Suffolk Coastal District Council Melton Hill, Woodbridge, IP12 1AU Tel: (01394) 383789 Fax: (01394) 385100 Minicom: (01394) 444211 DX: Woodbridge 41400 Website:

Neighbourhood Area Determination and Decision

Name of neighbourhood area -cum-Thorpe Parish /Town Council Aldringham-cum-Thorpe Parish Council

The procedures governing the production of Neighbourhood Plans are set out in the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (as amended). The first formal stage in the Neighbourhood Plan process is the application by the “relevant body” to the Local Planning Authority for neighbourhood area designation. (Part 2, paragraph 5).

The Local Planning Authority is required to publicise the application (Part 2, paragraph 6) to determine the application following consideration of representations received and to publicise its decision.

In determining an application the LPA must have regard to-

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“the desirability of designating the whole of the area of a parish council as a neighbourhood area; and The desirability of maintaining the existing boundaries of areas already designated as neighbourhood areas”

There is no requirement at this stage in the process for the applicant to state what issues it is intended that the Neighbourhood Plan would cover; it is purely the geographic area to which Neighbourhood Plan policies would apply.


1. Has the applicant fulfilled all the necessary requirements?

Yes. The Neighbourhood Area designation application has been submitted by Aldringham- cum-Thorpe Parish Council who are the “relevant body” for the purposes of section 61G of the 1990 Town and Country Planning Act.

The application was accompanied by a map and statement identifying Aldringham-cum- Thorpe Parish as the area proposed to be designated and the reasons for that.

2. Has the application been properly advertised?

To bring the application to the wider attention of the people who live, work or carry on business in the area to which the application relates, a copy of the neighbourhood area application was placed on the District Council’s website. Information provided included a copy of the application, details of how to make representations and the date by which representations should be received.

The neighbourhood area consultation was placed on the Aldringham-cum-Thorpe Parish website. Letters and emails were circulated to adjacent parishes, councillors and statutory consultees.

Representations were invited during the period Wednesday 16th March 2016 to Friday 29th April 2016.

3. What comments have been received?

One comment was received from Natural and is available for viewing on the Council’s website.

There were no objections to the designation of the Neighbourhood Plan area.

Within their response Natural England provided some initial advice on considerations relating to the natural environment in Aldringham-cum-Thorpe and identified useful sources of information that the Parish Council can draw upon when developing the Neighbourhood Plan.

4. Are there any reasons why the application should not be permitted as submitted?

As noted above, the matters that the Council is required to take into consideration at this time are:-

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“the desirability of designating the whole of the area of a parish council as a neighbourhood area; and The desirability of maintaining the existing boundaries of areas already designated as neighbourhood areas”

The proposed Aldringham-cum-Thorpe neighbourhood area is adjacent to the established neighbourhood plan area (designated 29/10/2013). The Leiston Neighbourhood Plan is at an advanced stage, having been submitted to the Council for consideration prior to commencement of the submission stage (Reg 16) consultation. To the south of the proposed Aldringham-cum-Thorpe neighbourhood plan area lies where a resolution to proceed with a neighbourhood plan has been passed by the Town Council, however the application for formal designation has yet to be submitted to the District Council.

Aldringham-cum-Thorpe Parish includes the settlements of Aldringham and both identified in the District Local Plan Core Strategy and Development Management Policies (2013) as Local Service Centres. As such they will be expected to accommodate some development over the plan period (2010 – 2027). Whilst development is likely to be concentrated around the main settlements of Aldringham and Thorpeness, there are no obvious reasons at this stage why the neighbourhood area should not incorporate the whole parish as requested.

Conclusion: There are no valid planning reasons why Suffolk Coastal District Council should not designate the proposed neighbourhood area for Aldringham-cum-Thorpe parish as submitted.


The application for the designation of Aldringham-cum-Thorpe parish is


Cllr Tony Fryatt Portfolio Holder with responsibility for Planning

Date: 5th May 2016

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