focus MONTHLY design is not a dirty word dirty a not is design Heather Mae Erickson designs for ambiguous function focus design is not a dirty word FEBRUARY 2008 $7.50 (Can$9, E6.50) Ceramics Monthly February 2008 1 MONTHLY Publisher Charles Spahr Editorial
[email protected] telephone: (614) 895-4213 fax: (614) 891-8960 editor Sherman Hall associate editor Jennifer Poellot Harnetty assistant editor Brandy Agnew technical editor Dave Finkelnburg Advertising/Classifieds
[email protected] telephone: (614) 794-5834 fax: (614) 891-8960 classifi
[email protected] telephone: (614) 794-5866 advertising manager Mona Thiel advertising services Jan Moloney Marketing telephone: (614) 794-5809 marketing manager Steve Hecker Subscriptions/Circulation customer service: (800) 342-3594
[email protected] Design/Production production editor Cynthia Conklin design Paula John Editorial and advertising offices 600 N. Cleveland Ave., Suite 210 Westerville, Ohio 43082 Editorial Advisory Board Linda Arbuckle; Professor, Ceramics, Univ. of Florida Scott Bennett; Sculptor, Birmingham, Alabama Tom Coleman; Studio Potter, Nevada Dick Lehman; Studio Potter, Indiana Meira Mathison; Director, Metchosin Art School, Canada Bernard Pucker; Director, Pucker Gallery, Boston Phil Rogers; Potter and Author, Wales Jan Schachter; Potter, California Mark Shapiro; Worthington, Massachusetts Susan York; Santa Fe, New Mexico Ceramics Monthly (ISSN 0009-0328) is published monthly, except July and August, by Ceramic Publications Company; a subsidiary of The American Ceramic Society, 600 N. Cleveland Ave., Suite 210, Westerville, Ohio 43082; Periodicals postage paid at Westerville, Ohio, and additional mailing offices. Opinions expressed are those of the contributors and do not necessarily represent those of the editors or The American Ceramic Society.