IHmrifgHter Etmttng 1|m Ui TUESDAY. ICAROH 26.1920. **SPRING OPENING** IN MANCHESTER STORES TOMORROW Mrs. George L. Betts of Wood- EMERGENCY DOCTORS The fourth of ths ssrlss of bridge atreet is chairman of the Tuesday ovanlBg setback parties wiU court to faca a charge of falling to committee In charge of the Emblem be held tonight at tbs Highland stop at a stop sign at Cottage and Doctors who will answer snier- HELDDiDOGDEAlH Oak streets. It cost him 8862 more AVERAGE DAILY OlROiaATlON club’s public bridge party, to be gency calls here tomorrow are Park Community clubhouse. The TUB WEATHER held tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 at than if he had followed the custom­ T h « J W . I U U ca tar tiM moatb of Febraory, IMS Tba-lAuTtod OouplM club of ttao Dr. O. A. F. Lundberg, Phone usual cash prizes wlU be awarded rsrMMt of U. H. Wsather Bumou, the Elks home In Rockville. Others for playing, and a special door ary procedure and paid 82 at the po­ Sooaad Ooinr«t»tlOMl eburch will S629 and Dr. Edwin C. Higgins, CASE IS DISMISSED lice station. He was flbed 82 and Hartford bold a bridge and aetbeck party to* from Manchester who are assisting Phone 4648. prize will also be given. Refresh- are Mra. Frank Balkner and Mrs. menU and a social time wlU follow the costa amounted to 88.32, mak­ 5,486 morrow avaoiag at 8 o’clock at the ing a total o f 810A2. Apter planned MMBber of tha Audit FUr tonight, ’Thimday iacreostog bona or Mr. and Mn. Howard Ernest Roy. All players wiU be the games. Now Open for Members— welcome. to enter an appeal but finally Bureau of ClrottlatloBt doadbMMi and mla, slowly rising KoiBey o f 68 North Elm atreet. Mr. Margaret E. Hood Circle of King's changed his mind and paid up. iUattflyFalFr ^upittng ffipralb Danielson Man Arrested Bnt teopomtiirib and Mia. Keeney wUl be asrieted by Daughters wdll meet tomorrow . Sunset Council, Degree o f Poca­ Mr. and Mra Walter Henry and Mr. Manchester Grange No. 31 will hontas. will omit the card party this Edward H. Keeney of 440 Keeney night at 8 o’clock at the home of street was fined 815 and coaU after Hale’s Seventh A nnual and Mta. caiariea Melaterllng. bold Its regular meeting tomorrow Miss Edna-Kennedy, 3 Rosemary week, but will bold one next week at Proseentor Decides It Is VOL. U V ., NO. 151. evening at 8 o'clock in Odd Fellows the home of Mrs. Irens Palsbaw, being found guUty of driving an au­ (CloosiM Advortlslag on Pago 16.) Place. Work will be on powder tomobile without proper registra­ MANCHESTER, CONN„ WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27, 1935. (TWENTY PAGES) Mra Albert Hem ln^ay of Sum- ball. After a brief meeting a St. cann, decorated with crepe paper the date to be announced. Winners Patrick’s social will be held, with and flowers. , at the setback held Saturday night Not Police Case. tion. He pleaded guilty to having a Bdt atreet la apendlng the week with 1934 registration In his possession. her daughter, Mra. Marjorie Find­ fun, frolic and refreshments for all. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John lay of Allaton. Maaa., and taking in All Grangers living within a radius A kiigg were Mrs. Wilhelroina GIgiio BLANKET CLUB of ten miles are urged to report at Forrest N. Buckland, of HUIstown and Henry Luce, first; Mrs. Henry They’d SpUt $17,000,000 Fortune 6,000 Ways! the apring flower abow of the Masa- Road and bis son Leslie H. Buckland Charged with evading responsibil­ achuaetta Horticultural aoclety. this "Blarney" meeting. The stand­ Trautman and Jack Akrigg, second f"**’'®* >°'’ely, pure wool CHILD LABOR BILL ing entertainment committee will arrived home yeaterday after spend­ and Miss Grace Adams and Mark ity by leaving the scene afUr the blanketa without any great expenae . . . for you nwer mias be in charge. ing three weeks in Palmetto, Peterson, third. automobile he was driving ran down Mra. Prancla J. Keefe of 23 Cam­ . They drove to Florida by REICH WANTS PARITY and killed a dog owned by Mrs. bridge atreet entertained a family automobile and while there visited ItieJH'HALECi party laat night at her home, honor­ Mr. and Mra. Sherwood Behrend The condiUon of Seth LesUe Julia Tracey, proprtetess of the Ho­ --MANnHPSTFDjmNKLv. many places of Interest. Cheney, who has been U1 at his home DEUYED IN SENATE ing her grandfather, Frederick T. of 411 Center atreet have returned tel Sheridan, Edward H. Kcach of 1 Stone, whose 88tb birthday occurred from Norfolk, Va., where they went on Hartford Road for several days Broad street, Danielson, won a nolle yeaterday. Four generaUona were to visit Mrs. Behrend's brother, Mr. and Mrs. Fred T. Bllah, Jr., with pneumonia, is somewhat Im­ in Police Court today when Prosecu­ KENWOOD PURE WOOL present, and all spent a pleasant Gordon Fraser, who has been as­ and Mr. and Mrs. Martin Alvord of proved. tor WUUam Shea said the evidence Expected Dispute Fails to WITH ALL OF EUROPE evening. Mrs. MInnetta MacPher- signed to duty aboard the U. S. 8. this town, arp guests at the Bar- Indicated a possible basis for a civil aon of 28 Walker street, with whom alrcaft carrier Ranger and leaves bizon-Plaza hotel In New York City. Msmbsrs of St. Margaret’s circle, suit and not criminal action. STORES TO HOLD Mr. Stone makes bis home, made for the Pacific Coast on Friday. Daughters of Isabella, are reminded Mrs. Tracey’s dog. which she val­ BLANKETS Materialize as Measure Is and decorated the birthday cake. He to bring their returns for the sale Memorial ‘Temple, Pythian Sis­ ued at 8100, was killed opposite the Demands Aerial Soperiority also received numerous gifts of The Fourth Quarterly Conference of chances on the 85 award that will Seaman Coal Company yards on SPRING OPENINGI CoWs Firearm F irm things that he particularly enjoys. ters, wrill meet tonight at 8 o’clock Put Over Until Tomorrow will take place tonight at the North in Odd Fellows hall. Quests ex­ be made at the meeting of the circle Center street just east of the rail­ Methodist church. Annual written tonight. The meeting Is to be held road underpass yesterday afternoon. Over Russia, E(U)noiiiic The children's choir of the Eman­ pected are the two district deputies, reports will be submitted by the Mrs. Sally Hart of Hartford and at the home of Mrs. Raymond Keach was brought from Danielson — Quiet Session. uel lAitheran church will rehearse heads of the various church organ­ Fogarty of 109 Ridge street. The this morning to answer the charge HERE TOMORROW Loses Its Blue Eagle tonight at 6:30 as usual. Mra. Veronica Carter of PlalnviUe. ' . / Union With Russia, Elinh izations. The meeting Is an Im­ Final plans will be made for the meeting is to be followed by a social In court I portant one and open to all mem­ hour. Because Benjamin Apter, a Hart­ convention which is to be held with state Capitol, Hartford, March 37. bers of the church. Memorial Temple as hostess on ford j^eddler, decided to go Into Seasonal Modes b All Kbds Hartford, March 27.—:(A P )—Au-.7ately for comment. It is under- ination of the T o lish April 9. A social time with re­ The Mission society of the South — (A P )— The threatened Senate gust Brauer, Jr, State NRA com-1 stood they arc conferring on posji- Authorized Barbers of The Coast-to-Coast club will play freshments will follow tonight’s Methodist Episcopal church Is to 50e Down flght over ratifleation of the child pllance officer, I'ecelved a telegram ' ble further action. the Army and Navy club at setback business session, and a good attend­ hold a rummage sale In a store on of Apparel and Snpplbs today from L. J. Martin, chief of the ' ______Corridor” and Retnm tonight at the Maple Street Tavern 50c Weekly labor amendment to the Federal compliance division in Washington,! TO OBEY ORDER ance is hoped for. Main atreet, yet to be -selected, on Constitution was put off today as Conn. Master Barbers In the second half of a home and Thursday, April 4. Wednesday Evening sUttng that the Blue Eagle had i Hartford, March 27 — (AP) — home match. that body voted tc delay considera­ On Display— Stores Are been removed from Colt’s Patent | Colt’s Patent Firearms Mfg., Co., Some CzechosloTokian Protective Association Miss Isabel L. Swift of New Bed­ tion of the measure for 24 hours. Firearms Manufacturing Co. The , will comply with the order from the ford. Maas., returned home today Without debate, the Senate decid­ Red^orated. wire Is a copy of the original which I compliance division of the NRA to Territory. after a visit of several days with BRIDGE-WHIST ed t- make the proposal, defeated went to the company, and reads as surrender its Blue Ehigles, an offi­ tT>C'E.NT FAUK/V.\D Rev. and Mrs. Leonard C. Harris of overwhelmingly tn the House yea­ follows: cial said this afternoon. This and MATTHEW MKRZ Spruce street. Rob’t K. Anderson Slae rtxS4 terday, the order of the day for noon "National Labor Relations Board acknowledgement of receipts of the MCO l>OUUN Only Four tomorrow. Bedecked with the colors that hail has found that you have violated wire from the compliance division By ASSOCIATED PRESS Funeral Director for SETBACK Inchea PLOTO PAUAM "Rev. C. Homer Ginns, pastor of More Days! Advoc'.tes predicted the amend­ the arrival of Spring Manchester Section 7-A of the National Indus­ were the only statements forthcom­ Authoritative Ehiropean sources EARL STAIRS the North Methodist church and also ment would be approved by the Sen­ merchants will tomorrow welcome trial Recovery Act. On that board’s ing from the company at the mo­ today gave an inside version o f recommendation and findings you ment. JOHN LARRABEE of the Vernon parish, has been In­ WATKINS BROS., St, James School ate but its action would be nullified their customers to their stores what is supposed to have happened WALTER MICHAUD RIGHT ^ by the defeat administered to It tn are hereby deprived of your right to The information given by the vited by members of ths latter Inc. KENWOOD—a name that la nationally famoua. see the latest modes in wearing ap­ in the conference In Berlin between HARRY VITULLO church to remain as pastor for Hall your child’s the House. display any Blue Eagle in any man­ management to the effect that BALILLA PABA.VI MOTOR A quality all-wool blanket at an exceptionally An echo of .the horse racing flght parel, home furnishings, garden ner, and you aie directed to surren­ Ctolt’s will give up the NRA Insignia Retchsfuehrer Hitler and Sir John another year. The invitation will be New Funeral Home low price. Selected domestic fleece wool of deep, equipment, outdoor appliances and PATRICK DOL'OIIERTY sent to the Pre.slding Bishop of the 12 Valuable Priies! of last week sounded In the House der immediately to your postmaster was interpreted as meaning the Simon, British foreign secretary. ROBERT OE.NUVESI aoft texture with medium nap. Bound with as Rep. Thomas Ft. Ball, Republican sporting supplies. Many of the all Blue Eagles In your po.s8csalon. company does not intend taking 3 ERV/CEj Southern New Englaml Conference. 142 East Center Street Door Prize: matching 4-lnch satin ribbon. Size, 72x84 Inchca. leading stores have redecorated They said that Hitler demanded FRA.NH .McKECHIE photograph of Old Lyme lead a letter which he An estate of 817.000,000—and 6,000 persons bob up to claim parts of It! Here’s nart of the thmno- nt "By direction of che compliance legal action to prevent removal of gun-for-gun, man-for-man, and alr- The annual meeting of the Confer­ A blanket fully guaranteed by Hale's and the their display windows and several and enforcement division, L. J. Mar­ JOHN V. DILWORTII ence, at which pastoral appoint­ Tel.: 25 Gallons Range Oil. received In reply to one he sent to women and chUdren from all parts of the world who jammed a*^lladelphla courtroom to oress the^r clslmi the Blue Eagles, although In the let­ plane-for-alrplane parity with other E. .M. ZIMMERMAN manufacturer. the Rev. Fleming James of the Con­ have rearranged their interiors for shares In the fortune of Walter Garrett, snuff manufacturer, who died In 1895 ^ tin, chief of compliance division, ter sent to the compliance ^vision ments are made, will be held In Office 5171. House 7494. keep in touch with the spirit of NRA.” European powers and aerial superi­ Taimton, Mass.. In June. Refreshments Served. necticut Council of Churches and yesterday, the company stated "it ority over Soviet Russia. These mili­ Spring cleaning. All of them display Responsible officials of the com­ did not think it had violated Section South End Barbers Close Religious Education. a fresh appearance and are budding tary demands were said to incluJa All Players Welcome! Ball In his letter expressed resent­ pany could not be "cached Immedl- 7A”. on increase In the size of the Ger- At Noon Wednesday. We have brushes for all types 7 Smart Pastels: out in the promises of continued ment at a Uireat of retaluitlon patronage. man navy, although only a mod­ of power motors In stork and can Admission 25c. • For children up to 14 yeara MAIZE TAN erate enlargement was asked. nuke repairs without delay. BLUE ROSE against Legislators who voted In "Oan Do Better’’ AMERICAN TICKETS WIN PROBE STARTED North End Barbers Close a finely finished photograph ORCHID MAHOGANY favor of the horse race bill contain­ Basing their appeal to people In tabulated form, the reported 5x7 Inchca, and mounted in ed in a letter bearing the typewrit­ demands were: At Noon Thursday. here and in the surrounding com­ 1. Economic union with Austria. a 7xll-lnch folder. ten name of Mi. James. munities on the premise that “ You JAPAN TO KEEP ISLANDS NORTON A Beautiful Coiffure! 2. The elimination of Pomorze— Mr. James, a New Haven mlniater can do better in Manchester” the lo­ SIX OF $40,000 PRIZES ON SWEEPSTAKE . This ad\-ertiseiDent will appear •Two proofs will be ahown. the "Polish Corridor" which under weekly for the brneflt of the pub­ ELECTRICAL and a member of the faculty of the cal merchants have advertised heav­ No appolntmenta necessary. eather laid Berkeley Divinity School reiterated the Treaty of Versailles gives Ro­ lic Interested In the National or­ Faribo H P ily in today’s Herald pointing out land a seacoast. INSTRUMENT CO. Waller N. Leclerc In the letter read today by Rep. Ball the beat of the values Spring Open­ THOUGH OUT OF LEAGUE ganisation movement showing •Get your IN THB STATE 3. The return of ."ome Czechoslo­ shops rightfully belonging to the Phone 4060 ticket at the that he had not authorized the ing has to offer. An additional cir­ Also Draw S04 Consohtiog! AUTO SHOW OPENS illlllard Street Manehester Funeral Director Baby Shop. threat. vakian territory with the repatria­ association. culation of these Spring Opening ad­ tion of 3,500,0(>0 Gormans there. '459 No. Main SL Mancheater Second Floor. Letter Is Read vertisements was obtained through 4. Aviation strength equal to the W ool Blankets $Pk.98 Ball, In asking for the privilege to Prises o( 1500 Each in Tickets Believed Geniune 100% fleece wool blanket In a stunning heath- ' ^ .w * the Issuance of 8,000 circulars which WITH FINE EXHIBITS Her Resignation to Take | BARUCH DEFENDS air forces of Great Britain or read the letter, said he thought It are being distributed today In out­ France, the level to be governed by er-plald. Pure silk bound ends. 72x84 inches. - side areas. Colors include: Cedar, rust, rose, nile, blue, 50c Down was only fair that the minister’s Irish Sweepstakes; Draw- But Confirmations Faked, the air strength of Soviet Russia. view should be made known to the New Stocks Egect at Midiiight and WAR TIME RECORD This Pinehunit Jam Special Will Please Your Children— orchid, gold. 50c Weekly 5. A navy of about 400,000 tons. House. New and finer stocks have been mgs Conthrae. Thousands of Germans in Koe- They just love these pure Fruit Jams and Marmalade. The letter said In part: put in readiness for the usual fine Armory Floor Completely PoKce.Say— Dublin*s May Diplomats Wonder Over nigaberg. East Prursla, demonstrat­ crowds that attend these annual Dial 4151 and Order a Jar or Two. "I quite understand your feelinga ed against the death sentences pass­ An Invitation To Catholic Men at receiving such a letter as was Spring Opening events. Stores will ed by a Lithuanian court on four be open until 9 tomorrow night until Hlled With Cars and Home or to Aid in Probe. Next Moves. North Star Pure V irgin sent tn my name. I should have felt Dublin, Irish Free State, March Had No Market Nazis who were found guilty of par­ PURE JAM, Of Manchester the same way about It six Friday night and unUl nine Sat­ 27.—(AP)— American buyers of ticipation in a plot to return Memei Is Be.at Obtained With A urday nl^t. There Is plenty of 1- pound j a r ..... "The threat contained In the let­ Irish Hospital Sweepstakes tickets Appliances. to Germany. Hitler was expected to ■:a m p b e l l c o u n c i l , K. of c. parking space for aU and local as Bridgeport, March 27.— (A P )— Cteneva, March 27. — (AP) — During Whole Time He Usually 22c. Kellog-g’s ter was not inserted by m> authori­ today won 504 consolation prizes of bring diplomatic pressure to bear la Request Your Presence At zation and no one regrets more than well as out of town patrons will re­ an effort to save Jie Nazis from ceive a hearty welcome. £100 (8500) each. Investigation of the alleged swindle Japan’s resignation from the League PURE JAM, W ool Blankets sQ.so I do that It was sent out. It ia con­ In the morning’s draw, Ameri­ by a ring of American racketeers of Nations, which will take effect at Was in the Service. death. Corn Flakes NESTLE PERMANENT North Star—a name synonomous with^quality! qualityl ^ trary to the whoK spirit of the Con­ Dazzling automobiles and exhibits Soviet Russia was awaiting with 2- pound j a r ..... OPEN MEETING New herring bone weave In stunning new col­ cans drew six of the ten residual of the late.1t in home appliances who sold apparently bona fide tick­ midnight, raised doubts today as to The Neatlc permanent U the perfect permanent. With It you necticut Council of Churches end of prizes of £8,097 (about 840,000 each) ets in the Grand National Sweep- expectancy the forthcoming visit of Usually 37c. can have a truly beautiful coiffure with natural lookine rinelet ors. Pure wool blankets . . all new live wool. 50c Down who ultimately controls the Pacific myself.” each, and 205 of the 504 consolation shimmered late this afternoon under stakes conducted by the Irish hos­ Captain Anthony Eden, British Lord waves. In the favore.l croqulgrtolc . The wa^esTre S Size, 72x84 inchea. 50c Weekly T)ie letter objected to by Ball was islands seized from Germany and Washington, March 27.— (A P) — Privy Seal, fresh from the Hitler Raspberry - Strawberry - Crape - St. Bridget’s Hall ARREST QUAKERS prizes of £100 (about 8500) each. a canopy of green and yellow pitals In Dublin but kept the money methmlV ‘ a^ea leas time than oUier received by Legislators shortly be­ and the stubs, was to be begun to­ turned over to Japan under i Replying to what he termed ”lnain conference in Berlin and the gov­ Peach or Pineapple. The drawing will continue until streamers and clusters of grouped ernment newspaper Izvestia pub­ fore the House approved the bill 1,600 of the £100 consolation prizes lighting at the opening of the an­ day when the Right Honorable Al­ League mandate. uations and innuendos" against him, X 't t nmsTotr.nate"hr"^"‘ legalizing pari-mutuel betting by an have been drawn. fred Byrne, T. D., Lord Mayor of Bernard M. Baruch today aaserted lished an invitation to Great Brit­ Orange Marmalade____lb. jar 19c nual Automobile and Home Appli­ The Tokyo government was gen­ ain to co-operate with Russia ia . W ednesday, M arch 27 eight vote majority. The measure ASDERNSPEAKS Dublin, confers with the American bcauty‘’r’e t him live, for he may be They were starM from the view­ It ia aha Ah la ike fael room--4)ee us first and we will allow you the highest for five seconds before It changes turned witneiis for the government, quickly it will not do the things blood of himself and his son on All point that the treaty already hod TERMS: 10% cash and balance on approval by Court. claimed for it, and that the debt one who can save many peoples’ »«• h wa»had and fa. price for your present furniture and rugs. I.iberal Allowance On Your Old Tires. color. This is being covered In a re­ NOW OPEN said that after Dlllinger was killed, Fools’ Day. Uvea, or do great good In this world been devised by the Germans’ uni­ *^**a a “ ^ of mAim wiMor. Offers will be received for private sale at any time before vised uniform traffic bill. will endanger the government’s the gang members came west to re­ credit. Here in Oshkosh, Theodore Close of ours. God lets those suffer most lateral action. ’The question was and “ 5 «««*i>»y ifTaanad Other Sizes At Proportionate Low Prices. date of auction. Other bills killed provided for At State Armory organize and Ude. Among them prayed that the man, known only as Is, what to do about a very real Try •bine eaeT aad He far Conferees from both Senate and who He thinks can do good in this ywnU. PkaM as yanr anhr laAi,. white strips on state highway cen­ were Nelson and John Paul Chase, P. C. H. would discard his plans ,r world. X X X fact—German armaments?” ters, which also Is being Incorporat­ House, to whom the huge bill was at least let bis son live to join the ARTHUR A. KNOFLA, Committee. Displays of Newest Automobiles by Manchester’s Lead- convicted this week at CJhlcago of entrusted yesterday over the opposi­ " I t you still Insist, however, on Asked whether the French would ed in a committee measure. ingf Dealers As WeU A s Educational Demonstra­ slaying a government agent in the Case family, childless and willing going ahead with your plan, then by accept this viewpoint without first BENSON FURNITURE 875 Main Street, Manchester Dial 5140 tion of Silveritea in the latter to “give him love and a home.” MORIARTT BROTHERS The House back-tracked on ita ac­ tions of Modem Home Device^. gun flght In which Nelson was kill­ (Chamber, are expected to knock out all meana let your son live, send him obtaining sanctions against Hitlaa S01-SI5 Center Ktnvt—Corner Broad tion of yeaterday In passing a Sen­ ed. Tr the preas and the radio. Close to me. We are childless. Wa will for having violated the treaty mili­ THE W. G. aENNEY CO. the Thomas silver Inflation rider at­ earned on appeal to the father who Oo^ UunberjJIta^’ Sappliea, Paint AND RADIO "On Center—On The Le\-el” ate bill which would permit the state Had Narrow Escapes tached by the Senate, and to make give him love and a home.” tary clauses, the authority n ^ led : 886 No. Open S4 Houra forest commission to lease Federal OPEN NIGHTLY UNTIL 10:30 The witness told of trips to an wrote that life left him nothing for Case waited eageriy today for "France, sooner or later, will hava **• ***• Maackeater 711 Main St. Johnson Block Phone 8773 Free Boad Service other changes. which to live, that he Intended to Pbone 8878 Continiies Through Saturday automobile camp at Walker’s Lake, Meanwhile a PWA inventory of some reply, hoping his messages to admit the fact that Germany had (Oonthwed ea Page Sevea) kin himself and the son whom he were not shouts Into empty canyons rearmed and nothing abort o f vav< AUVKUTISE IM THE HEKAUi—IT FAYS fUMUwwd pm Flan Two) could not leave to face the world and would divert the man from hie Jr. T (Ooattnod m Fag* t m i alone. tragic exit.

i n 7*7. jfA G S T W a MANCREamSB BViCmNO HERALD, BtANCHESTER, CONN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2 7 ,198S, MANCHEOTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., WEDNESDAY. MARCH 27,1988, C. O. Tyler, Mrs. Peter McLagan, was adamant against such coopera- PA G BTBl Urt. Laura Paisley and Mrs. Wood­ REICH WANTS P M i n tSVR RMUtROCG. ^RTHMEraODISTS’ ward. ASSESSORS LOSE ■tr John was to arrive about 4 p. HOPKINS STUDIES AOVEK'nSEMENT— AUVBKTISIEflnCNT-j fine. In the aeeond group, the club Ushers, Melvin Oox, Richard Mo-. HOUSING PROJECTS High school chorus and orchestra an active April In new financing. BL and go direct to the foreign HAITS WINDOWS sang "Pralee Ye The Lord," "Ave a t High school hall. Lagan, Charlea Field, Frad Hanaon, W m A l l OF EUROPE offlee, then to Inform PrUne Minia­ G CLEFS UPHOLD ’Verum" and "Christ Went Up Into Manchester After more than a year of stagna­ Russell Holmes, Frederick Juul and HU(X RELIEF BH l Also annual Mothers’ and Daugh­ tion the capital market is showing : YEAR PROSPEROUS t e lUmsay Maodonald and Stanley The Hills," In which. latter number ters’ banquet at Concordia Lutheran SKIR PIMPLTf^ Eidgar Clark. APPRAISAL TILT ALREADY FILED Mrs. Elsie B. Gustafson sang the so­ definite signs of thawing. Several (OHRaMi rrom.Pnga Oae) Baldwta. Lord President of the IN SPRING DRESS Date Book church. T r y TW b f o r Q u i c k R « U ^ ' Flowers and decorations, Mrs. W. Council, what had happened. Later, (Oeattaned from Page Uae) HNE REPUTATION prano solo. The "Seraphic Song" important bond Issues have already E. Lydall, Mrs. Thomas Moore and a fuU report Of the Berlin visit wlU closed the program. been projected, and additional of­ sgiMeK sod Kntcli thow ItcUss. mo* Mrs. Walter Shipman. can force Nasls to go back on wbat Tonight fering for refunding purposes are d « pUnpki K ri u ilr rM b t o tc b a n i^ iS T owd they have done.” be prepared and given to each mem­ making proJecU listed The Connecticut Trio, besides as­ imm otcrnil Irrltatlnn. Be wUe and sat a Reports i t Q urteriy Confer­ Ministries of klndnees, Mrs. Le­ Coonid Hyde Rnlet ber of the Cabinet. Committee Has Leads to 138,000 of them that would coat sisting the club In the lost number, March 37-30 — Auto Show and said to be under consideration by a •mhins, medicated balm that lor yeart baa Veme Holmes and E. A. Lydall. Hitler, who started M life aa a Display Backproimds Rebuilt B a r g a i n H o u n d Home number of leadKig industrial com­ wottfht comfort to thouMada of # house painter, startled the British $19,500,000,000. Perhaps $1,000.- appeared In two groups, which were Appliance Exhibit at WAU ST. BRIEFS 000.00 Is expected to be spent on a In First Concert Undef New Armory. panies. PERSON'S OIfn*MENTr£.“ ? n S ence Pieasinfi; Rer. Ginns Selectmen Act as Agent in envoys, It was revealed, by proving B P U T o r AUSTRIA both well rendered. The flrst was *W" look! Tetter, Vienna, March 37.— (A P )--A de­ Work Before Canvassers NaUonol. oo-ordinnted land-use pro­ Beethoven's Trio No. 4 of adagio This Week J“ b t a l e r jC t t a S3e box of PBTERBO)^ himself capable of rebutting the and Fainted in Seasonal March New York, March 27.—Reporting OINTMENT today at any drug aton, mand for the restoration of a con gram, of which Rexford G. Tugwell apd allegretto and variations, the 29 — Community Players NEW SCREEN PLAY UoDcr bock U you re not deUshteiL^ AUTO SHOW OPENS BritUh foreign secretary, who 1s a la mentioned os the probable head. Director They Present second consisted of a Danish folk in "The Bellamy Trial, ” a 3-act continued weakness in steel scrap CiOed Again. Reyahiation Work. 130,000 a year lawyer. Ths Rstebs- script anny In Austria, voiced la Take to the Road. prices the Iron Age this week makes Oe name of the peasants tw Josef Whether the form of organtetion ot Mode. song, “The Miniatures" and "Lon­ melodrama at Whiton Memorial Hollywood, Calif., March 27.— fuehrer previously had beiB regard­ the woriu setup would be a board on Amber Is a popular dress shade scarf of handknitted wrool In some donderry Air." Miss Eva M. John­ hall. Its composite price $10.75 a ton com­ (A P)—Sidney Howard, playwright, WITH FINE EXHIBITS ed os an able speaker but poor la Relther, minister of agHculturo, thi« spring. Patou shows satin gay color. Splendid Program. was regarded today as indicating which Hopkins, ickss and TugweU son accompanied the club In her March 30—Irish Tea Party, en­ pared with $10.83 In the previous was In Hollywood today to deliver The FVnirth Quwteriy OooferiBce, The Selectmen at their meeting argument. However, memberL of Sir Before the canvassers have even evening gowns, chiffon afternoon Newer and very chic too Is the week. The finished steel and pig tonight will moke known that the dissension la the governmeat be­ would have poaU, remained offl- Ebr Spring Opening tha back­ usual accomplished manner. tertainment and dance. Orange hall, to a major studio his screen the most ImporUnt buiincM meet­ (Coattaned From Paga Oae) John’s entourage said that ids abili­ had a chance to get out on their dally undisclosed. dreasea- and casual Jacketa In this full-length coat of leather, prefer­ 7.00 p. m., degree team. Daughters Iron composites are unchanged at adaptation of Kipling’s “The Light $ 2 5 R E W A R D decision given the board by Town tween the Fascist Helmwehr (Home grounds In the J . W. Hale (Company luscious tone. One particularly Making Us flrst appearance under Membership w i ll be paid fo r any earn which ing of the year wae heM l*«t night ty at argument matched that of (he Guard) and the Catholic peasant territories, one actual Job had been ably in some rich, dark shade of of Liberty. $17.90 a ton and 2.124 cents a pound That Failed." The film will star Counsel William S. Hyde places the British secretary. striking ensemble, featured in a NdW brown or blue. This naturally the capable direction of O. Albert The G Clef Club has a member­ respectively. Oreat (fiirlstnphrr Postive Corn at the North Methodist church. A pany is showing this year tha new elem ent obtained by the Federal Housing windows have been rebuilt and re- Coming Events Gary Cooper. Cure cannot remove. Also good supper for memben wae served at 0 Board of Selectmen in executive York collection. Includes a rich calls for Impeccable cut and tailor­ ship of thirty-two women, all of Studebaker, Nash, Lafayette and ^ rg e of the work of revaluation Back to BaanaiBg Dr. Rslther’a remarks, .made Sun­ committee and three "leads” giving colored. Fitch Barber, local con­ Pearson, the G Clef Club added con­ April 2—Annual supper at Red for callouses, warts and moles. o'clock under the direction of Mrs. International trucks; the C*rtnga in the Tyrol over the Announcement was made today They are of beaver board construc­ Emanuel Lutheran choir. heads of the following organisa­ model. Dillon Sales and SeWlce Mrs. Greenway haa Just returned cape is smart. church last night. A good-sized Gladys Law. Beatrice Pearson and April 12—"Relatively Speaking," wrM sj,“ lectmen, who were authorised to for London to report his Inoon- week-end, but the remarks he made that the State theater bad notified tion and the windows were nar­ audience heard the program ot Ethel Tldmas. tions: Ladles Aid society, Mrs. C. company are placing the Ford mod­ at oaa of thaae conferenoas of peas­ from New York With a grand selec­ a three-act play by Paint and Pow­ O. Tyler; Booster club, Leon sign ths contract and who poossd clusive conversations with the the Federal Housing committee that rowed about a foot to confom with seven varied mimt)cni presented by Second sopranos; Martha Blatter, els, coach, sedan and coupe in the upon the bond will be the town s Reichsfuhrer, aa air mlnlatry offi­ ant leaders wsrs so blunt thsy ers- it would receive bids for the renova­ the style of windows ns found la tion of dresses. der club at High school. Holmes; Church Bchool, Mark show, also the Ford truck. 1116 Expect Many More Applica* the club, splendidly assisted by the Mildred Dunn, Eva Johnson, Svea April 22—Formal ball of Knights agent in the work and not the as­ cial made known that details of kte aa smbarrsssing situation tion and repairing of the exits. larger metropolitan stores. Lindberg, Althea Murdock, Mar­ Holmes Epworth League, Arthur Riley Chevrolet company Is offering within ths Cabtnst. Connecticut Trio from the Hartford of Columbus. Pratt; Women's Home Missionary sessors, as the assessors asserted Germany's new military air force Henry Mutrle. Gustave Schrelber Robert Marshand, display man­ Ehtery second home adornment School of Music. garet Par.sons, Edith Stone and several closed mialcls of the popular before the bosrd a week ago. would be published soon. ‘T don't want to intsrfsrs with ager, and his helpers painted the you see these days is of glass. To April 26 —Community Players in society, Mrs. C. I. Balch; Women's Chevrolet line and the truck. and Knofla Brothere, who arc mem­ tions After Tonight’s Open Under New Director Esther Sutherland: first altos. "Tommy," Hollister street school, The public acts of 1980 gave to Captain Anthony Eden, Brttlah Chancsllor Schuschalgg's polldea,” bers of the committee, already are backgrounds In a lovely Old Ivory begin with, the newett table and The seventh annual program was Marion Erdln. Norman Erickson, Everyone Who Has Ever roreign Missionary society, Mrs. W. One Newcomer IMthsr Is rsportsd to hsvs said, auspices of Sunset Rebekah lodge. D. Woodward; Junior Quest club, the assessors of the towns the right Lord Privy 8eel aad Sir John's as­ figuring on the Job. Another project, finish with rich browm trim which dressing table tops arc either clear dedicated to Helge E. Pearson "In Faith Fallow, Irene McMullen. Schaller Motor Sales has a large "but his whois Austrian program is Meeting. or mirror glass, often in color. And April 27 — "Night of Frolic," Thomas Davis. to view and reassess each 10 years sociate in the two day parley, de­ which has not finally been closed, will blend well with the new aprln ‘ appreciation of his Inspiring leader­ Mildred Noreh. Florence Pearson, line on the floor, the Dodge In sev­ the property within the towns. The In vain If ths pssaants ars rulnsd by colorings In apparel for spring M now we have rairror-glasii waste sponsored by Company K, at State The reports Indicated that the eral closed models and tha DeLuxe parted last night for Moscow, War­ would eall fo r ; the expenditure of ship and un tiring efforts In our be­ Hazel Robinson, Elizabeth Smith Armory. Succeeded At Anything Has assessors, under the law, are com­ saw and Praha, where he will con­ summer use. baskets and glass ball fringe and church has enjoyed an unusuaily and Standard Plymouth. A new­ $1,000 for labor and materials. The choice of accessories, blouse, half during his seven years work and Mabel Tllllnghast; second altos, Anrll 29 — Tenth annual concert pelled to do this, unless "otherwise tinue hie "explorations" of the Eu­ "Ws psasanU ars Ursd of poliu- Encouraging reports were given The windows have all been re-' mirror tie-backs for window cur­ good year, that flnances are in a comer to the show Is the Manches­ This Is the final "studv” dav for by team captains and members ot bag, gloves, hat and scarf—is one among us." That G. Albert Pearson Helen Bcrggren. Mildred Bciggren, of Beethoven Glee club at High sound condition and a considerable provided." ropean situation. oal strife. Ws want neither Nasi nor decorated for spring opening Thurs­ tains. Is proving a highly successful suc­ Evelyn Erickson, Edith Johnson. ter Motor Sales company with sdv- Hslmwshr diotatorship. but unfor­ the canvassers. Tonight a housing tbe teams lost night at a meeting of which calls for an Innate sense of school. sum has been paid off on the debt Wanted Bstra Pay ^ e German Cabinet was expected day and it will pay to look at the dress, besides offering the only cessor to his brother as director of Myrtle Johnson, Norma Johnson Aroused The Envy (jf Many eral closef artificial flowers. the woman, who was the wife of Accurately follows; each, or a total of 17.50. homes. It Is understood some of the team working in the north end, la tection for at least five years. j Anton Rubinstein w.as the most ei- Hichard Ryan, zuccumbed to a heart enjoy your success. shown this year, one, a beautiful The discussion between the Board Nations, one of the primary objects picture." Moat of the models will be "dat­ Finance, Richard McLagan, Leon Oldsmoblle done In silvery gray and of Blr John's visit, Der Fuehrer was contractors have agreed to under­ heading the committeo that is ar­ Have you tried the chiffon and fectlve and outstanding. In this attack. „ Holmes, Mrs. F. B. Clarke, E. A. of Selectmen and the assessors a The Helmwehr answer to the write the cost of acquiring a booth. ed," however, within five nliontha. number, the club was assisted by a Pontiac, resplendent Ih red and said to have refused to consider un­ peasant threat was an announce­ ranging for the entertainment and service weight hosiery at Norton’s? Brownbilt Lydall, Mrs. LeVeme Holmes, Mark week ago took up nearly two hours The following dealers' In building It comes In all tbe beautiful spring Miss Helen D. Borggren as soloist, GET THE HABIT OF DEPOSITING REGULARLY IN gray will attract the eyes of the of the night's session. til other related problems had been ment that field maneuvers will be refreshments that will be provided Holmes, M. G. Cox, Mrs. C. I. Balch, more mechanically-minded visitors, settled, supplies have enrolled as members: tonight Frank Dulley of Hartford, shades and It Is excellent hose, very Cole Slaw. with the Trio as accompaniment, Mrs. T. D. Smith, W. E. Lydall, Mrs. Board neta Opinion conducted tomorrow in the vicinity and the rendition was all that could Shoe Store who like to probe Into the Inner Dlplo'tnatic observers of the con­ of Vienna. W. G. Glenney A (Sj .. G. E. Willis A chairman of the speakers' commit­ durable too. 2 cups chopped cabbage 825 Main Street Jessie Sweet, Elton Johnson, Mr. working of the cars before making A week ago the Selectmen held Son, Inc., Manchester Plumbing Sup. tee In the Fourth Area, will be the bo asked by the most critical music and Mrs. Fred Hadden and Mrs. ferences noted with interest the 1 tbsp. celery seed lover. their Hnal selections for 1935. an executive session. Some of the Incessant off-stage activity which ply Co., Watkins Brothers, Manches­ principal speaker at the meeting to­ Snakes do have hips, says Cy Per­ Cyrus Tyler. Selectmen had their doubts about 3 tbsp. chopped pimiento or green Opening Numbers .Modern Home Equlpna-nt the visit of the British statesmen ter Lumber 0>mpany, F. T. Bltsh night. Indications point to a large kins, herpetologist. He has studied pepper Pastoral relations, E. A. Lydall, While the main floor Is crowded the authority given to the aasessors Hardware Co., Montgomery Ward turnout. the reptiles for 40 years, and sa3rs The G Clef opened the program lOANS W. prompted on the part of Viscount 1 tsp. salt F. B. aarke, Mrs. T. D. Smith. Mrs. with Uio best products at Detroit and Town fk)unscl a. Hyde was SIGNS OF SPRING and C. R. Burr Company. boa constrictors and pythons have with a group of three numbers. LeVeme Holmes, Mrs. Herbert Sey­ called into the meeting. He told the KImImoto HushakoJI, Japanese am­ A special meeting of the council 1-4 tsp. paprika "Cherubim Song,” "Dearest Lord THE SAVINGS BANK and elsewhere, the wall booths of bassador. will be held Monday evening at 8 A beautiful womon , definitely defined hips. 4 tbsp. vinegar mour, C. G. Tyler, Mrs. 0. 1. Balch, Selectmen that under ordinary town and a protecting Seeing Jesus" and the Negro spiritual. Elton Johnson, Miss Emma Colvor, the armory are crammed with the These circles sxpressed ths con­ o'clock In the rooms of the K. of C., 1 tbsp. horseradish. If desired. Whether you need SIO or $300 very latest In knick knacks for the and city charters that the assessors Eye Dog... devoted to a Early days of spring are fine for “Swing Low, Sweet Chariot.” the LENTEN Richard McLagan, W. B. Lydall. would be correct In their InteiTre- viction that the Japanese were ap­ KEEP POPPING UP when action will be taken on the 2 tbsp. sugar second selection being especially ~*7 0 U ere sur# quick, eouxteous OF MANCHESTER Music, Rev. Mr. Qlnns, F. B. home, large and small and In many plauding Germany’s resistance to large batch of applications that have flier grounded by fotef making good housekeeping resolu­ Mix the ingredients and chill s s r v ic t—with rG p sy m «n t fe m e to pleating colors. Here we may And tatlon of the law, out In Manches­ THEFIS SCRAP IRON tions. One of the flrst should be to Clarke, Bernice Lydall, Mae Hanna, ter, where the town charter pro­ any understanding that would bring already beep received. A degree will Ad.lsS 2^1#r pnmnH thoroughly. suit yout present incoms. The Quiet Hour A Mutual Savinga Bank Mrs. W. E. Sebober, Marlon Brown- the latest type of refrigerators, the the Reich closer to Rua.ila. be worked early In April and this is buy the drawer compartment boxes only cost i« a monthly charge of Norge displayed by Watkins Broth­ vide! a different method, the woni that will transform your untidy iu and Leonard Burt.' "otherwise" upset the assessors' As long as Germany and Russia re­ Drinking Fountain b Park to be followed by weekly meetings MYRNAIOY IRISH TEA PARTY 'Hree per cent on the unpaid Religious education, Mark Holmes, ers; the Leonard by the G. E. Keith mained unreconciled, it was pointed STORED AT DUMP during the month of April in prepa­ drawers into examples of neatness AND ENTERTAINIVIE.NT | >nlsnce« TONIGHT Furniture company; the Frigidalrc oplidon. The town -lad deckled to and precision. Tbe boxes come with n*sib«* lintnal eaTtaas Ssah Central Feed. lee. W. B. Schober, Ruth Hanson, Ethel have theWork done "otherwise" and out. Russia is prevented from throw­ ration for tbe third degree which Saturday, March 30, 7 P. M. ,(n ! by Kemp's, Inc.; the (ieneral Elec­ ing her entire strength to the east. CARYGRANT four compartments— so that you IDEAL FINANCING 7:15 to 8. Woodward, Mrs. C. 1, Blach, W. D. in so doing was acting within Ita Made Ready and House­ will be put on In May. At that time ORANGE HALL Woodward and Mae Hanna. tric by Ernest H. Benson; the West- have a separate place for handker­ ASSOCIATION, Inc. Inghousc by Baritow Radio Shop; special charter rights. The Select­ one of the largest classes to ever en­ chiefs, stockings, Jewelry, or what D. of L., No. 12.5, L. O. L. I. Nominating committee. Rev. Mr. men have charge of the prudential GERMANY'S DEMANDS Hichael Pantaleo Arrested ter the council will be admitted. Admission 25c, 853 .Main ,St. Rublnow Bldg. Emanuel Lutheran Ginns, Charles Hale, Mrs. Mark Manchester Electric company, Uni­ wives Are Beatbg Rugs. have you—and no more scrambling. versal Electric ranges and the Uni­ affairs of the town and are called London, March 27—High London Children under 12, 15c. Phone 7281 Holmss, and Mrs. Clarks. upon to "plan, determine and exe­ quarters declared today that WINGS Spring Is Here Church Membership, Mrs. Elton Johnson, versal refrigerator; L. T. Wood. cute" the manner In which the on Complabt of Caretaker A pair of long string gloves will Coolcrator; Chet's Service Station. Retchsfuehrer Hitler demanded SEVERAL APPUCAHONS put the finishing touch to your out­ WELCOME! Ur. and Mrs. John Flavell, Mr. and town's business shall he done. This from Blr John Simon, foreign sec­ Additional signs that spring Is IMTHE HAVE THE INSIDE OF Mrs. Leonard Burt, Mr. Schober, H. H. West. Inc., and Benson Radio has been done, Judge Hyde rules. II fit. Stop in at Hale’s and buy Shop, Gninow refrigerators and retary, that the powers grant Ger­ here—-aside from ths mild weather Sammervine yourself a pair. They come in Mrs. Howard Grant, Mrs. Melvin A 12 Months Job many the following concesalons; FOR ALMSHOUSE POSTS radios. and the appearance of migratory white, navy and brown and are only YOUR CAR CLEANED OUT HA VE YOU SEEN IT? Cox. Mr. Hyde has also given another 1. An economic union with Recreation, Howard Grant, Cor­ The Manchester Gas comi>any is rullng-to the Selectmen. The asses­ birds — were observed about town DARK $1.00 a pair. showing ths latest line of gas Austria; Floor boards and mats clean­ VELVET WORKERS win Grant, Carolyn Waterbury, sors claimed in asking for addition today. Michael Pantaleo of SO Essex Selectmen to Give Considerable A Pftromownv flttu r* with ranges and the Electrolux, the m• Hibbard, Mrs. Walter Shipman, Mrs. Is completed. The Selectmen have Prussia with the rest of .Germany tresses. Yards are being cleaned prises will be awarded each evening the right to regulate the manner In ing he found they were missing. The Selectmen In having It made general Impression to be conveyed at the close of tha show. eliminating Pomurze. up, dead leave.* burned, ashes re- known last week that there was to RONALD COLMAN which they are paid. The assessors He said he was displeased with The theft was reported to the police must be one of sober elegance. Any strictly Fresh Local move, now Who KILLED Her? AT LOCAL RIFLE RANGE at his hospital any members of the ANO ITS PURE cans THURSDAY ■ SPECIALS ■ FRTOAY * $ 2 . 3 5 British officials as a new thunder­ gang who were wounded. UST whm others ar* offering th*lr and ease. Its famous pstsntsd Float* .. bolt In the perplexing European sit­ IT GIVES A MORE flrst hydrsulic-tjrp. brakes. Dodge Toggery Shop Nelson Stain J ing Power engine mountings smother uation, Sir John and his fellow en­ Tbe Manchester American Legion gives yon ths axtrs safety of Per- Dellcloua Juicy 8^ HEAVY STEER BEEF! Her Husband ? Her Friend ? voy, Capt. Anthony Eden, Lord A trip to Chicago, which ended EVEN HEAT.' vibration, which racks ordinary cars Rifle team Is to have an improved with the slaying of Nelson, waa also ftct.d, Dual-Cylindei Hydraulic to piacaa Privy Seal, were believed to have shooting range after April. The Braksa, pionaated years ago by Dodgs GRAPEFRUIT! been unprepared for such sweeping described. Negri testified that when T h e final word in protection— the range now in uae is In the basement he read In a newspaper one Federal and prov«l In ths service of handrada famous Dodgs safety all-steel body Attend thie Modern Trial demands and officlala said that the of the Selwitz building, entrance be­ PHONE MANCHESTER 3975 ^ officer was killed and another of thousahda of ownara is known to nearly 3,000,000 Dodge " Boneless Rib Roast whole tangled relation of continen­ ing from Pearl street. It was for­ W ith 207. mora braking surface — Presented by tal nations would have to be exam­ Wounded, "I went to a movie and FOR PROMPT DELIVERY \ ownsia merly a bowling alley and the tar­ when I came out I saw by the paper fully equalised against skidding or Shoulder O l d G o l d ined at the tripartite conference at gets were set up at the end of the Only tbs genius of a manufacturing Choice Sirloin Center Cut The Community Players Stress, next month, between Great that NeLon was dead.” swerving—thsy get thousands of axtrs organization such as Dodgs—with alleys. The rifle club has arranged oiiles front tires and brake lininga — Delicious Juicy at the Britain. Franca and Italy—a confer­ to make several changes In the In­ Payments to him by Dillinger of such complets'facililies, with 20ysars $1,600 on one occasion and $300 or SOCONY-VACUUM OIL COMPANY, INC. give greater operating ease, quicker, 1 Pork Chops Steak Pork Chops ence which was descrlb^ as all-im­ terior. New butts will be Installed of experience in building nearly thrs! Blood Oranges! The Bellamy Trial portant. and a better condition under which 1400 on another for "services" were 3 Rings 3 surer etops— more safety than aver. million fine vehicles—could crests HIGHEST Unofficial but informed quarters to shoot will be made possible. The admitted by Negri but he denied - - Remember, there can be no succeaaful such astounding dollsr-for-dollsr WHITON MEMORIAL HALL, 8:30 FRIDAY, iMAR. 29 Interpreted the Berlin denouement shooting will not be continued In the they were specifically In connection imitation of Dodge brakes— or their valuel lb- lb. safety i— without Dodge experience C 1 7 « PRICES ss, In effect, a demand by Hitler for range as many nights aa usual af­ with a bank robbery at South Bend, each 1 Ind. 3S FEATURE and manulactutlng pisdsion. CHRYSLER MOTORS in 60 yean Seats 40c. the removal of practically all treaty ter April 1 because many of those l-Found Package Bich Crearay Meonater Daisy Maid restrictions wh» go to the range will want to When cross-examination started, For Tour Spring Hers is a big, smart, aS-mlls-psr- DODOS DIVISION Jewelry, Watch Cases, Den­ at Keller's, Kemp's, Y. M. C. A., Potterton & Krah. Dellchms Yacht Club Hitler told Sir John that Germany spend their time shooting out of Negri dented he had been beaten In­ ACTS hour car that actually gives you three ThI. adv.rtl.cmc&t cndor.edbz thcDeperS Oleomargarine tal Work. Spectacles, Etc. would return to the League of Na­ doors. to teatlfyinc for the prosecution or A ttire toflvs mors miles par gallon ofgaa than ment of Enslnterlns—Chrreler Motors 1 Pure Lard Cheese . tion for a general settlement of all had been offered leniency. lowtr-pricsd cara And even mors COFFEE! WE PAY MORE THAN 200 Performers The Ladies Shop Suggests fTBW-yAt.UB DODQB; $ 64S t o $ 760. ANYBODY! questions after a free and equal astonishing economy of oill With all ‘AH pne»B to .b . tketory Dminrt. oa^ioeS status was recognised for her—and Every Act A Hit its savings, ths Dodgs “Rad Ram- ro changm wHhoat nofteo. Spocj^ ou tt^ c lb. (government License not before. 2 Pe. TWEED SUITS angina gives brilliant iisw ranges of moor oxfre. Timo pmymtnim ro Sr roar 1 9 c lb. 2 3 3 ^ 25 - 2 ^ HRST QUALITY Views I'nchnaged. budtH, Ask for(Aoo!lcielCArjraiUr Moron 1 29 •peed—flashing pick-up— silky rilsnes CcNnmercief C n M P/en. T.G.L. 12. No. 12-5797 Sir John made it clear that the FOOT GUARD HALL Fun - Thrills Freeh Choice British view on all dsmands except High {Street. Hartford. 8 4 .9 8 Local OroU-n Baldwin 1 Steak Cod RUBBER the naval ones, were unchsmged. Surprises FUlet M a t t h e w The British ministers went to Ber­ Swagger Suits ...... $10.98 F.O.B. • APPLES! Halibut Attached. lin prepared to hear a plea for • Wed. Nile DANCING Adm. Ford Car Given Aw ay D resses...... $3.98 to $6.9S HEELS larger navy and it waa said they FACTORY »»• were willing to accede to a substsin- March 27th 8:00 to 12:30 Millinery...... $1.00 to $2.98 DETROIT ^ Ibi. S 2 S « 2 lbs. 2 S * 2 1 c lb. WIOR For Men, Women and Children. tlal Increase, but they emphasised 60c 1 We Do Watab, Clack, Jewelry Every Night Stop In to 888 these items. You'll recognize Shoes Dyed All Shades—50c and 75c. tbst this waa a socoadary question Fancy and Qplteal H'erk. and should be delayed until more The Great Radio Star In Person! the value immediately. DDOEEMSOoMnn New Far Jost A Faw Ballara Mara Tkoa Tha liaasf rU asi Can StringlcH Freoh Sliced 9M Mala Street Bfaaebreter pressing problems were eetUed. Near M ule Streat SAM YULYES SHOE REPAIR SERVICE Sir John waa said to have raitsr- GREEN BEANS! 1 Swordfish 701 Main Street Maacliester ated Great Brltala’s Arm support ^ EARL HINES Mackerel Bocton Blue the plan for an Bhutem European AND HIS CELEBRATED TERRACE GARDENS ORCHESTRA The LADIES' SHOP Schaller Motor Sales, Inc. ______OF CHICAGO 707 Main Street mutual assistance pact, but Hitler Johneon Block 884 Center St. TeL 6282 Mancheater 4 1 2 5 « ">• * J c lb. MAWCHESTER EVTOnWG HERALD, MAWCHEEfER, CONN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27,1985.

flaiirliritrr oeatrol the whole laod-uee program, difficult to BM wliBra bt has a leg Including rural rehablUtatlon, soil to atand on. Endeavor Sunda'Y aveolng. erosion work, eub-marglnal land Yet nothing is mora certain than STA1TS CHAMBER was: "How Do«a God jEofutno fltraid CJIDARK Guide I ^ p le Today? actlvltlea and perhaps the Mlealselp that a good many of the menbera of TALCOTTVILLE ELECT ROCKVmE MAN • • rUMUMHlCO ■» I'M* Mr. and Mrs. Ernest SmIUi spsat CCCDESERTER m U L O pJUNTtNO ;OMPANT. INU pi Valley davelopmenL both Senate and House who gave PICKSJp^ATES Friday visiting friends In Boston.^ It SlMdl KtrMt rl A grealj ipany people profess their eoneent to. pari-mutuel bettli^, Rfvaraad and Mrs. Francto P. Mr. and Mra. Frtderiek B a n cr^ NAZARENE GROUP HEAD _^aehMl*r. Cobb. BLOND TRUHAB rCKOUtON lofty"contempt for this young man knowing weU that the Uon'e ehwe ^ C mkiion KnOMMI Bachslor left Monday to spend s apent Sunday with Mr. and Mra. A. ARRESHDHERE OBB.rBI M«nBK«r vacaUon at Hot Springs, A rk sn M R. Talcott rooBdBt Uetebcr t.. Itll aa being a “vlBlonary." But of the proceeds would go Into the ata BEGIN HEBE TODAY Peat OSle. at Manu*i.*t*r. Ceoa., aa Individuals, wroitld balk at a msaaure the note or what was expected ot Body m Washinttoo Apri Mr, and Mrs. Janies Johnston, of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Resslsr and ciety at Church Here. ■aeoBt OUaa Mail Matter. bosB being "vlelonary" It Is this one establishing a state lottery or one MILUCENT GRAVES, secretary East Hartford, spent Sunday wltn Edward Colliiis Left East ^ aDBECRtPTION RATES ■ae OEOROB DBIMGOLD, finds her her, she was determined to try to son, Norman, spent the week-end at baa Tsar, tip mall ...... ta.ae The projects to be placed under bis permitting dtlee and |owni to es­ find out something about that wom­ Mr. and Mrs. WilUam Smith. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sumner Tennyaofi: McFall of Rockville Par Meath, by atall...... | «o employer la his office dead, la 29-May 2. Smith. charge blaze brand new trails. They tablish lotterlas of their own to help paalc she nnhes sway and reg- an In black. Mrs. Robert Koch of DobsonvUle, Ljne After Differences was elected president of the Young , l'»f>e CepT ...... t tit Having reached this' decision, has returned home after spending A large crowd attended the dance I Pell»are4 eaa year ...... tree are wildly beyond the grasp o f the meet their expensee. lefers at a hotel under aa aasained People's society of the Church of Millicent Oravee flung off her Albert E. Lavery, President of the the winter with her daughter in at the Vernon Grange on Saturday MEMBER OP THE ASSOCIATED merely "practical” Individual. One wondcre bow this comes dressing gown and sUrted dress­ Long Island. evening. With Ofneer. the Nozarene at the annual business _ PRESS JARVIS RAPP, dletlnguislied- ing hastily. Connecticut ebamber of commerce, Also they are altogether eoclalis about le It that the lobUee that looklng atranger, recognises Mil- today announced the appointment of '^ s L ^ m ' Aid of ths Vemoc Joan Smith, of Vernon, has rsoov- meeting and election of officers Mon­ ELECTROLUX The AaaeelataS Pr.aa i. asoiusi.alir MllUcent, donning her fur coat, ered after a short Illness at her day night. Miss Marion Turkington .BtltleS te the uaa tor rapubllcatioB tic. And Tugwell la sufficiently work for gamblers know and employ Uosnt and offers to help bar. He delegates and substitute delegates to Methodist church met at Mrs. John et all B.wa St.pateh.a eradlt.d to It slipped out Into the hallway. home. Edward OoUlna, 33, who baa been WES elected vice president; Fred socialist to tackle the work In a be­ more convincing arguments than sends her to a beauty parlor where represent that organization at the Wilson's home on Tuesday after or Bot otb.MrIaa .rad. tad In thin she is trsneformed Into a brunet. The heat In the bouse waa low, annual meeting of the Chamber of noon. A large crowd attended the clam at Camp Chapman, a CCC camp. Woods, treasurer; Miss Gladys Wil­ PAPar and alao tha local navs nub. fitting spirit. He ought to, because chowder supper at the Vernon son, assistant treasurer; Miss Ger­ Ilanad baraln. any municipality In the state would Happ takes her home. Introdnetng i ,/ u*. k ’’ "* Commerce of the United SUtes to Mrs. Franklin Welles, Jr., will Boat Lyme was arrested at 1I;I5 THE REFRIGERATOR All rights ot rapubllcation of most of these great rehabilitation think of using? be held In Washington, D. C., April Its Mrs. F, P. Bachelor's place Methodist church Friday evening. trude Wilson, secretary and Mrs. apoelal dlaoatehas baraln ara also ra- one end of the corridor, giving Althea Neri waa home from col­ last night by the Manchester police Fred Woods, assistant secretary. sarrad. schemes were boro In his own brain NORMAN HAPP, warns Mllllsent 29tb to May 2nd. Sunday echool teacher for the Pri­ against his stepbrother, ROBERT sufficient Illumination to enable Th* appointed delegates are mary department In Sunday school lege over the week-end. as a result of a teletype broadcast Other officers elected and com­ not by any means in the Imagination her to see objects, although not Mr. and Mrs. William Hensche, of Poll aarrlea ellant of N E Sarvi VERBAL SMACK CAI8E, and teUs her a mysteri­ Major Frank H. Johnston, president while Mrs. Bachelor la on her vaca­ sent from the Groton barracks of mittee assignments were: pianist. ■ea Inc. of Mr. Roosevelt. u distinctly as would havs been tion. Springfield, were recent guests at It Is to be suspected that the ous woman In black ermine ha of the a t y Coal and Wood Co., of the state police. Miss Gladys Wilson, assistant pian­ some power over his stepmotber. the case bad there been more Il­ New Britain who will serve as Na­ Jack Talcott, Jr., waa home over the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sumner Early in the evening in a general ist. Miss Eunice McAdams; ushers, Publlihar'a Rapraaaniativa: Tha Tugwell has the essential qualifi­ lumination. Smith. Jiillna Mathawa Special A anep Naw handsome Miss Martha IJaros cf Mlllloent falls asleep. A noise tional Councillor, and John T. Walsh the week-end from college. broadcast the Groton barracks asked Ralph Fish, Austin Turkington; as­ . . . IS THE BEST-LOOKING cations for this kind of a Job that Now that she was In the cor­ There was a slight accident Sun­ Tork, Chicago. Uatroli and Boston. Berkeley, Cal., who baa suddenly awakens her and she finds a note of Ansonla. Prc.ildent Lavery will Sally Moses, of Vernon, Is ill at that OoIUns be picked up. It was sistant usher, WlUtam Fish; pro­ he hi neither a politician nor a busi­ under her door rending, "The ridor, she realized the Immensity also attend aa a delegate. The sub- day afternoon near the rotary stated that he bad left camp taking gram committee, Fred Woods, chair­ MEMBER AUDIT BUREAU OP leaped Into-the-spotlight by express­ her home with pneumonia. woman in black ermine Is here.” . of the house, realized something sUtute delegates are Charles F. intersection when two cars col­ with him clothing that was the prop­ man; Miss Marlon Janes, Mrs. Clar­ CIRCUI,ATIU.VB. ness man—neither of which would ing herself publicly and without con­ of the nature of the task with A surprise party was held on Nor­ lided. The automobiles were REFRIGERATOR OF THEM ALL NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY Coctes, member of the firm of Had- man Dowdlng Saturday evenng, at erty of the government. This, It ence Wilson; devotional committee, Tha Rarald Printing Company. Inc., be of the slightest use in the direc­ straint on the .-subject of the current which she was confronted. It was fleld, Rothwell, Soule and Coates of driven by Stanley Sebaal, SOI Main was reported, was being carried In uaqmaa no flnanclal raaponslbllity CHAPTER XII going to be necessary for her to the home of the Misses Marjorie and John Ellison, song leader; assistant tion of such dream-born undertak First Lady, la a bit of a Tartar and Hartford, substitute National Coun­ street, Meriden, and Mias C. Beles,. a black bag. Later In the evening for typographical arrora appaaring .n Millicent stood staring at that find a mysterious woman in a Frances Ewing. A Scavenger Hunt, of Shewbury, Mass. Mias Beles took at'ng leader, Fred Woods; mission­ adaarttaamanta In tha Hanehaalar Ings aa these. He will not be In possibly not the moet generous, fateful typewritten note. She had cillor; F. C. Luce, general manager dancing and games were enjoyed. in a message to Manchester the in­ ary committee. Miss Anna French, Baaning HaralA black ermtae coat who was some­ left turn to enter a dirt road ana formation waa given to the police terested In employing the billion In no means of knowing who had sent where In the bouse. of the Cyril Johnson Woolen Co., of Refreshments were served. Those chairman; Miss Gladys Wilson, Miss charitable ex-amplc of sweetness and Stafford Springs: and Frank Good- Schaal didn't see her signal. Police' here that the man was known to WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27 building a vast political machine It, nor could she tell whether the' Where ? liresent were: Marjorie Ewing, Captain Richard Shea Investigated Marion Hobby; music committee, light In all A' « rlcam womanhood. steps she had beard In the corridor child, president of the J. and J. Cash Frances Ewing, Christine Tyler. have relatives in Manchester and Sherwood Fish, chairman: Miss Vio­ and be will not be Interested in pro She remembered Mrs. Happ had Company of South Norwalk. the accident. The cars were slight­ that an address. No. 53 Purnell Now on display at the Automobile Her portrait: at all events, gives were those of a man or a woman. Ethel Scbmelske, Velma 'Webb ly damaged and no one waa In­ let Fallon; visiting committee, Mrs. CHILD AMENDMENT proudly exhibited the suite which The general topics for discussion LouU Geasay, Robert Miller, James place, had been found among papers motlng profits in this or that direc­ the impression that she Is one of She wondered If Normaii had she occupied, . and Millicent felt jured. Florence Fish, chairman; Mrs. Ken­ sent her this message. Surely he at this twenty-third annual meeting MdNulty, Fred Wood, and Clinton left by him at the camp. Going to neth Mcacham, Mra. Clarence Wil­ In the matter of the Child Labor tion. He will not, that Is, unless he those people who not only carry a certain the woman she sought John Monaghan, Jr., was home No. 63 Purnell place, which proved and ^Home Appliance Show— was the only one who knew ot wUl treat of American business poli­ Webb. from Bay Path college over the son; membership committee, Miss amendment to the federal Constitu­ turns out to be a very different sort chip on the shoulder but will sock would be somewhere within that cies including the larger problems to be the address of the Chty Taxi her Interest In the woman In the suite of rooms. Norman Happ had David Stiles led the meeting at week-end. Virginia Thompson, chairman; Mias tion everybody aeems to be out of of person than he has so far ap you good and plenty quick If you black ermine coat. But how about of national policy confronting both Company, Collins was located. This Helen Fish, Ml.i,s Helen Hobby, Miss mentioned a maid, but so far MII- business and government. Three was within five minutes after the State Armory •tep but Jimmy, because the ma­ peared to be. knock It off. Jarvis Happ? Jarvis was very, llcent had met no maid. When Dorothy Turkington, Miss Grace very shrewd, and It was apparent days will be given up to an analysis message was received In Manches­ jority by which the Connecticut A lot of sneering was done at the Still and all there is small doubt Norman had told her of the maid, ter. Hausmann; flower committee, Mrs. that he knew more about .what of the obstacles to complete recov­ William Fish. House of Representatives rejected "brain trusters," of whom In the that there Is flowing to her today Millicent had concluded that the ery, the proper limitations upon gov­ Collins admitted that he had left p i- was going on In the house than woman must be absent, perhaps that Bolshevik-bom measure was administratlun Tugwell Is the last broad, deip and rapid stream of he let on. Moreover, he, above ernment Intervention in the eco­ the camp, saying that it was due to on leave. Had she returned? nomic field and the steps necessary B o rro w 7? *300 a misunderstanding he had with one better than three to one. That survlvia. But It wasn't they that sympathy, with little feeders all all others, knew of her connection with George Diimgold's murder. to resumption of normal Industrial REPAY of the officers. The clothes he had oupht to be final, but In all prob­ muddled things up. It was Mr. over the United States, for one sen­ Throwing her shoulders back, and trade activity. • We specialize In making loans up to $300—«nd getting the with him claimed as government But how about Robert Calse? cash in your hands in 24 to 48 hours. Quick, friendly service- WAKE UP YOUR T j^ H E N you look at the new 1935 Electro- VEGETABLE FRESHENER ability the same Job will have to be Roosevelt's attempt to have an ad­ tence she uttered in the astonishing He, too, had surmised her secret. giving her chin a determined Along with the broader aspects t i T T i J E property consisted of hosiery and of national economic policy there easy monthly repayments—over a convenient period up to 20 iindercluthes. The suit of clothes done over again In 1937. The ad­ ministration half brains and half verbal v\ allop she handed Mrs. He, too, must know something tilt, Millicent locked the door of BY of the woman In black. her room and set off bravely down will be considered and developed montha Better look into it today—write,’phone or call. he was wearing, he said, had been ^ lux at the Show, as everyone will, vocates of the amendment are so Wall Street tradition: half science Roosevelt. Said Miss IJami: "Her LMTTLB LIVER BILE- Millicent shrugged her unclad the corridor. She turned to the more specikllzed subjects such aa: TheonlychargeisSf’Sroonthontheunpsidamountoftheloan. purchased from a clothing merchant. vary sure they alone are right and and half superstition; half Tugwell pontifical utterances might come shoulders and, with the gesture, left, followed the corridor toward "Electric Power Industries and the He had paid $6 on the suit and was WITHOUT CALOMEL you will see the world’s most beautiful re- their cause an absolutely holy one. and half Morgenthau. with good grace from a President of realized that she was chilled. She the place where she knew Mrs. Government’s Relation to Them;” PERSONAL FINANCE CO. to make further payments on it. He This advocacy has become sheer ran to tbs cloeet, found a robe Happ's rooms were situated. "Business Requirements and the did not intend, he said, to defraud the United States, but I have never She was still some distance Banking System;” "The Right of Room t, State Theater Bldg. the merchant. And You’ll Jump Out of Bed in fanaticism. Its proponents have and flung It about her. She went 753 Main Street. frigferator. In the case of Electrolux, how­ read of her having been elected to to th* window and looked out. from the door of the suite when Seff-Organlzatlon In America;” and Telephone $480 Collins was taken to police the Moaning Rarin’ to Go developed a Arm conviction ^ t all GAGGING CONGRESS she heard the sound of voices. "The Federal Reserve System." headquarters and held for the state that office." It was, she saw. commencing to It you fMl Rour and aunk and tha world opposition to the amendment cornea rain. Drops were beating against AbrupUy a door opened, Mllll- Many questions of Immediate con­ police from the Groton barracks ami looks punk, don't swallow a lot of aalts, snln" ever, beauty is more than skin deep; it applies If anybody doubts that a prepon­ Perhaps the First Lady hasn’t cral water, oil. laxative candy or chewing gun from people who are heartlessly de­ the windows and, as she looked, cent flattened heraelf againat the cern to business will be token up at waa taken back to Etast Lyme this derance of sentiment In Congress is .seen Miss IJam'e words In print. she saw the rain grow In Intensity wall, gave a little gasp as she saw special sessions. These Include: morning. u d expect them to make you suddenly sweet termined to enslave the nation's and buoyant and full of sunshloa. to the inside as welt as the outside. But In favor o f currency expansion It Is Perhaps her beet friends wouldn't until, within a few minutes, a ris­ a woman clad In black ermine " R e le a s e of Capitol Funds for For they can't do it. They only move tha childhood. only necessary, to assure himself of tell her. But they should. ing wind waa driving It In tor­ step into the corridor. For a Durable Goods Revival;" "The Em­ Ipow^ s and a mere movement doeen't get at rents. moment Millicent thought the the cause. The resson (or your down-and"OUt If they were not so obsessed. If ployers’ Position as to the Labor Many New Cars A te Appearing feeling is your liver. It should pour out two beauty alone is not the final reason why so his mistake, to take note of the woman was coming toward her. AIRPLANE MODEL CLUB they desired a genuine test of eenti- She turned once more to study Relations BUI;" "Needed Limita­ pounds of liquid bile into your Dowels deHy. method taken by the administration OER51ANY SAVES ON the note. Why had she been In­ Then, with a shrug of the shoul­ tions on Government Spending:” If this bile ia not flowing freely, your food ment on the subject of child labor CIGAR BOXES formed of the presence of the ders, a last murmuring comment "Effects of the NIRa on Distrib­ doean't digest. It just decays in the boweis. forces to prevent House concurrence On The Road And Many Others HAS A FINANCING PLAN Gas bioata up your stomach. You have a many Manchester persons choose Electrolux: and a unlveraal law against ths Im­ mysterious woman T What was to the person on the other side of utors; ' "Cotton—Its Domestic and thick, bad taste and your breath is foul, In the amended Works Relief bill aa Berlin — (A P )—Home-made cigar akin often breaks out in blemishes. Your hesd proper exploitation of children In In­ she supposed to do? Was it Jarvis the door, the woman in black Foreign h^firkets:" "World Trade h It came back from the Senate. The Ijoxos of cardboard are recom­ Happ who had left the message turned away from Millicent. and the Merchant Marine;” "A Na­ Will Be Licensed For April 1st aebes and you feel down and out. Your wbola its operation is the chief reason for its place dustry or agriculture they might Holgar Johnson, John Gandino ■ystera ia poisoned. administration sought, regardless of mended by the Tabak Zeltung, Ger­ and who had expected she would Millicent heard Mrs. Happ's tional Policy for American Ship­ It takes those food, old CARTER'S have adopted, long ago, another man tobacco trade organ, as one perhaps hunt up the woman In voice saying, "Please be very care­ ping;" "Equipment Needs of Amer­ For Safety’s Sake Put A and George Fitzgerald Are LITTLE LIVER A l LS to get theee two the desires of a majority of the way of saving foreign exchange. Dounda of.bila flowing freely and make you in the sun. It does everything unusually well course. them drop this com- the black ermine coat, accuse her ful. I think he’s employed some­ ican Industry:" "A Business View On Program Committee. feel ‘‘ up and up." They conUIn wonderful, membership, to compel tha House to The Journal argues that If the Im­ directly of complicity In Drlm- one to shadow you." harmleea, gentle vegeuble extracte, araaxing munUtle meaaure altogether and of the Government’s Housing Pro­ kill ths Thomas amendmsnt provid­ portation of expensive foreign wood gold's murder? The woman in black gave a gram;” "The Policyholder's Stoke The ninth meeting of the Man­ when it come* to making the bile flow freely. —everything any automatic refrigerator can offer another and altogether differ­ for cigar boxes were stopped, much But don't ask for liver pills. Ask for Carter’s ing for the Issuance of silver certifi­ Millicent know only one low throaty laugh. A door closed. In American Business StobUity;” chester Recreation Centers Airplane UtUe Liver Piile. Look for the name Carter's ently constructed amendment drawn capital would remain In the country. thing. No matter who had sent The woman In the black ermine "Fire and Casualty Insurance from Westclox Non-Glare Mirror Model club was called to older at Little Liver Pills on the red Uhel. lUaent a cates Bgalnst several hundred mil­ tubatltute.26eatdrugstorsa.0 1 M l C .U .C o do, and does it silently because the new air­ for the purpose of preventing such coat walked rapidly down the cor­ the Business Man's Point of View," 7 o'clock. The Interest of the meet­ lions of Idle silver now In the treas­ ridor, away from MllUcent. "Labor Relationships In Distribu­ In your car. You can see what’s behind you at night ing was divided between building exaltation but under which Con­ ury or to be purchased. Millicent hesitated a moment. tion;" “The Future of Employees’ the clipper ship and a display of sup- cooled, gas-operated Electrolux refrigerator gress Could not If It chose take chil­ Dare she run and accost the wo­ Benefit Plans;" "How Red Is without being blinded. In addition to that the mirror ’ plies shown by Alfred Schmidt. dren away from their parents and The method adopted was to set up BEHIND THE SCENES man? Could she accuse her of America?” "Code Limitations on Mr. Busch wants to help the mem­ EXCURSION a special rule to shut off attempts to being Implicated In Drimgold's has a built-in pull wind clock. naUonallse them. Doubtless such Production;” "Economic Aspects of bers-of the club by putting forth a does not contain one single moving mechan­ have the House concur In the Senate IN WASHINGTON murder? Such an accusation Production Control;” "Wheat and financing plan. This Is so that the TO NEW YORK an amendment might be adopted would, of course, alarm the house­ Ckirh—the Future of American Pro­ measure, as Is, and Instead to send members can get supplies without SUNDAY. MARCH .11 ical part. This unique feature alone is and doubtloaa it could be ratified. ------BY RODNEY DUTCHER______hold. It would also establish Mll- duction;” "Quality Standards and FOR $2.95 paying cash. This is not going to be the bill to conference. The confer llcent’s own Identity beyond doubt. Grade Labeling;" "Advertising— ROUND TRIP At all evenU It ought to begin to allowed without the parents’ signa­ RAILROAD FARE $2.00 moving parts Herald Washlngtoa Correspondent .rnow control about three-fourths No, there was only,_pnc thing for Its Proper and Necessary Function;" Fits In Your Present Mirror Bracket dawn on the amendmient boosters once committee Is controlled by ad­ tures. Lt. Windsor Loekw why ..... of America's _120,000,000,000______elec her to do. That was to shadow "Government Regulation of Trans­ . . . . Ni34 A.M List maybe, after ali, wltifiNio many ministration followers. It will this woman and find out where Without Alterations. The advisor was cuked questions Lw. Windsor ...... HiW AM Washington, March 27 President! trie and and gas ultlllty business. p o r ta tio n "E le c tr ic Power — the Lv. Ilnrtford ...... N o machinery Inevitably kill the Thomas amend­ Roosevelt Is veering to the "left" 1 There’s much dispute as to she lived, then seek to learn by the members. The different mem­ HtA4 AM \ etocent people utterly upposeif tp the Progress Made and Coming Develop­ bers had a great many difficulties lin e 1*25111 At...... lliin AM again--as some of his advlacrs said j whether con.sumers or Investors something of her connection with ments." Due Nc«v York* ... .••.1Ir25 A.M law they are seeking to promolci q> showed how one fellow put up $10,- would accept ail thb^Senate amend­ light, the progress , of Huey Long 000 of Ills own money and acquired She heard a door slam—a door, a member. Gas Refrigerators are notv in use In the fact that Manchester ments by vote on the fipor and send and Father Coughlin, and the In­ control of $100,000,000 worth of apparently, located about half was cl)o.scn as one of the creasing skeptletam of liberals to­ property. way down the long corridor, but SOCIALITE ROBBED Useful level top two I the bill direct to the President. Ho there was no one In eight. NOW IS THE TIME iarge towns in this sUte de ward the New Deal have all been A vast number of utility In­ could not veto It on accoufft of Its carefully considered at the White vestors, most of them already Fighting back her disappoint­ To Have Store, Office and serving of having their Emergen­ Hollywood. Calif., March 27.— "Inflationary'' amendment because House. badly nicked, have been per­ ment, Millicent ran along the cor­ (A P )—Mrs. Nan Pierson Brooks Private Home Easy to clean Along with some worrisome ridor, trying to locate the door cy Relief methods surveyed by the hlB whole official and political life « suaded by holding company propa­ Macy, New York Socialite, volun­ federal administration and laid down blurs In the economic picture, gandists that the Wheelcr-Ray- that had slammed. She came on a tarily submitted to finger-printing centered In this measure. So. If the they have led to the conclu.sion back staircase which she had al­ WINDOWS It's the refrigerator for you in your own home, AS models after which communities burn bill would wipe them out. today to aid police In their searcli In-and-out latch thing could be done by parliamentary that the populace must be rid of Roosovelt answers that the meaa­ most forgotten, a staircase which for burglars who twice entered her clt:a n e d in other states might pattern In thy maneuvering, no matter how unfair the feeling that Rosevelt has ure will not destroy a penny of she remembered ran to the kitchen apartment, taking clothes and Jewel­ fallen Into the hands of the New and then to the garage. She leaned and the longer you use it the more you will management of relief affairs. and dc.structlve of the will of the actual value of the operating com­ ry. PHONE 7614 Newtone or porcelain fmisli Deal's natural enemies. Wall panies which holding companies over the banister and looked from time to time one hears quer­ Street and Big Business. down. Mrs. Macy is embarked on a film majority. It would be put over. now control. career, and said she would like to prize Its silence. Its convenience, its low cost ulous voices raised In complaint Thus, almost within 24 hours, She caught a glimpse of a black Manche.ster Window And so the lines continue to be stay In Hollywood, “but two rob­ Ice cube release over this or that or the other Ineffl- one found Roosevelt slashing at fur coat. Cleaning Co. drawn more and more tightly in a Titians Fai'e I’rosldent beries in two days is enough to wor­ of operation. clency or extravagance or waste In the Morgan-Wall Street-"Power Leading the fight against the Running down the stairs. Mll- ry anybody.” contest between the President, and Trust " lobby against the holding llcent heard a door slide back, the management of the affairs of bill are United Gas and Elec­ Trigger tray release the little group of Democratlo lead­ company bill, climbing dowm from tric Bond and Share, respectively heard the purr of a motor. thU town, but by and large they are hla vendetta against Bob Moses In She threw caution to the winds, ers who In Congress act aa hts tools, affiliated with the Morgan Inter­ Uie voices that would be lifted New Work, allowing his secretary ests and Chase National Bank, the ran rapidly, and was In time to and the majority, made up of Demo­ of labor to favor the strong prin­ sec a car pull out from the ga­ A m ple ice capacity (igMnst the way the rule of addition other utility holding companies crats and Republicans alike, to see ciples of the Wagner labor dis­ stand solidly with them. rage, a black sedan, with the operates or the effectiveness witn putes bill, and ordering an infla­ curtains in the rear tightly i whether this country is to be ruled Shortly before sending his NI u '//: which the Angel Gabriel blew his tionary use of 1642,000,000 of strong message to Capitol Hill, drawn, so that It was impossible '■r/ay' Rounded corners trumpet by a President or by a Congress; gold "profit” which brought re­ Roosevelt had heard the holding to see anything of the person or whether this Is to bo a representa­ joicing shouts from Coughlin. persons who occupied It. The FERA administration In this companies were toc-send a heavy tive government or a one-man Insti­ battery here to tell congressional She could almost have touched : Ribbon type shelves town is no exception to the prevail­ Opens War on Glaata the car as It slid out Into the lil.l'CTKOl.lX tution. committees the bill was unconstl- ing standards In civic affairs here. Of course the retreat from the tutlonnl-John W. Davis, Newton darkness and. for one wild mo­ Moaea waa only an *c- ment. she thought of rushing but These are pretty decent, pretty In- D. Baker, and James M. Beck. I M H\ I I ( ^ / / HI I HK.l HAIOR Split shelf knowledgment of a stupidity Roosevelt set his teeth os the to try and climb to the spare tire, Standard Plymouth Ulllgent, pretty efficient; and Just ARGUMENTS which had alienated many Roose­ message was prepared. Word holding to the trunk rack, but about completely free from that velt friends. And the president went down the line that Davis, she realized the futility of doing himself isn’t committed to the A m ple storage space common curse of American mimlcl- Recent action of the General Baker, and Beck would have no this and swung her eyes to the ; Wagner bill. And the purchase fun when they appeared. Ilcetsc number, determined to re- ! P«1 Eovernment. graft. Not per­ Assembly In legalizing race track of national bank notes is Just one You can detect the hand of member It. fe ct of course; not always near betting for the benefit of a gamblers of those little nibbles at Inflation The figures seared themselves And Up F.O.B. Detroit Sanitary shelf knobs times takes. Raymond Moley In the message— T E R M S : $ C enough to perfecUon to keep quite coterie Justly raises anew the ques- especially if you happen to read into her memory —9J3410. She Uon of whether It is either logical But Roosevelt’s fight for the hold­ Molcys magazine editorial on looked around her In the garage, everybody from becoming a bit Im- ing roropany bUI Is of major Import- wondering If she could find a car *510 as low as ^ D O W N Bottle and fruit rack or Just to hand over to private per­ holding companies several weeks paUent at Umes. But. after all, it ami'. It's s demonstration nl real ago. In which she could follow. U about as well run a community ns sons the right to make money by ^liUoal courage against a fifteen- She saw the big limousine tn billion dollar lobby which alrcsuly Extension top shelf yoiFU find anywhere-and at least running a gambling game and at the Follow Bnindels* Idea which Jarvis Happ had brought i has pumped an estlmuied ouu.uuu If, by any chance, Keys were tn , ten Umes better run than plenty and same time to deny to the municipal- The philosophy of R o o ie «lt Shown For The First Tithe proteata Into Waahlhgtoo. and ,Mo;ey as now on record uie ignUlon. She flung open the a hundred Umes better than some. Itlc.s the same privilege when It is It Is evidence that Roosevelt, 3 0 MONTHS TO PAY Is that of Justice Louis Dembitz door of the car. reached insld° Porcelain interior Our Emergency Relief AdmlnU- ■ought as a means of raising reven­ though acquiescent this last year Brandela, who believes that vast ^ £ »ro u p e d with frantic fingers. to the theory that business might traUon has merely lived up to the ues for the pubUc’a service. In combinations of wealth and power There were no keys In the cor. In Manchester A t The Auto achieve recovery by Itself It "left Disappointed, she slid bock other words, the legalising of rmce become automatically predatory Cosh Prices: $171 upwards, depending Steel frame level of our own town government. alone," Isn’t going to let Wall and beyond the power of cither toward the door, only to freese I And that makes it stand right out track betting throws out Into sharp Street run all over him. government or their own officials suddenly Into Instant Immobility. relief the lllegallsatton of public lot­ Finally, it proves Incontrovertl- to adequately regulate and con­ Someone clicked a light switch And Home Appliance Show upon size and capacity. among Relief adminlatraUons. bly that Roosevelt la commltUxl Thoroughly insulated teries. trol. sn.l the garage biased Into bril­ now to tha demand of the Bran- Omi’t be astOBlshed If all the liance. This is a problem In logic and dels wing of the New Deal for a (To Be CenUnned) JOB FOR A DREAMER elemento of what la known as "A1$ g Increased unit capacit persistent campaign against con­ Busineu” and "Big Finance K>J 3 .^3 ethics which heed bring no confusion centrated wealth and economic join Waobington reports that Rexford to heat the bill, In the first place, STATE ARMORY to the steadfast opponent of gam­ power. BRAZIL CATTLE Guy TugweU U to have charge of they’re closely Interrelated. But bling. Ho can Justify his opposi­ PRODUenON LAOS Reasonably pri.:ed tha expenditure o f one of the four more Important le the fart that the tion to public lotteries, or at least You may be able to read the fu­ phlloeophy of “the cuise of blgneee" bilUons contemplated by Uu Works ture of the New Deal when you Rio de Janeiro— (A P )— Official Ita conautency, by holding up the Is directed at many other great In- figures show Brazil in ths posiUon See It At Our Display Belief scheme, when and If the meas- see whether Roosevelt wins, duatiial-finonclal comblnatloiu be­ aiiJiianchesler Gas Co. fact that be wras Just as much op­ loass, or compromises in his fight side thoee of the utUltlee. of having more cattle than Argen- ever geU out o f OongrM^ will una but, because of a larger popula- posed to the race track bill. Bat for the IVheeler-Rayburo bill, Unless Roosevelt is beaten hack ^ unaraloome news to t ^ ooun- which would diasolvs the great Uon, being a “weaker” cattle pro- 6»7JteA.IN STREET PHONE S O T S not so the legislator who voted for or token Into camp, the Whecler- Backed by a t-'M r j t large. The understanding is "Milking machines” known as pub­ h«r oouthem neighbor, the race bill but wrould vote against ^ y b u m bUl will prove but the doilai indus'i lic utility holding companies with­ first step In a drive to end tha is ■ P“ Pul«tlan of >11 ^ havs uqihr hts a public lottery maasure. it le in tha naxt flva ysars. ^ 40,000,000 had 47.491A99 cattle SCHALLER MOTOR SALES, lac. TMftaaii holding . * fftmtiifilSS *34 Center Street “ * ' Tel. 6282 Manchester PERMANENTLY SILENT — NO M bviNG PARTP MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, MARCH Z7,1988. V AG BBEVEir PAGE SIX MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN„ WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27,1988. calondar a bill which would require wanted?” CHork oeked. ShMkty, Oeorga Nichols and WB. SEEMILK PRICE poultry kept in storage for more BARWH DEFENDS Baruch replied that the power to llanr. HcOonigol. than 30 days to be labeled "cold PROBE STARTED take over on industry proved effec­ OBITUARY FOREMEN’S CLUB George Nichols of Case BraUien NEW PLYMOUTH FISHING TACKLE BLAZE WIPES OUT Recreation Center storage poultry" and would prohibit tive in some instances. woa appointed to arrange for boa. . CIRCLE HERE PICKS any poultry taken from storage to WAR TIME RECORD Daily Accident OFF STAGE Asks About Bonuses quet facilities at the next meeting' Items of Interest W AR IN OFFING be returned to i t t caialrman Nye asked about GETS GOOD START and William McGonIgal of Tbo Her­ It tabled a bill imposing a two to ON SWEEPSTAKE 'Bonuses" paid in the war. DEATHS CARS AT SHOW Report IN DEMAND HERE By BOB ROBERTS HEBRON BUILDINGS b em P ag* Omey ald was named to arrange (or the CHICAGO DELEGATE 30 years' penalty for arson and " I didn't know about those thinga speaker. It was practically d^ded AS OF TTESDAT, MARCH 36 Wedneeday strengthening other sections o f the to them hl« companion, Herbert except one contract," he said. “ I Mrs. Edna R. Bliss to hold the next meeting at the D urli^ the next few months col-p osition to begin the accompllsb- present arson law. The women’s gym class will meet IN THK STATE Bayard Swope, assistant chairman knew o f just one contract, and I told Mrs. Eklna Richmond Bliss, widow Highland Park Community chib 1884 1985 legeo in every comer of our country ' ment of any ambitions, Mandatory Prices Goea Off from 7 to 8 o'clock. RoUer skaUng The committee on agriculture the War Department to drop It or of Edward A . Bliss, died yesterday Committee Is Enthusiastic sometime next month. $483 . .... AocMeoia ...... 3446 will put back into circulation thou- | What about the Inmates of wo- o f the W ar Industries Board under Sportsman’s Show m Hart­ in the gym starting at 8:30. Admis­ made a favorable report on a bill (Ooatteoed fn a Page Ome) Baruch. 's. .. it would blow them out of the afternoon at her home, 462 Bast Standard line WiD Have 80 . ___ F a ta litie s ...... 70 sands upon thousands of young men men colleges ? Up until a short time Center Threatened for a Mrs. Helen Donohue To Rep­ sion includes skates, music and setting up a later compliance date water." Middle Turnpike, following a brief 3,333 ...... In ju ries...... 1,930 and women. What does the future ago, the general conaenaus of opln- Monday — Meetins On "A s the question of my fitness to About Plans — Arrange checking. A public setback party in the fight on the elimination of court yesterday and is held under pass on opinion upon the grave so­ He proposed a board of contract Illness. She was born April 22, K n X C D offer to these learned scholars? i ion stated that sending a girl to col- [First Showing Here Says ford hcreased Interest in rune Yesterday Afternoon wiU be held at the West Side Rec on resent Daughters of Isa* the corn' borer. bond o f $1,000 for the April term cial problem of war proflta lies m review, which he said could review 1867 and had lived In Manchester Years ago a college degree was ; lege was a waste of money. The rea- 48 . ... Pedestrian ...... 40 Cedar atreet. Play will start at 8 Problem in Hartford. Two bills relating to Bristol were of Superior Court. a test o f my character," he said, !>«• contracts even In peaco time. for about five years, coming here for Next Meeting...... Occupant ...... practlcally a guarantee of an excel- : eon of course being that she would $ 1 ?« o'clock and prizes will bq awarded killed by the House. One would pro­ Klopfer la charged with violation ginning a formal presentation be­ Reviewing formation of the War from Hartford. DANCE! iHenry Schaller...... BIcylUt...... Outdoor Sports. lent position, but today with the ' undoubtedly get married aoon after — Origin a Mystery. 1 1 to the winners. hella at Conyention. vide for non-partlssn elections and of the lottery laws of (fonneetlcut fore the committee, “and as it is Finance Board and the industries Mrs. Bliss leaves one daughter, Every Thursday Night! 8 ...... ChUd ...... • mass production habit of our educa­ graduation and her educational Mra. B. F. Hussey, and a son, Tlmrsday Fear that the chain stores and the other would exempt the city and also obtaining money under evident that a test is to be made of board amid the confusion of the 73 ...... A d u lt...... $ 1 tional system a college degree is not benefits would be lost. It is not (Charles R. Bllaa, both of West Hart­ The Manchester Foremen's club THE RAINBOW The men’s volleyball period will ■man Independent retailers might from damages for Injuries sustained falae pretenses as a result of Infor­ the question of my record during outbreak of war, Baruch eald: Henry Schaller, manacer of The recent Sportsman's Show in Hebron realdents were mystified ford; a brother, John L. Richmond was given a good boost last night as Art McKay’s Orchestra. INJURED respected, In fact It Is demanded as necessary even to begin to show the be held from to 6:15. The women’s St. Margaret's Circle, Daughten force down the retail price of fluid on Icy sidewalks. mation obtained by State Troopers the service I gave my country, it "There were many defedts and the State armory, Hartford, the lure 6 of Manchester; a granddaughter, SdMller'a Motor Salee, dealen In 705 . ... Pedestrian ...... 562 a qualification for the securing of fallacy of such an opinion. However, today over the origin of a fire which swimming classes will meet as fol­ of Isabella, at a meeting held at the milk when the lid Is lifted on the Another bill killed provided that C?arroU C. Shaw and Harry M. seems to me the course to follow la many shortcomings and many bases 16 men representing different plants Carl WIganowskI, Prompter. 1493 . of big speckled beauties said to but the common ordinary job. A per­ as a result of the above mentioned Mrs. Walter D .Griggs of Hartford; in town and in this vicinity gather­ Dod(e and Plymouth ears, will show . . . . Occupant ...... 1,346 started yesterday afternoon In an lows: 7 to 7:45, advanced; 7:46 to mandatory price of 14 cents a quart the Stamford assessor would not be Leavitt of Hartford barracks. to plunge at once Into that subject, for criticism, but we must realize 35 ...... B ic y lle t...... have been "planted" In favorlts son who has spent ffom two to eight prevailing thought, only the most home of Mrs. Raymond Fogarty, 109 Monday, prompted producers and required to mail the taxable proper­ that we were in tho position of a a grandson, Richard C. Blis.s ot ed at the Y. M. C. A. to further the new Standard line ot Plymoutn 21 unoccupied building built 131 years 8:80, life saving. Mayor Distressed. so that you may either put an end 875 ...... Child ...... 268 streams and the mid-winter angling thousand dollars, depending - upon talented and intelligent girls were Ridge street, lost night voted to send dealers from oil parts of the state ty list to property owners. railroad with a single track bridge West Hartford. plans for organization. All ot the 16 The girls’ church league will use Lord Mayor Byrne was distressed to the insinuations and innuendoes, in the 1935 Show at the Stare 1,777 ...... A d u lt...... 1472 school at the Y. M. C. A., has re­ the college, to imbibe the much allowed to continue their studies In ago and formerly used as a law a delegate to the national conven­ to gather in the Hotel Garde, Hart­ Besides the Beardsley claim bill, over which a huge amount of traffic The funeral will be held tomorrow present agreed that the club would ory beginning tomorrow after- the bowling alleys from 7 to 9:30. when the policemen visited him yes­ the existence of which I would oe 70 . . Age Not Stated ... 80 sulted in an unprecedented demand heralded benefits of an advanced an advanced school. A career became office by the late Judge Ralph Gil­ ford, today to discuss ways and already approved by the House the bad to go.” afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Wat­ be worth while and agreed to work Dellvery of two of the new for fishing gear In the local sport­ ^ d a y tion o f the order which will be held terday at the hotel here and in­ chlldlah to deny; or that you find education Is indeed lucky to receive the dream of the favored few. The means of protecting their interests. Senate passed In concurrence meas­ All Patriotic kins Funeral Horae, 142 East Center towards a permanent organization. bper models of the Plymouth ing goods stores. Never before In bert, destroyed a two-story house The girls' swimming classes will tn Chicago, Rl., Ii August. Mrs. formed him of the swindle which is me guilty of violation of the trust a job as runner in the Stock Ex­ desire to be Independent and live on Meet Lost Night ures paying $500 to James M. Lynch " I want to say here, too,” Baruch street. Rev. Watson WoodnilT of A committee of ‘ight was named SOCKS a two-door sedan selling at years have the Isaac Waltons .if and a structure 50 feet away, bous­ meet as follows: 3:30 to 4:16, be­ said to have robbed many in this and confidence imposed upon me change or selling hats in Macy's for her own was tho creed of the college Helen Donohue, the regent o f tho A meeting o f producers and re­ of Waterbury for preparing the during that period." conUnued, "that I did not see .a sin­ the Center Congregational church to further the organization plans delivered, and the new bus!- Manchester and vicinity taken such ing a pool room and a barber shop, ginners; 4:15 to 5, advanced. state of both their money which they will officiate and burial will be in the huge remuneration of twenty girl. Today, how different are their circle, was named as the delegate tailers was held last night in the digest of decisions by the compensa­ gle instance in the War Industries and plan -for the next meeting. coupe, delivering for 3623, will take in regard to the Town Aid an Interest In fly-fishing and tho and for a time threatened several The women's plunge period will be paid the tickets and their chance of Produces Reports the East cemetery. Those constituting this committee 35c 4 ^”■^$1.1 roads they wish to build. dollars per week. Something Is out ideas. The women’s colleges of the and Mrs. Bessie Lapptn, the vice home of David W. Kelsey, at which tion commissioners; $111.65 to Board where a man connected with display at the Dodge and Ply- stores have sold more fly-rods, other houses in the Immediate vi­ held from 7 to 9 o'clock. Dancing many from Manchester and sur­ winning one of the prizes that will Baruch, New York financier and arc; Cdiarlea W. Blankenburg, Carl The second item Is to see if the of joint, yet the answer is quite ap­ moment are rapidly becoming matri­ regent, was named as the alternate. Moses M. Cahill of Torrington for It did not prove himself a high sball at the show tomorrow tapered fly-lines and books ot flies cinity. in the gym from 8:30 to 12:30. Music rounding towns attended. Nothing be distributed in the drawings, which head of the committee named re­ Herrick, Carl H. Allen, F. J. Vol- Toggery Shop voters will authorize the Selectmen parent—specialization. To be in a monial bureaus. Everyday jut socie­ The Daughters of Isabella is a na­ injuries inflicted by a dog; $15 a minded selfless patriotic citizen de­ morning and all during the week. and mtacellaneous trout- fl.shlng gear Others Threatened. by Richard Benvenuti and bis or­ definite was settled in view o f the started yesterday and. which reach cently by President Roosevelt to quardsen. Thomas Glenney, James to enter into a conrrjct with the position to demand recognition today ty columns are filled with ‘.terns an­ tional organization with headquar­ ihonth for two years to Steve Kovak siring to do a service, all at a cost to Mr. Schaller has been fortunate than ever before at this season of Hard work by a hastily organized chestra. isesslon today, but it is understood their climax in the big steeplechase seek means of taking excess profits ABOUT TOWN State Highway Department, for the a collegR student must put in six nouncing the engagement of a senior ters In their own building In New of Norwalk for injnries suffered in a his personal fortune.” In securing the first two standard the year. "bucket brigade" end later by appa­ Saturday Ithe recent ruling of the State Milk Friday. out of war, immediately placed be­ expenditure of such funds as may or seven years of study Instead of from Mt. Holyoke or a sophomore Haven. Nation.-il conventions ore dough mixer at the (Connecticut Re­ fore the Senate munitions commit­ Baruch sold he understood the Plymouth models to arrive In Con­ Hardly a Monche.ster fl.sherman ratus from, the East Hampton and The girls' dancing classes will 'Board, withdrawing the fixed price The Investigation will attempt to Mrs. Henry Valllant of Hilliard be obtainable. the usual four. Only through this from Wellesley. It is Indeed the rfire held in different parts of the country formatory at Cheshire; $572.30 to tee a stack of'reports and records W ar Department had an excellent necticut and were taken off thi; failed to attend the big Shrlners’ (Colchester fire departments prevent­ meet as follows: 9:30 to 10, begin­ for fluid milk, was the theme of the determine whether there was any atreet will entertain the .Sewing Plraouth assembly line in Detroit Auxiliary Meeting extra effort Is he able to offer mors exception when a girl can go out In­ and the local circle has had a dele­ Ward L. Bogart for Inheritance tax bearing on his World War activi­ wartime plan. Chairman Nye said club of the Women of the .Moose at Sportsman's Show In the State Ar­ ed several houses In the Church ners; 10:30 to 11, tiny toU: 11 to discussion. Ehccept for a statement connivance with the swindlers by a tew days ago. The new standard Department Auxiliary Communi­ mory, Hartford, a few weeks ago than the next fellow. . to the world, her college degree tn street neighborhood from going up gate at each convention since the paid erronously; and $12 to Bristol some one connected with the Sweep­ ties. He said that some he sought bills recommended by the War De­ her home tomorrow evening at 8 11:30, intermediate; 11:30 to 12, ad­ that the butter fat rating was to be PIJ'mouth is comparable In almost ty Chairman of the American Le­ and those that went got an "cyofiir What has been the reaction upon her chubby fist- and attain any great In smoke. A strone wind carried organization in 1924. for examining school children. stakes in Ireland, but Klopfer is to produce hod been requisitioned by partment did not cover prlceflxlng. o’clock. gion Auxiliary Mrs. Maizie Potter vanced. A committee, beaded by Mrs. paid on a 3.5 per cent b^ls, Instead Senator Vandenberg (R., Mich.) HALES SELF-SERVL every detail to the DcLuae modeM, of the best In the country In fl.sn, the college students as individuals? degree of success— at least success sparks to nearby buildings. Igniting of 4 per cent as heretofore, no of­ Senate Bills Passed quoted by police as saying that the government during the Harding of Norwich, will be the guest at the • The boys’ swimming classes will E.sther Gorman, was named last said Ogden L. Mills, former secre­ tbb same wheelbase, hydraulic flsharmen and sjiorUng good.s. They Years ago a .mung man wont away In her own mind. some of them, but the flames were ficial information on the meeting Bills passed by the Senate Includ­ while the books o f tickets seized by administration “and as is often the Mary Bushncll Cheney Auxiliary, meeting of the Ctanloy Doboaz also meet: 9:30 to 10:15, beginners; night to arrange for the th anni­ tary o f the Treasury told Congress brakes, and floating power and will saw the big beauties rise to fly, even to .school, received his education, had It has been possible but to delve extinguished before any great dam­ 1 1 was divulged. ed: police are genuine, the receipts, or case with government requisitions,' United Spanish War Veterans, will Unit N a 14. American Legion Aux­ 10:15 to 11, Intermeclate; 11 to "It was not feasible to set up war be| one of the attractions at this If the cast was made by a non-pro­ his^^Ing" so to speak and upon upon the outst'inding points of this age was caused. versary of the circle, which will Of course, it is apparent that the Permitting the Junior College of confirmations, they found were were not returned. conduct a public bridge and setback C R O C e: r \ iliary, to be held In the G. A. R. hall 11:45, advanced. year's show for those planning to fessional and It was only natiir,?! iduation was ready to settle down subject tn such a brief discussion. Two boys, Dwight MarUn and come In April. The circle was Bridgeport to confer the degree faked in this country. Saying that the committee bad time taxes before a war began." party Tuesday evening of next this evening at 8 o'clock. President general public in Manchester is not rO W A IT bi^ a low-priced • proven car this for them to think that if the Chief and in the majority of casc.s, to get You will note that I have approach­ Lloyd Graves, riding by on bicycles, organized on April 20, 1924. All of interested in butter fat ratings or "Bachelor of Commercial Science." Mayor's Statement asked record of his own financial "Have you any sympathy with week In the W est Side Recreation segson. Mrs. Olive Lcroiix of Somers will Executive could bring a two-pound the charter members but one are operations during the war, he pre­ that view ?" asked the Michigan building. Two cash prizes will be married. Today, due to such un­ ed the problem but from one angle— noticed smoke issuing from the price agreements between producers Providing that no liability shall be The Dublin Lord Mayor today preside at the meeting. Mra. Mar­ trout to gaff anybody could do it. still living. sented photoatatic copies of his in­ Senator. awarded In each section and home favorable business conditions, tho that of financial return. My conclu­ small building built by Judge and retailers, biit it is conceded that maintained against a husband for promised a "thorough Investigation" garet Marlcy, community service kbiny of them rushed home with the The meeting aizo named a com­ come tax returns, commenting, “ I have not,” Baruch replied. made refreshments served. All play­ college man must accept his fate sion Is that the financial reimburse­ Graves. They raised the alarm and POLICE LIEUTENANT the people are vitally concerned over debts incurred by the wife during a by the sweepstake authorities. THURSDAY’S SPECIALS chairman of the local auxiliary, is picture of tho.se lightning-fast beau­ meantime: ers will be welcome to attcrtii. with B smile. He realizes that jobs ment for a college education today is all residents of (Church street work­ mittee with Mrs. Katherine Williams what retail price they are to pay for period of separation if the husband “The Irish Sweepstake officials Senator Clark arked about copper In charge of the refreshments, and ties In their Aitnds and stopped off "A n impression was somehow At Manchester’s “ Public Pantry” are scarce, but he believes that hla reaching an all-time low, but the ed together to fight the fire In the as chairman, to arrange for a rum­ fluid milk after Monday. has provided her with reasonable make every possible effort th make prices just before the United States she will be assisted oy the members at their favorite sporting go<«ls created that your committee was The Ladies Aid society of tlie ROCKVILLE of her committee. training in the long run will carry personal training of the mind and house owned by Morris Rachmllow- TO ADDRESS CLUB mage sale that will be held in the Expect Price War supporL it impossible for the public to be entered the war, bringing out that ■■ ' ii g—— unable to get any copies of my re­ store and stocked up for tlie coming him ahead. Consequently he resigns itz of New York, and in the pool south end business section in April, Complications may arise In the Changing the name of the Broth­ the cost of produqlng copper was 10 Swedish (Congregational church win Hale’s Strictly Fresh Dogs Killed In Ellington season. character of our students is still sell­ defrauded through Imitation tickets turns.” meet at the church ->n Spruce street himself to a waiting pcrlml and be­ room and adjoining barber shop. The the date and place to be selected by situation, It was said today, if the ers of Lithuanians. Independent cents a pound, and the selling price The community of Ellington Is "They're buying tho best, too,’ ing at par and the dividends will be or by any other means”, said Lord A ll seats were filled and the walls tomorrow evening at 7:45. Mrs. Ijool room is operated by Edward the committee. The award Of $5 on chain stores drop the price of milk Citizens club to'thc Lithuanian Edu­ to the Allies was 34 cents. aroused over the killing of two val­ remarked a sporting gouils salesman comes adjusted to the idea that he received regularly for the invest­ a Mayor Byrne. "The greatest safe­ were lined with spectators to hear Irma L. Starkweather and Miss Pomprowicz and the barber shop by LL W. . Barron to Discuss which the members have been sell­ to a level that will force the dealers cational Citizens club. The copper producers eventually E G G S 2 9 * uable dogs recently by two hit and today. "The recent show taught will be obliged to mark time for five ment from a cultural angle ts worth guards are taken to protect the pub­ the witness. It was the largest Ellen Hult will be the hostes.ses. doz. Oliver Chartler, the latter of Wllll- ing chances was made last night, tu do likewise to retain their cus' lic. Private watermarks are used on agreed to sell to the government for TOLLAND COUNTTS X nin drivers who have killed dogs In or ten years before he will be in a every penny expended. House bills passed by the Senate rlusl sL% advertised: HTIHCTI>Y FKKSH E(tGS! the local flshermen a lot about fly- manttc. the winner being Miss Rose Ralmon- tomers. Another source of keen crowd since the early days o f the 16 2-3 cents. the highways there without making casting and values of equipment." Fbgerprints Before Im were: the tickets and other precautions investigation when the names of Tho Booster club o f the North No Water Pressure. do of 115 School street. Mrs. Mabel competition will be the so-called are taken. "They still made a profit o f 66 their Identity known. The rush for the April 1 fishing Providing for school enumeration many famous persons, Including Methodist church will entertain the Hale's Rindh^s ^tlleed DRIVE STARTS APRIL 2 Lack o f water pressure made it Independent producer who can ped­ per cent, didn't they?” a a r k said. Over the ■ week-end a valuable licenses la about due with March Breen will have charge o f the social in September instead of October and "If anyone believes that they have King tieorge of England, were men­ members of the Junior Quest club watch-dog owned by Henry Lanz Impossible to save the Rachmilowltz proyemrat Association. meeting to bo held next month. dle hia own milk for as low as seven any cause for complaint, and will “ Yes, but they could have sold drawing to a close this week Town MODEL AIRPLANE ! CURB QUOTATIONS or eight cents a quart. requiring returns to be made to the tioned In various reports present­ tonight at 7:30. Motion pictures was run over and killed near the Clerk .Samuel J. Turkiiigton spent house and the barber shop and pool local Board of Education before No­ put the matter in writing and send ed. every pound for 34 cents," Baruch will bo shown by Captain John Jcfhn G. Talcott Is Appointed home o f Dr. K. A. Hrace. The body niom, but bucket carriers hurled The dealers concede that if they it to me, I wUI sec that a thorough replied. BACON part of tho day yesterday checking vember first and U. the State Board Describing his wealth of the war Sorer of the Norw-lch Salvation Director of Campaign and of the dog was Jlacovered by John enough water on houses occupied by are obliged to pay six and a halt investigation is made." "H e said the practice In the war up on his licenses, getting them CLUB IS GROWING Lieutenant William A. Barron, of cents to the producers, it will be of Education before Dec. 1. time period, he declared: Arm y corps. Refreshments and a Siinlt^ht llif;h Score Assistants Are Selected. SchShal who was passing by In the cities Service ...... 15-16 Miss Susan Pendleton, First Select­ the Manchester Police department, Lord Mayor Byrtae promised bis was to “ buy for as low as we could proper order for a probable big rush Cities Service, pfd ...... 94. COMMITTEE SPLIT ruinous to continue business if they Designating the state park and “ The amount In bonds was about social time will follow. The Booster evening, anri who notified the dog man and Representative Edmund H. will tonight deliver the principal ad­ cooperation tp the (fonnecticut State for the slips and buttons on Hatur- cannot get more than seven or eight forest commission as overseer for $8,500,000 exclusive j ( the three in­ get it—holding a commandeering club will have a short business Ih e annua] campaign of the Tol­ wanlen Immediately. Attendance Last Week Reached Elec Bond and S h a re ...... 5 •'Si Horton and Benjamin Kassman to dress to the members of the Man­ Police authorities and said he would day. cents a quart in case such prices are the Indian tribes tn Connecticut and vestments which I will mention lat­ sUck over their heads— and still get meeting later in the evening to land County T. M. C. A., will start A short time ago a pet dog be­ Nlag Hud P ow ...... 344 prevent the sparks from gaining a communicate with them shortly BUTTER 2 b. 69c •10 ^— .Meet .Again Tomorrow chester Improvement Association at O N P E n P L A N asked by the chain stores and the giving it the care and management er and which were worth perhaps complete plans for the oyster sup­ Tuesday, April 3 and continue to longing to George Kibhe o f the Con­ Penn Road ...... l >4 foothold on the roofs and walla. a meeting to be held In the Man­ after the conference slated to be at Y. IVI. C. A. independent producers. of lands belonging to them. $1,300,000 addlUonally. Senator Bone (D., Wash.) asked per by men of the club at the Pure Cane Tuesday, April 9. This campaign Is necticut landscape department was United Founders ...... 6-16 Officials connected with the state chester Y. M. C. A. In his talk to­ held in New York. Former Low Price Tho Senate received a favorable "Further, I probably had some Baruch if he favored "drafting In­ church Friday evening at 6 o’clock. to'ialse funds to supper', the organ­ run over and killed on West road, THRILLS, EXCITEMENT United Gas ...... 114 forest fire service at Lebanon arriv­ night Lieut. Barron will show pic­ The Hank Wetherell Model Air­ It will be remembered that prior report on a bill authorizing Stam­ cash balances, the size of which I dustrial management during war." isation, and will start with a sup­ the operator falling to report to the United L t and Pow A ...... ^4 ed at the scene to conduct on Inves­ tures of fingerprints and will dem­ Some Members Think Tax local officers. plane Club Is a fast growing organ­ U til Pow and L t ...... 7-16 to the mandatory price established ford and Darien to act jointly in cannot recall.” "It isn’t necessary under this The Junior Sons of Italy will meet per served by the women of the IN LOY, GRANT FILM tigation and to extinguish the sparks onstrate the new fingerprint camera He summarized his income tax plan,” Baruch replied. tonight at 8:30 o’clock at the Birch S U G A R (Bulk) 1 0 “”’4 8 * The Ellington dog warden Is most ization. Tbt' attendance at the last by the Milk Board, milk was being leasing, purchasing, or condemning Rockville Methodist church at 6:30 which continued to glow until far that has recently been purchased reports to show thai. In 1916 on an "Besides, if you draft manage­ street clubhouse. i o’^ock April 2. Another dinner and anxious to learn the Identity of meeting reached the forty mark and into the night. The fire started at by the police department. This on Payrolls Too Heayy sold in Manchester by Independent the dam regulating the water sup­ NORWICH SLAYER llaln’s Famous 5Illk consumers for as low as eight cents Income o f $3,801,038 he paid $261,- ment, you have to draft labor, and reports will close the campaign. these drivers. Although It might “ WiitRS In the Dark” more arc expected at the, next. They 3:30 o'clock In the afternoon and, camera is so equipped that pictures ply from Cove Pond. at the a quart. This was not pasteurized 169; tn 1917 on an income o f $617,- then you get into trouble.” Joseph DeSIre of Middle Turn-! John O. Talcott of Talcottvtlle is have been the fault of the dogs for will meet as usual tomorrow night, AMARANTH INVITED fanned by the high wind, quickly o f fingerprints can be taken from Both Houses suspended the rules State Theater Ih Replete Load for Business. milk, but the lactic fluid came from 061 he paid $363,763. Senator George (D., Ga.i asked If pike East and Mrs. Michael : director of the campaign and he being on the road. It Is a most Inhu­ 6:30 p. m. at the Y.M.C.A. consumed the Rachmilowltz house any smooth surfai'c under any con­ to authorize the payment of SI,0(H) NOT YET LOCATED accredited, tuberculosis tested herds. For 1918 and 1919 he reported price fixing would be necessary even Semones of 83 Oak street have been 1 BREAD 2 12c will be assisted by Philip M. Howe man act to leave a suffering and W ith New Ideas. Lesson sheet No. 3 Is a.s follows: and the small structure shared by dition. It Is equipped with a light­ to Max M. Wild of Hartford for bleeding dog on the highway and TO ANSONIA SESSIONS compiling ad‘ distributing the legis­ losses, recalling to the committee if excess profits were taxes. admitted to the Maples hospital on ] Royal Irish Nut-Raisin and Nelson Read in charge of the Type# of Heavler-Thun-AIr Craft the pool room and barber shop. ing system. Bulbs are furnished that he resigned virtually all hla Oak street. I speed Bwsy. For those who like their drama if we keep in mind, that air Is a Washington, March 27— (AP) — lative manual and roll and $3,852.61 “ Yes,” he said, "because If you Rockville district, with Hoyt Hay­ Second in Three Days. power from eight dry cell batteries business connections when he took den in charge of the towns outside replete with thrills, excitement and vast fluid ocean with definite ma.s.s CHILD UBOR B iU to the LoVenbetn Printing Co., Inc., didn’t the clerk getting $200 a While residents of Church street and give sufficient light to Illumi­ Opposition to the taxes which the Rumors That He Was Seen over direction of war time Industry. Cecil England of Manchester ■ of Rockville. new Ideas, Paramount'a "Wings In and density and which seta up Grand Court to Meet In That In Hebron are frankly mystlflod nate the surface that is to be photo­ of Hartford, for publishing it. month would be getting $60 because B R E A D the Dark," now playing today and Social Security Bill would Impose, Sold Secori tine of high prices." Green returned last night after sev-' Ig. loaf I S * There will be five teams in the forces to all bodies In motion Place April 13— Must Make over the origin of the fire, ^it was graphed. It Is the intention of Lieut. Before settling down to the day’s HIGH COURT DECISIONS tomorrow at the State theater, crystallized today In a new niove to DELAYED IN SENATE "I was colled into the government ’ Going forward and leaning on the era! months spent in Florida. Rockville organization. The cap- through it, we can readily see how said today that there was no sus­ Barron to demonstrate the methods work, the Senate posed for a group in Various Phees Are service in 1917," he related. " I ahould be marked on their list as support Is secured by either buoy­ Reservations. strike from the bill the sections set­ Senator’s bench, Baruch suggested .MaxtveU House tains o f the men's teams will be Roy picion of Incendiarism. However, o f taking fingerprints and how they picture. The House had Its picture thereupon arranged to dispose, even Knofla Brothers, general contrac­ Playdon, A. E. Chatterton and one they cannot afford to mi.ss. ancy or dynamic action. A.s wo are are brought out through the powder ting up a compulsory, contributory, taken yesterday. also that this would prevent a pre- ON FOUR STATE CASES A love story laid against the the possibility that a "firebug" (ConUnaed From Page One) St a loss when necesaity arose, o f oil tors, have recently completed alter­ Fmiaklln Harlow. Mrs. Martin Met primarily interested in norodynamlcs Officers and members of Chap­ might be loose In the community method. He will tell of some of the old-age annuity system. Found Groundless. those oecurities affected by the war. clpltat drop in prices at a war's timely and topical plot of a pilot close. ations In the offices of the National l b . 2 calf and Miss Lucile Brigham will and airplane construction, we shall has not been dlsmls.sed as unlikely Interesting cases that have been Members of the House ways anil land in ConnecUcut. The bill should " I also sold my seat on the New Guard units in the State armory. COFFEE be the captains of the women's who dares death in the perfection not treat of tewtjks;than-alr craft man Court, Order of Amaranth, are In view of the fact that a fire only solved through fingerprints. means committee reserved public have been sent to the applications York Stock Exchange, severing my­ Bone asked what the reaction The former company offices and o f­ 9 * teams. It la expected that organ' No Error Found in Three of of "hUnd-flylng,” It stars beauti­ invited to attend tho session of the Good to the last drop! which dorlvcsoTII support by buoy­ Sunday destroyed the lummer resi­ comment on this movement until committee and was so done after the GATES MAY BE NAMED Norwich, March 27.— (A P )—John self from all active business. That is would be if the government would ficers’ private office have been Isatlon of the teams will be com­ ful Myma Loy and Cary Grant as ancy, but shall confine ourselves to Them — Other Case Goes Grand Court of the Amaranth to be dence of Henry T. Kellogg, causing the issue was decided. But their lower branch had reconsidered its why my Income in 1917 shows a de­ thke 100 percent of war profits as altered and an additional room for pleted before the end of this week. a pair of flying daredevils. And tho hcavicr-than-alr-mnchlne whose Wlodyka and Mike BodganskI, both Rack to Commissioner. held Saturday, April 13, In Ansouia. a loss of $8,000. The origin of the private comments showed they were vote. cline of almost seventy-five per cent well as a Slice of peace profits. the junior officers oi the company The captains for the other towns although It Is Impossible to gain­ support depends entirely on dynamic WESLEYAN NAMES NEW FOR NEW STATE POST o f Norwich and acquaintances of Officers and memoers of the local Kellogg fire has not been determined spilt. Milk Control Act from the previous year. " I think they’d go along," Baruch added. New lighting has been in­ are: Willlngton, Charles Wocho- say the excellence of Miss Loy's action. Ignatius Mlkullewicz who ts^ Popular ^8el£«8erve* Items court who are planning to attend nor does anyone know how the fire The opposition centered about the Two bills amending the milk con­ "In 1918 and 1919 I reported no said. mnrka; Mansfield, R. J. Ouyer; Kl recent pictures, she seems to excel charged in a coroner's warrant wlth^ stalled and a system of call bells silver Lane SW EET M IXED P IC K L E S ...... q t S«o Hartford, March 27— (A P I—Four There are three types of heavlcr- are rcque.stcd to make reservations yesterday started. MEMBERS OF FACUITY fact that the system would set up taxable Income, as I had sold large "Wouldn’t Congress repeal such a llngton, H. H. McKnight; and Staf­ oven the best of her past perform­ trol act were passed by the House. Report at Capitol Says That slaying his daughter, will be w it­ wired to various parts of the ar­ Svidner's 5IATONNAISE ...... p t 37o tlinn-alr craft, the helicopter, the for their luncheon and supper not It was stated in Hebron today taxes on payrolls, beginning at a portions of my holdings, showing law the first day of w ar?" asked mory. ford, Walter Bcott, Dr. W. B. Bean dectslonH were handed down today ances In her breezy, down-to-earth One would require that all milk nesses at the inquest into the 16- Pure elder t'lNEGAK gallon S3e ornilhiiptcr ami the airplane. Ot latci than April 3rd, Prices will be that the pool room, the barber shoji per cent on Jan. 1, 1937, and reach­ He Will Be the New Com­ actual losses each year, and re-in­ Bone. and Ben Schwanda. In the Bupreme Court of Errors and and sympathetic role In "Wings in the first two, the hclieopter derives reasonable and it is expected both Middletown. March 27.—(A P )— coming to the state be from inspect­ year-old girl’s death today. (Confonts only.) the Dark." and the old Graves building were un­ ing 6 per cent by 1949. Hall of the ed sources. It was explained that missioner of Public Welfare. vested the money in U berty bonds. " I have a better opinion of Con­ The Young People’s Legion meet­ The Tolland County Young Men's In three cases no error was found. its support from thrust in a vertical the meetings .md meals will be at Seven additions to the Wesleyan The two men are expected to Ever-Keady DOG FO O D ...... 8 cans 31o Cary Grant's chdracterizatlon la occupied yesterday afternoon. Char- tax would be paid by the employer, due to a faulty construcUon in the My mcome from them was some­ gress than that,” Baruch answered. ing will take place tonight at 7:30 Oirlatlan Association has now en- In the case of Louis Cllnl va. the direction. The autogiro Is not a the State Armory in Ansonla. University faculty, approved by the half by the employe. The worker clear up information received by au­ Sunsweet PR U N E J U IC E ...... '.Jug Khs equally gratlfyln.g. Hla very dif­ tier comes from Willimantic to He­ act, milk coming Into the state for Hartford, March 27.— (A P )— The where around $200,000. Bone and N ye then reminded .he at the Salvation Army, with Robert t e ^ upon its fifteenth year of serV' New Haven Brewing Company et helicopter for its targe vane-Ilko air­ Amaranth members will please university's Imard of trustees were would get a monthly annuity after thorities from the Mlkullewicz that Bustard C H (X)O LATE COOKIES ...... Ib. 180 ficult role is imperbly handled, and bron to conduct his business about announced today. manufacturing purposes docs not reorganization bill by means of "Never from the moment I was witness of the reception given the Lyons, leader. Miss Rhoda Hall and Ic# among the boys and young men al. New Haven county,- the Superior foils rotating about a vertical axis get in touch with the sccrotarv, he reached 65. the father attempted to purchase or ho gives a powerful performance three days a week. The pool room need to come from such sources. which the State Department of Pub­ called to the government service late Senator La Follette's proposal MIsa Lillian K ittle will play a piano ofithe county. Court was advised to return the cose are not power driven and it cannot Mrs Esther P ‘cklca, as soon as pos­ They Include the following; Too Big a Burden borrow a gun a few days before the Florida ah Form Ellington Organisation which should be remembered for generally is frequented mostly ut Dr. Joe Webb Peoples, geologist The other bill provides that milk lic W elfare and tho Department of daughter, Laura, was found stran­ did I have a dollar's worth of inter­ to eliminate excess jjroflts In the duet, and Miss Ruth Robinson and to the commissioner to determine rise vertically from the ground. sible, or Royal Matron Mrs. Rachel night. Estimates given to the commit­ est in any concern manufacturing last war. A ll Democrats of ihe town of Rl- a long time. Deprived of his usual Forward speed Is necessary and Tilden. for the Philadelphia Coal and Iron samples submitted for tests must be State Agencies will be merged will gled to death on Monday. Miss Lorraine Van Haverbeke will whether or not In accordance with . Indications today appeared to be tee raid that in a normal year a 5 munitions of war. gton have been asked to attend a good looking clothes, he Is n leath­ that ts obtained ns in the ordinary Company, as assistant professor of held until the last sample has been be reported out by the legislative C1illd)«n TM U fy "But there are more o f us on this sing a vocal duet. Young People's this opinion, the plaintiff Is entitled that steps would be taken at once per cent payroll tax should produce “ Immediately upon my coming to doz. eting in the Ellington Town Hall er-jacketed pilot almost throughotit airplane by means of a trader air­ geology. He wa« an instructor In added to the succeeding set of com­ committee on the judiciary next The testimony of Alfred and side o f the fence now,” Baruch said. sergeant major, James Munsle, will ORANGES to an award of compensation. toward purchasing a piece of appa­ around $1,000,000,000. Some com­ Washington, although I was at first speak on "Six Ways." day night, April 2, for the pur- and proves that he can hold hla own screw. The ornlthoptcr derives its goology at Lehigh during the 1932- posites and that the percentage of week it was reported at the Capitol Wanda Mlkullewicz, brother and Asked his views on the McSwoln S 3 mitteemen consider that too heavy Large, juicy oranges! The case came before the Supreme admirably as an actor. ratus for protection in tho event of today. This rcorganiezd depart­ merely in on advisory capacity and House bill to regulate war profits, of organising an Ellington supjiort and forward speed by OHIO LABOR TROUBLES 1933 academic year and holds de­ a burden to impose upon business butter fat, as i.scertalned by stand­ sister o f the slain girl, was heard Court of Errors upon reserx’atlon of The story Is a very ably con- fires. A t present Hebron village ment is then expected to be the me­ this morning at the Inquest and a not charged with procurement or Baruch suggested It ahould Include Two grass fires this afternoon nocratic Club. The meeting will means of Happing wings. Due to grees from Vander'jllt and Prince­ until the depression is definitely ard methods so reported to the Large, Juicy tho Superior Court after the com­ stnicte society to change Its name to the public welfare. War Board protesting against a last week. Miss Pickles exhibited pusher type. In the former* the pro­ Players presenting "The Bellamy be removed entirely. still interested. They were: First, mAnuel Klette, chairman; Alice peller, or ptopellera in miiltl-mOlor- rubber factory Workers at Akron. E. Donald Sisson of the Unlvenl- Union Agricultural society of Som­ plan to commandeer just one com­ the same collection of butterflies Meacham, Carlton Menge, Phyllis One bright spot developed at Trial" at Whiton Memorial hall Fri­ Provisions of BUI ers. Enflefd, Ellington and East ARREST QUAKERS Alaska Juneau Gold Mining Com­ pany instead of all. The letter indi­ and insects shown during Girl Scout HALES cd airplanes, are ahead of the main ty of Minnesota as a teaching Fel­ J r / . day night. Is a representative orie The bill now sets up three forms pany; second, Texas Gulf Sulphur R ^ d ; tickets, Norman Tennstedt, Y, C . i4 . Notes CENTER CHURCH GROUP lifting surfaces, in the latter the Cleveland as 1,500 van drivers and low in psychology. Windsor, Inc. MOTHER ACQUITTED cated he suggested t^iat If com­ week at the Murphy Drug store at chvrman; John Halloran, Rvelim movers prepa.-ed to return to work and able to develop the thumb-nail Ralph F. Bischoff, a teaching Fel­ of aid for those over 65: first, as­ Perm itting H. R. and D. G. Mix- Company, which never produced an mandeering iMcame necessary for the Center, and holds a certificate propellers, are tn back of the mom sketches of character so .lecessary sistance to the needy with the Fed­ AS DERN SPEAKS ounce of sulphur during the entire Leiitjen; poster committee, Henry lifting surfaces. after a strike w'hich lasted 26 low this year, as instructor In gov­ scll to construct and maintain sea­ part of the production all should be from Girl Scout headquarters for IN BIBLICAL DRAMA to development of the plot. Russell eral government’s contribution limtt- war; and third, the Atolla Mining taken. HEALTH MARKET Hfiyden. chairman; Lucille Woolam, In the study of aerodj-namlcstli days. They won a 10 percent wage ernment. walls in land owned by them in her achievement in -his line of na­ 3:00—Doctors and ' professional Potterton plays the judge, Karl Kel­ ed'to $15 a month; second, the com­ OF MURDER CHARIX Company, a producer of tungsten to MIdred Larkin; refreshments. The­ five groups that go into tho con­ Increase. Darien at Tokeaeke. (Oontlnned From Page One) Senator George asked about the ture work. Miss Pickles, who is the r e ^ Keating, chairman; Anne men's-gvni class. Strikes continuing in Ohio in­ ler Is the lawyer for the defense, and pulsory, contribution plan, and, Granting the Pawcatuck Fire which you have made previous and ■Du Pont powder contract.’* He did daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. John 4:00— YUGG Girls club. Masque and Wig to Present struction of an airplane must be third, the voluntary annuRy—which Fresh Shipment Allard, Doris Rlvenburg, Grace cluded 1,500 F E R A workers at Joseph Handley the prosecuting at­ District zoning privileges. (Oontlnned From Page One) termed the United Ststes Army of public reference. not go Into details. Pickles of Holl street, is the only 6:15—Business men's volley ball. “ The Rock.” Religious Play, considered; the fuselage, the lifting works like a life lnsut;ance annuity " I originally invested in this mine For Thursday! Bobthroyd, Katherine Hambach, Toledo, an estimated 176 workers at torney. Gunnar Johnson Is the ac­ BOY SCOUT NEWS Permitting the Home for the today ■ as "microscopic" and com­ " T ^ t was made by the Ordnance Girl Scout in Manchester who has 6:00—Manchester Improvement surfaces, the power plant, the con­ and which is available to workers tn the year 1905 or 1906. Its poten­ Frances Letsky, Doris Hamilton. on Easter Sundty Night. Steel and Tubes, Inc., Elyria, and cused man and Betty Crawsbaw is Friendless in N ew Haven to hold $6,100 insurance money and marry parable with those o f Turkey and Department," Baruch said. "You won the honor of Golden Eaglet. club -supper and meeting. trol surfaces and the landing gear. Troop 7 above the $3,000-a-year class. tial value lay in the fact that it was t’lay and property committee, The fuselage Is the main body of an several hundred employes o f the hla accomplice, Joseph Giroitis as ^property to th e value o f $2(X),000. another. Ericksen was shot to death Portugal. know time was the essence of Hqmer Metcalf, chairman; Leon 6:30— Rockville boys’ gym. Masque and Wig, th< dramatic National Screw and Manufacturing constable and Jamea Spillane as The regular meeting of Troop 7 Only yesterday, by the narrow Fixing at 66, the number of jurors December 22 as he approached the the most promising tungsten devel­ things at that time. Miss Ruth W.Iding and Miss Edna Sale! airplane to whicli are attached the He was the guest of the Philadel­ Woodley, Lola Alley, Al Clechowskl; 6:45— blagirs club meeting. was held in the basement of the margin of 13 to 1 1 , the committee rear door of hla home. opment In the United States. Tung­ "When it was brought to my at­ group of the Center Congregational wings and the tail surfaces. BTom Co.. In Cleveland. clerk of the court complete the list to be chosen for the town of Strat­ phia Post Army Ordnance Associa­ Martin of the Manchester Memorial FISH 7:00— Hospital Sewing group High school Friday night. The rejected a motlofl to eliminate the sten became Important os on alloy de«>rating. May Brace, chairman; church, has ju.xt commenced re­ Ills seat inside the fuselage the pilot George B. Roberts, union organ­ of characters who remain on the ford. ___ Senese testified he was hired by tention, I said it sfiould be cancelled. hospital nursing staff returned last (Miss Hibbard). * meeting opened with the Scout Oath voluntary annuity plan. The argu­ tion and the Chamber of Commerce, before and during the war because Sylvia Corr, George Davis, Ruth hearsals for "The Rock," a Biblical controls the plane and in It is car­ izer, told a group of Akron union stage during tno entire progress of Concurrent Action Mrs. Ericksen on the promise of a I don’t think the Du Fonts knew night from a short vacation spent on 7:30— Buckland boys’ gym. by patrols. Stories about obedience, ment against that was that it put which jointly sponsored an exhibit o f the absence of other alloys in HADDOCK i b . 6 e Bilckley, Frances Hambach, Jose­ drama by Mary P. Hamlin. This is ried the pay load, whether freight rubber workers from the Firestone, the trial. The House concurred with the $500 share in the insurance. But the w h rt was going on. They had a a motor trip to Florida. 8 :00—Rejuvenation of Dress discipline, and self-sacrifice were the Federal government Into a new of armamentlron Reyburn Plaza op- American mines." phine Devlin, Clarence Heck, Mary a most popular religious drama, jir pa.ssengers. Goodyear and Goodrich rubber The comedy, the tragedy, the hid­ Senate tn passage of the following defense contended Ericksen was hard man running the company. Godlnkus, Irene Edmundo, Doris (Miss Hibbard). read by the Scoutmaster. These field of competition with private shot during an attempted robbery, posite'Caty Hall. Inviting questions after he had founded on the life of Simon P etfr" The lifting surfaces arc what sup­ plants last night to "be prepared den parts In the lives of the wit­ bills: “When I objected to the contract Firemen from No. 2 were called STEAK COD lb.ioc 3 lbs. 2 5 c Tetmatedt, Anna Egllvltch, Edwin 8:30— Leaders club gym. stories were read from the British business. Those who toox that atti­ Quakers Arrested read bis statement Baruch said he and as far as known has never been port an airplane In the air and the when the time comes wc’ll shut the Permitting a Common Pleas or and that Senese was attempting to they told me they had to have the out at 2:30 this afternoon for a LA rm ltt. Sterling Little; advertls- Thursday nesses, which always make a murder Boy Scouts Handbook, "Scouting tude d d succeed In • reducing from shift blame for the crime. The two Quakers, Matthias Sball- was prepared to answer any In­ glv^n in Manchester. 1* calls for a support is carried almost entirely by plants dowp tight." Deputy Cksmmon Pleas judge who Is powder, that the Germans were al­ grass fire on Stephen street which Inf, Leon Kupeck, chairman; June ^:00—Tap and social dancing trial so full of human Interest, are for Boys." $100 to $50 B month the maximum Called “Iron Anna" cross, 20, and John A d a ^ , 31, were quiry—"No matter how private It cast of 12 characters and is pre- tho wings. However, at this ^lin't Lewis Croaley, vice-president and an attorney to act for New Haven most in Pittsburgh. But they made was soon extinguished. A t 5:30 HADDOCK FILLET Ib.l6 c Dick. Dorothy Ellsworth. Fred Am, classes. in the capable hands of a dozen peo­ During the announcements the annuity which an individual couid Her stoicism under police ques­ arrested on the outskirts of a crowd may be.” He added he was prepared some other agreement—I don't senteil in three acts. It Is a prize It''la well to call attention to the general manager of the Crosley City Court judges in their absence. last night No. 2 put out a grass fire Pearl Moore, Goldie Lavltt, Fred 4:00- Grade school boys gym, 12- ple, ranging from a scared little Scouts were told that there would buy. tioning after her husband’s death o f several thousand spectators when to list not only bis own fortune, but play of the Drama League of Amer­ fact that all airfoils have the prop­ Radio Corporation, announced clos­ Requiring town clerks having Oc­ know just what It was." at the rear of 30 Russell street. O c ^ y , Charles Prelie. 15. high school senior, played by Alice not be a hike to the cabin Saturday they reputedly created a disturb­ that of any member of his family. ica. Joseph Mozley Is coaching the erty of creating lift, os in the case ing of the company's plants here un­ tober first as assessment date to fur­ won for Mrs. Ericksen the sobriquet BUTTER FISH Ib. 1 4 e |fiss Margaret Hart, a teacher at 6:00— Girl Scouts, Troop II. Altken to a world-famous finger but a few boys would go on their “ Iron Anna,” but she sobbed and 'War Prices cast and it Is planned to produce of the horizontal stabilizer exerting til settlement of a strike which be­ nish the chairman of the board of ance, and distributed anti-war hand­ While No. 3 of the South Man­ the High school is in bed at her 6:30—Talcottvlllc boys’ gym. print expert, portrayed by Winston fourteen mile hike. the play on Easter'Sunday evening lift to the tall In normal flight. gan Monday. assessors a list o f taxable property climaxed the drama-enlivened ses­ bills. These bore the names o f sev­ Senator Clark (D.,. Mo.) asked JAPAN TO KEEP ISLES chester fire department was out home in Windsor Locks, with a se­ 6:45—North Ends club meeting. Bendall. The inter-patrol contest was a sion yesterday by fainUng. Her at the church. The power plant, or engine, la The announcement followed .two Deaths Last Night before October 10. eral friends' and other peace organi­ when he would (tx the "ceiling” on fighting a grass fire on Stephen HALIBUT lb. 2 5 c vere cold. Miss H alt is head of the 7:30—North Ends gym, Robert H. Smith la the accused game called "Newrspaper Ads.” It tears were matched by her six chil­ what drives the propeller, or air days of scattered violence as work­ Permitting the state to become zations. prices in the event o f war. street at 3:30 this afternoon a call Oolnmerclal Department at the 7:30— Young women's bowling. woman's husband, and Ruth Smith was won by the Beaver Patrol, sec­ dren’s. ranging from to six years THOUGH OUT OF LEAGUE screw, supplying the thrust neces­ ers attempted to go to their homes. a party In a foreclosure suit on 20 Overhead soared on airplane, "It could be fixed os of the day came in for another grass fire on Hl^h schooL 8:30—Basketball, Dukes vs. Buck- her mother-in-law. Louis Genovesl ond by the Fl.ving Ekigles and third o f age. and both her mother and Ib. HAMLIN STREET WOMAN sary tn giving forward motion to the It came as Howard L. Colvin, U. 8 . New .York—Dr. Isabel Taylor realty in which the state has an In^ chartered by the Pennsylvania com­ war was declared, or some prior Branford street. No. 4 answered SWORD FISH 2 9 c 'Sacred Heart Circle land " Y . " gives an amusing comedy sketch of by the Owl Patrol. Patrol comers mother-in-law sobbed as the case airplane. The control surfaces con­ Department of Labor conciliator, re­ MacMillan, 72, for man> years as­ tercst. mittee for total disarmament, which dqte,” Baruch replied. . (Continued From Page One) the alarm. The truck was driven The Sacred Heart Circle, Daugh- were held and dues and attendance was given to the jury. sist of the ailerons, the vertical newed efforts to bring agreement an Italian gardner. William Luett- sociated with the New York In- The education committee made dropped other leaflets. "It would not freese prices— they by Fred Soblclo, in the absence of tejp o f Isabella, will hold a whist were token by the patrol leaders. a Senese, admitting that he shot HERRING (Fresh) Ib. IQ c NAMED CO-RESPONDENT GIVE BIRTHDAY PARTY stabilizer (fin) the horizontal between company officials and gens Is the accused girl’s brother. flm.ary for Women and Children, favorable report in the House on Threaten Law Suit could go down, but could not go up.” ing her military activities in Man­ William Taylor, the regular driver, this evening at 8:30 o'clock in the #1 Games o f "Goodness Nose" and Ericksen, told the Jury he promised stabilizer and the rudder. A fte r we loaders of the Radio and Refriger­ Hark Holmes plays the role of the and prominent in the early women’s the school equalization bill, but sent The threat of legal action was He added that his proposed price­ churia. who is ill at his home. . Moose rooms on Elm street Re- ‘Shoot That Potatoe" were played $250 of his purported fee to Elmer have taken up the different axes ator Workers’ Union, headed by R. embarrassed high school teacher suffrage movement. fixing commission, however, could The Chinese envoy, referring to a freahments will be ixrved and there Bridgeport, March 27.— (A P ) — Mrs. Stephen Phillips Is Guest wdth much enthiuriosm. The meet­ U to the appropriations committee Krueger to accompany him the made by Sophia H. Dulles, executive CI1AM8 (Open) pt. 3 3 8 Chester F. Proudman, superinten­ around which an airplane operates A. Hoff. who has to admit he goes walking San Francisco—SteUa Morgan as it would cost about $2,000,000 secretary of the latter organization, adjust the “ceiling” If this became statement by J. A. C. Avenol, secre­ R. A. McKEON DIES w il be prlaee. The committee in at Home of Her Daughter with his brightest girl pupil. Thomas ing closed with the presentation of night of the slaying. Mrs. Ericksen, necessary. dent of the New Canaan Sewer De­ we shall go into the details of the Linscott, 59, grand secretary o f tha additional state aid. who said she bad consulted on at­ tory-general of the League, that Middletown. March 27— (AP) — charge Ineludea Mias Mary Bresna- Conran Is the matlei of fact village 'colors" by the color gpiard, Dun­ he alleged, planned to marry George CHork asked his views, on consti­ hah, Mias Agnes Doherty, Mrs partment is named co-respondent by Mrs. Fred Wood U a t Night. functions of each control surfaces. Order of the E>atem Star, Califor­ The bill was amended In commit­ torney after reports that the pickets Japan no longer has any right or Robert A. McKeon, a native of Nor­ Lean, Fresh GO^-EKNOB TO SPEAK doctor. Phyllis Fallow as a French can Johnson, Gerard Blanchard and CoUard, a radio operator who com­ tutionality of price fixing. SpurUng, Mrs. Jeanette Oos- Henry Spaulding Schley. Jr., of Nor­ Tha landing gear la the undercar­ nia jurisdiction, and former presi­ tee by reducing the enumeration fee had been "manhandled” by p^ice. obligation toward the LMgue, said walk, died here today. Ho was a . M 'S . Stephen Phillips of Hamlin governess, and William Davis bi Sumner Cutler. dent of the Republican Women's mitted suicide in Milwaukee on the “Legal authorities believe the j Mra. Kathertne Connors and walk, In his suit for divorce from riage which aupporta the airplane from $5 to $3 and by providing that eve of the trial. In hla address Deni called gov­ he questioned whether Avenol was past chancellor of the Knights of street was tendered a surprise SUte Capitol, Hartford. March the role of a rich young bounder are The Pine Tree Patrol will meet Federation of Northern California. government would have that right in Rose LaCroese. Arllne Bennett Schley filed today In when In contact with the earth's Wedneeday at Scoutmaster Irwin’s no district ahould receive less state When the acquittal verdict was ernment ownership of munitions entitled to moke such a declaration Pythias and custodian o f the organ­ PO R K C H O PS lb 2 5 * birthday party last night at . the stirfaee, on land or water. 27.—(AP) —Governor Wilbur L. two whose gossip and intrigue led to the event o f w ar," Baruch sold. " I Tonaad'Tewa Meeting Superior Ctourt 1 at 7 p. m. All officers please be aid than it now was getting. returned. Mrs. Ericksen said radi­ plants impractical. without authorisation of the Council izations property here. home of her daughter and son-in- Each of these five groups la ab­ Cross accepted an Invitation today the murder. think decisioos of the courts ore all fh e Selectmen o f the town o f Tol- In hts action, Schley alleges mis­ present. A hike wrill be held this The bill provides that the state antly; He declared "a reasonable defen­ or Assembly. law, Mr. and Mra. Fred Wood of the solutely essential to an airplane and to be the principal speaker at the along that line." Beef Stew ...... tand. Burt C. HaHock, George B. conduct by his wife with Proudman The play Is fast moving. Its Saturday to the cabin. ihall make up the difference between "I just want to get home to my sive posture" for America would "The interpretation seemingly re­ L. M. HOWE BETTER ...... Ib. 19e same atreet. About 35 relatives and each group must be carefully annual banquet of the United Span­ Next Baruch was asked if price Cask and George D. N eff have post- between November l, 1933 and characterization is clear cut. Some There will be a party Friday ATHLETIC SHIKTS what the district now is spending children.” ‘neceissitate a N avy oeoond to none sulting," he said, “would tend to Washington, March 27— (AP) — Lamb S te w ...... 2 lbs. 25e friends were present, her son. Ehrer- analyzed in relation to the others. It ish War Veterans. Dcpaitment of fixing hod been successful in the dieee of a special town meeting March 13, 1935. The papers were one who visited the cottage that night. Bsing aondwriches, coHe or and $70 per pupil per year, the lat­ and a smoU but highly efficient weaken the covenant and the The White House reported today Veal S te w ...... ett Phillips and his wife coming la not enough to attach wings to a ConnecUcut, to be held at the Hotel AND SHORTS Worid War...... lb.“T5e hMd SatartteL March M at 3 • 5^ on Mra. Schley I9 . Deputy night ts the guilty person— the testi­ cooMes. Paso more testa. Help your ter figure being set as the mean for The lobster sheds the lining of Army, including an air foroe com­ League. Any member couliF violate tbat the condition of Colonel Louis from Boaton (or tlis portje. . A buffet fuoelage, bitch on a power plant, Toft, New Haven, on April IS. Judge the state. “Did tndustriallats eo-operata or Corned Spare R ib s ...... Ib .l«e * ■ 000, lite meeting has Sheriff Jamea H. Brady oa March mony is all-reveall^. patrol the palrol contest. Re­ 35c— 4 fo r $1.00 its stomach and intestines, as well parable to that of any of the other the covenant and then resign from McHenry Howe, secretary to the tuuotaeon was aerved oad MrsMrs. Phil- etlck on the control surfocea and the B. L. McCord, National commander In did they point a gun at the govern­ MUMI the M » lt wae revealed la the acUco filed Reserved seats ore on sole at| member the tVwp motto, “Upward The House sent to the foot of the as its shell, frequently. leading nations." * the League absolved of oil obllga- President w to Is ill with a cardiac Corned Shoulders...... Ib. H e . Una noitvad aoajr chotea gtfU, la- londlnff goar; they must be d«6nira o< tha U. & W. V „ wUl attend the Keller's, Kemp’s. Poitorton A Kroh'a and Onward." ment and set whatever price they Uons." ailment was "senerallv better." ■ laeaw hw6Nt et flniwan. Kr hnlaaeMl. offhlr. Toggery Shop | or any of tlw flsdm Sertba. John Johnson, I r ' MANCHEETBR e v e n in g h e r a l d , MANCHESTER, CONlt, HANCHEOTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHEETER, CONN.,

ted typea are great favoiitea and P A D H rS IS READY are ahown to a profuaion of fabrica and colora. K eV T n*v#' Fradin^ aulta will lead the Eaater I V fORSTYLE DEMAND Parade with their chic and claaa. Q O im rn jfOM sem to gaoJ jxwniktn New collara, new tiima, new fur Q C k m n , y o u asm a j o f j to gooJ j% tnuk$n treatmenta, new aleevea and new fabflca all add charm and beauty to the wearer. Navy woolena and Meet Spriif’t ChaOeoge With aporty tweeda In monotonea, checka. diagonala. and herringbone atrlpea are popular fabrica. Newest ^ AvaO Dreaaea are ahown In a tremend- OuB and (iisUghtful variety of abeera, able ■ Clolhes. matelaaaea, talfetaa and printa. From Hol^eux, Malnbocher, and ^ March Schiaparelli come flattering treat­ ; Bpillif it h«rt and IClItdy It menta for atreet and aportwear. Navy, roae, aqua, and beige are ehootiaf tlie thinfi t)ie will buy favorite ahadea. Jacketa are featur­ ONE YEAR TO PAY when the rclefatet her winter ward­ ed In hip, linger tip and awagger robe to the mothballa. She will btiy length, Capea are gaining In popu­ a tult . . . perbapt a coat, and a larity. One piece,modela have In- tereatlng aleevea, and novel neck- few of the new dreaaea, lurely. They llnea. I f c are to anart and chic and quite be­ Hata thIa Spring differ In type yond refueal. She will buy aport but unite In flattery. For the laaa wear, too, and plenty of It. who'a love a handaome aallor, RANGE Fradin'a Apparel Shop ia ready Fradin'a.ahow flat aallora, Bandeaua satlora, Brettona, Kettle Ekige aall- THAT HAS for Milady with Spring and Elaater ora, they are all here and a raft of atyle. A riot of gay colora. a wealth othera. , Then there are hata that of fabric beauty and a grand pro- BWeep off your face to ahow your by KROEHLER fualon of modea, greet you here. Mr. curia . . . or awoop arrogantly out Fradin made endleaa rounda through ahead of you .■ . . or alant wlaely Fresli from the factory—just in time for your Spring reno­ the fathlon centera of New York, over one eye. Of onion akin, atraw, tbopping and ahopplng again for taffeta, pedallnea and alaola you are vating comes this whole new line of Kroehler sample suites. the neweat and beat available In bound to pick a bonnet that will go a aulta, coata, dreaaea. millinery and Btralght to your head and heart. Many new styles that are strikingly different, wonderful as­ acceaaorlea. New clothea demand new accea- sortment of cover selections, all in guaranteed Kroehler con- "For atyle la creature of Change" Borlea and FYadln’a chop featurea a and the bualneaa of buying and aell- complete line of amart bags, gloves, COOKS WITH GAS sti’uction, ^nd all of them outstanding values. Ing atyle requirea Increaalng watch- neckwear, and hosiery. Navy aeema fuTlneaa. to be the predominating color even \ Along with this, every other suite on our floor has been spe­ The coata thia aeaaon Introduce a to the new Marina Blue chiffon hose Lovely New Modern Design for The Bedroom refreahing look with their new all- by Holeproof. /N COOKS WITH COAL cially priced for this event. You cannot fail to find what ,vou bouettea. The center cloalng and the Vlalt thia amart shop and select The so-called modem design in furniture la unquestionably here want at a worthwhile saving. Dolman aleevea are atyiea that Paiia your apparel from accepted modea, to stay—It la so substantial, so roomy, so practical.. And the haa gone "mad” about. The Chea- aa new___ aa tomorrow______and within the COOKS WITH OIL terfleld, Balmacan and By-awlng lit-1 reach of evei^b^y'e puree" aeverc extremes In appearance have now been eliminated In many cases—moat happily so In this bedroom suite. It comes In beau­ V This range will make your kitchen comfort­ HEATS THE KITCHEN tiful aspen wood, a light brown color, Just os pictured—or In dark­ $110 3 PIECES able, your cooking easy and economical—for er burl walnut, slightly different In some details, at the same price. ------K C . 1 '■ I l ’ X — Chest $32.50. life! You couldn’t imagine a more useful range, BROILS WITH GAS or a range that's more adaptable to your ne^s Q O L r * JNNS atm ajarj kt gotJ /umihtrt in every season of the year. When summer AUTOMATIC LIGHTING Table and 4 Chairb comes you can cook entirely with gas to keep Solid Maple yoiir kitchen cool—and in winter when you’re DURABLE CAST IRON Featuring burning coal or oil for warmth, the same fuel Breakfast $ 2 6 -5 0 Simmons does your baking, too! All year round the four One of the cleverest new numbers. Covered In P-ORCELAIN FINISH heavy, durable frisette that’s most attractive and “SPEEDLUX” burners give you speedy gas Suite will stand hard wear. Tailored In sweeping style stands out in FAMOUS BEDDING top cooking when you want Id With all these curved fronts, pleated and welted In most pleas­ every detail of this CHOICE OF COLORS A very fortunate purchase ing design. Deep, roomy sofa and club chair. Sofa and club chair'at this very attractive price. Wing features, and a modern gas broiler, it’s ideal— gives ua this delightful break­ suite. Graceful lines, dum ber KinqStMdiD Couch fast suite to offer at so low a ' delicately carved bot­ chair is extra if wanted. An exceptionally comfortable Lon­ and now is the time to buy it. You’ll save price. We have been getting don style suite in massive prop4>rtions, deep soft Kroehler $8 to $10 more for similar A Remarkably Low Price For This Big Lounging Suite In Guaran­ tom rail and feet, trim cut-a-way money if you decide to do it—now. Come in suites. Made of very heavy arms' and T cushions. The cover is spring construction, covered in frisette of excellent quality. and order yours today. solid maple true to Colonial teed Kroehler Construction. Pi.stinguished by the superior workmanship that goes with all type In every detail, flnlshed In a rich rust colored cotton frieze that a rich dark maple shade. Drop- ha.s lots of class. A two-piece qual­ Ki-oehler suites. leaf table and four arrowback 2 ^ 1 CASH chairs. Wing Chair To Match For Only $201 ity suite. Or $5 Down. Balance On Easy Terms, With Small Carrying Charge. Other Maple Suites Glenwood from $16.95 up A Quality Couch _ At a Real Simmonn Value I Opens To Full Size Bed or Twin Beds. P E R F E aiO N Linoleum Values! 201 & 507. _ ^'^*** IJ'* aiade by Simmons, you may be sure It’a w e l l me,.. “ “ '"'■“‘bis coll spring unit Top p^d liaTthe Haoe \jou seen tlu OIL STOVES and RANGES colls proficTd‘’Syi",TaS‘’p'i^* conatructlon. with 154 soft spring We carry the Perfection line Your Kitchen Floor of oil stoves and built-in-oven SAVINGS upholstered In durable fabrica, with contrasting color ranges. The new High-Power­ mo^‘e™trprice“" ^ ~ at"; ed burner la, the best thing ever Covered With (m. tkeAjz. Other .Studio Couches—$24.r>0 - $29.75 - $.14.50 and up. UNIVERSAL developed in a kerosene burner. Perfection Made Stoves INLAID KROEHLER $ 1 6 .9 5 . up Cemented Over Felt BeautyrestMc Ay SIMMONS:^ Special $ 2 9 * 8 0

Figured on 20 yards for the The Famous average kitchen at $1.49 yard. Greater or leas yardage will be charged in proportion. .5 0 The ABC Limited Stork Available At This Price! Recognized Standard WASHERS and IRONERS Here s a typical Kroehler big-boy, on conservative lines for those who want yust a good comfortable suite of generous size and dependable qual- On F^E TRIAL for 30 Days ity.^ Sofa and club chair at $98.50. Wing chair .$32..50 if wanted. Cov­ When we can offer a real Everyone knows the Beautyrest, by ered in a pTam. heavy tapestry, in Kroehler sterling construction, it’s a Kroehler suite in genuine, frieze reputation at least, as the finest matreas Deepsleep really fine suite for a very moderate price. cover at a price like this it’s made. And now, m its Improved con­ worth looking into. And it’s atructlon, It Is better, more comfortable, iMattress This New more durable than ever before. and not a plain, under-sized everyday suite by any Cornea In beautiful new tapestry-dnm- Box Sprinfir means, but a good big fellow, nicely proixn- ask i^ e l covers. For the conipletelv Model 38P tioned and splendidly tailored. Goods like this restful sleep, you should have the SAVEg'-® Beautyrest. $ 2 9 .5 0 will stand years of service and still look their part. ! $79-56 O N T H IS combination / Sofa and club chair $89. Bunny chair .■;;29..')0. Complete UWTtO TIME ONLY ' Simmons Special Other A B C Innerspring Mattress »I7 .9 5 Machines from $54.50 up “ wonderful mattress at a very low *110 209 soft^wsm innerspring construcUon7wlth GeiKiioeUNn Every A B C Model Another of Kroehler’s Ixindon style suites—this tima « . ., y Is The Best Machine trimmed with a new idea in carved wood mouldings at the Universal ranges, cleaners and washing Vacuum Cleaners base and under the arms. Irv mohair frieze cover it looks thm-A mixers and toasters, K-NOV\ Made In Its Price like a million, and it s as good as it looks. Two pieces at «PPl'«nces. Here is an electrical (wUh all iha quality lor which the name Is famous} Good I«ooking, Good Value, and Backed By Class. fllO. Wing chair $34.o0. riiT-v that’ m " new in conveniences, new in etti- Simmons Reputation for Good Quality. n^^thS famous name—the opTCR: Come in and Miect the model you w ant A complete houseclean­ name that for generations has signifi^ "quality.” trifLi If ^ your home and leave it for SO days* ONLY ^95 ing combination for what f 1 1.. V* saUafled that It Is all a washing machtae you would expect to pay rtould be. we wlU take .t back and refund any for the large cleaner alont One reason alone—the silent, simplified, trouble-free ro- * .*<> A Powerful A Hand Cleaner 149 tary compreswr, is ample grounds for selecting the Univer- dozens of other features, Motor-Drhrm for huide the car Bmtli Modal and all hardKo- rou will find it has more useful space in proportion to Its • tt« t places *125 We picked this suite as the best in tlie whole Kroeh­ size thM any other—and size for size it costs no more to fee floors Bad about Aa buy and less to operate. By all means see the Universal home. Real class for a high-class home. Genuine mohair ^ i i h s ler line. Extra deep Sterling spring construction, before you buy a refrigerator. ithls — - ■» trieze, dressed up in beautiful style with pleated fronts extra long sofa, double upholstered backs, covered in and handsomely ca^ed wood trim. Sofa and chair at one of their highest priced fabrics, an all-mohair frieze Opposite Sdiool Priced In Generous, Practical Sized Boxes ite Sdiofl] 1125 is far underpriced for furniture of this sort. The made with a subdued check figure—it haa quality writ­ ith Manchester third chair is $39.50, and it’s as good as they come. L. South Manchester ten all over it. TVo pieces only. From $124.50 up. R«SularPriet $48.45 Easy Twms Arranged HANCHESTEft EVENING HERALD, BIANCHESTER, OONIf,

Agua Callente about the thousands j the screen, somebody has tidren bled on bar ability to rids a boras. few weeks when the to the Orient, Ann Harding now la physical ability, mental alertaaea, o f dollars woo and lost by film I gamble. leased. BIGGEST GAMBLERS A rols In *Tbs Temptress" called en route back from Honolulu to take and co-operatlveneaa tend to fall a eelebrities. Several local gambling for her to ride a horse. She wanted the top spot In '*rhe FUm e Within.' m o t a h o n s - ^ man after 68. Straage to Ittmself spots have been practically sup­ Win or Ix>se All — Atty. H. M. Stephens, addressing that rots and wantsd It badly. Al­ When he first broke into motion Grace Moore took a big chance Preparedness V.' 8. Supreme Court Jmlleea, who UVE IN HOLLYWOOD ported by the celluloid gang. Huge though she never had been on a pictures, Reginald Owen used to Richard Dix and hla w ife are . during the making of "One Night of average 68 years of age. sums are bet every year on the out­ horse before, she claimed to be an fume with rage at directors who spending all o f their, spare time The German government has but come of football game.?. ; Love." When the picture wsu but old hand at riding. During the en­ kept changing his character every these days visiting their friends who one moral and national aim — to I am the pitcher in thei^mlly, not ' half finished, studio executives suing week before the picture time he went into a new picture. have nurseries, to get Ideas for the safeguard the world’s peace. Hundreds of screen notables daily my wife. And as long as Tm ; wanted td'cajl o ff the whole thing. started, she went to a riding In­ " I ’ll never become established If this nursery they are building In their —Adolf Hitler. Spirit Carried Right In To shoved money through the betting doing the pitching. Til do the de­ ' Grace fought fur Its continuation. structor every day and did learn to keeps up,” he told hla wife across own home. The occupant for the windows at the Santa Anita lace ride. ciding for myself. track during the season which Just She was willing to forget her salary the dinner table almoat nightly. room is expected about M ay 1. There Is a rising tide o f indus­ Studios Where Greatest 'The nxMt recent gamble that I But it did keep up and he did be­ trial discontent — Lefty Oooiiex, N ew York Vankaea’ closed. In fact, you can get a bet and work solely on a percentage piteber. on almost anything around the film i basis to finish the picture. Her re­ have beard about eras taken by Tod. come established — not ss a per­ An Optimist —Senator Wagner of New York. colony. turn has amounted to several times Browning. A fte r more than a year sonality but as an actor who could At the completion of a satisfac­ Chances A re Taken. of Inactivity, Browming was signed do any sort of a role, one of hla tory "take" on any scene In a pic­ Tbe people of Paraguay have And that same spirit has been the salary called for in her original He Is very sweet and very won­ contract. to direct "Vampires of Pragua” Tt best being the mad Louis XTV in suffered so much and havs such carried right Into the studios. While ture, the dlroctor usually says derful. W e will continue to be the meant a lot to him to make a suc­ "Madam DuBarry." And now he’s an exalted patriotism that they are more staid business men wait to "print, that one." But not Mervyn very best of friends. » j DAN THOMAM Hunt Stromberg, M-G-M execu­ cess o f this picture. T et he picked playing the cruel, calculating heavy determined that there shall be no see what trend affairs will take, tive, took a gamble on a young LeRoy. When he gets a good —Princess Barbara Hutton Mdl- Carroll Borland, a University of la "Call of the WUd." ■take” he says, "That’s the one that peace without security. movie moguls will bet a million dol­ American baritone. Nelson Eddy. vaal, seektng divorce. California girl who never before had "Since coming Into pictures I’ve goes around the world." -Meredith Nicholson, antbor. RoDywood. — Oatnbllog, Holly* lars that the public will like a cer For nearly two years Eddy drew a TT been in front o f a camera, for the played almost every conceivable wood’a farorlte paatlme, also Is re- j tain picture or new star. - Nor are salary from the studio for doing ■Tbe law of continuity and the leading role. character except Reginald Owen." I am not God, but millions o f peo­ the men who sit behind big mahog­ A huge music box on the island general scientific view of the uni­ ajlonslble in a large measure for the practically nothing. Still Strom- Studio attaches laughed at the the actor told me In hla modest ple think I am and Td like them any desks the only fllmlandera will­ of Walcheron, Holland, plays clas­ verse tends to strengthen our belief to believe It. tremendoua growth and aucceas of berg insisted that he be kept. Then Idea that she looked like a vampire. Hollywood home. "And I ’ve been W ardoleuBi ing to take a gamble. Directors and sical selections from M oiart on the that the soul goes on existing and he Insisted tha^ the virtually un­ But Browning liked her eyes and mighty successful doing It. But I —"Father" M. d. Divine of New the film Industry. .stars are equally ns willing. Some­ half hour, and Beetooven’s Moon­ developing after death. York’s Harlem. K known actor bo given the leading took a chance that the rest o f the would like to be myself once. Just There can be no doubt about the times they lose, but more often they light Sonata on the hour. Twenty- —Tbe late Prof. Michael Ivorsky 0x12 R a g s male role in "Naughty Marietta." job could be accomplished with for the novelty." BEGINS movie crowd’s love of laying wagers win. Stromberg already has won this five hundred musical combinations Pupin, Inventor. In the Bible, birds are mentioned make-up and careful direction. are possible on the huge cylindrical on almost anything. For years Every time a new personality or gamble. 290 times; 177 o f these references Regular Price, $S.$5 Whether be wins wlU bo told In a Cutting short heir proposed trip keyboard. It Is a commonplace fact that atorles have trickled back from new tsrpe of picture Is brmight to Early In her career Gatho gam- are to definite kinds SS 4 »«

«s»4isbaS24r ( I H i 6 * I I I I I Sava more nowl Price Manchester Plumbing & Supply Co. goes np after Ward Week. Waterproof, Btainproof enameled snr- Offering substantial faca rags in patterns snltabls for svary room. reductions on Wards Regular Easy to clsan. See them. We Are Fully Prepared for the Quality Merchandise! Save! Spring Season ^ 1 0 J ‘95 F r o m s u n n y WEEK; W a rd s J p o d a f J M en’s CALIFORNIA- ^Hom e­ S h irts aaguta’M et It 7»e Whan tbe S. S. Columbian docked at New steaders^ York a week ago It brought Mancbeater 6^ Ca. Ft*—Porc€4ain Its first "Monterey’’ furniture. The style Is copied from esriy Spanlsh-Califomla fur­ Inside and Out! niture In a weather solid Philippine mahog­ Made epedaDy for Ward Week by a leading any with typical Spanish floral decorations. Wards Bureau of Stand­ Buy sia— and pay only maker I Only a few for each Ward store! what yon rs|piiarly nay Bed, dresser, cliMt o f drawers or dressing Porcelain inside and out I Wards 1935 twin ards tasted the 2.20-weight table . . . denim for extra wearl fo r five I The same fast color vat-dyad broad­ cylinder mechanism I Interior light I Makes Bveiy seam triple stitched. 84 ice cubesi 12 sq. ft. shelf areal freezing cloth. Plain or fancy 8 And all points of strain patterns. 14^ to 17. 3 PIECES speeds! Chrome-plated hEU-dware! See it I WEEK ars heavOy bartacked. Pnn aizel Overalls or Jackat. • M s ’. ^ Eramlctoth • ■ays'Stoss Only. . Sic nUrta, Ward Week. 44c $ 78-50 Clothes Line IVewW ash Worda Kegular * Price is 25o i ^ C Special Ward Week price! Good quality cotton firmly braided. 60-foot hank. A buy! A ll Tafiestry F u r n itu r e fashion s are r ea d y fo r Flashlight Cells 5 5 « Wards Regular a Wards Regular Low Price $59.95 Vfaat a biqri Price ts 5o 4 C t e paccala printed in Wards largo size flashlight toeak new drsigin and cells at a Ward Week saving! Rayon Slips Always fresh stock! Save! mads up iwi* crisp Stds Silk H osiery W ardoleom wash fcoekni Short riesvs Wards $ 54 Dosm, 55 MeatMy, snd airssriasa ag l sai Hew Ptkab59t «UtCraM4C 4 4 * ^ 4 Seraii Caoyisg Charge tflimuingl Sbsa from 14 4 2 e WmiWfk 47c *-n. wuikt r^. to 52. Bnmosrand sawsl Gray Enamelware 3 3 e Remember I Price goes up after the Sale! Rayon taffeta with a perma­ FULL-FASHIONED! Pare For wall to wall nssl Waters Save more now. Roomy davenport and chair nent dull finish. Lace top, bot­ silk chiffc^ all-silk picot 29c tom. Bias r.tr. V c- hodice. proof, stainproof, easy to covered all over in rust or green tapestry. ee^i^nsw.aj j-.i ae' ■. i.—.■ top, doll finish, or service. Covered kettle, coffee pot, SPRING double boiler, sauce pan .set, clesn. Buy in W ird WeekI dish pan—at one low price! Kyle W h ite Clothes Pins a t Ct ) style, quality and price are sought- Oxfords Words Brgular e> Doz. 1^ . / for features for Spring . . so here Price is AC A T l C C y at Watkins we have taken hours of Hsduesd far Watd WaskI Standard type at a Ward Week saving! Smooth, pol­ time to visit the leading furniture ished hardwood— won't snag markets of the country . . Grand clothes. EVERY REQUIREMENT for the Rapids, Chicago, New York . . in order to bring you Wat­ kins recognized Style and Quality . . at Low Prices. Think of iti Snefa a Clothes Pins smart looking shoe at Wards Regular a Dos. The varied pieces sketched here are only a few of tha this low Ward Week Price is 4C price! Effective perfo- Child’s Anklets Spring type at a Ward Week FARM, LAWN md GARDEN many beautiful things that have arrived from the Janu­ rationa. Caban heeL SO-CoO Spring saving! Clamp Ughtly; fla t- Lined vamp. Compo coo- Sp^dalWm^ Garden Hose ary Markets for your home. See them tomorrow . . and w **e,-W w will not roll. Hardwood. atroction—not a nail in Men, iSM note how tliey fulfill our qualifications . . “ Style at a the aboe I Savings I » e 494 129 MR, Cotton, rayon plaited or ray­ 90 deep single deck coUs of GARDEN AND FLOWER SEEDS Price." on, all with ribbed tops. Col- Premier wire—heavy angle ori, stripes, novelties. Toaster Value r —eb Nsek rubber, reinforced All Standard Varieties in Packets and Bulk. iron bsM. Full bed size. Wards Regular * * — tough cotton Almoat aa eld aa tha gevamment la this Price Is $1.29 $ i e U U cordsi Ssvo la Ward WeekI Dtmcan Phyfa atyle. Yat thla la ona of Hand Hooked Turnover type of modern de­ tha moat graceful pieces of a master de- 5-Tnbe sign. Chromium plated with GARDEN TOOLS algner eo a new copy for Spring was In pprd attached. Save now! A u to order. It will serve aa a dining table if Hm s , Rakes, Porks, Trowels. Weedeis, Many new items that will RUGS $6-95 your space la limited and makes an excel­ R adio add much to the pleasure of your Carden work. lent major table for the living room. The finest collections . . 100 B a tte ry rugs . . we have ever shou-n. Ihgalw Rriw,S21A8 3 Mixing Bowls A ll freah, new rugs from the Words Regular LAWN GRASS SEED Uarintime Provinces. Pat­ Price Is 49c dSS /C $3.66 Regularly $49.95! Ward Week Price terns for every room in the Tan glazed earthenware with blue bands. 6, 7, and 9-ln. home. Sizes: approximately 8 1 9 * 9 4 Prk^d Seperotsfjr; 2.4x4.6. Regular $9.95. sizes. Ward Week price! Got foreign rscsptiool ^ Tub...... 17.B5 1935 chasals. W ard qual­ Wards Standard (Jualityt aofat....i..ll.SS ity performance. Li­ 12 months guarantee and Dinnerware Set Small Car^tog Charge Lovoionr...... O **® FERTILIZERS censed by R C A and terrice adjnstment! 23% Haaeltins. Automatic P e d a l B ik e Special for fP o A ll materials first quality I Chrome-plated 45-lb. M attress Word Week •ztra power! Yon save volume control. Air­ o e IfARI faucets! New style I Save now in Ward Week I plane dial. Amaaing val­ .32 pieces of creamy semi- 0ver % daring Ward ue at ita regular low WEEK; 8 9 e 568 porcelain with floral spray Ad( About Wards Froo Enginooring Sorvleot price. Now save morel Streamline. AH steel with and embossed border. A W e tk l InstaUed freel J p t d a i i bargain! INSECTICIDES rubber tires. For children Clean, new flu ffy cotton all Up to 3 years old. Bargain! the way throngh. Deeply tufted for comfort. Ssvel Clothes Basket Wards Regular D o u b le R a y o n Price Is 79o 59c Polished willow strongly PAINT AND PAINTERS’ SUPPLIES woven and reinforced. Won't B a r B ik e f j l V Don’t miss our two-day demonstration (May l ^ B s e snag clothes. A t a saving! Z-8). Instructions for best results, and free samples to all adults. TWO PIECES $89 Reguloriy $28.95 Modified wings, divided back (o f davenport), ^WARI Ironing Board $5-95 cut-back arms, and wood moulding bases, are fea­ WIEK^ LAWN MOWERS Wards Regular A * 06Y tures combined in this Lounge Suite for the first I^CLn’SE Self SharpeninK and Fina-or Adju.llnir Even In a low priced chair like this youU Price Is $1.49 vletfaLI find Style and Quality . . at Watkins. The time. You’ll like the ample proportions of each 3-Ieg style with center brace. tlDm, tSMotolv covers are of a small-patterned tapestry piece . . the deep, built-in lasting comfort . . and Does not wobble or creep. in green, brown or rust. A new model lust Kent Kayim pLaltod, Folds compactly. A value! M oter Oil the smart new ilohair twill covers. Blue-green, ribbed cotton tops and Extra stnrdyl Dooble- receivedI fsc. Tww boT trama, red and whits autumn bfown, blue, beige, mulberrj' and russet. cotton toes and hecia to CM, give extra tong wear. Bonse Paint 1-Bnmer Oven 7 c h y#«rCeslsA*F enameled. Braced han­ BASEBALL EQUIPMENT Large assortment o f Soap Chips dlebars. Standard tirea, fancy patterna. Stock Ward’s Wards Reg. Prioe Is 17e Ea. Wards faaioas RnnKite Oil at Stainleaa attel gnardai np daring Ward Week Standard hk,hV.ai a apedal Ward Week uvingl Chrotue-plated fittings I $1.57 OetyowBummer's soppiynowl and sura morel 85« Standard qnality CovcralL 2 25c t e n n is a n d a t h l e t ic s u p p l ie s Heats evenly, qnicklyt M«dv Big Ward Week saving oa Products of the leading makers. Easy to apply. OaL covers 260 'of strong steel. Swinging OPEN THURSDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK to 300 aq. ft. 2 coats. Save! Wards soap chips. 22-ounca door and glass paneL Save I size. For dishes, woodwork. Men! Work Sox Men’s Shorts liongw ear Sheets iMririWw* TnrkJsh Towels w---a—a ri I I Manchester Plumhing & Supply Go. WMkmn WwrfWMk 17c spscO Tt rfK R Wash Board 877 AUiaMai* Streetstreet ^ WATKINS BROTHERS farWonfWMit 80c 22c Cablecrimp brass — rust Manchester Cotton in bine or brown Cut fall to standard siata. proof. Reinforced back. Rub­ “If It’s Hardware We Have It” mixtnrea. Ribbed top# that Firmly wovep bleached mnalin Phone 442.->—“ Use It” Fancy pattern broadcloth. bing surface 10 3-4 af AAANCHESTER, CONN. stay op, white heels and toes. Laatex inserts. Stock npl with strong tape selvage. Don- by 11 1-4 in...... ble bed atze, 61x99. Bath rise, 19x36 47c assiEifcVi'


pected vtctlnu. He refueea to di­ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, It wbm my father built my first vulge bis total eamlnge, but it Is doU bouse out of a d ga r box. C/. 5. No. I Executioner a matter of record that bis fees $435,000 TOY HOME from New York State have totaled “N ow that tha doU bouae la com- A Thought between flOO and $3000 In vari­ pletad. I would ba aelflah aot to do some real gt>od with It GUIDES STUDENTS Despises Child Slayers ous years. MNEW YORK APRIL 1 “I f y plan la to book it on a tour O o i la not a maa, that ha ahmiM books Belie Hie Work of the world, charging amall ad- He; neither the sea of maa, that miaslon feea and donating the Wm TA.XTL HABBISON .skept secret, by request, since Sitting In Robert Elliott’s com­ be should repeat; hath he aald, TO WORLD OF ART fortable . borne, and chatting money to organisations fo r handi­ aad shall he aot do It? or hath he MBA MTflM B*»fl OorrMpoodant ^hls home ivas bombed in 1928, capped children.” following bis execution of Sacco with the s(oft-volced old man as Colleen Moore’s ArchHec- spokea, aad shaO he not make It V e w York — If Bnmo be smoked his pipe and rocked In good?—Nnmben, SStlt. Bhdikrd Bauptmami g o t t to . the and Vanzettl. His present bouse his chair and tousled the blond •laetrlc chair, hie executioner will is an undlstlngulchcd two-story American Ghrl Inspired to bead of bis cherubic grandson, it tnral Toy to Be Exhibit^ HINDU FACTORY Blessings .ever wait on virtuous be a » " » " who, although he hae- frame structure In a suburb. Entering it, one is at once aware was hard to remember that here IN UTHUANIA 'leeds, and though a late, a sure re­ legally put to death more ciimlDBlB was an Individual whose name on ward succeeds.— Congreve. thaw any other person on earth, Is that a large family lives there Soon. Found School by Enropean comfortably. Half a dozen easy the lips of murderers is s)mony- Kaunas— (A P )—The Lithuanian opposed to capital punishment. mou2 with doom. COAL SHORTAGE IN WAR He la opposed to the capital chairs, each with a lamp for read- government baa licensed the erec­ It was difflcut, too, to under­ CAPITAL. Peasants. penalty because he believes It is IrigT^ Bookcases full of old and tion here of a plant under Hindu SPUING New York, — (A P ) — Coleen new Action, but no mysteries. stand the complete dbtachment management to turn out Buddha Agaiii Beckon* You To-*-- not a deterrent to crime, but only La Paz. Bolivia—(AP)—This On the upright piano, a man­ between EllloU the Inexorable Moore’s dool house — a fourteen- statues carved from Lithuanian oak, the ultimate In vengeance. mountain capital, feeling the effects And Robert Elliott, society's dolin. Also a stack of sheet mu­ killer and Elliott the man. Those foot fairy castle will eleven rooms— a wood preferred In the east be­ By aiABY MAROARET MoBRIDB hands snuffed out the lives of of nearly three years of war, la ex­ hired killer, says he Is not a sic. Including a song called "I will arrive In New York April 1 cause of Its durability. Shipment of NEA Service Staif Oorreepondent Have a Rendezvous With Life." Sacco and Vanzettl. Those hands periencing a coal shortage. The vengeful man. for Its world premiere. raw timber to India proved too ex­ newspaper Ultima Hors blames the New York.—The beauty of the During the past nine years. In Some watercolor landscapes on deftly adjusted brlne-coaked hel­ pensive. the walls, and very creditable mets on the beads of Ruth Snyder The architectural toy, built at a shortage on conscription of able- world was too wonderful to keep all the states of New Y'ork. New Jer­ cost of $435,000, will be taken on a ARLOW’C to herself—so Elma Pratt, artlat, sey, Pennsylvania and Massachu­ stuff, too. Gertrude did those. and Irene Schroeder. Those eyes bodied men and urges that boys, old Calls For New Gertrude is Elliott's youngest have watched 200 people die— as world tour, and the proceeds from In , the eyes of various ani­ men and. aliens be drafted to speed cheeks flushed, eyes starry, six years setts, he has sent more than 200 exhibitions will be donated to hos­ mals are eaten as a delicacy. up supplies. ------■FORFOR VALUES------VALUE] criminals to eternity. And most daughter, 18. who has been keep­ many as six in one day. Those ago cast about for wajrs to share ing house since Mrs. Elliott has Ups, smiling now, again and again pitals for crippled children. with others this great find of hers. M of them—even some convicted of hideous sins — Elliott has des­ been handicapped by arthritis. have formed the soundless words: Built In scales of an Inch to the Thus began what Is undoubtedly the patched with a little prayer as Bob, Jr., is In partnership with "And may God have mercy on foot, the doll’s house contains these most unique Institution of learning marvels; Spring Neckwear his gnarled right hand pushed up his father In an electrical con­ your soul!" In the world— the International New the switch. tracting business, which hasn’t "Mr. Elliott,” I asked, "what A gold cathedral organ fifteen SclKtol o f Art, sponsored by kings been very profltahle lately. Is your philosophy of death?" Inches high, which plays music. and presidents, housed now In a *CLOTHING But a few there have been who went to their deaths without a There’s one daughter already He sucked at hla pipe and rock­ A featured nightingale operated Timely for Spring Opening palace, now In a b u t and run for six Cotton Frocks prayer frmo Elliott. They were married. And Elliott has five ed for a minute. “ I dunno. I by electricity. It sings froip a years, as Its founder says, "on a shoe Smartly styled with dreonnakar detaHs__ the slayers of children.' "With griindchildrcn.. really dunno. M y mother, now— glass tree in Aladdin's garden. ")trlng.” these "Popular Raqueet” Frocks are so pret­ them It Is different." said the exe­ she was a very religious woman. Light bulbs the size of wheat Genuine ‘Sealed Carton’ Miss Pratt’a school which every ty you’ll never want to take them off. Buy cutioner. “With such a man in Drives to His "Jobs'* Sometimes I think she used to get grains. . ear gives a limited number of several at this low price— and you’ll always the chair, anil my hand on the Elliott likes to drive, and to more pleasure out of contemplat­ Miniature water tanka that feed old-world culture at first-hand, look jrour best switch, I don't whLsper to myaelt: in’ the hereafter than she did out live fountains. As the t& k s empty, *FURNISHINCS drive fast. Usually he drives Cunningham RADIO travels about from one country to of life on this earth. chimes ring in the steeples. " 'And may Gml have nien y on lo Ills "Jobs" at Sing Sing or the- Radiol ran TUBES another, Its students taught by the your soul!' " liri.son at Trenton, and starts for "I guess I wouldn’t want to say A robot fairy princess who sings, R . C . A . great artists o f each. home Immediately afterward, anything that would hurt my answers questions and dances In a ”I had a talented friend down « Cat Named llriino mother's feelings if she was right garden grotto. Special 1.39 .speeding alone through the early to her last milk bottle who need­ When he told me thl.i, Koborl morning darkness. His health Is here now. Religion is a fine, A blble the size of a baby’s strong thing. I have seen how it ed money to pay for art lessons,” Guanuitoed Fast Colon. Elliott was not thinking of excellent: he sleeps soundly and thumb nail. Miss Pratt explains. ”I was going Bruno Hauptmann who stands reqidres about seven hours rest sustains men who have to die. Live tropical fish In the garden *F(X)TWEAR Novelty Fabrics. Religion is stronger than the law; REDUCED to be In Europe that year, so 1 convicted of the murdi i of a child in twenty-four. Besides Gertrude’s pool, where Cinderella’s Ivory horses I f we had enough of it we would­ offered to buy art objects and ship Misses’ and Matrons’ Styles. Elliott will not talk about the baked beans, he likes practically drink. them back for her to sell to the Hauptmann case. 11. declares he n’t have any crime. No. 24A — were $1.10. Now 89c. You save 21c. everything to eat, "I always say, Seven hundred artists and crafts­ home-folks. On this mission, I went does not even allow himself to though," he added, "that the only "For me. though — well. I dun­ men worked on the doll bouae, and No. 35 — were $1.10. Now 89c. You save 21c. Also a Complete Line of |1.00 Dresaes. speculate on the guilt or Inno- no. I like Jo live, but I ’m not about Europe gathering folk art zuid Manchester's Oldest and Leading Men's thing better than pumpkin pie Is Its completion took nine years. No, 39*41' W6fe $1.20. Now 89c# You save 31c« finally In Poland got into a country cense of any man rondemned. He apple pic.’’ scared to die when the time W illy Pogany, James Montgom­ Now 89c. You save 41c. district so remote from the tourist Children’s You’ll 'want several o f these performs hla grisly chores with Elliott enjoys fishing and blg- comes. I got nothing on my con­ science." ery Flagg and George McManus No. 2,‘)25 — were $1.60. Now 99c. You save 61c. track that 1 could hardly believe It new collars and collar and cuff the full con.selouaness that they league baseball. .Says he Isn't old are among the artists who worked Store Invites You To See The New Styles are the will and choice of society, was real smd not a dream of the sets. enough for golf. Hikes contract on It. Many novelists gave the 57 Types reduced an average of 27c each. past. SWEATERS and that somebody else will do bridge, too. "I don't play with TWO DOZEN WAR CRAFT library miniature books in their Found Original Peasant Art Sizes 2 to 12 them If he doesn't. my wife, though," he said, ".She’s ON BRITISH NAVAb WAYS own handwriting. • Starched Laces ‘T had a room next to the pig and Elliott had been amusing his a regular shark, and bawls mo Among the book donars were In Apparel For Men And Boys And Foot­ 8Hp-ons with tha • Organdies London.— (A P ) — Although she oows and we all ate our simple 3-year-old grandson, Itoticrt Elli­ out something awful " Among Edna Ferber. Louis Bromfield, Authorized Agents new raglan eleevea C Piques temporarily has suspended con meals out o f one bowl. Da}rtlmes I ott. 3rd, at the time he expressed their neighbors are numerous Irene Sehrm-der Irving S. Cobb, Kathleen Norris, or buttoned down C Silks his special abhorrence of child- close friends who come In of an structlon of capital ships of the painted In the valley, drank In the tha front models— 1 line, England has 26 war craft on Sinclair Lewis, Booth Tarklngton oeauty o f the country and learned to wear For The Entire Family. slayers. He had been saying, too, evening. And on .Sundays they and Fannie Hurst. In all the new pastel In White and Pastel Shades that parental negligence almost the ways, most of them for delivery lotow the fine simplicity and the shadea. attend a Congregational Church. An fluent of death is Roliert Elliott (pic- Colleen Moore said the doll’s always Is the root of youthful They've been married .3.1 years. next summer. primitive art o f those farmers. In all 25c - 39c " 50c criminality. The tall, gaunt old tiiml alM)ve). ffaiint hut kind-fiiced “elec­ house was one of her childhood Uohert Elliott was born in .\lon- Included are four 9.000-ton cruis­ dreams. countries it was the sama I found man loves children. Animals, too. ers, one aircraft carrier, one flotilla Potterton & Krah 5 9 c * ” rdq. County, N. Y,, of Scotch-Irlsh trician” who ha.s seen to it that more th.in regions untouched by (ourlsts, the The family has a Chow (jailed Wii- leader, four destroyers, three sub­ "Some people collect Old Mas­ people and their art ae they had The very latest Gloves [lafents whose forbears had been 20(1 lioi'.sun.s i'ave paitl with their lives for ters, polo ponies and snuff boxes,” “ Where radio is understood.” Chl 'and a Persian cat named Bru­ marines. four sloops, two mine­ been for hundreds of years. Women's Fabrle and Mesh Gloves in America for generations, He crime.s agiiiiist society. Alo.st ceiebrated she said. "M y pet extravagance Any make of radio repaired properly and cheaply. $ 1 . 4 9 no (a pre-Hauptmann ease christ­ sweepers and one nctlayer. “I came, away so filled with It with novelty cuffs. left high schiKd at 18 lo work in Just happened to be a doll’s house; ening) Waddle Pull. ^n electric light plant, and at 26 amonsf those who have .sat in electric cliairs Phone 3733 .519 Main St. A t the Center an that I had to do something and Brown - Black • Blue - White and I began collecting furniture for REMEMBER— Marlow’s has everything In real life, there is little about was appointed chief engineer at while Elliott ha.s pulled the fatal .switch are l.IVINOSTONE SHRINE atartlng the school was what I did.’ WHEN IN MANCHESTER BE under the sun for the little tots. 29c • 59e the man himself to remind one of (.’linlon Hrison, Where he remain­ Ruth .Snyilnr, .Sacco and Vaiizetti and Irene A M.AGNET The idea grew like a mushroom hts avocation. IHe Insists upon ed for 20 years In 1903 a pri.son Hie naive soft-voiced little organiz­ being Identified professionatly as .Schroeder (all shown at upper left). II Hru- SURE TO VISIT official asked that someone be ree- no llaupjniann (immediate left) is electro­ Gla.Mgow.— (A P ) — Visitors to the er let the world know about her Novelty Sweaters an electrician I His deeply seam­ ommended to understudy E. E. shrine of David LivingHtone, heroic plan to give it beauty by inserting a WOOL SKmTS ed and hollowed face Is pallid, Ips Davis, the executioner at that llaiiptnian cuted, it will he another “job” for Elliott. Scotch missionary and African ex­ b l o u s e s In white and all the new pastel few small announcements in such Smart button down front and tailored shades—In the latest styles— lips thin, hla dark eyes keen. Yel time. Under Davis' supervision, plorer, numbered 47,449 last year. newspapers as she could afford, raodeU. Cbecka - Plaids - and Solid Colors. they are friendly eyes, and some which Include drawn string necks he actually threw the switch at The national memorial to him, lo­ offering to take a email group to '‘•lU* eeparate aklrt or of the wrinkles have been put one execution. Hulbcrt's duties, which Incliumfl ^ j ’ with the new Spring euits. and crew necks. steady enough to jwrform them cated here although he is entombed Europe for art study. Something of C E. HOUSE & SON, IN C $1.2$ — $1.9$ there by laughter. Elllolt's own carrying out death sentences m mereifully. People don't suffer In in Westminister Abbey, recently ac­ herself must have crept Into those teeth flash through his frequent three other stat('s. Elliott agreed Dotted Swiss Twin Sweater Succeeded Suicide my chair. They never know when quired some personal effects of Liv­ advertisements, brief as they neces- smiles. With a huge, heavy- In 11)26. upon the resignation of hecauHC, he .said, "they really the current hits them." ingstone who began his work In We Give Green Trading Stamps. Flock Dots knuckled hand, he often brushes needed me.” sarilys were, for she got answer S e t* ,1%) ^ .lohn Hiilbert, w h o later com­ Elliott receives $150 per execu­ 1840 when the map of Africa was from beauty-starved men and wo­ I* / Voiles GIRLS'’ cardigans w ith */'™ '^. back a generotis mop of grav hair. mitted suicide, prison authorities "Somebody's got to do the job." tion, and traveling expenses. The virtually a blank from Kuruman to He Is 61 men everywhere. The first group fol­ l<^—/ Organdies matching and ' discovered that Ktjiott was the he Went on. "And It Isn't everv- latter are Important because he Tlmbuctoo. contrasting sllp- body who ran do It right. They lowed the route that she had already WASH FROCKS only man in the state, who ever makes many fruitless trips to traveled, a route fairly lined with Sizes 34 to 46 ons. .Address Is Seetsd had (icrformed an electrocution. had had a couple of brutally bun­ lui.sons of the four states, only to Smart details with organdia trimmings__ The light emitted by glow-worms Turning Over Thci Spring Leaves people who had learned to love her guaranteed fast colors. Broaddoth—Prints Elliott's address has been He was reipnsled lo take over gled exrriilinns nt Auburn rri.wn. lenrn on arrival that stays of exe- ha.s the .same effect on photographic I and I was sun> my nerve wn.s and appreciate her enthusiasm for —Plaids—Stripes— Polka Dots. $1.98 ei tion have been granted his ex­ l)lates as that of X-rays. beauty. .Studenta Happier Than Toarlsto $2.79 n w k i.t L JUHUH O f Fashion...... You'll Find “ When an artist sees beauty, he 59c to S1.19 doesn't want to be talked at; he wants to create,” Miss Pratt de­ For Play Things— Shop Marlow’s Firatl Rifiler Skates, Baseballs, I clares. " I don't w'onder that one Baseball Bats, Baseball Gloves and Caps— in short, Marlow’s has meets so many grouchy American everything to make playing a real pleasure. touri.sts abroad. I think it’s because they get so much and aren’t giving NOW ON out anything. M y students are shown the art of every country by S K S ® S S & (B W Boys* Knickers A T T H E Men's Dress Shirts the artists of that country. At the ^ AO Colon Di s p l a y same time, they are working them­ $1.00 to $1.98 1 selves. not copying the art of others, hut weaving the Impressions that 79c - $1.00 - $1.29 The Important Spring Fabric are made on them Into something of WILROSE DRESS SHOP Boys’ Golf Hose their own. Thus, they are happy.” THE B y arUsts. Miss Pratt does not 19c and 25c M en’s Hose mean only those who draw or paint for a living. In her traveling school 10c - 15c and 25c Spring • Pure Silk Prints are teachers, interior decorators, SUITS THAT SET THE business people who have always Boys* Fr IGIDAIRE ’35 longed to create. CJourses In sculp­ Washable Suits Men’s W hite Jerseys • Ethereal Silk Sheers ture and stagecraft as well as paint­ ing are given against the vivid back­ SPRING FASHION PACEI 50c to $1.98 and Opening ground o f villages In Hungary Poland, Austria and Czecho-SIova- Fast Colored Shorts ,3’ Americans have never Boys* D ress Shirts In A Thrilling Variety of been before. 25c Queen M arie A s An A rtlet A ll Oelom Colors and Weaves. " ' In Rumania, Miss Pratt’s students 59c to 89c WEEK are welcomed to Palace Bran by the Men’s Two-Piece Pajamas...... $1.00 Dewager Queen Marie, who. accord­ Uill Rrinfj: ^larked l{odiiction.s ing to Miss Pratt. Is the "the great­ Of CMir Oopartm^ntH* est arti.-it of her land.” The queen’s Boys* "Longies** "child’s dream of a castle,” which Since tlie very first showings of* Men’s Union Suits, ankle length, short she has herself made beautiful. Is Spring fashions in Paris, the suit has $1.79 and $1.98 sleeves ...... 7 9 can d $1.00 Toilet Articles, Kiusembles; Coty’s, Kve- thrown open to students. They work In Its halls, their easels set up beside given evidence of being the very^ ninsr In F‘ari.s, Hudnut’s, Houbifiranrs and that of the queen’s^ own. They visit foundation of the Spring wardrobe.* the poiLsant houses round about that And that promise has held true, so =MARLOW’S BA8EMEHT Yardicy’.s At Prices Never Before Offered arc filled with priceless pictures on Here you’ll find everything In the line of Housewares at prices that spell economy. Spring garden needs are glas.s and ancient "hand-woven that to every woman in search of* here, too, along with any number of everyday needs. guruen neeas are A FEW OF THE DRIUJ .SPECIAL^: fabrics, pure products of .a peasant Fashiotu for the new season, we say art that Miss Pratt claims is always Haliver Oil (apsides, I»ox of .'>0 capsules for ...... (jtli; virile and stimulating. —CHOOSE YOUR SUIT FIRST from, Large Size Bamboo Rakes t^idlitz Powders, liox of 12 for ^ ...... ■ • - • ...... il4c President Ma.sa.rjk o f Clzecho- the Wilrose grand selection. Clothes Baskets Solution Citrate .Magne-sia, regular at 2.'>c, f o r ...... 14c BVERY MODEL EQUIPPED WITH Slovakia and the heads of all the Steel Wagons 33 Teeth . ^ e r nations where Miss Pratt has V ick 8 \ apo Rub, regular .l.’ic, f o r ...... ujc THE FAMOUS Special Genuine Aspirin, bottle of 100 f o r ...... 2Qi> “ iff teachers welcome her classes, because of their effect on In- Special Hottles of 24 f o r ...... i ! i .. .19c Fmational relations. Two and Three Piece B^xes of 1 dozen f o r ...... i 10c Out of Telephone Booth S uper F reezer "Friends for the school seem to 17- d S'oP** i^pring Tonic, regular at fl.OO, for .. 69c Get youn early 1 Milk of Magnesia, full pints f o r ...... 39c spring up right, out of the ground," Swaggers and Tailleurs' Rubbing ARnhoI, regular at .19c. n o w ...... 2 for *’.5c Hare’s everything you arani In an electric refrig- Mle.s Pratt declares. ” I find them In telephone booths, everjrwhere. 'Yes, $3*95 Magnesia Tooth Paste. National Brand, regular a t"’ erstor at a price you can afford to pay. Lika the Frigidalre '34 illustrated here, every model h|ia USES LE ENT THAN really telephone booths. 1 was once 3i«c. now...... 2 for 4|p waiting to make a call, and 1 heard Patterned and Monotone Mixing Bowls the Super Freezer which makes possible a Com­ Pine Balsam Cough Syrup, regular at 6.'c, now ..... 49c ONE OR LAMP BULB a girl speaking Italian, which I love Step Ladders lO-In. Size. Special plete Refrigeration Service. It providea the right more than nearly any other lan- Woolens and Tweeds kinda o f cold for gvtry purpose-all In the aame OUR SPECIAL BOX OF CHOCOLATES, regular at When she came out o f the Special OVENS cabinet. There’a / « r /rvazAsg for making ice ^ •F o r Three Thousand Years— booth, I asked her on Impulse Sizes 14-20 38-44 ...... cubes and desserts:/r»w« itarmgi for meats and iBuy Pure whether she gave lessons. She said I A t Silk Has Been a Leading Fab­ Ice cream; •xira-eaUttaragt for keeping a reserve $ 9 9 * 5 0 Silk For no, but Invited me to tea. And It ric. r J I l i l t f J ” '’®'” *’ l - * '...... 2 for 25c •upply o f ice cubea; moist storogt for vegetablea Economy. turned out that she was the friend helow JO*; second, freeze plenty o f ice end d e » o f an ambassador, through whom ...... •■■•2 for 25c; $1.21 a carton and frulu; and normal ttorag, for fooda requiring ary, ftoM tf cold. setts quickly—even in the hottest weather. The she gave me letters to prefecU of l l 6 75 to $24-95 $ 1 .0 0 Paper Window Shades STATIONERY AT REDUCED PRICES Frigidaire 35 does these two things better •villages burled In the mountains, to Remember diat regardlcaa o f the price yon Finest Quality. because it has tha Super Freezer. 'vtllagers who opened up rare chests 10c each you want a refrigerator that vrill do theta two of lovely native art for us to see. Sea the Frigidaire ’93 at our .showroom at tha "Whenever I need anything, it Washable Paper 75c a fifth; things: first, keep foods safely at cempcrainres first oppottunily. m ake-whether It’s one extra frock or a completo Just seems to come. I think It always aoHies lines, 100 f t 39e Sprmg and Summer wardrobe— you will find the loveliest, most correct will be so. for this school has actual­ Our O i^ ^ Quart of Whiskey for .. ^ ^ Window Shades fabrics here at prices that spell T-H-R-I-F-T and C-H-I-C. ly made people over, given them For Gas, Coal or Ofl. * 9 i \ t \ Stock Priced At New r” back their courage that they Oil Finish. Three Colors. Rubber Door Mats doeed Figures For This Sale. thought wae lost forever.” Special ...... ^ 1 s U U KEMP^S^ Inc« Special 79e FRUIT EXPORTS GAIN FRIGIDAIRE SALES and SERVICE San Francisco — (A P )— Fresh C each CHENEY HALL SALESROOM fruit exporte from the United States, HART’S SPECIAL I A ^ Chair P a d s ...... rm. l8 e Tie O N T O PHARMACY a great proporUen of which went LAWN GRASS SEED, box 1 U C Fonneriy Packard’s At The Center REMNANTS AND IMPERFECTS from the Pacific coast states, gained SMALL D O W N PAYMENT * EASY TERMS Hartford Roed about 13 per cent In 1934 over the preceding year. The shipments to­ taled $32,709,391, commerce depart­ ment figures showed. Apples led in export vtluee with $13,302,469.

■ . , i ■AKCREarrER evening herald, MANCHESTER, CDNW^ ;V--

«P «isne*a at Wdey Post In Ua two FRENCH AERO OUB PLANS world tours, ars plajdng Important MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANL’tliiJSTJSK, CUINXVw M U R D BOILED pftrtjs* AU of tha routes now under con- aOBE looks out on a none too attractive MODES CIRCLING AIR RACEsideraUan wUl taka th* racers to 5c r l l ABOUT BUSINESS ths Utaltod Btatas with Nome and 5c view, try Installing an aquarium In AQUARIUM ADDS a deep painted from* there. You 8m Fimiclsoo kay polata on at least to Paris—(AP>—A Bssr bitsrBatSmi- th M flf tha proposed courses. to will see the light of day then of the MOMENT sl air race—this time around th* Three routes under consideration $1.00 through brilliant grasses and stones MODES WoBMi EiwilirB Tdlt Qnal- world—Is th* dream of the French are as foDows: 1.0 0 TO DECORATIONS and fishes. At night it can be light­ Aero Club. (1) Paris, Bagdad, Hanoi, Tokyo, $ ed from within. Spurred by th* brUliant suecesa Nom, San Frandaco, New York, ^ TO THESE VALUES! iiatfiM NecMsiry ■ of the Londm-Melbotim* ran* and H arbo^rae*. Paris, 18,600 miles. of the MOMENT humiliated by th* abssnes of HToneh Pkris, ICoooow, Irkutsk, Tok­ Sometbing New end Different machines from that test, French atr yo, Nomo, San Frandaco, Panama, SEA’S ‘R8MANCr JUST W«Mi if Affaire. enthualaata are hopeful of again B u ^ Alrss, Natal, Dakar, Paris at McLELLAN^S The Store of Values p r - i r r f s ^ putting Fraaee’i wings high In In- 20,820 mllea. Can Be Used in Any Room BUNK, SAYS TAN L08N temstloBS^ ranks by a brsath-tak- (») P ^ Bagdad, Manoe, Tokyo, SPECTAL VALUES EVERY DAY—COME IN AND SEE FOR YOURSELFl B|r MART • ertriion -for Ing global daab. Noma, San Fraadsoo, Panama, Bus- MSA l » i l w BtaM OarrMpoodcat Tbs Frsneh projset, wUeh haa r*. 52! r i , Here Is A The Very Newest m House. “Ships” Telh How Satlon of youngtr mtts. eelved tha support of ths Interna* •90 miles. N«w Tork—Th* IdMl buslneu girl tlonal Aeronautic Federation, la be­ Since the dilcf water hops art All Ages Were Abased and Is: item on*, bonlboUed in * n!c* ing studied. A fuU report win be weU over 1,800 mile* each, it has COLLAR and By BIABOEBY TAYLOR Tortured. wny; item two, rtanonably feminine; made at the September meeting of been suggested that aU planet en REAL OepyrigM ieS4, By MeOen’s llagm- item thr**, amclent. without being the Federation in Yugoslavia. tered ahall be capable of IMng 3,400 CUFF SETS w, xlne For lire Herald So eager are the French to make miles without landing. By Bmea Ootton. annoying about It; Item four, nat­ the race a aucceea that they have Other auggeatlona now before the SAVING When the walrus was speaking of ural-looking. provided for more than two years club are that the danea «h»ii carry The Joyous romance of life on the IIS? Misses’ and Ladies’ 25 C each many things he ihould have spoken bounding main is Just so much dis­ Tho*e, In lubstaac*. are tb* quall- of organisation and It will be early a crew of thit^e, Mali be . equipped llcatloni that Emma Dot Partridge, In the summer of 1837 before it can with radio and shall transport 220 We have eoM hnndreds already more of flsii. For the time certainly tilled hokum, according to Hendrik business woman and director of the be held. pounds of mell A fternoon at thle low price. has come to consider the aquarium Willem 'Van Loon. Advertising Women of New Tork. MeanwhUa th* cooperation of na­ very seriously, at least in decorat­ This noted author has written a tional air bodies, including the Unit­ ing. We can satisfy our love of pet*, book called “Ships” In which he.re­ considers absolutely essential for HTowrlng from a grotto near La views the entire history ot man’s th* modem woman of affairs. ed States, will be asked before the Vlrtad, Honduras, ths fountain of FROCKS Just Try a Pair of Our our longing for tropical *ea* and final date, route, prizes and rules our desire for something new and travel by wate.*, and he announces Miss Partridge was chairman of blood” la on* of the world’s strang­ FULL FASHIONED bluntly that the etory o t the sea Is rsh ion offers ♦ the tribute dinner to twenty-flve are determined. est slghU. Ths liquid has th* ap­ different In the home by adding a W FOOTWEAR In drawing the plans for ths race, simply a long story of human mar­ career women, ranging from a flor­ pearance of real mood and even co­ [lodern aquarium to sJmost any tyrdom. .spring noveliy^^ ist to Ethel Barrymore, that mark­ the London-Helboume flight and the agulates. e each Silk Thread Hosiery qm. huge apothecary* bottle of From earliest times, he says, sail­ ed the wind-up here of National 9 8 or* have been overworked, under­ ffie ’surh^Jrtss/ Business Woman's Week. The twen- M S Pair en bubbly glass comMnee on For Men, Women and Children green bubbly glass combines oi> un­ fed, lodged In equelld quarters, and ty-flve, according to Miss Partridge, An sizes, 14 to 52. ® for $L00 subjected to ferodoiu discipline. sJl have, In the main, the attributes dersea garden and an aquarium. Only within the present generation The very latest styles Out from the sand and rocks at th* of the ide.il biisines girl. That Is how Tou’U be eaUslIed we knot, has there been any substantial bet­ AT and patterns. wltb thle real value la hoelery. bottom grow green water weeds and terment of their lo t grasses stirred gently by the little - From the day of the galley olaves red fish swimming among them. —^who were chiUned to their bench­ One of the cleverest uses for the es, and Invariably went down with LADIES—. Men’s and Boys’ Look at This! aquarium Is to have It Installed their ship—to the rise of steam, the Supreme Value above the fireplace as an overmantel sailor led perhaps the least enviable Rayon Web decoration. One suitable for an early of all existences. Shirts and Shorts American room is don* like a paint­ Things sue getting better, now, Lastex ing, with a deep boxed frame of he reports; sailor* are actually given This cootradlcU the old saying: TAFFETA pine. Instead of a canvas there la a food which is not decaying and mag- DIAMOND SHOE STORES Th* older girl wears a piintsd "There's nothing new under tt* Two-way Stretch live picture of ferns, grasaes, coral, otty, smd have living quarters some­ sun”—for thsse dainty dreassa fash­ dimity la Jada grsea with lily of tha SLIPS water and fiataes against a green and what better than those In the more ioned of flower prints, carrying out v a lly Mrth llowsr dsalga for tha Straight and V Tops silver background. Concealed light­ squallld county Jails. the idea of a birth flower for each month of May—white organdie la ing lUunilnates it like sunshine un­ But Mr. Van l^ n points out that As Usual IVe Show The New Styles First month Is Indeed new and clever. GIRDLES der the see. For a modern mantel most of the revolutions of this gen­ Schiaparelli has designed two en­ pocket are other interesting trim­ used for the ruffled treatment at Lace one Is set In a convex frame of black eration have been started by sailors, tirely new dress costumes ming details. The small girl above wears a solid shoulders and armhole. A wide sash tor The largest and best variety of shoes ever shown in a Manchester shoe store. color frock with applique represent­ Trimmed leather trimmed with chromium and suggests that there's a reason spring. Although they can be worn The other suit dress at right Is ties around this model and the skirt banda for it. Black Kid, Brown Kid, Swirl Calf, Tree Bark Calf, Mandrucca, Miami iCIoth, Patent ing the flower of her birth month. has a side flare ruffle which adds right now under top coats they are also fashioned of navy sheer:—this Another Is a low table on a chro­ His book Is immensely interesting. model has very close fitted lines and I.«ather and other new leathers and labrics. White Leathers in Calf, Buck. Swirl and It Is fashioned of Copen blue hand­ grace to the little lady when she He describes all the ships of all ages ideal for warmer weather when no kerchief lawn with navy stitching. walks. LUMINALL mium base with a glass top which uses self-corded trimming effective­ Tree Bark. Self ruffled collar and cap sleeves reata on a fat crystal cylinder in and tells bow men lived aboard coat Is required. These new creations ly on the standing collar, cuffs, Flowers make such sweet pat­ A complete paint product. No chem­ Each which la the aquarium. This one Is them and how they sailed them. He give a dainty, frilly look so liked by terns for children's dresses that they pays especial attention to the long are called "suit dresses” because l^dlce, belt and pocket. The sleeves little Kiris. The hand appllqued prim­ icals are needed to mix it—j'ust clear 49 lighted at the tottom. they simulate a suit in design, yet are very roomy and wide at the bot­ have always been used, but there Is Boys’ Shirts . Small For the real eea-golng man, as an evolution of warships and naval tac­ roses in various shades of rose that a little personal touch added when water. Comes in paste fo r m - Each Medium tics. they are actually onc-plece frocks. tom while shirring l.s used at the top BEAUTY AND STYLE REIGN AT DIAMOND'S trim the front make this a birth thinned to the desired consistency Boys’ Shorts . overmantel or wall group ' In his The style shown at the left is where they meet the shoulder. a child can wear a frock any day 34 to 44 Large study, Is a fascinating aquarium He has Illustrated his book pro­ flower dress for February—each of the year with her very own birth with clear water. Dries fast, free Men’s Shirts . fusely with sketches of all the kinds made of navy blue sheer In a long A row of tiny-self-covered buttons month having Its own flower. Sizes group. Through a brass porthole one tunic effect with puffed half-sleevcs trim the front of bodice and a color­ flower used for its design. from brush marks, and non-fadinsf. Men’s Shorts looks at tropical blue waters with of ships men have ever used. Buy Your Easter Footwear Now While You Have the Best Selections Tq Choose From. Published by Simon and Schuster, that are smocked at the shoulder ful polkadot scarf ties In a large As washable (after 48 hours) as any fish swimming by. The porthole la and shirred into the cuffs of white bow at the neckline. The corded belt flanked by a ship’s lantern swung the book retails at <3. are already fully equipped with ex­ paint. Recommended for all regular Delicious Another Real Sales Getter! embroidered linen. The lal-ge draped buckles at back. uses—and also concrete, plaster, wall- on brackets. Each lantern Is a tiny collar neckline also u.scs the embroi­ Miami Pin Cloth cellent X-ray apparatus. Gold Basis Our OandiM aquarium and a Ught at the same Files, as well os other insects, \Diamond*s Is Prepared For The hoard, brick, canvas. Porcalo Covorall Aproni time. smell by means of halrllke organs dered white linen for contrast. Cov­ The European golden-crested S w irl and Daily Health Are on their legs, it haa been found ered buttons down the front, a red wren weighs no more than a single Chocolates If you have a small window which member of the New South TRY IT TODAY! each Guaranteed by Department of Agriculture acl- patent leather belt and a V-shaped eagle feather. Early Spring Demand For Wale* legislative council owns a PUMPS T ree Service railroad pass worth J4.000, bit Assorted Colors and Patterna To Be Fresh still haa to pay hla train fare. In ! We have everything you need for sewing. Real valuea In our and Clean White Bows Eninu Dot Partridge st^uddlng the pass with diamonds, THOS. McGILL, Jr. yard goods departniont and an immense aasorfment of pat­ B ark X-KAV ADVANCr. SINCE the largest of which weighs terns, threads, needles, etc., at our nntlona deportment. At All Timei they have managed to gel to the top ______PAINTER and DECORATOR WHITE 180S RIVAIJI AUTO’S carats, the pass was defaced, and In their various flelda the councilor does not want to 12B Cedar Street Phone 8887 Moccasins - Ghilli Ties in Blue or Should Preserve Fmilninlty .\|>|iaratUB Cued Today to Dlagnoee ruin his trinket. NEW SPRING MERCHANDISE Brown .. $1.98 "The Ideal business woman," said HlUierIn Ruffling Diwnsee, and Miss Partridge, "must have learned for Treatment of Troublesome Flap Oxfords to look at herself objectively. 1 londltioim ' mean she cannot always be thinking Most Styles of herself a.s a woman, and getting By DK. MORRIS FISHBEIN CHILDREN'S her feelings hurt. She Ksn’t Inclined, Edlli. HIg'i heels, help of the X-ray, It is poaslblo to White, Brown and White a!nd All White. Cuban heels and Low heels. tridge declares her Ideal business get perfect results In recovery. to our display of 40 Cottage Sets. We be­ STATE girl would be e nervous wreck In no It iq possible, by studies of the lieve it is one of the finest displays in New gasebaU Bats .. 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50, $1.75 time. TTien she must be orderly. flkutl, to determloo preaenco of GARDEN and FLOWER SEED “Not that ehe needs to tear disease of the bone, of brain tu­ England and well worth seeing. SAVE A T around her office like a fire engine mor*. and of changes in the blood ARMORYl PITTSBURGH PAINTS New tested garden seeds are now ready in 5c packages—the going full speed ahead,” her mentor vessels of the skull and brain. In­ I'Phe prices are same size package that formerly sold for 10c. $2.69 qualifies. "I can’t' stand working jections of air may be made Into from ...... •Wednesday NONE BETTER! DIAMONDS with the kind of business woman the hollow spaces Inside the brain, ►New Patterns in (ilazed Chintz 9 7 c '”$1,98 nttsbwgh Sun Proof House Fftlate are the beet that monej con MANDEVILLE & KING TRIPLE TESTED who, cither because she's trying to and those may bo carefully studied ! •Thursday buy, IxHi|^ Hfe» better ooverini^ M id Increoeed opreadlnf power Impress her boss with how busy she a* to outline and any changes and Cretonnes. niakee them the eheapeet In the lon^ run. FLOWER SEEDS -... Is, or because she really is out of which have occurred. •Friday PirrSBURGH OUTSIDE PAINTS FROM *’hcath and harassed. Is always in a There was a Ume when the X-ray Sepkgs. lOc pl^s. 15c pkgs. BARGAIN BASEMENT SPECIALS flurry and bustle. She gets on every­ was used only to study hard tissue, OPENING SPECIALS •Saturday body's nerves. So does the one who like liones, but nowadays It Is pos­ $ 1 .8 9 per gal. up White Pin Cloth Is irrilatinKly right, and tries to sible to visualize other structures Marquisette Ruffled Curtains BUSH HARDWARE’S SPECIAL MIXED Men *s Ventilated ONE LOT OF Jam the fact down your throat that of the body. Dye substances have In Figured. Plain, Cream and Emi. White Voile and CotUge Set* In cPr. she never makes a mistake!” been discovered which may bo Green, Blue, Yellow, Black and Red. LAWN SEED SPORT Other efficiency items that Miss taken Into- the body and which MARCH FERTILIZERS Partridge would stress Include the localize in certain organs and tis­ Lawns and gardens thrive when fed with our Qt. 35<^ 2 Qts. 65c. 4 Qts. $1.25. Low prices on large W ork S h o es WOMEN'S OXFORDS ability to stay out of business as­ sues; then, by the use of the X-ray, •eSCMDS high analysis fertilizers. these organs and tissues are mad* NEW SPRING and SUMMER «*<8**M quantities. sociates’ personal affairs without visible. seeming unsympathetic; Initiative; 27-28-29-30 Per 100-H>. bog NOVELTY Thus the gall bladder, the kidney, ❖ Sheep Hannr* discretion, which would Involve be­ the urin&ry blftdder, the or^uu of :$3.75 $ ing able to keep a secret; good WASH GOODS SHEEP Bone Meal ...... 82.8S STEEL GARDEN TOOLS 1 .8 9 health; reasonable weight, scrupu­ th? female genital system, the m a nu re Top Dresolng 8-6-6 ...... 82.76 $1.49 lous grooming and the grit to take liver, the spleen, * and the spinal New Printed Printed Piques and VIgoro .84JM) Good Toole Are An Economical Investment! It on the chin when she must, cord may be made visible, and dis­ Oeneral Garden 4-8-4 ...... ;....8 2 .3 9 Steel B a k e s...... 79c, 98c Pair SHOES For eases, and changes brought about LAWNS Seersucker Garden H oen...... to 81.3b Women turned to Being Important by diseases, accurately diagnosed. High Grade Garden 6-8-7 ...... 82.60 Emma Dot Partridge, secretary 25c yd. ,39c yd. Tnrf Edgers...... 79c to 81.9.1 and and treasurer of the Window Ad­ DAINTY DOT New Latest Type Spading F o r k s...... 950 to 81.95 Growing All sorts of diseases today are GlrU vertising Company, which has 141 being treated with the X-ray, Printed Mock Best 2,'ic Bamboo Type Steel R a k es...... 7So and 81-00 offices In this country. Is a pretty from simple condtUons of the skin HOSIERY Poultry Netting good exponent of her own theories. to deeply sated tumors In the ah- In the new Spring I,awn8, Dimities P c r c a le S We bare ordered a large stock to get the iowmt prioeo. We poaa this saving on to you. Women’s Suede She's small and slim, with neatly- domen. shades. Service and and Organdies This Week Has horizontal line wires every One Special Lot of oombed dork hair. She dresses in To shorten the time of nopllcA- Chiffon. 4 Inches, prerenting bulging. Gal­ HOUSE excellent taste, and althouRh she Uon of the X-ray for these deep 29c yd. 19c yd. vanized after weaving. New low frequently does three people's Job tumors, apparatus hoe been de- Specially Priced At prices. SLIPPERS ohe always seems to have Ume to ''rioped which will deliver up to LAWN ROLLERS see everybody sad even to laugh at 800,000 volt*, ths normal tiasu* of “Relding-Hemingway” RoU of 160’ Now Is the Ume to roll your Uwn, while It Is euch Jokes as come along. She is as 6 9 c 18” X 3" m e sh ...... 8 U 6 the body being protected by filter- They really wear! SILKS soft and can be levelled easily. Rolling im kes All Spring Shoes pleasant to the office boy as she Is to Sure^**'** through copper Plain Colors, * 7 0 34” X 3* m e sh ...... 83.36 for a firm turf. the bank president, and best of aU yard ...... / H C 86” X 3” m esh ...... 83.96 No. 605—175 lbs...... $10.75 aha seems to check her own prob­ Naturally, euch apparatui Is ex­ DAINTY DOT QCk Flgjired, 48” X 3” meefa...... $ 8 .g g BLONDE - GRAY - BLACK le m somewhere so that nobody else ceedingly expensive. It haa become RINGLESS, pair... C i J C y*rti ...... *foC ^ 60” X 3” m esh ...... 84.88 No. 606—265 lbs...... $12.75 C h i l d r e n ' s Is ewer bothered with them. customary, therefore, to provide Plan To Attend and Bring Your Friends 73” X 3” m esh ...... 86.88 Not all sizes in all styles but you’ll find *1 urineee women are Ism aclf- such service through hospitals and Above prlcde less 10% for cash. Grass Hooks—Special!...... 39c your size in the lot. riosie then la the day* when it through special X-ray laboratorie*. SHOES m w * was daring and unusual for a female so that cost of the apparatus and Doors Open Daily: 1:30 to 10:30 P. M. to step out into the world”, she con­ it* uao may be dlatrlbuted over a cludes. *YB*p*f« getting used to be­ conriderable number of people and The TEXTILE STORE FREE DOOR PRIZES EVERY DAY! avaUable. 849 Main Street ing Importaat and they fit late the Mancheatejr pletur*’beautifully.’' ho*plUl* In tb* Admission 15c. united States, more taiut two-thlid* Diamond Shoe Sto M MANCHESTER’S LEADING HARDWARE AND^SEED STORE 1013 Main Street PAGE 8IXTEEA MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. WEDNESDAY. MARCH 27.1938. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, MARCH Z7,1958. P A G E BE V E Wt a n l l

Leave For South Tomorrow Grimm Eyes Th|e Future RED RAIDERS TAKE BRADDOCKISHELD Firestones To Compete T he H igh School W orld JUVENILE UURELS NO. 1 CHALLENGER T oL n ., No. 51. Wednesday. March 27, 1935. And Adds Youth To Cubs Compiled by Studento of Manchc In New Britain Tourney Down Orioles in Final Series, Solons Inform Garden He DISMANTLE WORLD CINDER NEWS CONDUa CLEANUP Jolly Cholly States Hit Out­ ELECTRICIANS BEAT PUBUC SPEAKING Local Sport 4S-38, To Capture Town Must Be Eliminated Before Six OutstandiDg QninteU I i A thrltUng, close-fought battle POINTS IN DEBATE field Best in League; Boys FAIR’S SKY RIDE for the flrst-place honors marked DRIVE AT SCHOOL Cage Title. the fifth Annual Indoor State TRADE MACHINISTS Schmelinii-Baer Go. This Section Invited to Championships as Hlllhouse, nearly By now the seniors have nrettv COURSE AT SMITH Chatter unbeatable, again came through well decided “ WTio’a Who." The Data Mnst Toe the Line This WAPPING CAGE SERIES. with flrat place honors, retaining PROVED BY TEAMS Monday and called The Red Raiders wen th* Juvsnll* New York, March 27 — (AP) — Play Next Week; $100 With almost a month to go before Bbell nosed out Socony by 32 to Ten Rocket Cars the title. Students Speak of Cleanli­ In U ^ y . But, committee! We like Season; Manager's Atti­ baskstbaU championship of Man- The haq been of a little more than a Take Measure of exponents o in 'ven men- the baaeball eeaaon gets underway chsster last night by defeating the jrear ago, James Braddock sat en­ 80 In th* Wapping cage series, Ber­ HUIhouse's victory was a well- taken by Robert Hall, John Glovant, New Plan to Replace Debat- ger, Harrison and Machulot starring and Trophy Offered Wm- Weighing Oyer Rua>ell Nyman, John Curtis and “ Man-hater," full blast, indications are that Orioles, 45-38. It was a fast and throned today In the heavyweight earned one, with a close race being ness at School Session; I,Manchester Debaters Bring v^it^i’ilf "cutest" Jn tude Changed. good half dozen teams will represent exciting game throughout, but it driver's seat, placed there by offi­ for the winners. Grant’s shot given by Bristol high, which threat­ Custer. The "Janitors", aa they by Score of 28-12 b Bas­ couldn’t we throw mg Described by Miss Manchester In semi pro circles. The was clear that It waa the Raidqra' cial ukase of the bewildering rulers broke up a 30-all tie In the closing ner; Games Start Tuesday. ened to topple the state champs moved energetically around the ’ uc two? Some have of flghtdom, the New York state Tons Are Taken Down. Others Design Posters. sUge, sang "The Janitors Lot Is Not town champion Bluefielda, of course, night from the opening whistle. minutes of play. Blozle and Wal­ from their reign on Jte throne. Ont Sonnd Facts m Re­ ketball Game. back^ tae bottom or oh the E m rO R ’8 NOTEL n i a l* another After a two weeks' layoff they athletic commission. dron kept Socony In the nmnlng. a Happy One," a parody to the tune i Emily Andrews. command the center of interest and Using the same sweeping author­ of "The Policeman’s Lot Is Not ai artlele of a sorieo dealing with win place an even stronger team on came out basket thirsty and their In another close battle, Texaco Morlarty Brothers' FlrestonM. Manchester high came through the Mg league training eompe. thirst waa quenched when they ity they employed in ruling Brad- topp^ Amoco, 26 to 22 on baskets To M. H. S. touiifti and many with traditional third place after a For the aean-U p Week cam­ Happy One," from the "Pirates of! buttal During Triangular the field this year than last. It pos­ dock no fit opponent for V’alter Rec League champions and eon* Penzance.” The pupils seemed to I The Enectric Department baaket- sible. Manchester Green, nmner- tossed in 20 twin pointers from al' by Dewey and H. Berger. ^ Tonight, other*, one of the grresteat attrac­ day of surprises and upsets for paign, being conducted this week by ^ m ! The crowd is coming most every angle of the floor. The Neusel Just 14 months ago, the com Socony meets Amoco an^ Texaco- tenders for the town title, bav* ac­ "Pete's" boys. think that the Janitors’ work should' A plan for replacing debating By ERSKlinE JOHNSON up for the town title, the South Bob Smith Ed Kovis tion* of the Century of ProKrcea the Civics and Social-Sciences class­ Debate at Meriden. ball teams defeated the Machine «talv*ra’ .esU! Monday with a new form of public speaking NBA ServiM Staff Oorreepondent game was rough at times but was missioners declared the New Jersey plays Shell. cepted an invitation to play lo a es taught by Miss Gertrude Ober- be lightened. i Methodists and Baldwins will all be Ehiposltlon wan the aky ride. Two Department In a double header con­ than 135 would-be waa described by Emily Andrews, very well bandied by Bari Blsoell, Early tomorrow morning, Bob Smith and Ed Kovis leave for Asheville. veteran the No. 1, challenger for Shell. basketball tournament at Now Brit­ In the 45-yard dash all three of empt and Miss Mary McGuire, In ad­ Animated Cartoon. given by Mr. Avalon, Catalina Island, March- back again. The north end will be Max Baer's heavyweight title. They great tower* held ten 6,200 pound test played at the School Street Rec '33, a sophomore at Smith (^llega, represented by the Pollsh-Ameri- who has refereed the laat two North Carolina, where they will try out for professional baseball careeis B F P Manchester’s sprint men performed dition to the assembly program of The next slide introduced an ani- j Thursday afternoon. 27.—Building for the future, and not Informed Madison Square Garden it ain between the six outstanding who, being at home on a vacaV cans. So far, no word has been’ game*. The first quarter waa close with the St. Louis Cardinals’ farm club In the Piedmont League. The Porcheron, If ...... 3 0 6 teams in Central Connecticut. The rocket car*, aupported by 650,000 well but were unable to gain the fi­ yesterday afternoon, speakers are mated cartoon of the three little'_____ -A detailed account of the home The main game was an easy vic­ the Lizzie out, Dad! promising a pennant this yeai imder would have to abandon Its plans for pounds of cable, which carried one attended the High school heard from the West Sides or the as was the second, the Raiders team was formerly located at Greensboro but the franchise wras shifted Machulot. re ...... 0 1 1 games will be played at the Stan­ nals and it wasn’t until the 600- appearing In each home room at the pigs, who were personified by Henry ■ debate In the triangular contest be- tory for the Electricians as they Friday night. She is one, o l bis plans. Manager Charley Grimm taking a 19-18 lead at halftime. At this season. sending Max Schmellng against Harrison, e ...... 6 0 13 ■ many feet Into the sky, actually yard nm that the Red and While beginning of school on Tuesday, Wagner, Joseph Maloney and Mar- tween Meriden Middi-»„»,- Jls sending a rejuvenated gang of Catholic Club but 'tla reported that Barr for the title her* in Jane. ley Arena on Tuesday, Thursday garet Napoli. Singing the while,' Me«ary came off the Bralthwaltc; Room 17 —Golwetzer, lar debates, which was awarued this says Charley. ”We had our regular a one man league, a one-team for 48 games. The Big League, com­ meet Braddock first. 10 6 finals will be played Saturday night Camp, Muldoon, Hills; Room 18 — subject in a concise speech, urging CAMP CROSS YISriED teen minute speech. Then the flrat Server, If . . . . . 0 0 sixth with 115.30 for 64 games. Amoco thing, cars and all. He has a place to comer and started to pass, the third that wc keep the school clean. year, waa donated by Miss Florence Are you doing your share to team on the field but five times. league,” he answered. "I picked the posed of Manchester’s foremost pin Koehler, Golwetzer, Camp, Muldoon; speaker of the affirmative team Is J. Murray, rf . 8 0 Unless other members of the Foster, rf ...... 2 2 6 keep It—two mountnin.s. HI* plan Is man also started to creep up and, A typical picture of the class of Flsherblck, teacher of English and keep the school clean" this week? There was no Internal strife. Ball Cards last year and I’m picking ’em topplers, roll* every Wednesday to Install the towers one on each ns he drew abreast of the leader, Room 21-^Weir, Koehler. Golwetzer, It’s an officially recognized "Clean­ cross-questioned by the second Pantaluk, c .. . 8 0 league boost their averages consid­ Burgess, If . 0 0 0 1935A’s formal dance with some coach of debating at Meriden high BY NATHAN GATCHELL players have good and bad years, this year.” Musehko, Ig . night at Farr’s, under the rules and erably In the condng rounds or the mountain and sell cross-vailey rides. I,*!ary was forced agalbst him. Camp; Room 22 Breen, Weir. Koeh­ school. The first team to win six up Week," you know, so do your speaker of the negative team for . 3 2 Cowles, c ...... 3 1 7 rather too informally dressed danc­ part! ’’ fifteen minutes, after which the and we had our lean one last sea­ Murphy, rg .. , 7 1 regulations of the National Bowiling leaders run into a severe slump, the Johnson, r g ...... 0 1 1 ARREMONY DEFEATS As yet. no suitable suggestion has Everything was arms and legs, with ler, Golwetzer; Room 23 - Shield.*, points, regardless of whether In con­ son. We can’t make any report os yet Congress. Breen, W dr. Koehler; Room 24— ers was acted out by Wllllani Weir, first speaker of the negaitve team la six aforementloneu bowlers seem Jones, Ig ...... 4 0 8 been received by the contractors for one man clown on tne track and Clifford Braithwaite, Lola Keish, secutive years, wins the cup perma­ Teacher Also Views Cathedral on the proceeds of the Blueflelds George out In the load. Seeing what Spacke, Shields, Breen, Weir; Room questioned by the second speaker of ‘7'm taking a chance on building Total* ...... 20 5 45 Closest to Beletti Is Benny Schu­ likely to clinch the prizes offered by Hocke\^ — the disposal of the sky ride*. Savage, Esther Koehler, and Jane nently.- Meriden has the first two Pines and Enjoys Hike Competition is quite strong In the for the future, this season,” Grimm benefit for Manchester High's rslay bert with an average of 116.52 for —Herbert Seymour, '37 had happened Leary half-turned, 25—Bralthwaltc. Spacek, Shields, in shorthand and typing classes to sec the affirmative team. A six minute Orioles Manager Joe Farr. 9 4 22 ROGERS 50 TO 22 Curtis taking the parts of the danc­ points toward permanent possession. rebuttal for each team follows. continues. "I'm going to give some team’s trip to the Penn Relays as B. F. started to go back, then reconsider­ Breen; Room 26—K-wiish, Braith- the Mountains. who will be sent to Stamford to some tickets are sUIl outstanding. By ASSOCIATED PBE8S ed and continued, to win by a good walto, Spacek, Shields., ers. After slide six. an assembly Manchester’s affirmaUve debaters. There are generally two Judges with younger fellows a chance to make Duffy, rg ... . 8 4 program of other days waa staged, Rose Shapiro, Helen Pletrowskl, and represent M. H. S. in a state-wide good where the veterans have foil­ We would urge, however, that all BUCKAR008 WIN AGAIN margin and break the old record, In Mall! Building. Mr. Gatchell of the high school contest to bo held April 13! Every the audience acting as the third Schieldge, Ig , 1 1 National League Play-offs STECHHOLTZ REACHES with an Inattentive audience disre­ ^ w ls ones, contested against Mid­ Judge. ed.” persons who ore planning to make Rearden, c .. 2 0 Toronto 2. Boston 0. The up and coming Buckaroos but tho time lost In the Jam wn* The list of speakers for the Main faculty spent Sunday at Camp girl, and boy, too. is keeping that contributions to the fund do so im­ . compiled their tenth win In twelve Match Is Protested and Mos* Just enough for him to lose to his building arc: Room 5- Chaporius, garding a fictitious prominent speak­ dletown's negative team, Kennard Cross, West Cornwall. He vL*lted —M. Sullivan. Charley Cracks Hlilp Winzler, rf . . 4 3 Montreal Maroons 1, Chicag(> 0 er. Bosce. Alfred Carrier and Eleanor date "open.” More power to you! mediately. Just hand your dona­ FORMER NET QUEEN MAY games when they out-scored the FINALS IN SWIM MEET old rival Pankratx of Bristol, who Napoli, CoIll.-iH, Koehler; Room 11_ Kenneth Leslie, Stanley Llss, and We’re sending a team of three! Can Manager Grimm Is "mo.-o than Thurnsr, rf . . 0 0 (overtime). ''' “ In conclusion, Mr. Bailey, voca­ Purple. The two alternates were satisfied" with his deal with the tion to a member o f the committee. Pongrats, If . 0 0 New York Rangers 4, Montreal Senior "Y ” 26-22, In an exciting won his heat with /ery little trou­ Koehler, Bralthwaltc, Napoli, Col­ Edward Lucas. He ate dinner con­ we win? Prosper DesLauriera, Bill Brennan. struggle played at the Y. M. C. A. coni Will Be asked to Set­ ble. lins; RfHim 12—Curtis, Koehler, tional guidance instnictor, was In­ W esley Cryk from Manchester and sisting of chicken, mashed potatoes, SOMANHIS STAfT geTS Pirates, In which the Bucs got Bush, Kerr, If ___ . 4 2 Canadians 4 (tie). Hiifh School Natators Travel terviewed and cxpre.saed hla views Barbara House from Middletown. Herman, and Weaver for LIndstrom Harry White, Archie Kilpatrick, Can.-Am. League play-offs Monday night The Buckaroos dis­ Bralthwaltc, Na(X)ll; Room 13—Wa- celery, carrots, pie and coffee at You know, boys. It would be more Erik Modean or Coach Charles L. RETURN TO COMPETITION Tom Dannaher, who ran In the on "What makes up the school repu­ Slain .'Vrguments and French, and the trade of Tin­ Total* ...... '...14 10 38 Provldenc? 3. Quebec 1. played some nifty teamwork In tle the Dispute. to New Haven to I*articipate troua, Curtis, Koehler. Bralthwaltc; the regular "mess" house. After sporting of you if you didn’t go over Wlgren. -4-. ckeing out the decision. Opalach third heat of the 600, found the race tation and how It affects one In get­ The main points brought out by dinner the group went mountain ADVERTISING REVENUE ning smd Warh for burler Carleton Referee: Earl Bissell. No games scheduled tonight. in Tool Events. Room 14—Livin"Kton, Watrous, Cur­ ting a position or a acholaraUip.” to the Rec Mondays and Tuesdays again led the scoring with Brannick a little too short for him and re­ tis, Koehler; Room 15—Corciliu.s, the affirmative debaters were the climbing. From the mountains they from St. Louis. Scorers; Vince and Sullivan. games. ' Team No. 2 had wron the' The whole program waa au out after school with the express pur­ Very few individual contributions and Howroyd contributing five ceived fourth In his heat. Livingston, Watrous, Curtis; Room following: had an excellent view of the Housa- Uke the team. Boss Grimm b o first half of the league. | Nick Arremony defeated Etarl Eight members of tho High school growth of the study of public health pose of annoying the girls partak­ Tho advertising staff of Somanhls changed. have been made to the fund thus No. 3 and 4 bowled Saturday af- > If Back Ailment Improves points each. Sommers and Fiedler 17—F. Bletrowskl, Shields. Living­ Rose Shapiro; "Education must tonlc River Valley. ing in the home-room league far, which Is quite surprising In view Rogers in the town title round robin swimming team traveled to New The most thrilling eihlhiUon of and school spirit and the re.sult 'il- be helped because of the terrible (Andrew Fiedler, Joe Polozle, Eld- "I’ve been a good fellow In the ternoon for the league championship | kept the Senior ” T ” on almost even Haven, Saturday, to participate In ston, Watm\is; Rcsim 18 Dewey, F. They also visited Kent Falls State games! If you are roally Interested, ward Atkinson, Merle Shorts, all of of the many persons who have WRESTLING terms with the winner* by virtue pool tourney at the Center Billiard stamina that this writer has ever IVtrow-skl, Shields, Livingston; most entirely a student project. conditions which exl.*t In many Park where the highest water falls past,” he saya, "but from now on and Team No. 4 won the champion- ] Sufficiently, Helen Wills Parlors last night, 50 to 22, but the the State InterKcholostlc swimming Ray Hildebrand, '38. accomi>aiiied why not be a polite audience? It ’35) have been active since tho flrat spoken of their willingness to lend ship by whitewashing Team No. 3 i of several sensational shots. seen, and certainly the best race of Room 19 Scarch'ick, Chaporius, F. states. The plan by which tho states in the state can be seen, cascading can be done! n i make Simon Lcgree look like financial support because of the match was protested. William Mos- meet in the Yale pool in the new the meet was staged by Lyon Co on the piano and wrote some of the of February, endeavoring to secure by 4 straight polnta. 1 By ASSOCIATED PRESS This was the first game of rietniwskl. Shields; HiK)m 22 Juul. can bo helped without ad'Jitional down through Lemrock Ravine un­ the necessary advertising revenu* PoIIyanna. I’ll stand for no more worthiness of the cause. We are conl, noted ^ ck e t billiard star, wlio Payne Whitney gymnasium. Al­ burn and Knipler. musical numbers. monkey business." Saturday night the league held I Moody Likely to Try round robin tournament being held Hcarchuck, Chaporius, Collin.’;; Room taxation is that the p'edcral govern­ der LImes-stone Rock. An Interest­ Miss Fellows Is “tracking down" to make It possible to sell Somanhls, highly appreciative of the fine sup­ MERCHANTS LEAGUE to determine the Y. M. C. A. cham will appear here Friday night. Win though none of tho tram member!' 23 H. I'etrowski. Jiml, Scarehiiek. E. Sehloldge. ment should sell some public prop- ing feature of the falls Is the pres­ Despite the loss of about 16 their banquet at Castle Farm. The | St. Louis — Danny O’Mahoney, be asked to decide whether this placed In the finals, Slechholts, cap­ any and all who have been taking the High school year book, at a port given the Blueflelds benefit (Charter Oak Alleys) plonship. 'Thursday night the Buck­ Coburn, after running a hard race Chaporius; Room 24 McKnight, H. erty, and then Use this money to ence of "pot holes,” "Pot holes" are games, on paper, through disposal and the Y. M. C. A. benefit and of members had as their guests their | Ireland, threw, Rudy Dusek, Omaha, match Is to be replayed or not. tain of the M. H. 8., team, and the all the way, staged a last lap ducoil each ami Theodore Nelson, '38; Period 6. ing test. The questions asked were term at Worcester Polytechnic In­ 281 Hales (8) for Joe MeCtartby when Joe was reel." affirmative team, summarized the won 18 and lost 14. R. Purlnton . 80 — 80 Smith ,. . .8 0 101 82 268 "After being out of competition After the tilal boats which btart- Charley Donahue, although un­ Ray Donahue, ’36A. and Noel Lvttlc, about road conditions, signals, night stitute, Worcester, Mass. He also Charles Loo Hartnett remains Suhle ...... 1 1 3 88 102 303 Total ...... 4 9 2 486 493—1471 I 8 6 managing the CJhIcago Cub*. Mc­ points given liy his colleagues, and won third honors. "We should bo F. Burr . . . . 99 100 107 306 Bengston .. 108 i l l 127 846 for some time, one has to work back ed at 10:30 and ended at one o'clock, able to gain a place In the meet, An Interview w-lth the Janitors '36A; Period 6, Jack Bellamy, ‘'36A, driving etc. and some also included "head man” In the receiving depart­ Russell ...... 106 87 107 300 Scotland (8) Time: Ten-minute quarters. Carthy tried to buy him last De­ was shown, parts of which wore added that in years to come, educa­ glad to see more of your students A. Gibson . . . — 78 76 154 Madden ...... 113 88 100 301 up the ladder,” she explained. "It the squad had dinner In the spacious performed creditably, running o.ie and Whodrow Trotter, '38A. OI K CAMPAIGN the rights and respon.-iibilitles of ment. Tho veteran 35-year-oId back­ B. Mosely .. Donovan . . . . . 97 104 106— 307 Referee; Latas. cember when the Cubs first put him Yale dining hall. When dinner was tion would undoubtedly need a great coming to the Institute,” says tho 106 106 Anderson : . . . . 104 115 106 325 347 417 387 1151 will be necessary to see how I feel of the host races In hla career and de.al of assistance. The "clean-up campaign” Is In pedestrians. The students taking the stop, with 12 years’ service behind No. 8 after playing in some of the local Field ...... 94 90 104— 288 on the market but haul to wait to over, the boys started their annual placing third in his hqat. test did so voluntarily. secretary, who reported Wilson’s Twarnite ...... 118 114 103 835 Phots ...... 1 0 0 90 get him via the Cardinals. Negative PoinU full swing: Both the students in the success. him, still baa one of the beat arms T o ta ls...... 446 472 594 1512 Anderson .100 82 103 285 events before trying anything more 96— 286 exploration of the gym building. Sherman . ..,.1 2 4 115 162— 401 The points presented against this Main Building and In the Franklin In the league. Three youngsters, all Totals ...... 554 492 518 1564 Holland ...... ;iio 85 96 291 difficult.” Two witnessed skillful sw'irusman- Other places galnnl by Manches­ under 22, are battling for the two Team No. 1 (0) Toscano 89 79 A t present, the former queen of Dickson .. ----- I l l 86 91— 288 Last Night *s Fights Tallahassee, Fla. — The crying shlp In a match between Yale and ter were: A first In tho C. C. I. L. question by the negative team were building have reacted favorably to Landscape Five (1) 82 250 need of the New York Giants is for Matchett and Mussolini as follows; the earnest endeavors of the "clean­ relief berths under Hartnett. They W. Harrison .. lOl 80 110 300 Low Score 77 85 82 244 women’s tennis is contenting herself Harvard which Yale won 16 to 11. relay, second in the eight-lap relay, G Tourtella ..1 2 0 97 117 334 Total ., ....0 2 6 485 559—1570 relief pitchers. Neither Leon Chsg- Kennard Bosce: "If the Federal er-uppers.” The school has taken on arc Walt Goebel, up from the Pacific W. F rich e ...... 77 79 90 246 Allsbouse ...... 87 100 107 294 with batting a' ball against a wall. Although the boys were a bipdls- and first In the kilometer run. Wales (1) non nor Allyii Stout, obtained by government asslsU tho sUtes by a "new” appearance of respectabili­ Coast League Angels: James O’Dea J. Larrabee . . . .118 107 86 311 J. Gessay ...... 87 90 9 T 269 376 331 363 1070 She hopes to be able to engage In By ASSOCIATED PRESS appolntcd, they_left for home con­ Find **Pen-Paling” Sport from Columbus, and Walter Step­ T. C urran...... 85 89 her flrat game within the next few Torrance . ....1 2 9 88 91— 308 trades for relief duty has been Im­ tented with the trip. After Bristol’s performance Sat­ these annual grants, which would ty and neatness these last two days. 90..264 J. Kowski ...... 86 107 91 284 McMehemy* pressive and the younger crop in­ henson, who drew pay checks at O. Nelson ___ 109 119 115 343 No. 1 weeks. Then, If she feels fit, she . . . 9 4 87 85— 266 Paris—Maurice Heltzer, outpoint­ Mr. Perry, Mr. Gatchell, and urday It appears that Manchester probably become permanent, tho Have you noticed the changed con­ A. Kowakt . . . . 101 94 114 309 Robinson . ___ 101 84 81— 266 ed Vittorio Tamagnlnl, Italy, (15,) cluding Clydell Castleman and ditions In the class rooms. In the Lafayette, La., last season. Ritchie ...... 105 87 86 278 may sign up for some local eompeti- Coach Johngren completed the will have a hard Job retaining Its Federal government would In Umc Totals Wylie ...... 97 116 97— 310 European featherweight champion. Frank Gabter have been taking bad Bill Matchett and Louis M a.*so-one that I corresponded with when 1 halls. In the basement rooms, and Undatrom at third ,adds a de­ . . . . . 400 483 491 1464 T o ta ls...... 481 488 521 1490 Tedford ...... 89 91 90 270 Uon. party. C. C. I. L. title as Manchester Is llnl. Jr., class of 36A, are now- en- | went to school there gain control of the entire educa­ Dwyer ...... 95 Brennan ...... 90 122 95— 307 Potts\11Ie, Va. — Billy Ketchel, thumpings In exhibition games. last but not least,-have you noticed cided punch to the Chicago Infield, to Team No. 2 <4) 83 90 268 —G. P. F. ’36. especially weak m the broad Jump, tional system If the government H. Robb ...... 98 90 Dietz ...... 97 Millville. N. J., outpointed CHiester joying the very Interesting occupa- I I .*ay. Old Timer’, have you got the change In the appearance of the Grimm’s way o f thinking. 88 285 HIND UP UEAGUE 128 133 368 high Jump, shot and dashes while Bon of pen-palling. Bill writes to; many QSL cards? (amateur verifi- must help the several states, such J' Dickson . . . . 107 119 Y. M. C. A. LEAGUE Total ...... 6 1 1 497 449—1457 Paluis, Scranton, Pa. (10). Sarasota. Fla.—Lefty Grove, Red Bristol’s quite strong In these help should be in the form of emer­ grounds around the school buildings? Billy Herman continues to have a 100 326 In the Ribbon Mill League at Mur­ hls never-seen friends on the sub- | cation cards saying that you have A. H olm an___ 112 98 124 386 (Y Alleys) Sox enigma, will pitch In Fridays events. However, we re still pulling gency grants only.” The enthusiasm and cooperation leech-llke hold on second base, and 834 phy's'Alleys, Team No. 4 took 8 out 389 399 1174 STUDENTS OF R H raiM ject of short wave and amateur ; heard or worked that station l ” M. H e w itt...... 88 103 116 307 No. 4 Reids (0) game with the PhlUlos. The news for Coach WIgron to pull some more of the students In accomplishing the BUiy Jurgea again will hold down of 4 points from Team No. 1 to win leaked out last night and it was radio while Uuils enjoys telling I That is a dandy card that you have Alfred Carrier, the second speak­ S. Nichols . . . . 105 122 126 353 Torrence ...... 94 86 Reid ...... 112 117 99 328 of hla surprises on Bristol when the alma of the campaign have been th* shortstop position. Phil Cavar- the championship for the second -91 271 expected that the gate would be aboiit ba,*ehall and other Bi>orta. sent me. I received a verification er, remarked that « central control Merrer ...... 84 105 98 S p llla n e...... 96 ‘ 93 113 302 outdoor season rolls around. nothing short of wonderful. Sugges­ retta, a first baseman, and Edward half of the season. The teams were 287 Holton 105 108 102 315 large for this first 1936 appeiuonce ARE HEARD ON RADIO 1 cn-paMng brings Interesting card from 12RO Rome, Italy vester- by the government should not come T o ta ls...... 610 641 554 1605 Murphy ...... 106 98 87 291 California *Keepsie Vets about, because It would In time ham­ tions from campaign leaders have CihockI, rObkIes, hope they will fit tied going Into Friday’s night's McLaughlin . . . 90 100 98 288 of Robert Moses Grove. new-s of other High schiHils, and per- ; day. I sent In a report last Dccem- Brennan ..„..1 0 1 126 131 368 The attention Is now turned to per Individualism. Second, central been received with a pleasing dis­ Into the scheme of things In the ta Morlarty ...... 101 100 97 298 Grove's left arm'iiaa been nursed The Students of Rhythm, nine- the "Penn Relays" In which Pete Is sonal taterosts to the correspond- ; her 26. What kind of an antenna field. control leans toward Fascism in play of good-will and understanding, 385 416 407 1227 O f 1934 Not Such A Cinch along quietly and without too much piece dance orchestra of high school entering a medley relay team con­ I,***! National AC "I’ll take my outfield against the T o ta ls ...... 604 618 509 1531 to do. The dope was that Lefty student*, competing In the Stale all about Manchester w-hlle the la t-) SW3 short wave receiver'’ Bv the that politicians may bo able to run Thus far, every expectation for a sisting of a mller, 680 moA. 440, and successful campaign has been realiz­ Ick of. tho crop." Thus Chkrlle Kellers (4) would go along In his own quiet Theater’s amateur contest Friday. 220 dash men. A ;ery tidy sum was ter claims to live In a "dead burg '. , way how la your set for working the school system aa they .please. The names of girls and boya from ; foreign amateurs? Have you ever School Reforms ed, Jrlmm sums up the sltuaUon In the Financial Worries Beset SWEDISH LEAGUE M cG uire...... 104 118 121 343 way, pitching In batting practice March 22. were Judged to be first realized at the benefit game last outer garden, where Mazen (Murphy’s Alleys) WInton ...... 112 — — 112 For Olympics After All and training os he saw f it Manager prize winners by the applause of the week that practically assured the other schools who are Interested In ; heard any English or French hams The third negative speaker, Elea­ The campaign In its first two day* such corresp,md^ce can be found; (radio amateurs) T I don’t person- seems to have proven conclusively yler, Chuck Klein, and Tuck Emanuel (*) Ungard ...... 94 112 90 296 Joe Cronin left It entirely to Grove audience and therefore the boys re­ team of going. It was with a gooel nor Purple, brought out the point Stainback roam. ta any Issue of "TTic Open Road for | ally know any amateur aroun notwithstanding the 1934 Pough­ ters because of their length: the Pacific Coast League hitters last "*.'1** deadlocked at one-aIl,f^matters now stand, th* Ed Berggren ..107 92 105 304 Wood . . . ___ 125 141 110 376 school only two— Captain Bob Manager Bill McKechnIe says that formed this year for the purpose of meet. If there Is any high Jumpers at a reliable- dealer. Say, big boy point* with cleainess, and used Thus, let It be with our school. At nowatand, tha Firestones keepsie regatta. R.F.D. Np. 2 tioea .W9DGH make your short wave Your year with an impressive .338 aver­ It would seem logical to presume have a net profit of 112.72 to show C. I. Anderson . 97 86 114 297 Wllaon .. ___ 122 104 100 331 White, bow man, rnd Coxswain Bob If he Is given the proper Inducs- Tumishing music for dancing at the In hiding throughout the school now quutatiuns to prove their various the present time things look "migh­ that both the Rangers and the Fire­ Mikolelt . 134 A year ago, when the University Mocb, seem sure of their jobs. usual "Noon Hour." held for the en- Portland, t?onn. ll.*terier cards? I would like to get age and a long string of circuit for two games, while the Rangers R. Swanson . . . . 131 104 — 239 ...... 108 133 375 menta he may let Jordon go os Is their opportunity to make the March 15. 1935. points. During the rebuttal Manches­ ty fine.” Now It’s up to us to Keep stones are busily engaged In exten­ Gibson .. ___ 102 110 111 of California eight swept dowm the At California an equally confiuilng Joymrat of those pupils who are un­ squad as Coach Wlgren can use any some printed so that I will not have clouts. have only 18.48 as their share of the H. C arlson...... 93 97 97 287 323 there ore three other men on tbs Dear William: ter proved its polnta to be of sound them looking this way. sive preparatlona for the crucial Howard . . . . . 126 125 135 386 Hudson for a smashing rictory there situation has prevaUed. Ebright had able to return home at noon. The good high Jumper he can get, also to w-rite so many letters for QSL paid team who can cover first. It’a a Well, here I am coming right oarda. value. It won’t be a difficult thing to do, cage battle. But alas and alack, —■ - — - - 1 1 ..II—■ — was some widespread conclusion- only two Poughkeepsie vets, Laur­ holiday for the tribe and the Babe o rch e s^ is very popular with the broad Jumpers and shot putters will It? After all. It hasn’t been so Telephone NEXT: The Senators. *75.60 to see the first game. A^ter 428 379 316 1123 back to you. This machine 1 am I have only three pen-pal.* The Jtulg-es o f the debate were Mr. such Is far from the case for a sit­ mpensee of (40 were deducted, the Totals ...... 683 614 594 1791 jumping that CX>ach Ky Ebrlght’s ence Dodge and Evald Swranson, in Is going fishing on the gulf. studeoU oad very generous as It do- will be much needed In the forth­ using la Remington No. 6. 1 am Harris of Yale Law School, Dr. P. difficult this far! uation has arisen that is unique in Shearers •ervlces to many school coming campaign. myself, one in Wisconsin, a young nrestones collected *21.36 and the S. P. (3) (1) proteges—hgvlng two (bore years of his first varsity boatload. going to trade It In for cither a R Brandell of Connecticut State —B. Livingston, '36. the annals of the local titular cloo- RMgers *14.24. O. Johnson ...106 127 (Cole ...... 92 117 209 college competition In which to de­ ‘Farming* Pays Dividends Bradenton, Flo.—Dixsy and Paul (unctions and beneflta. —BUI Murch. fellow In Wllllraantlc. Conn and Can Be Of Valuable Service To You When alc. 97 380 noiseless portable or a new Royal yourself. The fellow In WlllimanUc tollcge, and Mrs. Florence Webster A. Carlin . . . . 8 1 93 (Chanda . . . . . 103 101 98 302 velop even further—had only to It Is possible others may find Dean, who "twisted the Tiger’s toll '« 'e

A newspaper hMaUtoe Mjrs; "NU­ Man—It doesn’t taka much to DISTS GO tmiNDIcrrED.” The turn a woman’s head. — s o t SANS TO .HOOFLtrSAV.NOJ N O U R B m « RDVERTISE i f i ^ ' ^ " u j t n v Srand jury couldn't pin a single Wife—You’re right. That OPF-SHOR6 WIND, I SAVS.'i YL 6 E T T H A T S ■ R IS H T , . thing on them. just turned and looked at you. HOLT OP A. -WiyCE HORSE AN' TAKE CH WHAT I McjslUlTYi /s H E A T V l Desperado—Halt! If you move What this country needs, to fact THAT OAT-PACKER OP NOURB TOR A T H E V 6A V you’re dead. what the whole world nee^. Is to # 2 0 0 ‘EET.IN A RACE*'->.AN' H£ , ^ H E T H 'T »L U S settle up and settle down. Student—My man, you should be G O ES PCR rr LIKE A WXSS THUMB I -RESEMBLES S H IE S AT LOST—SATURDAY NIGHT, man'» 1933 FORD SEDAN, 1934 Interna­ market, producing more than half a more careful of your English. If i HIGHEST PRICES PAID for junk million plants. This stop will be of Youth—Darling, do 3rou think ; A H O R S E , c o p a - x BuIotk wriirt watch. Tel. 4224. Re­ tional pickup, 1928 Chevrolet coach, VEGETABLE FARM should move. It would be a positive ^ KNOW T^ NA6 WANTED—TWO MEN for canvass­ and live poultry. Call us flrsL Wm, particular value to the vegetable ■Ign that I waa alive. can live on 820 a week? BUTCOULDNT A PR A V D ward. 1929 Ford coupe, 1930 Ford road­ ing, good pay. No restrictions. on Ostriniky, 91 Clinton. Tel. 8879. WTIC growers who are primarily Interest­ Sweet Young Thing—Yes. 1 OP H»S-’’^C0LJLX3N'T ‘EeAT A ster, 1932 Ford coach. Brown’s Oa­ territory. Write Box Z, Herald. Hartford. Ueoa. ed in tomato, pepper and eggplant what will you live on? ' “RUN IN A STOCKING iB E A T KETCHUP iCfPeETTIN' rage, 478 Center street. A perfect husband la a man who PERSONALS 3 N ,«0« Vt. IMO H. a *aS4 M TOUR ON MONDAY production. makea home the flrst and last stop O U T O F A PINCHED WANTED—ABOUT APRIL 1ST., BOARDERS WANTED 59-A Travelera Broodcaatlng Samoa The lost stop will be at the farm on his list each night. That Is. the law protects evsry two aggressive young men with v a o - h o -BCrTTUEP STOMACH inXTER, GAS PAINS AUTO ACCESSORIES— New York. Marcn 27.—(AP) — of Edward Krott, Jr., locaUd In citizen till some Insulting lawyer LOTTERINCi! and Indigestion victims, why suf­ light delivery truck for good pay­ FOR RENT— ROOMS. Pleasant back of the Eixperiment Station at Young Bride—Henry, tell me that gets him on the witness stand. TIRES 6 ing proposition. Steady, pleasant location, nesu mills and bus line. Max Baer and bia boxing brother fer? For quick relief get a free Wednesday, March 27, 1986 Buddy, have promised a demonstra­ To Visit Greenhoflses In Mt. Carmel. Mr. Krott has .two you think only of me. gift package of Udga, a doctor's work. Address Box O, Herald. Board U desired. Telephone 6264 or larg.. greenhouses 150x40 feet de­ Old Gentleman—Why are you FOR SALE—26 PERCENT oft on tion to indicate how they qualify as Henry—It's this way—now and L N i prescription, at the Arthur Drug call at 221 Pine street. P. M. voted to the growing of tomatoes then I have to think of the furnace. flsh'ng my boy, when you ought to Armstrong Tires. W. E. Hibbard, radio actors. They wiU be the flrst North Haven; Turkey for our winter market. In addition be In school? Stores. 282 North Main street. 4:0O—Woman’s Radio Review. guests in the A1 Jolson Saturday SALESMEN WANTED 38-A 4:30—The Jesters. he has approximately 3,000 cold ■ "Dividends’’ used to be the watch Boy—There, now! I knew I’d for­ APARTMENTS—FLATS— night series on WEAF-UBC open­ frames In which several thousand gotten Bomething. FORD MODEL T PARTS—Axles, 4:45— Platt and Niermann, pianists. ing next week. word but they have become the AUTOMOBILES tDK SALE 4 MAN WANTED FOR RAWLETGH TENEMENTS 63 5:00—Shirley Howard. Growers to Meet Also. plants of many klnda are being "Password." starter, starter drive, ignition Route of 800 families. Write today. Try these tonight: grown. switch, coll units, keys, connecting 6:18—Straight Shooters. The modem girl may not have m i CHEVROLET coach, 1933 Rawllgh, Dept. CUC-48-SA., Al­ WEAF-NBC, 7:00— Llederkranz Turkey Growers to Meet much principle but she certainly Chevrolet coupe, 1930 Reo sedan, rods, cork gaskets, also sonie wires, FOR RENT—FIVE ROOM up­ 5:30—George Stemey’a Orchestra. In Waoblngton: bany, N. Y. 6:45— Captain Tim Healy. Choir o f New York; 7:30—Easy Hartford, March 2 7 .-The annual State Department of Agriculture She—Is that the gas company? man.ages to draw a lot of interest.' 1980 Ford coupe, 1933 Plymouth and small parts. Colonial ^ .so Sta­ stairs flat, all modem conveniences. Aces; 8:00—Mary Plckford’s flnale, Inquire at 34 Clinton street or tele­ 6:00— Wrlghtvllle Clarion. gwenhouse tour of the Connecticut officials win be among the principal Voice—No, this ia the House of sedan, 1928 nidsmobile sedan, 1929 tion, COr. Main and Bissetl Sts. “Coquet": 9:00—Fred Allen. speakers who will appear at the Rejpresentativca. Suitor—Will you marry me, Ford roadster. Cole Motors—6463. phone 4314. 6:30—Press-Radio News. vegetable Growers’ Association will GOODYEAR TIRES. Tires, tubes DOGS— BIRDS— PETS 41 6:35— Gems from Memory. WABC-CBS, 7:15—EMwin C. Hill; be held in the North Haven section sixth annual meeting of the Connec­ She—Oh, sorry, but I wasn’t far darling? and accessories. Socony gas and FOR RENT—APRIL 1ST., modem 6:40— Studio Program. 9:66— Lily Poiis; 9:30—Bums and of New Haven County on the after­ ticut Turkey Producem’ Associa­ wrong, was I? O’-aas Widow-Can you afford to FOR SALE—MALE Chow and 4 rooms, wltli gaiage, Lllley street, 7:00—William Sheehan, Conn. Leg­ Allen; 10:00—Jack Pearl. noon of April 1 beginning at 1:30 tion, Inc., to be held in the South.. pay me as much alimony when we oils. M. Merz, 141 North Main Pekinese dog, child’s pet. 373 Common Pleas OourtToom,' Ha separate as my last husband does?- Manchester street. Telephone 6718. near Center. Inquire 21 EIro street. islator Reporter. WJZ-NBC, 7:30—Red Davlal 8:00 o clock. A. E. Wilkirson. extension A friend of this Colyum phones in Adams street. Hilllardvllle. 7:15— "The Black Chamber” . -Penthouse Party: 8:30—Lanny specialist in Vegetable and Land­ ford County Building, Hartford, no say that a certain man wno Evening Herald FOR RENT—ON MAIN street, 7:30— Fashion Revue. Ross; 9:00— Warden Lawes, drama; scape Gardening of the Connecticut April 1 at 1:30 p. m. Secretor^ promised his wife an operation aa a Edward J. Simonson, Mystic, to an-. A THOUGHT (J.XRACES—SERVICE- modem flve room flat, steam heat, 7:45-^Frank Sherry and Laura 9:30—John McCormack. State College at Stores, will direct present and marked the .spot: "DO Neither murmur ye, as some of CLASSIFIED ARTICLES FOR SALE 45 with oil burner. Phone 7812. Gaudet. What to expect Thursday: the tour to the various greenhouses nouncing the meeting, adWses that NOT OPEN UNTIL CHRISTMAS. ” STORAGE 10 them also murmur and were de­ \ADDVERTISEMENTS 8:00—Mary Plckford Stock Com­ WEAF-NBC. 1:30—Safety Coun­ and explain the numerous projects turkey growers or any one interest­ WHO SPILLED the mustard on the FOR RENT—6 ROOM tenement, ed lit the success of the turkey in­ Girl—Half of what I have heard stroyed of the destroyer.—1 Corin­ pany. cil annual wards, opera broadcast that are being carried out under thians, 10:10. CC^DNDER \P- CouDt^lz wordR to • IlMO- JOE'S GARAGE-- Special. Chevro­ Waffle? Said newlywed. It waa a modern Improvements, In excellent glass at the farms as they are visit, dustry in Connecticut or southern about her Is not fit to repeat. iBltloU. tmmbtro and obbrovlotloao let and Pontiac Sixes. Carbon re­ 8:30—Wayne King’s Orchestra. from Budapest feTHE MA3QFpftT,orr, F S : 1 Day ...... f lT\otal II eta BICYCLES II pairing. Templeton, North End found on the bam at his farm. Aft­ I Bike Shop. FOR RENT—FOUR ROOM tene­ . (SrwfiE, r«e, «f>ii AM ordera for Irracular taaarttooa ASK TERCENTENARY er inspecting the various crops New York, March 27.—(AP)__ First Student—Do you think J i Z wtU ba charged at tha ona tlnta rata. FOR SALE—MAN’S bicycle, nearly ment, all Improvement, rent reason­ growing at the Montagna farm un­ Foreign Exchange irregular; Great you’ll be able to pass this examina­ Special rataa rt>r long tarnr-xavery new. Inquire at 373 Adam.s street, able. Cal) Osano, 155 Oak street, der approximately 300 sash, the Britain In dollars, others in cents. tion? S( ORCHY SMITH " day adverttalng give upon raquaat. Hilllardvllle. Hop, Skip and Bump! Ada ordered for three or all dA>a FUEL AND FEED 49-A telephone 8816. tour will continue to the farm of Great Britain demand, 4.79 1-4; Second Student—Not unless I By John C. Terry DATA FOR PROGRAM hire a ghost writer. and atopped before tha third or fifth Charles Valentino about three- cables, 4.79 1-4; 60 day bills, 4.78 Q ADDO* -TRIES 6VERY TRiCK pancake, you hedge day wUl be charged only tor the ae> WE AIM TO PLEASE; Drop In and fourths of a mile southwest of the 1-4; France demand, 6.59; cables, 0C6RCHY Putts o u r OF HiS ONE JuSr IN T(MB, « u r tual number of imaa tha d appear­ BUSINESS SERVICES see our large heated rooms Cut KNOWS 16 SHAKE sceBctiy, HOPPER/ YOU RE ed. charging at tha rata aarpad. but FOR 8ALE1—HAY. Forrest Buck- Montagna farm, on the same road. 6.59; Italy demand, 8.26; cables. This is a government by the peo­ ^ T H I OTH8R SHIP CRASHES INTO ONE OF THE POLES no allowance or refunda can ba mad# OFFERED. 13 land. Telephone 3226. down expec'c. See Jensen, Johnson Mr. Valentino has more than 300 8.25. ple for what the people want until Bur-rve BIG RED PLANE keeps' THROUGH if AND CAREENS INTO THE FIELD BEYOND-.,,// on alx time ade atopped after the Block. Phone 6070 or 7635. WediMMlay, March 27, 1985 Commission Wants Informa­ hotbed and cold frame sash and is Demands: they get It. 16PCING HIM DovNN, Down fifth day. CALL^V. FIRPO of 116 Wells street, No ^tlll forbtda'*: dleplay llnaa not FOUR ROOM FLAT, 1st floor. growing a wide variety of early Belgium, 22.06; Germany, 40.16; UNTIL BOTH SHIPS ARC for giioil servicit and prompt de­ GARDEN—FARM- P. M. crops. Holland, 67.54; Norway, 24.11; Gray—Did Frender take his mis­ sold. livery. f^nge and fuel oil. Ice, Strickland atreet. Good yard. Chas. tion on What Towns Pbn I '— \ PERILOUPeRILOUScY NEAR THE The Herald will not ba raaponaihta DAIRY PRODUCTS 50 4:00—National Student Federation Flowem Also Sweden, 24.75; Denmark. 21.44; Fin­ fortune like a man? for more than one Ineorraet inaartleg wood .and dump trucking. Dial J. Strickland, 168 Main. Phone Program. Hall—Yes, he blamed it all on his EARTH ,„ of any a^vartUameot ordered tor 7374. The third stop will, be at Gabriel land, 2.12 1-2; Switzerland, 32.33; 6148. 4:16—Curtia Inatltute of Music Pro­ Spain, 13.66; Portugal, 4.35 8-4; wife. more than ona time. FOR SALE—COW manure 83 per gram. as Celebration. NuUle’a place which is a half mile Tha Inadvertent omiaaloa of moor* yard. Delivered. Phone 6420, James FOR RENT—6 ROOMS with all im­ southeast of the second stop. Mr. Greece, .93 1-2; Poland, 18.90; raot publication of adverttalng will ba 6:00— Baseball School— Jack On- Love ia like a plant:, it can be the Bums. provements. Rent reasonable. 17 Nutlle has two 200x40 foot green­ Czechoslovakia, 4.18; Jugoslavia, ractifla only by cancatlaMoo of tha HOUSEHOLD SERVICES alow. houses devoted to flower raising, 2.27 1-2; Austria, 18.83N; Hungary, the hardy variety and thrive the charge made for thaaarvle# rendered. Norman street Apply Mints 5:15—Skippy. A preliminary program of the All adverlleementa must conform OFFEKKD l.'I-A FOR SALE—COW MANURE 85.00 one 200x18 foot house, one 75x10 29.80N; Rumania, 1.01; Argentine, year 'round or it can be a perennial, Tavern, 203 No. Main St., Depot 6:30—Jack Armstrong—All-Ameri­ celebration of the three hundredth and only show signs of life in the In style, copy and typography with 2 horse load, delivered. Alfred Square, Manchester. and one 50x10. In addition he has 31.96N; Brazil, 8.57N; Tokyo, regulations enforced by the publlah- RE-UPHOLSTERING of sofas, odd Burns, 472 Keeney street, Man­ can Boy. spring. are and they reserve the right to anniversary of the settlement of several hundred sash. This stop will 28.12 Shanghai, 39.00; Hongkong, chairs, moth-oaten 3-pie<;e sets, chester. 5:45—Dick Tracy. offer vegetable growers an opportu­ 49.10; Mexico City (silver peso), adit, revise or lejec* any oopy con­ mattre.tsc.s a.id boa spring^ reno­ 6:00—Terry and Ted. Connecticut 1s to be printed as soon It happened to New York’s lower sidered objectionable f o r r e n t —4 ROOM tenement as pos.sibIe, the State Tercentenary nity to witness production of both 27.85; Montreal in New York, 99.37 CL08INQ HOUas—Claaalfled ade to vating. EHtlmatfea and Samples FOR SALE-—ABOUT 5 ton of good 6:15—Bobby Benson and Sunny Jim East Side; with garage. Apply 135 Pearl St. Commission announced today. flower and vegetable plants. 1-2; New York in Montreal. 100.63 ^ ^ _JT- ba published same day must be ra- Free. Phone 3616. One need pot hay. M. C. Fredericksen, 472 High­ 6:30—The Shadow. The fourth stop will be at the 1- 2. Teacher—How many seasons arc oelved by II o'clock noon: ifaturdaya have wealth to obtain ■ charming land street. 6:55— Press-Radio News. As this program will be nidelv there ? 10:10 a. m. FOR RENl'-^FOUR ROOM flat on distributed, c.specially among pros­ farm of Joseph D’Agostino on the N—Nominal. 5 : NOSES His rwal's Plane idw aro a line o f high tbnsion w ires/ e i» iw A. r. M • •"w ___ . ' results in color. Taste in selection Ridge street, modern Improve­ 7:00—Myrt and Marge. old New Haven-North Haven road Rachel—Just two. TELEPHONE YOUR of upholstery coverings can make 7:16—Air Adventures of Jimmie pective visitors to Connecticut dur­ Teacher (puzzled)—What are v v a s h in (;t o n t u b b s ments. Inquire at 25 Spruce street. ing the summer and fall, the Com­ about a mile and a half southeast After six years of experiment­ they? WANT ADS. untold beauty in the home. See our HOUSEHOLD GOODS 51 Alien. r of the center of North Haven, Mr. ______By Crane OUT OUR WAY ______By Williams 7:30—The O’Neill’s. i mission desires that as much infor­ ing. C. L. Beebe, farmer, of Beebe, Rachel—Slack and buey. QUICK / STABTA^ oda are accepted over the telaplione samples. Manchester Upholstering. FOR RENT—THREE AND four mation a.s possible about state and D’Agostino has a greenhouse 100x21 /6^ ash an d EAsy a r e > r VOU STAY RIGHT 9x12 BODY BRUSSEL rug 86.50; room apartments. Apply Manches­ 7:45—Boake Carter. Ark., has succeeded in growing cot-' SPRING AND FALL, at the CliAROE HATK given above 218 North Elm street, Manclicster, local celebration, plans be included. feet and another 30x10 feet. In ad­ ton with colored tints. Specimens of ifiJSE*. DA EMGINE. > W kjoT p a r BEHlNCt H ERE IW TH ' H O U SE, aa a eonvenlcn j to advertlaera, but Conn. Busy Since 1922. 9x12 Axmln.iter rug 89.95; 8x9 Con- ter Construction Co. 4131 or 4279. 8:00—Vivian and her Life Saver. dition he has 400 sash and makcb Nincty-flve per cent of all busl- You tftkp your hat off to a breexy T 3 THE TWO BEST TIMES the CASH RATES will o v accepted aa A letter to this effect has been sent green and tan recently were exhib­ VYHERE I CAN FIN D goleum rug 82.50: 9x12 Axmlnater 8:15—Edwin C. Hill— The Human a specialty of growing plants for neea failures are non-advcrtleers. perAonallty* too. T OF t h ' y e a r , w e h a v e rULL PATMENT If paid at the bual- Side of the News. to all chairmen of committees plan­ ited. v/OU W HEN X W ANT nata office on or before tha aavanth rug 825.00. Benson Furniture and FOR RENT—FoTTr ROOM tenc'- ning events. TO STAY IN TO BE ment, flrst floor, ail Improvementa, 8:30-:-Everett Marshall’s Broadway TO FIT MDUR NEW day following the first tneertloa of HEATING— I’ LUMHING— Radios. Johtison Block. Great Demand FITTED FOR t h ' T W O oecb ad otherwie* the CHAROE ROOFING 17 garage. 464 Hartford Road. Inquire Varieties. D RESS ON! VOU'LL RATE will be oolleotad. No raaponat- second floor. 9:00—Andre Knstelanetz’ Orches­ There is great demand for a print­ HAVE A LL SUMMER- WOR'ST TIMES OF bltity for erroTR In telephoned adi tra, Lily Pons, soprano, ed program of the celebration, manv T H ' Y E A R . will be aaaumed and their accuracy GOING TO RE-ROOF? Let us give roquesLs coming daily to the Com'- TO TAKE W ALKS cannot be guarentted. you an cstlmutc. No obligations. 9:30—Adventures of Grade. FOR RENT 4 ROOM flat on Knox 10:00—Freddie Rich’s Orchestra, mission’s headquarters in the State AND SKIP RO PES INDEX OF Also applying brick siding. Nichols AUTO INSURANC E strccL Apply 12 Knox street. Jack Pearl, Patti Chapin. Library at Hartford. Every effort CLASSIFICATIONS RooHiig Co., 734 Farmington Ave., Talk It Over With 10:30 Columbia Concert Hall. is to be made to publish as perma­ Kcnsingtiin. Tcl. Now Br.t.iln 4467. FOR RENT' -'d ROOMS upstairs, 11 ;00—The Four Aces. nent a listing n.s po.ssible. Where OMshm i f eirtha ...... h a l c o c T h t a n **" e c o u e E■ S C ^ Kngageinenta ...... Reverse ch.arKO. Stuart J. Wasley with large glassed-in porch, clean. 11:05—Leon Beiasco’s Orchestra. plan.s are incomplete, or dates not !BQ. klarr:agea ...... Real Estate and Insurance Rent 820. Phone 8096. J. F. Shee­ 11:30 —Ozzlc Nelson’s Orchestra. dciinitely set, the program will in­ Oeatha ...... han. dicate them as tentative. I93S tr NM MRVICI, INO. T. M. RIG. U. t. f AT. OFF Card of Thanks •• SUte RIdg. Tel. 6648—7146 In Memorlam . . . . •••••••• MOVING— TRUCKING- Nearly a hundred towns, already, Ix.at and I^ound . . . STORAGE 20 FOR RENT—6 ROOM flat, 1st floor, have determined to observe the Ter­ Announcements ...... also 6 room flat, second floor, all centenary. With many local com­ Perannala ...... PERRETT & GLENNEY INC. local conveniences, 27-’29 Walker street. mittees .scheduled to meet this BCARDMAN'S p r ec io u s Automebllvo and long distance moving. Dally Telephone 6764 evenings. . week, the Commission expects to ' p a c k a g e , THE RUFFIANS RUN TO A BOAT Automobiles for Sale ...... WBZ-WBZA WHICH IS TIED UP AT Automubltea for Exchariga ««••• express to Hartford. Overnight have a fair estimate of the extent a n e a r b v w h a r f . Auto Acoeaeorlca~-Tlrca service to and from New York. Tel. For Sale FOR RENT -6 ROO.M tenement, all Springfield — Boston of the Celebration on record by Sat­ fCfpHEy REACH THE Auto Repairing-—Painting 3063, 8860 ot 8864. improvements, screened porch, 86 urday night. The initial Tercen­ (JUMP/PQDMER Auto bchoola ...... f-A 8-Room Single, tlreplace, cen­ Hamlin street. Inquire 84 Hamlin tenary ceremony is little more than LI PIER JUST AS Autos—Ship by Truck ...... I tral location. Will be sold for atreet. 8 ^ THE BOAT IS Autos—For Hire ...... t Wednesday, March 27 a month away, and it la hoped that FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS Bv Blosser Oarages—Service—Storage ..••• 10 IMIHLIC PASSENGER half of Its original cost. every tpwn planning to participate PULLING AWAV. Motorcvclaa—Bleyclae ...... '••• 11 RENT HUNTING? Tell [I T ^ a t P. M. will have decided upon at least the Wanted Autoa—Motorcycles . . . It SERVICE 20-A 6-Room Bungalow, garage, al­ you want, W ’ll take care of it for SOMETIME VVHBN '|tXJ nualaeaB and Profeaelnaal Servleea most new, good lo- ^ O O 4:00—Betty and Bob. dates of its events before the publl- 1 WOULONT TRY Tt> IN ADDITION TC SILVER Lane you without charge. R. T. McCann, 4:15—Jackie Heller. qatlun of the preliminary program. HAVE NOTHi’hQ KLSC TO Businesa Services Offered . . . . . II cation. Price . . . . RUN, IF I WERE Household Services uffarad . . . . . l l - A Bus Line, De Luxe Bu.. for lodge 69 Center street. Dial 7700 Several towns Intend to hold DO, COME >^ROUnO, AMO Small down payment. 4:30—Rochester Civic Orche.*itra — *f llulldtng—Contracting ...•••••• 14 party or team trips, we also offer Guy Fraser Harrison, conductor group celebrations In county cen­ Z'LL SHCW TOO MY Florti|ts—Ni^raetiea ...... II 7 passenger sedan delivery, i’lione Several other modem 5-6-7- FOR RENT— SIX ROOM tenement, 5:00—News. ters. This is particularly true in Funeral Directora ...... II newly decorated, ample room for MARKSMANSHIP Heating—Plumbing—Roofing .•« 17 3063, 8860, 8864. room houses in all sections of 5:15—Time. Litchfield, Windham and Tolland Cnsuranca ...... u town at the price you want to flowers and vegetables. Inquire 58 5:16— New England Agriculture. counties, where tentative plans UilMnary—Dresamaktng If pay. As low as down Summer street. * 5:30—Kellogg Singing Lady. point towards co-operative pro­ Moving—Trucking—S.orage • ... tO payment. Public Paaaangar Servlea ••••..lO-A PROFESSIONAL FOR RENT—SIX ROOM tenement, 5:45— Little Orphan Annie. grams in Winsted, Danielson and Painting—Papering ...... ii SERVICES 22 6:00—Education in the News. Rockville. Professional Servlets tt Four-Room All Year Cottage all modem Improvements, flve at Coventry Lake. Fireplace. minutes to mills, three to trolley. 6:15— Air Adventures of Jimmie Up To Local Conunltteea Repairing ...... f| ANN’S BEAUTY SHOP, 13~Oak Allen. The staging of public events, Tailoring— Dyeing—Cleaning m * H Cement cellar. 2-car garage. Lot Inquire at 82 Garden street Tel Toilet Qoode ana Servlea ...••• If street. Room 11. Telephone 7341. 6:30— Press-Radio News. however. Is only one part of the 50x240. Boat dock. Built in 6723. 6:35—Time, weather. Wanted—Buelneea Se.vice .••••« II All branches of Beauty Culture, 1928. Owaier neeils aim** cash. celebration. These eventa are also EdacatloMi permanent waving, 6:45—Lowell Thomas. a means of attracting people to (RE.AD THE STORY, THE N COLOR THE PICTURE) Couraee and CUiisea I 1 Small Cottages at Coventry 7:00- -Amos ’n’ Andy. study and observe at flrst hand th" Private Inetructlon ...... tf FARMS AND LAND The giant shouted. "Bless FRENCH BEAUTY SHOPPE, If In- 7:15— Plantation Echoes. historic development of the state. my “ Now, what are we supposed to ■t ? ,...... n -A FOR SALE 71 soul." as smoke car »isiBST>itAuavice.iwe. r w. aro, u. a. pat, orr! Uu.lcal —Dramatic ...... 1» terested in a permanent come up $1200 7:30—Red Davis. The success of this feature of per­ le out of do? Just stand and furnish laughs BORN THIRTY VEARS TOO SOON T. iL M& u. a. MT. orr. Wanted—la.Iruo’ loB ...... ID and inquire about our Budget FOR SALE—FARM ABOUT 10 7:45—Dangerous Paradise. manent educational value depends the big bowl. "I see no wondrous for you?. As far as I’m concerned, SALESMAN SAM flaanrl.l Permanent CTub. Johnson Block. Fish Pond and 125-Acre Farm 8:00— Penthouse Party. sir, please make me a lad again." It Would Be Handy on State road. Six-room house, acres, 7 'room house, barn, garage, upon the initiative and energy of trick In that. What Is It all Bv Smai) Bonda—Sloeki—MoriaaaM II Tel. 3058. 8:30— Radio Nature League. local committees in the attention “Oh. don’^ get all upset, my son. BeneYe.'/ou'ae TMe B u .ln ... OpportuDltl*. II large bam, .several poultry fruit trees, on Oak Grove street! about?” >OH, NO, I'riN n o t ! weRe'sTHis 'I oJpiiNNA opew P.N ACCCXJMT) 8:45— Frank and Phil. I merely thought I’d have some m e y t O n e T b Be . mjaiTe d DEPOSIT? I don't HlEAW Uon.r to Loan ...... || houses. Electricity, good water. Terms. A. Porterfield. 68 Spruce. they give to the historic details of “Just wait," replied the Hindu. LftOY, tyiS.OOMPftH WHO IN l/o u R ©AWK, i f YOU CMARG-e. ACCOUWTSUCH PROPERLY SHAPED eye-brows 9:00—20.000 Years in Sing S in g - their individual communities. fun. I entertain myself, you see, OM, Ma.KOuiDYl t h i n k you unocksTano \ M AVe ll.lp and ..It.BCIoaa will be necessary with your new Warden Lewis E. Lawes. "You will see what strange things with such tricks, now and then. UJAS HEIiS. BEFORe 1 C(VAe D O N 'T riMNDl ME., s ir . I H.Jp Wanted—Femat...... || With people assembling from all I can do. Look, now, at all the PUTTWESE BRACs Lk t s H.lp Wanted—Mai...... II hat. Do not wear a pencil line.' ^ $3900 9:30—John McCormack, tenor. over the state and nation, the oppor­ no I lal.am.n Want.d ...... I l-a Arch 50c. Weldon Beauty Salon, Part cosh. "IF IT’S INSURANCE— Tlnymites, and you’ll argec, no "Of course, ail wee chicks like ON THEM, FRfeCKLEs7..AND cefLTAiN L-Y N o t !O d e D 10:00—Hollywood Gossip — Jimmie tunity exists to present the facU doubt.” H.lp tV .nl.d—Mai. or r .m a l... 17 Hotel Sheridan. LAPPEN CAN HANDLE IT" Fidler. shelled com. and if you’ll not look WE'LL HAVE A LOOK INTO B e. G LA O TO ACCOriMVSO- W.nitd ...... 17.A FOR RENT—Seven-Room Sin­ and traditions of Connecticut’s The smoke then disappeared T « e Situation. Wantml—F .m .l. . . . II gle and garage, large 0 O C 10:15—Madame Sylvia of Holly­ growth. A careful search and so forlorn. I’ll run and get a lot for V, THIS SET-UP O A Te YO U , M AD A Mi I, Bliu.tlon. Warn.d—Mai...... || garden ...... JOHN H. LAPPEN wood. from sight and every little Tiny- you. That ought to be a treat." V C R y lOW AT AMOUNT OoYtiU marking of old houses and sites, mite now had a wee chick’s body. Bmplnytn.nt A s.n cl...... c JOHN COCKEHHAM—Pianos tun­ Insurance of All Kinds 10:30—Mayfair Orchestra. local exhibits, and a thorough "town "Aw, don’t be silly," Scouty FOIST wiisH To oePosiT^ PM U»» StM'k—r.t.—PaaltiT-V.klH» ed, repaired, rebuilt 28 Bigelow If you are going to buy. rent 44 Cone Street 11:00—Time, weather. What a funny sight to see! ■aid. do not have a wee chick’s Dec.— Bird.— P .t...... 41 housecleaning" will do much to en­ The giant eyed them for a while UeTlOMftL U v . itock —V.hIciM ...... «■ street Phone 4219. or sell—It will pay you to consult Telephone 7021 11:05—Federal Housing Adminis­ hance the lasting value of Comiectl- head, and although I am hungry, this office. and then he simply had to smile. ^ultry and SuppMm ...... || tration. cut’s Tercentenary. I don’t want shelled com to eat." BEMK Want.d - Pal. —PoiiUrf—Btock STARTING APRIL 1st. The Maples 1:15— Hotel Weylln Orchestra. "Hello, there, chicks," he shouted. By now. the giant saw the jokej r . , Hospltel will start a Ibusli, ade­ r»H Aliy Time—.\lwaya Open! 11:30—Drama. "You’re as ciite as you can be." His laughter almos^ made Artlcl.a lor Sal...... noids, and maternity clinic. Rates At first the tots were frightened. Boat, and Acc.Horla* ...... 12:00—Shandor, violinist. jrUSTTCE H.AINE8 DIES choke. And then he said, Building Malarial...... reasonable. Conaultlng physician 12:06 a. m.—Whitehall Hotel Or­ Thpy did not seem to know never seen the likes of this be­ Diamond.— Watch..—J .w .lr . . . and registered nurse in attendance. PANTS chestra. Bethel. March 27.— (A P )—Win­ what to say. Then Scouty looked fore. Eltctrleal Appll.now—Radio .. HASTINGS 113. 95, n o w ...... $ 3. 2.'I 12:30 a. m —Hotel William Penn field Scott Haines, for many years a up at the Hindu. "What a joke, ” "Don’t worry, Tinies, I will see Fu.l and Pa.d ...... Orchestra. he said. Oard.n — ram .—Dairy Prodneia I $ 2. 95, n o w ...... $ 2. 2r justice of the peace In this town, that you’re made what you used m Hou.akold Ooudi ...... r e p a ir in g 23 ROADSIDE OFFICE and long a irlal justice, died at his “ When you said you would show to be. Right now. I think the Machln.ry and Ttola ...... us tricks, we didn't know you’d Hlndy has another trick in store.” Mu.leal In.trum.iita ...... MOWER SHARPENING, key mak­ SSI Oakland Street Toggery Shop home in Plumtree district today in mak<( us chicks. I’m very glad, his 83rd year. He leaves his widow Offic. and Stor. Gqulpm.rt ing, lock, vacuum cleaner, clock, however, that I shall have my own 2 Spaolalt at th...... Read The Herald Advs. and three daughters. head. (The Tinlea get another shock Waaring Appar.1—rura gun repairing. Bralthwalte, 62 In the next story.) (;AS BUUUIES Wtniad-To Buy ...... Pearl S t It*s Only Temporary «/ / I'm sd bfSCOURAlSED ‘ I'r!*«7l( K*»-*.t ALL CHILDREN ARE LIKE „ „ Bc.taataau ALLEY OOP ^ a w h il e ^ THATS IN THEIR EAGERNESS U IT'S LIKE GOLF Rooroa Without Board ...... Everything Is Lovely HE Ans BEAUTIFULLY, BUT t h a t . BAPflA^A /S F /N B A T .TO MASTER THE LATEST M PRIVATE INSTRUCTION 28 WELL Bv HAMLIN I RE* NOTHING SOMETHING ONE 'NEEH AND. YOU CONCENTRATE EXACT tv ^ardara Wanted ...... ".II YOUR HKMNESS, TO 'WORRY TRICK, EVERYTHING Country Board-H.acru MAM / HMM -WELL.Y’SEE. 8YTW’ OF THINGS,-TH') YEP - THAT’S TH’ ONE THING Y’GOTTA ) , ^ C 'O o a ^ TERRIOLE THE NEHT. TH E ON HOLDING THE AND IF ADWTS Hot.la—R.ttanranta ...... WE WANT TO SELECT reliable WHERE’S DAD? YOUR DAD, F002.Y. LievBD.'.' (TOR A WHILE I ABOUT, ELSE IB TEMPORARILY C LU B A N D C A N BE BO young men, now employed, with 15 HE ALL CREDIT FOR - HE REASON IS THEY ARE LEARNNS Wantad-Rooma—Board ...... THEM RATS ■ AN' ALL TH’ REST OF fe l t like a VENTRItORUIST EDITH. NEW THINGS FASTER PUSHED ASIDE FORGET A LL DUMB ATTIMn foresight, fair education and me­ SEEM TO HAVE FARED SAW--- TO IT•• THAT TH’ NON-COMBATANTS/ B U T IT ALL «M l gjaiala r .r B.at ** - HERES Rig h t .? TH' MOOVIAN MEN WHO FOROOT WHERe .THAN THEIR MINDS A B O U T y o u r ,W B MUSTN’T ApannantA riata Tanamiata.. chanical inclinations, willing to ALL RIGHT - WERE NOT MOLESTED - COMEB BACK FO O T OR YEAH. ARE PRISONERS HE THREW MIS C A N 8YDEX TH EM , exPCCT TOO Bualnaat Loeatloaa fur Raal ... train spare time or evenings, to YOUR AXE- AN’ HOW IN t i m e . ELBOW. Houaca tor Rant ...... OFWAR-iNLEMf v o i c e .'/ sSO THEY GET M U CH FROM , Buburbaa tor Root ...... qualify as Installation and Service THANKS.' ABOUT MY BUT, I’M PRETTY /MISPLACED i C H IL D R B N .y Bumiaor Homoo tor RobI experU on all types Electric Re­ War tad to Rant ...... P A L -, SURE THEV’RE . OCCASIONAUM . i. frigerators and Air Conditioning FOOZY? RmU Cotala Bar Bala ALL r i g h t — ^ rtacan i Bulldlag ter Bala . .. Equipment. Write fuUy, giving age, Baalaau Froparty for Balo phone, present occupation. Utilities Farm, and Land tar Bala Eng. In st,, Box W, care of this llea.M for Bals ...... paper. Lota for Balo ...... Ktsort Propartr ter Bale Buburbaa .tor tala ...... c* S*al Estate for Eacbarga HELP WANTED— Waated—Real Bsiat...... ______FEMALE______35 - u : . j u a .- WANTfct)—^TWO experienced wo­ men for house to house canvassing. Inquire at once. 373 Adams street Retd Hie Henid A dfi HiiHardniiB. 9*9^ wet. C 1M> lY NM MSVICI, I8C. T, M. MO. U, a. S«T. Or». , i