November 11, 1996
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Die-hard American football fans University are not afraid outshoota JMU to show their 3-2 In sudden school spirit. death overtime. Focus/16 MADISON UNIVERSITY Sports/27 MONDAY ·,,,,, ':' r 11 !'•'I• \ril ~-l r,l! , Student hit on Port Road; ~toplight ·studY pending by Steve Rexrode. a traffic control secuon of Port Republic Road. Rob Spclrs techmcian at HPC . According to Sgt. Richard Sites of .\Iliff wruu "I think it [1he cro\Sing) is the Harri-.onburg Police Depanment. An acc1dent 10 wh1ch a car \truck dangerous," fre!lhman Tanya Garrett there have been 'everal mcidents at a pede~trian ha' led to que,tiom sa1d that panicular intersection but he wns about whether a fourth stoplight "A lot of people don't signal unsure when the mc1dents occurred ~ hou ld be in~tallcd at the Forc~t H1ll you have to euher \land there and and couldn ' t ~pec1fy whether they Road and Port Republic. Road m1ss your bus or try to ~et acroo;s." involved pede!.triano;. 1nte r.. ccllon. The driver of the car wa)o JUnior " We [the City of Hamsonburg) Frc!'.hman J c,~lca Schneider wn' Manhew Egan. Non--;tudent R1 ck have alwayc; been above average !IS struck by a car Nov 6 wh1 le croo;smg Reed. a cash1er at Ex~on. wunes~ far ao; safety goes." Sites said. "The from the south Mde of Pon Republic the accident. He s:ud Egan was city has won numerouo; awards for Rond. where. \tudenh res1de 1n the .. witching lane~ and lookang 1n h1s pedestnan safety." Howard Johnson Inn. to a bu'l stop in rean icw mirror when he hit Student re!\ldent5 of Howard front of Cnon on the nonh \Ide fhe Schneider. Egan's car was heading m John~on Inn. however. are o, till accident occurred 250 feet ca\1 of the direction of Hunter's R1dge and concerned about the1r personal where Fore-.t H•ll Rnad meets Port swerved in an attempt to mi'>s !infety Republic Road. Schneider. Sen1 or Wendy Maybury, a Schneider was d1 scharged from "I heard the wheel!> ~quea ling and resident adviser at lloward Johnson Rockingham Memorial Ho11pi tal turned in time to ~>CC her go Oy1ng Inn. said 11 he has heard complaints yesterday. She ha~ a concu\slon and through the air," Reed !>aid. He about safety nt the intersection. a severe laceration on her arm. which suggested the need for some son of While Maybury admitted that a requ1red 80 Mitches, Schne1dcr said. crossing aid !l uch as an extra fourth stoplight might lie up traffic. The traffic enginccnng sccuon of stoplight to avoid further InCidents. she !>aid one should be added the Harnsonburg Plann1ng "Ca~ just start speeding up after unywny. Comm1ssfon recently began a study the last light, and they don't Mop," " It's hard to get out [of the to evaluate the need for an extra hght Reed said. at the Pon Republic inte~ction. said There is no stop s1gn at this see STOPUGHT page 2 Attempt to change UVa. honor LAUJtA GU"'a..ftlll.tSN<IU Alllllfe,.niMrr Pllrt-tlme JMU I....... ChM lioi&IMo ,..,. • CGPJ of her book, code violation jurisdiction fails 'Mowltaln Lion: An Unnlltural History of Pumas and People.' Then. 1f the panel voted 4/5 yes,the panel would by Brad Jenkins determine if the act was senous enough to expel the stofl. writer __ student, which would need n 3/5 vote. Librarian turns author A Univc~ity of Virgi nia referendum that would have "This i ~ a change we need to make," Vitan said. changed honor code viololion jurisdiction failed Thursday V1tan introduced the propo<;al in September. "This Writer's book on mountain lions delves into pumas' when it didn't receive 10 percent of the student body's e mpowers the studentli and makes the tnnls more folklore, history and people's attitudes about them apprt>Vnl. efficient," he stud. Although I ,665 UVa. student!i voted in favor of By separating the vo11ng procedure. the trial JMU librarian for special by Christy Pitrelli collections and adjunct assistant the referendum and 805 s tudents voted panel would first decide the facts of the case. senior writer again~! it, the referendum failed because Then. it would decide on the seriousness of profeasor of library faculty . She's a I 0 percent of the 11tudent body. or a VIOlation, Vitan said. Thts is called the Glancina at the decorations veJdlrian and wUdlife chair for tho scattered thi'OtiJh Chris Bolsfano's 1,828 'tudent'>, mu-.t vote in favor of \enou~ness clause. Stile Sierra Club. where she works a university referendum for 11 to "By separaung the two decisions. office in Canier Library. you misht on bear management policies. pass. accordmg to UVa. student we can avoid confusaon over the infer she's fond of nature. A vase of Bolgiano lives in Fulks Run in the pheasant and wild turkey feathers Lauro Ann DeHart. erio u s n e~s and the act," Vitan mountains north of Harrisonburg, UVa student Nathan Vitan. said 1 sits on a table behind her desk. a on the edge of what she calls "the small bunch of pressed wildftowers Honor Committee represen DeHart ~ai d the referendum threshold of the largest wilderness hangs suspended in glass on the tative. ~id currently eight to 12 "'ould have created clearer honor in the East" From her deck, she has trial panel member.., vote once JUdgments. 'The issue of whether wall and two large color photo~ seen a bobcat, bears, snakes and stand in a nook in the wall facing to determtne if the accu~;ed or not the person cheated is not deer. student should be expelled. The clouded by debates about the act her desk; one of a coyote with Nature and wildlife are passions accused student choo. es one of deserving expulsion." she said. penetrating eyes. and a striking of Bolgiano's. As a nature writer three ba. ic compo!>itions of the According to UVa. Honor image of two golden-eyed specializing in wildlife and panel: an all-student panel, nn all Council Chairman Jim Tybur, the mountain lions lolling about. conservation issues, she had written Honor Committee panel or a panel seriousness clause has become a " 1 have this fa scination with several articles about the mountain with a m1x of . tudents and Honor discussion point among Honor cougars (synonymous with lion published in various nature mountain lion. panther and pwna]." Committee members. A 415 vote Committee membe~ recently because they magazines. But it was a rare determines whether or not the litudent will think Mudents guilty of hoMr violations have she explained, adding that she occurrence that began her book be expelled. Because of the accused student's not been expelled because the act was not admires their aloofness, writing journey. An edjtor from right to choose, the trial panel is different for each honor cons idered ser1ou s enough for such a penally as independence and "incredible Stackpole Books called Bolgiano in code violation trial. expulsion. grace." '93 to compliment her on the UVn. uses the single sanction honor code. If a person "Some say the seriousness clause is too subjective Taking her love for these exotic articles and request that she write cats beyond a mere liking, Bolgiano is conv1cted of an honor violation. e~tpulsicm is the only smce it depends on the students who are voting (on a an entire book. "I jumped at it disciplinary acuon taken. case]." Vitan said. Each trial consists of a dirrerent trial has written an entire book about because that's not something that The referendum proposed two M!parate votes with the panel, cau'\ina inconsi!>tency in decision-making, he said. them titled "Mountain Lion: An happens every day." she saJd. Unnatural History of Pumas and same tnal panel to determine if a student is expelled. The Vllan <~ai d any honor violation is serious, no maner In "Mountain Lion," Boljiano People." pan\!1 would fin.t \'Oh! 1f the \tudent intentionally violated Bolgiano works part-t1me as a see UBRARIAN psge 2 the honor code. see HONOR page 2 I ~----------------~--·~· --------------~-----------------------~ 2 Monday, Nov. ll, 1996 THE BREEZE Stoplight ____:.___ ____----:----- cont/nued from page 1 Howlll"d Johnson) even in a car and Breeze especially at night," Maybury said. "People wh.o work at the Howard "To tltt prc.>ss alone, cl~et~utred Johnson say they've been 11ying for a as il is tuith abustS, tile world is hght fory~ ." indebted for all tilt I numplls Roger Bond, manager of the which Jtavr been gamed by Blimpie sandw1ch shop attached to reason and humamty ovl'r error the Chevron station. agreed. "We need a Moplight not just for and 01'1'r£'sston. H that (pedestnans crol'sing the road) - James Madisott but also for traff1c problems," he f.Jrt~ Karen 8otan said. The first step in the procesl> for MtllJ48lll.~ tdllor Kara OCJetree getting a light approved i~ a vehicle Ttdmdogy ""''~ Rocer Wollenberc count to establish average dnily Nb11•1ru~ Tracy RlnC traffic patterns. The number of cars Nt'Wird.ihJr Stacey Oaruuto that use Port Republic per hour Nt'll'5 rdrtar Kristen HelM would be mcluded in the report. A tudy has been completed and Ao;:;~ ,.. ~~ 1\IIIIJI' Paula Flnkelsteln submiuoo to the Virg1ma Department Focustdrtar AnCie Krum of Transportation Rexrode said he Aw j."t'll!i oM"' Jen has not received complaint~ about O,'IIPI a/r/t'lr Laur11 L Wilde the anter..ection but could not con finn if any had been made to other A~ lpiiiiWI tllrlor GreCOfY A.