Comets and Their Interstellar Connections

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Comets and Their Interstellar Connections heubner 16-12-2005 10:49 Pagina 197 197 Comets and Their Interstellar Connections W.F. Huebnera and K. Altweggb aSouthwest Research Institute, San Antonio, Texas, USA bPhysikalisches Institut, Universität Bern, Bern, Switzerland Although comets are among the smallest bodies in our Solar System, they nevertheless have an inordinately important scientific value. They represent material that had its origin in a dark molecular cloud from which our Solar System emerged. Comets provide insight into the history of our Solar System and connect the present-day composition of the planets, their satellites, and the Sun with the composition of the ancient molecular cloud, even though it has long since disappeared. They give insight into the conditions that prevailed in the Solar System during its formation and into the processes responsible for its current heterogeneity. Figure 1. Comet missions from 1986 to the present. Blue: dedicated comet missions; black: missions where comet science is a secondary goal, green: cancelled or failed missions. The Solar System and Beyond: Ten Years of ISSI heubner 16-12-2005 10:49 Pagina 198 198 W.F. Huebner & K. Altwegg The reappearance of comet 1P/Halley in 1985 and the appearance of two bright comets towards the end of the last century, Hale-Bopp (C/1995 O1) and Hyakutake (C/1996 B2), triggered enormous scientific interest in these small icy bodies and in their relationship with the interstellar material. Many comet space missions were planned (see Fig. 1). However, after the multi-spacecraft visits to comet 1P/Halley in 1986, only a few smaller missions materialized. They left a gap of almost 30 years between the 1P/Halley encounter and the next compre- hensive comet mission, Rosetta, which is now on its long journey to comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. The ISSI Comet Workshop in 1998 led to the founding of a comet programme at ISSI with working groups, teams, and work- shops in order to bridge this gap and to pass knowledge to the next generation of comet scientists that will be active at the time when Rosetta reaches its target in 2013. Comets and the History of Solar-System Materials The history of cometary material is complex; it is shown schematically in Figure 2. Atomic nuclei heavier than H and He are synthesized in the interiors of stars and released into the interstellar medium at particular stages of stellar evolution. Molecules form and condensation into solid grains occurs when densities are high and temperatures fall, as happens in stellar envelopes (producing high- temperature condensates), molecular clouds (producing low-temperature condensates), and proto-stellar disks. Different stellar sources release matter with different isotopic signatures that are preserved in grains. Comets are Figure 2. Sketch of the history of Solar System materials. heubner 16-12-2005 10:49 Pagina 199 Comets and their Interstellar Connections 199 expected to have preserved a larger variety of grains with the original stellar sig- nature than meteorites. So far, such isotopic evidence is sparse. A few grains with high and variable 13C/12C were found in the coma of comet Halley1 indicat- ing multiple stellar origins. More results are expected from the Stardust mission samples that are now on their way back to Earth and from the Rosetta mission, now on its way to comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. In interstellar molecu- lar clouds, these grains serve as nuclei for the condensation of more volatile molecular species. Upon irradiation with UV light and high-energy particles, the grains are processed further. About 4.6 Gy ago, a galactic local proto-stellar cloud partially collapsed forming our Solar System. Fred Whipple was one of the first to recognize the importance of comets for the history of our Solar System. In the last decades of the last century it was accepted that comets repre- sent the best-preserved material to be found in the Solar System and that some molecules found in comets can be traced back to the interstellar medium. This allows us to study the processes that led from the molecular cloud, through agglomeration in the solar nebula, to the present constituents of the comet nuclei. Composition and Origin of Cometary Material Until about 1980, it was assumed that comet nuclei contained primarily frozen gases of H2O, NH3, and CH4. Comet models based on this assumption, even when supplemented with a few other minor species, failed to explain the radi- cals and ions identified in spectra of comet comae. One of the first models to come close to explaining the observed composition of comet comae was based on frozen interstellar molecules in the nucleus, as proposed by Biermann et al.2 As reviewed in several conference proceedings, much progress has been made in finding new molecular species in comets and in modeling and understanding comets. One of these conferences was the ISSI workshop on “Composition and Origin of Cometary Material”3 in 1998. From this workshop, three main recom- mendations emerged. We will review progress made based on some of these rec- ommendations. Workshop Recommendations. The summary of the workshop on “Composition and Origin of Cometary Material” recommended4: 1. Comet data acquisition, analysis, and evaluation. 1.1 Acquire data by remote sensing over large heliocentric distance ranges with modern techniques in all wavelength regions. 1.2 Acquire data by in situ measurements. 1.3 Acquire data from sample returns. 1.4 Acquire data from comet simulation experiments. 1.5 Develop global models of comet activity. heubner 16-12-2005 10:49 Pagina 200 200 W.F. Huebner & K. Altwegg 2. Establish a comet source book for data on material properties on a website for easy access. 2.1 Establish a working group to deal with basic material properties. 2.2 Atomic and molecular cross-sections and rate coefficients. 2.3 Sputtering and heat desorption from solids. 2.4 Contact laboratories to make measurements, and theoretical groups to make calculations. 3. Establish an interdisciplinary working group to model the collapse of an inter- stellar cloud. Include formation of the accretion shock in the outer regions of the solar nebula where comets form. 3.1 Use comet data as a guide to constrain the models. 3.2 Investigate the proto-planetary disks. 3.3 Pursue the emerging field of Edgeworth-Kuiper belt objects. We summarize below the actions taken to fulfil several of these recommendtions. The Interstellar Connection Molecules. New searches for molecular species in comets have been conducted (see, for example, Crovisier et al.5,6). Some searches were successful in identify- ing new mother molecules and isotopes; others resulted in placing upper limits on the abundances of potentially new cometary molecules. Table 1 summarizes the present status of identified cometary molecules and compares them with molecules identified in protostars (PS) and in dark interstellar clouds (DISC). We do not list ions in this table because the differences between the interstellar radiation field and that of the Sun are too large to make such a comparison mean- ingful. We could use the same argument for radicals as photo-dissociation prod- ucts. However, in this case it is difficult to decide which radical is the result of photo-dissociation and which is the result of chemical reactions. We also do not list atoms or metallic or siliceous products derived from the dust of Sun-grazing comets. Homologous series of molecules like CnH and HCnN will become excellent indicators to trace back cometary material to its source, be it molecular clouds or the solar nebula, when more cometary data will be available. A more meaningful comparison of cometary with interstellar (extrasolar) mole- cules results if we list their relative abundances and include interstellar ices, which is done for some molecules presented in Figure 3. Such data are now becoming available7. Figure 3, based on Crovisier8, illustrates a quantitative sim- ilarity between inter-stellar ice and cometary ice. The interstellar data is from heubner 16-12-2005 10:49 Pagina 201 Comets and their Interstellar Connections 201 Table 1. Comparison of Identified Cometary and Interstellar Neutral Molecules Molecule Comet PS DISC Molecule Comet PS DISC Molecule Comet PS DISC * Homonuclear HC4H CH3NH2 Molecules * H2 HC6H CH2NH r N2 H2C4 HNCO r S2 H2C6 NH2CHO * C2 C6H6 NH2CH2COOH ? *,r r r C3 l-C3H NO r r C4 c-C3H HNO *,r r C5 l-C3H2 N2O r Oxidised c-C3H2 Sulphur bearing carbon bearing r CO CH3C4HSH * C2OH2C2H2 H2S C3OCH3CCH CS C5O Nitrogen C2S bearing HCOr NHr NSr r H2CO NH2 SiS CH2CO NH3 C3S r CO2 CN C5S r HCOOH C3N OCS r CH3OH C5N H2CS CH3COOH PN HNCS r CH2CHOH SiN CS2 CH3CH2OH HCN SO OH(CH)2OH HNC SO2 CH2CHO HC3NCH3SH HC2CHO HC5N Metal bearing CH3CHO HC7N FeO ? * CH3OCHO HC9NAlF * CH2OHCHO HC11N AlCl * * c-CH2OCH2 NaCN NaCl * * CH3OCH3 MgCN KCl * CH3COCH3 MgNC Others * r C2H5OCH3 AlNC OH * Hydrocarbons SiCN H2O r r CH H2CN HF ? r r CH2 HCCN HCl r r *,r CH3 CH2CN CP ? * r CH4 CH3CN SiH ? * C2H6 CH3NC SiC r C2H CH2CHCN SiO r C4H CH3C2CN c-SiC2 r C5H CH3CH2CN ? c-SiC3 r * C6H CH3C4CN ? ? SiH4 *,r *,r C7H NH2CN C4Si r C8H HCCNC HC2H HNCCC * Only in envelopes of evolved stars ? Tentative identification c- Cyclic molecule l- Linear molecule r-Radicals heubner 16-12-2005 10:49 Pagina 202 202 W.F. Huebner & K. Altwegg Figure 3. Comparison of molecular abundances in interstellar ices and in comet comae (after Ref. 8) infrared spectra of icy grains in dense clouds, and the cometary data is from coma gases sublimed from the nucleus and dust. Except for N2, which condenses only at very low temperatures and which therefore was proba- bly never incorporated in comets or has been lost in the last 4.6 billion years, the similarity between interstellar and cometary ice is quite striking.
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