PUBLIC AUCTION Iuattflyfalfr ^Upittng Ffipralb REICH WANTS
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IHmrifgHter Etmttng 1|m Ui TUESDAY. ICAROH 26.1920. **SPRING OPENING** IN MANCHESTER STORES TOMORROW Mrs. George L. Betts of Wood- EMERGENCY DOCTORS The fourth of ths ssrlss of bridge atreet is chairman of the Tuesday ovanlBg setback parties wiU court to faca a charge of falling to committee In charge of the Emblem be held tonight at tbs Highland stop at a stop sign at Cottage and Doctors who will answer snier- HELDDiDOGDEAlH Oak streets. It cost him 8862 more AVERAGE DAILY OlROiaATlON club’s public bridge party, to be gency calls here tomorrow are Park Community clubhouse. The TUB WEATHER held tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 at than if he had followed the custom T h « J W . I U U ca tar tiM moatb of Febraory, IMS Tba-lAuTtod OouplM club of ttao Dr. O. A. F. Lundberg, Phone usual cash prizes wlU be awarded rsrMMt of U. H. Wsather Bumou, the Elks home In Rockville. Others for playing, and a special door ary procedure and paid 82 at the po Sooaad Ooinr«t»tlOMl eburch will S629 and Dr. Edwin C. Higgins, CASE IS DISMISSED lice station. He was flbed 82 and Hartford bold a bridge and aetbeck party to* from Manchester who are assisting Phone 4648. prize will also be given. Refresh- are Mra. Frank Balkner and Mrs. menU and a social time wlU follow the costa amounted to 88.32, mak 5,486 morrow avaoiag at 8 o’clock at the ing a total o f 810A2. Apter planned MMBber of tha Audit FUr tonight, ’Thimday iacreostog bona or Mr. and Mn. Howard Ernest Roy. All players wiU be the games. Now Open for Members— welcome. to enter an appeal but finally Bureau of ClrottlatloBt doadbMMi and mla, slowly rising KoiBey o f 68 North Elm atreet. Mr. Margaret E. Hood Circle of King's changed his mind and paid up. iUattflyFalFr ^upittng ffipralb Danielson Man Arrested Bnt teopomtiirib and Mia. Keeney wUl be asrieted by Daughters wdll meet tomorrow . Sunset Council, Degree o f Poca Mr. and Mra Walter Henry and Mr. Manchester Grange No. 31 will hontas. will omit the card party this Edward H. Keeney of 440 Keeney night at 8 o’clock at the home of street was fined 815 and coaU after Hale’s Seventh A nnual and Mta. caiariea Melaterllng. bold Its regular meeting tomorrow Miss Edna-Kennedy, 3 Rosemary week, but will bold one next week at Proseentor Decides It Is VOL. U V ., NO. 151. evening at 8 o'clock in Odd Fellows the home of Mrs. Irens Palsbaw, being found guUty of driving an au (CloosiM Advortlslag on Pago 16.) Place. Work will be on powder tomobile without proper registra MANCHESTER, CONN„ WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27, 1935. (TWENTY PAGES) Mra Albert Hem ln^ay of Sum- ball. After a brief meeting a St. cann, decorated with crepe paper the date to be announced. Winners Patrick’s social will be held, with and flowers. , at the setback held Saturday night Not Police Case. tion. He pleaded guilty to having a Bdt atreet la apendlng the week with 1934 registration In his possession. her daughter, Mra. Marjorie Find fun, frolic and refreshments for all. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John lay of Allaton. Maaa., and taking in All Grangers living within a radius A kiigg were Mrs. Wilhelroina GIgiio BLANKET CLUB of ten miles are urged to report at Forrest N. Buckland, of HUIstown and Henry Luce, first; Mrs. Henry They’d SpUt $17,000,000 Fortune 6,000 Ways! the apring flower abow of the Masa- Road and bis son Leslie H. Buckland Charged with evading responsibil achuaetta Horticultural aoclety. this "Blarney" meeting. The stand Trautman and Jack Akrigg, second f"**’'®* >°'’ely, pure wool CHILD LABOR BILL ing entertainment committee will arrived home yeaterday after spend and Miss Grace Adams and Mark ity by leaving the scene afUr the blanketa without any great expenae . for you nwer mias be in charge. ing three weeks in Palmetto, Peterson, third. automobile he was driving ran down Mra. Prancla J. Keefe of 23 Cam Florida. They drove to Florida by REICH WANTS PARITY and killed a dog owned by Mrs. bridge atreet entertained a family automobile and while there visited ItieJH'HALECi party laat night at her home, honor Mr. and Mra. Sherwood Behrend The condiUon of Seth LesUe Julia Tracey, proprtetess of the Ho --MANnHPSTFDjmNKLv. many places of Interest. Cheney, who has been U1 at his home DEUYED IN SENATE ing her grandfather, Frederick T. of 411 Center atreet have returned tel Sheridan, Edward H. Kcach of 1 Stone, whose 88tb birthday occurred from Norfolk, Va., where they went on Hartford Road for several days Broad street, Danielson, won a nolle yeaterday. Four generaUona were to visit Mrs. Behrend's brother, Mr. and Mrs. Fred T. Bllah, Jr., with pneumonia, is somewhat Im in Police Court today when Prosecu KENWOOD PURE WOOL present, and all spent a pleasant Gordon Fraser, who has been as and Mr. and Mrs. Martin Alvord of proved. tor WUUam Shea said the evidence Expected Dispute Fails to WITH ALL OF EUROPE evening. Mrs. MInnetta MacPher- signed to duty aboard the U. S. 8. this town, arp guests at the Bar- Indicated a possible basis for a civil aon of 28 Walker street, with whom alrcaft carrier Ranger and leaves bizon-Plaza hotel In New York City. Msmbsrs of St. Margaret’s circle, suit and not criminal action. STORES TO HOLD Mr. Stone makes bis home, made for the Pacific Coast on Friday. Daughters of Isabella, are reminded Mrs. Tracey’s dog. which she val BLANKETS Materialize as Measure Is and decorated the birthday cake. He to bring their returns for the sale Memorial ‘Temple, Pythian Sis ued at 8100, was killed opposite the Demands Aerial Soperiority also received numerous gifts of The Fourth Quarterly Conference of chances on the 85 award that will Seaman Coal Company yards on SPRING OPENINGI CoWs Firearm F irm things that he particularly enjoys. ters, wrill meet tonight at 8 o’clock Put Over Until Tomorrow will take place tonight at the North in Odd Fellows hall. Quests ex be made at the meeting of the circle Center street just east of the rail Methodist church. Annual written tonight. The meeting Is to be held road underpass yesterday afternoon. Over Russia, E(U)noiiiic The children's choir of the Eman pected are the two district deputies, reports will be submitted by the Mrs. Sally Hart of Hartford and at the home of Mrs. Raymond Keach was brought from Danielson — Quiet Session. uel lAitheran church will rehearse heads of the various church organ Fogarty of 109 Ridge street. The this morning to answer the charge HERE TOMORROW Loses Its Blue Eagle tonight at 6:30 as usual. Mra. Veronica Carter of PlalnviUe. ' . / Union With Russia, Elinh izations. The meeting Is an Im Final plans will be made for the meeting is to be followed by a social In court I portant one and open to all mem hour. Because Benjamin Apter, a Hart convention which is to be held with state Capitol, Hartford, March 37. bers of the church. Memorial Temple as hostess on ford j^eddler, decided to go Into Seasonal Modes b All Kbds Hartford, March 27.—:(A P )—Au-.7ately for comment. It is under- ination of the T o lish April 9. A social time with re The Mission society of the South — (A P )— The threatened Senate gust Brauer, Jr, State NRA com-1 stood they arc conferring on posji- Authorized Barbers of The Coast-to-Coast club will play freshments will follow tonight’s Methodist Episcopal church Is to 50e Down flght over ratifleation of the child pllance officer, I'ecelved a telegram ' ble further action. the Army and Navy club at setback business session, and a good attend hold a rummage sale In a store on of Apparel and Snpplbs today from L. J. Martin, chief of the ' ______ Corridor” and Retnm tonight at the Maple Street Tavern 50c Weekly labor amendment to the Federal compliance division in Washington,! TO OBEY ORDER ance is hoped for. Main atreet, yet to be -selected, on Constitution was put off today as Conn. Master Barbers In the second half of a home and Thursday, April 4. Wednesday Evening sUttng that the Blue Eagle had i Hartford, March 27 — (AP) — home match. that body voted tc delay considera On Display— Stores Are been removed from Colt’s Patent | Colt’s Patent Firearms Mfg., Co., Some CzechosloTokian Protective Association Miss Isabel L. Swift of New Bed tion of the measure for 24 hours. Firearms Manufacturing Co. The , will comply with the order from the ford. Maas., returned home today Without debate, the Senate decid Red^orated. wire Is a copy of the original which I compliance division of the NRA to Territory. after a visit of several days with BRIDGE-WHIST ed t- make the proposal, defeated went to the company, and reads as surrender its Blue Ehigles, an offi tT>C'E.NT FAUK/V.\D Rev. and Mrs. Leonard C. Harris of overwhelmingly tn the House yea follows: cial said this afternoon. This and MATTHEW MKRZ Spruce street. Rob’t K. Anderson Slae rtxS4 terday, the order of the day for noon "National Labor Relations Board acknowledgement of receipts of the MCO l>OUUN Only Four tomorrow. Bedecked with the colors that hail has found that you have violated wire from the compliance division By ASSOCIATED PRESS Funeral Director for SETBACK Inchea PLOTO PAUAM "Rev.