Blue Cornflower. Blue Cornflower Fruits
Blue cornflower. Blue cornflower fruits Product Images Short Description Blue cornflower. Blue cornflower fruits Description Specification & Spread Blue cornflower flowers — flores centaureae cyani Blue cornflower — centaurea cyanus l. Composite family – asteraceae (compositae) Other names: cornflower, basilisk, knapweed, blueflower, centaury. It is an annual or biennial herb with a thin taproot and branching thin stem 30-80 cm tall. The leaves are alternate, the lower - petiolate, trifoliate or pinnatilobate, the upper - linear-lanceolate, large- toothed or entire, sessile. Like the stem, the leaves are slightly cobweb-felt, grey-green. The flower baskets are single, large, on long peduncles located at the ends of stems, with a cover of tiled-like membranous leaves. The marginal flowers are blue, funnel-shaped, asexual, uneven five-pronged; the middle - purple, tubular, bisexual. The median flowers are 2 times more than marginal.The fruit is an elongated grey seed with a short, easily breaking off tuft. It blooms in June - July, the fruits ripen in August. The plant easily tolerates autumn frosts. Spreading. It is field weed, widespread in the European part of the country, except for the Far North and arid southern regions. In Western Siberia is found only in the southern regions. There are winter and spring forms. Habitat. It grows in crops of rye, wheat and other grain crops, it is sometimes found in pairs, young fallow lands, garbage places. 1 9/29/21 Composition The main active ingredients of blue cornflower flowers are anthocyanins: cyanine - cyanidin diglucoside, pelargonidin glycosides, as well as flavonoids, represented by derivatives of apigenin, luteolin, quercetin and kaempferol.
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