Essex. Roydon
DIRECTORy.j ESSEX. ROYDON. 247 Smith John, farm bailiff to Robert Margaret Roothing. :Boosey Abraham, farmer. LuC&S • Marsh esq. Tarvet's farm Britton Charles, blacksmith Smith Samuel, farmer, Gower's farm Shepherd Rev. Francis Burlon K,A. Brown Denbam, carter ~ Rectory Staines Goorge, Black Lion > , Dawkins George, bricklayer .. Staines Sophia (Mrs.), farmer, 'Porters Gooday Joshua, farmer, Marks hall Dawkins James, bricklayer SweetingElizbth. (Mrs.)Jrmr.Warefrm Maylen Henry (exors. of), miller k far Green Edward Davis, grocer & dra~\" Tanner Mary (Mrs.), miller & beer retlr mer; Waplesmill Groves Edmund, farmer, Kingstons Thurley Robert, bncklayer Millbank Thomas, farmer, Garnish hall Groves Frederick, farmer. Walkers. · West James, farm bailiff to Mrs. Smith, & Whitehall Morrell Roothing , High Trees & Dugates Roots Mary (Mrs.), grocer &c Halls Thomas, farmer, ColTille hall Wilson Geo. (exor~. of), farmer,New hall Smith Peter, farmer, Brick house Josling Robert, farmer, Manwoods Witham Samuel, shopkeeper & tailor White B.oothing~ Mann Sargeant, Whalebone Matthams WaIter, farmer, Graylands Leaden Roothing. Bacon Miss Elizabeth . Monck John, wheelwright Colton Rev. Wm. Charles B ..... [rector] Ford Rev. James Madden [curate] Newell John, shoe maker Allen William, grocer & draper Morgan George . Newton John, mason Boosey Hannah Bridgett (Mrs.), King Morgan Miss . Oliver Alfred, farmer, Marks hall William IV North Rev. Jacob Hngo M.A. Rectory Parris Edward, farmer &; landowner Dawkins William, beer retailer &farmer Parris Edward, Mascall's bury Mascall's Bury JO!;lling Abraham, farmer, Langland Roast John' Roast Benjamin, miller Monk J onathan, butcher Roast Mrs . Savill Hrbrt. Smith, beer rill'. &; grocer Mott John, carpenter Smith Mrs. Emma, Kingstons Scott WaIter, Black Hwse Nunn Frederick, 'wheelwright COMMERCIAL.
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