The , and Epimetheus dynamics as a gravitational three-body problem in the plane

A. Bengochea and E. Pina˜ Department of Physics, Universidad Autonoma´ Metropolitana - Iztapalapa, P.O. Box 55 534, Mexico, D.F., 09340 Mexico, e-mail: [email protected], [email protected] Recibido el 7 de abril de 2008; aceptado el 13 de marzo de 2009 Using a coordinate system given by the principal axis of inertia, as determined by an angle, and also two distances related to the principal moments of inertia and an auxiliary angle as coordinates, we consider the Three Body Problem, interacting through gravitational forces in a plane. The dynamics of the triple Saturn-Janus-Epimetheus has been considered in these coordinates as an adiabatic perturbation of the classical equilateral triangle Lagrange solution and of the collinear Euler solution. The co-orbital motion remembering the Saturn-Janus- Epimetheus behavior is then developed theoretically based on numerical and experimental evidence.

Keywords: Three-body problem; Saturn; Janus; Epimetheus.

Se usa un sistema de coordenadas dado por los ejes principales de inercia, determinados por un angulo,´ y ademas,´ dos distancias relacionadas a los momentos principales de inercia y un angulo´ auxiliar. Consideramos al problema de tres cuerpos, que interacciona a traves´ de fuerzas gravitacionales en un plano. La dinamica´ de la terna Saturno-Jano-Epimeteo se ha descrito en estas coordenadas como una perturbacion´ adiabatica´ de las soluciones clasicas´ triangular equilatera´ de Lagrange y la solucion´ colinear de Euler. El movimiento co-orbital semejante al comportamiento de Saturno-Jano-Epimeteo se desarrolla teoricamente´ basados en evidencia numerica´ y experimental.

Descriptores: Problema de tres cuerpos; Saturno; Jano; Epimeteo.

PACS: 45.50.Pk; 95.10.Ce

1. Introduction Yoder et al. [8, 9], derived a simple analytic approxima- tion to the motion of all the Trojans and applied it to the Janus Voyager 1 flight confirmed the existence of two minor satel- and Epimetheus motion. Llibre and Olle´ [10] proved the ex- lites of Saturn: Janus and Epimetheus, providing a first es- istence of stable horseshoe orbits for the value of the mass timate of their masses as well as their orbital elements. A parameter of Saturn and Janus in the context of the circular detailed history of this discovery was given by Aksnes [1]. restricted three body problem. These two moons became familiar after the Voyager 1 Waldvogel & Spirig [11–13], studied the problem of Sat- travel in space. They received a strong attention from differ- urn’s coorbital satellites by means of a singular perturbation ent researchers. approach, that is, the motion is initially described by an outer Some of them consider their orbits from a numerical point and an inner approximation valid when the satellites are far of view Janus and Epimetheus roughly share the same mean apart or close together, respectively; the complete description orbit of a radius of 151440 km from Saturn and a frequency of the motion requires the matching of both approximations. near 518 deg day−1 [2], they are called coorbital. One of these moons is faster than the other by the small amount of Corresponding to the Hill’s problem, Petit & velocity produced by a difference of radius of 50 km. Each Henon [14, 15] dealt with satellite encounters in the frame- 4 years [3] the two moons become 15000 km apart, but their work of Hill’s problem from the analytical and numerical mutual gravitational interaction prevents collision, and they points of view. switch orbits, the one in the interior orbit becoming exterior Cors and Hall [16] approach this problem analytically and viceversa, the exterior becoming interior at the moment by introducing small parameters into the usual general three of close approach called the encounter. Colombo [4], esti- body problem in the plane, truncating high order terms and mates the amplitude of the librations of the moons in a ro- deriving dynamic information from the resulting equations. tating frame. The Cassini imaging observations at Saturn in A new perspective is undertaken in this paper with the use 2006 resulted in new data [5] and analysis to fix the parame- of new coordinates but regarding the Three-Body Problem ters for the dynamics of the Saturn’s moons and numerically without the simplifications of the restricted models. The use calculate their orbits. of new coordinates was recommended by the extreme simpli- The main theoretical approach has been made in the con- fication that the integrable Euler and Lagrange cases attained text of the restricted problems in the plane. Dermott and in these coordinates; and the relation of these two integrable Murray [6, 7], gave the description of the coorbital motion cases with the actual dynamics of Janus and Epimetheus rec- of Janus and Epimetheus based on a combination of numeri- ognized by most of the cited authors. Our main purpose is to cal integration and perturbation theory, and extrapolate some find in this paper new analytical approximations for the mo- results to the case when the third mass is not negligible. tion of Janus and Epimetheus in these variables, at least not 98 A. BENGOCHEA AND E. PINA˜ close to their encounter where we study the motion doing nu- which fixes the two directions of a and b in the plane orthog- merical integration as many of the previous authors working onal to m, and we assume the normalizations in this problem. a M aT = b M bT = µ , (8)

2. The Pina-Jim˜ enez´ coordinates that define the vectors a and b with no dimensions. To study the Janus-Epimetheus dynamics we consider the These two vectors are easily computed from the previous general Three Body Problem, interacting through gravita- orthogonality conditions. One has tional forces in a plane. µ ¶ 1 1 1 The study of this dynamics is made in the coordinate sys- a = µy , , . (9) a m − x m − x m − x tem of Pina˜ and Jimenez´ [17–19] that is further simplified by 1 a 2 a 3 a the previous hypothesis of plane two-dimensional motion. and The masses of the three bodies m1, m2 and m3 are dif- µ ¶ ferent, and ordered by the inequalities m1 À m2 > m3. 1 1 1 b = µyb , , , (10) Since the motion takes place in a plane, it is sufficient to m1 − xb m2 − xb m3 − xb take into account only one rotation angle ψ in order to trans- form from the inertial referential, to the frame of principal where ya and yb are normalization factors, and xa and xb are inertia axes, instead of three Euler angles. the roots of the quadratic equation In addition to this angle three other coordinates were in- x2 x troduced, named σ, R1, R2, where σ is an angle, and R1 and − 2 α + 3 = 0 , (11) µ2 µ R2 are two distances closely related to the two independent inertia moments where 2 µ ¶ I1 = µR , (1) 1 1 1 1 α = µ + + . (12) m m m and 1 2 3

2 The two solutions to that quadratic equation are I2 = µR , (2) 2 p 2 and µ is the mass xa = µ(α + α − 3) (13) r m1 m2 m3 and µ = , (3) m1 + m2 + m3 p 2 xb = µ(α − α − 3) . (14) which will be used frequently in this paper. The cartesian inertial coordinates, with the center of grav- These quantities are defined in this form only for different ity at rest, written in terms of the new coordinates are masses. In that case we have the inequalities µ ¶ µ ¶ xj R2 cos σ cos ψ + R1 sin σ sin ψ rj = = aj m1 > xa > m2 > xb > m3 , (15) yj R2 cos σ sin ψ − R1 sin σ cos ψ µ ¶ R2 sin σ cos ψ − R1 cos σ sin ψ that imply + bj , (4) R2 sin σ sin ψ + R1 cos σ cos ψ a1 > 0, a2 < 0, a3 < 0; b1 > 0, b2 > 0, b3 < 0 . (16) where the aj and bj are constants forming two constant, lin- early independent vectors a and b, in the mass space, orthog- We define the angles σ1, σ2, σ3 by means of onal to the vector m = (m1, m2, m3): aj = kj cos σj , bj = kj sin σj (17) a1m1 + a2m2 + a3m3 = b1m1 + b2m2 + b3m3 = 0 . (5) where k are positive constants. The angles σ obey the in- We introduce the following notation for the matrix j j equalities   m1 0 0 M =  0 m2 0  . (6) 0 < σ1 < π/2 < σ2 < π < σ3 < 3π/2 . (18) 0 0 m3 To express the potential energy (G is the gravitational con- In order to complete the definition of vectors a and b we stant) assume Gm2m3 Gm3m1 Gm1m2 T 2 V = − − − , (19) b M a = 0 , b M aT = 0 , (7) p q r

Rev. Mex. F´ıs. 55 (2) (2009) 97–105 THE SATURN, JANUS AND EPIMETHEUS DYNAMICS AS A GRAVITATIONAL THREE-BODY PROBLEM IN THE PLANE 99 we need the relationship among the distances between parti- We note ψ is a cyclic variable that is not present in the cles p, q, r, and the new coordinates. kinetic energy nor in the potential energy. Therefore     2 2 2 ³ ´ p R1 + R2 ∂K  2   2 2  P = = µR2 ψ˙ − σ˙ sin(2θ) (25) q = Be (R1 − R2) cos 2σ , (20) ψ ˙ 2 2 2 ∂ψ r (R1 − R2) sin 2σ where Be is the constant matrix, depending only on the is a constant parameter. masses, The equations of motion for the other three coordinates

 2 2 2 2  are 2 a1+b1 2 a1−b1 2 m1 2 m1 2 m1 a1 b1   d   µR˙ − µR[θ˙2 + ψ˙ 2 +σ ˙ 2 − 2σ ˙ ψ˙ sin(2θ)] 1  a2+b2 a2−b2  Be=  m2 2 2 m2 2 2 m2 a b  . (21) dt µ2  2 2 2 2 2 2 2    V ∗(σ, θ) 2 2 2 2 + 2 = 0 , (26) 2 a3+b3 2 a3−b3 2 R m3 2 m3 2 m3 a3 b3 d 1 ∂V ∗ µR2θ˙ + 2µR2σ˙ ψ˙ cos(2θ) − = 0 , (27) It has been convenient to introduce polar coordinates for dt R ∂θ R and R namely 1 2 d h i 1 ∂V ∗ µR2σ˙ − µR2ψ˙ sin(2θ) − = 0 , (28) R1 = R cos θ , R2 = R sin θ . (22) dt R ∂σ

Writing these quantities in terms of the coordinates and where V ∗(σ, θ) is the function defined by V = −V ∗/R. the angles σj one has The equations of motion have other constant of motion, the total energy namely: R2 sin(σ − σ ) p2 = 3 2 2 sin(σ − σ ) sin(σ − σ ) µ 1 3 2 1 E = K + V = 2 ×[1 + cos(2θ) cos(2σ − 2σ)] , 1 h i ∗ ˙ 2 2 ˙2 2 ˙ ˙ 2 V R2 sin(σ − σ ) × R + R (θ +σ ˙ − 2 sin(2θ)σ ˙ ψ + ψ ) − . (29) q2 = 1 3 R 2 sin(σ2 − σ1) sin(σ3 − σ2) ×[1 + cos(2θ) cos(2σ − 2σ)] , 2 4. The Euler and Lagrange cases of motion of R2 sin(σ − σ ) r2 = 2 1 the three-body problem 2 sin(σ3 − σ2) sin(σ1 − σ3) ×[1 + cos(2θ) cos(2σ − 2σ)] . (23) It is convenient to combine the two well known constants of 3 motion of the Three-Body Problem in the following form, by The binary collisions are defined in our coordinates for substitution of the angular momentum Pψ in the energy con- constant values of the coordinates σ and θ. The value of the stant to obtain θ angle at collision implies that one of the principal moments µ h ³ ´i of inertia becomes zero. These collisions are defined by the E = R˙ 2 + R2 θ˙2 +σ ˙ 2 cos2(2θ) 2 equations 2 ∗ cos(2θ) cos(2σ − 2σ) = −1 Pψ V (σ, θ) i + − . (30) 2µR2 R when θ = π/2 mod(π) and σ = σi mod(π), σi being one of the previous defined constants, or when θ = 0 mod(π) and The Euler and Lagrange cases are obtained when the co- σ = σi + π/2 mod(π). We call these σi angles the collision angles. ordinates σ and θ are constants of motion, then the previous We compute also the kinetic energy as a function of the two equations (25) and (30) become identical to the equations new coordinates, it becomes of motion for the elliptic two body relative motion in terms of the radius R and the true anomaly ψ, namely µ h i K = R˙ 2 + R2(θ˙2 +σ ˙ 2 − 2 sin(2θ)σ ˙ ψ˙ + ψ˙ 2) . (24) 2 2 ˙ Pψ = µR ψ , (31) 3. Equations of motion and The equations of motion follow from the Lagrange equations µ P 2 V ∗(σ, θ) derived from the Lagrangian K − V as presented in any stan- E = R˙ 2 + ψ − . (32) dard text of Mechanics [20]. 2 2µR2 R

Rev. Mex. F´ıs. 55 (2) (2009) 97–105 100 A. BENGOCHEA AND E. PINA˜

For the Euler case the coordinate θ is chosen equal to 0 or π/2 and then σ is a constant that results from the equation   2 ¡ ¢ p q3r3 p3r3 q3p3 C  q2  = 0 , (35) r2

where C is the matrix   m2−m3 −(m2+m3) m2+m3 C= m3+m1 m3−m1 −(m3+m1)  . (36) −(m1+m2) m1+m2 m1−m2

The equation (35), obtained for the Euler case, is inter- esting not only because it is one for the three Euler cases, but because it gives also the θ and σ coordinates for the Lagrange cases, for the collision angles, and for fulfill the condition for equal moments of inertia.

5. Saturn-Janus-Epimetheus dynamics

Our study of the Saturn-Janus-Epimetheus dynamics rest on

FIGURE 1. Euler case. Typical elliptic trajectories and two simul- numerical integrations of the equations of motion in our co- taneous positions on a straight line. The center of mass is at the ordinates. The first integration produced an orbit that was intersection of the two stright lines. very close to a circular orbit in the polar R and ψ coordi- nates with major perturbations in the neighborhood of the encounter which occurs every four years. The following anal- ysis was developed in parallel to complete the numerical out- put. Based on numerical integration of the Three-Body Prob- lem in these coordinates we [5] look the Janus Epimetheus motion around Saturn as an adiabatic motion perturbation of the Euler and the Lagrange cases. The fast motion is an ellip- tic motion for the R and ψ coordinates as it is in the Euler and Lagrange cases. The slow motion occurs for the coordinates θ and σ, that were constants in the Euler and Lagrange cases and now are assumed to vary slowly. This hypothesis is related to the observed two scales in the actual motion of these two Saturn’s moons. One is a fast revolution of the moons around Saturn with almost the same period of 2/3 of a day. The second is the slow rela- tive approach of the two moons every 4 years, producing an FIGURE 2. Lagrange case. Typical elliptic trajectories and two si- interchange of relative positions and velocities. multaneous positions on an equilateral triangle. The center of mass The two particles have almost the same radius of 151450 is at the common focus. km with a difference of ±50 km. We write q In particular the orbit for these coordinates is the ellipse = 1 + δ , (37) r s µ ¶ ∗ ∗ 2 . Pψ µV µV with δ = ±50/151450 = ±1/3000. These two values for δ = + 2Eµ + cos(ψ − ψ0) , (33) R Pψ Pψ remain after an encounter that happens each 4 years, when δ changes of sign between these two values. Forgetting the en- where ψ0 is a constant of integration. counter for a while, most of the time the two particles move in The equations of motion for the two coordinates σ and θ the combination of the fast elliptic motion of the coordinates give for the Lagrange case the constant values R and ψ, and the slow motion of the other two coordinates √ that we study now. α2 − 3 Since the masses of Janus and Epimetheus are smaller σ = 0 , cos(2θ) = − . (34) α than the mass of Saturn by a factor of 10−9, we have some

Rev. Mex. F´ıs. 55 (2) (2009) 97–105 THE SATURN, JANUS AND EPIMETHEUS DYNAMICS AS A GRAVITATIONAL THREE-BODY PROBLEM IN THE PLANE 101 . simplifications (for example σ3 = σ2 + π/2), hence the ratio of the distances q and r is given by r s q m 1 − cos(2σ − 2σ) cos(2θ) = 2 3 . (38) r m3 1 + cos(2σ3 − 2σ) cos(2θ)

From these two equations it follows to first order in δ

m2−m3 m2m3 cos(2σ3−2σ) cos(2θ)= −4δ 2 . (39) m2+m3 (m2+m3) The slow motion occurs very near this curve in the σ/θ plane represented in Fig.3, that was drawn for δ = 0. This curve crosses the constant values corresponding to binary collision, one Euler case, and two Lagrange cases. The curve matches the condition for equal distance to Saturn of the two moons. The actual motion happens on two parallel curves very near the previous one, forming a horseshoe with the two ends pointing to the binary collision point. The slow motion is an adiabatic motion [21] of the two coordinates θ and σ. We assume the adiabatic hypothesis which implies the conservation of the action J of the elliptic FIGURE 3. Central curve for the motion of the σ and θ coordinates motion, that is equal to [22] of Janus and Epimetheus slow dynamics. πV ∗ J = q . (40) The adiabatic hypothesis demands the invariance of the E V ∗ function in the slow motion of the coordinates θ and σ. − 2µ We turn now to study this function of those coordinates. We We repeat the computation of the invariance of this action as begin by writing it in terms of the distances p, q, r was made by Becker [23] for the pendulum with a slow mo- µ ¶ tion of the length; but here for the case of the elliptic motion. ∗ 1 1 1 V = −VR = Gm1m2m3 + + The differential of this action, assuming a slow motion of the m1p m2q m3r parameters V ∗ and E is s µ ¶ √ p2 q2 r2 π V ∗ × µ + + (46) dJ = q dV ∗ − dE . (41) m1 m2 m3 E 2E − 2µ and we concentrate on the two factors The Hamiltonian of the elliptic movement is written as µ ¶ s 1 1 1 p2 q2 r2 V ∗ + + + + (47) H = K − (42) m p m q m r m m m R 1 2 3 1 2 3 ∗ We change V by the action of a force F on both of them the terms divided by the mass m1 are smaller by a factor of 10−9 compared with the other terms. Neglect- ∂H 1 V F = − = = − . (43) ing the smaller terms for a while we study the larger ones ∂V ∗ R V ∗ µ ¶ s The last expression was written to take the time average force 1 1 q2 r2 in one period of the elliptic motion. According to the Virial + + , (48) m q m r m m theorem the time average in a period of the potential energy 2 3 2 3 is equal to 2E, that is a function of z = q/r namely 1 2E hF i = − hV i = − . (44) µ ¶ s V ∗ V ∗ 1 1 z2 1 f(z) = + + . (49) ∗ The adiabatic work to change dV is m2z m3 m2 m3 2E ∗ ∗ This function has a minimum in z = 1 since dE = −hF idV = ∗ dV . (45) V µ ¶ Therefore substitution into (41) results in the action J re- 0 2 1 1 3 2f(z)f (z) = 2 + (z − 1) . (50) maining invariant during this adiabatic change. m2m3z m2z m3

Rev. Mex. F´ıs. 55 (2) (2009) 97–105 102 A. BENGOCHEA AND E. PINA˜

According to (37), the system moves near this minimum to obtain z = 1 + δ, hence we approximate the function f(z) by a à !2 Taylor expansion that to second order in δ gives R˙ + θ˙2 + σ˙ 2 cos2(2θ) µ ¶ R 1 1 3/2 3 f(z)= + + √ δ2. (51) à ! 1/2 3 2 m2 m3 2 m2m3(m2+m3) 8E 2EPψ = − ∗2 1 + ∗2 , (57) But now we see that because δ is of the order of 1/3000, the µV µV corrections to the first term are of the order of the neglected where the over line denotes the above substitution terms. These terms are now calculated assuming that q = r since the corrections are of higher order. We consider then X(R) = X[−V ∗/(2E)] . (58) the factors " # v u p2 We introduce the hypothesis, confirmed by numerical in- 1 u 1 + t1 + m1 (52) tegration that the slow variables satisfy the equation m1p + m1p q2 r2 m2q m3r m + m 2 3 θ˙2 +σ ˙ 2 cos2(2θ) = λ2 (constant) (59) that are approximated by 2 µ ¶ where λ is a constant of the order of the quantity on the right 1 1 w2 hand side of (57). Assuming the equations (39) and (59) hold 1 + + , (53) m1 + m1 w 2 for the variables σ and θ, they to the time dependence of m2 m3 these slow variables where w = p/q. The function in parenthesis has a minimum p at w = 1, (p = q) where it has the value 1.5. For Janus and sin(2θ) = ± 1 − k2 sin(ω0t) , Epimetheus w has the maximum value at w = 2 when the function is equal to 2.5. The function becomes important at √ 2 the smaller values of w near the value 1/12 when the func- 1 − k 0 tan(2σ3 − 2σ) = cos(ω t) , (60) tion become larger than 12 at the encounter. To low order in k ∗ small quantities the function V becomes where ω0 is µ ¶1/2 · p ∗ √ 1 1 1 1 ω0 = 2λ/ 1 − k2 , (61) V = Gm1m2m3 µ + + m2 m3 m2 m3 µ ¶¸ and k is the constant on the right hand side of (39) 3 1 1 w2 + δ2 + + . (54) 2(m + m ) m w 2 m − m 2 3 1 k = cos(2σ − 2σ) cos(2θ) = 2 3 3 m + m We confirm the hypothesis that V ∗ is almost a constant by 2 3 m m verifying the adiabatic hypothesis that makes constant the an- 2 3 − 4δ 2 . (62) gular part of the potential energy. According to (38) if we (m2 + m3) ∗ assume V is a function of q/r, then it is a functional of the Numerical integration agrees up to a maximum of 2% of the function (39) that is almost constant during the motion. The 2 predicted values (60) of the θ and σ coordinates if one tunes correction term in δ is very small. The w-dependent term the ω0 frequency to the observed value near 4 years, that we is the smallest except at the encounter when it grows to his remark it is half the value of the complete journey. The ampli- highest value and simultaneously the δ goes to zero. tudes of these variables fit very well the numerical integration The leading time behavior of the σ and θ coordinates is values. Small discrepancies arises at the encounter. predicted satisfactorily as follows. We write the equation (30) Comparing experimental versus numerical evidence give of energy conservation in the form a value for λ2 near of the right hand side of (57) à !2 à ! R˙ 3 2 ˙2 2 2 8E 2EPψ + θ +σ ˙ cos (2θ) λ2 = − 1 + . (63) R µV ∗2 µV ∗2 · µ ¶¸ 1 P 2µV ∗ P ψ ψ The sign of the time dependent quantities in (60) has been = 2 2 2µE + − (55) µ R R Pψ R fixed from comparison with the numerical integration. The We take the average on the right hand side over the fast vari- function of σ is the same for any time in the 8 years pe- able R making the substitution of the average R by riod. Both signs are included in the sin 2θ function because a change of sign occurs in the neighborhood of the encounter V ∗ at the closest approach of Janus and Epimetheus each four R −→ − (56) 2E years.


Upon comparing the frequency ω0 predicted by (61) Now we introduce a new independent variable τ defined and (63) with the frequency ω of the elliptic motion by s µ −8E3 dt = R2dτ . (70) ω = , (64) Pψ µV ∗2 Variable τ could be identified with the angle ψ if the quantity we obtain σ˙ could be equal to zero. µ ¶2 We obtain the equation ω0 4e2 = , (65) µ ¶ µ ¶ ω 1 − k2 dθ 2 dσ 2 + cos2(2θ) = Λ2 , (71) which has been written in terms of the eccentricity of the el- dτ dτ liptic motion that obeys the equation that is similar to the equation (59). Assuming again that ex- −2EP 2 pression (62) remain constant we deduce the couple of equa- 2 ψ tions that are similar to the previous (60) 1 − e = ∗2 . (66) µV p 2 For the eccentricity we have the expression sin(2θ) = ± 1 − k sin(Ωτ) , ω0 p √ e = (1 − k2) . (67) 1 − k2 2ω tan(2σ − 2σ) = cos(Ωτ) , (72) 3 k that predicts a value of the eccentricity of the ellipse near with Ω defined by 2 · 10−4, that is one order of magnitude smaller that the com- puted best values obtained by Spitale et al. [5] for the eccen- Λ Ω = 2√ (73) tricities of Janus and Epimetheus. The Spitale et al. compu- 1 − k2 tation takes in account the influence of the Sun, and many of the moons of Saturn, and deviates essentially from That is the analogous to (61). the point of view in this paper. Next we obtain the coordinate R as a function of τ. To this end we write the equation of energy conservation in terms of the new independent variable, and using as is usual in the 6. Perturbing the circular solution Kepler problem the change of variable 1 Most of the results presented in the previous sections were u = , (74) suggested and confirmed on the basis of a first numerical in- R tegration of the equations of motion. However the elliptic we have motion associated to the fast variables R and ψ in this first " # µ ¶2 µ ¶2 µ ¶2 integration was nearly circular with an eccentricity of 10−8. du dθ dσ = − 1 + + cos2(2θ) u2 Some of the previous results are true only for this partic- dτ dτ dτ ular numerical integration. Nevertheless it is easy to find the 2µV ∗ 2µE changes one must to attain with a similar solution but with an + u + . (75) −4 2 2 eccentricity small, of the order of 10 . Pψ Pψ Starting from the equations of motion (27) and (28) we Making the substitution of equation (71) in the square bracket substitute the ψ˙ dependence by using the conservation of an- we obtain gular momentum and then multiply the first by R2θ˙ and the 2 µ ¶2 ∗ second by R σ˙ , and add the two resulting equations to obtain du £ 2¤ 2 2µV 2µE = − 1 + Λ u + 2 u + 2 . (76) d µ d dτ Pψ Pψ R4[θ˙2 +σ ˙ 2 cos2(2θ)] = R V ∗ . (68) dt 2 dt If Λ were zero, the previous equation could be the differen- This equation shows that assuming V ∗ = constant, to obtain tial equation for the orbit of the Kepler motion in terms of the a constant value of θ˙2 +σ ˙ 2 cos2(2θ), one should have also true anomaly τ. Solution to this equation is similar, although R = constant. Suppressing this last restriction but conserv- the orbit now is a precessing ellipse in the polar coordinates ing V ∗ = constant, which is confirmed by a numerical inte- R√ and τ. It is also an ellipse if the polar angle is defined as gration with initial conditions driven to an eccentricity non 1 + Λ2τ as is shown next: zero, we are led to the result s 1 µV ∗ 2µE µ2V ∗2 2 2 = u = 2 + 2 + 4 Λ Pψ R P (1 + Λ2) P (1 + Λ2) P (1 + Λ2)2 θ˙2 +σ ˙ 2 cos2(2θ) = , (69) ψ ψ ψ µ2R4 ³p ´ × cos 1 + Λ2(τ − τ ) (77) where Λ is a constant of integration. 0

Rev. Mex. F´ıs. 55 (2) (2009) 97–105 104 A. BENGOCHEA AND E. PINA˜ here τ0 is an integration constant. Comparing with (33) we 7. Conclusions note the constants are modified by the transformation p Our coordinates seem suitable for formulate important cases 2 Pψ −→ Pψ 1 + Λ . (78) of motion of the Three-Body Problem. In the square determined by the coordinates σ and θ, This ellipse has been compared with a numerical integra- the binary collisions are determined by a finite number of tion having the qualitative expected behavior for the Janus points of this square with coordinates determined only by and Epimetheus dynamics. The initial conditions were se- the masses of the three particles. The Lagrange and Euler lected near the Euler collinear configuration. The numerical cases of motion are also determined as functions of the three data fit very well these equations, in particular the mean ra- masses by a finite number of points in this square. dius and eccentricity of the ellipse are very close to both the The elliptic motion of Janus and Epimetheus is repre- numerical integration and to the theoretical value predicted sented in this paper by a corresponding elliptic motion of the by equation (77); the mean radius is as usual coordinates R and ψ corresponding to a small adiabatic per- V ∗ turbation of the Euler and Lagrange cases of motion, where a = − , (79) now the coordinates σ and θ move slowly on a curve in the 2E σ/θ square. This last motion is periodic in these two co- whereas the eccentricity is modified by the transforma- ordinates with the frequency of the encounter, and the time tion (78) behavior of the slow coordinates is predicted satisfactorily. s To compute this behavior of the slow coordinates we fol- 2EP 2(1 + Λ2) low the data of a numerical integration that allow to deter- e = 1 + ψ . (80) µV ∗2 mine two approximate constants of motion for those coordi- nates. The assumption that in some equations R should be The cyclic variable ψ is now expressed in terms of the replaced by the constant value −V ∗/(2E) is consistent with independent variable. From the conservation of angular mo- the neglect of the term (R/R˙ )2 and with a first numerical mentum (25) we deduce the differential identity integration. In this paper we find that the angular part of the potential dψ = dτ + sin(2θ)dσ . (81) energy represented by the function V ∗ is almost a constant. Substitution in it of the functions θ and σ as functions of That the minimum of this function is the Lagrange case with τ, according to (72), produces the derivative three equal distances between particles. That the correction terms allowed by the experiment are of the order 10−8. Based dψ kΩ (1 − k2) sin2(Ωτ) on this reality we deduce the behavior of the four coordinates: = 1 ± (82) dτ 2 1 − (1 − k2) sin2(Ωτ) the R and ψ move in a precessing ellipse with an average ra- dius determined as usual by the energy and the angular part this is trivially integrated to of the potential energy. For the eccentricity we discover a perturbation of the classical terms by the slow terms. The kΩ 1 ψ = τ ∓ τ ± tan−1 (k tan(Ωτ)) . (83) slow dynamics has been described in these conclusions with 2 2 small corrections that take into account the eccentricity up In this form we have written the four coordinates in terms of the order 10−3. the new variable τ. The difficult point in this study is the behavior at the en- The quantities ψ and τ are near the same. This is con- counter. We fill this gap only by a numerical integration as firmed numerically by plotting and computing the previous was made by other authors [6-16]. We have noted however equation. The numerical integration agrees very well with the change of sign of the θ derivative at the encounter and the predicted equations of this section. the opposite behavior of the correction terms in the angular This solution is based on the assumptions that the poten- part of the potential energy at the encounter: one term be- tial energy is constant and the slow variables move on the coming important when the other term vanishes. The use of curve (39). Both conditions are nearly satisfied by the nu- the Hill model as was developed by other authors requires merical solution and confirmed by the theoretical and exper- also of a numerical integration and no similar approach was imental analysis. undertaken in this paper.

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