'.R.;'',, *' Chablis Premier Cnr Üfsé|E Chablis 6Upellei&E Et Petitchablis
''"* thablis Grand Cru : lÈl*ÉLE§ '.r.;'',, *' Chablis Premier Cnr üFSÉ|E Chablis 6UPELlEI&E et PetitChablis ilr t rtnais § Located nearAuxerre in the department ofYonne, the Chablis vineyards lie along a little river aptly narned the Serein t,serene ,,). The Cistercian monks from the abbey of Pontigny began growing vines here in the 12'n century. The AOC Chablis Premier Cru was officially created in January 1938, thus confirming Premier Gru appellation of the Chablis wine-growing district (dept. of Yonne). the excellent qualities of this dry white wine which, unlike the wines of some This appellation comprises 40 Premiers Crus o climats » (named plots of other regions, has held onto its excellent reputation throughout history thanks vine-growing land). lach commune or hamlet within the appellation has one to the exceptionally high quality oT its raw material - the Chardonnay grape. or more main « climats n, the narne of which may be applied t0 the other Prernier Cru n climats , in that commune. There are I7 main n clinnats ,, Producing c0mmunes : Beine, Chablis, La Chapelle-Vaupelteigne, Chichée, No French wine-growing area has pinned its faith more Tirmly on the facts oT Courgis, Fleys, Fontenay-Près-Chablis, Fyé, Maligny, Milly, Poinchy. geology. The main substrata is Jurassic limestone (specifically, Kimmeridgian ln this appellation, the words n Premier Cru , andior the name of the limestone) laid down some 150 million years ago. The rock contains deposits n climat, of origin may be added t0 the name CHABLIS Tor wines grown 0n of tiny fossilised oyster shells which remind us that Burgundy once lay Premier Cru plots.
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