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^AGE FOURTE^ Manchester Evening j Herald Average Daily dreabition The W ca th ^ t ■ FM- Om Moeth ef May. 1M 4 Foreeaat of ii. S. Weatbor Ri^cau X'-'

'''I 8,732 '^Falr tonight and Sunday;.•light­ About Town 7 Meaber of Um Aadit ly warmer; moderate .wtnda. s; Banaa dl Oirealstloaa HALE'S SELF SERVE Weekend Manchester-—A City of Village Charm t ; WUham P. Slover, ■uperluleai* K «B l of in * Mancheater Memorial * ‘Thi OriR*n»* i" New England! V • ■. 6TWELVE PAGES) PRICE I'HKEE CENTS l^'Aoapltal. be the apeate at rOL. LXIIL, NO. 226 V (Ulieelltd Advertlotag oa Page 14) M ANCHESTER, CO NN „ SA TU R D AY, JU NE 24,1944 1; a s meeUnjf o? the lla ^ e a U r I!, KiWants-elab- at =tho Country club PREPARE FOR IT AT HALFS next lipnday noon,' Hla aub]e(A FOR SATURDAY! -fi telU be *Our Jtoyilil aw* ▼«»»• & will be'^ArtWonced b y Dr. D. / c T T . M o o i« . The attMMIance « will be dobated by President IX M f Krctt Keith* ‘ N T-:,* Hale's Bread v JBaihiiig Suits Klnyaley Kuhney,'or Henry Wlnchell Smith’s 100% u on •Areet, ia planning to m w e hla family; to their liew home bn Ard- iBoie road next week. Whole Wheat Bredd MlM Barbara Hubbard, of 179 Dressmaker Suits ■ Main atreet, entertained a number M her High echool frienda at her Hale’a home laat evening. The houee was Rayon seersucker — flowered broadcloth — strip ^ broad- ^ beautifully decorated with garden cloth and .seersucker. One-piece with flared skprC. Rayon eds Eatvia Borders Each 25c Only^ Bowera and light refreahmenta Coffee Cakes jerseys. were aerVed. Kenneth Walker, of lil Main Two Piece Flowered Chintz, Fliidwered Broad- street who-recently bought a n w Domiho Gingei'v Ale borne on Ardmore Road, from the ^Uexander Jarvia-Op., haa moved 32-Oa«c.B.HI..! ' 3 IHI,. 25c cloth. Faille, Printed Rayon Jerseys, Size 32 to 40 Ilia fam ily to their new home. 26 Dead and M Injured in Wake of Tornado (Contents Aunt Jemima All Fun>oae TAU. OBDARS 25-I.b. Bag $T.23 GPs Examine German ^Bazooka* B 1 M 6 O Flour $3.98 to $8.98 .ussians loys Sm TONIGHT Bull Dog or Crowa ORANGE HALL. Jar Rings . 6 d . . 25c \ ' Deep in Outer Shell; Crown 2-Plece ------X \ In New Offensive; \. Mason Caps ~ u o . . 2 1 c \ X ■ About Mile to Port Crown Advance in Finland Mason Lids Dos. 11c X Fight Forwaril Slowly lattle Swollen Streams j Ami All But Reach \ Shorts And Considerable Mud j Yankee' Submarine Elanes Attack Foe Sea on Both Sides Ball Glass Top Moson Jars White, Navy. Powder Blue and Brown. Sizes 10 lo M . Northwest of Vitebsk;] Benson SI New Drive Detracts; Sinks Jdp Carrier . Behind Battle Line O f Besieged City in Hand « to • Hanil Bat­ V ym I'l liiw MO a ' Pints 83c Dozen Nothing from Push Marauders Rip Vp Four tle With Germans Re­ Toward Helsinki and i Reported Addi- Nazis Offer Quarts , 89c Dozen $2-29 to $3-98 Second Place German Gun, Posi­ sisting Frantically; Liberation of Lenin-1 tion to Disaster to Extra Size in Brown — 34 to 40 W 'alst...... $4.98 tions Blocking Infan­ ) 111 Sight of Docks. Wegner grad-Murmansk Road. Nipponese Navy %ry- Stiff Fight; NORMAN Seems IFo Be try Before Cherbourg. Suprem* Headquarters Al­ By Eddy Gilmore ing to Give Saipan Aid. Orange and Grapefruit Allies Gaifi lied Expeditionary Force, Moscow, June 24.— (A’)— G o in ^ B e g ^ Sapreme- Headquarters - A1-- June 24.r‘^/P)— U. S. dough- BENTZ lie Red Army, in a new cen- U. S. Pacific jieet Head­ Juice 2 Cans 35c Jantzen PolG Shirts lied Expeditionary Force, boys smashing yard-by-yard I n l front offensive thah-was quarters, Pear^l^arbor, June Fifth Army Occilpies SHEET METAL WORK June 24.— (/P) — American deep into the powerful outer Beautiful colors in yellow, pow­ in integral part of Allied Bricker, Warren Maib* 24.—'

■V i.' -Si Built Puny Arm ■ i , ' Into Powerfitl AAF TER DIRECTORY

Mttor’a Note: .pot>l»le «M M r tm »vl*tkNi, Gea B . ’ V b ta r AraoM organized USINESS SERVICES air force’’ wIio m B* ■tty l a l M Japan. Bern t i Mw nNar •< til* " o * * " * ^ ■w a nlMoa palaoaal aaperrtolon ad m > Twoottoth Air Force wee I o< a ewl*e of major ae- Garden Tools Sofskin Qremd for Garden fidndt la bnUdlng Fred’s Package Cook's Service Station i'alr Mperlorlty. Victory hflnds are busy hands and need "apedal at> Must Be Good tention to keep them smooth. - I By S. B v to a Heath Store Popular Is Always Dependable N B A Staff Oorreepo|»dent an ideal gift for a eonvaleseent. WaBtlngton—Gen. Hehry Harley Also Sharp So That UnuMually Fine Stock o f How long la It since you have pay you In the' end for many a A ^ o ld haa buUt tbia naUon'a puny costly repair job cornea from ne­ 60e-$1.00 V had your car serviced the Cook's glect »nd surely today la not the Your Work Will Be air force Into the moat pow* Wines Always on Hand Service Station way ? If you think time to be careless with anything Easier to Perform. ailful raiding and fighting organl- At This Spot. that the Service offered by Cook’s mechanical You will be well aation la the world. The vi|or and pleased with the courteous way In. Service Station U Juat a rouUne Manchester iq general Is rejdic- < WELDON BEAUTY STUDIO efficiency o f hl« A A F adrolhlatra- matter you have an extremely which you are treated at tola Ser­ Manchest^ people have long vice Station. The'pricea are very ing over the rains we have been tibn have eerved to befog the fact ptetksant surprise In atore for you. since dissbvered a package atore There la no better way to prove reasonable for the service given getting, and ' they certainly were that General Arnold la our Num­ th^t ..offers them everything they this than to take your car up to here and best of all when the Job needed. The gardens are perking is finished, you youraelf feel aatla- up and our poor parched lawna are ■V:' ber One Arm y filer etlll ueing the ask 'for ajid even, a few things the Greri^ and drive In at Cook’a THE CAR YOU OWN H IG H G R A D E \ ' Service Station, say to the man In fled. ' ' green and luxuriant looking once oontroli. they had overlooked—Fred’s Pack­ It might be a good Idea to phone more. One thing certain, tot . . if In running order. Is a In April, m i, 2nd "Hap ” Gen. “ Hap” .Arnold charge there,^ "Give the car thd; age store located at 117 Spruce works" and thep wait. Of course,' Cook’a Service Station and^ grass la growing aa 'fast as the real asset. W e are atiU a long Arnold waa one of the flrat, five, an appointment If your car trouble weeds, and that means the iswn PRINTING so he had to give way to a lighter street. Mr. Bocchino has practical­ we cannot say jiiet how long you ways from aew ears. Let us men aent by the Army to the ly everything In .the line of liquors will have to wait, lb all depends it not a pressing one, the number mower must be used often these Wright Brothera’ field at Dayton, pilot; help keep your present car la JOB AND COMMBRaAL ■rtat small scar on his chin wag that youlcan think of, in fact his upon how many adjustments may Is 399«. This will enable the repair days to keep ahead of a fast ethere Orville Wright taught him stock coniprlaes many things we be necessary to put yoi>r car In man to p t your car at the earll- growing hay crap. Did you take the beat possible mechanical PRINTING to fiy one of the kites that passed ifcceived bn a flight from Salem, Mass.. . to Bridgeport, Conn., In thought'were not available.' first class running condition— but eat mprnent and save your waiting your lawn mown over to J. R. condition. Be consistent nbont an airplane In those days. Prompt nod BIHident PrintiBS 1912, when he crash-landed on the Wines seem to be Increaalngly this we can promise you — they too,iong a time. Bralthwaite to have it sharpened having It checked and serviced •Gne-other word of advice comes this season? If not, well bet you of AU Klada. The course took two months. ocean near Plymouth Beach. While popular, perhaps one reason why will not do anything that la un­ r from the repair man at Cook'a Ser­ are sorry now, for nothing works here. It wtILpay. Arnold received hla wings after he hung onto the wreckage he saw patrons of Fred’s Package Store necessary, they are too busy t o It'.'vice Station. If you have not al- harder than a lawn mower that la COMMUNITY PRESS 140 minutes of soloing, and m - a volunteer rescue party of two old have purchased more of these late­ fuss with any servicing that la A. B. Hnimee J. W Bars Veady formed the habit of having dull and out of adjustment, eeWed U. S. Pll 'a License No. 29. men In Civil W ar uniforms turn ly la because they have learned necessary. They will. how e^. go Cor. No. Main and No. 'SdMOl yobr car checked regularly, juat as If you have trees In yoUr yard COOK’S SERVICE ST A. From that day to this, he has back because, they muttered, any­ that there is such s vast differ­ ov«r y6ur car, advlae Manchester Green Phone S9M Streets — Telephone 8121 what they deem neceaaat^ and put a matter of routine, bettei start we’ll bet you run over bits of bant fleam regularly If not continuous­ body foolish enough to try to fly ence In toe brands of wines. As we it In flist class runnin/ftorder. right iA,now. It win save you or twigs now and then in spite of ly. wasn’t worth rescuing. of today become increasingly Nor. haa hla flying been merely Runs th* SmneAs Hew rioney, time and trouble. It is your most careful attention and it In .1934 he received a second familiar with wine, we realize that smart to batch trouble before It ' pro forma. He never goes out now Remember how' smoothly your certainly'can cause havoc, with a Maokay 'Trophy for leading a flight just any brand of wine will not do catches you, and your repair man Get .Your SnppHce Of ■ without « co-pllot- In that he is that there Is a.” art In the mak­ car performed,-When It waa new? good mower. I f this Is the case, Landscoprng of 10 Martin bombera from Wash­ W ell no one,'CM make an old car is trained to dH ^t minor difficul­ why not take your lawn mower l^wying hla own order, iaaued when ington to Fairbanks, Alaska, and ing of wine. In Ita aging as well as ties before they cause too much 3 the death of Oen. Oscar Weatover, In its tue. Mr. Boochino can tell Into a new one— and don’t we all over to J. .R. Bralthwaite and let and Ox-Lin« Paint back, demonstrating that this wish It^tSould be done? But the trouble. ' . him sharpen It and adjust It. You In a crash at Burbank. Cal., vacat­ you far more.df this_then we can, country could be bombed« from next,,besf thing la to have It tuned Remember Cook’s flervlce Sta­ will be amazed how quickly he can Now for Those ed the office of Chief of the Army he will advise you just what kinds Alaska If we were careless enough un^y a reliable sendee station tion at the Green the^iiext time put It Into first class shape for Tree Surgery Painting Jobs. Air corps, to which Arnold was to lose that outpost. He has a D. 8. to purchase and how to serve them you want your car serviced,— It will promotfid. But hU early record shch as Cook’s, Drive qver soon you. C. for the record-breaking 77-hour to their best advantage. pay you to go there. demonstrated that he la a topnotch and have your car checked. It will Everyone In Manchester thinka Conn. State ‘ Liccnaa and 11-minute flight from Brisbane IMvlded Into Twq Classes Manchester filer In his own rtght\^ of Mr. Bralthwaite when a key to San Francisco. In September, Roujdily speaking, wines are Ited Spencer corsetiere whfbl; Work Carefully and ------■oootda^------ia lost. 'H e will make a new ke^^ 1942, after be h*a comptetod « divided Into two classes, white means shs is fully qualified to take for you In short order and save Neatly Done. Hardware Co. In June 1911, Immediately upon tour of the Pacific war zone. wines and red wlnea, but under Good Support care of your corset problems and you the expense of a new lock. Did Peter Oansaae — Joeeph Barrett | graduation as a pilot he became He never has flown In ■ combat, these two claaslflcattma you will Propa. that her advice can be depended you know that Mr. Bralthwaite la iH i an instructor at the Arm y’s new because tala orgsnlsing and ad­ find many kinds of «TOe. Have you upon. Phdne fo r an appointment also an expert on repairing broken JOHN S. WOLCOTT A SON 248 North Main Street tried sparkling burgundy recent­ Often Needed 1000-acre field at College Park, ministrative ability was vlUlly now and 4ee how much better you locks? If you have a stubborn in HolUstar lit. Pkona 8601 TeL 6265 Md. ' I needed. When World W ar I broke, ly? How about a good brandy «o will look and feel a month from lock tha’ .wlll not work, don’t *' A ywM* 1fct©r h* M t m Altltud# he was one of only 36 Arm y offi­ top off your meal with? Mr.. Boc­ i now. throw It aWqy. Take It over to 52 tmiord of 0640 feet in a Buigess- cers qualified to fly our 56 obsolete chino has several excellent brands Many W omen I^ack Pep Pearl street And have Mr." Braith- W right plane. In July and August, military,planee. But he was sent to. of brandy. If you like to mix your waite fix It for" you. IM C he made several recorda In the Canal Zont tp organize air de­ own cocktails you will find an im­ Berause Proper Corset Mr. B raithw ^te’S work shop Is Johnson Bros. ArmyNaUcmal Guard maneuvers ported vermouth at Fred’s Pack- J. R. Bralthwaite fense there, andthenceforth ’ was Is a Sure Reineily. Marlborough well equipped to repair all kinds Electrical Cointraetors in Hew York and Connecticut. In kept in Washtngtoil untU hostlll- gae Store, also Imported chana- of things and it would be well to Keys Made, Locks Repaired October. 19 12 , he won the first ties were over. pAglia Unavailable here. Mr Boc­ think twice before discarding 58.8 Mite Street IfaekaylTrophy for toe first recon­ \ Supported MitekaU chino also stocks a fine' domestic How is your Victory Oanlen A t the Bond Rally last Thurs­ houaehold gadgets that do not Tooto Oroond naissance flight—a ’aO-mlle round- InevtUbly. Arnold waa > sup­ brand which IS heartily approved coming along? Is it fun to dig day evening, postmaster Forrest work for they are almost impossi­ Tck 6227 • 7606 ,/■ ' tylp In a 40-horsepower Wright bi­ porter of Gen. .when by hla cuatomcra. around In It and are you enjoying G. Tbatcner and Marshall Nichols ble to replace. Let Mr. &nith- Lawn Mowers Sharpened plane. The plane’s two propellers, that ardent- prbtagoniat of air The right temperature means so widte loojc ttftm over and nine getting out In the fresh air and of Blast Hampton were on hand Wt Will Glady GiTs Yon in tandsm, were operated from the power was being squelched by the much In serving wines and cham- and sold 83,975 Worth of bonds and times out o f ten, he will tell you Electrical Utilities motor by ebaine and sprocketa like reactionaries. Though he was more ’pagnb and if you are in any doubt sunshine or are you feeling some­ that he can make them work like Batimates. what dragged out and wondering stamps- The town’s quota is $4,D00 Re-Conditioned \ a bicycle and achieved the cruis­ tactful than Mitchell, he did get about this, why not ask Mr. Boc­ and the town haa since gone over new. 'Manchester’s handy man ia chino about it. You will find him juat how you are going to have ing speed of 48 miles an hour. Into difficulties at times. He was toe top, being one of the first in located at 52 Pearl street, phone Blectrte iW Arnold sat on the wing. The air one of the few officers who ven­ extremely pleasant and helpful In pep enough to can those vege­ 4200. He ia kept bvisy these days Gone Repaired tables? the state to do sa Durihg the eve­ Baogea — Befrigaratora waa so bumpy that part of the tured to defend General Mitchell telling yOU; about this. In fact, one ning toe Ofahay Kinghom orches­ but not a person begrudges the thing that'has made this place ao If you are loiing'-some of your time spent In waiting, foe they 52 Pearl St. Phone 42Q0 time he couldn’t look at hie map at toe latter's court martial, and in tra played for dancing. popular is, i^ d e from the excel­ vitality and pep, it might be. you know the work la done In '*> first The feat waa. In iU time, an epic. i92« he was officially reprimanded Local schools closed Friday, lent quality of the gooda he car-; are. in need of a goo^ foundation class style when .it ia finished. He was the first man to fire i for too bluntly supporting MaJ. June 16 for toe summer vacation. ries, the real Interest shown, the garment to suppo^' you. Now machine-gua from toe air; ha was Gen. Mason F. Patrick's demand Mr. and Mra. Henry Sweeney for reorganisation of the Air advice given and . the feeling that this does not mean that you are George, the “Farmer King” BILL'S TIRE the first pilot to fly air mall—a overly stout, slender people too, and daughter lEletty of East H art­ We Have Been in the flre-mlle hop between two fields on Corps. j Mr. Bocchino la not merely Inter­ need a good support. Why not ford are at their cottoge here for King George I of England was I and Long Island; he was the first man Arnold now IS one of the fig ested Sq making a sale, but wants Plumbing and Heat­ call M is . Mary McPartland, phone toe season. to direct artillery fire by observe Five—Leahy, King, Marshall, Sorrfb his cuatoiners to have the l»a t he nicknamed “ Farmer George" be­ 7654^ and have her come over to Mrs. Eric Nelson has returned cause he expressed the opinion ing Business for Many REPAIR SHOP' tlon In toe air over a plane-carried ervell and Arnold—who nm our can give tiftem. It is not merely the your. house and prescribe Spen- to-her home In Brooklyn. N. Y., that Hyde. Park should be usei^l ^radlo; he was to halve been the part of this war.- He Is a full- highest priced merchandise that la Wm. H. Green. Prop...... ^ cer Foyijdatlon lor you? after spending i, week here with for growing turnips. Years. first man to drop, a bomb from fledged four-star^ general. .The Job advised for use, but that merchan­ dise that Is best fitted for the oc­ FoundatlOB Carmeato friends. Columbia and Elk Bieycles.| > - f ' V lane, but the craft wouldn’t lift he has done will be written large I Mra. Robert Waterman la In the Rely on our hxperience and casion that Is suggested by Mr. You know that these Spencer Soth "H ap" Arnold and the bomb, In the final history of this war. Hartford hoapltal for observation. seriice for best resnlts. ft Bocchino. Foundation 0*rmentB cannot be U. S. Tires. O verly Fenton of Poquonock la QUAl-ItT r 'i t V / . I f you are one of the few peo­ purchased In stores. . The _ Spen­ visiting her grandparents, Mt. and PRINT IN Gl Repairs. Service. ple that have not been over to cer people feel that they best serve Spriice street lately to vtalt this, toelr ouatomers by having factory Mra; Harry Fenton. Ihie printing Johnson & Little Aeceasoriss. Mra. Thomas Elliott o f Concord, Crooked Dollars Cross popular package store, drive ov4r trained representatives come, right Job we do for v\ V \ N. H.. a former resident o f this ~ 145 MAIN STREET soon and see why so many Man­ into your home and measure you y o u will 180 Spmes St. Phone 545C place has been a guest for several Phone 5876 chester people think of Fred’s fo r your garment. By doing tola, prove eatta- days of Mr. and Mrs William Package Store when they need yoi|r foundation la exactly right haffory, be- •X. Path of Price Control Zerver. good liquors. '* . for 'ypii-—not just nipped In here eause It arlll and out there to fit you, but be pitidneed by-nighl operators have 'sprung designed for your own particular modern, elWetent osethoda. Get "^ G IB S O N ’ S KRAUSE'S- Qieatfl Dip Sticky Fin- up, chartering boata at fantastic figure. . I f you have never ex­ our'estlinate. prlcea to bring the fruit in from perienced toe comfort you can See The Dependable Quality — flervlaa! GARAGE] GREENHOUSESI gera into American Columbia H. Olbsadi Prop.' Central America and htexico, and get from * garment made juat tot i t e » Hartford l Pocket books to Boost then selling only to dealers who you, why not■ callcaH Mrs. McPartlahd "Wine Doctor WILLIAM H. SCHIELDGB . \ pay them over-ceiling prices. The Columbia Dairy and poultry and let her come^ over to your 186 Spraee Street TeL flpeelalizlag Is club was organized at a meeting Living Costs. Fish—There’s a cute racket here hou.se ? 'V.. BBAB . which was held with JSmes Lald- ‘ ■ At In acme kinda of fish much In de­ AH Doing ExtritxM’prk Whdal'Aitgamort. law, Tolland County 4-H leader, at By Jamee Marlow mand, wholesalers pay OPA cell­ Extra work la no novelty to the the home . of David Sharpe on BraSa aad Washington, June 24.—(J’h.-Tbe ing prices for that kind of fish women of Manchester. Tjiey afe Thursday evening. Donald Robin­ busy at all kinds of dlfferent^ork, FRED'S B l a g path of price controls Is crossed by but then have to buy on the side Carhoretar son of Post Hill U serving as lead­ toelr houra are longer, they are a lot of ’’garbage’" fish which no­ er and the oflioers' are: President, crooked dollars. Cheats dip their on toelr feet so much more and ’ aarvtesl body wants. Tbe Wholesalers David Sharpe; vice president, W at PACKAGE Uat ffl sticky fingers into Aiherican in order to do this, they juqt have throw away the useless fish and lace Lohr:'secretary anil treasurer, 185 Mate SL Phone 5012 rotted pocketbooks. ,Their tricks boost i sell the ,?ood kind■ to retailers at Robert Tuttle. Other members to feel well. It is amazing how living costs. And their tricks are over-celling prices. The retailers are'. Barney and Morris Kasaman, milch different you feel at the end ^ STORE widespread. sell to you at over-ceiling prices, Harold Jensen, Marshall Nuhfer, of a long, busy day when you are ' ^ 117 Spnice Street^' /‘{'ffP yOUP CAR In the year ahead O PA— with a too. • > and Emil Sadlon. The next meet­ properly supported. Doctors in Cattle and Poultry \V/TTH GUNS BLAZING and r prayer in their lives, as well as yours,,are now at stake'. ataff of lawyers and inycstigators Counterfeit Ration Coupons . ing will be held at the home of factories are advising women to. -The proper wines, property AT FIGHTIHGfAR ./. totaling about 4.700 . rsipes to do have proper garments to work In, qerved with the right foods, eaa Bily Your Hardware | Ypu cannot—you must not—let them down. And Her* Are Sugar— Illegal liquor-makers Marshall Nuhfer on July 20. Are Bringing Top PricesI his stout heart, this American fighter is they kqow that It means every­ add much to your eojoyuiaat at ‘ 1 a better job thun it has been able work In this Held. They coun­ Boyd Tuttle is a patient at the thing to' a woman to be properly a meal. For the la wtnea Ity H avtai It Serviced At 5 MORE Reasons to do so far.. But without the help terfeit ration coupons to get the Hartford hospital receiving “treat­ and Hbaaetearea PEED hell-bent on destruction of our enemies. HE Is it asking loo much of you to back these of local boards the job would be fitted. W hy not call Mrs. Mc­ for every noc:asloa. oome here AFAkJ'C SERVIUB sugar or even set up phony spft- ment for an ear Infection. Partland and ask her advice on and get oar adviee, too, ragard-, V A r l 9 sTA-noN for Buying EXTRA Bonds Impoasible. ^ drlnk firm* In order tO buy from Mr. and Mrs. David Hunt of is not thinking of how little or how much he's ifien up by buying more, and still. morCr^X'^ar ^tieatlng At All |>evelik West Hartford spent part of their this m slter? - She Is an aocred-. Ing the servtog o f aame. 4 tf Hartford Bead TM. * Needs at MOON'S FEEI the wholesalers., rOB RBSULTSI in the 5lhl There are 600.000 food stores, •Lumber—Upgrading Is the vacation at:. tne home of hla par­ 'doing to help win the war. For him, the chips Bonds? There can be but one answer. You’ll 500,000 restaurants, and a total of ents, Mr. and Mra. Clayton Hunt, trick. That |s, they represent '1,700,000 retail outlets. In addition this past week. . • the liimber as being a better p a d e EXPERT REPAIRING CAMPBELL'S'; are down; but his fighting spirit is as high as find it in your own heart. I . War Bondf -ar* (he best, the tafett In- are all the thousands'of manufac­ tlvin It is. Thi.s has heen worked turers. and wholesalers. The cheat­ For overworked feet, rub with ON ALL MAKES OF CARS veement in the world! on the armed fori^es and op 'fur- castor oil and put on little white CHRYSLER, DESOTO, PLVMOtJTH Hardware Store LARSEN'S the heavens frotn which his. plane is diving. And remember, too, as you dig deeper than ing occurs at all level*. n.ture manufacturers who need The followlngooutllne—given by cotton socka with draw stringa yE2BD SBRVIOE ' 2 . War Rondr return you $4 for ever>' $3 liimher. , ; , >' run through t h y ^ U f f s ^ ' tpr. Main and Middle Tpk. .-QPA pfricjal8-: Bl8t>,w«,tbe extent q{ . SI ANP GEiraNE ^ Jn^ui^piped fojfholes and, (disease-infested ever before inter your pocketbook or^ cash in’/lFyeara. v . .cheating, and black marketing, It W astepaper^' upfef .jdCWw- no means takes In sU the crook­ Collectors, upgrade the paper they^ ""jUn^es, on suW-scorched bea(chlleads--- urid^ ft^urpluis, tfiS: the raise 3 .' War Bondi help ke^pricet down. ed work. sell to the mills. Mills doing war EXPERT AUTOMOBILE REPAIR WORK Iff > Gasoline— worst and most wide­ work' arid ' badly' needing paper 4 - IC'ar Bondi will help win Ate peace by - J ' . ■ ■ ; . ' , ■ ■ ' . . . and o v ^ ^ e ^ e v e n seas—other Americans, are 16 billion dollars. It is the ^redlfst tlrwe spread. Racketeers, with edtmter- doir’t get It when, trying to Stay T. P. Hollbron increaiing purchasing power’-ifierube within OPA regulations, they re­ . Griswold's falt gas- coupons, have -moved in. p u n e r a l /h o m b ' matching his courage. And their name is legion. die world has ever known ... to back up the war. : - 'niey drain away millions of gaJl- fuse to pay the crooked prices. DEPOT SQUARE g X r AGE .ona IpUnded for legitimate,' per- Then the paper goes to mills ...Eapccialiy Fords. Afar- Atlantic - 5 , V tt Bond* mesa tdocatlon for your which just want paper and are Ernflflt Roy, Prop. eoavaottat They KNOW that war is a bloody business; that ^aUst invasion drive the world has ever known. mltUd ua«. carya and Lineotn Zephyrs. children, security for you, funds for ' III food there it, chiseling in meat,, .willing to take part in the cheat­ AR Work • " ‘ 241 NO. MAIN STREET TBU 51U Service 'Station butter, poultry, ’'bananas, fish, ing by paying the upgraded prices. 289 Mate Street retirement. ~ sugar. 'There 'la swindling In Swiw » Ai^intely Gnaranteedl Starts With Slaughterers wratchea, new radios, garden tools, MOBILOIL — MOBILGAS Meat—stars with slaughterers. innerspring mattreasea, all aorta Gaiioral, - BUY MORE THAN BEFORE of household electrical appliances AMBIILANCB 8BRVH *n>sy sell to wholesalers, charge MAIN STREET O PA prices for the record, and arid even In fountain pens. -FQR- AutomobiU DAY AND NIGHT then demand ' hidden caah or. the SERVICE STATION J ■ . 'Vi-, aids. Wholesalers work toe same Nante Change Denied 816 Mala Stoaet TsL 8-I9S1 ^^iService 175 Center SL PteMNT tacket with retailera.* Retallera Dupont Paint Products make up for tola extra .coat by --

MANCHESTER EVENING HElRALD. MANCHESTER, CpNN„ SATURDAY, JUNE 24. in44 X ' - ■ PAOB fCHESTER E\^NTyC HERALD. MAiNCHESTEKit'OXN.. SATURDAY, JUNE 24JC44 V 'P A C E S IX 1, struggle'and the many worrisome to urf Service Man - New Retl Drive M anchpslpr lirectlv. ''itccpa on^itronger than ever. Interest Seen All Ghurct, Ration^Boeord’ not d £ontineht I find other topics to chat a l ^ f wuiu;—i8«o' Tf^flaj’s Radio MIO Weddings They .j>tS for' the Germithy-of 1944. , In Bond Show ' Picnic Claims Ticket ListaOmngfi ' up with, their own wgr^worries. U HAGUt headline thi* war produces, From The Riper Road HEBALU^'PKlM’iNO TO-*"lN«i And then I find myself straight- 1:00—WTIC — NewsrWDRC —■ — Harry Wiamer’a Sports Shov Griswold-Cushman ------X ^ - s - ^ l l t o FRANCE 11 BtaMlI •tf** they are the creators of the Grand Central Station; Newa; 6:45— W TIC — London Colum Corporal Neader, With, UaoCkMCal. By Malcolm Mollan < ^ay trying, old fool that 1 am, Big Entertainment Al­ Mr. and Mrs- Sidney B. Cushman Because of Rain the Af­ XnnonncM TUOUAB ' f BKOUBON mendous American force w^teh, in WTHT—News: Music; WNBC— WDRC — News; WNBC — Leo to combat some war-bom evil like Henderson. e of 531 Parker street announce the Oanarai this June .of 1944. is exerting it­ Mr Mollan. retired editor of Ths Herald, preaervea bia conUct Report From London. fair Will Be Held at the Reginieiit Here, Has. a A e s t o n Ia ule Bec«nfi« « f A A k fi Connecticut the one that has driven all the in­ 7:00— w nc — GOP Conventio ready in Rehearsal at marriage of their daughter, Mias PoundaB Ootoim 1. >»»» with hla former daily readert by writing a weekly latter for 1:15— W n C — Market Report RUSSIA- self around the wort tended, diveraive trivia out of this and A^cultural 'News; WTHT Rehearsal; WDRC — Mayor Marjorie Tracy Cushman to LieuL FurlGugh on June 30. W oik at Offiea Herii "HubllaBad Baarj BaanlBg theaa cotumna. in which he axpreaaea hla own leisuraly arrived- The State Theater. South Church. ^ i ■ . There is no sai»M m too bitter at convictlona concerning aoms major mattera and hla obaerva- l^lumn today. —Greek Program; . WNBC — the ToWn; W T H T — America Hayden L Griswold, Jr., o f ths U. , —c; ~ '' i Legion Auxiliary; W NBC . I ~ for those who,..^ivs Violated this ttona concerning some very minor ones, ss seen from hla homo News. 8. Army, son of Mr, and Mrs. Hay­ The all-churcn picnic o f the The furlough -ticket for a serv-- Becauaa ot tha- b m b Yankee Well, like Bruce’s web spinning According to Manager Jack A daeoBd Q M II M»ttar. 1:30— W TIC,.— Indiana Indigo; Those Good Olid Days. den L. Griswold of 122 Oakland load at tha local Rattaainff general cojUfof home front con­ on the banks tft ths NlanUc river. Look for his contrtbutioii Sanson the Big Bond Show to be ice man. good for a trip from By A H. o. spider I Buppoiie the beet I can do W DRC — ^ u r Garden and You 7:15— W T H T — Music, atreet. South Methodist chiirelt school tVasif the office wlahaa to am o« aUBSCRlPTlON BATBB each week-end. . ^ presented at the State theatar Hartford to Detroit via railroad, duct. P (lt even the men o f the —Douglas M. Fellows; WNBC— 7:30— W TIC — Ellery Q uee_t scheduled for this afternoon at Im dt Crannavilla new achedula ot houra that Ona laat by ...... in ta to try and try again. Maybe ^ e a d a y night has already been The double ring ceremony / was Per IfootbioBtb by Man ...... »1 y ahould remember that It is easy to svrlta of the Fair- Swing Shift FroliRa. WDRC — Thanks to the Yank; offered to the first to ask for It, LITHyANIJi^ be open to the public. 0* pretty soon I shall discover that reaponrible for the sale of. a large performed by Chaplain Bailey at Highland Park, will be held in­ luinavills Slnsia CoDT il.M The other day I turned on the-principles at all; he may be notn- 1:45— w n c — John MaeVane; WTHT—Arthur Hale; WNBC- ' Lai Pi( fay Mr.s. Adeline Atkins. 75 St. The increased workload haa to* Oallaarad Oiat Taar tr -grievance is not against the field County InterestB opposing a number of bonds In the Fifth War 5 p. m.. June 4, 1944 in the Chapel stead at the church because o f the radio in time to catch the final ing but a mouthpiece of political there are snapper blues in the WDRC — Treaaury Salute ; Musio America Loves Best. at Camp Claiborne, Alexandria, aulted in more apd more Items ha. whole American people. The ma­ third great highway through their Loan now in progress. Purchases heavy rains today. It ii hoped that \ John street, has been claimed. MEMKEK o f phase of a talk delivered by the gangsters or saboteurs of social river. Then, perhaps, I shall be WTHT — Beyond Victory — , ,7:45—WTHT — Lawrence Welk ing mailed from the efftoa whUaT- The aSSOOlATBU are being made at the State and La. Spring flowers and palms deco­ all who expected to attend the pic- Corporal Ne.ader, who is with th4 jority of us on the home front back and front yards aa If they W hat? Orchestra. , rated the chapel and traditional in turn has required more tlma ta Tha Aeaociatad P"**” *.• editog Of a New York newspaper and ecoiromic progress; or he may able to forget the conflict for a 8:00— W TIC — Abie’s Irish'Ros Circle_!theatcra for attendance at 'nic will come to the church at have condemned the exceptions to had attained some new kind of 2:00—WTIC — Here’s to Youth; bridal music was pl&yieff:’ during 2:30.' Preparations art being made local Anti-Aircraft ReglmentVsta- Miotir iawogilaw be given to clerical work. It to tha which in its relatively brief career have secret ambitions as sinister few minutes—-unless it should W DRC — O f Men and Books; > WDRC — Blue Ribbon Towi the Tuesday night presentation. the feood rule just as bitterly as sectional selfishness. But they are, | the ceremony. .Miss Phyllis A. for 200. The frankfurter supper tioned with tht battery at Mount hopes qf the board, however, that turn out that I have no left over WTHT ^ Baseball — Red Sox WTHT—Frank Singiser: WNE A atage show featuring local has made a name for itself for in- as those of Hitler or MusaoUni. Cushman, slater of the bride, and will be enjoyed at 5:30. Cake, ice Nebo, is jgoiiig to Nebraska on a by mailing of the rationed items any one in the front lines can. in . truth, tittle different from vs. Senators; WNBC — News; —Early American Dance Musf and out of town entertainers haa ...... _ a th^ public will be better served'| dependence and for ita vigorous both of whom it may be remem- hOoks, with fishing tackle still In Lieut. Eugene McMsnus of the U, cream and aoda pop will be served furlough on June 3®' he can There are unworthy pagaengers on people everywhere else, and Con­ Women in Blue. 8:15— W T H T — Musiel Polli been planned with the local Anti- use the ticket from Hartford to -a ». I ^ ^ and that there will be leas of a tie- necticut's recent public life ie aupport of the government in its bered were editors too; and he the "o u f' category. Aircraft unit orchestra playing an 8- Arm y were the attendants. aa planned for the outdoor affair. Br«st 6 ^ ^ every ship. That never means 2:15— W DRC .— ’Adventures in Program. Detroit, as part payment of ^hla I'tpvik yfaturl ,«a .i\ up at the office. full of parallel behaviors. M. M. important part. ' The bride wore a white , ailk Game! will be run off in the raearved. conduct of the war both in the may, like them, feed his readers Science. 8:30 — W T IC — Truth or Consi _____- .- Vf| ti'lp home. Since the various panels of the that the whole ship should be held I f these Fairfield County In- ’The feature picture will be the crepe afternoon dresa with la'tticed gymnasium, with prizes for the 'atoa oltanlv of N. field and at home. And how he \on the poison of hatred o f those Niantic River Road, 2:30— W T IC — Graittland Rice; quences; W DRC — Inner San Two other furlough tickets are Arrow indicates Vltebsk-Mogi* board meet Monday nighta to act PulljlTTar^ in disrepute. tereata aeem. to be winning turn; News; W N B C — Best premier showing here of Betty neckline and sleev^ and a veiled winners appropriate, for the differ­ im4f Inc. Waterford, Conn. WQRC—Strictly Swing; W^NBC In The Herald business office on all applications it will require Barvr themselves a ph.-ttcuiarfy bad did pour it onto the bulk of the who stand against Injustice. Yet Grable In "Pin-Up Girl.” The show half hat. Her eorlage was a 'white ent age groups. lev fliector of the Rusaian front Bobby Sherwo<^ and O i^ eatra. Pops Concert; available to the. first service men (broken line) where the Germans the office to remain closed all day reputatioB, that to more because American pre^a! he will have broken no law, riaked starts promptly at eight o’clock orchid. Her maid of honor wore Lewis W. Haskins, general chair­ nbl'ahara “ •'>'S“ “ 5N’ '71',ncy— 3:00—WTIC — Minstrel Melo­ 9:00— w n c — National Ba to claim them One is for return .say the Red Arm y baa launched Tuesday and Wednesday morning i"; Matbawi - their preeumed wealth and ata* no punishment por reprisal; iq, in __ Tuesday night and admission is by powder blue crepe and accessories man and his assistants sre hoping •New ---- York.- CtaleaKB Datro'> Dewey In The Saddle i You do not often hear brusque, dies; W N B C — News: 21 Stars. Dane^ WDRC — Hit Parade. from Harttprd to Boston and the a major offenalve. in order that; alt the applicatiom 1 tioii-wagon Boelet.v has long fact, above and beyond the nation­ 3:30— W T IC — Music on Diis- 9.-15— WTHT — Chicago Theat( purchase of a W ar Bond at the fpr a big turnout at ths church may be processed and ready to Bna'oii iinpmided criticism of the recti­ Biaiiiolul Industry for other from Hartford tfrsFort De­ b u k e a u o * The mood of early arrivals for! been the env.v of middle Hass plav: W DRC — ^Visiting Hour;, 9 ;3 0 -,w n C — Can You Top-This Stats or Circle theaters only. and can promlss a jolly, tlms liand out to the public. MEMBEK a UUIT tude or ethics of the overcrowded al law. ans. mKi-l?IATluNS the Republican National conven- ] C’onneellcut than It Is bei’anse WNBC — Eddie Condon’s Jazz W N B C — Spotlight Bands; Qui all. to expedite the absentee-voting of Tbe new Bchedule of houra, ef­ of the particular thing they are Backed by Decency, Too Concert. Quiz. - fective immediately, Is .as foljtowai tlon has been described by Robert legal profession, as a whola, from At" All-Time Peak aervlce men and women and Co pro­ ^ b a Herald '^ ? | £ n “af: doing. the lips ot a lawyer— but onca In Y et If a statesman should dare 4:00—WTIC — Rupert Hughes; 9:45— W DRC— Ham .Session. vide must brlng-oiil pay to bridge Monday.-no a. m. to 4:30 Mb Byrnes, political writer for the ^ WDRC — The ; Newa; 10:00— w n c — Barry Wood Planes Attack Foe Recess Taken: Tuesday, closed all day. What they are doing Is proteatr a while you'do. You do not often to aay that, somehow we ought to Second Place th'b.gap between discharge and re Courant, as one in which "Dewey fng the construction o f a road’ Washington, June 24.-f-(iP)—The '■ W T H T — Variety Program ; Patsy Kelly Show; WTHT tu rn lo civilian life were enacted VVedriesday, 2 to '5:15 p.’ m. MatiehaaiaT Eaanint Haraio hear a medical doctor or surgeon be protected against the destruc­ WNBC — News'; Horace Heidt. Royal Arch Gunnison; W NBC Thursday, TO a. th. to 5;15 p. m, has a large number of delegates through them, even though they diamond industry in 1943 reached Beliiiul Battle Line By (Congress by top-heavj’ votes: also over­ voicing unfavorable comment on tive forces wielded, by the sordid, 4:15— WTIC — RIchqrd Harkness Guy Lombardo.. Friday. 10 a. m. to 5:15 p. 7h. Saturday. June 24 but few hntht^siAstic rooters." must knpw that the road will Seems•.« To ^ Be whelmingly aPPfuved was legisla­ an all-time peak of prosperity, Views OOP Race. 10115 — WDRC — Correct! A99n«v«H« Saturjday, 10 a m. to 12:30 p. nu eventually be- necessary for Ute the pfofeaalon's tendency to a spe­ the ignorant,-, the stupid and the (Contlnoad from Page One) tion giving Veterans job prefer­ That may be taken as sn Indica- service of everybody for many says the Bureau of Mines. 4:30— w nc — Doctors at War; Please: WTHT — Victory Au^ STATUTI MllfS (Continued from Pagd One) cialisation based largely on the unprincipled among Am erica’s Diamonds have neve( sold high­ ence, governmetHibacked loans, Wash grapea whep ' ready to Hitler Has It Uon of various things, none of miles' on either side of themselves, WDRC — Horse Rqcea; WTHT tion. Going^egging unemployment compensation, hos­ scenery of big suites of offices, editors, almost evary honbat, in­ er; the bureau aald In a report, — Music. 10:30 —wnc — Grand Old Opr; from Normandy to the Reich it- during the session ju»t ended In­ serve and store carefully to pre­ which is necesssrlly detrimental even though they -know the road aelf. pitalization and government- Once again our gratitude to the gadgets and a cultivated air of telligent, clean aouled.. ^Joumaliat and "pricea may have been ad­ 4:45— W D RC — Report from Lon­ WNBC — Army Service Fore Arrows.show American drives In tha Cherbourg area, where U. S. cluded: , vent brui.sing. to Governor Dewey. may eventually be necessary to (ContUmed from Page One) Entire Force Returns I financed education. x Russian people and the Red Army, keep their own present roads from in the country would bally instant­ vanced too rapidly for the good of don; W T H T — Freedom on the Present. troops were reported to be thrusting toward the waterfront of the Financial: Total new appropria- immense w'isdom— but once In a Encounteriitg only negligible Reconversion: A bill blueprint­ It indicates, for one thing, thst becoming one continual traffic the industry." Reasons for the , Land Forever. “ 10:45— W D RC —Talks: W TH T port city. Capture of Cherbourg Would aplit Geripan forcea'at Up tlona of $67,199,237,127, compared gratitude that, lighting their ow-n while you do. You do not often ly to the defense of the fundamen­ nas shunned by telling California antl-alrcra/t fire and no German ing the procedure for prompt aet- jam. They are making this pro-, boom were an unprecedented de­ 6:00— w n c — Your America: News. delegates not to vote for him for of peninsula. B^ack lines are batUefronts. ^ with laat year’s $114,564,008,594; fight, they are nonetheless speed- Governor Dewey had his chief tal right of the press to express planes at all, the entire force ot lle’ment of terminated war con­ test because they feel.^ that the hear a labor leader utter empha­ mand for industrial atones, and ah WDRC—Corliss Archer; WTHT 11:00— News on all stations. any Federal office. the debt limit was boosted from charm for the professional politi­ Marauders and escorting planes tracts so war Industry could ob­ Ing general victory and lessening road Itself, however much it may tic w'arnifigs to hla fellow labpr- itself and ita views, for good or "enormous" demand for gem dia­ —Navy Bulletin Board; WNBC 31:15— w nc — American Strii On the other side of the aisle, the furious battle around Saipan $210,000,000,000 to $260,000,000,- cians of his party when he was monds because of high Wages and —News; Saturday Concert. Quartette; WDRC — Report rtturned from the mission. tain quick capital fo r ’ return to KNOFUA ’ the proportionate coat of it for ua, be needed, will be unpleasant for Ites that there Is such a thing, In for evil, without auggeatlon of intimates of Bricker said he had Yankee Siibiiiariiie island," 000. \ fear of inflation. . 5:30-^'WTIC — Cesar Saerchin- Invasion: W T H ’T — CallfornI I'refused even to discuss the possi­ V? The daylight blow cams after Taxes. A $2,300,000,000 revenue peacetime pursuits won approval an Instrument for the stopping of them, perhaps diminish some of the opportunistic pressing of tem­ control by any agency of the na­ la In order. ger; WDRC — News; Baseball Melodies; WNBC — Voice of t bility of taking second place sup­ R. A. F. Lancasters amashed at bill passed over the president's in the closing days. The Red Army which baa now Wendell Willkie, who wee too' in­ their present property values. tion. This wbuld be true even in '>: Nazi rail bottlenecks'' some . 250 They do not really pretend to porary advantage, as riding for a Scores; W T H T — Music. Air. porting his public assertion that Siiikj Jap Carrier Heavy Air Bloics Struck veto and marking a temporary and Foreign aid: The lend-lease pro­ BROTHERS dependent, too forthright, perhaps 5 miles aouth of ths Normandy begun to smash forward Is en- solve the problem. “No road at fall— but once Ul a while you do. Connecticut where, . strangely 6:45— w n c — 8 t a.r r 1 n g Curt 11:30— w nc — I Sustain t he waa not intereated and did not apparently now-healed break )>e- gram waa :exte’nded and funds Army Accepting 8 fighting zone, and after Mosquitos ------General Contractors ^ gaging the great bulk of Ger­ too liberal for their pleasure. all” Is their only answer to the enough, the newspaper! have nev­ Massey: WDRC — Treaaury Sa­ Wings: WDRC'— Casey —Prei believe it ever would be offered to Againut /ap Troopg tween the White House and Sen- were granted for partlcipiition in And you do not often read, from Photographer; WTHT—Fran struck rail yai-ds-At Lisieux, VIre, (Continued from Page One) many'! armed strength—perhaps facta which show that, they, live in lute: WNBC—Hello, Sweetheart him. Chungking. Juna 24—(J*i— ste Democratic Lader Barkley of the United Nations relief and re- It indicates, secondly, that Gov­ the pens of men who make the er bad the enterprise to jointly Master's Orchestra; WNBC Dreux, Eyreux, Voneull and Mezi Jobbing anrl an area through n'hich a road ’Chute Volunteers 6:00— News on all itatlona. Other Poaaiblllties Yank artillery and warship shell­ Heavy air blowa have been struck ; a tax almpllficarton pro- hahijilation .program to give suv-^ “ five times the German strength ernor Dewey hat come close to policies and steer the editorial make an issue of the state’s right Hoosier Hop: News. Other vice preaidential ponsibili- don, and downed two German by the 14th Arm y A ir Force must some day pass. 6:15—W T IC — History In the Mrs. Hayden L. Griswold. Jr. ing. gram streamlining ;compiitalion cor to liberated nations. , C?neral Repairing S we are facing on the western gaining, by a policy <)f alienee, But this Is, as we say, entirely and news courses of the country » to exercise a Gestapo-like censor­ 'Headlines; W DRC—^ People’s 12:00— w nc — News: Thom tiea Include Lieut, COmdr. Harold planes over the beachhead. ^ against -lapanese troops advana- proceedures for aome 50,000.000 Platform: WTHT — Music; Peluao’s Orchestra; WDRC E. 8tassen, whose friends say he The big British ' Lancasters Re|Hirts Attai'k oa Guam ing on the vital rail junction of ^ g r o n te . It la conceivable that,. that same dominance over'his per- normal behavior, and K is inter­ dally newspapers, confession to ship over the ' printing .of the Washington. June — The and corsage similar to that of the taxpayers. The Star Spangled Ba'nher first W NBC— SheU Digesl; Rac«» R e­ News: W THT -r- News. wouldn’t have it; Rep. Everett blasted the yards at Sainito, north Tokyo radio reported that 60 Call 4386 ty which Mr. W'llUcle sought to esting to see how many other ex­ Army noiv is accepting volunteers bride. The mother of ths bride­ Hengyang In Hunan province, Price control: Legislation ex­ was printed in the National Intel­ w ith time and llmitleaa eAP«n«“ - the belief that not every editor or names o f . youthful criminals or 12:30— w n c — Three Suns Tri] Dirksen (R „ 111.) and Oov. Simeon American carrier planes attacked Before 6 P. M. amples of the' same type of be­ for parachute troops from all sults. groom. who rttended the wedding of Boreaux, and at Limoges, thus communique from Lieut. Gen. tending war-time price, wage and ligencer, Washington, D. C., Sept. ir ture of men and materlali, wa gain by open campaigning. WlU- the tyrannical suppression o f ciiti- 6:30— w n c — Strictly Sporta; 12:45— W T IC — Lee Sims, Pia Willis of Kentucky. Guam, southwest of Saipan, F ri­ havior have been found in recent publisher poaaeases the wisdom, branches of the service. was attired In powder blue silk maintaining for 36 hours the Al Joaeph W. Stilwell'a headquarters rent controls for one year was 27, 1814. ^ WTHT — Hawaii Calls; WNBC 1st: News. A lf Landon, who once ran for day and claimed 15 w'e’re shot down. could produce a victory on the kle, if he had gained the nomina­ the know'ledge, the honesty of ciam o f a court or any .of Its o f­ The W ar department, announc­ jersey and wore a white orchid lied campaign aipicd at sealing off disclosed today.. enacted after the controversial news. president himself, said there waa It was west of Guam that the car­ ______' :------4 western frpnt, even without Rus- tion, would have, been hla own It was only a short time ago ficers. „coi'sage. She assisted In receiving French rail lines now choked with .P-40.S strafed a triple-decked aubsidy laaue wak temporarily side­ purpose and the courage needed ing this today, said applicants a great deal of talk about 're- riers of Task Force 58 darted Mon- th a t, bttslneta leadera of Hart­ at the reception which followed In German reinforcements for the river steamer loaded with troops ala. Fortunately^ we don’t have boas. Party leaders knew that, to fit him for leadership in the na I suppose I would go along with must be under 32 years of age. In I -warding” Bricker with the vice daj; to launch planes against the tracked. ford, which haa navigation on top physical condition, not over 72 the Officers’’ club. Normandy bettlefront. Two heavy at Chuchow. on the Slang river Abaentee Voting Expedited to try to do IL MliUer’a doom la and feared it. But Governor Uonal thinking. But very rarely the rest in noisy resistance to any Republican Convention presidential nomination—If he fails higlit bd'obera were mis.sjng from fleeing Japanese fleet. below. Changsha, probably de­ the Confiectlcut, went to Wash­ inches tall nor weighing more to get the first place designation The bride’s g ift to the -maid of Service men and veterans: Bills being shaped by atrohg and relent­ Dewey has. by a different route ington once again to protest indeed you may—and when you attempt to "muzzle the press" by this operation. Toklo-.radio, w*tiich earlier had stroying the vessel - and causing EMILY STEPHENSON YERBURY than 185 pounds and have 20:40 hla friends still think wUl come to honor was a pair of gold earrings less preaaura on. all rtdea. and technique arrived at some­ against the proposed extension vision or better for each eye. and the bridegroom’s g ift to his ^ Report Big Explosion told the homeland of the loss of'a numerous ..cg.-uialties, the commu­ SOPRANO do you ■ may aet it down aa •any federal law, however carefully him— for the 'strenuous campaign carrier, spiced the Guam announce­ I f H itler'haa, throughout his thing of the same potential situ­ of navigation north to Spring- In Monday Spotlighi best man was a Buxton wallet. .Pilots raiding Salntes reported a nique .said. Supply boats also event. and oonsclentioualy drawn— in­ i efforts the Ohio govemorihas madb big explosion in the middle of the ment with the tbtally unconfirmed were damaged Graduate Julllard Hchmil of Music. Pupil of Susan 8. Bolce anfi fi career, had one coneiatent and ation. Although the'party appar­ field. They had many argu­ aa the only avowed major presl- TTie bride w&S graduated from ments, some of them stemming Vnfltted deed I am sure I would, for. I too Manchester High school in the attack, and said it lasted at least report . that Ja^nese piane.-i In the v.iclnlly’ of Siangtan, also Enzo Seraflnl, operstlc conch, both o f New York O ty. 3 dominant phobia. It has been his ently has now drifted Into a posi- N ew York, June 24— It will<^'Loves ly ■ . , I dentisl candidate. four seconds. , "heavily damaged" two U. 8. car­ below Changsha anfi northwest of from the fact that a power de­ Yet the plain truth is that there agree that there should be a truly Landon Insisted he had no per­ class of 1940B and attended the ° dread of another two front war tidn where it muet nominate him, Ellington be the sixth time for the micro­ 8:30, Boston Pops Concert; 9:3| Meanwhile speedy, British Mos- riers off Saipan Friday. -To date, Chuchow. P-40a attacked Japanese velopment was linked with the free> press somewhere in the Unit­ sonal interest in the matter, but Merchants * Bankers School of he has apparently bad to offer no navigation project. But one In­ are more than just a mere hand­ phone at a Republican National Mitchell Ayes Band; 10, Guy Lofi quitps attacked Bremen and laid the United States Navy has re­ cavalry and foot soldiers, inflict­ FARM STO R E PRIVATE LESSONS IN VOICE . for Germany. He promised hla ed States, even if . that freedom he told a reporter that he was sat- Hartford. She was a First Lieut, stinctive factor In their opposi­ ful of newspaper editors in the Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Finance Convention when all networks bardo. in the local Defense Ambulance mines in enemy waters and heavy ported superficial damage to two ing casualliea, rroop-carryin^ TO A UMITED NUMBER OF PCPIIS £ people repeatedly that It would great, commitments. He has been and daughter Hazel have returned switch to Chicago for the 1044 as­ MBS—7, American Eagle Clul iafled Bricker had made more tion was that, having their own United States who are. at beat, is, in Connecticut, limited by the Unit and was employed as a secre­ night bombers ..truck the Pas de carriers and a battleship and the’ boats on the Siang river, were also i never happen again. He directed able to keep to himself his ulti­ from Meriden where they were at­ sembly on Monday. The first was 8:30, Cisco Kid: 9, Chicago Theat' friends than almost any other cam­ navigation facilities on the Con­ whimsies of legislatures or courts. tary to John- Lercke; head of the Calais in.stallstions. The Air loss of 70 planes as the price paid- lilt.. Double Unit CtifiBhing Repertoire in German, French, Italian, EngHriip but InditfW^tly fitted to exercise tending the funeral of Me. F i­ In 1924. ' Concert: 10:15, Victory Auctioi paigner In recent years. Landon . hla strategy entirely to that end, mate end final decision on most necticut, they, were qultf will­ Contracts department. Hamilton Mini.stry said six planes wer-^ for inflicting defeat on the Japa­ the undoubtedly considerable in­ Public Must Censor nance’s mother. A full schedule to plaoned, rang-; 11, California Melodies openly 1s supporting Dewey for the t liniBhing Poland hefora h# turned of the basic laauet of the day. Will ing to let Springfield go on for­ Standard Propeller, Ea.st Hartford, missing from these operations. nese Navy and shooting down Portable T E L E P H O N E 2-0992 Sergt. William Kasche' of Ken­ Ing from actual sessions to side ------praaidentlal nomination. he be coneervatlve ? W ill he be lib­ ever without similar benefit fluence' upon the minds of great So I quite agree with the New -1 Cha'fges Abuse of Power Lieut. Griswold is a graduate of The Germans’ rocket bomb at- more than 360 enemy carrier » to France, and then, France fin­ tucky, Mra. Howard Bristol of lights and commentaries. While i Sunday talks: planes. from ' Its position on the Con­ or small populations which, by York editor whose talk elicited Dewey took the attention away Manchester High school in the j l*ek on southern England contin- About Milking Machine ished and the poealbtlity of any eral? W ill he play ball with the Newington, Mrs. Ralph Wesson of air times have been fixed In ad-1 MBS— 12 noon, Revle'vvlng Stai lied through the night and until necticut. the Very nature of their jobs, they these comments, that if the people I froni what many called a middle of class of , 1939B. and attended the PoHsIbillt-v' .More Sunk For immediale Delivery 1 weatern land front eliminated, professionel politiclani of his par­ Such situations sometimes have Hartford and Mrs. Dick Fritzero, vance, they are subject to last- “NominatUig Conventions” : NB' after daylight. The droning pilot- of Meriden, have been visiting the road foreign policy declaration University of Connecticut for , £ach report filtering in height­ a boomerang in them, and the do possess. of this country wish to be honest­ minute change or addition, i F o r , 1:30 p. m., Roundtable, le.s.s projertiies plopped, down on turning to Ruisia. ty? Or wlU he have a whip for their brother and sister-in-law Mr. with a message yesterday to the three years before his enlistment ened the possibility that many of Mrs. Axel .tofin.soi .lohn.son of Autumn I'Freemen” of Vermont, who have ly informed, if they are interested the most part broadcastUig from'Facing Republican Party” : NBC.| various sectors in bigger batclies them? Som etim es-^ftener indeed than and Mrs. Edward Kasche of Main Platform committee accusing the In the Army- on Way 18, 19-12. He the Nipponese warships reported i street has..i'Cceived a letter from There he made his" classic mis­ lately been getting such publicity the ball is not to start until actual p. m „ Church in Actiop, Dr. Visa than ever, although at less fre­ 162.95 EAT THE BEST AT REYMANDER’S you might suspect-^such editors in truth and their own well being, Roosevelt administration of an was a member of Sigma Alpha damaged actually sank. Of the ; her hiisbJfnd who is with the Sea- take In bis imdereetimation of Party leaders arriving at Chica­ from their objection to flood con­ street. proceedings are under way. t T H o o ft from Geneva, quent intervals. it must continue to be up to them Mrs. Nathan Eldwards, of Maple abuse of power and proposing that Epsilon, was active in local base­ three carriers listed only as- dam- , hees/fellinp how on an island In FILLET MIGNON go have to anewer these queetlons trol and power dams In. their an­ have arrived at their positions of Over t^ weekend, these pre Other programs: Series of Daylight Blows South Pacific he met a Man- what Russian reaiaUnce would be. street, has returned from the Hart' NBC—12:30. Paul LaValle C ^ the "next administration" overhaul ball circles and, received his letter aged, one was seen burning fiiri- cient valleys,' want their part ot to be their own press censors by view programs are announced; The R.A.F. night attacks tame ROAST BEEF AIT JUS That mlsUka made It possible for for themselvei, and their uncer­ eminence, such as they are, ford hospital, where she recently the Federal government. in baseball at the University. He oualy, another tookt 1 threeau l.OOXK man ThA man ne met wa. Restaurant Disquieting aa It may be for the they land at the controls through tions;’’ 3:30 BLU, Interviews and ella" Flnallsta. operations, de.-ipite unfavorable traliz.ing/alr attack... Admiral R. M.. will hold its regular meel- fought to avoid. If he can still There the line is very simply matically will.go into action Md Senator,Brooks (R., lU.). a lead-leao- | ‘ h* _ _ , I party leaders, however, the aitu- (^ation Of their editors; or owners’ Comment; 4:30 MBS. Interviews CBS— 12:30, Trana-Atlantic Ca weather. Pine Wines, Liquors and Beeir . stand reading Midn Kampf he can drawn. Those living below the sheer accideilt OccasionaUy such supply the system that furnishes ■ or of ao-called nationalists, has | Chestof W. N im ltz'last night re- ing and election of officers in the personal or class animosities ^ d of Political Reporters; 9 MBS Portland, Ore.; 3. N. Y. Phllh Nelson-Bell Supreme headquarters reported ZIpser club Monday evening at ,^5-.37 Oak Street Teiephona 8ffl find ln*it a true analyeia of what atlon la one distinctly favorable proposed dam site want the pro­ an individual finds himself at the water'fqr the village of Blltiigton I called it satisfactory and Austin i a ,.70-ton iKimblng by Gov. Green. ■' Chslrmmn Spsngler, tnonic; 6. Eileen Farrell Conceij . W aller William Nelson. Jr,, of eight fighters and eight heavyl^eventh Army Air Force Lfbera- n'vloi'k. ', ' for. the candidate himself. It Is a tection and benefits It will afford. head of an aatoniahingly able in blocking the avenues o f A m e f' Center. This same supply .takes 7:16, LUy Pona-Andre Koatelane said that Senator Ball iR...Minn..), ! this altuatioin meant for Gerinany. Those who live above it don t Rep. Jos. W . Martin, Jr., and I an exponent of broad measures of | ■10 Bellevue Square. Harlforci and bombers missing from ye.slerd^'a tors, spread over Tiiesraiy’Tiie'sr9iy’ and situation neatly tailored for hla newspaper staff for the Mme rea­ lean -mass thinking that otherwise care of the needs of the Ellington others; 11:35 NBC, Interviews of Ooncert from ITeheran: 8:30. Cnij Olive Libby Bell, of 337 Windsor daylight operations, while rtTeast He knew and wrote, once, what want the change it will entail. Fire department so the correct International cpllaboratioh, had Wednesda.v. MacArthur's South­ Mrs. Arthur T olf and small migh^lesd straight to the heights Candidate Managers; 12;05 a. m. Doctor; 9:30. Fred Allen final street. Hartford, were married in 11 German plane., were slim down. catastrophe for Germany any such own independence of thought and So. in taking what is'^really the son that so many bunglers have equipment waa very much needed I telephoned his approval from west Pacific Liberators swept up daughter, Janice, left today for Wards NBC, Ben Cross and Wm. F. 10:30, W e the People; 11:30, W j the town clerk’s office at 9 o’clock 10 of them in combajtx over the New York City for' a short .Stay policy, leaving him prospectively Impo.ssible and futile position that made high rank, one time and an­ of true freedom, mental as Well as for this purpose as well as for [l^aahlngton. from the Admiralties to blast the altuatton would be. Back in the Bobd Show, Guy Lombardo, this morning by Rev. Stephen Caen-Evreiix area. with rel'Stives. Fairfield County shall have no political and social.' daily use. This to In no way Intend­ Brooks. air base town of Dublon in Truk’s Farm Tractdi early days of his triumphs by free to ehart hie owto ciampaign other, in the British army— be­ Broadcast time for the first ses­ Darden of Virginia. The major /blows yesterday more roads than It needs to irana- ed for a play pool or waate of wa­ Campbell of the Church of Christ, atoll. CHICKEN BAR-B-QUE-IN-A- courae. cause he weafa the same meta­ When I fee newspapers wallow­ sion on Monday haa been set for B LU — 11 a. m„ Swing \ Republican Delegated were deUvers Kelly, daughter of Mr. Aid Mrs. 6, Hall of Fame Conceart; 7:3 ly behaving strictly according to tion a jiumber.of other programs By The Associated Press of the bride were the witnesses. thexfirst raid these four-engined street. with great, tall headlines in atrik mlnute efforts of varioUe elementi per corporation. <. United States government that X Bernard A. Kelley of aty View Quiz Kids; 8:30, Keepsakes Musi aircraft blasted the rocket coast, Carriers Damaged the human book, the most element Heights and Roy Malmstrom, aon have been arranged in advance, in­ The naUon’s Republican dele- to prevent any, Dewey first ballot ant thoroughly convinced that 9:15, Basin Street; 10, Listen t| unloading the'lr bomba through an Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Pratt, of Boneless Chicken, Simmered in a Tangy ing red Ink— ‘T h e Fuehrer tal me first and me only law in But however auch people fall In­ of Mrs. Edward Malmstrom of cluding: MBS 11:30 a. m.. Inter I gates converged on Chicago today By The Associated Press Women, Fannie Hurst. overcast. Ih the second, hours 185 Center street, received a tele­ 960.00 Comes.” It will soon be time for ’nomination. The boys In the hotel the human book, it is true, but they would welcome with goultsn East Longmeadow will take place views; CBS 5:15 p, m., Marion |aa party leadera finished prellm- Sauce, On a Toasted Roll — All Smothered to their jobs, and the less they MBS—2, Sky Riders Quiz: Norwegian Si|b/ later, the heavy bombers hammer­ - A Berlin radio hroadcaat quot­ gram today from their daughter, rooms would like to control the human book nonetheless. Saturday morning at S:30 at 8L Martin. National Commltteewom- linariea to the opening Monday of For Hartford County Only, the tall headlines and the red ink possess In the way of fitness for delight a millUiry NUaaster to the FortiD lx; 5. Green Valley drsn ed two enemy air fields near Laon ing the Japanese Dome! agency Norene, announcing her marriage With Our Famous French Fried Potatoes. Contemplating such toequent Bernard’s Rectory. Rockville. an from Maine; NBC 6,:15, Mary I the 1944 O. O. P. national conven- Ration Required. again, and only a alight changa of enough delegates to bring Dewey leaderahlp, there Ja one thing on Allied eguse early next autumn— Margaret McBride and others. 6. Roosty of. AAF; 8. Medlstll |tlon, the first war-time conclave Sinks Suppl}^Ship and railway bridges In .the Paris sa.id t-c^ay toat U- S-. to LieuL Oriand a. AnnuUL The adherence to this tow, one won­ Mrs. Gertrude Patric, chairman Board; 10:15. Good Will progra| aircraft, carriers ' were "heavijy ceremony, took place at Long verb In the headline to make It to terms 'before they nominate which they are to be found in in­ If it would only bring about the I since Civil war days. vicinity. ders how we ever get anywhere. of the W ar Bortd Drive In the damaged” off Saipan Friday morn­ Beach, Calif., where Lieutenant him. They seem to have small downfall o f Mr. Roose\^lt and his fifth loan, states Ellington has On Saturday night list: Several of the party's con- Range Over Wide Area 4.1 PURNELL PLACE read "D er Fuehrer Goes,” But, noting that necessary and evitable agreement—-that a "free Mon^y expectations; L'jndon, June 24—(J*) — The Nor­ Abierican and British fighter ing by Japanese, air attacks while Annulli is stationed. Ths bride EN'S-NEXT TO ARMORY chanee of doing it. advisable Impi'avements have reached 'one-third Its quota since NBC—8, Abie’s Irish Rose; 8:.'l0. Igressmen In IVashlngton -Friday press" is the very foundation stone New Deal—even thoiig^ it cost NBC—9 a. m., Mirth and Ma wegian aubmarine Ula tank a bombers ranged over a wide area 16 “Allied aircraft’’ were shot made thg trip to the Pacific coast T E L . 4748 the drive started June 12. Truth or Consequences: 9, Bam Istarted a move to nominate Sena- It continued to happen up to now, half a milllbn young Ah^ericans ness; 4 p. m.. Backstage Wife. 2 ,0 ^ to n enemy supply ship, prob­ north and east of Paria. In dusk dojvn ou( of a force of 60 carrier- by airplane. of the freedom of the people. The fifth degree will be con­ Dance; 9:30, Can You Top ’i:hia?i Itor Byrd '(D-Va) aa the party’s one concludes that they will aL CBS— 12 noon. Kate Smith: 4| ably sank another of 2,500 tons missions. Marauders and Havocs based planes which attacked Guam X From The Coos Bay their Uvea—I confess that It ferred on a class of candidates at 10:30—Grand Ole Opry. [vice presidential candidate, taut he Over Germany BO continue to happen Into the They shbut it from the house­ m., Broadway Matinee. |lmmedlately stopped the boom by and damaged ! third of 8.000 tons dropped more than 250 • tons of about the same. time. Mias ' Ella Tomasaitia of 52 makes me see red. And there t o the meeting of East Central pbk- CBS— 7, Lionel Barrymore. May The invasion day strike the future. B l U— 11:45 a. rn., Ukulele during recent patrols in northern bomba on six rocket bomb ramps. Wells atreet is spending a week tops. They blazon it in their big­ mona Grange next Thursday or; 8. Kenny Baker for O'roucho |declaring he waa not a, candidate The broadcast said two planes crew of the seaplane tender Coos The-recent mass flight of 2,200 one such n ew s^ p er th a f 1 see new aeries; 4:45 p. m.. Correspoii waters, a . Norwegian Naval com­ Eighteen locomotives and more with friends at Prbvincetown, night, June 29, at Somers. Meet­ Marx; 8:30, Inner Sanctum; 9. Hits l”on any ticket whatao^ver." were lost out o f a force , of land- American planes over central Ger­ gest headline" type! They fairly every ^ay, worse luck! But it al­ ents Abroad, new series. munique said today. than 450 freight cara were de­ Caps Cod. Bay wanteth'to buy off with their ing at 8 o’clock. Perry LAthrop and Sinatoa; 9:45, Jeaatca Drago- I Along the , democnitic front, b w JapaneM alrcra^ which 'tot- many. with Berlin their target, The Poel’fi Column rave about It. so makes jpo deeply grateful that nette;.10:16, Correction Please. MBS — 2:46. Consumer Qu| |there was little activity. In Wash- The 8,000 enemy vesaeU waa stroyed by U. 8.* Ninth Air Force tacked the catTiera, and three were ff S peijnlea happened to be not over o f Vernon la master.. 4:80. Music Half-Hour. Manchester Camp No. 2640, 5 it iny last ne^paper associatipn-^ B LU 7:30, Music America lin^on President Roosevelt, amil- part of an escorted convoy Inter­ Lightnings. lost in the engagement over Guam. wages, as the sailors assumed, but and Russian shuttle bases the There Is not, . o f course, the Members of Hope Chapter. OES, R.A.F. fighters played an Im­ Royal Neighbors, will meet Mon­ My Friend |ing, declined to answer questions cepted off the west coast of Nor­ No Allied Confirrohrion eventual destination for ^me of. slightest reason fpr all this sound last in a considerable series— was are asked to m.eet at the Masonic portant part In a tank battle yea- day'evening at the horns of Mra. W e Eat Out ov'Sr something possibly worse—a .'he Is eh'ecffOlTTmderstandiiig etoUnr to a fourth term. way. , rooms Sunday,. June 25, at 10:30 terday when ‘eight rocket-firing There was'no Allied oonflrmation John Anderson, 97 Pleasant atreet. question of undemocratic racial them, highlights the Increasing She is all a. friend should be. and fury. No one in America has with a newspaper' that at least In Houston, Tex., Former Gov. 7 ’ -■ m.v to attend thC service at the Tpyhooiis caught a concentration o f these reports. A large attendance is hoped for. “ It’s such a b oth ^ gelling six good meals a week" discrimination. But, as the sail­ dividends o f our hard-won air . su­ She V ill share my daily troubles the remotest Idea of trying to re­ possesses a human soul and Is ant- \\ iJaipM Y, Allred aald that Texas Rockville Methodis* church, Ipro-Rooaevelb^Semocrat#;—beaten of German tanks -moving Into bat­ A -broadcast Japanese : Domei that w* always ha to aevenlh nut on Sunday. periority. It was a sample opera­ If they start to wofry me. niated by human dscwicyt naws-i I'he eAgagement of Ruth ors of the Coos Bay wrote, it strain by government action’ the ■In their court attempts to place C. of €. Auxiliary — tle east of Caen arid left at least 20 agency dispatch, recorded by U. 8. Troop 4, Girl Scouts, will meet The food to ao good and It’S.such a relief )o havo which IS cobowltz, daughter of Mrr' and lit Omer Jo Give Our wouldn't be too"^ difficult to find tion demonstrating a basic trend complete freedom of the press to paper with a j;onscience- of them blazing. government monitors, aald that Monday afternoon at' 3:45. In She is always helping others Mrs. Morris JacobowlU of Nor­ Itheir presidential eleCt'tF* on the a da.y free from rooking.” ' in tile relative efflcletjclea of our a rarer^tJ^g than you .may think. |ballot, will take their fight to In the 34-hour period #ndlng;iat “ when that day cornea in which Emanuel Lutheran church. another suitable strike. She's a friend to all she knows. be tnitHful or untruthful, wlae-bT wich. ' Conn., to Md|fto' Friedman, A Outing ^Monday Employees and Ourselves Dunty aqd state conventions. I^e dawn today, 29 A llt^ planes were our whole Navy will be deployed in Thix''skrcasm on the part of tbw| attaclf and Germany's defense. She is. liked^by all,,,^0 meet her foollA, helpful or pernicious In Its son o f Mr. d n d 'W & M a* Frled- ^nd makes frlen^ ^ e re ’er^ s^^ conwRti&n'in SepW lost includlnii 1« heavy ^ bombers, ttic waters .ot'lhe MirisBM .li!ltnd8,.; ■««n--HHthe fiont lines la-nothing What has been happenlngi’lovee < tton’t 1 Wlah I Canldl 1 . inan ;b®9o tol* Walter H: Hibbard of Horth the Pacific will be turned into a Mr. and Mra. Frank O. Carpenter goes.- ’ " ’ ...... '"i, .' doetrinei-' " - ...... A Well-Earned Vacation . . . ember "can either name a new while 18 German planes were de­ HAVE mN HER new. It hAS been expressed before, a three month span now, can be A young and very kind Man­ nounced. ■ Main atreet, who la publicity chair­ stroyed. watery grayevard for the whole of 66 Porter atreet, haa been aa- No Test Bequlred” ^^ RbV. Olenn T. Bhio will take for alate o f electon or bind the May chester lady, with whom .1 had. no man for the Manchester Improve­ The Germans apparently have U. 8. Pacific fleets” aigned to tha A A F “ Traiplng Com­ . although never so pointedly. It shown b y two curves, one heading She rates as tops w'ith all the girls hla subject Sunday. mornUig at convention electors to support the But to the only occasional odd ment Association,-will be the gueat shifted their strategy In the use mand Radio School at Sioux FgUa^ sharply downward, the. other ■ They’ve set her down as "swell ' acquaintance while we were Hying 10:45. "Building a WaU.” The Pru-, WE WILL BE CLOSED rty nonilneee.” ' /-,!.” T|tiat day, that hour. Is ap­ WITH US TOMORROW! is completely difficult for men out stick ' o f an individual who ever apeakpr at the’outlng of th* Cham­ of zpckrt bombs In the last 24 Idaho, for training aa a radio op­ She’ll do her best, she’s full of fun in the City o f VUldge Charm, but dentlal committee will hold a' proaching' second by second,” said fighting at arftied service pay to sharply upward. One curve, the ber 6t Commertje Auxllltiry, Mon­ Jiqpn. Instead of sending these erator-mechanic. He graduated One look at her will tell. givea the subject any real thought meeting a t J0:30. A burineas the dispatch, directed to the Jap­ who wrote me not long ago From June 25th To July 3rd. day afternoon at 5 o'clock on the robots over steadily, they now are from Mancheater'High achool in Understand Row fortunate Amer'i- downward curve, represents our a llttla o f wonderment may aojne- meeting o f the church Will follow anese eon t’roll$<| press in occupied L944, Wheal town at the home o f Dr. and Mra. massing ' them In waves at less 1944 and waa formerly employed For Suiitlav! cans back home can threaten to plane losses I'n bombing missions She guards a secret with an oath charmltig'ly encouraging lettar, the aervlce. The Young Peopto’e Asia.' . tlmes’ occur'aa to why It to that David M. Caldwell. 11 Richard frequent intervals— obvtovisly to as-a._ clerk at Quinn’s Pharmacy. She’ll stick until the end, usMd a quart or so of carefully society win meet at 7 p. m., in Open Again Monday, July 3rd- Another Tokyo broadcast de-' atop the wheel.s. jjt war produc­ over Germany. The ascending every aUte In tha Union tmpqaes road. It *7! expected Mt. Hibbard He entered service at Fort Disv- Afid now I ’m very proud to Halm the social rooms of .the .church Hits Market overwhelm ground and air de­ dared that '“ the damages which tion in order to gratify some .wage curve represents the, tons ■ -of saved'up gas to call on ua last will taik bn the fropoaed swimming fenses which havt been blasting ena on April 14, 1944, and haa Broiled Sirloin Steak ' This person aa “ my friend.” upon all public advisers, from cer­ Mrs. McCray of Hartford have .been inflicted on the ehemy been stationed at Sheppard Field. V ambition. Nor should they be bomba dropped on Germany. As . Written by "Shorty” Adams. Sunday, being on vacation ,at a pool project and other recreational more and more of the flying bombs tified accountants to physicians returned to her home after (^eattaoefi fron Page One) plans. Members of the auxiliary cannot be regarded aa a thorough Texas. asked to understand it. It is a stab- k:«.pc£uJ>ome our air superiority nearby beach. . She waa good spending a few daya with Miss out of the sky. blow.” ■ ' Baked Virginia Ham Smith to Leave Hospital and members of the bar, certoln Princess Restciurant art reminded to provide their own in . other words, we are dropping enough to admontab ma to bo sure Marion Pease of. Main atreet. Reports Islands Balded George E. Alden. Jr., who la a in the back to them every time it obligaUona tun\lng upon morality Main Str««t At Pearl Street tha market some 10 to 11 box lunches and to Invite a friend. . - happens. ^ higher and higher loads of bombs to keep on writing—was intereet- Mrs. Carl A- ObehrinT, a teach­ nta under parity. ^ Flying Bomb* Sent Japanese radio and press repoi-ts patient at Cedarcr^at aanatorium. Grilled PdrlrGhopi New York, June 24.—(Jf)— For­ and public benefit— and InalsU up­ er at the Vine street school In New BriUln avenue, Hartford, la at lower and lower plane costs. mer New York Gov. Alfred E. ed, she said. In myabout The harveat in the southwest to recorded by U. 8. government Fortunately, it hasn’t happened on testing the applicant aa to hla Hartford, to home for the summer Swedish Resideuts In Spurts During Night anxious to get the present ad­ Smith was expected to be dis­ or ao later than usual but monitors ssjd "enemy' pisnes” . Spaghetti • aa often as the headlines imply, Our plane losses in May were the awana whom I dia not like, the vacation. London, June 24— (g*>—The (3er- dresses of the following: LocKhart charged from St. Vincent’s hospi­ fttneas— save alone the editor and aa of big production now rslded Ivfo Jims, southwest of the 'ducka whom 1 did like, the river an— Louise Wood returned mana aent their flying bombs Rogers, Ulyaaea (Tony) Lupien, with ' or at often as the men In the front tw'o-thirtls our plane losses of tal where be has been confined the radio commentator. Anyone experiencing excellent weather To Confer Degree msln Bonin island group this and ita fish and craba and ao on. home Thursday night after a two ■gmnat aouthern England in Lebro and Cy Urbanpttl- Anyone Uhes are likely to assume. The April. Our plane losses in June so since Thursday for a rest and for ‘ oparationa promise to spread morning end Yap. Palau and Total MEAT BALLS ITALIAN 8AU8AG1 may be an editor. If ha can wangle waeks’ visit ^th friends In'Go­ apurti throughout the night' and who has tbeae addressea la asked ) main record bf the American peo­ observation. FYienda aald 70- islands yesterday. T^ert was no lar haye ‘averaged less than hall b or if he la lucky anough to Well, tbat’a whaf I Would much shen, Mass. ' Indicatieha art that thara will after daylight today, and addition- to forward* them to Mr.Aldan at year-old ex-govemor haa hot" bean Allied confirmation of these re­ chicjkkn m ush ro o m s ple b u been one of consistent loy- the rate of loss for May. But, al­ like to do, wratebed attempt at ba a larga attandanea at tonight’a a l-u m a g e and caaualttoa were re CedarcresL .Hartford ^6), Conn. ALL YOUR FAVORITE 'Well since hU wife’s death in May. bo able to finance hla own newa. ports. : ,alty to their- war production job. Dmvay At PawUag Faun ^lan to Study apecial commtmlcatlon of Manches­ ported In a number o f dlatricta. SMtwfi With One IM ksiow ■aaso-Mafi* ready in June, we have dropped Hospital attachas. said bia condi­ paper. He may be a eeb^ar and being a naturaliat though I aln. A Tokyo broadcast said that ■WINES,'l i q u o r s »nd BEER When a few hundred, or a few ter Lodge of Masons when ”Swed- R.A.F. fighters ranged.through Mrs. Samuel J. Taggart of Hen­ more bombs tfaari we did in all of tion was' aatlafactory. a gentleman or- an Ignoramus. He But this war doesn’t tot you do Andrea Hotell "there Jiave been no' 'detailed re­ Albany. N. Y,, June 24. —i/f)— lah N ight” w ill be obaerved In the the skies and intercepted some. ry atreet, the former Miaa Norma thousand, or John L. Lewis’ three whet you’d like to do. IJke Poe’e Simpler Setup ports as yet” 'on the Iwo Jimk st'- May. At a cost of half the Ma^ may have been .'Indicted a dozen Oov. Thomas E. Dewey t left last MISQUAMICUT, R. I. Temple. The chairs will be filled In a hroadcaat recorded by the Graziadio, has received a notifica­ hundred thbluuind violate this coh- Body W rit DliunISMed raven of remorse it Intrudes Itself tack- ’ loss, we are dropping double the times for felony. He ntoy be night for hlf. Pawlihg farm. He by prominent members’ of the Ministry of Information, the Ber­ tion from thi War Department an^ . laiatent behavior, they . make the plana to return to Albany tomorr (Coatiaoefi from Page One) Swedish residential group here and ' The Domei agency saTd' in a’ nouncing the promotion of her hifa- M ayjon n age of bombs. W e are Hartford, Junet 24^fgL. — P is- graduate of an insane asylum. He upon you, filling the spaces of lin radio, aaaerted the robot was an row n igh t Open For The Season the cuididatea for the Master Ma­ .wireless dispatch that “large-type band to private firat- class; also :4ramatic - headlines. They rfepre- doing this in addition. to tending missal of a writ o f habeas corpus your- mind UU there la only here “ all weather weapon” and declar may be and perhaps to a fair can­ onaitfiltttoi liuadar tha aooatltu- son degree will be of that nation­ ed it could “change Its place of enemy bombers” carried, out the the award made to him of a good { sent -the aensational disease in a for Emileo E. Pepe, 18, of Wo<^- and there and now and then aome to ail our smeial chores on the in­ didate for admission to auch an 1.15S Uqnor Arrefto la Blay American PJgn ■r.** * ality. operation and Its objectives rapid­ nMda on Yap. Palau and Total la- conduct ribbon, and hla tranafar ' ‘ generally healthy body. The .mil- brldge who’ sought exemption from landa but were repulsed, and from Camp Hala^ Colorado, to vasion front. If the German peoi. Inatitutioo. But bs can atiU ba an tiny cranny that la noi pra- A. xaacnaiaattaattoRsC Lodga will open pfemiRly at ly without much won-*^ the draft on tha <;rounda that h« adde<); Camp Swift Texaa. Private T*r- BOLTON, TEL. Bona o f Amertcana who have pie expected that invasion srauld was urgently needed on hla par­ emptad by its sombre preatHce. WasUngtda, June fiL-nfFH-Ar- Teleplione Mifi^amicnt 2 8 9 9 ^ I cemaalHaaa, a ndtotribution of 7:80 tonight Following the degree g ROUTE 6 AND 44 editor, and count himself aa a rests tor Federal liquor law viola­ work there will be refreshment-^ "A e ria l’lua.ttlci In-various areas gart was at North Camp Hood. ;r . stayed on tha Job, even repressing pn^uce' a shift of our aly ent’s farm haa been ordered by Over and over during-these two air raaponsihiUttos, and. In some Crochet bright hat and bsg com- magnificent example o f tl}C preiu' tions toUled 1,152 In May~iarg ill the Central ra d fic are grow VV'aio, Texas, a year .ago at this ^ Itome .natural, instincts for Im- Judge Carroll S. Hlnclts in H. 8. ~ E. J. Mackiiiglit, Mgr. ■tarteaa, abolition and consoli- and a sneial hpiir will be enjoyed binatloiia to go with black suits ♦ t o stritifgth, W'ith resultant relief for -Hifd a half years 1 have resolved iiifi to iatonaUx ifi «on,jucUaa with^Uma. District court. T!ie youth isf te- guBranteed freedom. He may ha'vc -ast monthly total in two years, the , ■ ( aiRgunlUaM msK z m u IL g lii tha lower hai and draaaca. afUllUllUllillllllllUllUIIIH . provemeat of their own positiona them, they were miaUAcn, Quf norud to ba^aarvlnc.in tha Mavy. no background^ ba may have ao to quit talking about the greati atcflhai unit xeportod today. MAITOHESTEK EVEN7N,G HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN-^^TUftDAT, JUNE 24,194f MANfcHESTER EVBNINO HERALD. MAl^CHESTER. CX)NN„ SATURDAT.^UNK 24.1944 PAGE

- ."iS bodies recovered tlicrc. In nJ Yesterday’s ScoTM Weat Sidei to Remain Ijoiigliooyw Siiiasli i|| Koekville Iletls Roll West Scores Reported dition, .West Virginia this morninq State Planning She's Lena )In League, Saj^a Holland 'xjreported eight killed at Prospecv Obituary Eastera “ Bud” BisseU 'galley, eight at Simpao'n, nine Ifi Fast Game Scheduled ■■ ■ " " yf J' Oak Streeters Win New Drive; dissiiig as Wind Binghamton S, Hartford 1 Ty Holland acting aa a ■1 Deep Into Shelly ------' 111 rbour''county communltlee, five (8). (2nd game called third In­ in 'lUmdolph county M d five vtc- To Take Care spokesman for Paganl’s West A Lt. Goipnel St. John’s Day Gain in Finland Destroys Homes tlmeNgtho died In a hoapltal at Deaths For Tomorrow at Oval ning). Sides announced last night to Mile From Port Clarkamiw after being brought Jn Wilkes-Barre t. WUUamis- this office that -the West Sides from theNstorm area a few miles Of Veteraiij port 0 (11). will remain in the Twilight In Rockville (Continued From Page One), (Continued from Page One) Utica 11, Albany 10. League. Earlier In the week *^petiner fcoerf\|keldfnt (Continoed.from Page One) away. A1 D. Thayer Dies (Continued from Page One) Hamiltou Props and Scranton 10, Elmira 2 (7), BlUy Pagan!, West Side back-' H o rn Located at Arnly. jircparattons'for the summeF of­ cd by s sudden, deadly, swirling Soldke^ .Aid Victims Ike Williams American er, announced the dropping out: Ed Kovia Pitches Beer bourg line had become s'•'death fensive. Numerous trips to ^ontal wind which last night spent its The Army helped at various 111 East Hartford Rockville Meet in Washington -7, Boston J. of the league of his team but i trap” for hundreds of I^zis who Rev. Dr. Earl Slory dared that, while the recently] n Pact In South Dakota. areas this spring and early sum­ fury on towne, villages, and^ farm places, soldiers gbipg on duty to enacted G. I. bill of rights was vsi New York 5, Philadelphia 1. the report by Holland changed! Barons to Its Second ■refilted an Allied ultimafiim to aid victims in toth' Pennsylvania Twilight'Lea^e Game Preach Sermon mer have , disclosed preparations and coal country from- the out­ Albert D. Thayer, for over 60 Inclusive, Connecticut was prepai Defeats Shans St. Louis 5, Detroit 0. this statement. Holland will: surrender and were forced to fight such as I have never swn before skirts of Pittsburgh more than and West Virginia. CTIeveland 0, Chicago 1. coach the club from here on! Twi League Victory; ^ a*i«BO« K. BlaMlI, aon of tta* by German officers holding guns years employed by the New Haven ed to take care of its returnlni -^Both Splendid Nines. ,lat« Robort P. BImcII o f Manches- .’Mclhoflist Church. ill three years of war here. 'There IrtOi miles into. West yirginla. j The storm missed the more' popu­ Nattenal throughout the rest of the at their bricks. j railroad, and well known to Man­ war veterans in their home towi Highlights of ^rame. 'tar hu bt«n promoted to Lieuten­ is every indication Ihi^ Hitler will Fear Inrrease In Dead lous places, striking smaller com­ chester pations, died suddenly Brooklyn 2, '.Philadelphia ((.,, league schedule. : j In bitter >)attle. flie Americans j exprnerirc the mighMest offensive Authorities feared the list of munities and farm and coal mine Would Llberalfte Beneflta TVtpplng the baseball attraction Lanky Battler from New Chicago a, Cincinnati 1. I------:___ ^ 1______ant Ootonel. Col. BisseU was have hlagted V^^weclge deep into Rockville, i'onn., .luiie 24 his home in East Hartford yester­ Big Ed Ko'vls took It upon hia*. ■ bom In Manchester and resided of all from the easf' dead would* Increase as rescuers' country.. day. Among the resolutions the oonj at the Weat Side Oval Sunday aft-, Jersey Is Now on Top • (Only gamea scheduled).. the- German line,';-imd "Cherbourg (Special I St. John's Day wUl be battled their Way through the School Supt. A. V. Upton of Har­ ventkon will be asked to act upoi keep the Beer Barons win* here untU ISM and again from fs doomed as. an eh^ny strong­ For many years Mr. Thayer was erndon will be the Rockville Hill ^ observed In the Rockville Method­ wrec.kage and -searched the hills rison county, W’. Va., returning today was one recommending tta| In Lightweight Picture ways Intact last night and 191# *0 1926, when he was em ­ hold," he adde?d>, ist -church tomorrow, with the Plinifip iS'enrly lO Milp* and hollows of West Virginia. conductor on thri Rockville local Billies and the ' Hamilton, Props. ' ployed by the Cheney Brothele home after an outing at a subur­ when the New HaVen railroad's the administration of the Arm; — — strolled out to the pitchers mound On the eastern Wing Nor­ members of Fayette Ixidge. A. K. At dawn,. 10 hours after a fun­ ban lake last Evening, heard his The.^game Is scheduled to get un- | Sports sUk raanufacturo'-s. Col. BisseU Th roil fill Miizi D efense - comhjuter trains from Willimantic, einergency relief be taken froi derway at. 4:45 with a largo turn- ! New York, June 24.—(P)— Ihe and before the evening was over, mandy beachhead. Gen. Ber­ A A. ,M.*No. 69. and Hope Chapter nel-shaped cloud descended first small son call to him on the ap­ the American Red Cross fleli IS the director o f station services nard L. Montponiery lashed out in No. 60, 0..B:.S. attending in a body. London, June 21—UTf—SovTet on Pennsylvania and then in its Rockville, Vernon and Manchester, out of faps expected to witness the | lightweight w t ii heights had a Local Sport the burly Kovls had pitched the at the Combat ■ Crew Training proach of the storm: • were thkonly means of reaching representatives and returned t] a swift attack yesterday at the They will meet at Ma.sonic llall at troops have plunged nearly 10 neighboring state, rescue squads "Daddy, there's a tornado." clash bstw^n two of the top new boy today.—Ike Williams E d ito r ia l Barons to their second successlva School, Rapid City, 3. Dak. outer perimeter of ■ Caen's de­ miles tlirough the Germ^nT^defense Hartford. Mr. Thayer became a Army field representatives. Anol teams in the local loop. Twilight League victory at the ex­ T.0;15 a.,m. The scheduled time of redoubled their efforts to locate Upton, amazed, told hia son, er would liberalize the benefits slugging Negro from Trenton, N.* Col. BisseU was best known fenses. and 20 Nazi tanks w^re the service Is 10:45 a. m. belt northwest and southeast of bodies. ^ personal acijuaintance of the com­ The Props krg resting in second Chatter Sports Editor, Tha Herald: pense o f the Plant J. Aircraft nine among his friends here as • Bud” "that couldn't be in West Vir- muters in those years and he was national service life insurance, J. wrecked in day-long battle. Brit­ The speaker will be Rev. Dr. Vitebsk in White^^Russia and in- Every hour brought reports of ■ gjnia." adding place in the league atandinge only Thought to haya-iMt a world's re cord for cahine mothei'hood, Lena, No doubt all have read about and hung up an impressive IS to 4 BisseU and for seven years was a ish troops captured Ste. Hononne fljcted enormous.-tos8ea on the en^ almost as well known here as in The governoi pointed out thi a half game bacir of the league­ The lanky'lad punched hia wa'y A Board of Arbitration to gov­ triumph. Fail K. Story, superintendent of death and destruetion in new sec- I ' But there It was, a long funnel the. Selective Service act guarai a foxhound o4med by W. Nawbol d Ely, Jr„ of Ambler,. Pa., proudly the dispute between Rockville and production manager in the Dye­ la Chardonneiette, four miles cmy, Moscor^-rinnounced, today. Ea.st Hartford where he resided. ' leading Polish Americans, while into the picture last night in Madi­ ern all Twilight diapotes has been the Weat Sides.'' I would like to The veteran Kovls wasn’t around the Norwich Di.strict of the Meth- tions of West Virginia. The death [over the hills several miles, from tees a serviceman his old job 'bad pooea wlthrm r Utter of 23 pups. ing and Finishing department of northeast of Caen, and the Ger­ A br.iadcam. Rii.ssian communi­ toll there ro.se steadily this morn- ; ii*." When the Interurban trolley the Hill Billies are onl^smo game son Square Garden with a 10th appointed and the membere will be give my side of , the affair. at the finish as he tired badly in oilust church and formerly pastor of but,” he added, "it is my opinioi Cheney Birothera' I'JHe is' a Pa.st mans (ell back to Cuvcrvillc. a que. d^alhng (itSt gains in the ing from 53 to 95 victims. In Penn­ service was begun between Church behind the Props. In orderifor the round techincal knockout over announced within the nfxt few Friday night at 6:45 p. m. I the sixth and waa replaced by Dick tlie South church in Manchc.ster. Bodies Badly .5langled that many will not want to returi _ Commander of Dilworth-Cornell mite to the southeast. Montgomery The people of the community are, hew offensive that rounds out the sylvania 31 were reported dead in Comers, East Hartford and Staf­ Hamiltons to keep pace wKh the Cleo Shans, stubby, weaving bat­ days. called Jeff Koelsch, Rockville Blow at the start of the seventh "It cut a path possibly one- to their old jobs. P.A.’s a victory is needed, while the American Legion, and upon struck after a powerful build-up of ..course, welcome to attend this Uniteii Nations strategy of ham­ rural areas from McKeesport, ford Spring! Via Rockville, Mr. tler from Los Angeles. It waa the manager, 'to Inform him that I inning. Koke allowed only four quarter mile wide, leveling all the Thayer was named as one of the 'I t is th> program of the Coi on the other hand the Hill Billies completing office put up a trophy of his forces. service, mering Hitler's Europe from the near Pittsburgh, to the state line I first time in 79 ^ u ts that Shans Charlie Sanders the Aircraft Yankees Climb Back could not field a ball club for the acatterbd hits in the first five in­ >to be awarded to the Legionnaire West, south and east, said yester­ iiear Waynesburg. Pittsburgh it­ houses it touched and threw some pilots who rode the line." Under necticut Re-Employment cpmmii will have a lot to eay about the Moving Up Reinforcements' Frederick W. Kefnnllzer, Wor­ of them into the West Fork river. failed to finish. pitcher throwB the slowest baU coming Sunday game. However Ed Kovie - nings in addition to keeping the adjudged as having done most for day's aftacks cut the last railway self was not hit. regulations it was necessary to Sion which I created more than I matter and It all boils down to a Aircraft nine from crossing the A field dispatch from this Brit­ shipful Ma.ster of Fayette Lodge, There were reports of one house flve-atar attractioii with each club liams, at 136, had a one- seen In the local league this sea I fX>uId not locate Mr. Koelsch but the po.st during the year. and .Mrs. B'rank A. Mann. Worthy line conneoting GcrmaB troops at Hundreds Made Honieless have a railroad employee pilot the year ago.” he said,, "to find jobs tj edge over his foe, along platter. During this time the ish sector declared the German in the stream with sevei), bodies trolley cars over the section of the their liking, those to whom the] I'determined to win the clash. eon. He looked good tha flret To Their Old Place told his wife and she said that He is former commandant of coinamnd was moving up »rrtn- Matron of Hope Chaptertafte Vitebsk .with the rear. S with il/declded advantage in reachframe but when .the Barons start­ s'ne would tell him. After tak­ Barone hdd run np a eomfortabla cadets at the Midland^Army Air Hundreds were made homeless in it. Many of the bodies wedver- run which used the New Haven are beat fitted." The Props will field their regu- forcements from deep within pan in the service. Infantry Begins .Altark as whole blocks in some communir ed were badly mangled. I lar lineup which includes Tony and h ei^ t. Shans fpreed the fight­ ed to roll the stocky Sanders was ing care of this I waa sure that Box Score J1 run margin. . Base. Col. Blssell came' to Mid­ Children Have Reading Club Artillery and aircraft battered railroad's right-of-way. With the Subcommittees Functioning ing all the. way, trying to get in Now A Serious Thrent France, and' even drawing on t:es were leveled. Hospitals were "I'm afraid there are at least suspension of the Intcmrban line DelConte, Pinky Tufferson and shelled from the mound under this year's American League there would be a cancellation...... land as a captain of the air forces A Reading Club which includes Nazi fortifications for several He said sub-committes of the r close where he's a devastating hit­ Snuffy Slirnweiss Helps The welcomed addition of Jim­ strategic reservos in Germany it­ filled With the injured. 60 dead in the area around Shinn­ Mr. Thayer returned as a conduc­ Yoeh KInel in the outfield. Every barrage of baae bltSi scramble.’ ” However I did hot hear ^-from Oak Qrill on June 2. 1942. self "to .replace . . . . . ------forces- th^o^^•n in- children from th^ second grade up hour.s, then "in the ' wake of a Worst hit apparently was Ihe ston and nearby. Rescue work Is employment commission were, no: one of the flychaaera can powder ter with each 'band, but WlUlama 'A Mr. Koelsch until Monday nlgh*^ AB R H PO A my Francollni 4nd Johnny Dibna , squadron comrnander and then as ^ the beachhead area, ha.v been organizctl this .summer wall of fire” Red Army infantry tor on the Hartford-Boston run of functioning in many communitii With Being Responsi­ showed the effects of turning the little town of Shinnston, a coal under control. There are two Na­ the' railroad. He retired on pen-' the ball and give It a ride with retreated and counter-punched his Spots Zahjuhgo the popular Shorts and Sheila " when a special meeting was called Peterson, 3b . . . 3 2 0 2 0 comirandant of cadets. He \^aR | Clear, calm weather sped the at the Roritville Publtc Library. began the attack, the Russian town of 2,800 a dozen miles from and that eventually the comniltti marked consistency. The inner w ay’to victory. It a mauling, Red Trautman’s High school Smith, ss ...... 5 2 1 1 3 team that once w'as the doormat of promoted to major in Jahu^y of- tional G.uard outfits, 'the Red Sion on December 30, 1942. He backer of the Barons waa an in­ ble for All of Team’s and Mr. Koelach demanded a for­ flow of power into Normandy to­ Those tUlho road one book receive a. communique said. Clarksburg. W. Va. A Red Cross Cross, civilian defense and state activities would caver the entii works will find ^ack Wise, Red bruising scrap all the-'way^ Post War committee has accepted feit Dione, 2b ...... 4 1 2 2 3 all the teama. Into a serious^threat blue button. When four books are These were the immediate gains had been first employed on' August state. teresting spectator at last night’s 0 1 3 0 for the league crown. 1943 day from hundreds of landing representative reported 58 bodies police on "the Job." 14. 1888. Gerinano, Bill George and Mikp Lost Only One Fight game and seetifbd to be pleased Runs; Other Games. an invitation from three state Here are the niies that govern Frnmolini, cf .. 4 He left Midland In Sept., 1943, read, a red button, saying "I Be­ The governor lauded the Legioi 2 0 1 0 Phil Cervls, the Baron catcher, craft, and sky-trains of Allied listed: had been recovered from' that vi­ Tragedy paid its last call at the Hs was a member of Memorial Rollick ready to turn in bang up The Jersey scrapper has lost wiUi 'the final outcome of the High school associations to provide the Twilight League: "Any two Miller, r f ___ .. 4 'to become executive officer and dir long to they Reading Club,” is giy Seven and oiierhalf to nine and especially for its wartime actlvl Cervis, c ; . . ; . . 5 3 6 1 laced out three safe hits to pace bombers roared over France. cinity. I home of Stephen Barnish in.(7har- Lodge, K. of P., of Manchester, Die performances as usual. only one fight, to Bob Moiitgom- g a m . T ls reported, that Bpota . By Joe Relchler, Sports Writer some tutoring for baseball coaches managers, by muttial consent, may 1 rector of station services at Dal- Cherbourg's elaborate defenses en; and after eight book.s are c onp-half miles on a l9-mile-w1de The representative, Mrs. Lola tiers. Pa. Barnt.sh* was killed in ties and said he was proud, hii The starting pitcher assignment ery, who holds the New York ver­ In August. Lew Fonseca .will be Blow, p.' if . . . . 5 2 2 1 0 the attack of the winners wlU» ihart. Tex;. In Feb., 1944, he pleted, the youngster is g iv ^ a Order o f Railroad Conductors, and self, to 'be a member. He said tl and Jeff Koelech have, made George (Snuffyk Stirowelee, eec- postpone a game. However, if J. Hilinskl, If, lb 4 1 1 5 0 buckled under the massive artil­ fmnt horttuvest of Vitebsk, with Heavner, said possibly a hundred the mine explosion here a couple I will in all probabilities lie between sion o t the lightweight crown and the American League's repreaen' no mutual consent has been considerable help from Dlone and transferred to the Rapid City certificate. There are o\cj>' 130 the. New England Railroad Vet­ Legion had farmed the backboi I Paul Krebs and Mike Marco who small wager on the outebma of the ond^baeeman of t h e / N4w York L live on the faculty and Pie Tray- Kovls, lb, p . .. 3 2 0 0 1 lery and air bombardment, and so more' than lOO towns taken; gains persons still were unaccounted for. of weeks ago and last night his erans. He is survived by a daugh­ wno ia now in the Army. Among ganm against the two'*club8| not reached, the game shall be played Dick Blow. Jimmy Francollni turn­ Army Air TBase. S. Dak., where close were the doughboys to the registered at present. Tlip^ i/iho of five to sMt miles on a 16-mile­ Capt. Dorsey Bailey of the West widow and two children were kill­ o<* the Connecticut State Guard. have pitched the majority of the Williams’ victims are Sammy Afl- Yankees, not only^.liaa filled the rior the National’s. . . . While Cleo ed In several fine running catches he la now stationed as director of have not already enrollpfl may do ter, Mrs. John F. Hickey, of East In a brief, address, Roger I Props games in the league with money but roll out the barrel . / Shahs was tussling with Ike Wil­ as scheduled." There was no mu­ Totals .... . 37 13 10 21 8 Germans in the desperate- struggle wide front southeast of Vitebsk, Virginia state police said: ed by the storm. Hartford; two sisters, Mrs. Caro­ gott '.nd Sluggfr White. shoes of Joe Oorc^oh to evefybody’i to turn in the fielding gems of aUon services. so at any time. ."W e are certain to find more Gleason, state chief of the Imarked success. - * liams in the Garden last night, his tual consent on the attempted Plant J'~ that Lieut. Gen. Omar N. Bradley with more than 50 towns freed. At Versailles BorougliT Pa., a line Fox of East Hartfopl and Mra. Until the kayo, Williams had kaUsfaction, but/ia sUaling every­ cancellation, ao therefore the the game. Cibh BisseU Is a veteran of pulled his men back while the The library also his some table The railw;ay between Vitebsk bodies." declared that the “ much-discusse| The Props playing coach. Art Jimmie-'Owens was aa quiet aa kid brother'. Jay D.. was doing a 0 Felix Tladrozony and Eddie Sax­ , woman reported that $1,600 in Lucy Knight of .Nyack. N. Y.; a post-war crime u-ave” would m .taken seven of the nine rounds, thing In elgh^/wth them. game should have been played on Boucher, 2b . .. 4 0 3 2 World W ar I. enlisting the day bombers came in to soften up the games which are /S pecially popu­ and Orsha, 50 miles to the south, Relief W'ork was repcifted Ifi ciisrency which she had withdrawn jPOngratz will handle the offerings Sbans winning the third and' the a nfouse last night and the fans little scrapping with the Navy Owens, cf . . . . . 4 0 2 1 0 by each collected two safeties in that waT'Was declared. After brother, Benjamin Thayer, of be a fact, "provided the servici I of the Hamilton hurlers from his along the French coast—and J- D. Sunday afternoon. ,, enemy pillboxes atjd tranches. lar, on rainy The favorites was cut with the capture of Za- good control. from a bank yesterday blew into Springflrtd, Maas. fourth being even. He had Wil­ that journeyed over to the Oval in The

..... • r-. .'-.-I -i’ . MANCHESTER EVENING HERALI^ MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAy, JUNE 24,1944 MLANCHESTEB EVENING HEEALO. MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JUNE 24,1944 FACE ElteVEN p a g e t e i? Help W an^d^Fcmalt 3i Articles for Sale 43 Wanted—t o Buy 68 tar but did not know the way to Never yet has a husband beei- HOLD EVEKMHING Lust and l*ound I Automobiles for Sale Motorcycle#-—Bicycles 11 the post office. Noticing a amall able to arran.'ie the furniture in a' PART-’TIME SALBSOIRL want­ WANTED—TO BUY coUapaiblb LOST—TAN PIGSKIN Billfold, FOR SALE—1942 STUDBBAKER w a n t e d —TWO 26 INCH GIRL’S boy' standing on a atreet corner, room to ault hi* wife. ed. Apply Federal Bake Shop. FOR sa l e :—PRE-WAR METAL stroller. Mrs. C. D. Butler, 164 Qassified be asked him If he would point out haa sentimental value. conUlnIng Commander deluxe sedan. O. 8. ballon tlr* bieyclaa, I 20-lnch School street Sense and Nonsense Classified Smith. Tel. 5536. girl’s Junior bloycl*. 2 boy’s 885 Main street. stroller. 87. CaU 7016. the way. The little fellow told Before marriage aba hear* a lot sum of money and other valu­ him the shortest way to go. ables. Reward. Phone 4374. Junior bicycles, i light weight FOR sa l e :—22 CAUBRE RIFLE, SEWING M/.i :HINE»1. Vacuum Advertisements about bis heart; after marriage FOR SALE—1940 OLD8MOBILE WANTED—WOMAN FOR FULL Summer The hl|d> achoN student bad keep up app4arances. One aftor- •he heare a lot about hi* Uv«r. Advatisanents bicycle. 46# Hartford Road. time counter work: alao for part- telescope sight, 835. A gas hot cleanersi and any electrical ap­ ANovd By KETTI FRINGS just asked his father for an extra ncicn he came bounding home joy^ Preaohar—Thank -you. Now If l o s t —KEYS IN LEATHER key convertible coupe. Inquire 826 laSA ffflU Sssilss. feSk —is a fitting time' to realize you Mill come to my chureW aoriie time Saturdays. Popular Market, water heater. Inquire 15 1-2 Main pliances regardless. .of condition. •Fo t Sale Fur Rent CeerriaM. tse# kmw i and enjoy the beauty of the dollar on hla allowance. Dad fully; case oi Weat Side. Bring to The Wethereli street street. Bring them In for sdtlma^. A. .B. day I will show you the way to New* item from our Bniahvllle Ff»r Sale For Rent Businesa Bervlces Offered IS Rubinow Building. w orld.Y ou have a right to take was til an expansive ’ mood so aa Actor )E*LL ( ten application ha* been made to WANTED—GIRL to share house 1936 PLYMOUTH 1-2 TON aedsn. shrubbery. David Carson, 108 dining room set, good condition. •Blit this Isn’t a pleasure trip, used to send yoii for something SHERiFP HER .delivery, good rubber, .excellent Ridge street after 4 p. m. SMOOTH FOX ’TERRIER puppies, I AM WILUNG TO Uke a child Etersey Sunday at Princeaa Poco­ [you know, Tim.” STAI2T THAT, ' said bank by the Peraon in whoae with two other girls, husband in 13 Wadsworth street. or ask you to mail a le tte r... LAND­ hame auch book waa Iaaued. for condition mechanically. Price pedigreed, registered American of 8-10 years old to boqrd, private topaug Park, near Clearwater | Tim turned to look at him de- Timothy reached for hla boy’s service; board if desired. Call Kennel Club, bred from cham- LEIAVING TOWN— FOR SALi: famUy, motherly .. ckre given. Hotel, East Hampton, Oohn- jflantly. Only Tim dared to look at SLIDE.» payment of the amount of depoait 2-1626—2-0290. right for quick sale. Cole Motors. hand, shook It firmly. “This Is 4164. Roofing 17 .plons. J. Stanley McCray, 81 •xcellent condition, Roper gas Write Box 'D, Herald. him like that. “Since when are different, Blnky. I’ll get there.” represented by aaid book, or for North Park street, RqCKvtlle. the iaauance of a duplicate book ROOFING A KEPVIR of chtm- range, divan, matching chairs you denying people finding pleaa- He turned to God, bade Him 1941 PLYMOUTH COUPE. Low Phone 8. with slip covers, maple dinette BEVALTi'lF'UL; KUUMb, kitchen jure out of tninga!” therefor. Automobiles for Sale 4 nsya, valleys, flashings, and gut- faculties, retngeratton, clothes goodby, then looked up toward mileage, radio, heater. CSir looks tars. Den* expertly am reason­ set, Duncan-Phyfe mahogany The old man smiled. ’‘Guess the hoUM where he had glimpeed and runs like new, spare tire, FOR sa le:—A PEDfOREED 1 table, 3 quarter maple bed com­ lines ate. furnished. Private en­ [you're right. But what I mean ia, 1941 CHEVROLET 1-2 TON ably by your local roofer. E V. year old male cocker spaniel. 95 Make Julie peeking from the window. pickup. 822.5 down. Balanc week­ never used. Terms and trades. plete, lamps and other odd pieces. trance. centra! Boaro arrangeu It’s aorloua, TUn. War, you know.” "See you when I. oome back, Bninner'a. 80 Oakland atreet Tel. Ooughlln, Tel. 7707, 390 Wood­ Starkweather street. Call 6214. If desired. Private sunbath, gar­ ly. or monthly. Trade* accepted. land. 96 Starkweather street—6214. •Wasn't I In the tost one?” Julie!” He laughed aa be aaw Brunner's, 80 Oakland street. Tei. 5191. Open evenings. den. «.:all 3989. ‘But things have changed. The JUlie guiltily atop back from the NEW r u b b e r h ig h CUT shoes, Yaur Hame 5191. Open evenings. Live Stock—Vehicles 42 [last one was a bunch of penny window. 1939 FORD 8 6 11-2 ton dutUp Repsiring 23 size 9, variety of chenille acattar [firecrackers .going off compared to Then off he weiit. ■trldlng sure WANTED FOR SALE—1937 FORD OOTTPE tn:ck, good Urea, term* and rugs, glass china cloaeta, parlor W anted— Rooma— l^ r d 62 Ithie.” trades. Brunner’s, 80 Oakland FOR SALE—FOX Terrier, male, In The City Of lyand swiftly., «-Room Single, large lot. with pick-up body. 875. down, SEWING MACHINES, vacuums. 9 mpDtha old. Bouse broken: One, chair*, bedroom suites, kitchen WANTED—DEUURAB^ ROO; “Pshaw! War's war. ...I know THnky frowned. "But you didn’t bslanca weekly or monthly. Brun­ street. Phone 5191. Open eve­ Irons, toasters and all amall elec­ suites, combination stoves, gas Iwbat it's Uke.” even toll him where to go.” vletailty of Nathan Hrih Stekeol. ning*. 2 .(Uonth* old. Zimmerman, Lake also garage, at ' Bol^n. Reply to ner’s, SO Oakland street Phone trical appliances. Qenume parts aireet. Phone S287, ranges, parlor oil burners. O. E, Herald Office, Bo^ Village Charm “Tim; you can’t get hurt. It’s “H#, knows.” Also other house* and farm 5191. Open evenings. used and expert workmansbip. dryer, lamps, end tables, odd [not that. You’U have my thoughU ’’Tliby watched him cross the FOR SA^JS—1936 DODGE con­ bureaus, stands and rockers. Tel. r property. vertible, new top, good tire* and Parts for all makes. A. B. C. Flxlt FOR SALE—JERSEY (X>W, due land wishes wrapped around you atreet. From the othe^curb he BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES Too Much BY EDGAR MARTIN^ Oo., 21 Maple atreet. Phphe June 25 with third calf. Joseph 5187. Austin Chambers Ware FAIRVIEW STREET— lall the way. You won’t even hear turned and waved. Then diaap heater. Call 4722. house, Manchester Green. Open Apartments. Flats, f g-Tenement Honae ta vicinity 2-1675. ' Pontlcelli, 483 Hlllatown road- Te g m e nta 63 6-Room Single, tile kitch­ [the guns ...but It’s blocked off, peared among the building*. • f HoUlater Street School. _ 1941 FORD SEDAN. 1940 Oldsme- dally 8-5.. Saturday 8-12. Eve­ dbn’t you. understand? That miS' (To Be CWntlBaed) EKI0 O6 H CfftVNNSlW 601N6 09^v-r^,’c,y 1 . POSITION WANTED OVERHAUL AND REPAIRS on FOR SALE^-BROWN SADDLE nings, Monday, Wednesday and en, marhieized breakfast blle^aedan, 1937 Plymouth, theae f—3 ROOM Apt. 25 ery circle. The hate and pain and ■ldcr man was about, to say that that thei-e is a lady standing, (it . Mi., JONES mnrs“ - MALE HELP up baler. There Is a/Mving in is usually when they are children Help Wanted— Female 35 livery: 136 Summer street. Call time, labor and atonige apace. 65 6- Room Single, screened- le was afraid he had made a mia- JBNSEN STBEET-> 6971. Houses for Rent ike, when*’T:im boomed out heart­ that boys who grow iip-^tp be gen­ WANTED—WOMAN enumerator* Hay is baled in co^enient sized in porch, furnace heat, 2> tlemen learn to be courteous to­ Modern 6-Boem Blngle. EVERYTHING WANTED bales by a treate^tw lne, non-ln- FOR REUTT—6 ROOM SINGLE ily: “Hril, she’s my own grand a l l e y OOP A Desert Hitch BY T. T. . Oood lot. Neiar ho* and for City Directory. Temporary car garage, large lot. A laughter, ian^ she? And at my ward girls and women.) For Full or Part Time work for 4 o* 5 weeks. Salary Articles for Sale 45 jurious to stock,/Tat proof. V, C. house on Bissell Street, no heat. ■eiiools. 96300. Ym I W* bm anything ai Brewe: & Son,/East Hartford. real good buy. Small down ige, can you beat that! Me still ALL WE CAN DO Ifi HOPE BYOAonzy, O o c everything. Antlqnee — Old Work. ‘ guaranteed. Call before 9 or after Box E, Herald. youngster!” He roared deUght 4. Inquire Price and Lee Co., Odd FOR l^AIE—COAL FIRED hot Tel. Hartford 8^0424. pay'ment. BV SOME MIRACLE THIS IS TOUSH Fnmitnre — Batntee — Plumb­ Appl^f’ In Peraon. water heater, also' boy’s 26-tnch My DETAIL rO R TODAY OOe. ALL TO o v e r t a k e THE (SOINS.'I OUNNO ( AD.lAMS 8TBEET— ST ing SnppUee and Flstnres . Fellows Building, 489 Main St. FOR SA L ^-C EM EN T mixers, WALKER STREET— * • * HEADINOOWT ON Bi6 JUSHEAO >*IHETHER XCAN'' 4>pwnlly Home. Could be bicycle, perfect condition. Call Wanted to Rent THE CMStK^H TO M U TO C O M E ON.» H O LD O U T and If ynn’re going In the aerv- 3474 after 5 p. m. Fordson wrtfi. used riding culti­ TTlmothy Harri.«:on was exactly Cosmoline for 9-famtly, 6-room tee, Jonee iaUllNiy ynnr cnr. fur­ vators, ^liking machine, ' milk 5 and 5 FlaL steam heat, Pinky last remembered him, THE RED «EA,_JUST at. Elebtric Ughta Colonial Board 'At pla n n ed / ^ niture end anything ehw you coolers./Dublln Tractor Company, WANTED—TO_ RENT cottage at porch, larg® lot. A good Kcept that he was not wearing 'iiid running water. Now ' ■ ease to get rid ot. Highest omh Company NEW 4 AND 5 ROOM WllllmknUc. Boltoi. Lake. Tel. 3820. -investment. ^ ^he nightshirt which he’d had on r cant. piloee paid. vhen he died. He was now wear­ Parker Street HOUSES TO RENT HAWTHORNE STREET— ing the formal black suit that ADAMS STBEBT— /Musical Instruments 53 w a n t e d —^TO RENT 5-6 rooms. 6 and 6 Duplex, glassed-in (le was buried In. Its drabness now a--- . '■*5’' t>iU 7132 between 7-9. relieved somewhat by a yellow APamlly Honae, 5 end A JONES FURNITURE Located Pn Bus Line. ^EAUTIFUL NEIARLY NEW. porch, hot ^ter heat. ■toetrle Ughta and mnnlnf S6-.18 Oak S t Tel. 8254 ialsy Jauntily stuck into the lapeL water. CNiod lot. Read Herald Advs. / small mahogany Aeolian Duo-art WANTED TO RENT— SMALL Priced for quick saiej Timothy pumped Pinky's hand, Agent On Premises Grand .piano. Bargain for quick apartment or small cottage with lightly claspell' "him around the 1 to 6 P. M. sale, 1080 Main street, 2nd floor, lawn, in desirable Residential COOPER HILL STREET— Shoulder. mOH STBEET— ___ Hartford or C:.!! Hartford 2-6787. area. E. Center street preferred. 6 and 6 Duplex, all mod­ ‘Sfiood Lord. Pinky, couldn’t IpBoom Dnplex.—Improve* Box C, Herald. ern conveniences, furnace Incle Sam fit you out better than manta porehea. TO BE SOLD OAK PARK Office and Store at?” The older Harrison laughed ' ——■ I .11 I 111 heat, located near school nd ppked fun, as everyone did, Built for present owner 8ut in the world salting democ- Hind of a rifle he is issu^ until BROTH ER - The CAT5LL ARoom Single on Route A ed-ln. porch. Electric lights, lava­ For Sheer Prints! ment. Place for chickens. acy, huh?" he gets the COSMOLINE off. To LOOK FOR THE FISH, Baa 6replace — all Improve­ tory. artesian welL S. P. 6*1,200. fFhat Have You to “Yea. sir, but they'don’t call It clean a rifle packed in COSMO­ DCkss WILL took PO*. ments. Baaement garagd. ROBERT J. SMITH, INC. Can be seen by appoint V Real Estate a--d Insurance B. P. $400. |>y that phrase anymore.” Pinky LINE, it is best to remove all r.X ‘- V.I. THE CATS, AND THE Immediate occupancy. Prim Offer? ment. Vas getting over the shock of the clothing and, when the job ir OWNERS WILL LOOK J 65,000. D. P. 61,000. . 963 MAIN STREET COVENTRY LAKE . HOLtvWOOD SECTION— neeting now nnd glanced at his completed,, take a hot shower. The FOR THE . ■ _____ ^ S-Boom Partly Fumlshe e l e p h a n t liPAHEAOLr SINGLE 6-ROOM HdUSE— miles East of Manchester, Oo0. running w a^, electric light 7 ~ ------^ 8 Rooms and lurge sun* (About 20 MlleqEast «f (fartford). pttle Vhrtha..Dearborn you mar- service, hara surfaee road*, ed!” As there wsa no denial, he ' , J, porch, with Improveraepta. .and other bnprovemefite. Bow-Knot Frock Good lot, . Price .82,500, AU TWO-FAMILT — One block rake Route 44 out of Manchester. Then llonte 51 at No. Coven- , treaumed it waa and beamM ^ p - lake privllegei,. north, of East Center street Yon. may build your house try for 4 miles. Turn right onto Dally Road. Drive 2*A inHes. rily, “Pinky, you had more sense II.. Hot air-beat Five rooma to here either for Summer or all Stop at sign marked Loner’s Cottages. Salesmen win be on han I thought you had. Tours and each apartment. Two-car ga­ round year nee. Lots may be premtan from 9 a. m. to 4:20 p.'m«Sunday or Phone Manchester rartha’B HtUe gtri! WelL now n i rage. Cash 61300. 'Full purchased for Cash or oa Time SSOl for appointment.' - Additiimal Listings basis. Ai’allable. price 68.000. Mortage* An^ged. PHces range from 6200 to c o t t a g e s ARE NOT ONLY m o - FA.MILy — T wwl V • .^I.OOfr^acoordlng to letythw Fire —' Auto' — Life ronms. Large frontage, lo- and titiproyeiiieats funnUied. COMPLETELY FUltMSHED tJiH iN Insurance. 'chted by business zone' qo Cen­ Von will probably aever agalp bfit have RUNNING HOT AND COLD WATER, ELEC- jH N u n n s r A P ] THE A R T A v^S 6HARF ter atreet Good buy 'for fu­ Jwve the opportunity to seeure TRIC LIGHTS, ELECTRIC STOVE and ELECTRIC RE- ture development such desirable laLke property at FRIGATOR and fiush toileL / such low prices. OUT OUR WAY BY J. R. WILUAMS OUB BOARDING HOUSE MAJOR HOOFLBl ALLEN BUILDING LOTS In all sec­ Drive out and Ba4 for your­ tions of Town. Improved and , Rental Income for July and Auinuit From Cottages; self. Bus aervtoe passes a part 3250. to $350. ’ M A kE S DA5>« rr ALL.TWU5GS -'THE P0c,T ’ PROBABLV IT HAPPEI4ED REALTY COs ready for buUdtaig, from 6200 of the property datty, or bener t h i:^ v a l LEV s o OF IMFORMATIOM EDITOR \M0 0 LD J IN BROOK.LYN —~ TW6 up. These ean be bonght on PRICES RANOK p r o m 6ljffi0 TO 65JW0. Allen A Hitchcock, Inc. stfll, can a t Eneamete, the A UTIFU L?’’ BE CLOVER IF PEOPLE DlOhi'T UMPIRE WASBEANEO Eeey terma If dealrad. home aft ‘ ~ y ASKED TH’ m a n MAIL IN SUCH ASININE vMiTU A POP 80T*aE,ANO 958 MAIN STREET Down Paymsula • ••anneeane ••• • oeahosonne**** 6800. t o 6700. Telephone 8801 A WITH I K HOE - = , (3DESTiO N S /--^ ''M0iM DOES WHEN HE CAME TO H t MOfltllly eaaaeaesaa rii'a''a*a‘a a • • • • • »'• a a • *TMIRTV-STX IN C H ES' , GAVE THE BATTE-R ^ 51ANCHESTER. A 0 ATTER REACH FIRST ON EDWARD J. HOLL OF RAINFALL A FOOL FLV TWAT l6 CAUSUTT F ir s t BASE. THE ^ Office Hours 8dHI to 5:80 AN* THE CTTHER- ' X’VE GRAPPLED VJiTW' BROOKlVN BRIDGE.a n d Except Sunday. REALTOR THE ALLEN REALTY COMPANY SOLE SELLING AGENT REALTORS OF SNOW.' THIS MONSTER SO iONG A half d o z e n st r e e t Thursday Evenings 7-6. ______I M I B THAT A BASS HORN IS CARS.' t e l e p h o n e 5118 OR 6876 — MANCHESTER 955 Main St. Maaohestor ' TsL 6601 Make a p re t^ and eool-looking afternoon frock for the hatteat PLAYING SOUR NOTES iN diureia on* of tha.nawhssr rayon WV THROBBING H EA D / prtoto In loe>hhm Teofty pintw and lavanden. In Ume greens and ■oft dun yellows. The simplicity of the lines of this flock are ”naturaT for soft fabrics. Pattern Ho- 6006 is in sisss 56.' 58, 40. 42. 44. 46, 48, 50 and 52. .1 Bias 58. short slaeves, requires 5% yards of 58-inch matorisJ. Tor this attractive pattern, eehd 15 oents. plus 1 cent for postoge, in cotau, with your nams, address, numbsr and alas to Mato By M n. Aw n Oalwt torn for frock and appliques t- titm ! Cam ruU ■vealng Herald Todays* CooL clean and fraah — a tl^ the Bow-Knot Frock (Pattern Noi Whept then’s water if* wadi \ Service, USO Sixth ave­ mualln frock In pretto colon to be 5(W2) sewing and finishing Ub on . Bougainville. With nia nue, New York 19. N. T. worn when the weather is scorch­ ■truction»:Hnses 1, 6. 8 years bb i:&ndyjitaal balmat to r a The smart new issue of the mid­ ing. ’AppUque the bow-knots in chided, aend 15 qenta in coin, plus PtoTTrimk Barraaaa, of Lm summer style book Fsehkm— pastel or white organdie. Make 1. cent postage, your name, ad- L Caltf „ ndapto Umaelf to has 82 pages of oool-Iooklng, crisp them of narrow rayon, taffeta k dresa and the pattern number t® tiingle life. We can. and mnat.bny |v ,H A 6>50 neuT sportwear end summer day the drehs Is to be 'used, as a birth­ Aflne Cabot, The Manchester Hei sure War Bond* thaa ever before! MffNTatM AynJlefitff* tiif* JH& BUS&.BljiTZEgS frocks and accstoorieB.^LUidcr day or w ity frock aid,-1150 Sixth avaausy NsR Xi XL rr*a*urt~ D«q— z copy npWk. Price L6 cents. To oMatai oompista outttnR IL T.