A3 SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 2019 | YOUR COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER SINCE 1874 | $2 Lake City Reporter LAKECITYREPORTER.COM >> SUNDAY + PLUS Honoring 1D Williams: How our Those Who streets got their names Served Taste Buddies Opinion/4A SEE 8A ELEMENTARY ED BROWNFIELD Another four-year degree Silver for FGC lining School hopes to launch program in Spring 2020. From staff reports to toxic The State Board of Education has approved a four-year bacca- laureate program in Elementary Education at Florida Gateway 1B College. cloud? Friday’s vote brought to a con- Tigers Contamination not seen as health clusion a three- threat, but cleanup money could solve year process that will enable reined in another downtown problem: parking. Florida Gateway Barrett College to offer By CARL MCKINNEY the new degree by Lee
[email protected] with a professional track for CHS was knocked out of the Parts of downtown Lake City are probably STEM-related careers in elemen- playoffs by the Lee Generals on contaminated soil, the city manager says, tary education. yet again Friday in Jax. but there may be a silver lining. The college received input Here, Columbia’s Lanadrick Grant money from envi- from the five-county school dis- Bradley is brought down by ronmental regulators are tricts that FGC serves, and each Lee defender DeDrick Smith, available to help clean up the superintendent said a critical left, who seems to have a polluted earth, and the funds shortage of elementary teach- firm grip on the situation. could alleviate a completely ers was a major concern. different problem in the pro- cess — the lack of parking spaces downtown.