2.30 o'clock in the afternoon for the purpose be held at Epworth House 25-35 City Road London of having an account laid before them showing the E.C.i on Friday,. the 30th day of July, 1948, at manner in 'which the winding-up has been conducted' 3 o'clock in -the afternoon precisely, to receive the and the property of the Company disposed of, and account of the Liquidator showing how the winding- of hearing any explanation -that may be "given by up of the Company has been conducted and its' the Liquidator, and also of determining by Extra- property disposed of; to hear any explanation that ordinary Resolution the- manner in which the books, may be furnished by the Liquidator; and to pass an -accounts, and documents, of the Company and of Extraordinary Resolution as to the disposal of the the Liquidator thereof- shall -be disposed of.—Dated books, accounts and documents of the Company.— •this i7th day of June, 1948. Dated this i?th day of June, 1948. • (085) . . LAWRENCE JORDAN, Liquidator. (119) W. E. COOMBE, Liquidator. 3660 THE .LONDON GAZETTE, 22 JUNE, C

In the Matter .of GRAND HOTEL (BORTH) Limited. . GROSVENOR ENGINEERING CO,. Ltd. • .(in Voluntary Liquidation), and .in the Matter,of .The Companies Act, ,1929. - the Companies Act, 1929. ..' • (Members' Voluntary Winding-up.) .•NOTICE is hereby given that a General Meeting . NOTICE is hereby. given that a General Meeting of the Members of Grand. Hotel (Bprth) Limited, of'the above named ••Company will be held at' the will be held at 29 Portland Street, Aberystwyth on offices of Messrs. Trotter, Davies & Yearsley, .27 Wednesday the 28th .day of Jnly, 1948, at .3 o'clock Brazennose Street,. Manchester 2, on .the i5th day in- the afternoon precisely, for. the purpose of having of July,. 1948, at 10 a.m. to .receive 'the account of. an account, laid before them by the Liquidator .the •Liquidator showing how the winding-up of the (pursuant to section '236 of the Companies Act, .1929), Company has been conducted and its property, dis- showing the manner .-in'which the winding-up'of'the posed of;.to hear any explanation-that may be fur? said Company has been conducted, and' the property nished by the Liquidator;, and to pass an .Extra- of the Company, disposed of, and of. hearing any ordinary- Resolution -as to -the disposal of. the. books, explanation -that may be given by .the Liquidator; accounts and documents of the Company.—Dated this and also of determining by Extraordinary Resolution 15th day of June, 1948. ' • . • the manner in ;which 'the books, .accounts and (142) . J. B. YEARSLEY,.Liquidator. . documents of the .Company and of the Liquidator shall be disposed of.. . . GASTON GRANGE STUD Limited. 0 I (195) R. NORMAN JONES, Liquidator; NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to section 236 of the Companies Act, 1929, a General Meeting THE CENTRAL GARAGE (WAKEFIELD), . of the Members of the above named Company will ; . • • Limited. • ' be held at 31, North John Street, Liverpool 2, on .' , The' Companies Act/ 1929. the 23rd day of July, 1948, at n- o'clock in the ' '(Members' . Voluntary Winding-up.) • . forenoon, for the purpose of having an account NOTICE is hereby given that-a General Meeting laid before them, •showing the manner in which of the Members -of 'the above named Company will the winding-up has been conducted and the pror be'held at 23- Cheapside Bradford in the county perty- of the Company disposed of, and -of hearing of York on Friday the 6th day of August, 1948, any. explanation that may'be given by the Liqui- at 11.30 o'clock in the forenoon precisely, to receive . dator, and 'also of determining by Extraordinary the account of the "Liquidator ' showing -how the Resolution the manner in: which the -books, accounts wiriding-up ^of the .Company has been conducted and and documents o'f the Company and of the Liqui- its property disposed of, .to Ihear any explanation dator shall'be disposed of.—Dated the i8th day of that may be furnished by the Liquidator; and to' June, 1948. . " . ' • pass an Extraordinary. Resolution, as to the disposal (251) ... G. F. ELSWORTH, Liquidator.' of the books, accounts and documents of the Com- pany.—:Dated this I7th day of June, 1948. BRITISH .WOODCRAFT, Limited. (116) C. A. HARRISON, Liquidator. . •The Companies Act, 1929. (Members' Voluntary Winding-up.) HARDY'S (iSTOCKPORT) Limited. NOTICE is hereby given that-a General Meeting *\ The Companies Act, 1929. „ , of the Members of the above named Company will •(Members' Voluntary Winding-up.) be held at Omega Works, Hermitage Road, Fins- 'NOTICE is hereby 'given that a General Meeting bury Park, London, -N-4, on Thursday the 5th day of the Members' of the above named Company will of August, 1948, at 12 o'clock noon precisely, to be held at the office of the Liquidator 18 Union Road receive the , account' of the Liquidator showing how Stockport on Tuesday, the 2Oth day of July, 1948, the winding-up'of the'Company has been conducted at n 'o'clock in the forenoon precisely, to receive and its property disposed 'of; to 'hear any explana- the account of the Liquidator showing how the wind- tion that may be furnished by the Liquidator; and ing-up of the Company has been -conducted and' its to pass ah Extraordinary Resolution as to the dis- property disposed of; to hear any explanation that posal of the books, accounts and documents of the may be furnished by the Liquidator; and to pass Company .—Dated this igth day of June, 1948. an' Extraordinary Resolution as rto ,the disposal' of ("8) . E. R. COWIN, Liquidator. . the books, accounts and documents of the Company: —'Dated this i6th day of June, 1948. ALLCARS, (Limited. (120) • o J. F. LONG, Liquidator. The Companies Act, 1929. . • (Members' Voluntary Winding-up.) NOTICE ds hereby given that a General 'Meeting ' . ' W.H.S.N. AGENCIES Limited. of the Members of the above named Company will The Companies Acts, 1929 and 1947. be held at 23 Cheapside Bradford in the county of ,(Members' Voluntary Winding-up.) •York on Friday the 6th day of August, 1.948) at NOTIPE is hereby given in pursuance of section 11.30 o'clock in the forenoon precisely, to receive '236 of the Companies Act, 1929, that a General the. account of .the Liquidator showing how the Meeting of the Members of the above Company will winding-up of the Company has been conducted and be held at'the registered office of the Company, No. its' prbperty disposed of, to hear any explanation 38 Church Street, West Hartlepool, on Monday, the that' may be furnished by the Liquidator;, and to 26th day of July, 1948, at 12 o'clock midday, for pass an Extraordinary Resolution as to the disposal the purpose of having an 'account laid, before them of the books, accounts, and documents of the-Com- and to receive the Liquidator's report, showing how pany.—Dated this i7th day of June, 1948. the winding-up of the Company has been conducted and the property of the Company disposed of, and ("7) C. A. HARRISON, Liquidator. 'of hearing any explanation that may be .given by In the Matter of (HEATLY GRESHAM ENGINEER- the Liquidator.—Dated this i7th day June, 1948. ING CO. Limited (in Members' Voluntary Liquida- (141) ' F. S. SCOTT, Liquidator. tion) . . The Companies Act, 1929. THE LUZBOROUGH SAND AND GRAVEL ' NOTICE is hereby given that, pursuant to section COMPANY, (Limited. .236 of the Companies Act 1929, a General Meeting The Companies Act, 1929. of the Members of the above Company will (Members' Voluntary Winding-up'.) be held' at the Offices of Messrs. Ashworth, Mosley NOTICE is hereby given that, pursuant to section .& Co., Mid-land1 Bank Buildings, Spring Gardens, 236 of the Companies Act, 1929, a General Meeting Manchester, on Friday, the 3Oth day of July 1948 of the Members of the above named Company, will at ii o'clock in the forenoon, for the purpose, of be held at the offices of. Messrs. Beal, Young and having an account laid before them, showing the Booth, Incorporated Accountants, 21, The Avenue,. manner in which the winding-up has been con- Southampton, on Thursday, the 29th day of July, ducted and the property of the Company disposed 1948, at 2.30 o'clock in the afternoon, for the' 'pur- of, -and of hea'ring any explanation that may be pose of having-an account laid before them, showing given by the Liquidator.—Dated- this lyth day of the manner in which the winding-up has been con- June, 1948. . -. i ducted and the property • of the Company disposed ••(242) ARTHUR RIGBY, Liquidator. of, and of hearing any explanation that may be .•given by the Liquidator;- and also of determining In the Matter of BRUCE 'GORDON Limited. •by Extraordinary Resolution of the Company the (In- Voluntary Liquidation.) manner in which-the books, accounts and documents NOTICE is here by given, in pursuance of section of the Company, and of the Liquidator thereof, 236 of the Companies Act, 1929, -that a General Meet- fihali be disposed of.—Dated this I7th day of June, ling, of the Members of the above .named Company 1948.- will be held at the registered office 100, Potter Street, (1.15). . • EDWARD..BEAL; Liquidator. Worksop, on Tuesday, '.the. 2Oth day of July, 1948, .THE LONDON GAZETTE, 22. JUNE, 1948

at 4 o'clock in the afternoon precisely, for the pur- BARNETT & SON " has been dissolved by mutual pose of haying an account laid before them, and consent so far as regards the said Eric Arnold' to receive the Liquidator's report, showing how the Milliken Smith who retires from the firm as from the winding-up of the Company has been, conducted and 5th day of April 1948. All debts due and pwing the property of the Company disposed of, and of to or by the late firm will ,be respectively received, 'hearing any explanation that may be given by the and paid by. the said Victor Vernon Barnett, Kenneth Liquidator, and also of determining by Extraordinary Milliken Smith, Richard Arthur Wiggin, Albert •Resolution, the manner in which the books, accounts, Thomas Fowler and Charles Reginald Croft. 'The papers and documents of the Company, and of .the said business will be carried on in the future by" •Liquidator thereof, shall be disposed of.—Dated this the said Victor Vernon Barnett, .Kenneth .Milliken rath day of June, 1948. Smith, Richard Arthur Wiggin, Albert Thomas- (140) . F. A. STEWART, Liquidator. Fowler and 'Charles .Reginald Croft. As witness our hands this i6th day of June, 1948. MESSENGER & CO., Limited. E. A. MILLIKEN SMITH. (In Voluntary Liquidation.) V. VERNON BARNETT. The Companies Acts', 1929 and 1947. K. MILLIKEN SMITH. NOTICE is hereby given that a General Meeting R. A. WIGGIN. of the Members of the above named Company will ALBERT T. FOWLER. be held- at 24 Friar Lane in the City of Leicester (067) CHARLES R. CROFT. on Thursday, the 2gth day of July, 1948, at n o'clock in the forenoon precisely, to receive the NOTICE is hereby given that the Partnership account of the Liquidator showing how the winding- heretofore subsisting between us the undersigned up of the Company has been conducted and its George Bridges and Harold Wilson carrying on busi: • property disposed of; and to hear any explanation ness as Builders and Contractors at Sandbach Road that may be furnished by the Liquidator.—Dated Alsager in the county of Chester under the style this i6th day of June, 1948. or firm of BRIDGES and WILSON has been dis- (H4) K. JOHNSON, Liquidator. solved by mutual consent as from the 3oth day of April, 1948.—Dated-this igth day' of' June, 1948. PARKSIDE TRUST Limited. GEORGE BRIDGES. (In Liquidation.), (198) . HAROLD WILSON. The Companies Act, 1929. NOTICE is hereby given in pursuance of section 236 of the Companies Act 1929 that a General " NOTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership Meeting of the Members of the above named Com- heretofore subsisting between us, the undersigned pany wiU be held, at 39-43 Chalton Street London Frederick Bailey of 24 Froghall Lane Warrington N.W.i on Friday the 23rd day of July 1948 at in the county of Lancaster and Fred Bailey of.2 12.30 o'clock in the afternoon for the. purpose of Loushers Lane Warrington "aforesaid carrying on busi- having an account laid before them showing the ness as Wholesale and Retail Fruiterers at The manner in which the winding-up has been conducted Market, Warrington aforesaid under the style or and the property of the Company disposed of and firm of FRED BAILEY & SON has been dissolved of hearing any explanation that may be given by by mutual consent as from the loth day of June, the Liquidator.—Dated i6th day of June, 1948. 1948. All debts due and owing to or by the late (245) S. G. MOSS, Liquidator. firm will be respectively received and paid by the said Fred Bailey. The said business will be carried WIMBLEDON TRUST Limited. on in the future by the said Fred Bailey. As wit- (In Liquidation.) ness our hands this nth day of June, 1948. The Companies Act, 1929. FREDERICK BAILEY. NOTICE is hereby given in pursuance of section (163) .FRED BAILEY. 236 of the Companies Act 1929 that a General Meeting of the Members of the above named Com- NOTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership pany will be held at 39-43 Chalton Street London heretofore subsisting between us, the undersigned N.W.i on Friday the 23ord day of July 1948 at Alfred Edward Morris and-'Ross Knightly. Ledger 12.30 o'clock in the afternoon- for the purpose of carrying on business as Auctioneers, Land and Estate having an account laid before them showing the Agents and Surveyors at 73 High Street Shanklin in manner in which the winding-up has 'been conducted the Isle of Wight under the style or firm of MORRIS and the property of the Company disposed of and AND LEDGER has been dissolved by mutual con- of hearing any explanation that may be given- by sent as from the ist day of June, 1948. All debts the Liquidator.—Dated i6th day of June, 1948'. due and owing to or by the late firm will be (246) S. G. MOSS, Liquidator. respectively received and paid by the' said Ross Knightly Ledger. The said business will be'carried NOTICE is hereby given • that the Partnership on in the future by the said Ross Knightly Ledger. heretofore subsisting between Stanley Eccleston As .witness our hands this i5th day of June, 1948. Kerruish .and Thomas Kerruish carrying A. E. MORRIS. as Builders and Contractors under the style «pr firm (151) R. K. LEDGER. name of KERRUISH BROTHERS at 235 Allport Road Bromborough has been dissolved by mutual NOTICE is hereby given that the "Partnership consent as from the i2th day of July 1946 so far heretofore subsisting between us the undersigned Ann as concerns the said Thomas Kerruish who retires Phyllis Chantrey Emily Rose Message. and Louise from the firm.—Dated this loth day of June 1948. Henshall carrying on business as Tripe Dressers at THOMAS KERRUISH. Alma Works Gower Street Hanley in the city of (017) S. E. KERRUISH. Stoke-on-Trent and county -of Stafford tinder the style or firm of G. W. MESSAGE has' been dissolved NOTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership by mutual consent as from the xoth day of June, •heretofore subsisting between us, the undersigned 1948. The said -business will be carried on in the . Aubrey Montague Brown and Jack Foster carrying future by the said Louise Henshall and Joseph on business as Surveyors and Estate Agents at 10 Henshall. Queen Street, Mayfair, London, W.i under the style A. P. CHANTREY. or firm of " AUBREY BROWN & FOSTER " has ' E. R. MESSAGE. been dissolved by mutual consent as from the i4th L. HENSHALL. day of June 1948. All debts due and owing to or by the late firm will be respectively received and (090) ' J. HENSHALL..' paid by the said Jack Foster. The said business will be carried on in the tfuture toy the said Jack Foster. NOTICE is hereby given that the Partnership 'As witness our hands this i6th day of June 1948. heretofore subsisting between us the undersigned AUBREY M. BROWN. Leslie Lewis Kubelun and Gladys Needham carrying /020) J. FOSTER. on business as Cosmetician and Ladies' and Gentle- men's Hairdresser at. n North Street Quadrant NOTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership Brighton in the county, of Sussex under the style heretofore subsisting between us, the undersigned or firm of REGENT HAIRDRESSING has been dis- Eric Arnold Milliken Smith, Victor Vernon Barnett, solved by mutual .consent as from the i7th day of Kenneth Milliken Smith, Richard Arthur Wiggdn, June, 1948, so far as concerns the' said. Gladys Albert Thomas Fowler and Charles Reginald Croft Needham who retires from the said firm.—Dated carrying on business as Stock and Share Brokers this 18th day of June, 1948. •at Prudential Buildings, St. Philip's Place, Birming- LESLIF, L. KUBELUN. ham 3 under the style or.firm of " SMITH, KEEN, (164) GLADYS NEEDHAM. 3662 THE LONDON GAZETTE, 22- JUNE, 1948 : NOTICE is' hereby given that the Partnership Tn.'ithe'High'Court of Justice.—Probate, Divorce1 heretofore subsisting between >us the- undersigned and Admiralty Division (Probate).•• •.' Stephen SutclLffe of "-'Sandycroft," Woore'in the To the kin (if any) entitled- to share, and all others County of Salop, Herbert Edgar Townsend .of 42,', claiming ' any interest in 'the estate of • JOHN Stoke Road, Shelton in the city of Stoke-on-Trent, ELLIOTT, late of The Oaks Cottage, Vicarage a'nd Victor John Renaudon of 42, Stoke Road, Shel-' : Lane, -Chigwell, Essex, deceased, who died at the ton • aforesaid carrying on business as-" Char- . Essex County Hospital, Wanstead, Essex, on the tered . Quantity Surveyors 'at " Sandycroft," 3ist August, 1947. ' Woore aforesaid and at 42, Stoke Road, Shel- '• TAKE notice-that a citation has been issued'under t'on - aforesaid . under the style • or firm- • of Seal of the 'Principal Probate Registry of the High •V.SUTCLIFFE, TOWNSEND and RENAUDON " Court of Justice citing you-within eight days after has been dissolved by mutual' consent as and from publication hereof to enter an appearance in .the said the 5th day of June, 1948. All debts due Tto and Principal Probate Registry at Somerset House, owing »by the said late firm will be. respectively Strand, London, and accept, or refuse, letters of received and . paid by the said Herbert . Edgar administration of the -said estate or show cause why Townsend and Victor John • Renaudon.—As witness letters of: administra'tion thereof should not* be our hands this I7th day of June, 1948. granted to the Treasury Solicitor for the use of His S. SUTCLIFFE. Majesty. . . . H. E. TOWNSEND. H. F. O. NORBURY/ Registrar.' " (197) V. J.-RENAUDON. Communications- to be addressed .to- the TREASURY SOLICITOR (B.V.), Storey's Gate, London, 'S.W.i. ! NOTICE is hereby -given that the Partnership heretofore subsisting between us, the undersigned In the ..High Court of Justice.—Probate,. Divorce Arthur Edward Thomas Sydney Ryan William James 'and Admiralty Division (Probate). Henry Ewins Frank1 Charles Hatton and William To the kin (if any) entitled to- share, and all others Inight carrying on business as Manufacturing Chemists . claiming 'any interest in the estate of' WILLIAM under the style or firm of BELLEVUE PRODUCTS GRICE, late of ',' Loggerheads," Double Street, has been dissolved by mutual consent as' from the Spalding< Lincolnshire,, deceased, who died at ist day of .March, 1948. All debts due and owing Johnson Hospital, -Spalding aforesaid, on loth to or by the late firm will be respectively received February, 1947. • and paid by the said Frank Charles Hatton. The TAKE notice that a citation has been issued under said business will be carried on in the future by Seal of the -Principal. Probate Registry of the High the said Frank Charles Hatton. Court of- Justice citing you within eight days after SYDNEY RYAN. publication hereof to enter an appearance in the said " •' W. J. Hi EWINS. Principal' .Probate' .-Registry at Somerset House, "FRANK c. HATTON. Strand, London, and accept, or refuse, letters of WILLIAM INIGHT. administration of the said estate or show cause why (162) ARTHUR E. THOMAS: letters of administration thereof should not be granted to the-Treasury Solicitor for the use. of His Majesty. • . H. F. O. NORBURY, Registrar.. Communications to be addressed to -the TREASURY SOLICITOR (B.V.), Storey's 'Gate London, S.W.i.' In th1 e .High Court of Justice.—Probate, Divorce; . and Admiralt1 y Division (Probate). To the kin (if any) entitled to share, and all others I, VICTOR PETER, FERRIS of 17, St. John's claiming any interest in the estate undisposed of. Hill Batt'ersea in the county of London Caterer -a by the Will of SUSANNAH MARY FOXWELL. natural born British' subject heretofore called and CURTIS, Spinster, late of i, Hopton Road, known by the name of Victor Peter .Ferrari hereby . Streatham, Surrey, deceased, who died at 2, Rut- give notice that 'I have renounced and abandoned the ford Road, Streatham aforesaid, on 27th March, -name of Victor Retfr Ferrari and .that .1 have 1938. assumed and intend henceforth oa all occasions TAKE notice that a'citation has been issued under whatsoever and at'all .times to sign, and use and to Seal of the Principal Probate Registry of the High be called and known by the name of Victor Peter Court of Justice citing you. within eight days after Ferris in lieu of and in substitution for my former publication hereof to enter an appearance in the said name of Victor Peter Ferrari. And I also hereby Principal Probate Registry at Somerset House, give notice that such change of name is formally Strand, London, -and accept, or refuse,, letters of declared and evidenced by a- deed, poll under my 'administration with the .Will annexed of the said hand and seal dated the 2nd day of June, 1948, and estate or .show cause why letters of administration, duly executed and attested and -that such deed poll with the said Will annexed thereof should not be was- enrolled in the Central Office of the Supreme granted to the Treasury Solicitor for the_ use of Court of/ Judicature on the loth day of June, -1948.— His Majesty. Dated this i7th day of June,' 1948. H. F. O. NOR"BURY, Registrar. VICTOR1 PETER FERRIS, formerly known as. Communications to be addressed -to the (244) Victor Peter Ferrari. TREASURY SOLICITOR (B.V.), Storey's Gate, London, S.W.i. NOTICE is hereby given that'by a, deed poll dated • the 25th day of May, 1948 and duly enrolled in the Supreme Court of Judicature on the i5fth day In the. High. Court of Justice.—Probate, Divorce of June, 1948 FLORENCE HUNTER of 20 Denbigh and Admiralty Division (Probate). Place Victoria in the" county of London, Spinster, To LILY WHITE, formerly of 26, Thornton a natural,born British subject renounced and aban- Street,. Kempstoh, in the county of Bed- doned the surname of Graham.—Dated the i7th. ford, but whose • present whereabouts is day of June, 1948. ' unknown, the Mother of SIDNEY (otherwise1 FREDERICK WILLS & CO., 32, .Victoria SYDNEY) WHITE, late of 30, College. Street, Westminster, S.W.i, Solicitors for Road, Bedford,- Bedfordshire, deceased, who died (ooi) Florence Hunter. .in the Far East whilst a prisoner of war in Japanese hands, on i3th July, 1943. • • NOTICE is hereby given' that by a deed poll, dated TAKE notice • that a .citation has been issued under the 28th day of May, 1948, and duly enrolled in the Se'al of .the.•Principal Probate. Registry of the High .Supreme Court-of Judicature. on the i8th day df Court of Justice citing you within eight days after June, 1948, Dorothy Freda Sharp of " Gorseland,!' publication hereof .to" enter an appearance in the said 32, Hart Plain Avenue, 'Cowplam, Catherington in Principal •Probate"''.Registry . at Somerset ' House, .the county of Southampton, Widow the legal guard- Strand, London," and' accept, ,or. refuse',, letters of ian of Barbara Mary Florence Sharp of " Gorse- •.administration of the-said-estate or show1 cause why land '' aforesaid an Infant and 'Spinster, and natural letters of administration thereof should not be borri British subject on behalf of • the said Barbara granted to the Treasury Solicitor for, the use of His Mary Florence Sharp absolutely renounced and aban- Majesty.' ' " • • . '. ' doned the surname of Sharp and in lieu thereof „ ' H. ,F. O. NORBURY, Registrar. assumed 'the surname of TRAVIS.r-Dated .the i8th Communications- to' be addressed , to 'the day of June, 1948. • • TREASURY' SOLICITOR (B.V.), Storey's Gate, , SYKES JOHNSTON and'LEE, York, Solicitors London, 'S.W.i.. ' ' - , (212). -for -the sai'd Dorothy Freda Sharp. . , THE LONPON GAZETTE, 22 JUNE, 1948 3663 NOTICE is hereby given thaf by. a deed poll dated NOTICE is hereby given that DULCIE MAY the 2gth day 'of January, 1948, and duly enrolled MILLER of 8 Sandringham Grange Prestwich, in the Supreme Court of Judicature on the i8th day Manchester lately called Dulcie May Foster (Widow) .of June, 1948, KATHARINE EVELYN HALL of a natural' born British subject • has assumed and 28 Pembridge Gardens, Paddington in the county of intends henceforth upon -all occasions and at all -times London, Spinster, a natural born British subject to sign and use and to be called and known by the renounced and abandoned the use of her former name of Miller in. lieu of and in substitution for her surname of Anderson and in lieu thereof assumed former name of Foster and that such change of name the surname of Hall.—Dated this igth day of June, is formally declared and evidenced by a deed under 1948. her hand and seal dated the nth day. of June, 1948, WELMAN and SONS, 763, Westbourne Grove, duly executed and attested and enrolled in the Bayswater, W.2, Solicitors for the said Central Office of the Supreme Court of Judicature on .(087) Katharine Evelyn Hall. the i7th day of June, 1948.—Dated this i7th day of June, 1948. I, CLAUDE EMBLETON-SMITH of IIA, Nevern J. H. MILNER and SON, Oswaldestre House, Road Earls Court in the county of London a natural 34-35. Norfolk Street, Strand, W.C.2, Solicitors born British subject, heretofore called-and known (206) for the said Dulcie May Miller. by the name of Claude Embleton Smith hereby give notice that I have renounced and abandoned the name of Claude Embleton Smith and that I have I, HORACE FERRIS of 17 St. John's Hill assumed and intend henceforth on all occasions what- Battersea in the county of London Caterer a natural soever and at all times to sign and use and to be born British subject heretofore called and known by called and known by the name of Claude Embleton- the name of Horace Ferrari -hereby give notice that Smith in lieu of and in substitution for my former I have renounced and abandoned the name of Horace name-of Claude Embleton Smith. And I also hereby Ferrari and that I have assumed and intend hence- give notice that such change of name is formally forth on all occasions whatsoever and at all times declared and evidenced by a deed poll under my to sign and use and to be called and known by the hand and seal dated the i4th day of June, 1948, name of Horace Ferris in lieu of and in substitution duly executed and attested, and that such deed for my former name of Horace Ferrari. And I also poll was enrolled in the Central Office of the Supreme hereby give notice that such change of name is Court of Judicature on the i8th day of June, 1948.— formally declared and evidenced by a deed poll under Dated this i8th day of June, 1948. my hand and seal dated the 2nd; -day of June, 1948, C. EMBLETON-SMITH, formerly C. Embleton and duly executed and attested and that such deed (084) Smith. poll was enrolled in the Central Office of the Supreme. Court of Judicature on the loth day of June, 1948.— Dated this i7th day of "June, 1948. NOTICE is hereby given that GEORGE BRIAN HORACE FERRIS, formerly known as Horace WHITE JOHNSON of " Southcote " Hale Road, (243) Ferrari. > Hale, Chester, Sub Lieutenant Royal Navy a natural born British subject lately called George Brian WE, Adler & Adler-of Devonshire Chambers, .146 Johnson has assumed and intends henceforth upon Bishopsgate in the city of London Solicitors hereby all occasions and at all times to sign and use and give notice that on the 3oth day of May, 1948, to be called and known by the name of George Brian SAMUEL FREDERICK LOWE of 9 Birkdale Road, White Johnson in lieu of and in substitution for his Dewsbury in the county of York Metal Merchant former name of George Brian Johnson and that such heretofore called and known by the names of Samuel change of name is formally declared and evidenced Fritz Loewenhaupt renounced and abandoned the by a deed under his hand and seal dated the 6th use of his said first names of Samuel Fritzt and of day of May, 1948, duly executed and attested and his said surname of Loewenhaupt and assumed in lieu enrolled in the Central Office of the Supreme Court thereof the first names1 of Samuel Frederick and the of Judicature on the i8th day of June, 1948.—Dated surname of Lowe and further that such change of •this i8th day of June, 1948. names is evidenced by a deed dated the 3oth day of BOWER COTTON and BOWER, 4, Bream's May, 1948, duly executed and attested and enrolled Buildings, E.G.4; Agents for in the Enrolment Department of the Central Office SIMPSON WRIGHT and "HAWORTH, 56, of the Royal Courts of Justice on the 4th day of Mosley Street, Manchester 2, Solicitors for the June, 1943.—Dated i?th day of June, 1948. (208) said George Brian White Johnson. ADLER and ADLER, Solicitors for the above named Samuel Frederick Lowe, formerly NOTICE is hereby given that CLAUDE (200) Samuel Fritz Loewenhaupt. KENNETH HARWOOD of .172 Ashford Court, Ashford Road, N.W.2 in the county of London a NOTICE is hereby given that by a deed poll dated naturalised British subject lately called Klaus the ist day of October, 1946, and duly enrolled in Herzberg has assumed and intends henceforth upon 'the Supreme Court of Judicature on the 2Oth day of all occasions and at all times to sign and use and .May, 1948, GLADYS MAUDE MALLIN of 186 to be called and known by the name of Claude Croydon Road Anerley in the county of Kent Married Kenneth Harwood in lieu of and in substitution for Woman a natural born British subject renounced and his former name of Klaus Herzberg and that such abandoned the surname of Rosvall.—Dated this i8th change of name is formally declared and evidenced day of June, 1948. by a deed under his handv and seal dated the 27th ARTHUR E. EVES-and JONES, 145, Anerley day of May, 1948, .duly executed and attested and Road, Anerley, S.E.2O, Solicitors for the said enrolled in the Central Office of the Supreme Court (214) Gladys Maude Mallin. of Judicature on the i8th day of June, 1948.—Dated this- 18th day of June, 1948. NOTICE is hereby given that by a deed poll dated ". .MATTHEW TRACKMAN and CO., i, Dover the 14th day of May, 1948, and duly enrolled in the Street, Piccadilly, W.i, Solicitors for the said Supreme Court of Judicature on the 4th day of June, (207) Claude Kenneth Harwood. 1948, MAY MORTIMORE of 20 Ashburnham Road Ramsgate in the 'county of Kent the divorced wife I, Marie Mitchell of The King's Head Hotel, of Leslie Alfred Musgrove a natural born British Bungay, Suffolk, the Mother and lawful guardian of subject renounced and abandoned the surname of DAVID MITCHELL (formerly Stein) an Infant and Musgrove-and in lieu thereof assumed the surname natural born British subject of the same address of Mortimore.—Dated the -i6th day of June, 1948. hereby give notice that the said David Mitchell has MANSER PHILLIPS & CO., Grays Inn Cham- •renounced 'and abandoned the former surname of bers, 20 High Holborn, London, W.C.I, Stein and that he has assumed and'intends hence- (211) Solicitors for the said May Mortimore. forth on all occasions whatsoever and at all times to signrand use and to be called and known by the NOTICE is hereby given that by a deed poll dated name of David Mitchell in lieu of and in substitution the 24th day of February, '1948, and duly enrolled for his former name of David Stein. And I also •in- the Supreme Court of Judicature on the i5th day hereby give notice that such change of name is of' June, 1948, MARGARET MARY SLADE of 4 formally declared and evidenced by a deed poll under Southern Avenue South -Norwood in the county of my hand and seal dated the 8th day of June, 1948, Surrey Spinster a natural torn British subject re- duly executed -and attested a*nd that such deed poll nounced and ' abandoned the surname of Spring:— was enrolled in the Central Office of the Supreme Dated this i8th day of June, 1948. ' / Court of Judicature, on the i6th day of June, •ig48.:— "• ARTHUR E.'EiVES.ahd JONES, 145,, Anerley Dated" the. I7th day of June, 1948. 'Road,' Aherley, -S.E.-2O, Solicitors for'"the said (205) ."•• •"" .MARIE MITCHELL. • •(213) Margaret:'Mary:-Slade. • . 3664 THE LONDON GAZETTE, 22 JUNE, 1948 NOTICE is hereby given that ANGELINE •in lieu of and in substitution for my. former name KATHLEEN MARJORIE SOLANO of Prestwood of Dorothy Lilian Gertrude Street. And I also Sanatorium near Stourbridge in the county of hereby give notice that such change of- name is Worcester, Spinster, a natural born British subject formally declared and evidenced by a deed poll under lately 'called Angeline. Kathleen Marjone Baird -has my hand and seal dated the 4th day of June, 1948, assumed and intends henceforth upon all occasions duly, executed and attested, and that such deed poll and at all .times to sign and use be called was enrolled in the Central Office of the Supreme and known by the name .of Arigeline Kathleen Court of Judicature on the I7th day -of June, 1948. Marjorie Solano in lieu of and in substitution —Dated this i5th day of June, 1948. for her former name, of Angeline Kathleen DOROTHY LILIAN GERTRUDE PARKER, Marjorie Baird and that such change of name is (103) formerly. Dorothy Lilian Gertrude Street. formally declared and evidenced by a deed under her hand and seal dated -the .i2th day of May,. 1948, NOTICE is hereby given that by deed dated the duly executed and attested and enrolled in the Central 4th June, 1948, enrolled in the Supreme Court of Office of the Supreme Court of Judicature on the nth Judicature on the i6th June, 1948, ABRAM day of June, 1948.—Dated this i2t'h day of June, MAISLISH a naturalised1 British subject abandoned 1948.• the use of his'former surname of Majzlisz and in lieu ARNOLD FOOKS CHADWICK and CO., 15, assumed the surname of Maislish.—Dated the i8th Bolton Street, London, W.i, Solicitors for the day of June, '1948. (215) said Angeline Kathleen Marjorie Solano. BILLINGHURST WOOD and POPE, 7, Bucklersbury, London, E.C.4, Solicitors for NOTICE is hereby given, that by a deed poll dated (138) the said Abram Maislish. . , the gth June, 1948, and duly enrolled in the'Supreme . Court of Judicature on the isth June, 1948, RUDOLF IvTOTICE is hereby.given that by a deed poll dated ALEXANDER BRIGHT of 39 Belsize Park, London, the i6th day of June, 1948,- and duly enrolled in N.W.3, a naturalised British subject renounce^ and the Supreme Court of judicature on the i8th day of abandoned for himself his Wife -and his children the June, 1948, ' VIOLET PRIMROSE TATE of 27, surname of Breitbarth.—Dated the i8th day of June, Islingword Road Brighton in the county of Sussex 1948. . , Feme Sole a natural born British subject renounced . .BUCKERIDGE and BRAUNE,' 3 and 4, and abandoned- .the surname of Lyon.—Dated the Clement's Inn, Strand;, W.C.2, Solicitors for. igth day of June, 1948. (216) the said Rudolf Alexander Bright. JOLLY & CO., 71, Grand Parade, .Brighton, (89) Solicitors for the', said Violet Primrose Tate. NOTICE is hereby given that by a deed poll dated the i8th day of May, 1948, and duly enrolled in I, EDNA MARY HEWARD of number 12 York- the Supreme Court of Judicature on the iStti day of land Avenue Welling in the county of Kent, Feme Sole June, 1948, PETER LOTHAR OWEN, of 60 Barn a natural born British subject, heretofore called and Hill Wembley Park in the county of'Middlesex Book known by the name of Edna Mary Cork hereby give (Publisher a naturalised British subject -renounced notice that I have renounced and abandoned the and abandoned the surname of Offenstadt and in lieu name of Edna Mary Cork and that.I have'assumed thereof assumed the surname of Owen.—Dated the and -intend henceforth on all occasions whatsoever 18th day of June, 1948. and-at all times to sign and use and to be called MANSER PHILLIPS and CO., Gray's Inn and. known by the name of Edna. Mary Heward Chambers, 20, High Holborn, London, W.C.i; in lieu of and in substitution for my former name ,"(209) Solicitors for the said Peter.Lothar Owen. • of Edna Mary Cork. And I also hereby give notice that such change of name is formally declared and NOTICE is hereby given that by a deed poll dated evidenced by a deed poll under my hand and seal the i8th day of May, 1948,. and duly enrolled in dated the ist day of May, '1948; duly executed and the Supreme Court of. Judicature on the 4th day of .attested, and that such deed poll was enrolled in June, 1948, ARTHUR OWEN 'erf 60 Barn Hill Wem- the Central Office of the Supreme Court of Judica- bley Park in the county of Middlesex Manufacturers ture, on the i6th day of June, 1948.—Dated this ist Agent a naturalized British subject renounced and day of May, 1948. abandoned the surname of Offenstadt and in lieu EDNA MARY HEWARD, formerly Edn a Mary thereof did'assume the surname of Owen.—Dated (88) Cork. . . • ' the -i6th day of June, 1948. . . MANSER PHffiLIPS & CO., Grays Inn Cham- I, RUDOLF FENTON of. 22, Albert Road Whalley ' bers, 20 High Holborn, London, W.C.i, Range Manchester in the county of Lancaster Motor (210) Solicitors fbr the said Arthur Owen. Mechanic a naturalised British -subject, heretofore called and ' known by the name of Rudolf NOTICE is 'hereby given "that by a deed poll dated Friedlanszky hereby give notice that I have re- the i6th day of June 1948 and duly enrolled in the nounced and abandoned the name of Rudolf Supreme Court of Judicature on the ijth day of Friedlanszky and that I have assumed and intend June 1948 HAROLD OAKES' of 14 Southwold Road henceforth on all .occasions whatsoever and at all Clapton London £.5 a naturalised British subject times, rto sign and use and to ,be called and known absolutely renounced and- abandoned, the names of by the name of Rudolf Fenton in lieu of and in Hyman Hitchcovitz and Hyman Cohen and adopted substitution for my former, name of Rudolf the name .of Harold Oakes.—Dated this i7th day of Friedlanszky. And "I also hereby give notice .that June 1948.. ' • such change of formally "declared and ALEC WOOLF.and TURK, 3-4, Clements Inn, evidenced by a deed poll under my hand and seal Strand, W.C.i, Solicitors for the said Harold dated the i2th day of June, 1948, duly executed and (019) Oakes. . , . ' attested, and that such deed .poll was enrolled in the Central Office of the Supreme Court of Judica- NOTICE is hereby given that by a'deed poll dated ture on the i5th day of June, 1948.—Dated this i7th the a8th day of May, 1948, and duly enrolled in day of June, 1948. the Supreme Court of Judicature on.the i5th day RUDQLF FENTON, formerly Rudolf of June, 1948, PAUL WILLIAM SAMEN.GO- (165) Friedlanszky. TURNER of Claires Court Ray Mill Road Maiden^ head in the county of Berks Junior Sales Executive • • AS Solicitors for • and on behalf of Dorothy • a naturalized British subject renounced °and 'aban- Stewart-Brown Beaumont of Hill Croft, Hill Top doned • the . surname of Sainengo 'and adopted the Lane, Pannal in the county of York we hereby give first • names'.of Paul William.—Dated -the i7'th day •notice that on the 14th 'day of June, 1948, as the of June, '1948. - . • ' ' . ' •' : • lawful guardian of ELYOT BEAUMONT 'heretofore M. H. B'RESCH, 265, Strand, W.C.2, Solicitor called and known by the. .name, of Elliot (96) for P. W. Samengo-Turner. • Stewart-Brown." the- -.-said. -Dorothy Stewart-Broyoi •Beaumont .renounced- and "abandoned' the ,use of bis I, DOROTHY .LILIAN. GERTRUDE PARKER -said-surname* of Stewart-Brown and assumed in'lieu of 66 Barnes Park .RoadtSunderland in the'county thereqf .the.surname-of Beaumont.. And further that of Durham,' Spinster; a'natural-born' British subject, sudh change of name is evidenced by a deed dated heretofore called 'and known -toy the-name 'of'Dorothy 5th -day of May,-, 1948,- duly executed by her.and -Lilian Gertrude Street hereby- give '.notice-that I-have attested and. enrolled in the Enrolment Department renounced and abandoned the name of Dorothy-Lilian of-the Central Office, jof the Royal. Courts of Justice Gertrude .Street and^that :I "have"-assumed and -intend •on'the i4th" • : 3666 THE LONDON GAZETTE, 2,2, JUNE, 1948

1 H.M. LAN.D REGISTRY. be deemed to be service of the Bankruptcy Notice Freehold Title No. LN552fo. upon you. The Bankruptcy Notice can be inspected ,288, Woolwich Church Street, Woolwich,.London. . by you- on- application at this Court.—Dated i6th - IT is proposed to issue a new Land Certificate to day of June, 1948. Messrs. R. G. F. Vickery & Co.; of Cranfield Lodge, (217) . ' J. T.-WILSON, Registrar. ' 33, Crook Log, Bexley Heath, Kent, in place of one stated to have been lost. Any person possessing the missing certificate or objecting to the issue of a new one should at once THE LIABILITIES (WAR-TIME notify " H.M. Land Registry, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, W.C.2.": ADJUSTMENT) ACTS, 1941 & 1044. REVOCATION OF PROTECTION ORDER. '•• ' • ' H.M, LANT> REGISTRY. No. 29. CHAIKIN, Harry (otherwise Harold) 19, Freehold Title No. EBiSgz. Long. Acre, W.C.2. BARBER. Date .of Pro- 31, St. Leonards Road, Eastbourne. tection Order—May 28,' 1947. . 'Date Protection IT is proposed to issue a new Charge Certificate to Order Revoked—June n", 1948. Court— Messrs. 'Haslewood, Hare & Co., of 139, Temple . WESTMINSTER. No. of'Matter—0.799. Chambers', Temple Avenue, London, E.C-4, in place of one stated to have been lost. • ADJUSTMENT ORDERS.. Any person possessing the missing certificate or No. 10. AMIES, -Isabel-Duncan (Married Woman), 'objecting' to the issue of a' new one should at once formerly residing at " Redclyffe," 30, Harborne notify " H.M. Land Registry, Lincoln's Inn Fields, ' .• Road, Edgbastoh, Birmingham, in the county London, W.C.2." of Warwick; now residing at 9, Marshall Place, H.M. LAND REGISTRY. ' Perth, Scotland. BOARDING HOUSE Freehold Title No. P577n. KEEPER. Date of Order—June 2, 1948. Court 635, Mitcham Road, Croydon. —BIRMINGHAM. No. of Matter--C.3638. IT is proposed to issue a new Charge Certificate to No. ii... WILDEN-HART, Gladys Marion (Widow), Messrs. C. R. Enever, Freeman & Co., of 8, Buck- known as .Mrs. Wheeler, of • 3, ingham Street, Adelphi, London, W.C.2, in jplape Street, London, W.C.i. Date-of Order—June i, of one stated, to have been lost. 1948. Court—BLOOMSBURY. No. of Any person possessing the missing certificate or Matter—Plaint No. B.H26. L.W.A. Application- objecting to the issue of a new one 'should" at once No. 29 of • 1946 (Central). notify " H.M. Land Registry, Lincoln's .Inn .Fields, No. 12. WATMOUGH, Charles James, 75, Iverson London. W.C.2." Road, Kilburn, N.W.6,.in the county of London. .AERO ENGINE FITTER. Date of Order- CLARA ELIZABETH KEZIA WALLACE, June 4, 1948. Court—MARYLEBONE. No. of Deceased. Matter—C.I&7. 2- of 1947. Pursuant to the Trustee Act, 1925. ' NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having REVOCATION OF ADJUSTMENT ORDER. claims against the estate of the above, late of Sible No. i. 'USHER, Daisy Lillian, Wife of'Stanley Hedingham in the county of Essex (the Wife of Ernest Usher, 4,'Swinbrook Road, North Ken- Oliver Wallace) who died on the 23rd September, sington,, in the county of Middlesex. '1921, and whose Will was proved on the 22nd .Date of Adjustment, Order—Sept. 25, 1947. December, 1921, in the Principal Probate Registry., . Date Adjustment Order Revoked—June 4, 1948. are hereby required to send particulars thereof in Court—MAR.YLEBONE No. of Matter— writing, to us, the undersigned, the Solicitors to C.602. 9, of 1947.' the Public Trustee (the present Trustee of the Will) on or before the i?th day of September, 1948, after ORDERS OF DISCHARGE. ' .which date the said Trustee will proceed to. distri- bute the said estate (which became 'divisible on the No. 70. COUTURIER, Edgar Theodore Marie, 38, death of the said Oliver Wallace on 5th day of Walton Road, Folkestone, Kent. PASTRY- November, 1947) having regard only to .the claims COOK. Date of Order of Discharge—June 8, .then notified.—Dated this I7th day of June, 1948. . 1948. Court—FOLKESTONE. No. of- Matter— STEED and STEED,' Sudbury, Suffolk, A. 2470. •(192) Solicitors to the Public Trustee- No. 71. STEADMAN, .Brian St. Jermain, M.R.C.S, L.R.C.P., B-D-S., L.D.S., 4, Streatleigh'Court, MARY ELLEN HODGE, Deceased. Streatham, S.W.i6. Date of Order of Dis- Pursuant to the.Trustee Act, 1925. charge-^-June 4, 1948. Court—LAMBETH. No. NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having • of Matter—L.A.Y.249- any claim against tne estate of Mary Ellen Hodge . No. 72. STEADMAN, Sydney Francis Jermain deceased late of " Whinfield " No.. 7, Spur Hill .(known as Frank.. St. J. Steadman), D.P-.H.', 'Avenue Parkstorie in the county of Dorset Spinster L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S., L.D.S., 3, Wavertree who died at " Whinfield " No. 7 Spur Hill Avenue Road, Streatham, S.W.i6. - Date of Order of aforesaid on t'tie 2ist day of -November, 1947, are Discharge—June 4, 1948. Court—LAMBETH. hereby required to send particulars thereof in No. of Matter—L.A.W.i8i6. writing to Lloyds Bank Limited Executor and Trustee Department of 45-47 Old Christchurch Road No. 73. McDONALD, . William Charles (now Bournemouth Trustee of the Will of the said Mary deceased), formerly of Tatsfield Cottage, Tats- Ellen Hodge deceased, or to the undersigned, the field, Surrey, retired Indian Civil Servant. Date 'Solicitors to the Trustee "on or before the expiration" of Order of Discharge—June 2, 1948. Court— of two calendar months from the date of the publica- REDHILL. No. of Matter—Y. 130 (L.A.O. tion in which th-is notice appears after which date 79/43- •, T „..-••„. the 'Trustee- will proceed to distribute the said estate; having regard only to the'claims then notified. '—Dated-this igth day of January, 1948.' THE BANKRUPTCY ACTS - ' MAITLAND DURANT and' GRANGE- • - - • • BENNETT, Solicitors for the said Trustee, IQI4 AND 1926. (191) 5. Hinton Road, Bournemouth, Hants.- . . ' • • r ' RECEIVING ORDERS. NO- 515. 'LANG, Samuel David, 'n'6,' Amburst Road, Hackney, E.8. PACKER. 'Court— "• HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. Date of Filing In the High Court of Justice. - - - ' " • Petition—June 14, 1948. No. of Matter—r252 In Bankruptcy.. No.. 500 of 1948. 1 of , 1948,. '. Date of Receiving Order—June 14, In the Matter of a Bankruptcy Notice issued \' , 1948. No. of Receiving Order—175'.' Whether . ori-the iGth-day. of April, 1948. \. Debtor's or Creditor's Petition—Debtor's, . To RE'AD'ER NESS- AND PARTNERS/ Consulting r Engineers,! of ,Trafalgar' House; : Waterloo ' Place, •No. .516.. BURCHELL, Herbert James, ,and ''• London; S.W.i'. " ;" .' " •-"' ''-'.'.' . " BURCHELL, .Geoffrey Herbert, .trading together "•'TAKE notice, that a Bankruptcy.Notice'-ha's been -.•'. in-.-.partnership, as.H. J.. Burchell.'and Son, f - BUILDERS, and. lately residing at .139, Aston issued against you in this Court by Henry .Cavendish ; "Si''54'' Whitelands' House;"King's/Road;.-London, <.-{•>• QUn

14, 1948. No. of Matter—2 of 1948. Date of MERCHANT NAVY MECHANIC, -lately trad- Receiving Order—June 14, 1948. No. of Receiv- ing and carrying on business under the name or ing Order—3. Whether Debtor's 'or Creditor's style of " Cole and Watkins," at 45, Cwmcelyn" Petition—Debtor's. Road, Blaina aforesaid, as Haulage Contractors. Court—TREDEGAR, ABERTILLERY and No. 517. THORNTON, Ena Mary (wife of Lewis BARGOED. Date of Filing Petition—June 17, Thornton), 28, Ivy Avenue, Marton, Blackpool, 1948. No. of -Matter—3. of 1948. Date of in the county of Lancaster. Court—'BLACK- Receiving-Order—June 17, 1948. No. of Receiv- POOL. Date of Filing Petition—June 3, 1948. ing Order—3. Whether Debtor's or Creditor's No. of Matter—12. of 1948. Date of Receiving •Petition—Debtor's. Order—June 17, 194-8. No. of Receiving Order —ii. Whether Debtor's or Creditor's Petition No. 526. RUSSELL, Clive Tinson, 32, Woodville —Creditor's. Act of Bankruptcy Proved in Terrace, (Liverpool 6, late of 10, Harbour View, Creditor's Petition—(Section i-i (G.), Bank- Fowey, Cornwall, lately carrying on business ruptcy Act, 1914. at Log Cabin, Fowey, Cornwall. . CAFE PROPRIETOR.' Court—TRURO and FAL- No. 518. WALTON, Dennis. C., formerly of 2, MOUTH. Date of Filing Petition—June 14, Saint George's Square, Saint Annes-on-the-Sea, 1948. No. of Matter—5 of 1948. Date of in the county of Lancaster, Retired Receiving Order—June 14, 1948. No. of Receiv- HOTELIER, but now of Yew Tree House, ing Order—4. Whether Debtor's or Creditor's Ambleside, in the county of Westmorland. Court 'Petition—Debtor's. —BLACKPOOL. Date of Filing Petition—June 2, 1948. No. of Matter—n of 1948. Date of FIRST MEETINGS AND PUBLIC Receiving Order—June 17, 1948. No. of Re- EXAMINATIONS. ceiving Order—10. Whether Debtor's or Credi- tor's Petition—Creditor's. Act-'of Bankruptcy LANG, Samuel David, 116, Amhurst "Road, Proved in Creditor's Petition—Section i-i (G.), Hackney, E.8. PACKER. Court—HIGH Bankruptcy Act, .1914. COURT OF JUSTICE. No.- of Matter—252 of 1948. Date of First Meeting—June 30, .1948. No. '519. RICH, A. H. (Male), 58, Broadwater 2.30 p.m. Place—Bankruptcy Buildings, Road, Worthing, Sussex. BUSINESS CON- Carey Street, London, W.C.2. Date of Public SULTANT. Court—BRIGHTON and LEWES Examination—Aug. 17, 1948. n a.m. (at Brighton). Date of Filing Petition—March Place—Bankruptcy Buildings, Carey Street/ 24, 1948. No. of Matter-^6 of 1948. Date of London, W.C.2. . Receiving Order—June 16, 1948. No. of Re- • SOMERS, Egerton, 83, Shooters Hill Road, Black- ' ceiving Order—14. Whether Debtor's or Credi- heath, S.E.3, and GIBSON, Bruce Charles tor's Petition—Creditor's. Act of Bankruptcy Reginald, 29, Colbrook Avenue, Hayes, Middle- Proved in Creditor's Petition—Section i-i (G.), sex, lately carrying, on business as Somers Bankruptcy Act, 1914. Gibson & Co. (a Firm), MANUFACTURERS' No. 520. TAYLOR, John Richard, trading as J. R. AGENTS at Fulwood House, Fulwood Place, Taylor & Son, residing and carrying on business Holborn, London. Court—HIGH COURT OF at Yew Tree House, Great Strickland, in the JUSTICE. No', of Matter—116 of 1948. Date county of Westmorland, BUILDING CON- of First Meeting—June 30, 1948. .12 noon. Place. TRACTOR and TAXICAB PROPRIETOR. —Bankruptcy Buildings, Carey Street, • London, Court—CARLISLE. Date of Filing Petition- 'W.C.2. Date of Public Examination—August June 15, 1948. No. of Matter—i of 1948. Date 24, 1948. ii a.m. Place—Bankruptcy Build- of Receiving Order—June 15, 1948. No. of ings, Carey Street, London, W.C.2. Receiving Order—i. Whether Debtor's or Credi- BURCHELL, Herbert James, and BURCHELL, tor's Petition—Debtor's. Geoffrey Herbert, trading together in partner- No. 521. KYLE, Gordon, Longacre, Windlesham, ship as H. J. Burchell and Son, BUILDERS, in the county of Surrey, and c/o Messrs. Groos, and lately residing at 139, Aston Clinton Road, Guest, Lowden & Hazell, of 5-6, Princes Street, Aylesbury, in the county of Buckingham,' and Cavendish Square, London, W.i. TRAVELLER. now of New Road, Weston Turville, in the Court—GUILDFORD. Date of Filing Petition— county of Buckingham. Court—AYLES- April 5, 1948. No. of Matter—31 of 1948'. Date BURY. No.- of Matter—2 of 1948. Date of of Receiving Order—June 57, 1948. No. of First Meeting—July. 2, 1948. 12 noon. Place Receiving Order—3. Whether Debtor's or —20, Eaton Place, London, S.W.i. Date of Creditor's Petition—Creditor's! Act of Bank- Public Examination—Aug. 19, 1948. 2.30 p.m. rutpcy Proved in Creditor's Petition—Section Place—The County Hall, Aylesbury. i-i (G.), Bankruptcy Act, 1914. JOSLING, Douglas Walter, residing and carrying on X OSTo. 522. GOODWIN, Eric, 62, Bollington Road, business at i8, Sunnyside, Bideford, in the near Macclesneld, in the county of Chester. county of Devon, registered in the name of MOTOR ENGINEER. Court—MACCLES- " Orchard Timber Company," Log Dealer, and iFIELD. Date of Filing Petition—June 16, described in the Receiving Order as a COM- • 1948. No. of 'Matter—3 of 1948. Date of Re- PANY DIRECTOR. Court—BARNSTAPLE. ceiving Order—June 16, 1948. No. of Receiving No. of Matter—2 of 1948. Date -of First Meeting Order—2. Whether Debtor's or Creditor's Peti- —June 30, 1948. 11.30 a.m. Place—The Official tion—Debtor's. Receiver's Office, 26, Baldwin Street, Bristol i. Date of Public Examination—July 20, 1948. No. 523.. HORSLEY, Cecil Collin, residing and 2.30 p.m. Place—The Guildhall, Barnstaple. carrying ont business at Upleatham Street, Salt- Date of Order for Summary Administration— burn, in the county of York. WHOLESALE MERCHANT. Court—MIDDLESBROUGH. June 10, 1948. • Date of Filing Petition—May 26, 1948. No. of CHALLIS-ADAMSON, Clifford Vernard, 43, Montrose Matter—2 of 1948.' Date of Receiving Order— Avenue, Whitton, Twickenham, in the county June 18, 1948. No. of Receiving Order—2. of Middlesex. CHINA and'GLASS DEALER. Whether Debtor's or Creditor's Petition— Court—BRENTFORD. No. of Matter—4 of Creditor's. Act of Bankruptcy Proved in' Credi- 1948. Date of First Meeting—July 7, 1948. tor's Petition—Section -i-;i (E.), Bankruptcy 12 noon. Place—20, Eaton Place, London, Act, 1914. S.W.i. Date of Public Examination—Oct. 8, 1948.- ii a.m. Place—The Court House, Half USTo. 524. GREEN, J- (Male), RADIO and ELEC- TRICAL SERVICE, Maurice Road, Carwey Acre, Brentford. Island, Essex. Court—SOUTHEND. Date of •WILSON, Peter John, Avenue Villas, Bath Road, Filing Petition—'April 22, 1948. No. of Matter Cranford', Middlesex. BUTCHER. Court— —31 of 1948. Date of Receiving Order—June -. BRENTFORD. No. of Matter—3 of 11948. 16, 1948. No. of Receiving Order—5.. Whether Date.of First Meeting—July 7,'1948. 11.30 a.m. Debtor's or Creditor's Petition—Creditor's. Act • Place—20, Eaton Place, London, S.W.i. Date of Bankruptcy Proved in Creditor's ' Petition— of Public Examination—Oct. 8, 1948. ii a.m. Section i-i (G.); Bankruptcy Act, 1914. : ' Place—The Court House, Half Acre, Brentford. 'INo. 525. COLE, Ernest, residing at 45, Cwmcelyn TAYLOR, John Richard, trading as- J. R. Taylor Road, Bladna, in the county of 'Monmouth, & Son, residing and carrying on business at Yew Tree'House, Great Strickland, in the county of Unemployed -HAULAGE CONTRACTOR*, and 1 WATKINS, Augustus Edwin, ' 2, Jubilee Westmorland. BUILDING CONTRACTOR and Cottages, Abertillery Road, Blaina aforesaid, TAXICAB PROPRIETOR. Court—CARLISLE. C 3668 THE LONDON GAZETTE; 22 JUNE, ^

'No.'. of ; Matter—I of 1948. Date of First Stratford, London, £.15. "CYCLE "MANUFAC- ' Meeting-^June 30, 1948. 12 noon. Place^— TURER. Court—HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. •Official "Receiver's Office; 14,, Lpwttier Street, ""No." of Matter—129 of 1948. ' Date of/Order— .. Carlisle. Date of Public Examination—July 12, • June 15,. 1948. Date of'Filing Petition—March. • .'.1.948'. 2.30 "p.m. PlaceT-T-Cbunty Court Office, . ".24", .-.1948.-. -'.-.'." . • " • . 39, 'LowtEer Street, -Carlisle..' . " ' . , BURCHELL, Herbert James,; and' BURCHELL, ARMISHAW, " .Horace. 7 'Samuel, 64', ' Styvechale ' .'Geoffrey; Herbert, trading together in partner- -, Avenue, in. the. city, of Coventry, .of no occupa- ; ...ship .as H. J. BurcheU'and'.Son, BUILDERS, tion, formerly BUILDER. Court—COVENTRY. and lately residing at 139,' Aston.Clinton Rpad, , No. of Matter—3 of. 1948. Date of First Meet- Aylesbu'ry, in .the county of Buckingham,, and ing—July 2, 1948:. 11:15 "a.nQL .Place—The now of New -Road, Weston Turville,' in the •.Official Receiver's "Office, rSomerset House, yj, county -of Buckingham. COURT—AYLES- Temple Street, 'Birmingha'm 2'! 'Date of .Public : BURY.- No. of Matter—^ of .1948. Date of Examination—Sept:- 6, 1948. '2'.30 p'.in. Place Order—June 14, 1948. Date" of Filing Petition —The County Hall, Coventry. . ' —June 14, 1948.-' . • 'FREEMAN, Gilbert; Bran'Green, Redmarley, New- ent, in the county .of Gloucester. • TIMBER 'ROLLINGS, Vera, formerly' Vera Cronkshaw, 92, MERCHANT. 'Count—GLOUCESTER (By Woodlands Grove, • -Ansdell, in the county of transfer from High Court of Justice). No. of Lancaster, formerly of the Kingsland Private Matter—4 of 1948. Date of First Meeting— Hotel, Queens Drive, Blackpool, in the said June 30, 1948. 2.30 p.m. Place—The Official .-county., PRIVATE HOTEL PROPRIETOR. Receiver's Office, 26, Baldwin Street, Bristol i. Court—BLACKPOOL., No.' of Matter—9 of Date of Public Examination—July 12, 1948. . 1948. Date of Order—June 18, 1948. .Date of 12 noon. Place—The Shire Hall, Gloucester. Filing Petition—•April 21, 1948. Date of Order for Summary Administration— •COMPTON, Henry Phillip, how residing at 66, June 12, 1948. Brunswick Place, Hove, Sussex, , and -formerly 'MATTHEWS, Beric Charles Maygrove, West Furze- carrying on business at' 94, -Petty France, in the ham House, Station Hill, Brixham, in the city of. Westminster as' a GENERAL MER- county of Devon: MASTER MARINER. Court • '•CHANT, (described' in', the Receiving .Order as —TORQUAY: No: of Matter—3 of 1948. Date H. Philip .Compton, 6, Marlborough Place, of First Meeting—June 30, 1948. 12 noon. • Brighton, in the county of Sussex, Dealer). < . Place—The Official Receiver's Office^ . 26, .Bald- Court—BRIGHTON and LEWES (at Brighton). win Street, Bristol i.. Date • of -Public- Examina- No., of Matter—13. of 1948. . Date of Order— tion—July 27, 1948. 2..I5 p.m. Place—The June 15, 1948. Date of Filing Petition—April County Court Offices, Torquay. 30, I94'8. • RUSSELL, Clive. Tinson,' 32, Woodville Terrace, TAYLOR, John Richard,-' R. Taylor & Liverpool 6, late of 10, Harbour View, Fowey, Son, residing and: carrying on business at Yew Cornwall, and lately carrying on business at Tree House, Great Strickland, in the county of Log, Cabin, Fowey, Cornwall. CAFE PRO- Westmorland. BUILDING CONTRACTOR and PRIETOR. Court—TRURO and FALMOUTH. TAXICAB (PROPRIETOR. Court—CARLISLE. No. of Matter—5' .of 1948. Date of First No. of Matter—i of 1948. Date of Order— • Meeting—July r, 1948. H a.m. Place—Official . -June 15, 1948. Date of Filing Petition—June 15, Receiver's Office, 12, Princes Street, 'Truro. 1948- • ' .' Date of Public Examination—'July 5, 1948. 11:45 a.m. Place—Town Hall, Tiuro. Date • of LITTLEY, Charles Edward, described in the Receiv- Order, for Summary Administration—June 18, ing Order as Littley, C. E. (Male.), 36, Croydon. 19.48- • . • Road, Penge, S.E-.20. BRICKLAYING CON- TRACTOR. Court—CROYDON. No. of Matter PUBLIC EXAMINATION.. —15 of 1948. .Date of Order—June. 18, 1948. •SANT, Frederick, Dunwood Farm, Longsdon, Stoke- . Date of Filing Petition—May 5, 1948. on-Trent, in the county of Stafford. FARMER. .'GOODWIN, Eric, 62, Bollingtbn Road, near Maccles- Court—HANLEY and STOKE-UPON-TRENT field, in ' the county of Chester.' MOTOR ' (By transfer from High Court of Justice).. No. ENGINEER. Court—MACCLESFIELD: No. of -Matter—2A of 1948. Date of Public Exami- . ' of Matter—3 of 1948. Date of Order—June i6f nation—July 22, 1948. 2.30 p.m. Place—The .1948. Date of Filing. Petition—June 16, 1948. 'Town Hall, .Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent. NICHOLL, Jack, 44, Cambridge Road, North • , ADJUDICATIONS. Harrow, in the county of Middlesex, BOOK- •DE BEER, Max, 28, Woodlands, Golders Green, MAKER (described 'in the Receiving. Order as- N.W.n, in the county of London, FINE ART Jack Nicholl,. 44, 'Cambridge Road, North DEALER, carrying on -business at 54, Picca- Harrow, in- the county of Middlesex, Stone- dilly, W.i, in the said county of London. Court Mason). Court—ST. ALBANS. No. of Matter— —HIGH 'COURT OF JUSTICE. No. of Matter •4 of 1948. Date of Order—June 16, 1948.. Date- —211 of 1948. Date of Order—June 14, 1948. • • of Filing Petition—April 23, 1948. Date of Filing Petition—May 19, 1948. ROSE, Francis Edward, described in the Petition as. LANG, Samuel David, 116, Amhurst Road, Hackney, Frank E. Rose, carrying on business as Brittain- . • E.8. PACKER. Court—HIGH COURT OF Rose, 33, St. Vincents Road, Westeliff-on-Sea,. •JUSTICE. No. of Matter—252- of 1948. Date Essex. SURVEYOR. Court—SOUTHEND. • of Order—June 14, 1948. Date of Filing No. of Matter—5 - of 1948. Date of Order— Petition—June 14, 1948. June 14, 1948.' Date of Filing Petition—May 4,. LETTS, Amory Dido, described in the Receiving- 1948. Order as Dallas Amory, SALESMAN, and COLE, Ernest, residing at 45, Cwmcelyn Road, . • lately residing at Flat i, The Browns, Lower Blaina, in the county of Monmouth, UN- Halliford, in -the county of Surrey. Court— EMPLOYED HAULAGE CONTRACTOR, and HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. No. 'of Matter W ATKINS, Augustus Edwin, 2; Jubilee Cottages, —131 of 1948. Date of Order—June 15, 1948. Abertillery Road, Blaina aforesaid, MERCHANT' Date of Filing Petition—April i, 1948. NAVY MECHANIC, lately trading and carrying- on business under the name or style of "'Cole- MAYO, John Owen, residing and carrying on business 1 • at 50, Bushey Avenue, South Woodford, London, and Watkins " at 45, Cwmcelyn Road, Blaina E.i8, BUILDER, described in the Receiving aforesaid, as Haulage' Contractors. Court— Order as J. O. Mayo .(Male), 50, Bushey Avenue, TREDEGAR, ABERTILLERY and BARGOED. No. of Matter—3 of; 1948. Date 'of Order— Wanstead, in the county of Essex; Builder. 1 • ... Court—HIGH'COURT OF JUSTICE. No. of June 17, 1948. Date of Filing Petition —June 17,. • Matter—172 of 1948. Date of Order—June 14, 1948. . ' .: '-• 1948. Date' of Filing Petition—April 22, 1948. .RUSSELL, Clive.'Tinson, 32,' Woodville Terrace, RAMSEYER, Charles, residing at 74, -Knapp Road, . Liverpool 6, late of 10, Harbour View,. Fowey, : Bow, -London, '£.3, • previously 'carrying on ' . Cornwall, lately carrying ori "at Log: business in partnership under the style of Com- : Cabin, Fowey, Cornwall. CAFE PROPRIETOR. mercial Industrial Developments, described in • Court—TRURO and. FALMOUTH. ..No. of ' .the Receiving, Order -as Charles Ramseyer, carry- • . Matter-^-5 of 1948. •. Date of. Order—June, 14, , ing on business at Manoh Works, .Warton Road, 1948.. Date of Filing Petition—June"14,'. 1948.. THE LONDON GAZETTE, 22 JUNE, 1948 3669

WATKINS, Norris Rupert, residing and carrying BOSWORTH, William, ' residing and carrying on on business at 208, London- Road, in the city business at Chapel End Farm, Great Gidding, of Worcester. BUILDER. Court—WORCES- in the county of Huntingdon, FARMER. Court TER. No. of Matter—i of 1948. Date of Order —PETERBOROUGH. No. of Matter—6 of —June 16, 1948. Date of Filing - Petition— 1948. Trustee's Name, Address and Description April 28, 1948. —Beardmore, Lynton George, Market Hill, Huntingdon, Auctioneer, Land and Estate The •following amended notice is substituted for that . Agent. Date of Certificate of Appointment— published in the London Gazette of'May 25, '1948. June 16, 1948. DAVIDOVITCH, David Leib, commonly known as Louis Davidovitch,' and, as Louis Davis, residing INTENDED DIVIDENDS. at 6, Berceau Walk, Watford, in the county of BARNELL, Cyril Phillips, now residing at 43, Hertford, DIRECTOR of a Limited Company Ballards Lane, Finchley, N.3, lately residing and COMMISSION AGENT, lately carrying on at 51, Christchurch Avenue, Brondesbury, both business as L. Dee & Co. at 41, Kings Avenue, in the county of Middlesex and MUNSEY, Watford aforesaid, described in the Receiving Ernest Hensman, 59, Monks Avenue, New Order as Louis Davidovitch, residing, at 6, Barnet, in the county of Herts., Estate Agents, Berceau Walk, Watford, Herts, and carrying on carrying on business at 7, Kimberley Parade, business at 170, Piccadilly, London, W.i. Com- North Finchley, in the county of Middlesex, as mission Agent. Court—HIGH COURT OF JUS- C. Phillips Barnell & Co., ESTATE AGENTS. TICE. No. of Matter—205 of 1948. Date of Court—HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. No. of Order—May 18, 1948. Date of Filing Petition— Matter—632 of 1938. Last Day for Receiving May 18, 1948. Proofs—July 6, 1948. Name of Trustee and Address—Cresswell, William. Foy, Bankruptcy APPLICATIONS FOR DISCHARGE. Buildings, Carey Street, London, W.C.2, Senior PARRIS, Eric Herbert, at present serving in H.M. Official Receiver. Army described in ithe Receiving Order as Eric CAUSLEY, Philip Lloyd, 37, St. Georges Road, Parris, lately residing at 125, Pollards Hill Hampstead, London, N.W. Court—HIGH South, Norbury, London. Court—HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. No. of Matter-^* of COURT OF JUSTICE. No. of Matter—180 of 1924. Last Day for Receiving Proofs—July 6, 1943. Day Fixed for Hearing—July 6, 1948. 1948. Name of Trustee and Address— ii a.m. Place—Bankruptcy Buildings, Carey Cresswell, William Foy, 'Bankruptcy Buildings, Carey Street, London, W.C.2, Senior Official Street, London, W.C.2. Receiver. McINTOSH, Arthur, residing at 5, Fern Avenue, CONWAY, Garnet John Philip (formerly 2nd Fern Street, and lately residing and carrying Lieutenant East Yorkshire Regiment) formerly on business at 91, Waterloo Street, both in the stationed and residing at Lucknow, India, and city and - county of Kingston-upon-Hull, lately of Tregenna Farm, Portloe, Truro, BUTCHER. Court—KINGSTON-UPON-HULL. Cornwall, but whose present address the judg- . No. of Matter—4 of 1932. Date Fixed for ment creditor is unable to ascertain, a domiciled Hearing—July 16, 1948. 10 a.m. Place—The Englishman. Court—HIGH COURT OF Guildhall, Kingston-upon-Hull. ' JUSTICE. No. of Matter—10221 of 1934. Last Day for Receiving Proofs—July 6, 1948. Name ORDERS MADE ON APPLICATIONS FOR of Trustee and Address—Cresswell, William Foy, DISCHARGE. Bankruptcy Buildings, Carey Street, London, WHITEHEAD, Ronald, residing .and carrying on W.C.2, Senior Official Receiver. business at 219, High Street, Scunthorpe, in the SELF, Albert Marshall, residing at 869, High Road, county of Lincoln. WHOLESALE TOBAC- Leytonstone, E.II, lately carrying on business at CONIST and CONFECTIONER. Court—GREAT 58-60, James Street, Bethnal Green, E.2. GRIMSBY. No. of Matter—30 of 1933. Date UPHOLSTERER. Court—HIGH COURT OF of Order—May 26, 1948. Nature of Order made JUSTICE. No. of Matter—1043 of 1928. Last —Bankrupt's discharge suspended for one month, Day for Receiving (Proofs—July 9, 1948. Name and that he be discharged as from June 26, of Trustee and Address—Langmaid, Frederick 1948. Grounds named in Order for refusing an Harold, Bankruptcy Buildings, Carey Street, absolute Order of Discharge—Proofs of Facts London, W.C.2, Official Receiver. mentioned in Section 26, sub-section 3 (A., C. and D.), Bankruptcy Act, 1914, as amended by WARD, Ada Virginia, i, Cresswell Gardens/ Earls Section i of the Bankruptcy (Amendment) Act, Court, London, S.W.5 (Married Woman), 1926. APARTMENT HOUSE MANAGERESS, de- scribed in the Receiving Order as V. Ward HUGHES, Richard, 11, St. Clements Road, Ney- (Married Woman), Lady of Means. Court— land, in the county of Pembroke. BUILDER HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. No. of Matter— and CONTRACTOR. Court—HAVERFORD- 245 of 1947. Last Day for Receiving Proofs— WEST. No. of Matter—i of 1936. Date of July 6, 1948. Name of Trustee and Address— Order—May 19, 1948. Nature of Order made— Cresswell, William1 Foy, Bankruptcy Buildings, Bankrupt's discharge suspended for twelve Carey Street, London, W.C.2, Senior Official months, and that he be discharged as from Receiver. May 19, 1949. Grounds named in Order for- refusing an absolute Order of Discharge—Proofs TABOR, Bertie George, 24, Hooper Street, Cam- of Facts mentioned in Section 26, sub-section 3 bridge, Bus Conductor, formerly residing at 42, (A., B., C. and K.), Bankruptcy Act, 1914, as Hills Avenue, Cambridge, and carrying on busi- amended by Section i of the Bankruptcy ness at 144, Gwydir Street, Cambridge, as a (Amendment) Act, 1926. GROCER. Court—CAMBRIDGE. No. of Mat- ter—4 of 1947. Last Day for Receiving Proofs APPOINTMENTS OF TRUSTEES. —July 10, 1948. Name of Trustee and Address —Cheek, Arthur Thomas, 41, Sidney Street, CRONK9HAW, Emily (Wife of Edmund Cronk- Cambridge, Official- Receiver. shaw), of Kingsland Private Hotel, Queens SUGARMAN, Judah (described in the Receiving Drive, Blackpool, in the county of Lancaster, Order as J. Sugarman, Male), 24, Willow Walk, PRIVATE HOTEL PROPRIETRESS. Court Rushey Green, Catford, Kent. . CONFEC- —BLACKPOOL. No. of Matter—6 of 1948. 1 1 TIONER. Court—GREENWICH. No. of Trustee's Name, Address and Description- —: Matter—2 of 1933. Last Day for Receiving Webster, William Leslie, 156, Church Street, Proofs—July 6, 1948'. Name of Trustee and Blackpool, Incorporated Accountant. Date of Address—-Clarke, John- Melville, 20, Eaton Place, Certificate of Appointment—June 17, 1948. London, S.W:i, Official Receiver. HUGHES, Raymond Luther, 35, Rhosmaen Street, Llandilo, in the county of Carmarthen, and WATSON, Roderick Arthur Cochrane, The Old Rec- carrying on business at 35, Rhosmaen Street, tory, Tewin, in the county of Hertford. Present Llandilo'aforesaid! STATIONER and FANCY occupation unknown. Court—HERTFORD. No. GOODS DEALER and FIREWOOD DEALER. of Matter—i of 1947. Last Day for Receiving Court—CARMARTHEN. • No. of Matter—3 of Proofs—July 17, 1948. Name of Trustee and 1948. Trustee's Name, Address and Description Address—Will, John Alan Chisholm, 122 ,Shaftes- —Wheeler, 'Percy Victor, Commerce House, bury Avenue, London, W.i. George Street, Llandilo, Incorporated Account- FOOTE, Edward, described in the Receiving Order ant. Date of Certificate of Appointment— as Edward Foote and' Sons (a firm), Goonlaze June 16, 1948. House, St. Agnes, Cornwall,- and Alexandra C 2 3670 THE LONDON GAZETTED 22 JUNE, .1948 Works, Alexandra Road, Addlestone, in the'county WADDELL, Archibald £dwin, Court Lodge Farm, of Surrey, MANUFACTURER and CONTRAC- Ruckin'ge, near Ashford, -in the 'county of Kent. TOR, lately carrying on business at Alexandra LANDOWNER. Court-M:ANTERBURY. No. Works, Alexandra Road, Addlestone aforesaid. ! ' of Matter—16 'of 1947. Amount.per £—203. od. Court—KINGSTON-UPON-THAMES. No. of 'and 4 per cent.1 statutory •interest: First or Matter—7 of '1942. Last Day for Receiving Final, or otherwise—First and Final.. When Proofs—July 8, 1948^ Name of .Trustee and Payabler^-July i, 1948. 'Where Payable—The Address—Macleod, Torquil John Murdoch, 4, Official Receiver's .Office, i, The Parade, Bucklersbury, London, E.C.4- • - - : • • Canterbury. SPENCER, Eric Allan (in the Receiving'Order called COLLIS, . William Henry, .'residing at 40, Hulse E. A. Spencer (Male)), 15, Roland .Avenue, • Street, Fenton, Sfoke-on-Trent, in the county . Mapperley, in the county of Nottingham, and of Stafford, and carrying on business at 59, lately carrying on business or -residing af 15, King Street, Fenton, Stoke-on-Trent aforesaid. Roland Avenue aforesaid, as a COMMERCIAL ELECTRICAL ENGINEER. Court—HANLEY TRAVELLER. Court—NOTTINGHAM. No. and STOKE-UPON-TRENT.' No. of Matter— of "Matter—3 of 1948. Last Day for Receiving i of 1948. Amount per £—io£d. First or Final, Proofs—July 7, 1948. Name of Trustee and or otherwise—First and Final. When Payable— Address—Rogers," Alfred Joseph, 22, Regent . July 6, 1948. Where Payable—The Official • • Street, Park Row, Nottingham, Official Receiver. Receiver's Office, 12, Lonsdale Street, Stoke- CALCRAFT, Gibson, 39, Churchill Street, Oldham, upon-Trent. • in the county of Lancaster, CONTRACTOR METCALFE, Walter, Stone Close, Queen Parade, (trading under the 'style or firm of Joseph Harrogate, in the county of York. COM- Calcraft & Son). - Court—OLDHAM. No. of MERCIAL REPRESENTATIVE. Court— Matter—2 of 1914. Last Day for- Receiving HARROGATE. No. of Matter—2 of 1942. Proofs—July 6, 1948. -Name of "Trustee" and Amount per £—zs. 8d. First or Final, or other- • Address—Ormrod, Fred Carter, 20, Byrom wise—rFirst an'd Final/* When.Payable—July 26, Street, Manchester, Official Receiver. 1948. . Where Payable—Official Receiver's MERCHANT, Wilfred Wallace, 9, Little Ash- Office, 29,' East Parade, Leeds, i. Gardens, Saltash Passage, St. Budeaux, ' Plymouth, and formerly 9, -Darwen Crescent, COOKE, Albert;Arthur, residing and carrying on Riverview Estate, Laira, Plymouth. BUILDER. •.business at'33, The Crescent, Congleton, in the Court—PLYMOUTH. No. of Matter—i of county of Chester. POTATO MERCHANT. 1940. Last Day for Receiving Proofs—July 7, Court—MACCLESFIELD. .No. of Matter—7 of 1948. Name of Trustee and Address—Goodman, 1926. Amount per £— is. n£d. First or Final, Felix Beresford, 24, Lockyer Street, Plymouth, or otherwise—Supplemental. , When Payable— Official Receiver. July 3, 1948. Where Payable—The Official PARSONS, Charles, formerly of Canworthy Water, Receiver's Office, 12, Lonsdale Street, Stoke- in the parish of Warbstow, in the county' of upon-Trent. Cornwall. . CATTLE DEALER. Court— . CHAPMAN, Walter,. residing at 19, Grange Avenuet PLYMOUTH. No. of Matter—n of 1932. Last Scarborough, in the county of York, and carry- Day for Receiving Proofs—July 7, 1948. Name ing ^on business at .I7A, Victoria- Road, Scar- of Trustee and • Address—Goodman, • Felix borough aforesaid. GROCER. Court—SCAR- Beresford, 24, Lockyer Street, Plymouth, Official BOROUGH. No., of Matter—17 of 1939. Receiver. Amount per £—55. 6d. First or Final, or other- GATES, Charles Harold, The Clarendon Hotel, wise—Supplemental. When Payable—July 12, Gravesend, in the county of Kent. PORT OF 1948. Where Payable^—Official Receiver's Office, LONDON PILOT. Court—ROCHESTER (by- • 29, East Parade, Leeds i. transfer from High Court of Justice). No. of The following amended notice'is substituted for that Matter—3 of 1948. Last Day, for Receiving' published in the London Gazette of April 20, Proofs—July 9, 1948.. Name of Trustee and '1948. Address—Lander, Arthur Malcolm,. 28oA, High TAYLOR, Russell Alfred,, residing at 6, Ashvale Street, Rochester, Official Receiver. Road,' Tooting in the county of London, and MARKS, Jack, .residing at 72, Plymouth Road, carrying on business at Rose Hill, London Road, Penarth, in the county of Glamorgan, Agent, Suttaq in .the county of London. COLD and MARKS, Margaret Joan (his wife), of the STORAGE CONTRACTOR. Court—WANDS- same address, formerly residing at Crest WORTH. No. of Matter—2 of 1928.. Amount Bank, Lea Road, Dronfield, in the. county of per £—i id. (making 203.) and 4 per cent. Derby, and carrying on business together in Statutory Interest. First or Final, or otherwise co-partnership under the style or firm of —Supplemental. When Payable—April 30, " Marshall & Robinson," at'• 49, Chesferfield 1948. Where Payable—Official Receiver and Road," and i, Arthington Street, both jn the Trustee, 20,.Eaton Place, London, S.W.i. city of Sheffield, as FANCY GOODS DEALERS. (Joint Estate.) Court—SHEFFIELD. No. of Matter—i of 1947. ' Lasf Day for Receiving ORDERS ANNULLING, REVOKING, OR Proofs—July 7, 1948. Name of Trustee and • RESCINDING ORDERS. Address—Greenwood, William Ernest, 55, Queen HUGHES, Mabel Mary Bessemer (Widow), 7, Queens Street, Sheffield, Official Receiver. Gate Place, London, S.W.7, described in the MARKS, Margaret Joan. (Separate Estate.) Court ' Receiving Order as of and residing at 35, Argyll —SHEFFIELD. No. of Matter—i of 1947. Mansions, Kensington, London, W.I4. Of Last Day for Receiving Proofs—July 7, 1948. no ' occupation. . Court—HIGH COURT OF Name of Trustee and Address—Greenwood, JUSTICE. No. of Matter—122 of 1943- William! • Ernest,. 55, Queen Street,' Sheffield, Nature and Date off Order Annulled, Official'Receiver. •*- Revoked or Rescinded—Order of Adjudica- DIVIDENDS. -. . tion • dated Feb. . 27, ' 1945, annulled. .BELLAMY, Francis Harrison, temporarily residing . Receiving Order dated Aug. 23, 1944, rescinded, at 65, • St. George's Square,. London, S.W.i, Petition filed Sept. 7, 1943, dismissed. Date described in the Receiving Order as- F. H. . • of Annulment, Revocation or Rescission—June 4, Bellamy (Male), 15, .Rectory Chambers, Church . 1948. Grounds of Annulment, Revocation or • ' Street, Chelsea, London, S.W. COMMISSION . Rescission—It appearing, to the satisfaction of AGENT. Court—HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. • the Court that all the debts of the Debtor have .•No. of Matter-—1027 of 1936. Amount'per £— been paid in full. 2OS. pd. and 4 per cent, statutory interest. First ISRAEL, Jacob Leslie, described in the Receiving or Final, or otherwise—First and Final. When Order .as Israel, 'Jack Leslie, 64, Maida Vale, Payable—July 6, 1948.' Where Payable—Bank- W., in the county of London. FRUIT BUYER. .ruptcy Buildings, Carey Street, London, W.C.2. Court—HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. No. of . HACKER, Paul, 60, Princess. Court, Queensway, Matter—540 of 1934. Nature and Date of Order W.2, in the-county, of London. COMMERCIAL Annulled. Revoked or Rescinded—Order of TRAVELLER. Court—HIGH COURT OF JUS- Adjudication dated June 7,'' 1943, annulled, TICE. No. of Matter—116 of 1947. Amount Receiving Order 'dated June 7, 1934. rescinded, per £—3d. First or 'Final, • or otherwise—First '. Petition filed June 7, 1934, dismissed. Date of and Final. When. Payable—July i, 1948. Annulment, Revocation or Rescission—June 4, Where Payable-^-Bankruptcy Buildings, Carey '••1948. Grounds of Annulment, Revocation -or Street, London, W.C.2. Rescission—It -appearing -to' the satisfaction of THE LONDON GAZETTE, 22 JUNE, 1948 3671

the Court that the Official Receiver has sufficient FIRST MEETINGS. •monies in his hands to pay the debts of the Name of Company—ALECO PRODUCTS Limited. Debtor in full. Address of Registered Office—Portland House, SMITH, Frederick Charles Hornsby, 13, Eastfield 73, Basinghall Street, London, E.C.2. Court— Avenue, Richmond, Yorks. Court—NORTH- - HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. No. of Matter— ALLERTON. No. of Matter—7 of 1935. 00328 of 1948. Creditors—Date, July 2, 1948; Nature and Datt of Order Annulled, Revoked Hour, 11.30 a.m.; Place, Columbia House, 4th or Rescinded—Order of Adjudication dated. Floor, Aldwych, London, W.C.2. Contributories Sept. 16, 1935, annulled. Date of Annulment, —Date, July 2, 1948; Hour, 12 noon; Place, Revocation or Rescission—June 3, 1948. Columbia House, 4th Floor, Aldwych, London, Grounds of Annulment, Revocation or Rescission W.C.2. —All debts have been paid in full. Name of Company—MODEL EXHIBITIONS,. Limited. Address of Registered Office—Com- Pursuant to the Act 'and Rules, notices to the monwealth House, High Holborn, and New above effect have been received by the Board of , W.i. Court—HIGH COURT OF Trade. • JUSTICE. No. of Matter—00178 of 1948. c. R. BRUCE PARK; Creditors—Date, July 2, 1948; Hour, 2.45 p.m.; Inspector-General in Bankruptcy. Place, Columbia House, 4th Floor, Aldwych, London, W.C.2. Cbntributories—Date, July 2, ' ' 1948; Hour, 3.15 p.m.; Place, Columbia House, 4th Floor, Aldwych, London, W.C:2. THE COMPANIES ACTS. Name of Company—REGIONAL DISTRIBUTING WINDING-UP ORDERS. COMPANY Limited. Address of Registered Name of Company—ALFRED E. CLARK, Limited. Office—281, Gray's Inn Road, Kings Cross, Address of Registered Office—80, Whittington W.C.i. Court—HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. Avenue, Hayes, Middlesex. Court—HIGH No. of Matter—00272 of-1948. Creditors—Date, COURT OF JUSTICE. No. of Matter—00319 June 30, 1948;* Hour, 2.30 p.m.; Place, of 1948. Date of Order—June 14/1948. Date Columbia House, 4th Floor, Aldwych, London, of Presentation of Petition—May 18, 1948. W.C.2. Contributories—Date, June 30, 1948; Hour, 3 p.m.; Place, Columbia House, 4th Floor, Name of Company—The ERALITE MANUFAC- Aldwych, London, W.C.2. TURING COMPANY Limited. Address of Name of Company—The SOUTH WALES Registered Office—194, Broadway, Wimbledon, MODELLERS COMPANY Limited. Address of S.W.i9. Court—HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. Registered Office—61-62, Wind Street, Swansea. No. of Matter—00224 of 1948. Date of Order Court—HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. No. of —June 14, 1948. Date of Presentation of Matter—00276 of 1948. Creditors—Date, June Petition—April 9, ,1948. 29, 1948; Hour, 12 noon; Place, The Official Name of Company—HAYES BROTHERS Limited. Receiver's Office, Government Buildings,. 10, St. Address of Registered Office—108, Regents Park . Mary's Square, Swansea. Contributories—Date, Road, London, N.W.r. Court—HIGH. COURT June 29, 1948; Hour, 12.30 p.m.; Place, The OF JUSTICE. No. of Matter—00350 of 1948. Official Receiver's Office, Government Buildings, Date of Order—June 14, 1948. Date of Presen- 10, St.- Mary's Square, Swansea. tation of Petition—May 28, 1948. Name of Company—TURRELL'S (CATFORD) Limited. Address of Registered Office—Farley Name of Company—M. 'B. BOUNDS & SON, Road, Catford, 'London, S.E. Court—HIGH Limited. Address 6f Registered Office—2, Gaza COURT OF JUSTICE. -No. of Matter^—00301 Street, New Street, Kennington Park Road, of 1948. Creditors—Date, July i, 1948; Hour, London, S.E.iy. Court—HIGH COURT OF 11.30 a.m.; Place, Columbia House,' 4th Floor, . JUSTICE. No. of Matter—00353 of 1948. Aldwych, London, W.C.2. Contributories— Date of Order—June 14, 1948. Date of Presen- Date, July i, 1948; Hour, 12 • noon; Place, tation of Petition—June i, 1948. Columbia House, 4th Floor, Aldwych, London, Name of Company—MORRIS BRITISH W.C.2. WOODRIMS Limited. Address of Registered INTENDED DIVIDEND. Office—8, Silver Street, Enfield, Middlesex. Court—HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. No. of Name of Company—The CITY OF LONDON Matter—00351 of 1948. Date of Order—June BUILDING SOCIETY. Address of Registered 14, 1948. Date of Presentation of Petition— • Office—Drayton House, Gordon Street, W.C.i. Court—HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. No. of May 31, 1948. Matter—0093 of 1938. Last Day for Receiving Name of Company—-NEW TEACHING Limited. Proofs—July 9, 1948. Name of Liquidator-^ Address of . Registered Office—32, Chryssell Stewart Cole. Address—18; Essex Street, Road, London, S.W.g. Court—HIGH .COURT Strand, London, W.C.2. OF JUSTICE: No. of Matter—00355 of 1948. Date of Order—June .14, 1948. Date of Presen- DIVIDENDS. tation of Petition—June 2, 1948. Name of Company—CATERING MANAGEMENT Name of Company—SYNTHETICS (LONDON) Limited. Address of Registered Office—42, Limited. Address of Registered Office—26-7, Bruton Place, Berkeley Square, in the county of Castlereagh Street, London, W.i. Court— London. Court—HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. No. of Matter— No. of Matter—0014 of 1944. Amount per £— 00343 °f 1948. Date of Order—June 14, 1948. is. od. First and Final or otherwise—First and Date of Presentation of Petition—May 27, 1948. Final. When Payable—July 13, 1948. Where Payable—2 and 3, Duke Street, St. James's, Name of Company—ULTRA PRODUCTS & London, S.W.i. PLASTIC DEVELOPMENT, Limited. 'Address Name of Company—HAYMARKET EQUIPMENT of Registered Office—237, Acton Lane, Acton COMPANY Limited. Address of Registered Green, London, W.4. Court—HIGH COURT Office—52A, Ledbury Road, W.n, in the county OF JUSTICE. No. of Matter—00340 of 1948. of London. Court—HIGH COURT OF Date of Order—June 14, 1948. Date of Presen- JUSTICE. No. 'of Matter—0069 of 1942. tation of Petition—May 26, 1948. Amount per £—73. 6d. First and Final, or Name of Company—WHILEY BROS. (LEEDS) otherwise—First. When Payable—July 2," 1948. Limited. Address of Registered Office—Central . Where Payable—At the Office of the Liquidator, Hall Buildings, South Road, Southall, Middle- 185-188, High Holborn, London, W.C.i. sex. Court—HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. No. of Matter—00342 of 1948. Date of Order —June 14, 1948. Date of Presentation of Pursuant to the Companies (Winding-up) Act, Petition—May 27, 1948. 1890, and the Companies (Consolidation) Act, 1908, and the Companies Act, 1929, and the Name of-Company—JOHN RAYMOND (ELEC- Rules thereunder, notices to the above effect TRICAL) Limited. Address of Registered Office have been received by the Board of Trade. —213-214, High Street, Cheltenham. Court— CHELTENHAM. No. of Matter—i of 1948. E. H. MARKER, Date of Order—June 8, 1948. Date of Presenta- Under-Secretary, Insurance and Companies tion of Petition—May 14, 1948. Department, Board of Trade. NOTICES UNDER THE TRUSTEE ACT, 1925 S. 27 to NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to S. 27 of the Trustee Act 1925 that all persons having claims against the estate of any of the deceased persons whose names and addresses are set out in the first columns of the following Table are hereby required to send- particulars in writing of their respective claims to the person or persons whose names and addresses are set opposite the name of the deceased'person in"the third column of the Table and to send such.particulars on. or before the date specified in relation to that deceased person in the.fourth column of the said Table, after which date the personal representatives will distribute the estate among the .persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which particulars in writing -shall have been "given as aforesaid and will not be liable for the assets of the deceased or any part thereof so distributed to any person of whose claim they shall not then have had notice:— • . .

Names, addresses and descriptions of'Persons to whom notices of. claims are to be Date on or before which Name of Deceased Address; -description and date of death of Deceased notices of claim to be ('Surname first) given and names, in parentheses, .of Perso'nal Representatives . given

W EARDLEY-RUSSELL, Marylands, Kingston!, Colchester, Essex, Widow, Barclays Bank Ltd., Trustee Department, 37, King William-.Street,-.London, E.'C.4, 3ist August, 1948 • • - Aurea Louisa Harriet. Justice of the Peace. 4th April, 1948. or Jones & Son, Town Hall Chambers, Colchester. . . (003) S GRAZIER, Charlotte St. Just Lane, near Truro, Cornwall, Widow. loth Lloyds Bank Limited, Executor and Trustee Department, 8, Boscawen Street, Truro, "23rd August, 1948 •* Mary Louisa. June, 1948. Cornwall, or.Sitwell Harvey & Money, 2, Princes Street, Truro, Solicitors. - • (004) .0 o COOPER, Ellen 85, Shrewsbury Avenue, Kenton, Middlesex. 2Oth Wright & Bull, 25, Old Buildings, Lincoln's Inn, London, W.C.2, Solicitors 26th August, 1948 (005) \ March, 1948. o* DERGES, Samuel Lower Rbcombe, Stokeinteignhead, Devon, 'Farmer. Chilcoirt Pearse & Barker, Tavistock, Solicitors. (John Derges) ..." is't September, 1948 22nd May, 1948. (006) DOWSON; Leonard " Doon Brae," Pennington Road, Southborough, Walker Templer & Thomson, 130, High Street, Tonbridge, Kent, Solicitors. (Douglas 25th August, 1948 Joseph. Kent, Retired Draper., gth April,. 1948. Scott Thomson and William Tristan Templer-.) • : _ (007) •£ -DAVEY, Samuel 5, College Terrace, formerly 346, Regents Park Road, Chambers Garnett & Lambert, 375A; Regents Park Road, Finchley, N.3-, -' Solicitors. 22nd August, M948 Greenslade. both at Finchley, Middlesex, Master Butcher (John -William Davey.) . - . - • " • (008) N> (Retired). 2ist January, 1948. K> Lrrr, John Percy ".- ... " The Nook," Clifton Drive, Ansdell, Lytham St. May, Hairier & Park, 47, Queen Street, Blackpool, Solicitors. (James • Edward Hamer 3ist August, 1948 .- Annes/ formerly of " Windside," Clifton Drive .and George Hard wick Matterson.) . ' . (009) South; , Lytham St. Annes, Medical Officer of Health. 25th May, 1947. w TAYLOR, . William John " Chantmarle," Lester Road, .Poole, Dorset, Retired Trevanion & Curtis, 87, High Street, Poole, Dorset, Solicitors. • (Hilda Brewer) 23rd August, 1948 H Army Captain. 22nd May, 1948. • . (oiq) S • . t - •oo BRADFIELD, Thomas ... Neville Stables, Lewes, Sussex. 8th January, 1947 Lewis, Holraan .& Lawrence, 86, High Street, Lewes, Sussex, Solicitors ... •.,.' 23rd August,' 1948 (OIT) • MALLANDAINE, Edith. ... 5, Carysfort Road, Boscombe, Bournemouth, Maslen & Maslen, 596, Christchurch Road, Bournemouth, Solicitors. (Florence Ada 22nd August, 1948 Spinster. 2nd February, 1948. Hicks.) . (012) GODDARD, Thomas The Bungalow, Kents Green, near Newent,. Glos, Franklin & Jones, Westgrove Chambers, 15, St. Johns Lane, Gloucester, "Solicitors. 24th August, 1948 - Retired Police Officer. 25th November, 1947. (Hubert Leonard -Roberts and- Arthur Edward Smith.) - - . (613) BOOTH, Colin "The Hen and Chickens" Hotel, 3, Castle Green, Ayrton, Eccles & Co., 17, Bank Street, Sheffield, Solicitors. (Alice Booth and Lewis ist September, 1948 ' Sheffield, Licensed Victualler. 29th November, Moulden.) * , (014) 1947- ' Name of Deceased Names, addresses and descriptions of Persons to whom notices of claims are to be Date on or before which (Surname first) • ' Address, description and date of death of Deceased . given and names, in parentheses, of Personal Representatives notices of claim to be given

BROWN, Michael . 22, Howard Street, Bradford, Master Painter and J. Eaton & Co., 48, Market Street, Bradford, Solicitors. (Florence England) ... 3ist • August, 1948 Decorator, gth September, 1947. (043) HARRIS, Thomas William 1051, Bolton Road, Bradford, Retired Civil Servant-. Herbert Duxbury, 15, Sunbridge Road, Bradford, Solicitor 25th August, 1948 i6th. November, 1947. (044) RIDLEY, Edward •j, Durham Road, Leadgate, Co. Durham, Retired Swinburne & Jackson, 2, Edith Street, Consett, Co. Durham, Solicitors. (Vivian 3ist August, 1948 Butcher. 6th November, 1947. Horswill Jackson and Sarah Ethel Johnson.) (945) a 'PHILLIPS, Amy Vrondeg Hall, near Wrexham, Denbighshire, Widow. Hooson & Hughes, 24, Egerton Street, Wrexham, Solicitors. (Keri Harris Hughes and 6th September, 1948 w Elizabeth. 18th January, 1948. Percy Edwards.) (046) ' TABOR, Kate Emilie ... " Ingicdene," Brickley Lane, • Devizes, Wiltshire, National Provincial Bank Limited, Trustee Branch, 7, Water Street, Liverpool 2, or 2nd September, 1,948 i Spinster. 2ist March, 1948. Brooks Marshall Moon & Co., 29, Brown Street, Manchester 2,' Solicitors. (04?) o SMALL, Albert William 8, Beech Hill Road,.Wyldc Green, Sutton Coldfield, 'G. T. Smith & Lyde, 37, Temple Row, Birmingham, Solicitors. (Gertrude Annie 3ist August, 1948 o Warwickshire, Manufacturing Jeweller. 25th June, Small, Gerald Wilson Harwood, George Charles King and Hugh Stanley MacTier.) (065) 1947- HARTON, Genevieve 20, Vesey Road, Sutton Coldfield, Warwickshire. G. T. Smith & Lyde, 37, Temple Row, Birmingham 2, Solicitors. (Charles Henry 3rd September, 1948 Hilda. • 25th June, 1946. Harton, Herbert William Lyde and Edward Herbert Lyde.) (066)

NOWILL, Hereward Ty-Gwyn, Cwm Road, near Rhuddlari, N. Wales, Westminster Bank Ltd., Trustee Department, 20, Castle Street, Liverpool 2, or J. W. ist September, 1948 Victor. Smallholding Farmer, nth June, 1948. Jessop, 37, Temple Row, Birmingham 2, Solicitor. (Westminster Bank Ltd. and (069) Joseph Wilfrid Jessop.) " • ' • •-.--.. S .K> REECE, Frank Arthur ... Ridgecote, Dawstone • Road, Heswa'll, ' Cheshire, Field Lindsay & Davie, 19, Church, Street, Liverpool i, .Solicitors. /Rollo Christison 23rd August, 1948 Gentleman. 24th December, 1947. ; Lindsay and Arthur Malcolm' Reece.) • ' . - (070) <—( -.£! GODDARD, Arthur " Maycott," 43, Hinckley Road, Leicester Forest Sydney Payne and Troath, 9, Pocklingtons Walk, Leicester, Solicitors. (Westminster 3oth August, 1948 East, Leicestershire, C9mmission Agent. 8th Bank Ltd.) •' • • • (071) -W April, 1948. H 1 29, St. Martins Road, Stockwell, London, S.W.g. Scott & Son, 317, High Holborn, W..C.I, Solicitors. (Westminster. Bank Ltd. and ;3ist August, 1.948: HEAGARTY, • Isabella '.'.. OO I9th May, 1948. Connie Mabel Bevis.) ,(07.2) SYMONS,. Jane ".'.. ' "... 20, Francis Road, Bedminster, Bristol, Widow.- 4th Benson, Carpenter, Cro'ss & Co.7 40, Corn Street, Bristol i; Solicitors; -(National 30th August; 1948' April, 1948. Provincial Bank Ltd., Trustee Department.) ' (073) .MEYER, Gertrude Max... Route 2, Box 787, Beavertbn, Washington, County National Provincial Bank Limited, Trustee Department, 32 Charles II Street, St. 23rd August, 1948. Oregon, United States of America, Widow. 22nd • James's Square, S.W.i, of Bartlett West & McLoughlin, 9, Old'Square,'Lincoln's (074) October, 1946. Inn, W.C.2, -Solicitors. .._.'. i HUTCHINS, William 12, Minehead Road, Streatham, S.W.i6, Retired Westminster Bank, Ltd., Trustee Dept., 53, Threadneedle Street, London, E.G.2 ... 28th August, 1948 '. . Departmental Manager, -ist April, 1948. (075) Name of Deceased Names, addresses and descriptions of Persons to whom notices of claims are to be Date 'on or before which (Surname first) Address, description' and date of death of Deceased given and names, in parentheses, of Personal Representatives notices of claim ' given

BOLLOCK, Frederick 34," Chalton Street, St. Pancras, Middlesex, The Treasury Solicitor, Storey's Gate, St. James's Park, London,. S.W.i • I5th September, 1948 George (otherwise Widower. 27th November, 1947. SMITH, Frederick).

BELL, Edward ..." Bank House Cottage, Felton Morpeth, Northumber- C. D. Forster & Lester, 51, Grainger Street,.Newcastle-upon:Tyne. Solicitors ...... ist September, 1948 land, Retired Farmer, nth June, 1948. (023) STOREY; Henry .... .;. Hillside, Rothbury, Northumberland, -Retired C. D,'Forster & Lester, 51, Grainger Street, Newcastle-upon-Ty-ne, Solicitors ... ist September, 1948 Farmer. 9th June, .1948. -(024) aw BROWNE, Frederick 19, Winchester Road, Worthing, Sussex, Gentleman. Malcolm, Wilson & Cobby, i, Highworth, Worthing, Sussex, Solicitors. (Public 23rd August, 1948 •Cecil.' 16th February, 1948. . . Trustee.) . ., • • . . ' - - ' (025) s PINNOCK, William 22, .Fairfield Parade,. Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, McLaren' Jeens & Seacome, 24, Clarence Street, Cheltenham, Solicitors. (Agnes Harriett 26th August, 1948 Retired Statibnmaster. 9th March, 1948. Pinnock and Charles Ewart.Jeens.) • • -(026) BLANEY, Emily 16, Granville " Road, Parkstone, Dorset, Widow. Trevanion & Curtis", 87,.High Street, Poole, Dorset, Solicitors. (George Blaney) 24th August, 1948 I 9th June, 1948. : (027) MUNRO, Helen Beacon View, Lostwithiel, Cornwall, Widow. i2th Lloyds Bank Limited, Executor and Trustee Department, 8, Boscawen Street, Tiuro, 28th August, 1948 June, 1948. . Cornwall, or Pomery & Gill, Bodmin, Solicitors. (028) I HEWITT, . Elizabeth Jane 18, Fearon Road, Hastings, Widow. gth June," Menneer'Idle & Brackett, 2~8-29, Grand Parade, St. Leonards-on-Sea, Sussex, Solicitors. 3ist August, 1948 1948.. (John, Moor Jewels.). (029) to POLLARD, Anna 15, Pembroke Drive, Ellesmere Port, Cheshire, Midland Bank'Executor &-Trustee Co. Ltd., 4--6, Dale Street, Liverpool .. ... 12th August, 1948 to Albertina Isabel.. formerly 32, Wellesley Road, Harrow, Middlesex, (030) ' Spinster. 22nd March,. 1948.. PRICE, Mary Ann " Upalbng," Warden Hill. Roadi Cheltenham, Jessop & Son, 14, -Royal Crescent, Cheltenham,- Solicitors. (Hubert James Oakley and 3ist- August, 1948 Spinster. 23rd April, 1948. Edith Millicent Turner.)- • (031) HAMMOND, Ada Grace ... 21, Queensborough "Terrace, Paddington, London, Ashurst Morris Crisp &-. Co., 17, Throgmorton" Avenue,'Loridon/ E.G.2, Solicitors. 3ist August,- 1948 H W.2, Widow. • 28th March, 1948. (Violet Wellesley Hammond.) (039) £00 SADLER, Marion Emily... " High Bushes," Little Baddow, Essex, Spinster, Crick & Freeman, Maldon, "Essex", "Solicitors.'. (Ursula Joan Gregory and Helen ist September, 1948 nth November, 1947.. Catharine Eastty Black.) (040) h ' WYETH (otherwise 399, Portswood Road, Southampton, Spinster, igth Hallett, Martin &'Lebern",-7, Lawn" Road, Southampton, Solicitors. (William Rowe) ... 26th August,' 1948 WYTHE), Mary. December, 1947. (041). HEFFER, Betsy 81, Wbllaston. Road, Lojwestoft, Suffolk, Widow. Holt & Taylor, Victoria Chambers, Lowestoft, 'Solicitors. (Arthur Hood) 3ist August, 1948 2nd February, 1948. (042) PARKER, Amelia 16, Shaftesbury Road, Chingford, Essex, Widow. Westminster Bank, Ltd., Trustee Dept., 53,.Threadneedle Street, London; E.G.2, or 28th August, 1948 8th April, 1948. Rowe & Wilkie, 416, Kings Road, iChelsea,, Solicitors. (078) Name of Deceased Names, addresses and descriptions of Persons

TAYLOR, Emily Care of Westminster Bank Limited, Crouch End, Westminster Bank Limited, • Trustee Department, 53, Threadneedle Street, London, 25th August, 1948 London, N.8, and of " Marden," Westminster E.G.2, or Bartlett West & McLoughlin, 9, "Old Square, •Lincoln's Inn, London, (077) Road, Branksome Park, Bournemouth, Hants, W.C.2, Solicitors. Widow. 2oth April, 1.948. COOPER, Ethel Nellie ... 34. Queenswood Road, Moseley, Birmingham 13. Wallace Robinson & Morgan, 52, Ncwhall Street, Birmingham 3, Solicitors. (Sidney 28th August, 1948 Married Woman. 3rd January, 1947. Herbert Robinson.) (079) BREAKELL, Maria Teresa 43, Enerdale Road, Kew, Surrey, Spinster. 22nd Gregsons, 57, St. Georges Road, Wimbledon, S:W.ig, Solicitors. ' (Westminster Bank 27th1 August, 1948 May, 1948. Ltd.) (080) McARDLE, Holly Maria iyA, Michelgrove Road, Boscombe, Bournemouth, National Provincial Bank, Limited, Trustee Branch, 7, Old Christchurch -Road, 25th' August, 1948 Widow. i2th May, 1948. Bournemouth. (076) i WILLS, William Stephen 6, Foss Street, • Dartmouth, Devon, Painter and C. SFrowen & Co., .3, South Embankment, Dartmouth, Devon, Solicitors. (Daisy 27th August, 1948 d John. Decorator. 25th October, 1947. Beatrice Wills.) (169) o OESTERLEY, Carl " Frayle," Cookham Dean, Berkshire, of no occupa- Rubinstein. Nash & Co., 5-6, Raymond Buildings, Grays Inn, W.C.i, Solicitors. (Otto 3oth September, 1948 Hermann. tion. i4th December, ,.1947. Kraus.) (168) DENNETT, Harold Royal George Hotel, Colchester Road, Ipswich, Barclays Bank Ltd. (Trustee Department), Bank Plain, Norwich 26th August, 1948 Stoneadge. Suffolk, Hotel Manager. 22nd January, 1948. (170). •SYbNEY, Bernard The Stratford Hotel, Shakespeare. Street, Notting- .Whitworth & Eccleston, 17, Bridlesmith Gate, Nottingham, Solicitors. (Ernest Edward 3ist August, 1948 ham, Hotel Proprietor, isth March, '1948. Eccleston.)

HTNGLEY, Frederick 24, Davies "Road, West Bridgford, Nottinghamshire, Whitworth & Ecclestont 17, Bridlesmith Gate, Nottingham, Solicitors. (Mabel Mitchell 3ist August, 1948 to John. Company Director, igth October, 1947. • and Ernest Edward Eccleston.) (17?) i—i d LESLIE, Bertha Bosanneth, Stracey Road, Falmouth, Spinster. " i4th Lloyds Bank Limited, Executor and Trustee Department, 8, Boscawen Street, Tru'ro, 22nd August, 1948 June, 1948. . . Cornwall, or E. E. "Armitage, Falmouth, Solicitor. (173)

GRANT, Thomas "'Grantville," Temple Road, WiHenhall, Stafford- Ernest Brown & Co., Victoria Chambers, Wednesbury', Solicitors.' (Mabel Pecey Grant 23rd September, 1948 •H shire, Company Director. 26th January, 1948. and Thomas Grant.)" (174) -\ 1x>. GILL, Thomas Charles Thornhill, Crockerton, near .Warminster, Wilts, Ponting & Marshall, 8, High'Street, Wanminster, Wilts, Solicitors. (Mrs: Sybil Muriel 30th September, 1948 George Budgett. Land Agent. 3oth May, 1948. Haynes Gill.) . . , . (175) MASON, Martha The Pines, Cootham, Storrington, Sussex, Spinster. Barclays Bank Ltd., Trustee Dept., 67, Colmore Row, Birmingham 3. or D. G. 24th August, 1948 loth April, 1948. Dawkins "& Grey, 77, Colmore Row, Birmingham 3, Solicitors. (176) CAHEN, Rene Isaac 9, rue Michel Ange, Paris, France, no occupation. Stephenson Harwood & Tatham, 16, Old Broad. Street, London, E.C.2, Solicitors. August, 1948 8th November, 1944. (Harlette Mathilde Flore Emma Gregh.) • CAHEN, Marguerite 9, rue Michel Ange, Paris, France, Widow. 2Oth Stephenson Harwood' & Tatham, 16, Old Broad Street, London, E.C.2) Solicitors. 3tst August, 1948 Louise. November, 1944. (Harlette Mathilde Flore Emma Gregh.) . . (133) Name of Deceased Names, addresses and descriptions. of Persons to whom notices of claims are to be Date on or before which " (Surname first) Address, description--and-date of death of Deceased given and names, in. parentheses, of Personal Representatives-' ' ~ " - • notices of-claim to' Le given ' '

YOUNG, Jasper Bertram 149, Leadenhall Street, London, and of " The Stephenson Harwood & Tatham, "16, Old Broad Street, London, E.C.2, Solicitors. 25th August, 1948 Green," East Morden, Wareham, Dorset, Mer- (John Clermont Witt and Wilfred Cook Bonsall.) . . " (134) chant. 4th February, 1948. EMMS/ Lillian Maud ... Worcestershire Mental • Hospital, Barnsley Hall, Midland Bank-Executor & Trustee Company Ltd., 33, Bennett's Hill, Birmingham 2 3ist August, 1948 Bromsgrove, Worcester, formerly of 41, Parkfield ..(135) Road,' Stourbridge, Worcester, Spinster. 28th September, 1947. w COHEN, • Florence Flat 5, 85, Marine Parade, Brighton,' Sussex. 26th A C. Woolley & Bevis, 8-ii, Pavilion Buildings, Brighton i, Solicitors. (Public 2oth September, 1948 Marguerite. February, 1948. Trustee.) . _ .(136) s 'PRITCHARD, Mary " Highfields," 131, Darlaston Road, Walsall, Hall, Pratt & Pritchard, Bilston, Solicitors. (Ronald James Pritchard and Gladys' Mary 3ist August/ i( •5ZJ Staffordshire, Spinster. 24th April, 1948. .Holmes .Whitehouse.) '(137) '/ - -.'".- ' • •..'"'•••• .WRIGHTSON, Nora 2, Hill Brow,. Pilmer Road, Crowborough, Sussex, F. J. Brunskill, Broadway Chambers, Crowborough, Solicitor. (Constance Eliza 3ist 'August, 1948 Sainsbury. Spinster. 3rd June, 1948. • Wrightson.) WILLIAMS, Rosa Huntly, Oldway Road', Paignton, Devon, Spinster. Lawrence Spear and Sons, St". 'Andrews Lodge, Lockyer Street, Plymouth, Solicitors. 3ist • August, 1948 Maunder. 3rd July, 1936. (Albert'Worthy Williams and Emily Colmer Williams.) \ _ - WILLIAMS, Emily .Colmer Longdpn, Higher Erith Road, Torquay. Devon Lawrence Spear and Sons, St. Andrews Lodge, .Lockyer Street, Plymouth, Solicitors. 3ist August, 1948 • .Spinster. 8th December j 1947. '(Lawrence Bond Spear.) * 0 ALLEN, William ... " West Hill," 13, Elm Grove, West Hartlepool, and ,R. Bell & Son, 58, Church Street, West Hartlepool, Solicitors. (William Allen) ' ... 23rd August, 1948 to of 4, Victoria Terrace, West Hartlepool, formerly of 6, Arncliffe- Gardens, West Hartlepool, Stock and Share Broker. 28th March, 1948. a 4 GiGER, 'Albert' John •... 76, Cleveland Street, St. Pancras, Middlesex. 23'rd Eric Hall Guy, gg.-Gresham Street, E.C:2, Solicitor. (Eric Hall-Guy and Leslie Thomas 18th 'September, 1948 . March, 1946. • Fayers.) (147) GRAPINET, • Louis Jean Besaricon, France. 25th March, 1943' Eric Hall Guy, ggrGresham Street, E.C.2, Solicitor. (Eric Hall Guy and Leslie Thomas i8th September, 1948 i Baptiste. - • Fayers.) -.(148) 00

SIGGERS, Reginald , Gallants.Court, East Farleigh, Kent, Dental Surgeon. Whitehead, Thomas & Urmston, 9, King Street, Maidstone, Kent, Solicitors. (Mrs.' ist September, 1948 Gordon. 22nd January, 1948. Rosemary Jeanne Siggers.) (i49) .WILLIAMS, Elizabeth. . Deyoncroft, -Loose, near Maidstone, Kent, Spinster. Lloyds Bank Limited, Executor and Trustee Department^ Ashford, Kent,-or Whitehead, ist September, .1948 - -• Gertrude. 2nd June, 1948. '' Thomas & Urmston, 9, King Street, Maidstone, Kent, Solicitors: (150) VERNON, Stephen 82, Yardley Fields Road, Stechford, Birmingham,. Barclays Bank Ltd., Trustee Dept., 67, Colmore Row, Birmingham 3, or D. G. 24th August, 1948 Retired Taxi Proprietor, ,8th April, 194.8. Dawkins & Grey, 77, Colmore Row, Birmingham 3, "Solicitors. ^(Barclays Bank (-177) . Limited.and Frank Vemqn.) . . -^ .-_.-, - ; Name of Deceased Names, addresses and descriptions of Persons to whom notices of claims are to be Date on or before which (Surname first) Address, description and date of death of Deceased given and names, in parentheses, of Personal Representatives notices of claim to be. given

BEALE, Mary Elizabeth 47, Horse Shoe Lane, Sheldon, Birmingham, Widow. Philip Cohen Slater & Tompkins,'47, Newhall Street, Birmingham, Solicitors. .(Ellen 23rd August, 1948 2nd January, 1948. Elizabeth Thomas and Charles Edgar.) WHITTAKER, Levi .... 45, Ribble Avenue, Crosse'ns, Southport, Lancashire, Ellis Fletcher, 5, Newton Street, Piccadilly, Manchester, Solicitor. (William Ashworth nth September, 1948 Retired Tripe Dresser. 27th February, 1948.' and Ellis' Fletcher.) (179) WHITE, Maria Player ... 20, Woodberry Avenue, Winchmore Hill, London, H. B. Wedlake, Saint & Coy., 420, Seven Sisters. Road, Finsbury Park, London, N-4, 23rd August,, 1948 N.2i, Widow. 20th April, 1948. Solicitors, or Midland Bank Executor & Trustee Co. Ltd., Poultry, London, E.C.2. (091) W SCOTT, Samuel 446, Burnley Lane, Chadderton, near Oldham, Knott Whitehead & Firth, 115, Union Street, Oldham, Solicitors, or Armstrong Taylor 2ist -August, 1948 W Lancashire, Company Director. 5th February, & Whittaker & Mellor & Jackson, Westminster Bank Chambers, Church Terrace, •(092) 1948. Oldham. Solicitors. (Annie Scott and Samuel Ronald Scott.) 6 WOOD, Margaret 55, Yew Tree Road, Southborough, Tunbridgc Wells, Lloyds Bank Limited, Executor and Trustee Department, Bank Street, Ashford, or 4th September, 1948 Kent, Spinster, nth June, 1948. Snell & Co., 10, Lpnsdale Gardens, Tunbridge Wells, Solicitors. (Lloyds Bank (097) a Limited and Maurice Marsden Wood.) SCHLUMBERGER, Nicolas Guebwiller, Haut Rhin, France, Manufacturer. 26th Norton, Rose, Greenwell & Co., 116, Old Broad Street, ;E.C.2, Solicitors. (Glyns 23rd August, 1948 Jacques. July, 1942. Executor and Trustee Company.) (098) «. -^ SCHLUMBERGER,' Elise Guebwiller, Haut Rhin, France, Widow. i2th Norton, Rose, Greenwell & Co., 116, Old Broad Street, E.C.2, Solicitors. (Glyns 23rd August, 1948 Caroline. July, 1947. Executor and Trustee Company.) (099) 3 WAL-DEN, Arthur Henry 240, Aragon Road, Morden, Surrey, Meat Retailer. Barclays Bank Ltd., Trustee Department, 37, King William Street, E.G.4 3Oth August, 1948 W 3ist March, 1948. (too) DIXON, Albert Edgar ... 56, Halespwen Road, Quinton, Birmingham, Insur- Vernon & Shakespeare, Oldbury, Solicitors. (George Harry Dixon) 23rd* August, 1948 ance Broker. loth January, 1948. . (ioi) cj HUNT, Henry - 28A, Whitegate Drive, Blackpool, Lancashire, Retired Charles Edward Tatham, 3, Edward Street, Blackpool, Solicitor. (Clifford Bingham 3ist August, 1948 . Coal Merchant, gib. February, 1948. Hunt and Barbara Mary Wood.) (102) * SMITH, Edith Caroline 31, Park Avenue, Bush Hill Park, Spinster. 5th W. Carpenter & Son, 5, Laurence Pountney Lane, London, E.G.4, Solicitors (Doris 3ist August, 1948 June, 1948-. Mary Elsey, William Henry Carpenter and Morgan Bowes Rennie.) SANDERSON, Anne Fell View, Bassenthwaite Lake, near Cockermouth, Waugh & Musgraves, Cockermouth, Cumberland, Solicitors, (Midland Bank Executor 3'ist August, 1948 Cumberland, Spinster. loth April,. 1948. and Trustee Company Limited.) (130)

O'LEARY, Henrietta The Norbury Nursing Home, 8-10, Stanford Road, Fairs, Blissard Barnes & Co., 1434, London Road, Nonbury, S.W.i6, Solicitors. 26th August, 1948 Glover. Norbury, Croydon, Surrey, Spinster. 8th April, .(Miss Florence Sinden.) / 1948. BURR, Harold Sidney... 6, Hoylake Gardens, Eastcote, • Middlesex, Iron- Barclays Bank Limited, Trustee Department, 37, King William Street, London, E.C-4 25th August, 1948 monger. On or about i6th April, 1948. (152) Name of D'eceased Names, addresses and descriptions of Persons =to whom notice's are to .be Date on or before which (Surname first) Address,, description and date of death of Deceased given and names, in parentheses, of Personal Representatives . , notices of claim "to be' 00 ' . given

HAWKINS, William 239, Basingstoke Road, Reading, Retired Labourer, Blandy & Blandy, i. Friar Street, Reading, Solicitors. (Lucy Sawyer and William 3ist August, 1948 Arthur. ist April, 1948: Arthur Hawkins.) " -'•-.. (153) COWLEY, Alfred Douglas 38,' Prenton Road, West Birkenh'ead, Cheshire, G. H. Hindley & Co., 30, North John Street, Liverpool, Solicitors. (John Brizell) 3ist August, 1948 Retired Paper Merchant. i2th April, 1948. (154) HARTNUP, Edward 24, George Street, Brighton, Sussex, Cycle Dealer. Charles Webb & Sons, 8, Pavilion Parade, Brighton, Sussex, Solicitors 4th September, 1948 . 28th February, 1948. . * . (155) RIDSDALE, Claude Edgmond Villa, Springhill Road/ Scarborough, Army Cook Fowler & Outhet, York House, York Place, Scarborough, Solicitors. (Midland 23rd August, 1948 Augustus' John! Pensioner. 4th February, 1948. Bank Executor and Trustee Company .Limited.') • : . . , (157) S FRAPWELL, Monica Mary 83, Court Farm, Road, Mottingham, Kent, Married Blakeney & Marsden Popple,'33, St. James's Street,^S.W.i, Solicitors. (John Russell 3ist August, 1948 Woman. 8th July, 1947. Frapwell.) fos) CARVER, William i, Davenant Road, Oxford, Retired Electrical Guscotte, Fowler & Cox, 56^ lEnnismore Gardens, London, S.W.7, Solicitors. (The 4th September, 1948 Moberly. Engineer. Public Trustee and Mrs. Edith' Dora Carver.) . (159) o DE CROMBRUGGHE DE 30, Rue Marie de Bourgogne, Brussels, Belgium, Thomas Cooper & Co., 71, St. 'Mary Axe, London, B.C.3, Solicitors. (Charles James 3oth September, 1948 LOORINGHE, Marie Widow. 2nd July, 1944. Shafpe and Arthur Joseph John Paul Agius.) (?56) fc Petronille Auguste, Baroness. x WELCH, Arthur 45, Hillfield, Monkseaton, Northumberland, Retired Barclays Bank Ltd., The Trustee Department, Collingwood Street, Newcastle-upon- 23rd August, 1948 Journalist, ist March, 1948. Tyne", or Dickinson Miller & Turnbull, Cross House, Westgate Road, Newcastle- to upon-Tyne; Solicitors. (Barclays Bank Ltd. and Margaret Muir Welch.) BEDDARD, Susan Phofibe " Kynvaston," Showell Lane (formerly Or ton Lane), Barclays Bank Limited, Trustee Department, 67," Colmore Row, Birmingham 3, or 28th August, 1948 Penn, Wolverhampton, Staffordshire, Widow. Dallow. & Dallow, Lloyds Bank Chambers, Queen Square, Wolverhampton, Solicitors. 2Oth February, 1948. / I BARON CROFT OF 46, Whitehall Court, London. 7th December, 1947 Longmores, Hertford, Herts, Solicitors. (John Alexander Longmore. and- The Public 28th August, 1948 BOURNEMOUTH, Henry Trustee.) (182) Page, P.C., C.M.G. 00 BENNETT, Ethel Aimiv .. 6, Wrotham Road, Gravesend,. Kent, Widow, nth Barclays Bank Ltd., The Trustee Department, 37, King William Street, London, E.C-4, 30th August, 1948 May, 1948. or Guy T. Mumford, 42, Cobham Street, Gravesend, Solicitor. (183) 'BOOLE, Edward Glover 48, Westbourne Road, Birkdale, Southport, and 22A, Barclays Bank Limited, Trustee Department, 17, York Street, Manchester, or Tatham ist September, 1948 Talbot Street, Southport, Lancashire, formerly of Worithington & Co., i, St. James's Square, Manchester 2, Solicitors. (184) Sweden How, Ambleside, Westmorland, CompafLy Director. 24th May, 1948. JONES, Edward, J.P. ... Maesmawr Hall, , Montgomery, Esquire, Williams Gittins & Tomley, 31,. Market Street, Newtown, , Solicitors. ist September, 1948 igth June, 1937. (Margaret Glyn. Owen and Marr Elena-Borthwick.) (185) Name of Deceased Names, addresses and descriptions of Persons to whom notices of claims are to be Date on or before which Address, description and date of death of Deceased given and names, in parentheses, of Personal^ Representatives "otices of claim to be. (Surname first) given

JONES, Mary Ellen Maesmawr Hall, Caersws, Montgomery, Widow. loth Williams Gittins & Tomley, 31, Market Street, Newtown, Montgomeryshire, Solicitors. ist September, 1948 April, 1947. » * . (Arthur Lloyd Owen Owen.) (i85) i JONES, Evan Emrys ... Formerly of Maesmawr Hall, Caersws, Montgomery- Williams Gittins & Tomley, 31, Market Street, Newtown, Montgomeryshire, Solicitors. ist September, 1948 shire, and late of Haulfryn , Mont- (Margaret Anne Jones, Margaret Glyn Owen, and Mari Elena Borthwick.) (187) gomeryshire, Company Director. 4th December, 1947. LINTON, Clement 8, Cowper Road, Woodthorpe, Nottingham, Mechani- Lloyds Bank Limited, Executor & Trustee Department, Lloyds Bank Chambers, Old i4th September, 1948 E cal Engineer. 28th May, 1948. Market Square, Nottingham, or Woodcock Stobart & Co., i, Library Street, Wigan. (188) SUTTON, Robert Arnold, Notts, Hay and Straw Merchant. I3th Rorke White & Holbrook, 40, Parliament Street, Nottingham, Solicitors. (Midland 30th August, 1948 August, 1946. Bank Executor & Trustee Company Limited and Harold Sutton.) RUTTER, Harry 9, Dales Square, off London Road, Northwich, Dixon & Stelfox, The Bull Ring, Northwich, Solicitors. (George Eric Stelfox and 23rd August, 1948 Cheshire, formerly of SA, Witton Street, North- Clifford John Charles Smith.) (190) wich, Retired Jeweller. 26th March, 1948. o HOLLOWAY, Laura Rose Villa, East Street, Colyton, Devon. i2th Executor & Trustee Department, Lloyds Bank Limited, 15, Queen Street, Exeter, 30th August, 1948 June, 1948. or Mayo & Son, Seaton, Devon, Solicitors. (210) & BUTLER, Dorothea Agnes 2, The Court, Hambridge Road, Greenham, New- Barclays Bank Ltd., Trustee Department, 27, Regent Street, London/ S.W.i, or 24th September, 1948 bury, Berkshire, Widow. 2ist April, 1948. Bower, Cotton & Bower, 4, Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane, London, E.C-4, (219) Solicitors. (Barclays Bank Ltd., Aubrey Clement Butler and Adrian Rothwell Lane Butler.) to KINGSTON, Frederick ... 9, Westfield Avenue, Gosforth, Northumberland, Dees & Thompson, 40, Grey Street, Newcastle-upon-Tyne i, Solicitors. (Martins Bank ist September, 1948 Retired Colliery Fitter. 8th June, 1948. Limited and Stanley Thomas Kingston.) (220) KAPFERER, Maurice Elie 116, Boulevard Bineau, Neuilly-sur-Seine, France, Bull & Bull, ii, Stone Buildings, Lincoln's Inn, W.C.2, Solicitors. (Sir George Bull, Bt. 27th August, 1948. Jean. . no profession. loth December, 1946. and P. D. Nickerk.) • (22f) YOUNG, Ethel ..." " Woodside," Clatterford Road, Carisbrooke, Isle of Buckell & Drew, Castlehold Chambers, Newport, Isle of Wight, Solicitors. (National i7th September, 1948 Wight, Spinster. 9th May, 1948. Provincial Bank and Ronald Edgar George Manners Clarke.) (222) oo ELLIS, Winifred Fanny 63, Foster Hill Road., Bedford, Spinster. 28th April, Buckell & Drew, Castlehold Chambers,' Newport, Isle of Wight, Solicitors. (National 17th September, 1948 Reeves. 1948. Provincial Bank and Ernest Izod Arundel Ellis.) (223)

1 LINDSAY, Alexander 101, Victoria Drive, Eastbourne, Sussex, Gentleman. Lloyds Bank Limited, ,Executor and Trustee Department, i, Pavilion Buildings, 3ist August, 1948 Richmond . 3oth May, 1948. > Brighton I. ' (224)

NEVELI., Florence Southfields Nursing Home, formerly of n. Upper Lloyds Bank Limited, Executor a.nd Trustee Department, i, Pavilion Buildings, 3ist August, 1948 Rosalie Blanch! Duke's Drive, Eastbourne, Widow. igth May, Brighton i. 1948. (225) Name of Deceased Names, addresses and descriptions of Persons to whom notices of claims are to be Date on or before which Address, description and date of death of Deceased given and names, in -parentheses, of Personal Representatives : notices of claim to be (Surname first) given

PICKLES, Frederick - ... The Lawns," Oakridge . 'Lane, Winscombe, A. Russell Jones & Co., Midland Bank Chambers, Howardsgate, Welwyn Garden-City, ist September, 1948 Somerset, Retired Schoolmaster. 28th April, 1948. Herts, Solicitors. (Group Captain Kenneth Frederick. Travis Pickles and Norman (226) John- Pickles -Travis.) BELL, Edith 6, East Avenue, Benton, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Dees & Thompson, 40, Grey Street, Newcastle-upon-Tyne i, Solicitors'. (Alexander- ist September; 1948 formerly of Shotton Grange,' Seaton Burn, Thompson and Douglas Elliott Braithwaite.) . - (227) • Northumberland, Widow. • 4th September, 1947. HALL, Charles >Oswin, Eddlethorpe Hall, Malton, Yorks, and of Newcastle- Dees & Thompson, 40, Grey Street, Newcastle-upon-Tyne i', Solicitors. (Martins Bank ist September, 1948 W J.P., -D.L. upon-Tyne, Esquire, gth June, 1948. Limited and Alexander'Thompson.) (228) BOLY, Florent Joseph... 5 " Au Moulin," Route de Gramptinne, Goyet-Mozet, A. & G. Tooth, 38, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, W.C.2, Solicitors.' (Guaranty 28th August, 1948 « . 'Namur, Belgium. 6th April, 1947. Executor & Trustee Co. Ltd-.) (229) d MOORE, John Frederick 1, Headstone Terrace, 45A, Headstone Road, Harrow, Taylor Willcocks & Co., 218, Strand, W.C.2, Solicitors 4th September, 1948 'Middlesex, Retired Book Shop Manager. igth i March, 1948. O DE WINTON, Arthur St. Francis House, Lady Margaret Road, Cambridge,' Lloyds Bank Limited, Executor • and Trustee -Department, or May May & Deacon,- 25th September, 1948 Harding. Clert in Holy Orders. 27th May, 1948. 49, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, W.C.2, Solicitors. • (231) TOUSSOUN, His- Highness 2, Toussoun Pacha Street, Alexandria,' Egypt. I5th Fresh'fields, i, Bank Buildings, Princes Street, E.-C.2, Solicitors: (Leslie Ernest-Peppiatt 28th August, 1948 Prince Hassan. November, 1946.- and John Arthur Gallop.) (232) MCFARLANE,-. Sarah Ann to Highfield, -Bonchurch, Isle of Wight (formerly -of -John Robinson & Jarvis, 12-16, St. John's Road, Sandown, Isle of Wight, Solicitors. 31 st- August, 1948 to Mary. Sandown, Isle of Wight), Widow. 2nd August, (Midland Bank Executor & Trustee Co. Ltd.) (233) 1947.. . d SCARTH, Theodora Caterways, Charing, Kent, Spinster. 22nd January, Barclays Bank Ltd., Trustee Department, Maidstone, Kent, or H. E. & W. Bury,- ist-October, 1948 Frances. 1948. 47, Lincoln's Inn Fields, W.C.2," Solicitors. (Barclays Bank Ltd., Cecilia Agnes (234) Hope Maitland and Edith Ellen Mary Trousdell.) I H MOREY, Matilda Jane ... " Fernlea," 28, Kendall Avenue South, Sanderstead, Edridges & Druminonds, 4, High Street, Croydon, Solicitors. (Arthur Cecil Morey) ... 3oth August, 1948 «' Surrey, igih March,- 1948. (235) 00

SMITH, Francis Cecil 5, Liine Grove, New Maiden, Surrey, of no occupa- Park Nelson & Co., n, Essex Street, Strand, - London, W.C.2, Solicitors. (Donald 25th September, 1948 Kaye. tion. 6th -September, 1946. Seymour Cooper.) • . . • (240) KETT, Anna Elizabeth... 3, Coppice Avenue, Great Shelford, Cambridge, Barclays Bank, Ltd., Trustee Department, 37, King William Street, Londqn, E.C.4, or 3rd. September, 1948 Widow. '23rd April, 1948.. Barr & Co., Guildhall Chambers, Cambridge, .Solicitors. (Barclays Bank .Ltd. and (24?) Lawrence Bend Barr.) RILEY, Gertrude " Crendon Lodge," Manor Road, Kenilworth, Lloyds Bank Limited, Executor•& Trustee Department, 35, Waterloo Street, Birmingham 7th September, 1948 Warwickshire, Widow. 26th January, 1948. (248) THE LONDON GAZETTE, 22 JUNE, 1948 3681

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CONTENTS PAGE PAGE State Intelligence 3647 Companies (Consolidation) Act, 1908, and the H.M. Land Registry—Notice 3649; 3665 Companies Act, 1929—Notices ... 3653,.3671 Road Traffic Act, 1930 and the Road and Rail ' Partnerships Dissolved "•••'.' ••• .'3661 Traffic Act, 1933—Notices .:. '.'.. 3649,3652 Next of Kin—Treasury Solicitor's Notices ... 3662 British Corn, Statement showing Weekly Returns 3649 Change of Name by Deed—Notices 3662 Trustee Act, 1925, Section 27—Notices 3666, 3672 Treasury Weekly Statement , .-..3650 The Bankruptcy Acts, 1914 and 1926-7- . Places Registered for Solemnizing Marriages— Notices _ "... .'..'3666 Notice ... 3652 The Liabilities (War-Time Adjustment) Acts, Friendly Societies Act, 1896—Notices 3653 1941 & 1944—Notices ... 3666

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