Religion and Mental Health: a Bibliography. INSTITUTION National Inst
DOCUMENT RESUME ED 205 446 SO 013 522 AUTHOR Summerlin, Florence A., Comp. TITLE Religion and Mental Health: A Bibliography. INSTITUTION National Inst. on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (DHEW/PHS), Rockville, Md.: National Inst. on Drug Abuse (DHEW /PHSI , Rockville, Md. PUB DATE 90 NOT, 402p. AVATLABLE FROM Superintendent of Documents, U.S. 3overnment Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402 (58.50). EDRS PRICE MF01/PC17 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Annotated Bibliographies: Attitudes: Clergy: Deaths Drug Abuse: Marriage: *Menttl Health:'Older Adults: *Religion: Religious Education: Religious Factors: Suicide ABSTRACT This anro+kted bibliography cites journal articles, ' reports, and books on religion and mental health published since 1970. The listing is intended to help psychologists, psychiatrists, clergymen, social workers, teachers, doctors and other professionals respond to requests for information and advice in areas spanning the common around;between religion and mental health. The bibliography is organized-by +opical areas. These include: attitudes toward religion: the clergy (their careers, education and training, and personalities): death, suicide and bereavement: drug and alcohol use: eastern religious traditions: elderly: ethical and legal issues: interdisciplinary collaboration: marriage and family counseling: mental health ministry: theoretidal, theological and psychological issues of religion: mental health: religious education: religious experiences (altered states of consciousness, conversion and Pentecostal events): religious
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