GLEANER May 24, 1983
TL AtLite, (LA GLEANER May 24, 1983 Featuring: ATLANTIC UNION COLLEGE More Than Hotel Managers: THE DEANS AT AUC BY GARY GRAY College Relations Mountain. Other series have dealt with the meaning of life, spiritual quests, and during the Christmas season a close ex- amination of the infancy narratives of Luke and Matthew. But perhaps most importantly, Robinson himself reflects the balance he tries to instill in the young men of his dorm. He is an alumnus of Columbia Union College with a history degree and a master's degree in religious education from Boston College. An office lined with books reflects his love of reading and ideas. His chapel presentations are creative and articulate. On the physical side, in addition to being a good all-around athlete, he has also run the Boston Marathon four times and this year coached a basketball and softball The Deans of AUC meet for a Dean's Council Meeting in the of- fice of the Dean of Students, Bud Dickerson. team. Similarly, Dean of Women Carolyn Trace, commits herself to what she calls a developmental attitude in running Deans. How do you define what they do? They are part Preston Hall (the Women's Residence Hall). She wants to parents, part policemen, part counselors, rule enforcers, create an atmosphere where women beginning adulthood general encouragers, reluctant disciplinarians, good friends, can have the freedom to make decisions for themselves spiritual advisors, et. cetera. within a limited amount of guidelines. Hence, she en- But Frank Robinson, AUC's dean of men, resists the im- courages them to assume the responsibility in developing age of the dean as a quasi-parent or quasi-policeman.
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