T R eflection The R eflection achieving more together Issue 24 February 2015

In this issue... Jason Beattie Visit Co-operative Day 2014 Year 8 Enterprise Leadership Award Christmas Concert Photos Student Parliament Full reports and news canNews be found’ area via of theour Children in Need 2014 Twitter account and the ‘ TicTac Raise the Roof school website... Year 11 Fashion Show 2014 Indoor Rowing Championships www...sch.uk and much, more... @Liskeard_School The magazine of Liskeard School & Community College Head’s Letter Dear All, we decided to take an active role in the Youth Parliament elections last chool isn’t just about exam month accumulating in us achieving results; it’s also about a Bronze Democracy Award and Sproviding opportunities to several of our students appearing develop students into responsible on the ITV news! and confident citizens. Some Year 10 and sixth form In this edition of The Reflection you students also recently received an will read about a number of events inspirational visit from the political that help to do just that. Our 3rd editor of The Mirror. Watch this annual Co-op Day was another space for our own mock elections in huge success with students from our May and a visit from a member of partner primary schools working the House of Lords! with us on activities to help develop many of the Co-operative values. Best wishes,

With the general election looming Alex Lingard, Head Teacher

be announced. Liskeard School & Community College Awards include a Head Teacher’s wards’ Evening Award, Governors’ Award, Community Award, Resilience iskeard School will host its merits daily for their hard work Award and an award from each first prestigious Awards and positive contributions. faculty. LEvening on the 1st July 2015. The awards evening will be the These are the highest accolades Celebrating the achievements, celebration highlight of the year. students can achieve. Further attributes and contributions of Students from Years 7- 13 will be details about each award and Liskeard students is part of the nominated for an award and will the nomination criteria will be daily routine. Students achieve be invited with their families to the advertised over the coming community awards and receive event, where the overall winner will months.

1| a place where... Daily Mirror Political Editor Jason Beattie Visit n Friday the 23rd of January Liskeard School O& Community College Sixth Form had the pleasure of meeting Jason Beattie, who is the political editor for The Mirror newspaper. He spoke to Years 12 and 13 students about his role at the paper and experiences, and about current political affairs.

Jason has been the Political Editor of the Daily Mirror since 2010 and has covered three general elections and has written for the Scotsman and Evening Standard. Sixth Form and proved teacher Helen Snowling said “We this by bringing are very lucky to have had a visit along a series from someone so experienced in of rejection the world of politics and journalism. letters that he The students really engaged with had received the session and, staff included, whilst trying to were fascinated by Jason’s story begin his own and career journey.” career.

His speech was inspiring to staff and It was an particularly students on the cusp a b s o l u t e l y of furthering their education. Not inspirational, thank Ms Snowling on behalf of all of the Sixth Form only did Jason create an intelligent e x c i t i n g students for organising the event that certainly enthused political debate amongst everyone; e x p e r i e n c e everyone, and allowed everyone to have an insight into he showed that the ability to and the school the political election that many are now eligible to vote succeed lays within determination would like to for this year.

Year 8 Enterprise Students T-Shirts Viridor Visit the methods used in recycling as well as the importance of reusing materials. Liskeard ictured are some Year 8 iskeard School Year School teacher Mrs Schooling said, “It was enterprise art students with 8 enterprise students a very interesting visit. Lots of important Pt-shirts they have upcycled Lvisited Viridor waste issues were highlighted, giving our students using stencilling techniques. recycling centre at Lean lots to think about.” Quarry in Liskeard recently as part of their enterprise studies. The students learned how waste is collected by Viridor and then recycled successfully into a variety of materials, making a surprisingly positive impact on the environment.

Students were introduced to ...we shape our futures |2 Co-Operative Day activities. resiliency. Kevin Simpson, chartered clinical psychologist and partner 2014 “Enterprise for the Future” was an with Outlook South West said, ecember saw another day activity focussing on democracy “The school took a very forward- of co-operation as Liskeard and equality. Students were tasked thinking approach to tackling DSchool and Community with developing a commercial some important subjects for young College hosted the annual Co- business idea. people. It’s great to see schools operative Day 2014. Staff and exploring ways to tackle mental students took part in activities “Where’s the Impact?” introduced health issues and to increase the across the school, and at Lux students to social responsibility. well-being of their students. These Park, to encourage students to The ever popular “Christmas things can play a huge role in work together and promote the Goodies” had students making academic success but they also help Co-operative values of equality, Christmas cakes promoting the people to live happier, more stress- self-help, self-responsibility, values of self-help and solidarity. free lives both inside and outside solidarity, democracy and equity. The music rooms were filled with the of school.” sound of instruments for “Musical Liskeard School has been part of the Communication” an activity There were also activities taking Liskeard Community Co-operative dependent on social responsibility. part outside of Liskeard School. Ms Learning Trust since 2012 along Nelson-Tyrrell attended Trewidland with Community Primary There was a foreign languages Primary and Pre-School and Mrs School, Menheniot Primary School, themed “Murder Mystery” event, Nicholls spent the day at Dobwalls Trewidland Primary and Pre- “Iconic Buildings” brought out Community Primary School for a School working in partnership with the creative side in students and day of outdoor activities with the UTC Aerospace Systems, University there was even a tense session of students. of St Mark and St John, Cornwall Dragons’ Den Christmas! Council and Co-op South West. Head teacher Alex Lingard said We were also very lucky to have “The day was a huge success The day began with Liskeard staff from Outlook South West in and really helped to enforce the students taking part in team building the school. The school decided to importance of the Co-operative exercises. Students were working take an innovative approach to values and to further develop the together to climb walls, make tyre helping older students, in Year 10, strong bond the members of the paths and negotiate obstacle manage stress and build personal trust have established.” courses whilst blindfolded. My murder mystery The mum liked to stay fit so she could Liskeard School’s catering company report run from the police. She didn’t like Chartwells put on a superb show to eat cake and she liked hot drinks in the Old Hall of Ready, Set, was in L4 for this lesson. We but not coffee. Cook. The event started with an were doing a murder mystery educational and interactive tour of Ion a French family. They had Julie was a vegetarian and her foods and the importance of food eaten at a restaurant and they favourite food was cheese. The groups. Two teams competed, all died the next day. They were dad loved cheese and didn’t really headed by Business Manager Mr robbers that had robbed a bank like steak or peas. Jean-Paul didn’t Taylor and teacher Mrs O’Shea with and were on the run from the like healthy stuff apart from lettuce the help of two students, to produce police. and peas And the last boy loved the best meal using healthy and pizza. balanced ingredients within a given We had to find out what they had time. Students in the audience then eaten at the restaurant that had Our reasoning was that pizza had voted for their favourite. made them die. cheese on it. There was a cheese salad. We thought that the food that At mid-morning the school welcomed We were given a sheet (in French) had killed them was the cheese. students from the three primary and we had to translate it. It told schools in the Trust. Students from us some clues on what the different We were right! all schools and all year groups members liked in the family and were mixed for some collaborative what they disliked. Maddy Edge. 3| a place where...... every day matters |4 Co-Operative Day for break. It was really good fun world. Hundertwasser was a very at Dobwalls School being able to mix with the younger colourful artist and designer who n January, nine of our students children and use their playtime was a campaigner for environmental went to Dobwalls School to be equipment. causes. We did an activity linked Iinvolved in helping lead a Co- to this artist by drawing around our operative Arts day, with view to When we went back inside there hands and then making the hand 3 making banners, showing the co- were big sheets of paper on the dimensional by drawing across it operative values, to be displayed floor and pens, there were two with coloured lines. It was tricky to in all of the co-operative schools,. co-operative values on each sheet start with but the finished result was Over fifty students were involved and we had to draw images that very effective. in the day from Liskeard, Dobwalls, showed what the values meant Menheniot, Trewidland and Duloe to us. The values were self-help, We had our lunch in the classroom Schools and the students ranged self- responsibility, democracy, then had some time to go outside from 5 to 14 years old. equality, equity, solidarity, ethical and play with the younger students. values, honesty, openness, social After lunch we went to the hall to We started of the day sat in a responsibility and caring for others. make some final designs to go huge circle that filled the hall. The Everyone came up with some great onto our banners. Some people Head Teacher, Mrs Carter, talked ideas of how we use these values in concentrated on Hundentwasser to us about Co-operative Values, our schools by doing some fantastic inspired backgrounds and others we got to explain what some of drawings. We got to look at three transferred their earlier ideas them meant to us and our school. different sets of values each and onto paper using a full array of Then we got to see some banners responded in a visual way, it was art equipment. Some students took that had been designed by Duloe fun. After we did this activity, we inspiration from the hands we had School for another event and we moved to a classroom and Mrs drawn earlier that day. There were went on to discuss what we would Kelly spoke about and showed some brilliant ideas. We helped be designing later in the day. We us paintings by an artist called to photograph some of the work were excited about what we were Hundertwasser. He was an artist that had been done by students going to do. who believed in the 5 skins of a from our co-operative schools. person, the epidermis- the skin that Some took their work back to their The students from our school then contains our body, clothes- the skin schools to finish, but when they were asked to stand around the we put on ourselves to keep warm are all complete they will be put room with signs with each of the and dry. Houses- the places we together to create our co-operative school names on. The other students dwell, home, school, work. Identity- schools banner that you will see in then had to pick a card from the Our personality, other people (our every reception of the participating floor with a school name on and family), nature, our home country schools. they had to find someone from that and the wider world we live in. We place to find out three facts about thought the artist fitted in really It was such a valuable opportunity their school. They then had to sit well with our co-operative values, for us to have time working with by the person holding the sign for us as individuals and as part of younger students, we enjoyed that school and they all took turns a co-operative, the importance working with them, sharing ideas in telling the facts they had found of and the unity of our schools, and helping leading activities. out. How many toilets there were environment and our place in the seemed to be a popular question, although we couldn’t work it out for our school as it is so big. We agreed it was a really fun way for us to get to know each other and to get everyone talking.

We then watched a film about co- operative Values and how a co- operative works. It was a fun film to watch and it made everything very clear. We all then went outside 5| a place where... Passmore Edwards Student Leadership Award o fulfil one of the units of and curling, as well as testing the Their next unit will involve working their Level 3 leadership mental skills of the residents with with adults who have a mental or Taward, Anne-Marie Dudley a selection of quizzes involving physical disability. and Emily Fry have undertaken an general knowledge and riddles. eight week leadership placement at Passmore Edwards Court.

The Year 13 students visit for approximately one hour on a Monday afternoon and usually work with between eight and fourteen of the residents.

Both the students have to plan, lead and evaluate the sessions and to date have introduced the residents to parachute games, target throwing exercises, Unihoc

Polmartin Riding of ability varied from complete However, for the other six hours, we beginners to experienced riders. had practical lessons. We started Stables We were then split into two groups: off on the lead reins walking and his was the best choice the A Group (experienced) and the trotting around the sand school. If I could have made; six B Group (beginners). I was in the we had spare time, we would play Tsessions of riding and stable B Group and I rode a gorgeous games such as musical corners- management lessons. Cornwall piebald pony called Mr Little. where you walk around the school Sports Partnership co-operated In the total six hours of stable and when the music stops you trot with Polmartin Riding Stables to management, we learnt how to as fast as you can to your original help fund these two hour sessions groom, tack & untack, feed and corners. after school on a Wednesday. care for our horses. We were I really enjoyed these practical also taught the basics such as lessons and as the weeks progressed, I was a bit nervous to start with as mucking out, sweeping the yard, we came off our lead reins and I hadn’t ridden much before, and leading horses and filling hay began to ride independently. In was worried that I would be the only nets. Sometimes, we would be set total, we had learnt to walk and student of a lower riding ability. But homework for the following week, trot independently, to use the inside when I arrived at Polmartin, with the for example, to learn parts of the and outside rein and to ride on the other girls, I soon discovered that horse, or parts of the bridle and right diagonal. I wasn’t the only one. The range saddle. Finally, on our last lesson, we had a test. For this, we had to put into practice everything we had learnt. Some parts of this were scary but the good news is that we all passed! I would like to say a BIG thank you to all the staff and instructors at Polmartin, to Cornwall Sports Partnership for helping fund the sessions and to Miss Roberts for co- ordinating it all. I really enjoyed myself.

By Bayo Earl 9S ...we feel happy and enjoy ourselves |6 Silly Boy’s Workshop warm up exercises and we got to man and the emperor’s new groove. make our own improvised pieces However they told these three n Thursday the 2nd of of ‘Little Red Riding hood’. Within plays through one story of them October, I worked with a this hour, they explained to us what being elves and forgetting their Odrama group called The their company does and how they own stories. Their performance was Silly Boys for a short period of got to where they are today which entertaining for all ages and I got time. was very inspiring to hear and they the opportunity to take photographs made us feel comfortable when it during the play which helped me They are a company in which they came to acting and performing for in terms of working the camera to run everything themselves because them. figure out the ISO and aperture to they don’t have a stage manager, capture strong photographs of the technical manager or chauffeur. In the afternoon, we got to watch play. From every show they make £500, their play in which it told a tale of from which, after taking away fuel the shoe maker, the gingerbread By Meg Turner and food costs, they end up with a small profit. However with their entertaining drama pieces, they are becoming more popular and therefore earning more money which means that although it’s not a steady career path, they’re earning enough to keep touring and doing what they love.

In the morning, the Arts Leader and drama A Level groups joined them in a drama workshop in which we got to learn their professional Christmas Concert 2014 Photos

7| a place where... Student Parliament Bronze Democracy Award

iskeard students have been Two of the East Cornwall candidates of our school as I saw their political discussing democracy and visited Liskeard, talking to students minds come alive; their intellectual Lvoting by engaging with across all year groups about their and gruelling questions kept the the Cornwall Youth Parliament views on voting and their campaign candidates on their toes.” elections. As a school we had priorities. The event was filmed the second highest percentage for ITV West Country News. All Meeting the candidates was an of students voting out of every students spoke articulately, asking excellent experience for all students secondary school in Cornwall, questions and giving their views. involved, we hope to see Liskeard gaining Liskeard a Bronze Nick an A-level student said “the students standing for election in Democracy Award! event really shed light on the youth 2017!

Lemon Sherbert by Caitlin Dawe

picked up the lemon sherbet and the packet crackled between my fingers like autumn leaves under my Ifeet. My fingers and thumb twisted as I pulled on the wrapper. The see-through wrapper unravelled like a red carpet for the sweet. I held the fluorescent yellow sweet up to the light. The translucent outer body allowed me to see the fizzing sherbet packed tightly inside.

I ran my finger along the ridged edges and poked my finger on the pointed ends. I smelled the zingy, zesty lemon sweet and my nose exploded with the tangy essence. I slowly hovered it over the end of my tongue and gave it one quick lick. Then, it entered my mouth. I rolled it around my teeth. It sounded like a glassy ball going around my mouth. I then got the fully powered, intensive zing of the lemon sherbet. I crunched on it and the sour sherbet came through. With one big gulp, I swallowed it. The after taste lingered in my mouth.

I reached for the jar for another tangy treat…

Caitlin Dawe, 7I

...there are no end of possibilities |8 Children In Need 2014 a great cause! iskeard School raised that as the theme was “heroes” £784.26 for this year’s he jokingly expected everyone LChildren in Need appeal and to come dressed as him. Seven had a lot of fun along the way! brave staff members duly obliged, Mrs Price organised the day in donating extra money to charity as typically brilliant style. Students a result! and staff were encouraged to attend school dressed as super During morning break staff took heroes, paying a pound for the part in a rendition of the YMCA, charity. Costumes ranged from a tradition for the school during Superman and Batman to morph fundraising events. Students joined suits and student Louie Sanders- in and showed off their brilliant Mortimer even dressed to look costumes. A raffle was also held for like he was riding on an ostrich! staff and students.

New head teacher Mr Lingard A huge well done to everyone stated in an earlier morning briefing involved for raising money for such

Sixth Form Senior Maths Challenge

his year our Year 13 Further Maths students took up Tthe challenge of the Senior Maths Challenge run by Leeds University.

Ben Ackland was best in school, Conor O’Callaghan achieved a silver qualification and Georgie Harwood, Alice Gundry, Jack Quaintance and Elysia Gregory achieved a bronze.

Congratulations to everyone who took part!

9| a place where... TicTac Centre Raise the Roof Interserve Construction enough for what they have done. They have ixteen years ago TicTac, a and volunteers that run the centre bent over backwards and it is charity based in Liskeard for young people, along with thanks to them that we can continue Sthat provides health supporters of the charity including providing young people with information and advice for young Interserve Construction, DFR Roofing, help and advice on various topics people, moved into their current The Rotary Club, The Lions and St including bullying, puberty, mental facility, which from day one had Martins Lodge. Also in attendance health, drugs, alcohol and fitness to a leaking roof. were local MP Sheryll Murray who name a few.” has previously supported the work The TicTac centre would like to Since the charity was formed it has of the TicTac Centre, Liskeard School thank everyone for their continued grown significantly and from its Business Manager Paul Taylor and support and donations over the original one room it has now taken Head Teacher Alex Lingard who, past sixteen years. over the entire building. However, along with the governors, have the problem with the roof continued supported the work of the centre. as TicTac did not have the money to spend on it; this meant the charity Liskeard School Head Teacher Mr would have had to close the facility Lingard said “We are extremely next year. lucky to have TicTac on site. The emotional health and well-being Over the summer holiday period, of children is crucial if they are Interserve Construction was to succeed in school and in life. carrying out maintenance work at Building children’s resilience to Liskeard School, under the Cornwall deal with what life throws at them Council Construction Framework, is something that TICTAC strives to and became aware of TicTac and achieve. On behalf of the school I their leaking roof. Nicola Lloyd, would like to thank all those involved Operations Manager for Interserve in the centre for the fabulous work in Cornwall said, “When we heard they do in supporting our children about the leaking building, and and their families.” that the TicTac Centre could be forced to close, we felt that we Dereen Carnegie-Rance, TicTac’s must be able to help the charity in Co-ordinator said, “I am ecstatic to some way. Our site manager, Ben see that our building now has a roof Crabb carried out a survey on the that does not leak; this is something building and our team in Cornwall that I thought I would never see as contacted our supply chain partner, we could not raise enough money DFR Roofing. We are delighted that to repair the roof. I cannot thank DFR Roofing could not only provide the materials for a replacement roof but also carry out the installation which was supervised by our site management team. TicTac is an amazing charity which benefits many young people, we were only too pleased to be able to provide them with a watertight roof to their building.”

To mark the completion of the new roof, a re-opening ceremony was held at the TicTac Centre at Liskeard School. It was attended by counsellors, nurses, doctors ...we are inspired |10 Ready Steady Cook Comes To Menheniot School hartwells, who provide our team which proved to be Red. for what turned out to be a school dinners, arranged very enjoyable and informative Cfor a special ‘Ready Steady We would like to thank Chartwells afternoon! Cook’ afternoon. and everyone who took part

After a demonstration to the whole school by Chartwells’ staff, the Red Team and the Green Team sportingly took part in the challenge. The Red Team cooked soya, ginger and garlic flavoured steamed beef mince patties with peppers, onion and broccoli stir-fry noodles with hoisin sauce.

Meanwhile the Green Team cooked Quorn in a sweet and sour sauce with ribbons of courgette, carrots, leeks and pineapple stir-fry served with a fragrant herb and pea steamed rice. The audience then had to vote to decide the winning

ST Cleer School Learn About Indian Religion And Culture

upils at School play getting married! said, “We believe that it is very have enjoyed a series of important for our children to learn Pinteractive workshops on Finally, we take part in some about other cultures, so that we Indian religion and culture. Bhangra dancing and classical can show respect towards others’ Indian dancing. beliefs and practices, thus widening These workshops are led by an our horizons.” Indian lady called Daya. Head Teacher, Catherine Stoate,

Daya said, “I just call myself Daya, and I have been leading workshops on Sikhism, Hinduism, Islam and Indian Culture at St Cleer School. I talk a lot about my life as an Indian Sikh in this country. I also teach some of the history of Hinduism and Sikhism. Children dress up in the Indian clothes that I bring, and take part in role-play, actively learning how these religions pray.

The children do some Indian cooking, making chappattis (Indian bread) and I teach them how we eat our food using our hands. The children also learn about Sikh and Hindu weddings and even role- 11| a place where... forensic scientists gathering and Wanted posters have been created Tredwidland Dragon examining evidence as well as and an advertisement placed for he children of Trewidland being investigators interviewing a dragon slayer. So take care Primary School have eye witnesses who actually saw the out there and watch the skies for Tbeen involved in some dragon! dragons! experiential learning with their latest topic- ‘Dragons - Fact or The children presented their findings Any sightings must be reported to Fiction?’ by filming a breaking news report Class 2 of Trewidland School as a about the Trewidland Dragon. matter of urgency. For the unit launch pupils arrived to school to find a crime scene cordoned off in their school playground. Fallen roof tiles, scorch marks on the wall, a footprint in the garden, a blood trail and scales were found with a golden dragon egg at the centre of the scene!

Children spent the day as

Head Teacher Alex Lingard Interview summer. The best thing I did was What is your vision for the to travel to one of the Plymouth probably sailing across the Atlantic school? I believe education is grammar schools rather than come from Gran Canaria to Barbados about instilling a love for learning to us despite our success. We on a small yacht. I spent Christmas and about giving students the best have some exceptionally talented Day in the middle of the ocean, chance in life. We need to ensure students and they achieve great eating a turkey pie from a tin that students develop the attitudes, things here. I would love the local and being followed by over fifty knowledge and skills during their school to be the natural first choice dolphins! From Barbados I jumped time at school so that they are for everyone in our community. on a cargo ship to South America able to go on and lead fulfilling and travelled across Venezuela, lives when they leave us. This is true What made you become a teacher? Colombia and Ecuador. I also went for every student in our care, no Both my parents were teachers, in to Thailand for a few months and matter their background or ability. fact my dad was a head teacher spent a bit of time in the United To me every child matters, every and my mum taught at the school I States. child is important and every child went to! I really tried not to follow is valued. in their footsteps! I travelled for five What do you like doing in your years after leaving university and spare time? I spend almost all What is the best thing about our had a few random jobs, then when of my spare time with my family, school? It’s impossible to choose my mum died it brought home to enjoying the beaches and our life one thing! It is the people that make me what an impact she had made in Cornwall. I also like to keep fit schools what they are. The students on many young people. I realised - I run and cycle a lot and enjoy are brilliant – I love their honesty that I wanted to do something watching almost any sport! and openness. The staff are such a worthwhile with my life like she great, hard-working team and the had, so I wrote to a few schools in What are your pet-hates? I really parents are incredibly supportive. London and asked if they would struggle with selfishness and people I especially love the sense of train me to teach. I never imagined being unkind. Roald Dahl once said community we have and the ethos at that time I would ever become a that kindness was his number one of co-operation. head! I guess it’s in the blood. attribute in a human being. He put it before courage, bravery, And what’s the worst thing? You say you went travelling for generosity, brains or anything else. That’s a hard question to answer! five years – where did you go? I buy into that. I have found that in This is such a great school, but I am What was the best thing you my life, I have been most influenced ambitious to make it even better. I did? I spent a lot of time in Europe not by rich, successful, strong or guess the worst thing for me is that working as a snowboard guide confident people, but I have been a small number of students choose in the winter then travelling in the influenced mostly by kind people. cont...... we learn together & hard work is rewarded |12 cont... What message would you like to students here? I love the mix of Are you glad you decided to ‘step give to the students of Liskeard? students at Liskeard. I love the up to the plate’ as head teacher? I know it is a bit of a cliché but variety of characters and believe Without question! Someone once you only live life once so make the every single one of you has much told me that it is the best job in most of it. Take advantage of all to offer the school, the community the world. Although it is tough at the great things that come your and the world at large. What is times I couldn’t agree more. I feel way, and if the opportunities don’t noticeable here in comparison very privileged to serve the local present themselves to you go out to other schools I have worked in community and will continually and find them! I believe you get out is the community feel. There is a strive to be the best I can be. of life what you put into it. spirit in the school which comes from the students and their sense of By school journalists Nick Tolley, What’s your opinion of the belonging. Connie Wagstaff & Jess Lambie

GCSE /A-level Textiles Clothes Show Live in relation to fashion and textiles. We left the day having taken many n Friday 5th December a coursework designs. selfies with famous people and group of students from gaining lots of ideas to feed into OYear 10 through to Year Once the show was over we split into our coursework. It’s safe to say that 12 had an early start as we were small groups and set off around the we are already looking forward to heading to Birmingham for the NEC. The place certainly wasn’t short next year’s trip! “Clothes Show Live”. of famous faces; these included the Laura Rogers & Grace Smart likes of Joey Essex, Amy Childs, Tom After the long journey we arrived Pearce, Lauren Pope, Neon Jungle at the NEC where we soon spotted and many of the ‘Made in Chelsea’ the first familiar face of the day - cast. Proudlock from ‘Made in Chelsea’. The day started with an amazing Whilst in the NEC we also had the catwalk show hosted by Peter opportunity to visit a number of Andre. The catwalk showed off university stands, which gave us the latest trends in fashion, giving an insight into the vast number of us lots of great inspiration for our degree courses that are available

Yr 11 Fashion Show our stunning models. This event stage for one final showcase. iskeard School and could not go ahead without their Community College recently ongoing support. The main aim of the event is to Lheld a highly successful Year raise funds to subsidise the cost of 11 Annual Fashion Show in the In addition other local businesses Year 11 Prom and Year Book. We New Hall. donated some excellent raffle managed to raise over £500 which prizes. It’s great to see Aruba, Top is an amazing achievement. The event was once again endorsed Cuts, Reds, Hands and Tans and and supported by Jane Louise who Affina contributing to what is a I would also like to thank all the provided all the dresses worn by fantastic community event. parents and guests that supported this event and ensuring a packed As well as the hall for the students. Your generosity parade of suits and support was excellent. and gowns there was musical Finally I would like to thank all of entertainment, the staff and pupils that gave up refreshments and their time voluntarily to put on a a raffle. At the captivating show that will live long end of the show in our memories. all the students returned to the Mr A Mitchell, Head of Year 11 13| a place where... Primary Multi Sport Festival

n Tuesday 20 January learnt in lessons into a more realistic ordination as well as offering 2015, Liskeard School context as they demonstrated how specific activities for hand-eye and Oand Community College to perform skills and activities to foot-eye co-ordination. welcomed pupils from St Martin’s the younger children. Everybody worked hard and and Liskeard Hillfort schools to At KS1 much of the PE curriculum did their best and the overall take part in the KS1 Multi-skills centres around fundamental winners were the Blue Team. The Festival at Lux Park. movement skills such as running, leaders did a fantastic job of jumping, throwing and catching supporting the children and are This gave Level 1 (Yr 10) and Level and the activities devised for the to be congratulated on running a 2 (Yr 12) Leadership Students the children concentrated on testing very successful festival which was opportunity to put the skills they have and improving whole body co- enjoyed by all who came along.

East Cornwall Centre Parcs Badminton Championships

iskeard School and girls to the event said “I am really proud of the girls. They played Community College’s Key extremely well and were a credit to the school.” LStage 3 girls recently took part in the Sainsbury’s School Hopefully the girls can continue their superb form and do well in the finals Games, East Cornwall Centre next year. Parcs Badminton Championships at School.

Matches were played against schools from , , Saltash and Launceston. The Liskeard School girls came first in the first round of matches of doubles and singles and now go on to the finals to be held in in February next year.

Liskeard School teacher Mr Quaintance, who accompanied the ...together we achieve more |14 Indoor Rowing Championships n Friday 23rd January, a Chloe Higman, Alisha Wyatt, Jacob arranging after school training and team of sixteen students Pengelly and Harrison Pollard. also driving us to the event. Ofrom Years 7 to 12 took Training for the event included Saffi Hay part in the Cornwall School attending an after school Rowing Indoor Rowing Championships at Club on Thursdays to which all years Sports Centre. were welcome. We succeeded in bringing home silver medals for With new rowers from Years 7 and both the boys’ team and the girls’ 8, the team members were: Drew team, which we were very happy Clark, Katie Zammett, Charrise about. Overall the day was great Rowe, Joanna Hocking, Saffi Hay, fun. Sam Humagain, Jordan Smith, Frank Cozens, Beth Rowsell, Jay We would like to say a special Mason, Isaac Polson, Josh Kitto, thanks to Mrs Wetherill for

steep and sharp learning curve Cornish Fun Run Year 7 Rugby for the Year 7 team, but they duly ongratulations to Noah n Friday 14th November upped their game to defeat and Solomon Phillips, both 2014, Liskeard School 5-0 in their second game. The Cof 9E, for competing in the Ohosted the East Cornwall solitary try being scored by Ethan Cornish Marathon Fun Run this Year 7 Rugby Tournament. Brenton-Crabb. month. This is an annual tournament The final two games of the group Noah won first place in the Under involving fourteen schools from stage involved a 0-5 loss to 15s category and Solomon came the east of the county and is a and a 5-0 win against . second. qualifying event that eventually Unfortunately this concluded our leads to the winners playing the involvement in the tournament Noah also won the Perpetual Shield winners of the west of the county to and resulted in the team watching for the first boy home. identify the county champions. Newquay Tretherras defeat Penrice A great effort by both. Well done! This year ten schools accepted an in the final. invitation and teams were halved into two groups of five for the ‘round robin’ group stages.

In our first match we entertained the normally strong Newquay Tretherras team and were beaten 0-20 with two tries conceded in each half. It became obvious that the day was going to become a

15| @Liskeard_School www.liskeard.cornwall.sch.uk