
International Standards for Spatial Data Infrastructures

Sam A. Bacharach [email protected] +1 703-352-3938

Copyright 2006, Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. (OGC) WhatWhat isis thethe OGC?OGC?

• Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) – Global, not-for-profit, international voluntary consensus standards organization – More than 335 industry, government, research and university member organizations – Founded in 1994, Incorporated in US, UK, Australia OGCOGC Vision:Vision: AA worldworld inin whichwhich allall peoplepeople andand institutionsinstitutions benefitbenefit fromfrom spatialspatial informationinformation resourcesresources andand supportingsupporting technologytechnology services.services. ® Helping the World to Communicate Geographically 2 Copyright 2006, Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. (OGC) TheThe NutsNuts andand BoltsBolts ofof thatthat VisionVision

Data Civil Analysis & Emergency First Providers Authorities Support Mgmt Personnel Responders

Common User Defined Interoperable Operating Pictures

Private Data and Services

Local Data and Services

State Data and Services

Federal Data and Services

Tribal Data and Services

Information Architecture: Service Architecture: Models, Transforms, Application Standards, Certified Services for Accessing, Schemas and Dictionaries Processing, Presenting Information

® Geospatial Interoperability Framework development is a key focus of ongoing OGC Helping the World to Communicate Geographically 3 TestbedsCopyright 2006, to Open meet Geospatial cross-organizational Consortium, Inc. (OGC) enterprise challenges. OGCOGC –– AA SnapshotSnapshot

• Membership is world wide – 35 countries & 6 continents – 142 European members – 35 Asia-Pacific members • Eighteen approved, publicly and freely available Implementation Specifications • Many more candidate standards in work – (4) in final edits now • OGC Reference Model defines interoperable net-centric geo architecture

® Helping the World to Communicate Geographically 4 Copyright 2006, Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. (OGC) WhyWhy Standards?Standards?

• Reduces Development Risk: – Technical – Schedule – Cost • Enables interoperability – Capability to communicate, execute programs, or transfer data among various functional units in a manner that requires the user to have little or no knowledge of the unique characteristics of those units– ISO 2382-1. – "The ability for a system or components of a system to provide information portability and interapplication, cooperative process control. Interoperability, in the context of the OpenGIS Specification, is software components operating reciprocally (working with each other) … OpenGIS Guide • Lowers operating and maintenance costs ® Helping the World to Communicate Geographically 5 Copyright 2006, Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. (OGC) StandardsStandards RealityReality

• It is a big, ugly world out there and the standards business is every bit as competitive as the software business – We compete over members – We compete over functional areas – We compete over mindshare • OGC is the world’s premier geospatial standards developing organization (SDO) of implementation interface specifications, but: – THAT IS THE ONLY PLACE WE CLAIM EXPERTISE • We have extended our internal consensus process to our external life too and forged working relationships with a number of other SDOs – some overlapping, some parallel in other fields and some merely tangential to our purposes

® Helping the World to Communicate Geographically 6 Copyright 2006, Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. (OGC) WhyWhy Partner?Partner?

• Standards defeat software stovepipes, but we must be careful not to create standards stovepipes • No single organization possesses the knowledge to do it all • Geospatial is part of virtually all human experience: – Everything happens somewhere at sometime • Location maybe so trivial that we don’t need a computer • Location value maybe so low we cannot afford a computer • Many things become possible as costs fall and usability goes up • Standards Development Organizations (SDOs) have to ‘walk the walk’ themselves – it is not enough to rail at vendors and users to ‘open up and standardize’ and then stay closed ourselves

® Helping the World to Communicate Geographically 7 Copyright 2006, Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. (OGC) OGCOGC AllianceAlliance PartnershipsPartnerships

• World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) • Digital Geospatial Information Working Group (DGIWG) • International Organization for Standards (ISO) TC 211 • OASIS • Object Management Group (OMG) • Open Mobile Alliance (OMA) • Geospatial Information & Technology Association (GITA) • Web3D • Simulation Interoperability Standards Organization (SISO) • International Alliance for Interoperability (IAI) • IEEE Technical Committee 9 (Sensor Web) • Spatial Data Infrastructure organizations (National, Regional, Global) • Taxonomy Data Working Group, others

® Helping the World to Communicate Geographically 8 Copyright 2006, Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. (OGC) WhatWhat OGCOGC gainsgains fromfrom partners?partners?

• We rely on ISO TC 211 for a foundation – What’s a feature? A ? • We rely on the World Wide Web Consortium for: – The framework of web services, Semantic language (OWL-S) – XML • We rely on OASIS for: – Common Alert Protocol (CAP) – Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) • We rely on CEN Technical Committee 287 and DGIWG for: – Resources and sophisticated user understanding and requirements • We assist our other partners – IAI – NIBS on Building Information Model, CAD/CAM – IEEE 1451 for Sensor standards – ISO TC 204 for telematics ® Helping the World to Communicate Geographically 9 Copyright 2006, Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. (OGC) OGCOGC ’’ss ApproachApproach forfor AdvancingAdvancing InteroperabilityInteroperability

• Interoperability Program (IP ) - a global, innovative, rapid hands-on prototyping and testing program designed to accelerate interface development and validation, and bring interoperability to the market

• Specification Development Program –Consensus standards process similar to other Industry consortia (World Wide Web Consortium, OMA etc.).

• Outreach and Community Adoption Program – education and training, encourage take up of OGC specifications, business development, communications programs ® Helping the World to Communicate Geographically 10 Copyright 2006, Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. (OGC) MarketMarket ImplementationImplementation

AED Graphics AG…AED SICAD…AutoDesk, Inc….Berit, a.s…Blue Marble Geographics…C-Plan AG… Ltd…Caris…Carmenta AB…CCGIS…Chesapeake• OGC consensus Analytics Corp…Choibartispecifications t.E…Christian are Michelsen Researchfreely AS…Cogent available Logic Corp…Compusult Ltd…con terra Applied Information Technologies Ltd…Cubewerx…DeLorme Publising, Inc…Demis bv…DM Solutions Group…eSpatial……Finnish Geodetic Institute…Galdos Systems Inc…GDC… GE Energy…GEF-RIS AG…Genaware…GeoArctic Ltd…Geodan Holding BV…Geometry Party Ltd…Geoserver…Geotask AG…Global Energy Consulting Engineers• Several Pvt. Ltd…GlobeXplorer…HDM…Hitachi hundred commercial Ltd…IBM and Corp…InfoTechopen Enterprisessource Ltd…Innogistic products Software implement Plc…INT, Inc…In OpenGISteractive Instruments GmbH…Intergraph Corp…International Interfaces Inc…IONIC Software s.a…iter.dk…JAVASpecifications: GIS Brazil…Laser-Scan…lat/lon…Luci http://www.opengeospatial.org/resource/productsad NV…M.O.S.S Computer Grafik Systeme GmbH…Mancke-Software…MapInfo Corp…MiraMon…MIT…Moxia Media Inc…Munisys Technologies Pty Ltc…NEC Geographic Products Inc…Naval Research Laboratory…Norkart…Novo Group…NTT Data Corp…ObjectFX Corp…Obvient•Compliance Strategies…Offshore testing Systemsand certification Ltd…Oracle Corp…Pacific program Geotech Systems•http://www.opengeospatial.org/resource/testing Ltd…PCI Geomatics…Pixxures…Polexis, Inc……Refractions Research Inc…Safe Software…Shenzhen Careland Information Systems Co., Ltd…Skylab Mobilesystems…Snowflake Software…Social Change Online Pty. Ltd…SRI International…SRP GmbH…STAR INFORMATIC s.a…SuperGeo Techologies…SWBB GmbH…TatukGIS…Telcontar…The Carbon Project…University ® of Minnesota…US Federal Geographic Data Committee…otheHelping the Worldrs to Communicate Geographically 11 Copyright 2006, Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. (OGC) EnablingEnabling anan InternationalInternational GeospatialGeospatial ““DialDial ToneTone ””

Just as http:// is the dial tone of the World Wide Web, and html / are the standard encodings, the spatial web is enabled by OGC standards, such as…

Web Map Service (OGC & ISO ) Style Layer Descriptor (OGC) Feature Model & GML (OGC & ISO ) (OGC & ISO ) Web Terrain Service (OGC) (OGC) Web Map Context (OGC) Catalogue (OGC ) Metadata (ISO 19115 & OGC) Sensor Web (OGC)

® Helping the World to Communicate Geographically 12 Copyright 2006, Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. (OGC) Web Feature Web Coverage Server Server

Web Map Server

With OGC web services, an analyst or operator can dynamically access that data which is relevant to the task at hand, directly from the authoritative data steward, using ® a variety of tools. Helping the World to Communicate Geographically (WMS) can get multiple maps

Elevation Cloud Cover Borders


Multiple overlaid maps One GetMap request:

® Helping the World to Communicate Geographically Web Feature Service (WFS-T) gets actual feature data from servers, and supports transactions

Each layer is data , not Borders Multiple merely a view : Elevation thematic Cities Country is: data layers _ Name: Italy _ Population: 57,500,000 _ Area: 301,325 sq km . . .

GetFeature request:

® Helping the World to Communicate Geographically WFS-T allows users to value-add to feature repositories. Web Coverage Service (WCS) gets actual gridded from servers

Suitability …not just a Terrain Models picture with RGB values.

/> e ” ag er ov C et :G cs w “ = pe ty e ” ag er ov C et G “ e= am n GetCoverage t en em el request: d: xs <

® Helping the World to Communicate Geographically Publishing and Discovery

• Catalogs leverage ISO conformant metadata

• Support publishing and discovery of distributed geospatial data and associated services

OGC Catalog Service 2.0, ISO 19119 Metadata Standard

® Helping the World to Communicate Geographically 17 Copyright 2006, Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. (OGC) Location Based Services

• Includes location-based emergency services, location-based information services, location- responsive instant-messaging systems and other services. • OGC's Open Location Services (OpenLS) specification provides standards framework consistent with both telephony standards and geospatial standards. • So, geospatial applications can be easily On the go developed and integrated across a range of location-aware mobile devices and networks.

® Helping the World to Communicate Geographically 18 Copyright 2006, Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. (OGC) ®

CurrentCurrent FocusFocus AreasAreas forfor NewNew StandardsStandards DevelopmentDevelopment

Copyright 2006, Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. (OGC) OGCOGC MemberMember FocusFocus AreasAreas

• RTS Continued • Real Time Services (RTS) • CADD / Geospatial / 3D • Open Location Services Integration • Sensor Web Enablement • Web-based Modeling and Simulation • Multi-source Integration • E-Commerce • Symbology and Style Management • Real time transaction services • Service Chaining / Decision • Geospatial Digital Rights Support Management • Information Interoperability / • Mass Market Geo Semantics • Enterprise Architecture ® Helping the World to Communicate Geographically 20 Copyright 2006, Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. (OGC) ®

SensorSensor WebWeb EnablementEnablement

Copyright 2006, Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. (OGC) OGC Sensor Web Industrial Process Monitor

– Sensors connected to and discoverable on the Web – Sensors have position & generate observations - Sensor descriptions available Automobile Environmental - Services to task and access sensors As Probe - Local, regional, national scalability Monitor - Enabling the Enterprise Traffic Temp Airborne Monitoring Sensor Stored Imaging Sensor Device Data

Strain Webcam Gauge

Health Satellite-borne ® Monitor Imaging Device Helping the World to Communicate Geographically 22 Copyright 2006, Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. (OGC) SensorSensor WebWeb EnablementEnablement -- OperationsOperations ConceptConcept Heterogeneous sensor network Airborne Decision Support Tools Satellite

In-Situ monitors Surveillance Bio/Chem/Rad Detectors SWE Standards focus: - sparse - mobile/in-situ - disparate - extensible - Discovery - Access Models and Simulations - Tasking - Integration - Alert / Notification Based on: (OGC, ISO, OASIS, IEEE)

- nested - national, regional, urban - adaptable - vendor neutral - flexible - data assimilation - extensive - adaptable

® Source: Dr. Mike Botts -2004 Helping the World to Communicate Geographically 23 Copyright 2006, Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. (OGC) OGCOGC SensorSensor WebWeb StandardsStandards -- GoalsGoals

• Quickly discover sensors (secure or public) that can meet my needs – and learn about what they can do (location, observables, quality, ability to task) • Obtain sensor information in a standard encoding that is understandable by the user and by software • Readily access sensor observations in a common manner, and in a form specific to my needs • Task sensors , when possible, to meet my specific needs • Request and receive alerts / notification when a sensor measures a particular phenomenon, or completes a requested task ® Helping the World to Communicate Geographically 24 Copyright 2006, Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. (OGC) OGCOGC SensorSensor WebWeb EnablementEnablement --11--

• “High-level” OGC Services supporting sensor data

– Web Map Service – request map (i.e. image)

– Web Coverage Service – request binary gridded or aggregated data

– Web Feature Service – request feature data

® Helping the World to Communicate Geographically 25 Copyright 2006, Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. (OGC) OGCOGC SensorSensor WebWeb EnablementEnablement --22--

• Sensor Web Enablement Framework - Schema – Sensor Model Language (SensorML) – models and schema for describing sensor characteristics (geolocation, response)

– Observation & Measurement – models and schema for encoding sensor observations (moving up the queue)

® Helping the World to Communicate Geographically 26 Copyright 2006, Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. (OGC) OGCOGC SensorSensor WebWeb EnablementEnablement --33--

• Sensor Web Enablement Framework – Services

– Sensor Observation Service – access sensor information (SensorML) and sensor observations (O&M)

– Sensor Planning Service – task sensors or sensor systems

– Web Alert Service – asynchronous notification of sensor events (tasks, observation of phenomena)

– Sensor Registries – discovery of sensors and sensor data

® Helping the World to Communicate Geographically 27 Copyright 2006, Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. (OGC) OGCOGC SensorSensor WebWeb EnablementEnablement --44--

• Reaching out to the broader standards / IT community

– TransducerML – XML protocol for streaming data clusters from transducers (sensors, transmitters, actuators)

– Common Alert Protocol (CAP) – developed by international emergency management community (OASIS) for XML publishing of events

– IEEE P1451 – provides “plug-n-play” capabilities for sensors; looking at complimentary interaction between 1451, SensorML, and the SWE Framework

® Helping the World to Communicate Geographically 28 Copyright 2006, Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. (OGC) OWS4OWS4 -- TrackingTracking serviceservice andand terrainterrain viewview

® Helping the World to Communicate Geographically 29 Copyright 2006, Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. (OGC) OWS4OWS4 –– NationalNational GuardGuard PostPost EventEvent MonitoringMonitoring

Review UAV over location - note red dot ® Helping the World to Communicate Geographically 30 Copyright 2006, Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. (OGC) ®

InteroperabilityInteroperability BetweenBetween thethe ““AsAs BuiltBuilt ”” andand GeospatialGeospatial WorldsWorlds

Copyright 2006, Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. (OGC) CADCAD GISGIS 3D3D IntegrationIntegration

Open Standards approach to sharing of information and services between CAD and geospatial technologies

Critical for Urban Courtesy Parsons Brinckerhoff Planning, Emergency Response, Homeland Security, Defense and Intelligence, Maintenance,

® Engineering Helping the World to Communicate Geographically 32 Copyright 2006, Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. (OGC) SomeSome CurrentCurrent FocusFocus AreasAreas

• AEC / CAD / Geospatial Working Group active within the OGC Technical Committee. Identifying opportunities for convergence between disciplines

• CityGML – Exchange, management and integration of 3D Urban Models from CAD and geospatial sources. www.citygml.org

• Building Information Models (BIM) – OGC partnership with the International Alliance for Interoperability to advance joint standards solutions for BIM. Near-term OGC testbed activity is in work.

® Helping the World to Communicate Geographically 33 Copyright 2006, Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. (OGC) CityCity GMLGML MultiMulti --scalescale ModelingModeling

Source: T. H. Kolbe: Standardization of 3D City Models • LOD 0 – Regional model – 2.5D Digital Terrain Model • LOD 1 – City / Site model – “block model“ w/o roof structures • LOD 2 – City / Site model – textured, differenciated roof structures • LOD 3 – City / Site model – detailed architecture model • LOD 4 – Interior model – “walkable“ architecture models

® Helping the World to Communicate Geographically 34 Copyright 2006, Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. (OGC) OGCOGC StandardsStandards inin thethe UserUser CommunityCommunity

• US Federal Enterprise Architecture defines OGC as essential best practice (FEA Geospatial Profile) • UK Ordnance Survey using GML format to distribute its MasterMap product • Canada Geospatial Data Infrastructure Implements OGC Web Service Specifications • NATO C3 Architecture implements OGC specifications • US DNI, CIA, NGA adopting OGC as part of their Enterprise Architectures. ® Helping the World to Communicate Geographically 35 Copyright 2006, Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. (OGC) OGCOGC StandardsStandards inin thethe UserUser CommunityCommunity

• Australian SDI recognizes OGC standards, numerous enterprise implementations • European Union INSPIRE technical architecture built around OGC specifications • OGC standards are a key component of the U.S. DHS Geospatial Enterprise Architecture • Open Location Services (mobile wireless) being built into consumer offerings from major location services vendors

® Helping the World to Communicate Geographically 36 Copyright 2006, Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. (OGC) SummarySummary

• Geospatial is (or could be) a major integrating factor in most business and government enterprise functions • OGC standards promote interoperability and lower the cost and risk to enable more ‘could be’ uses • International interoperability must be considered – OGC is being adopted globally, including the European Union, USA, Canada, Australia, and within organizations like NATO and the United Nations

® Helping the World to Communicate Geographically 37 Copyright 2006, Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. (OGC) SummarySummary (cont(cont ’’d)d)

• OGC is ‘walking the walk’ as www.opengeospatial.org are many vendors and large users – just demand it in the future! • Consider participating in OGC and other open consensus standards programs to emphasize your needs! • (You might have noticed that GRID does not show up as one of our planned uses – but it could be) ® Helping the World to Communicate Geographically 38 Copyright 2006, Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. (OGC) OGCOGC ReferencesReferences

• Adopted Standards: – http://www.opengeospatial.org/specs/?page=specs • Sensor Web Enablement: – http://www.opengeospatial.org/functional/?page=swe • OGC Reference Model: – http://www.opengeospatial.org/specs/?page=orm • OGC Web Services 3 Testbed Video Summary – http://www.opengeospatial.org/demo/ows3/ • Compliance Testing and Certification – http://www.opengeospatial.org/resources/?page=testing • List of Registered Products using OGC Standards: – http://www.opengeospatial.org/resources/?page=products • OGC User – case studies of OGC implementations in the global community – http://www.opengeospatial.org , click on “Press Room”

® Helping the World to Communicate Geographically 39 Copyright 2006, Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. (OGC) CommunityCommunity ReferencesReferences (2)(2)

• Geospatial Standards Return on Investment Study: – http://gio.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/ROI%20Study.pdf • Geospatial Profile of the Federal Enterprise Architecture – http://colab.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?GeoSpatialCommunityofPractice • NATO C3 Technical Architecture – http://nc3ta.nc3a.nato.int/website/book.asp?menuid=15&vs=3&page=ra tionale%2Fapb.html • INSPIRE Technical Architecture – http://inspire.jrc.it/reports/position_papers/inspire_ast_pp_v4_3_en.pdf

® Helping the World to Communicate Geographically 40 Copyright 2006, Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. (OGC)