Advanced Review and the Semantic Web: adding value with linked and enhanced provenance

Jeremy G. Frey∗ and Colin L. Bird

Cheminformatics is evolving from being a field of study associated primarily with drug discovery into a discipline that embraces the distribution, management, ac- cess, and sharing of chemical data. The relationship with the related subject of is becoming stronger and better defined, owing to the influence of Semantic Web technologies, which enable researchers to integrate hetero- geneous sources of chemical, biochemical, biological, and medical information. These developments depend on a range of factors: the principles of chemical identifiers and their role in relationships between chemical and biological enti- ties; the importance of preserving provenance and properly curated metadata; and an understanding of the contribution that the Semantic Web can make at all stages of the research lifecycle. The movements toward , , and open collaboration all contribute to progress toward the goals of integration. C " 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

How to cite this article: WIREs Comput Mol Sci 2013. doi: 10.1002/wcms.1127

INTRODUCTION cipline of bioinformatics evolved more recently, in heminformatics is usually defined in terms of response to the vast amount of data generated by the application of computer science and infor- molecular biology, applying mathematical, and com- mationC technology to problems in the chemical sci- putational techniques not only to the management ences. Brown1 introduced the term chemoinformatics of that data but also to understanding the biological in 1998, in the context of drug discovery, although processes, pathways, and interactions involved. In his informatics techniques have been applied in chem- paper about the commercialization of bioinformatics, Jones5 sums up the key factors that have influenced istry since 1950s and cheminformatics now relates 6 to a broader set of contexts. Willett,2 who uses the the development of the discipline. Sukumar et al. name ‘chemoinformatics’, provides a brief history of have reviewed the interaction between cheminformat- the development of the discipline. Warr,3 who paren- ics and bioinformatics. They identify data transforma- thesizes the ‘o’ in the title of her article gives a more tion and data fusion as vital aspects on which further comprehensive description. We follow the Journal of integration depends, noting the importance of seman- Cheminformatics4 in adopting the shorter name. Both tics for achieving a more holistic approach. The goal articles describe the application of cheminformatics is to establish systems chemical biology as a disci- pline, as outlined by Oprea et al.7 Very recently, Wild to drug discovery and how the latter has influenced 8 the development of cheminformatics. The allied dis- et al. have surveyed the current status of systems chemical biology, particularly with regard to the Se- mantic Web. Chepelev and Dumontier9 refer to the ∗Correspondence to: [email protected] Chemistry, Faculty of Natural Environmental Science, University emergence of systems chemistry, suggesting the de- of Southampton, Highfield, Southampton, SO17 1BJ, UK velopment of a more systematic view of chemical ex- DOI: 10.1002/wcms.1127 periments in an interdisciplinary context. However,

Volume 00, January/February 2013 c 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 1 ! Advanced Review they do not include among their references the 2008 review of systems chemistry by Ludlow and Otto,10 which considers this emerging discipline from a com- plex systems perspective. They restrict themselves to synthetic systems in solution, for example, combina- torial chemistry, but also cover other multivariate sys- tems, including models that might contribute to the understanding of biological systems. With increases in computing power came not only a growth in capability but also a dramatic ex- pansion of the volume of data produced and a de- mand for more sophisticated information technology to keep pace with the increased quantities of data. As chemistry and biology evolved, the greater infor- mation processing capacity stimulated differentiation and specialization within these disciplines, leading FIGURE 1| The related and complementary disciplines of Bio/Chemo statistics and informatics to subcategories within each field. At its most ba- sic, chemometrics applies mathematical and statistical methods to the design of experiments with chemical of Semantic Chemistry, Adams13 describes chemistry systems, the analysis of the data obtained, and the un- as a ‘conservative discipline’, having noted its com- derstanding of those systems. As such, chemometrics parative reluctance to evolve a culture of data and clearly predates cheminformatics. Similarly, biostatis- knowledge sharing, but adds that chemistry is now tics, the application of statistical methods to biology, participating in the Semantic Web. came before bioinformatics. Hawizy14 discusses a ‘semantification work- In general terms, chemometrics does not entail flow’ for exploiting the potential of linked data, which knowledge of chemical structure, being concerned she argues will have a profound impact on the devel- mainly with obtaining information from data. The opment of science in the twenty-first century. How- same might be said of biostatistics. Cheminformatics ever, she acknowledges the inhibitors to accessing and bioinformatics seek to discern the patterns in the chemical information sources. Frey15 discusses the information, to elicit chemical and biological knowl- significance of the support of virtual organizations edge. Any distinction between these two branches of and the need for the coordinated development of on- informatics relies mainly on the size and complex- tologies for chemistry, and other nonbiological disci- ity of the molecules studied. Figure 1 shows the re- plines. A Semantic Science blog makes a plea that we lationship between the four disciplines, but without do not forget the data from small projects, which can clear divisions owing to the potential overlaps. The become when aggregated.16 Semantic Web two informatics disciplines take their respective sci- technologies can achieve that aim, even though the ences, distinguished here by the size and complex- social and commercial aspects of using the Seman- ity of the molecules studied, further along the data– tic Web remain areas in need of work. The linkage information–knowledge sequence. The scope for ap- of data and resources is a recurrent theme in ‘The plying all four remains large, as demonstrated in the Fourth Paradigm’, a about data-intensive scien- recent review of the enumeration of chemical space tific computing.17 With regard to chemistry, Frey15 by Reymond et al.11 stresses the importance of links between laboratory Cheminformatics also embraces the distribu- records and the computer systems that hold the data, tion, management, access, and sharing of chemical but notes the need for better ways to maintain those data, and it is to these aspects of the discipline that links. Later in the same article, he says: ‘It is the links the Semantic Web has so much to offer, by integrat- that add value; but getting people to add them, or add ing heterogeneous sources of chemical, biochemical, sufficient information that they can be created auto- biological, and medical information. The twenty-first- matically, is proving to be hard.’ Links can reduce century e-Science and e-Research programs stimu- the time to data discovery, but the provenance of that lated progress toward a more holistic and data-centric data, and indeed of computational services, remains approach to the chemical sciences: Kim12 recognized aconcern.Theoutputsofonephaseoftheresearch the importance of cyberinfrastructure in his editorial lifecycle are often inputs to another phase: semantic for the 2006 focus issue of the Journal of Chemi- links can help to ensure that the provenance trail re- cal Information and Modelling. In his 2009 overview mains intact. The so-called ‘Dukes University scandal’

2 c 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Volume 00, January/February 2013 ! WIREs Computational Molecular Science Cheminformatics and the Semantic Web strongly endorses this point. Although not directly re- Informatics depends on data, but it is essen- lated to chemistry, the article by Ince18 amply demon- tial that data is reliable, and of an assured quality; strates the importance of provenance information for moreover, that quality must be capable of being as- both audit and reproducibility. However, to reinforce sessed. This requirement is particularly pertinent to the need to capture the relevant metadata, researchers the drug discovery process, for which the emphasis of must perceive advantages in terms of, for example, cheminformatics has shifted from techniques to the improved accuracy, easy record keeping, and less management, curation, and integration of the large repetition15:[email protected] amounts of potentially useful data, with increasing This review shows how the Semantic Web is begin- dependence on Web services (see Ref 22 and refer- ning to have an impact on cheminformatics by aiding ences therein). Drug discovery has evolved from being the discovery and reliable reuse of data, facilitating an essentially empirical process through rational de- automated processing of that data, as well as provid- sign and large-scale, high-throughput experiments to ing enhanced provenance. approaches based on genomics, which generate large We start our discussion by considering the gen- amounts of potentially useful data.23 Drug discov- eration of chemical data and the nature of this data ery also relies on bioinformatics. Curcin,24 reviewing in comparison to other related disciplines. This data Web services in the life sciences, acknowledges the po- needs to be managed, an increasing difficult task given tential importance of Semantic Web technologies, but the quantities of data now available. To be useful the remarks that a systematic and standardized approach data needs to be integrated, abstracted, and made dis- is needed. Tetko25 compares the adoption of Web coverable and deliverable in an intelligent and intel- services by the bioinformatics and cheminformatics ligible manner to other chemists and researchers in communities, stressing that the differences arise from general. We discuss the value of chemical identifiers, the quantity of data involved and the scale of public metadata, vocabularies, linked data, provenance, funding to the bioinformatics area. The complexity and how these are being achieved with Semantic of ownership, perceived potential to generate income, Web technologies and ontologies. We return to an on top of the native complexity and scale inherent in overview of the application of these ideas to the the descriptions of chemistry (chemical space) lead overall research lifecycle to place them more fully to fundamental problems in the management of the in context, to then talk about the deployment of data. It is essential to address these problems if data the Semantic Web, workflows, open data, and, more intensive chemistry is to realize its potential for inte- generally, interoperability and semantically enhanced grating with other material and life science disciplines provenance. that are underpinned by chemistry.

DATA MATTERS and Integration Frey notes a preference among laboratory scientists Chemists have always generated data, and the chem- for storing data in flat files (in computers hidden un- ical sciences have relied on data to advance the un- der desks), which is not a good approach for cura- derstanding of the discipline. Vast quantities of ex- tion, reuse, or preservation.15 He examines alterna- perimental data are now available, owing to new tive for larger-scale preservation, such as relational spectroscopic and visualization techniques, combi- database and laboratory information management natorial and high-throughput methodologies, and systems (LIMS), and discerns a need to cover ‘the mid- increasingly complex computational investigations: dle ground between the uncontrolled flat files and the quantum mechanical structural determinations and rigid relational database’. Reese31 suggests that rela- simulation dynamics. Each year computing facilities tional databases are appropriate for data that changes become more powerful, and indeed have to do so, frequently and for which maintaining integrity is im- just to keep pace with the expanding volume of data. portant. He argues that data that does not change The imperative to make the best possible use of the is best preserved in flat files, in tabular form wher- data available, especially given the costs associated ever possible, and also proposes that, as well as the with its collection, raises issues with preservation, cu- raw data, the archive should also contain a codebook ration, discovery, and access. These issues are at the that records how the data is entered and the descrip- core of the Semantic Web vision.20,21 Handling this tive metadata.31 The Semantic Web is also capable of data and extracting information and knowledge from covering the middle ground and capturing the same it almost becomes a discipline in its own right, the information, given sufficient attention to metadata de- science of informatics. scriptions. In recent years, storage and computation

Volume 00, January/February 2013 c 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 3 ! Advanced Review

35 BOX 1: WEB SERVICES and SmartTea projects, to be discussed more fully in later sections of this review. In the early days of scientific computing, researchers wrote Considering the volume and complexity of the their own, almost inevitably bespoke, code. Subsequently, data available for pharmaceutical R&D, Slater et al.36 application packages and software libraries were devel- argue that it is not enough to bring together data oped, enabling considerable efficiency gains. The next key and information from multiple sources. Semantics evolutionary step was the service-oriented architecture are necessary to interpret the information and derive (SOA) approach, with the sharing of functionality increas- knowledge. They propose a knowledge representation ingly provided through Web-based resources. A measure scheme that corresponds to the Semantic Web vision of the extent of the services available in the bioinformatics of data and resources described for use by humans and 26 area is provided by the BioCatalogue, which maintains a machines. In 2009, Wild37 reviewed the use of data list of these services and service providers. mining, together with Semantic Web techniques, for Web services can be used for functions ranging from infor- achieving the semantics-based integration envisioned mation retrieval to performing calculations. These services by Slater et al.36 The following year, Guha et al.38 offer well-defined programming interfaces that are essen- reviewed advances in the of large het- tially independent of the programming languages and plat- erogeneous chemical datasets, noting throughout the forms used to access them. The formal definitions of Web influence of semantic technologies on infrastructures 27 28 services interfaces, such as the WSDL and SOAP spec- for processing chemical information. Stephens et al.39 ifications, are beyond the scope of this review. However, have used an RDF (Resource Description Framework) the simpler REST (Representational State Transfer) architec- data model to aggregate the disparate data used for ture is now the preferred approach to implementing Web drug discovery.40 McCusker et al.41 have created a 29 services, a choice that presumably also influences the de- based on Semantic Web technologies, sign of Web services deployed in drug discovery. Another as a tool for the caGrid developed by the US National 30 design consideration is that of thin versus thick clients. Cancer Institute (NCI). The Chem2Bio2RDF project Thick clients employ a formal, machine-processable, inter- illustrates what can be achieved by using semantics face definition, whereas thin clients rely on the server to to integrate data from multiple chemical and biologi- interpret each request. Enterprise applications require rigor- cal sources.42 Chem2Bio2RDF demonstrates how the ous specifications of business requirements, so prefer thick federation of resources can facilitate search. clients. The RDF data model describes entities in terms of subject–predicate–object expressions, commonly known as triples. These expressions are held in a triple store,whichisadatabaseoptimizedforthestorage and retrieval of triples.43 Frey44 describes the choice ‘in the cloud’ have added a fresh dimension to the of RDF for the CombeChem project, and considers management of large volumes of data. Several of the the implications of using RDF. references cited in this review mention cloud comput- Hastings et al.45 assert that the application of ing, but none cover it as a specific topic. cheminformatics is critically dependent on the data On a smaller scale, Alsberg and Clare32 have exchange process, and are developing the Chemical used a wiki in conjunction with version control soft- Information Ontology (CHEMINF) to facilitate the ware to manage the data objects generated by their precise description of chemical entities. Their moti- chemometric research projects, enabling them to inte- vation is twofold: (1) to provide a common refer- grate project information with data. They point to the ence point for interrelating terminology developed advantages of flexibility and communication, but ac- independently; and (2) to enable Semantic Web tools knowledge a number of shortcomings, some of which to integrate data from disparate sources for reuse in are the undesirable consequences of flexibility. From data-driven research. They state their aim to be the the perspective of this review, the lack of semantic adoption of CHEMINF as a standard by the chemin- annotation is significant: the data is not curated for formatics community. machine processing. Two of the coauthors of the CHEMINF pa- In 2006, Taylor33 reviewed the use of electronic per, Chepelev and Dumontier,9 report related ac- laboratory notebooks (ELNs). His focus was on com- tivities intended to improve the ability of Semantic mercial systems and the regulatory considerations for Web tools to federate chemical data and informa- electronic laboratory records, remarking that aca- tion. SADI (Semantic Automated Discovery and In- demic researchers had shown little interest in ELNs. tegration) is a framework that deploys RESTful Se- The two exceptions he noted were the CombeChem34 mantic Web Services. The novel feature is that SADI

4 c 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Volume 00, January/February 2013 ! WIREs Computational Molecular Science Cheminformatics and the Semantic Web services generate an output class by annotating the able and processable data, the metadata is essential, input class, thus preserving the provenance of the ser- and it is in handling this aspect that Semantic Web vice explicitly. They also implement CHESS (Chem- technologies come to the fore. ical Entity Semantic Specification) for representing Taylor et al.51 demonstrate how Semantic Web chemical entities and their descriptors.46 Akeyaim technologies can be deployed in the storage and ac- for CHESS is to enable the integration of data de- cess of molecular structures and properties. Using rived from various sources, thereby facilitating better unique identifiers and relationships, represented as use of Semantic Web methodologies. RDF triples, they create a semantic database with The integration and aggregation of data from the potential to enrich the exploitation of the data multiple sources reaches a zenith in drug discovery therein. One aspect of structure searching that has research. Blomberg et al.47 consider a range of initia- yet to feel the influence of the Semantic Web is that tives aimed at increasing the interoperability of data of finding chemical structures in , an area re- and information, paying particular attention to se- cently reviewed by Downs and Barnard.52 mantic approaches and the use of Semantic Web tech- Frey15 also draws attention to the need for ac- nologies. They describe the formation and objectives cess control, in particular to protect intellectual prop- of the Open PHACTS consortium, which will adopt erty rights. He suggests that security models need to aSemanticWebapproachtoaddressthebottlenecks be rich but not overwhelming. Park has considered in small molecule drug discovery. the requirements for secure collaborative work on the Semantic Web, including the need for efficient access 53 Discovery and Access control. The issues that arise are clearly generic and not confined to any specific application areas. Discovery techniques that exploit the semantics of document content were in use well before the Seman- 48 tic Web concept emerged. Jiao and Wild have ap- DESCRIBING CHEMICAL DATA plied text-mining techniques to biomedical literature, identifying characteristic data that enables them to Akeyandessentialpartofmakingdataavailable extract information about chemical interactions. The via the Semantic Web is the existence of unique SPECTRa-T project has used text-mining tools to ex- identifiers. In this requirement, the Semantic Web tract chemical objects from electronic theses.49 Akey lines up with a considerable volume of work on difference is that SPECTRa-T stores the extraction re- chemical nomenclature as a way to create system- sults as RDF triples, allowing subsequent reuse and atic (if not always unique) identifiers. Identifiers are analysis with Semantic Web tools. Correspondingly, the keys to the description of chemical structures raw data, if sufficiently well described, should be sus- and data although, of necessity, chemical identi- ceptible to data mining techniques. fiers should relate uniquely to a single structure. Arecentexampleoftheapplicationofsuchtech- The chemical names used in publications are unique, niques is the Collaborative Chemistry Database Tool but are not suitable for machine manipulation. His- (CCDBT),50 which is a repository for the raw data torically, the Wiswesser Line Notation54 gave way generated by packages. The to SMILES (Simplified Molecular-Input Line-Entry authors recognize the vital importance of extracting Specification).55 Owing to some limitations with metadata from the raw data, thereby enabling other SMILES representations, IUPAC introduced the In- computational chemists to reuse the data and/or the ternational Chemical Identifier (InChI) and its deriva- results derived. A sequence of parsers extracts meta- tive, the InChIKey, which is a fixed-length hash code data from the raw data and populates a database for representation of the InChI itself.56 With the no- subsequent query based on the metadata model. table exception of polymers, the great majority of However, text mining is retrospective discovery. compounds, including organometallics, can be rep- Frey15 argues for a prospective approach to discov- resented with InChI identifiers. ery, advocating the use of systems compatible with Williams57 notes the importance of the InChI the Semantic Web in the laboratory, thus facilitat- for the Semantic Web in chemistry. Taylor et al.51 ing at source any subsequent discovery process. He highlight the unique nature of the InChI and con- warns, however, ‘it is crucial to appreciate that the sider the construction of a uniform resource identifier researcher’s view of the content of an information (URI) from an InChIKey. Such URIs enable links be- system can be, and usually is, quite different from the tween chemical properties, data, and publications, or “view” required by a computer system attempting to entries in an ELN. Coles et al.58 have investigated act for, or with, that human.’ Both with retrospective the potential of the InChI for chemical information or prospective approaches to gathering machine read- retrieval. Using the InChI strings for a corpus of 104

Volume 00, January/February 2013 c 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 5 ! Advanced Review molecules whose structures were published un- situations. Pancerella et al.65 give the example of a der the eCrystals/eBank project, they obtained high chemical formula, which can be metadata itself or be values for both precision and recall. Tests with other the object of other metadata, pointing out that the corpora were similarly encouraging. ‘about’ view can depend on perspective. Metadata is Bhat59 discusses some potential difficulties with at the heart of their collaboratory for the multiscale integrating the information needed for AIDS research chemical sciences (CMCS). They attach particular im- and proposes methods and procedures to prepare portance not only to discovering data across scales but data for a Chemical Semantic Web. He identifies as also to preserving its provenance, goals that nearly aspecificchallengetheuniquenamingofeachsub- 10 years later are regarded as essential. Moreover, structure of a given compound and aims to build an the concerns they expressed about enforcing meta- ontology for the formal description of these compo- data standards across communities are in many ways nents. Describing the relationships between chemical alleviated by the tools of the Semantic Web, which and biological entities can be of equal importance, provide, and work with, semantic metadata. especially for drug discovery. Guha et al.38 suggest The formal recording of semantic metadata re- that the aim should be a holistic view of the relation- lies on ontologies, which are discussed in a later sec- ships between small molecules and biological systems. tion. Ontology development is a rapidly evolving area Although Williams praises the quality of the chemi- and there has been a tendency for each group to create cal information provided by Wikipedia,57 he points an ontology that meets its own needs. Although a set out that such descriptions are not machine-readable. of standard chemical ontologies might seem desirable, However, DBpedia Live specifically aims to extract the concern about alienation expressed by Pancerella structured information from Wikipedia and convert et al.65 remains pertinent. Fortunately, infrastructures it to RDF.60 Kohler,61 reviewing the three-volume set based on RDF, for example, do permit interoper- ‘Chemical Biology: From Small Molecules to Systems ation. The reuse of parts of existing ontologies is Biology and Drug Design’, emphasizes the impor- becoming more common and systems are becoming tance of integrating chemical and systems biology.62 available for recording metadata, for example, the Describing the relationships between small molecules Investigation/Study/Assay (ISA) infrastructure.66 ISA and biological entities will be key to that integration. assists with the reporting of experimental data, using The Semantic Web offers a formal mechanism for rep- community-agreed minimum metadata descriptions, resenting those relationships. For example, the ChEBI thus ensuring that the metadata is sufficient to pro- ontology63 captures the role of a chemical entity in a vide confidence in the data. biological context. PubChem64 provides full descrip- The reliability of metadata depends strongly on tions of an extensive range of molecules, a chemical its capture as early as possible in the research life- identifier (that is not unique in that while a PubChem cycle. Frey19 makes a strong case for designing cu- identifier points to only one molecule many molecules ration into research practices, which would require have more than one PubChem identifier) with associ- metadata to be captured in context, as the data itself ated Web services, but does not include the semantic is generated. Capture at source requires a combina- descriptions needed for machine reasoning. tion of manual and automatic recording: for manual recording, it is essential that recording is easy and, insofar as is possible, places no additional burdens on Metadata researchers; automatic data acquisition should cap- Discussing the gap between bioinformatics and chem- ture context as well as data. Frey34 provides several informatics that existed in 2005, Curcin et al.24 examples of projects that have tackled the issues of cu- identify the lack of integration with differences in ration, notably CombeChem. However, with regard databases and tools and a shortage of cross-domain to automatic data capture from networked instru- expertise, but do not highlight the importance of ments, Frey15 also sounds a cautionary note. There metadata, which now plays a vital role in achieving are still issues with regard to ensuring that the data interoperation between these disciplines. Metadata is produced by such instruments conforms to interna- crucial for realizing the vision of the Semantic Web tional standards and has high quality metadata in a and enabling machines to perform the essential steps form that is usable by Semantic Web technologies. of integration: discovering data, interrelating data, In an editorial for Drug Discovery Today, Williams and initiating cheminformatics tasks that act upon and Ekins67 express more general concern about the that data. quality of much of the structure-based chemical data The commonly cited description of metadata as in the public domain, and make a case for govern- ‘data about data’ runs into difficulties even in basic ment funding to support . Previously,

6 c 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Volume 00, January/February 2013 ! WIREs Computational Molecular Science Cheminformatics and the Semantic Web

Williams68 had emphasized the similar need for care- thus exposing the details of the structure refinement ful curation to ensure in his review of to scrutiny. This approach is not only interesting and Public Compound Databases. In former times, this useful but also provides a good exemplar for prove- was the role of national standards organizations and nance conservation and a route to unconventional the international professional scientific bodies (ICSU, dissemination with accepted provenance. IUPAC, IUPAP, etc.), but funding has not been avail- To enable either a human user or a software able to keep pace with the validation needs of the agent to access linked data, URIs must be dereference- growing data volumes. able, by one of the variations described by Berners- Lee.72 The number and range of compliant datasets Vocabularies is growing, as shown by the W3C page that lists sources with dereferenceable URIs,75 describing them Acommonvocabularyisfundamentaltounderstand- as ‘part of the emerging Web of Linked Data’. How- ing and communication in cheminformatics and the ever, a search for the stem ‘chem’ produces only two Semantic Web, just as it is in most other spheres of hu- matches, suggesting that the Semantic Web has much man activity. Bhat59 sees the development of common further to emerge if cheminformatics is to benefit from vocabularies and general ontologies, amongst other linked data. Curiously, the Linking Open Drug Data technologies, as research directions for the chemical (LODD) Web site76 does not appear in the list of Semantic Web. However, for a vocabulary to be com- sources, despite being under the auspices of the W3C. mon,thetermsitcontainsmustbeagreedandwork- The LODD Web site lists several interesting resources, able in practice. Moreover, the vocabulary must be in available in a number of formats including RDF, and aformthatisreadablebySemanticWebtools.Frey15 Samwald et al.77 describe the work of the LODD task notes that the capture of semantic relationships can force. They note that some of the LODD datasets are lead to tension between freedom and control, in that not fully open, owing to considerations that the task controlled vocabularies inhibit the free text annota- force is actively exploring (e.g., patient confidential- tion with which researchers often feel more comfort- ity). able. ChemCloud78 adopts the linked data initia- Many cheminformatics tools depend on meta- tive in providing an infrastructure to integrate a data constructs that provide formal data descrip- range of chemical, biochemical, and pharmaceutical tions by means of controlled vocabularies. Promi- databases. This project recognizes that the formats nent among such constructs is the Chemical Markup in these sources present a challenge to semantic inte- Language (CML) for describing molecular species, gration. Given the prevalent use of XML formats in first proposed in 1995. Since then, Murray-Rust and these databases, ChemCloud has developed tools for Rzepa69 have defined an XML Schema compliant converting the XML data to RDF. form of CML. In 2011, Murray-Rust et al.70 de- In 2004, Murray-Rust and Rzepa79 published scribed the semantics of CML, its conventions and an article challenging the transclusion model on in- dictionaries. Ref 71 contains a comprehensive list of tegrity grounds. They admit that their message is CML publications, together with specifications and ‘slightly tongue-in-cheek’ but go on to propose a da- other information. tument model, in which publications contain all the relevant parts, incorporated as the datument is pub- Linked Data lished. Berners-Lee published his principles of linked Linked data, although generically an established con- data two years later, but it is perhaps notable that a cept, is fundamental to the Semantic Web. Tim search of all his design issues produces no matches for Berners-Lee72 has published a range of notes con- the stem ‘integr’ (to cover variants of ‘integrity’). Al- cerning Web design issues, including four principles though capturing links is likely to remain a challenge for putting linked data on the Web. The InChI and in the context of chemical experiments, it is perhaps InChiKey, discussed in an earlier section, are very fortunate that ensuring that laboratory data is linked important for linking both raw and processed data to some at least of its related information should suf- that relates to molecules. The eCrystals archive73 uses fice to prevent that data becoming isolated. InChI identifiers for linking to the data resulting from asinglecrystalX-raystructuredetermination,pro- duced, for example, by the UK National Crystallog- PROVENANCE raphy Service (NCS).74 The significant aspect of this service (both the NCS and eCrystals) is its preser- Enhancing the mechanisms for recording and stor- vation of links to all the raw and processed data, ing provenance is possibly an understated goal of

Volume 00, January/February 2013 c 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 7 ! Advanced Review the union of cheminformatics and the Semantic Web. particularly important, and use their Chemical Infor- Borkum et al.,80 describing the oreChem project, mation Ontology (CHEMINF) to capture that infor- point out the importance of the relationship between mation, for example, the parameters and the version the level of trust in reported results and the prove- of the code used to compute chemical properties. nance, or pedigree, of the data from which those results were derived. Their words echo the earlier 65 observations of Pancerella et al., regarding the im- SEMANTIC WEB TECHNOLOGY portance of provenance for the accuracy and currency of scientific data. To ease the checking of provenance Maximizing the value of the Semantic Web to chem- and validity, repositories need as much information informatics depends in part on the availability of as possible about the data they contain, and Semantic good tools. Murray-Rust et al.,87 in a perspective Web technologies offer the means for capturing and article, published in 2004 and entitled ‘Representa- preserving that information. tion and use of Chemistry in the Global Electronic In 2005, Simmhan et al.81 published a survey Age’, discuss the importance of appropriate tools for of data provenance in e-Science. Although the CMCS all aspects of the Chemical Semantic Web. A 2006 is the only chemistry project they examine, they raise survey of the technologies comprising the Semantic several general issues that remain pertinent today, in- Web and its architecture provides a comprehensive set cluding, but not limited to: rich provenance infor- of references.88 This survey acknowledges the wide mation can become larger than the data it describes, range of application areas without mentioning any provenance usability depends on federating descrip- specifically. Two years later, a survey of semantic tive information, coping with missing or deleted data e-Science applications describes chemistry as a ‘hot requires further consideration. field’.89 The authors look forward to a promising fu- To some extent, these issues can be addressed ture but note among the challenges two that remain by the use of inference techniques, which is a nat- pertinent today: existing data and social issues. Of the ural step, given the enabling technologies of the Se- former, they say: ‘providing structured data already mantic Web. Provenance Explorer generates graph- existing in legacy database according to an agreed on- ical views of scientific data provenance by using tology can be a very labor-intensive task’. The social rule-based methods to infer provenance relationships issues relate essentially to willingness to contribute to automatically.82,83 The system comprises a knowl- the creation of the Semantic Web. edge of Web Ontology Language (OWL) files In their book Introduction to Pharmaceutical with relationships defined in the Semantic Web Rule Bioinformatics, Wikberg et al.90 include a Language (SWRL), an inference engine (Algernon), about the Semantic Web that describes the stan- and a provenance visualizer. dards and technologies in the context of chemin- The CombeChem project is an exemplar for formatics and bioinformatics. Of all the Semantic capturing provenance information at source.34,51,84 Web technologies, arguably the most significant in This project also recognized the need for the de- terms of dependencies is RDF, the Resource Descrip- scriptive information to be pervasive, for example, tion Framework. In 2010, the Journal of Chemin- including units. The ChemAxiom set of ontologies in- formatics devoted a Thematic Series to ‘RDF tech- cludes ChemAxiomMeta,whichisintendedtoallow nologies in chemistry’.91 Two of the papers in this the provenance of data to be specified.85 series, about SADI9 and Chess46 have been covered The need for provenance information to be in Data Management and Integration;thearticleby reliable has potential significance for drug discov- Samwald et al.77 about LODD has been covered in ery, when molecular properties are computed: the Linked Data. Another article in the series, by Wil- provenance should show clearly the method of per- lighagen and Brandle,¨ 92 addresses the use of RDF in forming calculations. The Blue Obelisk Movement chemistry specifically. The authors are generally opti- makes a similar point in the general cheminformatics mistic about the future value of RDF technologies for context.86 Its members urge that chemical computa- chemistry, although they do question the usefulness of tions should satisfy the scientific tenet of reproducibil- RDF for data in tabular forms and also sound a cau- ity, but note the surprising difficulty of ensuring the tionary note about the inability of RDF to provide reproducibility of a calculation. They go on to argue guarantees about data quality or data availability, for that a global chemical Semantic Web will be diffi- example. cult to implement without the processes necessary for Adams13 published an overview in 2009 that validating resources and methods. Hastings et al.45 considered semantic markup languages for chemistry, also consider the provenance of calculated data to be such as CML, as well as Semantic Web technologies.

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Notably, he raises issues similar to those discussed ChemCloud initiative is, to some extent, an attempt by Chen et al.89 in 2006: the processing of existing to contain this proliferation, but it still requires new data, which Adams refers to as ‘semantification’; and ontologies to represent the information in existing the sociocultural challenges. He observes that chem- databases.78 Currently, ChEBI (Chemical Entities of istry has lagged behind other disciplines in evolving Biological Interest)63 is the most established ontology acultureofdataandknowledgesharing.AsFrey34 in chemistry, as described by Adams et al.99 with a noted when describing the CombeChem project: ‘All subsequent update by de Matos et al.100 Adams85 is progress depends on individual scientists building on also one of the originators of the ChemAxiom set of the results already produced by others’. Adams warns ontologies, which aims to provide a framework for of the risk to progress in the biosciences in particular the formal description of chemistry, in the form of if chemistry continues to be reluctant to share its data. asetofinteroperableontologiesthatdescribeboth The SPECTRa-T project has demonstrated the chemical concepts and chemical data. use of text-mining tools to extract semantic informa- The CHEMINF ontology, as described in Data tion from theses stored in legacy document formats, Management and Integration,isparticularlycon- generating an RDF representation of the chemically cerned to cater for the exchange of data about relevant content.49 It is self-evident that the issues chemical entities with biological and bioinformatics related to and sharing would be mit- applications.45 As covered fully in the paper, CHEM- igated by open access data together with INF extends several ontologies that are important in the article to which the data relates, as advocated by the biological context. Although the authors acknowl- Bachrach.93 This is an interesting development on a edge the influence of CombeChem34 they do not refer scheme that he and colleagues proposed a decade ear- to the development of ChemAxiom,85 possibly ow- lier, for journal articles to be marked up for reuse ing to concerns about the ChemAxiom approach, by readers.94 Bachrach suggests the use of Web 2.0 for example, that it does not provide dereference- tools to assist with in an open environ- able URIs. All three are domain-specific ontologies ment. Fox et al.95 envisage a wider use for Web 2.0 that aspire to integrate with upper ontologies, particu- technologies, including SOAs for cheminformatics. larly those in the Open Biomedical Ontologies (OBO) Storage and retrieval tools are essential, with an format.101 CHEMINF also provides mappings to the extensive range of triplestore implementations pro- Blue Obelisk Descriptor Ontology (BODO), which is viding databases for persisting Semantic Web rela- covered in the 2011 review of the Blue Obelisk move- tionships, which consist of subject–predicate–object ment five years after its inception.102 triples. The W3C standard for retrieving triples Choi et al.103 have generated a small molecule is SPARQL (SPARQL Protocol and RDF Query ontology (SMO) to address the problem of integrating Language).96 Willighagen and Brandle¨ 92 discuss the the properties of small molecules with data relating use of SPARQL in cheminformatics, as do Chen to biological activity. They emphasize the importance et al.,42 when describing the Chem2Bio2RDF frame- of Semantic Web technologies for both the develop- work: these are just two examples. ment and exploitation of their SMO. On a broader SemanticEye is a system intended to improve level, Chen and Xie104 have surveyed the use of Web the accessibility of electronic publications and asso- ontologies in drug discovery, which is an activity that ciated data,97 along similar lines to those discussed manifestly depends on the integration of chemical and above. The architecture of SemanticEye is based on biological data. One rather specific example of the use the digital music model and relies on descriptive meta- of ontologies in this respect is the semantic mining of data that its stores as RDF. The original implemen- patents.105 tation used the Sesame framework71;subsequently, Under the auspices of the CombeChem project, Casher and Rzepa98 have integrated SemanticEye Frey et al.35 adopted a human computer interaction with SPARQL. (HCI) approach to designing an information system for capturing the data and metadata recorded by Ontologies chemists during an experiment. From a Smart Lab Ontologies for chemistry are not yet as well developed perspective, CombeChem used RDF to classify chem- as those in the life sciences, but several initiatives are ical descriptors and demonstrated the explicit capture making encouraging progress. The first Casher and of the provenance of an experiment.34 The Smart Tea Rzepa97 paper describes SemanticEye as an ontology project developed an ontology to model the Materi- with associated tools. Other groups have also created als and Processes comprising the experiment, as one formal semantic descriptions as taxonomies and on- part of a system to support the experimental pro- tologies, in many cases to meet their own needs. The cess from planning through to publication (at source).

Volume 00, January/February 2013 c 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 9 ! Advanced Review

Representations of experiments at both the planning tion at source. The UK has established a national or- and enactment stage are at the core of the oreChem in- ganization, the Digital Curation Centre, for tackling frastructure: the model enables researchers to describe the challenges of preserving and managing research both the prospective and retrospective provenance of data.107 achemistryexperiment.80 The ELN is now essential to good practice in capture and curation. ‘ELN and the Paperless Lab’ is THE RESEARCH LIFECYCLE aselectivecompilationofarticleswrittenaboutELNs in recent years.108 This eBook provides a broad range All scientific investigations generate a much wider of insights into the evolution of ELNs and the motiva- range of material than just the results obtained, tions of the experimenters who use them. Previously, whether they are numbers or recorded observations. Taylor33 had reviewed the use of ELNs specifically If such investigations are to benefit the wider science for chemistry and biology: at that time (2006) he pre- community, care is needed in the capture, preserva- dicted that increased adoption would depend on the tion, and description of all of the material. Equal care technology becoming proven and affordable. More is required in recording the subsequent stages of anal- recently, Quinnell et al.109,110 have reported trials of ysis and dissemination. This section examines how an ELN with selected undergraduate and postgradu- Semantic Web technologies can assist the cheminfor- ate chemistry students at the University of New South matics community to achieve what the authors of this Wales, Australia. review refer to as continuous curation,throughout The dissemination phase is, in a sense, recur- the research lifecycle. sive, in that collaboration pervades the research lifecy- Borkum et al.80 highlight the need for ‘collabo- cle. Williams reviewed the use of Internet-based tools, ration between chemistry scholars and computer and including Semantic Web tools, for drug discovery,57 information scientists to develop and deploy the in- concluding that, for commercial organizations, blogs frastructure, services, and applications that are neces- and wikis are more likely to be adopted internally sary to enable new models for research and dissemi- than for external collaboration. Academic institutions nation of the scholarly results of chemistry research’. are likely to be significantly less inhibited. However, Frey15 identifies three main phases in the research it might be necessary to distinguish between the infor- lifecycle: planning, execution, and dissemination. He mal sharing of ideas and the more formal exchange contends that Semantic Web technology can speed of structured information. Several authors have com- up the planning phase by enhancing the discovery mented on the antipathy of chemists toward data process, not only of relevant information, including sharing. In 2008, Downing et al.111 conducted a sur- publications, but also of people with similar inter- vey of all research chemists at both Cambridge and ests and required skills. The e-Science community has Imperial College to determine prac- encouraged the necessary collaboration by forming tices and needs. They found a tendency to store data virtual organizations, but support for formal virtual as hard copy, and where data was preserved electron- organizations (VOs) has waned in favor of groups set ically, a range of formats were in use. The attitude to up around social networking tools such a LinkedIn, storing data in an open repository depended in part FaceBook, and Google circles. on a reluctance to make data available prior to pub- The execution phase involves the capture of lication, allowing only other group members to see both data and observations in context and, impor- information before publication. tantly, the curation of that information. Chin and For scientists, publication is the ultimate form Lansing106 set out the basic principles of capture in of dissemination, so researchers with an interest in se- context, albeit for a biosciences collaboratory but one mantic and Web 2.0 technologies have been drawn to- developed from the CMCS.65 They note that context ward approaches that go beyond the traditional paper is both physical and scientific and is captured as meta- publishing. Marking up text with a language that con- data. They also discuss the importance of data prove- forms to a publicly known schema is one approach, nance for tracing the evolution of datasets, to which leading Murray-Rust and Rzepa112 to propose CML contextual information can also be relevant. To ap- for this purpose. At the same time, Frey et al.113 pre- ply these principles in an environment that exploits sented a case for publication at source,usingGrid semantics, it is important to capture information in technology to disseminate information about the con- machine-processable formats. Frey19 argues for cura- duct of experiments as well as the resulting data: tion to be an indispensable part of the experimental Figure 1 in their paper is an early depiction of the process, to be designed into every experiment: cura- linked data concept.

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Shotton114 has reviewed progress toward se- technology. The issue is potentially quite fundamental mantic publishing, in which he cites journals pub- in that structure search is mostly about substructure lished by the Royal Society of Chemistry and partic- search and efficient algorithms exist for this and it is ularly the RSC Project Prospect as an exemplar of not clear that this substructure view of the world is semantic publishing. The RSC has made signifi- actually compatible with the semantics of the whole cant advances in this area, with RSC Semantic structure. publishing115 (as Project Prospect is now known), Quantitative structure activity relationships which is linked to the RSC ChemSpider database.116 (QSAR) are the established basis for deriving struc- Manuscripts submitted to the RSC are annotated with ture property relationships that can be used in drug semantic markup to highlight the important chemical design to predict the chemical properties of new struc- data, particularly the structures. The data markup in- tures. QSAR modelling has made reasonable progress cludes links to the relevant text and additional prop- in using Semantic Web technologies, such as RDF: erty data. Subsequently, search engines can exploit Willighagen et al.122 give a number of examples of the annotations, for instance to discover papers that linking RDF and QSAR modeling; Chepelev and relate to a particular structure. The approach taken by Dupontier9 use SADI to link to QSAR functionality this RSC project demonstrates the advantages of pub- in the CDK (Chemistry Development Kit). lication in a format that is compatible with Semantic As well as investing in the discovery of new Web technologies, which can in turn generate further drugs, the also devotes re- insights from such semantically enriched information. sources to finding new uses for known drugs. Oprea RDF functionality has recently been added to the et al.123 have recently reviewed the techniques used ChemSpider interface, enabling Richard Kidd, Infor- to find new uses. They argue that Semantic Web matics Manager at the RSC, to blog about what might technologies could contribute to an integrated ap- be possible with semantic chemistry.117 Martinsen118 proach to discovering the associations on which drug- refers to the RSC project when discussing semantic repurposing efforts depend. tagging in his report on the Evolving Network of The Indiana University School of Informatics Scientific Communication session at the 223rd meet- has developed a variety of tools that deploy the Se- ing of the American Chemical Society. His report mantic Web for drug discovery. The best known is notes the increasing impact of Web 2.0 technologies, arguably Chem2Bio2RDF,29 but Wild124 describes athemetakenupbyBachrach,93 as discussed in the the full range of tools on his home page. WENDI Semantic Web Technology section of this review. looks particularly interesting in that it uses an RDF inference engine to reveal potential but not oth- erwise obvious biological applications for chemical 125 DEPLOYING THE SEMANTIC WEB compounds. The design and discovery of new drugs is the most prominent application of cheminformatics and there- Workflows, Web Services, and fore the natural area for deploying Semantic Web Interoperability technologies. Willett2 identifies structure search and The authors have recently reviewed the deployment property modeling as two related areas at the foun- of workflows and Web services for drug design and dations of modern cheminformatics. The eMolecules discovery22 and concluded that the increasing use of database provides for substructure and molecular Web services means that it is becoming easier to use similarity searches, but does not currently exploit se- workflows and workflow systems to provide assem- mantic labelling.119 ChemSpider provides equivalent blies of services that are useful in drug design and dis- facilities and also provides Web services for query- covery. Kuhn et al.126 have developed CDK-Taverna ing and accessing its database.116 Although ChemSpi- to provide a workflow engine specifically for chemin- der is moving toward including semantic methods,117 formatics by developing a Taverna plugin to integrate these are not yet evident on its Web site. The Crystal- CDK: in their article, they provide six scenarios as Eye database accumulates crystallographic structures, examples of the use of CDK-Taverna. ‘Web 2.0 for to which it can add semantic markup when converting Grids and e-Science’ is the subject of a book chap- the data to CML.120 Richard et al.121 have discussed ter by Fox et al.127 Previously, Curcin et al.24 had the value of semantic markup in associating struc- paid particular attention to the role semantics in their tures with important properties, in their case toxicity review of Web services for the life sciences. data. However, the overall message is that structure Although workflows can use Semantic Web search has been notably slow to adopt Semantic Web technologies to communicate the characteristics of

Volume 00, January/February 2013 c 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 11 ! Advanced Review data in precise manner, cheminformatics applications data: the members of the group continue to do so.102 have to maintain that precision when interfacing with Jean-Claude Bradley is a leading exponent of open semantic methods. Willighagen et al.122 examine the science: he provides all the experimental results from interoperation of a range of molecular chemometrics his work on antimalarial compounds online.130 Ney- applications and conclude that these techniques can lon and Todd have also made some of their laboratory integrate successfully with RDF data. The OpenTox notebooks available and in the latter case a whole re- project128 aims to provide semantic services to assist search project is coordinated in public view as Project integration of toxicology information with the rest Lab on the site; for exam- of the drug discovery process. The Chem2Bio2RDF ple, the Pictet–Spengler route to Praziquantel.131 repository exploits semantics to facilitate interoper- Todor132 surveys a range of use cases in his ation between chemistry and biology by integrating presentation: ‘Semantic Linked for chemogenomics repositories with other chemical biol- Chemical eScience’. Hunter et al.133 have focused on ogy resources.42 In the context of managing research the annotation of 3D crystallographic models, essen- projects, Alsberg and Clare32 demonstrate the use of tially a form of curation. The main tool they use MediaWiki for handling the interoperation of the var- for their AnnoCryst system is Annotea, which is a ious aspects of chemometric research projects. How- W3C Semantic Web project that uses RDF schema.134 ever, among the shortcomings that they point out are Adams and Murray-Rust135 published an early exam- the lack of semantic annotation and an outstanding is- ple of deploying semantic technologies for a specific sue with integrating large amounts of structured data: application, polymer informatics, in 2008. clearly there is scope for introducing further semantic technology. CONCLUSION Open Data Rajarshi Guha’s blog136 illustrates that applications The activities of the Linking Open Drug Data task of Semantic Web technologies in cheminformatics are force77 were covered in the Linked data section of still the subject of active discussion. It has become this review. The Open PHACTS consortium aims to clear that the role of the Semantic Web in promot- develop an open source, open standards, and open ing systematic use of agreed metadata for integra- access platform as the basis of an open pharmacolog- tion of data is currently the most powerful driving ical space (OPS).47 The consortium will use trusted force in the development of Semantic Web tools. The third parties to resolve security issues related to pro- possibilities for reasoning over the semantically rich prietary data. Hohman et al.129 foresee open access, data produced are still in their infancy. The major ad- open source, and open collaboration as the future vances that have been made in the Chemical Semantic for drug discovery. They argue that a growing com- Web in the last few years have brought chemical in- munity of networked scientists, sharing data and ex- formatics into closer alignment and integration with pertise, can achieve more efficient discovery of new bioinformatics. The RDF description works best in an candidate drug molecules. However, if their vision is ‘open world’ both in the technical and administrative to be realized, collaborating researchers will need to meaning of the word. Developments have been faster be sure of the semantics of the data they access ‘out where data was easily available, but other routes in the open’. to accessing the necessary data are increasing pos- The ChemCloud infrastructure, discussed sible and will ensure that the exciting demonstration above, is based on linked open data principles.78 The based on freely available data can spread to environ- Blue Obelisk movement86 was founded specifically ments were the data is necessarily more controlled and to promote open source, open standards, and open restricted.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors acknowledge the direct and indirect support for this review flowing from the grants from EPSRC (GR/R67729/, EP/C6008863/, EP/G026238/, EP/K003569/) and JISC (Data Management and Repositories Programmes, and HEFCE/UMF).

12 c 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Volume 00, January/February 2013 ! WIREs Computational Molecular Science Cheminformatics and the Semantic Web


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