Clans, Tribes and Their Locality in Chechnya, Albania, Afghanistan and Iraq
Appendix Clans, Tribes and Their Locality in Chechnya, Albania, Afghanistan and Iraq While compiling the lists with clans the author found that in some cases lists do not (completely) overlap. Since the sources are trustworthy, they are indicated here. This shows the importance of correct knowledge of clans and their influence in the areas they are inhabiting. 1 Clans in Chechnya1 Confederation Clans Localisation A’kkhiï Bartchakhoï, J’evoï, Ziogoï, In the east of Chechnya, Pkhiartchoï, Pkhiartchakhoï, near Daghestan; North of Nokkhoï, Va’ppiï Daghestan Malkhiï Amkhoï, Bia’stiï, Bienastkhoï, In the south west of Italtchkhoï, Kamalkhoï, Chechnya, along the frontier Kkhoratkhoï, Kiegankhoï, with Ingushetia and Georgia Mechiï, Sakankhoï, Teratkhoï, Tchiarkhoï, Erkhoï, Yamkhoï Nokhtchmakhkoï Aïtkhaloï, Belguiatoï, Benoï, East, Southeast and part of Biltoï, Guandarguenoï, central Chechnya Guiordaloï, Gouonoï, Zandak’oï, Ikhiiroï, Ichkhoï, Kourchaloï, Sessankhoï, Tchermoï, Tsientaroï, Tchartoï, Eguiachbatoï, Enakkhaloï, Enganoï, Chouonoï, Yalkhoï, Yaliroï Terloï Nik’aroï, O’chniï, Cho’ndiï, Along the Tchanty-Argun Eltpkh’arkhoï 1 M.A. Mamakaev. Le taipe (lignee) tchétchène dans la période de sa désintégration (Grozny: Maison d’édition tchétchéno-ingouche, 1973), 18–19 in Viacheslav Avioutskii, 54. © koninklijke brill nv, leiden, ���� | doi:10.1163/9789004415485_013 Charlotte Hille - 9789004415485 Downloaded from Brill.com09/30/2021 01:32:57AM via free access <UN> �36 APPENDIX: CLANS, TRIBES AND THEIR LOCALITY Confederation Clans Localisation
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